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Anyone on Atkins?


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18 days until my due date and up 19 lbs!!! I remember losing weight at the end- not packing on 4 lbs in less than a week!!!


That baby is doubling in size. You're doing all sorts of good. 19 is great! Any time now. How exciting!

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We are starting a Big yard project and I'll be moving dirt, pavers and pots for plants.... I think I'm a little sore just thinking about it! But, Meals on the Grill....and veggies.... and we'll see how I do this weekend! It's going to be warm - so I'm putting a Big water jug out there just to keep reminding me to stay hydrated!!

Have a great weekend!


It is funny what things make me sore now. I lift weights now (just 5 lbs), but pulling weeds can still make me sore. I guess it is just a movement that I don't do all the time. Oh, and squatting can hurt my thighs. I should do that more probably, but then I'm afraid I'll hurt my knees. You have to judge the lesser of the evils.

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Look at how good all of you are at gardening... My poor yard is so deprived. I puff up with painful sausage fingers the second I spend much time in any heat. Give me a big pitcher of water and some AC until I stop being pregnant!!!


I wonder how many calories weeding burns, Andrea? ;)

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Does anyone have any advice for low carb alcoholic beverages on cruises?


I found Baja Bob's mixers and I am so intrigued. If I got a premium package, however, I feel like it would be an inconvenience to ask the bar tender for a shot to make these on my own.

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I wonder how many calories weeding burns, Andrea? ;)


Well, you had me curious so I looked it up on livestrong.com and they said it is about 278 calories, which I find surprising. I would not have guessed that much although my soreness would indicate that amount for sure :D

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Well, you had me curious so I looked it up on livestrong.com and they said it is about 278 calories, which I find surprising. I would not have guessed that much although my soreness would indicate that amount for sure :D


Seems like a more rewarding necessary evil, now!

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Seems like a more rewarding necessary evil, now!


I know!! I'll hate it in the same way I hate exercise now as opposed to hating it with the pointless hatred I had before :D I'm still waiting for my love of exercise to emerge (it has been a lifetime of waiting, but I remain optimistic ;)

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Hope y'all are having a better day than I am. Well, I haven't cheated on my diet, but I have one girl home sick (her birthday is Saturday with a big party...must get well.) I was on a field trip with the other one and couldn't get to her. The school did not call my husband, so they must not have thought it was that bad, but the baby still had to wait an hour for me to pick her up (the baby is almost 6.....and not even my youngest. The baby monicker gets placed as illness develops).

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Hey Everyone!

Yes...Yes...the Yard project is still in the works, I'm finding that with our wind blowing...yuck...that dirt is everywhere! spit, spit!!! :p

I found that I was more sore from my holding my DGD (that is almost 11mo) - then the yard work!!... It will be great to see her walking soon - she's heavy! LOOL!!


chaching - This thread has gone on for a long time...I don't even know what happened to the original poster! Many have come and gone, and come and gone....and lurked....and popped in...well, you get the idea! However, there is a LOT of good information, discussion, tips etc... in past pages that can be of a help to those that may need to do some reading to see how a low carb journey has been for many. Please feel free to start a new low carb thread if that would be a help to you!!


Hope you all are having a great week!

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Hey Everyone! Happy Friday!!

Do you use a lot of Garlic? I do...great add of flavor..and it's good for you!

Check this out!! I love cooking tips! :)




Have a terrific day... I will be enjoying my Grilled Chicken with Broccoli and a little cheese! :D

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I just wanted to pop in and see how everyone is doing.

I started back on strict Atkins the first of the year. I will be hitting Disney with the two Grandsons next week 30 pounds lighter. :D

My original goal was 20. I was hoping for 2 pounds a week which would have been about 40. When I did Atkins last time I was able to lose 50 in less time. Age sure makes a difference.

I have to lose another half pounds to make it a true 30. I have been losing the same 3-4 pounds the last three week.


Good luck to all!

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What a wonderful report Melody!! And have a Terrific time at Disney!! Getting in those rides 30 lbs lighter...will feel amazing!!

We are almost loaded up and ready to head to the mountains! Have our Steaks, Salad and veggies ready for tonights cook out!

We are going to a favorite place that has a great 3 mile hike through the trees...I'll be tired by Sunday! haha!:p

Happy Mother's Day!!:D

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Oh wowwwww.....:eek:


Jean was wondering who the original poster was... So I looked at the first page, knowing I would be there in the beginning. Yup. Post # 29. I just can't believe how many times I could have written those words in the last 5 years. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING, has changed except that I now cruise all the TIME and the pre- and post-cruising is just as bad.


