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Anyone on Atkins?


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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Heey all you low carbing guys & gals!

Soo, now it is Spring...it has been Spring for several weeks now in ETex!! Yay!! It is now time for Spring cleaning around the house-inside & out!! That includes anything in the fridge, anything in the cupboards, anything in the closet...Out with the old, in with the new, hopefully!:p

Road - aaack! [I]Don't[/I] skip breakfast if you can help it- well for me I am hungry like crazy when lunch does roll around, your mileage may vary!;) I have made the peanut butter cookies similar from SFS's recipe page. YUMMMY!! Something to watch for me, tho, I could go crazy & have a cookie fit...not a pretty sight hehehe...

Jean - have a great time on your trip! Best wishes with your [I]eating[/I] & your [I]family [/I]& your [I]walking[/I] & your [I]picture taking[/I] & your[I] eating[/I] :p!!! So sorry my pic didn't post...worked all weekend sorting & re-naming folders & such...I think it is a glitch with Mozilla Firefox -will have to try with IE...oh well, no one was more dissapointed than me - I saw that my pic actually posted, then it went poof...go figure... I may very well try Shutterfly this weekend...dur, how many sites can one post their pics before the law catches up with them??!!:eek:

Pine - so sorry about the WOE...don't be too discouraged, just a blip on your lifelong WOE hopefully you can be back to real low-carb in no time & actually make up for lost time!
Donna, Sports, Ceb, & Stump - yay! Way to hang in there guys! Let's tackle the weekend with vim & vigor & have a happy weigh in Monday morn!! That goes for the lurkers too!! We can do it!!:D
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Hi everyone.
Been few days since I've posted. Doing pretty well, but I think i need to write down what I'm eating.. and calculate my carbs. The scale is moving ever so slightly in the right direction, but not nearly as good as it was the other week. (guess i spoke too soon)
I do have my willpower back though. Took the boys for ice cream after practice one night and I didnt get 1 thing. Then last night we went to dinner to a buffett, and I stayed with the meat and veggies. Hopefully there wasnt any hidden carbs in those things. ;)
Jean, hope you have a nice trip in SD.
Road, you sure will have a nice cushion saved up for your upcoming cruise with all that OT you've been working. Thats awesome :)
I love it when my DH gets OT, but its not too often anymore.
Cera, sounds like your still going strong. Thats great! :) Keep it up!

Hope everyone has a great Low Carb weekend.
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Haven't been on to chit chat in awhile as internet has been down at home. Jean, I posted a review of NCL Spirit in the cruise critic reviews if you want to read the details. The people of New Orleans were all in all quite lovely towards us even during such a busy time as Mardi Gras when things were more crowded and stressful than usual. We didn't feel all that safe in the city and generally went out during daylight hours and came home by about 6 pm most nights. We were stranded in the city our first night when the hotel (booked thru priceline- marriott hotel downtown) overbooked and told me that despite several confirmations that week that my hotel room had been given away. I was so displeased, however, my bed and breakfast at ashton's afterward was sooooo fabulous! I recommend it to anyone!

The cruise just wasnt great. And as I reread my review (having read so many happy reviews by other travellers) I just don't feel I was too harsh. I felt my review was quite fair. The entertainment didn't compare to our last 2 cruises. The food didn't compare to our last 2 cruises. The ports were pretty much repeats for us... perhaps that had something to do with it. The excursions were kind of a letdown (except for the waterfalls in guatemala- definitely worth the visit even at the ship's price!). All in all we felt like we were being nickle and dimed at every turn.

