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Anyone on Atkins?


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Happy Monday!!

Here we are at the beginning of the week....start of a new month ... so how are ya doing? Did you get groceries this weekend?... What did you buy!?

How many of you saw where that Dr is talking about sugar being toxic? He's been on the news......... so... hmm ... clean eating of meats, fruits, veggies..... no sugary drinks....... Gosh!! Could you be eating any better??!! :) Oh I know.... don't make fun, it's not nice! :p I couldn't tell ya the last time I went down the chip aisle at a store.... or the bread..... or the baking - oh wait, yes... I did do baking aisle, I needed some coconut - WELL... you get the idea!! The fruits/veggie and meat aisle's and some frozen food (veggies that are out of season)...that's where you'll find me! :D

I've been on this walking/jogging challenge for a week now..... eeeek.... it makes my left knee hurt!! I know this is why my pool excersise time was so great... the water made it easier on my knee!! I need to check back into that!:o

Have a great day!!

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Good snowy morning to Everyone!! Yes, My Lilacs has blooms..my pear tree is in bloom...and we are having quiet a spring snow storm! Which we need - a LOT - it's been a very warm & dry winter...and it will be gone by this afternoon... but waaa!... I've been watching for weeks to see my Lilacs bushes all full of purple & white...and now...it doesn't look so good!:(

So... as we continue to discuss excersizing.... and I have been really working out on my treadmil - My DS & DIL who are very dedicated to working out - we were discussing cardio, weights etc... And I started reading some links they sent me about the importance of muscle. Our bodies need muscles...to do our daily activities. If we don't have muscles...well...we don't work so well. And we need muscles to help burn our fat! As I've been reading their links... It talks about how you can see women work out with cardio....for hours... and they still struggle with the weight they are carrying. But when you introduce some weights..... to build up muscle.... how quicker the results are... and Even though, I've only used them last week and this week ... I have to say... I feel & see a difference! Now your thinking... big Ol Bar bells... UMM no. I have a set of 5 lb weights & a set of 8 lb weights. I warm up with a few sets of the 5 and then do more sets with the 8's. So I mostly do 3 sets of a movement with the 5lb & then when I'm done with all of my muscle groups, I swap to the 8's and do 3 more sets. And since I felt like I was starting from square one with this part of training...I am very watch full of my movements... keep my abs ( I have to think about this) tight and I'm done in about 15 min. - Now this is just what I've been doing...and in about 2 weeks, I'm feeling a difference! I'm 54, no thyroid ... and not is such good shape.!.

Didn't mean to post so much.... but I just thought I'd encourage you that if your not using any weights...to maybe bring them into your excersize routine and see what they might do for you!:)

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You have already made it past that 5 month big gain, so I belive in you and you will just gain baby this last 9 weeks. Keep up the Great work!

Do you have access to any water exercise. The one time I had some trouble, being in the water was a God send.


I found Celebrity food a little plain. Maybe it was due to the age of the cruisers being older. Yes, they bend over backward to help with any eating plan. The DD got all kind of one of a kind vegin dinners.


I did hit the gym a couple times, but I can't do the gym while cruiseing do to the motion and my stomach:D I just keep draging my fat butt up as many stairs as I can.:

I'm looking forward to staying LC (minus booze) on our cruise then!!! We will exercise at sea too!

LostShaker... The upcoming weeks will be baby weight gain, mostly! It sounds like you have been great about watching what your eating and excersizing too...so your on the right track! :) If your not eating much when your at meals....then that is why you might feel like your grazing, but remember to stay hydrated! - Sometimes we think we are hungry...and we are really thirsty! (My DD is at 9 weeks...she has just started her baby journey! :))

Have a great day Everyone! :D


yes I am not drinking enough, only about 80 oz. it's hard with running to the potty every two minutes!!! I'm 34 weeks now!!! Getting too big and sore to do much besides walk, prenatal yoga and Pilates!!! I have only gained 15 still- just keep hovering here!!! I can only eat small amounts, but constantly!!!!


