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Anyone on Atkins?


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Lisa, hope you have a great race.


Seago2, thanks for the recommendation on the podcast. I'll have to check it out.


Jean, your project is looking good. All the hard work is paying off.


My daughter had field day today. So, that was fun to watch. Kindergarteners running around like crazy people makes me laugh.

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Hi everyone- up as usual at 6am on a weekend. Why is it that I drag myself out of bed at 6:30 on a weekday but my eyes flip open at 5:30 on a weekend? Hmmmm....


It seems like the scale is not budging so I have been recording every day's weight on my iPhone. I know it's crazy to be a daily weigher, and I'm not usually, but I was getting so disheartened that I decided to get three day's weights and average them. Well I stepped on this morning and I am down 3 pounds since Monday. I will take it! :)


I put every nut in this house in a bag and put them in my car trunk. Sayonara, giant bag of almonds with sea salt from Wal-Mart. However, I bought more bars. I was stuck at work working on something really tough and got loopy from not eating. Options:limited. My stick was purple this morning so maybe there is something to this net carb thing.


I have been making, sealing and freezing meals for my spouse, who is gone all summer working. He will be home next Friday for the first time in 8 weeks. He is a vegetarian and does not eat well when he is gone. So... Black beans and rice, chick pea curry, lentil stew, chili. Rice, rice, rice. I had my hands in more carbs over the last two days.... And all I could think was "no wonder I got so fat". This time, I mean ;). I was practically getting reflux and falling asleep just looking at this stuff and putting it into bags with endless rice. I made two applesauce cake loaves with ground flax and other healthy things, and while they were cooling I just looked at them like they were the devil incarnate. They smelled good but they also smelled weird, like: STAY AWAY.


As you can see I have yet another cruise coming up- fourth in 11 months. Cruises for me have been all about the eating. I am pretty much praying that I won't go haywire and come back right smack in the middle of my carb addiction again.


Ok, hope you all have a good day!!



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Happy Monday everyone!!

I could barely pry my eyes open this morning at 6:30 --- but Oh...Saturday or Sunday when I could have had an extra hour or so.... 6:00 am and I'm up!! Whatsupwiththat!?:mad::p

The SFF site is so great...and I have some of her cook books too!!..They are very helpful!

Carla....can't imagine all of the carb cooking you had to do this week!!... Wow.... And then to stay strong.. Great Job!!!

I need someone to invite my hubby to their house for the weekends.(JK!) ... he is so good during the week......but weekend comes and he's a carb addict!!

We leave Thursday for our 12 day vacation to Yellowstone... I cannot wait!! We've worked so hard in our yard and around the house that we are both ready for some kick back time and some great scenery!! ... should snow up there next week...so that's going to be interesting!! ha!

Have a great day everyone!

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Don't know if any of you enjoy Pinterest ...or not... but if you do... there are some fun Low Carb snacks and foods on there! Just put what your looking for in the search mode. You need to be on the look out for what is posted,...but know your Low Carb foods very well to know if it is something that Dr Atkins would pin or not!! :):p;)

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Don't know if any of you enjoy Pinterest ...or not... but if you do... there are some fun Low Carb snacks and foods on there! Just put what your looking for in the search mode. You need to be on the look out for what is posted,...but know your Low Carb foods very well to know if it is something that Dr Atkins would pin or not!! :):p;)


What a good idea. I had not thought to do this, but I'll definitely check it out.


Okay, so I fell off the wagon, getting back on tomorrow. I really need to come up with a better plan for handling stress, because it is just a part of life. Right now though, it sends me into a carb craving place. I need a new comfort food like "Wow, things are crazy. I need chicken."

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What a good idea. I had not thought to do this, but I'll definitely check it out.


Okay, so I fell off the wagon, getting back on tomorrow. I really need to come up with a better plan for handling stress, because it is just a part of life. Right now though, it sends me into a carb craving place. I need a new comfort food like "Wow, things are crazy. I need chicken."


I hear you and it is very hard to break an addiction- from sugar or starch or cigarettes or anything. All I can offer is going back into induction to clean your body of the poison. Easy for me to say, right? Just do it one day at a time. If you can make it through one day you will wake up tomorrow believing in yourself just a bit. If you can pull off a week you're in the game ;).


Chicken is.... A low calorie, WW food to me. That's why I am not even eating shrimp, my former WW standby. I'm all about the steak and sausages and Brie and salami right now. We'll see if I stall out. I'm pretty heavily into the bars right now after swearing against them. They are my nighttime strategy: two coconut Atkins bars. I also bought the Lindt 90% dark chocolate bar that Sugarfree Sheila lists on her website, but: meh. I stuck it in the freezer. I've been dipping pretty heavily into Diet Coke with predictable results in mood: nuclear. Basically I am in the swing of things and in for the long haul. No cravings but I feel like I'm in a mine, hauling out coal. The newness has worn off and it's time to take off some poundage.


