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Anyone on Atkins?


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[quote name='Jesscap5']Just noticed your member name on today's birthday list.

Happy Birthday!! :D[/quote]

WOW! Thank You! I didn't know anyone read thru that looooong list.:eek:

I went on a scrapbook weekend with some friends. We were all on some kind of diet, and I walked with a friend 10 min every hour. Thought I'd lose but I gained. I think it was because I didn't get in enough water.

I am getting closer and closer everyday to a lower carb diet. I'm getting 60-80 grams protein a day now just have to get the carbs to 20 a day. Edited by PINEVIEW01
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It's day 10! WooHoo! If I can make it through the weekend I'll be home free. Yesterday I got out my jeans and I could actually button them! I mean I looked like Frankenstein's monster walking in them, but they were on! A couple more weeks and I may actually be able to walk around and sit down wearing them. That's a great motivator. I don't want to go backwards.

Last night as snacks I had sugar free jello with cool whip and some pork rinds with 2 oz of cream cheese (I measured the cheese this time). My husband had the nerve to have bought some Heath Klondike bars (my favorite) and they were calling me from the freezer. He ate one right in front of me, but I didn't cave. I just got my jello and cool whip and remembered my jeans and I was okay with it.

Breakfast - green tea and Atkins bar
Lunch - grilled chicken salad
Dinner - baked chicken and green beans
Drinks - water and crystal light
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[quote name='sports-mom']Your doing really good Tiersaj! WTG!

I think i have to hide the scale .. Its not moving again and i'm geting :mad:.[/quote]

I know exactly what you mean. I have been staying on track but I have not lost an ounce in the last two weeks. I had even gained last week!! :mad: Maybe I need to just put the scales up for a little while. My back has flared up again so I am in constant pain and unable to exercise at all right now. It is really hard to walk and I can not stand straight up. That accident always comes back to haunt me. :(

[SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]Happy Friday!!! This is a wonderful day (okay not weather wise but it is still a great day)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]1. It is the WEEKEND!!! [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]2. Duke LOST!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]3. CAROLINA plays tonight!! WOO HOO!!! [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]Once a Tarheel, always a Tarheel!! :D[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Stump300- For soups, I really just look at the labels. I am not a STRICT Atkins follower. My schedule really makes it hard to follow all the time, as I have to miss meals sometimes. So I just pick one that is low. EX: Chicken Noodle. I mostly pick out the noodles and just have the broth.

On the days I know I have to miss meals, I usually will try to have something a little more high in carbs. But I am still averaging around 20 a day.

We all must be in the same boat, so grab a paddle. I too seems to be on that slow downward motion with the scale.

But, I just keep telling myself I want to get into "my jeans" too. Actually, not jeans but a pair of pants I like and a dress that I am actually wearing on the cruise, that I wish would be just a little looser. I need that lit bit of extra room for all those desserts I plan to eat!!

So in honor of our frustration.....

Grab as many candy bars as you like. ( I threw them all over the table here. In a big pile!! ENJOY)

MilkyWay, Hersheys, 100 Grand, Kit Kat, Baby Ruth, Almond Joy, Skittles, 3 Muskateers, Mounds, Heath, Dove, Peppermint Patty.
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mmmm almond joy! :) thats protein right? LOL

I'm glad i'm not the only one in this boat.
Donna, sorry to hear about your back giving you problems.
Hope it goes away soon. I'm sure thats not fun :(

Today is our only nice day, Sat/Sun is calling for rain :(
Hope everyone has a low carb weekend!
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Morning everyone,

Well, just 3 weeks until we leave for Florida to get on the ship!! We are starting to get excited. I am in week 12 for Atkins with about 2 1/2 weeks to go. And just to be honest with everyone, I will not be on a diet on the ship. I will just have to start induction again when I get home.

I only weigh once per week because I don't want that emotional up and down during the week. And that could get me depressed and I don't need that!!

You are doing great Tiersaj!!

Roadtripster - You have more will power than I if you can pick out the noodles. It is just best I don't open up the can!! I do have some beef or chicken bouillon when I want something hot to drink at a meal. Not much for hot tea or coffee during a meal (unless of course the coffee is in conjunction with a sweet dessert...and I can't do that)

Sports-mom - think water and water, even when I am not thirsty. Just drink !!

My favorite candy - Peanut M/M's....I can take a small bag and enjoy them for an hour (no kidding). I might have to get a small back when I get to the airport in a few weeks!!