Congrats on your Dd!!!!

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Did ya all have some eggs this weekend?

I had some deviled ones :)....and a few chocolate ones ;).... It's a holiday!! :p

Up this morning and did my work out....Monday's are hard to get going on....for me anyway!:)

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I'm 34 weeks now!!! Getting too big and sore to do much besides walk, prenatal yoga and Pilates!!! I have only gained 15 still- just keep hovering here!!! I can only eat small amounts, but constantly!!!

Way to go! You are doing so great! Your in the home stretch now.

Did ya all have some eggs this weekend?

I had some deviled ones :)....and a few chocolate ones ;).... It's a holiday!! :p

Up this morning and did my work out....Monday's are hard to get going on....for me anyway!:)

I have stayed away from the candy. Very hard to do as I have two of the grandsons AND their candy as the folks took a grown up vacation.:eek:


Based on the tracker I worked off twice the calories I ate. But, I was up 1.5 pounds today. To much salty ham, one tablespoon mashed potatos with turkey gravy, and I ate a 1/16 piece of cheese cake. I did count the calories but, WAAAAAAAAY too many carbs yesterday. I just can't eat carbs, Period.

Edited by PINEVIEW01
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LostShaker.... Your last few weeks are going to fly by! Is this your first? Your doing great....and even just walking....it will help keep your legs strong for your delivery!

Pineview...The salty foods of Easter played around on me too! yuck!.... back to the basics and trying to flush out the salt!

I had a heck of a time getting up this morning! I think I'm just tired! ... Will walk here at work today, some stairs and then walk tonight with my dog! Some days.... it just takes a lot to get through the day!

I'm going on a little vacation to TX next weekend with some girlfriends....I know we'll be doing a lot of walking so I want to keep on going!

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We hosted Easter and other than baking a red velvet cake and providing a baguette- we had zero carb options here. I did shrimp with homemade lowcarber cocktail sauce, then for supper I had ham with lowcarb glaze, bacon fried green beans, a pecan and blue cheese spinach salad with homemade olive oil vinaigrette, stuffed mushrooms. My husband and I had low cab snicker doodles (1 g carb per cookie) while everyone else had red velvet cupcakes. Was able to send the leftover cupcakes to work with my DH yesterday.


I am contracting up a storm and miserably tired. It's our second baby and I feel like a horrible mom lately- too tired to keep up! At 14-15 lbs weight gain with less than six weeks to go!!!

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If this is the second I'm sure the first is keeping you busy.


You are doing so great.


I had two grands this week and had looked so forward to it and than came down sick. The dh had to watch the little guy a couple hours for me so I could sleep and feel like death would be an improvement. Starting to feel better now.

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Hope your feeling better Melody!!....Sounds like me last month...ugh!!!

Here comes the weekend!! Are you ready?

I had nothing scheduled to do for the weekend, and kinda liked that.

Well, by noon today...not only are the darling Grand-daughters coming over...but my daughter is coming across town and will be here in the morning too!

You all have a great weekend!!

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Hey guys....what a struggle it has been for me to stay on the Low Carb plan....I do pretty well during the week, but the weekends have been a different story. Over all I am down 7 pounds....So I guess that is a start. I also need get committed to some physical activity... Kinda like the eating....hard to stay on track...If I can just make it for 1 whole week then 1 more, etc..... I'm not giving up !!!! :D

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Hey guys....what a struggle it has been for me to stay on the Low Carb plan....I do pretty well during the week, but the weekends have been a different story. Over all I am down 7 pounds....So I guess that is a start. I also need get committed to some physical activity... Kinda like the eating....hard to stay on track...If I can just make it for 1 whole week then 1 more, etc..... I'm not giving up !!!! :D

I'm right there with you. Your right, 1 week at a time. I went away for the weekend and was 90% good. I was just getting over a thing so the 10% cost me a 4 pound gain for the weekend and a slide that I haven't stopped yet.

