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Anyone on Atkins?


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Thank You so much for sharing with me. Where do you find the list. I have been trying to

navigate the Atkins site and it sure isn't like when I used to visit it.



The most user friendly list I use is Atkins but on the Sugar Free Sheila site here http://www.sugarfreesheila.com/InductionFoodsList.html It makes it easy to refer to when I have to go back into induction. Be sure to look at the *notes, because it will remind you where hidden carbs might be located.

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So... Let me ask you...............If you had to ..... could you go right to...and put your hands on your copy of the Atkins Book?? You know....to refer too....:)


Yep! One's on the bookshelf in the basement, just to the left of the bed. The other is a few rows away. :)

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So... Let me ask you...............If you had to ..... could you go right to...and put your hands on your copy of the Atkins Book?? You know....to refer too....:)


Yep I know where it is. It is actually at my mom's :) I think she has two copies, but one we share back and forth. I'm not sure why...it just has seemed to work for us.

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The most user friendly list I use is Atkins but on the Sugar Free Sheila site here http://www.sugarfreesheila.com/InductionFoodsList.html It makes it easy to refer to when I have to go back into induction. Be sure to look at the *notes, because it will remind you where hidden carbs might be located.

Thanks for the link!


I have been doing the 14 day. I was doing great than went up a pound two days ago and stayed there today. Not sure what that is about. I never had it happen on induction before.

Edited by PINEVIEW01
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Good Morning!

Melody.... might be a little extra salt holding on to some water. One thing that I have found is that a lot of Low Carb foods...wow...do they taste great with salt! :o

I have noticed a few extra trips this morning to the bathroom (tmi? sorry)... just because some of the chicken we had earlier this week was a little saltier then usual!


Water and watch the salt shaker....see if that pound doesn't disappear soon!


I reminded my self of "It's your fork and it's your choice!" last night when I took my fork and was wanting...not needing ... another bite of a wonderful pork roast that I did in the crock pot for last nights supper!...yumm... ;)

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The salt intake issue is interesting. For me, I know it can raise my weight a little, but it helps me avoid cramping and headaches when I have a little more sodium. I don't remember which book now, but in one of them (Atkins for Life? Six-Week Cure?) they actually recommend you increase sodium intake, especially in the first couple of weeks, to avoid "induction flu" - that nasty feeling you get when you start low-carb. Now I like to have a cup of chicken broth or vegetable broth between meals where before I would have diet soda or green tea.

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The salt intake issue is interesting. For me, I know it can raise my weight a little, but it helps me avoid cramping and headaches when I have a little more sodium. I don't remember which book now, but in one of them (Atkins for Life? Six-Week Cure?) they actually recommend you increase sodium intake, especially in the first couple of weeks, to avoid "induction flu" - that nasty feeling you get when you start low-carb. Now I like to have a cup of chicken broth or vegetable broth between meals where before I would have diet soda or green tea.


That is interesting, because I know that I craved salt during induction. I wonder if my body was saying "hey, this is what I need; pay attention."

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So, there has been a lot on my schedule lately and I've been bad about not eating enough. I've found that I stall with Atkins if I don't eat enough too (I know it sounds crazy, but it is the truth). Today, I tried to do better in the afternoon (morning was still nutso). Luckily tomorrow is another day.


I'm supposed to run 3 miles today. I need motivational vibes, people, to get it done. I've been "off" and it is just easier to not run. However, it will not help me come Saturday when I have to run 7.

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So, there has been a lot on my schedule lately and I've been bad about not eating enough. I've found that I stall with Atkins if I don't eat enough too (I know it sounds crazy, but it is the truth). Today, I tried to do better in the afternoon (morning was still nutso). Luckily tomorrow is another day.


I'm supposed to run 3 miles today. I need motivational vibes, people, to get it done. I've been "off" and it is just easier to not run. However, it will not help me come Saturday when I have to run 7.


Andrea ~ it's so true, whenever I don't eat enough, I don't do well. Sending you motivational vibes! Go, go, go!!:)

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Friday! Friday! Friday!!