We are considering a completely different line (like celebrity) for our 2010 cruise with perhaps a more intimate service focused and all inclusive experience such as galapagos. We had been discussing family plannign (which is why I allowed myself to come off atkins and gain a few pounds) but now we're still 'discussing' so perhaps I'll be around more often on here as I return to weight loss and maintain at a lower weight. The rolls on my belly in my pic in cozumel...oh my goodness...jaw dropping scary... perfect for baby making but not for cruising ;)
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Hey Pink, long time no see. I hate that your cruise was not fabulous. I had thought about going on NCL but my travel agent told me that she has had a lot of complaints about them lately. I will just stick with Carnival for now. ;) When Keith and I do finally get married I might try a different line but I personally like Carnival so I see no reason to switch. And I am almost half way to platinum!! :cool:

I haven't gotten on the scale lately because I don't want to get discouraged. Maybe tomorrow. The leg cramps were real bad last week but this week they have eased up so all my vegies must be helping!! We had ribs the other night and Keith fixed mine without barbeque sauce and they were so good. When he started cooking them I told him that I would not be able to eat any because there was way too many carbs in the sauce. I bet mine were better without the sauce!! :p

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Hey Atkin peeps!

Pink - good to see you posting - you have been an inspiration to all since the beginning of this tread, or somewhere thereof! Sorry about the not so good cruise, & the 'rolls in the belly' too funny, I bet you are just being too hard on yourself! But, sooo easy on, sooo hard to get off:(...jump back on the wagon with us, watch to lbs melt off & you'll be [I]'skinny' [/I]in no time!! Well, that's my plan anyhoo - just can't seem to get my carb count right...

Donna - no need to suffer with leg cramps - try to double up on your electrolites...magnesium, potassium, & calcium, plus I heard on some radio program to drink Tonic water, that was supposed to help?:confused:

Sports - congrats on resisting that yucky ice cream!?:p I went with a group to eat at a pizza buffet today & think I did okay...big salad, some pizza - just scraped off the toppings & ate that...I don't like to be wasteful with food at all, but it just doesn't pay for me to go so far off plan. Maybe one day it will get easier?

Hope everyone makes good choices with what's left of the weekend - hope Jean is walkin' her 'fanny' off on the West Coast!! :D
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I'm on Atkins too! It's the only diet that works for me. I have done it in the past with great success, but have gotten pregnant in between. I figured going on a cruise would be a great motivator to get the weight off once and for all.

I'm still in phase one (which is the hardest for me), but after these two weeks it will be a breeze! I'm hoping to go down 2 pants sizes before I go in 96 days. I've done it before, so I'm confident I can do it again.
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Welcome tiersaj! Seems like alot of us are back to Atkins after some sort of life changing event. Must mean we know it works!! Good luck again and keep coming back and updating us!!

Happy new week everyone!!

I once again have worked through the weekend, but made it through. Last night was extremely busy so I was hoping I lost 10 pounds. LOL But, unfortunately, not.
But, I am happy to report my stall went away and I have lost another 3 pounds. I am now only 2 pounds away from my halfway point.

I am beginning to finally see the difference in my body shape after these 3-4 weeks of my exercise program. My husband asked me yesterday at the grocery store how much weight I have lost. He said my jeans were hanging off my butt from the back view and looked like they were barely hanging on. Yay buddy!!

For me, this week is Spring Cleaning. I realized I only had two weekends before June to get the spring cleaning done and to work in the yard. So this weekend is it. Tearing up the house top to bottom to clean. I am going to do some quick simple stuff during the week and the big stuff my husband and I will tackle on the weekend. The next weekend to work out in the yard will actually be his birthday weekend. He isn't thrilled, but gotta do it. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. If not, I had one weekend in May as backup, but that weekend was planned to do last minute cruise shopping, packing, cleaning the house etc... before we leave.