Edited by PINEVIEW01
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I did Atkins a couple years ago and lost the weight fast. After a month of unsuccessful weight loss with Weight Watchers I am going to give Atkins another try, its just a lot easier for me. I was wondering if anyone out there is doing Atkins also and if so, do you have any quick ideas for breakfast. I am usually in a rush to get to work in the morning so I really don't have time to cook up a couple eggs or anything. Any recommendations???


I boil 6 eggs at a time. In the morning, I take a tupperware container and chop up 2 boiled eggs, add mayo and real bacon bits. I take it to work with me and that is breakfast. I even eat this on the weekends. It keeps me satisfied until lunch.

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Hey Everyone! Here we are on a Tuesday and my week is so messed up with the days...it could be Friday and I just might not realize it!

I spent 5 days down in Galveston with some Girl friends and I have to say.... I like Galveston...we were actually more over by Crystal Beach, so we got to ride the Ferry a Lot! I didn't mind....it was fun for me!

Lots of walks on the beach, stairs at the house and Walking everywhere else! Yay! I did not... weigh myself, yet. I'm hoping to let all of the saltyness kinda settle down for a day. We'll see! I actually... tried to make good choices! and hope it balanced some of the bad choices of some crazy temptations!! Those TX gals can cook!!

Hang in there everyone...we're almost in shorts weather!:p


Oh...and great breakfast tip!!!

Edited by NMCruzzin
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If this is the second I'm sure the first is keeping you busy.


You are doing so great.


I had two grands this week and had looked so forward to it and than came down sick. The dh had to watch the little guy a couple hours for me so I could sleep and feel like death would be an improvement. Starting to feel better now.

You poor thing!


Hope your feeling better Melody!!....Sounds like me last month...ugh!!!

Here comes the weekend!! Are you ready?

I had nothing scheduled to do for the weekend, and kinda liked that.

Well, by noon today...not only are the darling Grand-daughters coming over...but my daughter is coming across town and will be here in the morning too!

You all have a great weekend!!

Hope you had fun!


Hey guys....what a struggle it has been for me to stay on the Low Carb plan....I do pretty well during the week, but the weekends have been a different story. Over all I am down 7 pounds....So I guess that is a start. I also need get committed to some physical activity... Kinda like the eating....hard to stay on track...If I can just make it for 1 whole week then 1 more, etc..... I'm not giving up !!!! :D


I have one day off a week, and it's not a full day- I normally pick one day where I'm a bit looser (whole grains one meal and maybe dessert) and stick the rest of the week. I also make myself workout the day of the "loose" day. Knowing that I can split a blizzard with DH or have a wheat bun or pasta on Saturday makes it less tempting to give I the rest of the week- I like the wy the scale moves down. However some people do better with complete abstinence from carbs. You know yourself best!

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Lost Shaker.... You've done so well...of course your scale may nudge up a bit these last couple of weeks... that's how those babies get chubby rolls! :)

My DD seems to be hungry all the time! It'll calm down here in a few weeks.

So, in the past we've talked about the Atkins / Low Carb whoosh!.. I had a whoosh of the scales this morning, so did my Hubby!... So my scales say that I was making good choices during my Galveston Girls weekend!! Yippee!!! :D:D

It works...but you have to stay with it!

Wind is really bad today...:mad: I think tredmill will be the exercise of the day!

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I fell off the radar there for awhile. It was fun catching up on everyone's posts though.


So, I finished my half marathon and I cut 20 minutes off my previous time. This sounds more impressive than it is, because there were no potty breaks this half :) Still, I feel confident that I was at least 5 minutes faster :D


My in-laws were in town this weekend, and while they are wonderful people, I eat like it is my job whenever they are around. (shaking my head at myself).


Going to go drink some water.

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So, I finished my half marathon and I cut 20 minutes off my previous time. This sounds more impressive than it is, because there were no potty breaks this half :) Still, I feel confident that I was at least 5 minutes faster :D


Great Job, Andrea! I couldn't come close to a 1/2 marathon. 20 minutes is impressive any way you slice it. :)


I am, however, doing a sprint triathlon May 19th for Memphis in May. 1/4-mile swim, 12-mile bike, 3-mile run (slog, in my case--I'm a horrible runner). I've only been training a couple of weeks, so finishing is my goal--anything else is gravy.