Here was my original post:



Hi all-


I'm doing very well on Atkins this time. I lost 40 on Atkins in '97 but then had a fifth child and although SOME weight came on I was still OK. Then... life happens... and here was me before my last cruise in january:


Ate a whole carrot cake in one day- a huge one bought for the office.

Ate Burger King while rolling through McDonald's- then got donuts.

Ate cereal at night when there were no more cookies or ice cream- two bowls.




After the cruise it was even worse. I would start off with oatmeal and a banana, pledging to be on Core for 6 months, and then be eating granola bars out of my purse by 10 am, then the sugar thing would just snowball. Everyone else in my office is fit to begin with- and they were all dropping Holiday weight. I would just take everything they weren't eating and laugh and walk away. I am a lawyer and suits are a pretty big investment. I wore the same two in December and January, and finally in Feb I broke down and bought two more. And I own about 15, from size 6 Talbot's to (now) size 14 Macy's brand on total markdown, squaresville ugly-a** horrors.


I remember a month ago, spending an entire weekend lying on the couch with my kids hanging around, watching about 10 movies, eating chips, etc etc, ordering out, sending the 12 year old out to get "us" some candy for the next movie...




So anyhoo, started Atkins 10 days ago, induction is going the best it has ever gone- I think because I am staying away from the things that would really give me a "hangover"- such as a pound of bacon. My friend started with me and she is doing the things that make me gag, such as cooking a roast all day and then eating and snacking off of it for two days. I am trying to get in and get out, like a Navy Seal, just enough shrimp or cheese or meat or whatever, so that I'm not practically gagging at the thought of it the next day.


Sticks have been purple since day 3, appetite low since day 5.


RESULT: 188.6 ten days ago, 178.1 today. YES! Atkins says appr 4 pounds is water.


I know it will slow down asap, but I think I lost the water pretty quickly, and now it's a steady .5-1.0 a day.


I can't believe I have CONTROL. I'm just so PSYCHED that I have lost the obsession with food.


Anyway, we all know it works, so why is it exactly that we go off of it? Oh yeah, cruising. A good ten day cruise will have me bingeing on carbs for at least two months before (why not- I'll diet after the cruise), and then a floating complete binge for ten days, then I come back and I am a carb addicted ZOMBIE, dragging myself around, stomach bloated so nothing fits, eating 3000 cals a day, etc etc!


BTW, in case anyone cares, I'm 44, have five kids ranging in age from 23 to 8, am 5'9", and have been 150 and 188 in the last 2 years. Just for reference!



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So I have been back on low carb for two weeks and have dropped 9. I think I had too many salted nuts this weekend as my weight didn't really change over the last few days. I know nuts are verboten during induction but I needed the salt as I was practically passing out when I stood up- too much water loss. Aside from that one minor issue I have been feeling great. No doubt at all that sugar and "fattening carbohydrates" are the kiss of death for me.


If any of you have not read "Why We Get Fat (and what to do about it)" by Gary Taubes you should get a copy ASAP. I have also been listening to Jimmy Moore's podcasts (Living La Vida Low Carb). Taubes says not to do any exercise beyond light to moderate due to the increased hunger issue. He is also on and on about the need for a lot of fat. As far as satiety, the fat really helps for me.


All I know is I was eating 24/7 on WW for four weeks and it was only getting worse. Yes, I lost, but 7 pounds in 4 weeks with a hunger that could not be satisfied, despite the bowls of popcorn and fruit fruit fruit- there was nowhere to go but up the scale and I had to make a change.


Ok, hope everyone is doing well-

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Hi Seago2! (For some reason, your screen name made "Officer & a Gentleman" pop into my head--"Heeeey, Ceegahr!"):p


I saw myself in your story. I'm 5'10", but I have been the same weights & the same sizes as you. I'm now 43 with 3 kids, and at the moment I wear anything from an 8 to a 12, depending on the brand. :)


Congratulations on your great start. I've read some articles that Taubes has written, but I think it would be a good thing to get his book.


At the moment, I'm training for a triathlon, so my WOE is in & out. Taubes is right--heavy exercise makes me hungry, and usually for the wrong things. And there's that little part of my brain that says "Go ahead, you'll burn it off"...but I know better. It's not about burning calories, it's about programming the pancreas.


Thankfully, the triathlon is this weekend, and I've got lots of summer trips planned to motivate me to stay on track from here on out. The good thing about training for the tri is that I feel strong & fit, which I hadn't felt for a year since I tore my labrum last March & had surgery in Dec. The bad thing about the tri is that I'm 20 pounds heavier now than when I did my last one, in 2003. :( I have 4 more to do this year, hopefully by the last one, I'll be 20 pounds lighter again.