He is finally getting excited about the cruise as he told me that he wants me to hurry up and picked out my clothes for dinner so he can pick his out and make sure they fit and are cleaned and pressed. Gotta love a man who loves to dress up and clothes shop too!!
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Welcome Tiersaj!
WTG Roadtripster! Thats awesome. Gotta love when the hubbies notice! :)
Sorry about that bummer cruise Pink. I'm sure the next one will be

I'm almost at my halfway point. 1.5 more lbs and I'll be at 20lbs! Had a couple hurdles, but I think i'm going pretty strong again now. (we'll see) :p I was able to run 3 miles straight today at the gym, so to me .. thats awesome! There is something about Will & Grace that entertains me soo much that I completely forget i'm on the treadmill for the most part. I may look like a lune on the treadmill laughing.. but hey, I'm doing it right? LOL

Hope everyone is having great success this week.
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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I had a bit of a a hiccup last week. Well, I'm not sure. I think I may have consumed a little too much cream cheese! LOL! I like to dip my pork rinds in cream cheese and I wasn't really keeping track of overeatting the 4oz.

I don't get on scales because I get discouraged if the number doesn't go down fast enough. I go by jean sizes. I have a pair of jeans I want to wear on the cruise and I will have completed my goal when I can fit in them with room to spare! That's usually about 30 pounds.
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Welcome Tiersaj! You are gonna find that this is a great group. :D Last year when I finally decided that enough was enough and I had a cruise coming up I found this wonderful board. Jean was a true inspiration to me. I did very well last year and lost about 40 pounds. I wish I could say that I have kept it off but I really blew it around Thanksgiving last year and gained back almost 30 pounds. Then I woke up and knew what I had to do. I have a very long way to go but I am taking it one day at a time.

I did weigh this morning and no loss. I know what the problem is and hopefully next week I will have another big loss. ;)

Roadtripster- Congrats!! I know that had to have felt great!! My fiance was so supportive last year bragging to his friends about how well I was doing. Hopefully he will be able to start bragging again soon!

Cerabella - I really do need to take some more supplements. I started taking potassium last week because I just can not take the leg cramps. I sure hate jumping out of bed in the middle of the night! :rolleyes:

Jean - I hope you are having a wonderful time. We are sure thinking about you. :D I hope some of this water weight will be gone in a few days and I will have good news next Monday!!
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Hi everyone....

I haven't posted in a while, but wanted to stop by to see how everyone was doing and it looks like everyone is keeping up the great work. I am so envious that y'all have the will power to do the exercising. I can get my mind set to stay on the diet to the letter, but I jut can't get in the excercise mode.

Welcome tiersaj...good luck with you meeting your goal. Since you have done it before, I know that you can do it again. I am just glad to see that there is someone else that eats pork skins !! I thought I might be the only one. They do meet my need of getting a crunch...I miss crackers so badly. I can't eat the pork skins when my wife is around...she just absolutley hates their smell. But she is also doing well on Atkins (8% wieght loss) as well and it makes it so easy for me at home to stay on the diet because she makes some really great Atkins meals.

I have continued to drop a couple of more pounds over the past week, totaling an 11.5% weight loss so far. I don't know if I can make my 13% goal by cruise time (less than 4 weeks away now), but I am going to continue to try.

Good luck to all....just stay with the plan....I believe in it!!

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Stump - I LOVE porkrinds! Especially when I'm on Atkins, I can't get enough of them. I use them anywhere I would use chips (even though I'm generally not a big chip fan).

My husband is doing Atkins too. He was on it last year with much success and has managed to keep the weight off. He managed to loose his beer belly and hasn't touched beer since he started. Too many carbs. He "says" he's doing it again with me but I've caught him cheating with the kid's snacks.
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Welcome new ones, & welcome back returnees!!

Had a blip this weekend & gained a couple of lbs, but am fighting like crazy to get them off before they get too comfortable & invite some friends:(...