Stay the course this weekend all!! This does work.
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Stump I'm not going to do it on the ship either. Hell, we only live once right? LOL! I will be back to Phase 1 right after my trip. Then I will have my 10 year high school reunion to get slim for. I have to keep events in my head like that or I get complacent. Sometimes I even make up events to stay on track! LOL!
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Hey all purple sticks peeps! Yes, after my couple of back slides, & up a couple of lbs, they just came right back off just as quick, but I didn't really appreciate that setback, I mean, why 1 step forward, 2 steps back?!:eek:

Caution about going for a free-for-all while on your cruise...hmmm, just my 2 cents...doing [I]any[/I] low carb or lowish carb is [I]very[/I] easy while on a cruise...believe me, seven in seven years & all while in one phase or another of Atkins, I try to keep a 'reasonable' balance, & certainly never feel deprived. Yes, I may have a roll @ dinner, a warm chocolate melting cake or two, but breakfast always on plan - why waste the carbs there, I already know what a danish or pancake tastes like;), & a drink or two a day, just not the sweet, sugar laden froo froo's, walk the stairs when reasonable. Lunch buffet or other options still can be balanced w/ a little 'cheat' here or there without going overboard, so to speak...because some actually will feel kinda sick when they get completly off plan ~ remember that there was a reason we chose this WOE in the first place!! Anyhoo, I could go on & on, but I'm just sayin'...we don't want no stinkin' regrets!!:p

Bad weather several days in a row here in East Tex...thunder rollin as I type, hope we don't lose elec!

Donna, sorry about your back - mine is in a pickle too - I had to pick up our old Australian shepherd several times last week to put in the back of the pick up, now my back is strained, so nothing but some light exercises & walking, of course, but for the rain & mud:(

(BTW, didn't I read that peanut M&M's are kinda low glycemic!?;))

Everyone else seems to be doing great! Good to hear from Lisa/Rock! Hang in there! I sometimes read back, waaay back, in the posts & know you've certainly been a trooper, kinda like Pink & NMJean as well as many others ~ you guys (well, mostly gals) have been a great encouragement...

I kinda got behind in posting too, so hope everyone has a really smashingly great weekend!!
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My first weekend off in a month and then not another one for another month.

Today I have been heavily spring cleaning the house. Even my husband has been helping me. Got the whole upstairs cleaned and on Sunday, the downstairs will get the treatment.

We went out to eat and there was nothing I really could eat/want to eat so I just ordered the grilled chicken sandwich with no sides and when I got it, the poor thing looked so lonely on the plate. I even took off the bun and that made it look even smaller. LOL My husband was like "Are you sure you have enough to eat. Sure there isn't anything else to have. Then when we left and in the car, he said.. "Sorry you didn't get enough to eat". I was okay with it. I am sure I got some looks from the other people in the restaurant.
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Guess what I had for breakfast? Yes a boiled egg!! I sometimes feel like probably alot of us that one day I am going to start cackling like a chicken - it's also like the commercial 'the cows say "Eat more chicken" ':p Eggs & chicken, eggs & chicken...woohoo![IMG]http://http://lh4.ggpht.com/_yYVRIOME8oM/SbrG-irT4QI/AAAAAAAAAOI/Q9CThsKDk5E/PA160068.JPG[/IMG][IMG]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_yYVRIOME8oM/SbrG-irT4QI/AAAAAAAAAOI/Q9CThsKDk5E/PA160068.JPG[/IMG][/FONT][/SIZE]
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Hi everyone!! Typed a long message and it just disappeared:mad:. Congrats to those sticking to plan!! :D

Tiersaj~the beginning is the hardest..after the first week your cravings usually diminish and make it easier to stick with it. I'm not going to promise that temptations go away though..:rolleyes:..lol.