Yippee... I'm going to Santa Fe tonight with my BFF from 2nd Grade...and no it wasn't when we had a 1 room school house, nor did we walk to school for 5 miles - uphill...both ways!!! LOOOOL... ok... if your under 50 you just might not get that one!! :p:D

I guess for me...because of the swelling I get in my joints when I have to much salt... I can tell if I've had to much.... just by feeling my hands - ouch!... But when I watch it (this doesn't mean no salt... just like low carb does not mean No carbs) it does make a big difference on how my scales settle! See how wonderfully intuned we are with our bodies to know how they work!!?

Nancy... just out there having a wonderful Cruise....

Andrea.........get those shoes moving... you'll get in your groove and just keep on going!

Have a terrific weekend everyone..... I sure plan too!!:)

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Andrea.........get those shoes moving... you'll get in your groove and just keep on going!

Have a terrific weekend everyone..... I sure plan too!!:)


Have a great time with your friend! I did get my shoes moving. I ran 7 miles today; so, the legs they are a pumpin'. I wonder what the conversion from running to warm chocolate melting cake is?;)

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Andrea ~ it's so true, whenever I don't eat enough, I don't do well. Sending you motivational vibes! Go, go, go!!:)


Thanks, Lisa! I can use all the motivation I can get. Running with the wind went awesome; it was the coming back into the wind that made me wonder if I should be on youtube.

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Thanks for the link!


I have been doing the 14 day. I was doing great than went up a pound two days ago and stayed there today. Not sure what that is about. I never had it happen on induction before.


I'm with everyone that it was probably water retention either due to a salty food you ate, hormonal, or just one of those hmm... type things. Hopefully with the next loss it will go and take a couple of pound friends with it.

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I'm with everyone that it was probably water retention either due to a salty food you ate, hormonal, or just one of those hmm... type things. Hopefully with the next loss it will go and take a couple of pound friends with it.


Which is also know around here as the low carb.... WHOOSH!!! It's just the best!! Thinking a pound...and sometimes are a so excited to see 3 lbs!! Hang in there!!


So we had a great time in Santa Fe! My friend and I got to the hotel and it there were flurries, they have a great resturant at the hotel so we had dinner there - and the lobby in the hotel had their fireplace going! So after dinner we went there, pulled up a couple of cool chairs and I fed the fire and we propped our feet up and talked until midnight!! It was so relaxing! We don't have a fire place...so I keep the fire bright and hot!! Maybe I should have offered to go chop wood and replace their pile!! LOOOL!:D


Water at my desk!

Have a terrific DAY!!:)

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Hi all! Yes, the stall was most likely water (not hormons) as I dropped a couple pounds the next day. I went away for the weekend to scrapbook with the girls. The provided the food. I took a cooler with cheese, fish and my homemade "Atkins friendly" blu cheese dip/dressing. I'm so proud of meself as I avoided all the carb loaded goodies. Boyually was it hard but paid off with a .4 lbs lost for the weekend.:) Not much but will take it as I have been know to eat enough candy and goodies to pack on 5+ pounds at one of these.:o


I've lost 12 pounds in the first 12 days of induction.:D I leave for my cruise Wed. Hope I can keep control on the cruise.

Edited by PINEVIEW01
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Gooooood JOB Melody!!

12 lb... 12 days... Your off to a Great Start!!... And you were very wise to pack your food and come back at a LOSS!!! YESSSSS!!!:D

Today... my DGD turns 3! Yay!....but... she called and asked us to come to Chuck E Cheese for pizza!! - I looked...and they offer salads here! I'm going to be goood!! :D


Have a good day!!

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Gooooood JOB Melody!!


12 lb... 12 days... Your off to a Great Start!!... And you were very wise to pack your food and come back at a LOSS!!! YESSSSS!!!:D


Today... my DGD turns 3! Yay!....but... she called and asked us to come to Chuck E Cheese for pizza!! - I looked...and they offer salads here! I'm going to be goood!! :D


Have a good day!!

Thank You for your support. Good Luck to you at Chuck I Cheese. I'm off for two weeks of cruising tomorrow.

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Bon Voyage, Melody!!

Have a wonderful trip....come back and see us!