Anyway, welcome back! Please keep posting, your success is inspiring!

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Hi Lisa! I am 5'9, currently 210 and in a 16. So: if that is anyone's idea of success I'll take it! :D


Read Taubes' book. It's very heavy on the science but man oh man, it explains a lot. What was funny to me about reading my old post is when I said "eating granola bars out of my purse". I was juuuust doing the same thing on WW: cereal and skim at 7, Special K bars out of my purse at 9:30. I am trying to lost the "points calculator" that is pinging wildly in my head- ex; I just ate 2 cans of tuna with a small amount of mayo. That is totally Atkins/Taubes/low carb compliant. For WW that's like 8 points. I had pork for dinner, which was about 400 points. I have to put it on IGNORE and just move ahead.




Has anyone ever done an egg fast? Just curious.

Does anyone here eat nuts? If the carbs are within an acceptable amount, does it interfere with losing?

If my ketosis sticks are purple, do I need to worry about: caffeine, nuts, anything else?

How many of you exercise?

Do you worry about fat content?


OK, thank you....

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Has anyone ever done an egg fast? Just curious.

Does anyone here eat nuts? If the carbs are within an acceptable amount, does it interfere with losing?

If my ketosis sticks are purple, do I need to worry about: caffeine, nuts, anything else?

How many of you exercise?

Do you worry about fat content?


OK, thank you....


I have not done the egg fast, but I have been intrigued.


I do eat nuts, and it has not interfered with losing per se. However, I don't lose as quickly as I do when I'm not eating the nuts. So...do with that what you will.


If I have too much caffeine even if my ketostix are purple, I'm not losing well. My mom has experienced this too. She'll stall out.


I exercise mostly because I was to kind of tone what I've lost. My most current exercise is walking. It isn't too taxing and I feel like I've done something.


No, I do not worry about fat content at all.

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I can't seem to stop eating these stupid nuts and there are tons in this house. I was going to put them in my car trunk.... Today at work: almonds. But my sticks are purple, famous last words, so I should be good. Tomorrow I will 86 the nuts, I swear!:eek:

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Hi Lisa! I am 5'9, currently 210 and in a 16. So: if that is anyone's idea of success I'll take it! :D


Read Taubes' book. It's very heavy on the science but man oh man, it explains a lot. What was funny to me about reading my old post is when I said "eating granola bars out of my purse". I was juuuust doing the same thing on WW: cereal and skim at 7, Special K bars out of my purse at 9:30. I am trying to lost the "points calculator" that is pinging wildly in my head- ex; I just ate 2 cans of tuna with a small amount of mayo. That is totally Atkins/Taubes/low carb compliant. For WW that's like 8 points. I had pork for dinner, which was about 400 points. I have to put it on IGNORE and just move ahead.




Has anyone ever done an egg fast? Just curious.

Does anyone here eat nuts? If the carbs are within an acceptable amount, does it interfere with losing?

If my ketosis sticks are purple, do I need to worry about: caffeine, nuts, anything else?

How many of you exercise?

Do you worry about fat content?


OK, thank you....


I think if you keep going like you're going, you'll lose the weight in no time. 9 pounds in 2 weeks is very inspiring! :) I can't lose weight quickly anymore. After my 3rd child was born (well, 4 years after she was born:o), it took me 11 months to lose 24 pounds. That's 11 months of weighing in every week. Ridiculous.


Yep, I will get it. Hopefully it's available on e-book. I can only imagine the re-programming you have to do with your brain. It might even help to read the Atkins book again.


I have not had a problem with nuts per se, but I will say peanuts probably slow me down the most. Almonds & Macadamias I have no problem with.


I don't worry about fat at all, not for a minute. :)

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I think if you keep going like you're going, you'll lose the weight in no time. 9 pounds in 2 weeks is very inspiring! :) I can't lose weight quickly anymore. After my 3rd child was born (well, 4 years after she was born:o), it took me 11 months to lose 24 pounds. That's 11 months of weighing in every week. Ridiculous.


Yep, I will get it. Hopefully it's available on e-book. I can only imagine the re-programming you have to do with your brain. It might even help to read the Atkins book again.


I have not had a problem with nuts per se, but I will say peanuts probably slow me down the most. Almonds & Macadamias I have no problem with.