So far so good as far as the scale goes. As I said below it is helpful to keep a record. 212.4, 211.6- no difference there and it's easy to get::mad:. But when I reached the end of a week and it was 209.4 I was ok with it (week 4). I am reading this: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/17/magazine/mag-17Sugar-t.html?pagewanted=all instead of recipes ;).....


Also, as I said below, the podcasts are keeping me focused. It's do or die at this point. If I can't make a go of this I'll be back shaking and starving on WW!


I have to force myself to exercise. The final frontier!!!


Edited to add: I can't recommend Gary Taubes' book "Why We Get Fat" highly enough. He leaves Atkins in the dust. Amazing.

Edited by Seago2
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Hi everyone- lost another 4 pounds- down to 205. Feeling fine, definitely not bored with the food or craving anything bad at all. I am getting a little psycho, but that is due to the major amounts of diet coke I am drinking. I know, I know :rolleyes:.


Still listening to the podcasts as much as possible. Not exercising as I am really trying to just keep things very level with my body. No highs, no lows, everything even. I have taken a few dog walks but that is it. Energy level fine- when it gets low I eat a tablespoon of peanut butter.


This is a typical day right now:


3 egg omelet in butter with cheese, coffee with cream

Leftover dinner- some kind of meat or salmon or something, lettuce

Dinner is meat, fish, chicken, sausage, etc plus broccoli or spinach


Snacks are salami, Brie, hard boiled eggs, olives, or, again, leftovers


At night, every night, I eat two Atkins coconut bars when I hit the couch?


Everything fine. I hope everyone else is doing well!

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Hey, Lisa, How did your race go?? We want the info!


That's funny...when I saw the Atkins update in my email, I realized I hadn't said how I did, and then I saw your post!


I finished! :) My goals were to bike at least 15 mph, and jog the whole run part without walking. They still haven't posted the final results, so I don't know my bike speed yet, but with the exception of 2 major hills that many people walked up, I "ran" the 3 miles. I put it in quotes because at the moment my run is more of a slow jog=slog. :D I felt every pound of the 20 extra I'm carrying right now.


I'm just crazy enough that I'm doing another one June 8th. This one's swim is twice as long, the bike is 18 miles instead of 12, and the run is 4 miles. Blecch. But I'm not going to get faster unless I keep doing them. Thanks for asking!


Hi everyone- lost another 4 pounds- down to 205.

Everything fine. I hope everyone else is doing well!


WOOHOO! See? Inspiring!! :)

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Happy Friday Everyone!!

Yippee!!............I saw a number on the scales that I haven't seen in awhile.....!! 219.8

Ya......it's the under 220 number that I've been watching - seriously- for a good month!! :D Hubby is right at 200...for him...he looks so good! He doesn't struggle with the reflux on Low Carb and so he's a pretty happy guy these days! ...and as he says... His Big Boy pants, really are loose!! haha!

It's shoveling rock I tell ya!! haha.......... :D


Way to go, Jean & Hubby!! :)

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How is everyone? I cut back on the fat for a few days, not really noticing what was going on and my weight shot up. Oh... Not good, not good. Did not like to see that number, no matter how much I tell myself it doesn't matter. I racked my brain trying to think of what it could be. I don't want to be a slave to the scale but how am I supposed to get out of a five week induction if I can't see what my CCL is? I am on another lo carb message board and everyone said: up your fats. Omg that really did help. I've used a lot more butter, cream cheese, sausage, even olive oil. I ordered the supposedly exalted coconut oil from amazon and will add that to my coffee.


Otherwise, all good. I have put the bars away, only to reappear if I am going psycho lunatic for some reason.


Any tips, anyone? How is everybody doing out there? Heloooooooooooo!?!?!!

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I also bought the Lindt 90% dark chocolate bar that Sugarfree Sheila lists on her website, but: meh. I stuck it in the freezer.


It is a little bitter! :) Aside from using it for the old delicious coconut bark recipe, in a pinch it is also great melted on top of peanut butter. You can even freeze that & make it into homemade low-carb peanut butter cups for later. Places like Michael's & Hobby Lobby have plastic mini peanut butter cup trays, too.

Edited by SFS
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I've been really good for the last 2 weeks...well, except yesterday. A friend is sick & I made "Get Well" cookies for her--wouldn't you know, a few found their way into my mouth. Grr.


BUT, the good news is that I'm down about 4 pounds from where I was the day of the triathlon. I've got a ways to go, but I feel good and in control (cookie binge excepted--but I didn't touch them today) and I feel nourished.


This morning, I did Pilates for the first time in about a month, and I could see the difference in my body. My muscle tone is really coming back, and there was no limitation in my shoulder rotation or movement at all, which there still was the last time I went. Happy stuff!


Carla, I definitely feel a difference when my fats go down--in satiety, most of all, but the more I eat, the more I lose. That has to be the biggest reason I decided to try Atkins in the first place, 13 years ago. I do love fat. :p


I'm reading "Good Calories, Bad Calories" right now, from the library..."Why We Get Fat" was checked out. I'm on a waiting list for the e-book version & will read it then. Interesting stuff so far, but it is dense. It just makes me sick how the whole low-fat=healthy farce managed to stick.