I'm real close to short-term goal..I hopefully can meet it by next weekend. I've lost 23lbs since Thanksgiving and 13lb since the new year. Hope to lose another 10 by cruise (in 40 days). :D Edited by shari08
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Hello All!! I was getting pretty discouraged with the scales not moving but I am back in my size 16 jeans. Something must be working!! :D I am thinking about weighing tomorrow morning to see if the scales move but I am a little worried that I will be disappointed again. I guess we will see what happens in the morning. I have been very good about staying on track and eating right. Had a GREAT dinner tonight. Crab Legs!!! Woo Hoo! I love crab legs. I am so glad that Carolina made it to the final four. Now I get to aggravate the Duke Fans at work tomorrow!! ;) I hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend!! My back is getting better and I am able to stand straight up now with not quite so much pain. Hopefully it will be better in the next couple of days!!:) I got a lot of walking in today because I went to go visit a friend at the hospital. When I got to the hospital I parked right next to the skywalk but it was closed!:confused: I had to walk all the way to the other end of the parking garage to get to the other skywalk and then over to the childrens hospital. Maybe all that walking today helped. I know it helped my back because even though it was painful while I was walking it is a little better now!!:cool: Until tomorrow!!
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[quote name='tiersaj'] My husband had the nerve to have bought some Heath Klondike bars (my favorite) and they were calling me from the freezer. He ate one right in front of me, but I didn't cave. I just got my jello and cool whip and remembered my jeans and I was okay with it.
What a little brat!

I've done Atkins (mostly) on the ship twice. The first time I lost weight and NEVER went without. The second I came off at the same wieght I went on. They had a low carb cheese cake that was good on the last ship. I had cheese for dessert everynight and keep wishing I could get the cheese cake. The last four nights they had it for me. :) Edited by PINEVIEW01
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Good morning everyone,

Like Shari, I typed a long message and lost everything. This site times you out after so long...that was depressing to loose.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a nice weekend. This morning was wiegh in time for me (I only weigh once per week) and I lost another 1.5 pounds. I just ended week number 12 on Atkins and have a total wight loss of 12% so far. My target is 13% by cruise, which gives me only a couple weeks left.

I am not going to retype the entire message, but take my word....the post was really good and encouraging for everyone. Thanks for everyones support. I will try to write more latter today.

Got to run to work now....

Stay the course everyone.....this diet really does work...
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Good Morning Everyone![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] Whew..I got to read all of the past posts...you all are so great about the encouragement for one another...and great helpers when we fall down! That's what I love and need about this thread! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]San Diego was so fantastic! ... But with it being one of my all time Favorite cities...what's not to like!? ha And boy did we walk our toesies off! We ate pretty much what we wanted....but I have to say.... I think my mind just knows what I need and I just would stay the course! Not to say I didn't splurge a little but...ok, example... Hard Rock San Diego for Sunday lunch....Sis orders salad w/chicken ... I order the Tupelo chicken strips... we split it more of a 70/30...because I needed the protein and she wanted more salad. - Fish tacos one night...we ordered a platter with fries & cloeslaw... I had the coleslaw..she had the fries..and I dumped the taco stuffings out on my dish...and it was wonderful! ... So after a 4 days in San Diego - and a weekend with so much going on and a teenage nephew staying with us... I'm up 2. But this morning... back on Track with my bacon and eggs! Hot tea and water!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'd have to agree with the posters to not go Carb Crazy on your Cruises! You'll not have the energy needed for your ports if your in a Carb Coma!!LOL! ;) There is such a variety on the Ships that you can still have a few treats and be eating great! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Last night I was thinking about making the SFS danish eggs....and thought I'd post this tip for you guys.... I've taken some of my favorite Atkins dishes and put them on a 3x5 card - then taped them to the inside of my cupboard door where my spices are - - so when I want to make something up real quick (shakes, eggs, etc..)[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]just open the cupboard door and there's my reciepe! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]CONGRATs to Everyone that's been losing..[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]....pounds and inches and [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]....now have baggie britches!! :D:p [B]That's fantastic!! :D[/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Boooo to the evil - long post snatcher!! :mad: Sooo Frustrating!! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Good to 'see' everyone today! [/FONT]
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Hey everyone! Can I join the group? I just saw this thread!

To intro myself - my name is Heather, but most everyone on the board calls me Curly. I'm 29 years old, married, no kids, 2 cats LOL. I'm a professional photographer (weddings mostly, but some kids and families portraits as well).

I've been on Atkins since November and have lost 40 lbs. I've kinda slipped a bit in the past couple of weeks and stopped losing, so I know I've gotta get back on plan. I'm cruising in about 6 weeks (May 10th on Freedom), and I'd really like to lose another 15 lbs or so before we go.

So, I'm putting myself back on induction this week. I've been having a few too many drinkies and eating some carbs that I don't need, so that's gotta go. I still have about 60 more lbs to lose!
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Hi Curly! Welcome aboard. Wow, you have been doing great since November. That is a good amount of time. I think you did good only falling off the wagon but once. You have the mindset and you know what it takes, so you will do great for the next 6 weeks.