Got Spring showers today, so there went my outdoor walking plan, but stole a little time this morn for indoor exercising...man, 'middle age' is killing me...:p

Funny thing about pork rinds ~ love them too, but sometimes I think to myself...if I see one more pork rind:eek:...but I opened my cupboards last week when I read Stumps post & low & behold an unopened package! Yay for me, so, a few here & there for that satisfying crunch & I'm good...(wish I had seen them before I got into the [I]popcorn[/I]:() One thing I cannot do, however, is use them for a coating like 'fried chicken', just doesn't work for me, ymmv! So, I can only rectify it with the [I]next [/I]meal, not the [I]last[/I] one!:D

b ~ one boiled egg
l ~ tuna salad on bed of lettuce, tomato, alfalfa sprouts
s ~ going to be crock pot chicken w/ steamed mixed veggies on the side
See, some days are soo good & easy, but the off-plan days are killer, really killer when you get brave enough to hop on the scales...boo hoo... I'm thru having my pity party, like Jean says "your fork, your choice" so true!
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Cerabella - I've never tried to coat my chicken with them, but that sounds good.

Today for breakfast I had an Atkins bar and shake and for lunch I hade a grilled chicken salad with cheese and bleu cheese dressing. For dinner I'm going to have fish and brocolli. And of course I drink plenty of water and Crystal Light - at least a gallon a day. It's day 7 for me now and it's starting to get easier.

Oh and I'm 28 years old, about 6 feet tall and weight about 250. I don't know because like I said I never get on scales! :p I just like being a size 14 and right now I'm an 18.
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Greetings all!

I had a yummmmmy dinner. You have got to try this one!!

Sweet and Sour Chicken

1 lb Chicken cut up
1 onion sliced into large pieces
12 oz diet orange soda
2 T soy sauce
2 T white vinegar
1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp garlic powder
black pepper to taste

Brown chicken and onions in a non-stick pan with cooking spray.
When chicken is brown, add the remaining ingredients
Cover and simmer for 20 minutes until the chicken is tender and throughly cooked.
Uncover and reduce liquid till syrupy. (I made a thickener with corn starch and water and added to the chicken - not much though)

I served over a plate of asparagus stir-fry.

Hubby loved it and I picked out the asparagus. LOL The chicken was sooooooooooo tender. I used chicken tenders instead of breast.
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Hi all!! Haven't posted in awhile but looks like everyone is doing well. Congrats to those who had slip-ups but got right back on track. I've been sticking to plan and now have 6lbs left to reach short-term goal (175). Would be happy to reach 170 by cruise date (45 more days) though. :D Going to keep plugging along...
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Well, I wasn't able to eat fish for dinner yesterday because I forgot to defrost it. So, I had ham and eggs instead. The kids loved having breakfast for dinner!

Today I had an Atkin's bar and water for breakfast, a grilled chicken salad for lunch, and for dinner I will have fish because I remembered to take it out.

It's day 8 and my face is breaking out. I guess that's good because it means all the toxins are being released from my body. I think it will go away in a couple of days.
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Luckily, I have never had a breakout or reaction. I always concentrate on drinking 100 oz of water. I think that really helps.

Lets see, for me today...

Breakfast - Scrambled eggs (cheese, onion etc.. in it) and diet cranberry juice
Lunch - Bologna wrap with cheese, pickles, carrot/celery sticks/peanut butter
Dinner - will be Salad with chicken strips on top
Snack - sunflower seeds, SF choc pudding.
Drinks - water, diet cranberry juice, crystal light

Doesn't sound like much to me, but it sure keeps me filled up till the next meal.
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Day 9 and my face is mostly cleared up. Yesterday my husband noticed that I was loosing weight. I was so glad he said something because I was getting discouraged.

I decided to substitude my Atkin's shake in the AM to a cup of green tea. I need something warm in the morning, plus it's no carbs. So for breakfast this morning I had a cup of green tea and an Atkin's bar. For lunch it will be a grilled chkn salad with cheese and bacon and for dinner I am grilling up some steaks and adding some Bleu cheese crumbles on the top. Yum!