Happy Wednesday!... A few bites of Salad....and I was off with our now 3 year old using up our quarters and having a ball! I took my dog out on a new walking path before we went to the party! Whew... I was tired! LOL... but it's all good...ya know?


Have a great day! Stay Strong... and hydrated!!

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Saw this on MSN this morning..... Remember our discussion on how much salt we are taking in ...how much....is it making me retain water?.... so...


The other nine foods that round out the top 10 (in order from 2 to 10) are: cold cuts and cured meats, pizza, poultry, soups, sandwiches, cheese, pasta dishes, meat dishes (such as meatloaf), and snacks like chips, pretzels, and popcorn. While high levels of sodium in snack food isn't a new discovery, some of the other foods on the list, like pasta and poultry, may surprise some people.

The CDC report states that the average American consumes 3,300 milligrams of sodium per day before adding any extra salt from the salt shaker. U.S. Dietary Guidelines suggest a maximum of 2,300 mg a day for the average person and even less for groups with high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes.

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The CDC report states that the average American consumes 3,300 milligrams of sodium per day before adding any extra salt from the salt shaker. U.S. Dietary Guidelines suggest a maximum of 2,300 mg a day for the average person and even less for groups with high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes.


Wow, that is interesting. I had no idea that we were consuming approximately 1000 mg more than the guidelines.

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The DW and I will do a modified Atkins over an 8-10 week period to drop 15-20 lbs. before our cruise. We did it by the book 3 years ago and I dropped 25lbs in a 10 week period. 205-180!!! 2 pant sizes!


We are more focused on our portion control during the year to keep it more realistic. We also allow ourselves a little here and there to keep our sanity in check.


More veggies... Less junk... Watch the portions...


My first time in this thread... Time to see if anyone has any secret recipies for snacks.

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I did Atkins from Jan. 2 to the day before we sailed in 2007 and lost 26 pounds! I didn't have *hardly any* sugar for 3 months! I also exercised and dropped two sizes ... I felt great and ready to conquer the world! (ehhh ... well at least ready to conquer the Caribbean!) ... anyway ... we got on the ship and I TRIED to be good and not go overboard with the sugars, sweets, starches, carbs, etc., because my body was not used to it. However, I DID overdo it ... and by the third night of the cruise, I was SOOOOOOOOOO sick. I spent the entire night in the bathroom. My husband was in the cabin next door (long story, but we booked interior, side by side cabins = was cheaper than 4 people in one room .... duh ... double the space, two bathrooms = no brainer) ... anyway ... he's a paramedic and I almost woke him up because I was in so much pain.


So, my advice to you is ... you might want to reintroduce some of the foods you have been avoiding PRIOR to cruising unless you plan on continuing to avoid them during your cruise. Seriously. It was a night of H.E.double hockey sticks! :eek:


The Atkins/exercise worked though ... here's a pic of me and my son with my smaller waistline ... (yes, I have some work to do before we cruise again in June! :rolleyes: )


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Fell off the wagon this weekend in the carb department. Back on I go tomorrow. Some days are just like that. I blame the fact that I ran 8 miles (4 against the wind) in 28 degree weather Saturday. My body thought I needed to pack on fat like I was living in the Arctic. It is either that or the fact that the Girl Scout cookies were delivered. One of those two :D

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Good Monday Morning to Everyone!! I had a busy weekend with my 3 year old GD's birthday...so just now getting back on the forum!

Welcome Mr Bungle & jhnsnfamily!!

Be sure to check out past posts....and http://sugarfreesheila.com/ for some extra low carb helps!!

We have heard from a lot of folks that went low carb at one time in their lives ...and did very well.... We hope you have that same success this time!

Andrea... Me too........mostly because of the party.... But it's Monday and I'm on track! GS cookie time :eek:........NOOOOO!!! haha...! :p

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I'm back today from a week on the Mariner of the Seas, and it was fantastic! I used the stairs exclusively and tried to be very active every day, but it was harder with the kids there. My weight gain for the week was 7 lbs, and I'm hoping at least five of that will come off as water/glycogen storage in the next couple days. We'll see where I'm at after a week back on induction...

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