I lost a lot of muscle tone before and after my December shoulder surgery. It's coming back, but it's taking a while for my metabolism to kick back into gear. Mercy, I feel old.:o

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So, in the past we've talked about the Atkins / Low Carb whoosh!.. I had a whoosh of the scales this morning, so did my Hubby!... So my scales say that I was making good choices during my Galveston Girls weekend!! Yippee!!! :D:D


Woohoo! Gotta love that swoosh! Or whoosh! :D

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Great Job, Andrea! I couldn't come close to a 1/2 marathon. 20 minutes is impressive any way you slice it. :)


I am, however, doing a sprint triathlon May 19th for Memphis in May. 1/4-mile swim, 12-mile bike, 3-mile run (slog, in my case--I'm a horrible runner). I've only been training a couple of weeks, so finishing is my goal--anything else is gravy.


I lost a lot of muscle tone before and after my December shoulder surgery. It's coming back, but it's taking a while for my metabolism to kick back into gear. Mercy, I feel old.:o


Thanks. I'm very impressed with your tri. Have you done one before? I'm an even worse biker than I am runner (if there is a hill, I might have to get off the bike and walk it up, and I'm not even kidding). Finishing is a great goal. That was my first goal. My second was beating my first's time. My girls were cute; they thought that since I got a medal I won the whole thing. I let them know it was a victory even if several hundred (or more, who knows) finished before me.


I tell ya, I feel older every day. Okay...well...I realize technically I AM older every day, but that is not what I mean. I think it is the speed to which I recover that I miss the most. When I became sore this winter after throwing bread to ducks, I realized I was at the height of something (in my defense, I was throwing into the wind).

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So, in the past we've talked about the Atkins / Low Carb whoosh!.. I had a whoosh of the scales this morning, so did my Hubby!... So my scales say that I was making good choices during my Galveston Girls weekend!! Yippee!!! :D:D

It works...but you have to stay with it!


Yes, stay with it. Must remember to stay with it! Congrats on your whoosh :)


Going to go drink some water.

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Have you done one before?


I tell ya, I feel older every day. Okay...well...I realize technically I AM older every day, but that is not what I mean. I think it is the speed to which I recover that I miss the most. When I became sore this winter after throwing bread to ducks, I realized I was at the height of something (in my defense, I was throwing into the wind).


I did the Olympic distance in 2003 (1-mile swim, 25-mile bike, 10k run). I was practically crawling by the end, and only found enough in me to run across the finish line.


A lot has happened since then. I've met some very cool people who are training with me. If I don't "die" in this one, I'll do a couple more sprints this year.


My body is creaking and groaning, and I'm only 43. But I'm doing what I'm doing so hopefully I can walk by myself when I'm 83. :)

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Andrea & Lisa.............YOU GO GIRLS!!!!! With all four of my kids (2 inlaws) they all run to an extent. My SIL & DIL are training for Marathons this fall, my DS runs...but his thing is body building, and my DD runs/walks to keep strong during her pregnancy, all of that to say I have great encouragement - but I'm 54...and it takes me a LOT longer to recover then they think it does!!!... :eek::p I used to love to be a part of the Parks & Rec Walks/Runs....but I think I'll just keep at it until the races pick up this fall...and then I'm shooting to do a walk/run 5K or 8K - We'll see how it goes!


LostShaker....your just picking up some baby weight....! After delivery, your going to feel so great!!


We are starting a Big yard project and I'll be moving dirt, pavers and pots for plants.... I think I'm a little sore just thinking about it! But, Meals on the Grill....and veggies.... and we'll see how I do this weekend! It's going to be warm - so I'm putting a Big water jug out there just to keep reminding me to stay hydrated!!

Have a great weekend!

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