Phase one is almost over!
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I'm in another Lull again. I really need to make myself drink more water.. but i'm just so use to only drinking when i'm really thirsty ya know?
I think i'm going to buy those strips just to make sure. I "feel" like i'm in the zone, but the scale isnt telling me so. I went thru a few days this week of just being really tired. yesterday and today seem to be okay. I'm also going to write down what i'm eating .. and hopefully figure it out.
Good luck Shari on reaching your shortterm goal. You CAN do it! :)
Tiersaj.. keep up the great work. Sounds like your doing great.
Roadtripster.. that chicken recipe sounds really good. I might have to try that. Got to get some ingredients first. :p
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Hi all, I'm so bad at posting regularly. But I do read the posts & I'm so happy to see how well everyone is doing!

I was finally able to change my ticker today after a few weeks of staying the same. The irony is that I actually cheated a few times this week (ending Saturday), but I upped my exercise. I also added asparagus & more eggs to my WOE. I always do better when I eat eggs regularly.

Quick thought...if the scale isn't moving and you're doing everything right, consider investing in a hand-held body fat monitor (it's pretty cheap at costco.com). It's the only thing that has kept me sane, because even though my weight wasn't changing much, my body fat kept going down.

Anyway, just wanted y'all to know your success is inspiring!:) Edited by Rocknsoul
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The hand-held body fat monitor is a great idea. I know I get frustrated not seeing the scale go down but know something has to be happening with all my exercise I do and I am eating really well. I know that I am one where the scale won't drop too much. But, will look like I have lost weight. Must be because I am "big boned". LOL

I can't wait for this weekend, as I am finally off of work for the whole two day. Yippee!!

Today, I had 5 hours of OT this morning. I had to be at work at 10am. So that meant, I had to wake up early, exercise, fix breakfast, etc... I barely got done with everything when it was time to leave. I am here till 11:30 tonight. My food is crazy today. I HAD a time limit to get my special project completed by, so I missed out on lunch. Now I am deciding on what to have for dinner.

Breakfast (which I was glad I had a few minutes to fix) Scrambled egg and cheese
(My standard, quick fix. LOL)

Lunch - Nothing :(

Dinner - Gotta check the carry out menus LOL Thinking of soup and maybe fish.

Snack - Sunflower seeds, 2 cheese sticks

Drinks - Water, Diet Green Tea, Diet Cranberry Juice
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Okay, this is what I had today. Let me know if it sounds like too much.
Eggs (2 eggs + 1 egg whites) 1 slice ham, little shredded cheese.
Coffee + splenda
2-3 cups salad, 1 slice ham, bacon bits, little cheese with
vinegar & olive oil
Turkey meatloaf (made with no bread crumbs), broccoli & cheese and a little bit of green beans.
SF jello with whipped topping.

I also did 3 miles on the treadmill and another 20mins of working out
on another machine.
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Good afternoon,

Sports-mom - are you on induction? Looks like you are eating a very minimal carb load for the day. Plus, the exercise - looks like you are doing the right thing for sure!! With all the treadmill miles and workouts, you have to be loosing the fat and gaining muscle.... and muscle does weighs more. I do see that you are having a hard time with drinking water. I think that is a key that you should concentrate on !!

Sometimes I wonder if we can keep our carb load too low??? I don;t know...

Roadtripster - I am curious what kind of soup you have? I have never been able to find a soup that was low enough on carbs?

Well, time to go eat dinner...some chicken salad in a low carb tortilla wrap

Stay the course everybody!!
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[quote name='stump300']Good afternoon,

Sports-mom - are you on induction? Looks like you are eating a very minimal carb load for the day. Plus, the exercise - looks like you are doing the right thing for sure!! With all the treadmill miles and workouts, you have to be loosing the fat and gaining muscle.... and muscle does weighs more. I do see that you are having a hard time with drinking water. I think that is a key that you should concentrate on !! [/quote]

Thanks. Yes, I'm still technically in induction. I had to start over
cuz I messed it up a week or so back. I think i got 4 bottles of water
down today. So i'm getting alittle better. :)
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