Guess what all? I just got back from the store and bought me a jean skirt and a cammie top. The skirt was 1 size (almost 2 -depends on the maker LOL) smaller. I was so excited. I am also almost nicely fitting into my dress I already have that I want to wear. It is 3 sizes smaller than what I have been wearing. I fit into it - just a little snug so I know I am getting there.

For dinner last night, my husband and daughter were home. We rarely get dinner - all three of us together anymore. I grilled up a flat iron steak with a sweet and spicy rub on it. It was soooooooooo tender. I couldn't believe how good it was. Even my daughter, who is not a meat fan, but eats it, had seconds. Of course, there is nothing left. It was blasted freezing outside though. I couldn't believe how cold it was. Even the gas tank was getting frost on it. LOL

For the rub, I used:

Splenda brown sugar
garlic powder
chipotle sprinkles
red pepper sprinkles
chili powder

Just rubbed it on. Wrapped it in plastic wrap for several hours and then grilled.

I think it would be fabulous on a whole chicken and then bake the chicken. I might give it a try.

Off to exercise and then to work!!

Make it a great day!! Edited by Roadtripster
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Welcome Back Jean! Glad you had a good time.

Welcome to CurlyMason. I'd love to call myself a professional photographer someday, but for now, I just dable. LOL

sorry you all are losing your long posts.. I'll have to watch so I dont do the same. That would be frustrating.


Well Monday starts a new week, soo good luck to all!

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Tripster.....now what time is dinner again!?! LOL... sounds great!! I made ribs & brisket last Friday for my DD B-day dinner and her BF was totally blown over that #1..I made them together #2..They were Low Carb #3.. How tender and tasty it all was! I made up a bunch...sent some home with both kiddos. Nephew had never tried Brisket before :eek:(huh??) and loved it! Isn't Brown Sugar Splenda such a great thing!! Love when you share your little cooking secrets!!! Thanks! :) I wondered what you went shopping for.... a small skirt!! YAY!!!

Curly - Welcome!! You've done really well! Good Job...and that dertimination will help you to see your goal! Do you have a website for your photos... I love to browse them! ... and check out the Photo Thread that some of us hang around too on CC!

I find if my camera is in my hands..... it's less time for tempting foods to be in them! HA:p

Donna....You Basketball nut! My sis & I watched BB in San Diego...she let her Bro in Law fill out her Brackets!! :eek: She won't let him do that again! haha ! I had Memphis...booohooohooo. So then I was watching Okla...waaaaa... Ok, Now I'll just watch the final four! Tonight the UNM Ladies are playing Kansas...I think we're grabbing tickets..they are doing really well! It's WNIT...but 10 min from our home!! Gotta Support the Locals!

Sports-Mom - Thanks! It's good to be home..but next week DH and I take off for 5 days in Boston...then it's finally time to go camping ..Yiippee! Can't tell you what flash backs I'm having from your BB photos...when my DS played! Only out here in the Southwest...sandblasting from the wind....don't miss that part! ha! :)

Stump.... Congrats on your 1.5........so great! You guys 'kill' me...my DH just eats the LC food that I put in front of him...he's tipped under the 200 to 199... He's so excited!

Cerabella.....Pictures!! I see Pictures!! ok...that's a lot of Eggs...But I see them! ;)Yay! How ya doing Girl!?!!

Shari - Good Job on getting to short term goal...but you can so do 10 more by your Cruise!

Pineview....how ya feeling girl?!?! ...and late Happy B'day to you!

Pink, Lisa...and anyone else I missed - Howdy doody!!

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Thanks for the welcome!


Tripster - congrats on the smaller clothes! I've been spring cleaning this week and discovered a bunch of clothes from 2-3 years ago that I can wear again, and a whole pile of stuff I'll be able to wear after I lose another 10-15 lbs. It's like a new wardrobe! I'll have to try out that rub recipe..sounds yummy!


Sports-mom, sure! You can see our website at http://www.khmasonphotography.com and our blog at http://www.khmasonphotography.net


My parents started a photography business before I was born, so I've grown up with a camera in hand. It's a fun way to make a living, but a lot of work if you're going to do it right!


So, my fabulous honey fixed dinner. Tuna steaks, grilled asparagus, and steamed broccoli. YUM!

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