I don't worry about fat at all, not for a minute. :)


I feel ya, Lisa, I've had five and I will be 50 this year. I definitely don't lose like I did. Taubes' book is pretty science heavy and I'm glad I didn't get it on iTunes like I was going to- I imagine it would be equally hard on a Kindle. I did order the Atkins book again and it should be here today. I also listen to Jimmy Moore (Livin La Vida Low Carb :rolleyes:) podcasts on my iPhone. Hey- every little bit counts.


I just walked away from buying an Atkins bar but I still might. I have a whole afternoon of court in front of me. Does anyone have any opinion on that? As far as I know, the "net carbs" thing is BS and I know bars were my downfall in the past, no matter what WOE I was embracing. Yet... handy. Thoughts?

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Happy Wednesday Everyone!

So good to see everyone encouraging each other - and sharing their ups & downs. If no one has them.... they're lying!! :p ha!

Seago2 - Nice to see you back!... Only I wasn't on the first few pages....but I keep hanging onto this thread as the Low Carb lifestyle is for me! I go up and I come down.

I'm sure being in court all day has to be taxing on your energy levels...and it sounds like there are times that you get a break for a snack...and it's grab & go!

I found that having a snack size baggie of Almonds did help me during times that I needed something to 'stabelize' me! - And even though it doesn't sound like your much of a meat person - there are snack packs of tuna that are for on the go - and a few bites of beef jerky can help!

Lisa...Hey Girl... I hope that you finish strong on your race this weekend!! You Go Girl!

So we continue with our yard project!

Yesterday we did the staining - and ended up getting a spray gun....my arms are sore!! But I'd be there for another week if I was using a brush! LOL!

Cement comes on Saturday! - So I think that the next 2 days of Sifting...sand out of rock is equal to working out at the gym!! ;) I have not had any trouble dropping in bed and sleeping like a rock. So, if anyone is having problem sleeping through the night...start a big yard project....it will help!

My jeans came on very nicely today.... I think.... My legs are so sore from climbing up and down a ladder that they would think anything felt nice as long as I'm not on a ladder!! LOL!!

Not done an egg fast.... haven't heard of it.

Yes...I try and find some kind of exercise everyday. Right now...I'm working on building up my muscles the hard way... a shovel, rocks & sand.

I do not worry about fat content. But... I don't just sit and eat fat either. - I love fish and chicken!

Have a great day!

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Hi everyone!


Definitely a meat person.


Bought a box of bars today and ate one in the car. Immediately regretted it. Omg- all the old feelings of being out of control (will I eat the whole box?), plus the feelings of being polluted- I was sure I was going to be dragging, tired, just disgusted with myself. That I would be out of control. Got home and threw the rest of the box in the garbage. I am not a huge believer in this "net carbs" thing- if that's true then an entire box of chocolate coconut bars is only 15 carbs. Please. No way.


So I'm not ready for bars! It's been almost a month of zero sweeteners (except for diet coke) and I can't believe I have conquered them (for now, anyway). I worry about the cruise, but as DH said, the desserts are usually the worst part.


I really wish I could see a loss but I am stuck at 210. I'm sure I'll lose two any day. No way to know if TOM as I am 50 and I never know any more.


I don't know if I mentioned but I am addicted to Jimmy Moore's Living La Vida Low Carb podcasts (also Low Carb Conversations). He is a bit goofy but WOW, the doctors and scientists and just amazing people who call in- it just makes me ill to think of the lock step "healthy whole grains, low calorie, heavy exercise, lost of fruits" mantra of the nation's nutritionists.


Thank you so much for all of your words, everyone! And is anyone going on a cruise soon?

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Happy Friday Everyone!!

Yippee!!............I saw a number on the scales that I haven't seen in awhile.....!! 219.8

Ya......it's the under 220 number that I've been watching - seriously- for a good month!! :D Hubby is right at 200...for him...he looks so good! He doesn't struggle with the reflux on Low Carb and so he's a pretty happy guy these days! ...and as he says... His Big Boy pants, really are loose!! haha!

It's shoveling rock I tell ya!! haha.......... :D

No Cruise this year..........but next week we head to Yellowstone!! Our Med Cruise last Sept was terrfic....but we are ready for a road trip! I've never been to YNP...so I'm very excited!!

With a road trip...I'm packing friendly snacks................ BBQ pork rinds, apples, almonds and some jerky...I'll throw that to the bears if they decide we are where we shouldn't be!! LOOOL!!! JK!!

Cement comes tomorrow!!! can't wait!! Want to see what we built??!! Huh!!?? Remember...we live in the southwest... water is liquid gold and so this is for me and my container gardening!!

Plus a fun place for family time!


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