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Happy Friday Everyone!!


Yippee!!............I saw a number on the scales that I haven't seen in awhile.....!! 219.8

Ya......it's the under 220 number that I've been watching - seriously- for a good month!! :D

Sorry I'm late but, WAAAY TO GO!

I made my first two goals (8 pounds was the first, 18 was the second and 33 was the third which I never thought was possible)before heading to Disney but, came up 2 pounds short of the third. I have now hit it one week back. I can't wait to see 219.8, that is my next goal.


35 pounds lost 1/1 to date, Thank You Doc Atkins!


I don't think I hit the 225 before I left as I was working outside in a very physical way. Cutting trees and hauling brush. Than I went to Disney and walked and walked pushing a 40 pound three year old.


When I got home I didn't do anything and was sick in bed. So, I think the slow weight lose before was muscle building. The five I've lost this week, I'm scared may be that muscle.:(


Going to get back to the yard work tomorrow!:confused:


I notice I stall or even gain if my calories/fat gets to low.

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Hi everyone! Lisa, Good Calories, Bad Calories is a huuuuge task. Why We Get Fat is heavy on the science but actually readable :).


I have spending a lot of time at Lowcarber.org in their forums. Very helpful. Then I come over here and watch people argue over whether if someone books a guarantee they should be willing to take a category upgrade, and how stupid people are for booking GTY's. It's about to make my head explode. Honestly!


Anyway, that's a good site with a very good bunch of forums.


Ditched the bars, almonds, and natural peanut butter. So my nights are consisting of.... What, exactly? :(. Sliced up some pepperoni, cheese and olives to watch Mad Men with but basically just hanging on til tomorrow! Sometimes it's like that. Hour by hour.

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Hey Everyone!

Well......we made it to Yellowstone...and the bears behaved themselves ...so I didn't have to throw my jerky to them!! LOL!!... We had a great time! There were meals, I tried to be good at and some...well, ok... they were not friendly! We drove 2500 miles in 9 days! so that is a LOT of sitting! We hiked as much as we could. And... I came back up 5 lbs....so working on those!

Lots of yard work and now that we are in the heat of summer and I work early mornings...my evening walks are lacking too! But I do get in some evening time with some yard work!... and last night, chasing Grandbabies!

How's everyone this week?! Ups... Downs?... Water...more water!? :)

Catch ya a little later!

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I don't think I hit the 225 before I left as I was working outside in a very physical way. Cutting trees and hauling brush. Than I went to Disney and walked and walked pushing a 40 pound three year old.


When I got home I didn't do anything and was sick in bed. So, I think the slow weight lose before was muscle building. The five I've lost this week, I'm scared may be that muscle.:(


Going to get back to the yard work tomorrow!.

Well I really do believe this is so now. I"m back to the very physical yard work. I have [ut back on 3:eek: of those 7 pounds that just melted off. I can FEEL the fluid in my hands and body. I feel more bloated too. I am doing a better job eating to. So I guess I have to chose between the instant gratification of the scale or keep on

working at the smaller, healtier long run. It is just so depressing to be good and work so hard and watch the scale go up.


It has been up and down Jean. Glad you had a good trip.

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Jean- Yellowstone is amazing! Enjoy the family, and that weight will come right off!!


Melody- I love Disney. The only time I gained weight there was my ten day honeymoon. It rained the whole time so all we did was eat and drink! Hope you has a blast with your family. We are going in October! I will be wearing a baby and pushing a toddler, so hopefully I don't gain too much :)


Lisa- I would love to do a triathlon! You rock


SEago- I love coconut oil and I adore forums at that site too :). Very supportive especially during my pregnancy!


I had my baby May 15th. He was 8 lbs even and 20.5". I was 207.8 after my water broke and currently weigh 188.6. I've been low carbing (not do low I'm in ketosis). Since the day I left the hospital. I fell off the wagon one time and that was the day I delivered (I was starving!)


Baby is beautiful, packing on weight and nurses like a champion!!!

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I had my baby May 15th. He was 8 lbs even and 20.5". I was 207.8 after my water broke and currently weigh 188.6. I've been low carbing (not do low I'm in ketosis). Since the day I left the hospital. I fell off the wagon one time and that was the day I delivered (I was starving!)


Baby is beautiful, packing on weight and nurses like a champion!!!


Aww, congratulations! Well done! :)

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I had my baby May 15th. He was 8 lbs even and 20.5". I was 207.8 after my water broke and currently weigh 188.6. I've been low carbing (not do low I'm in ketosis). Since the day I left the hospital. I fell off the wagon one time and that was the day I delivered (I was starving!)


Baby is beautiful, packing on weight and nurses like a champion!!!

Congrats! Was hoping for an update.

You are an inspiration. If I had done as well as you when I had mine I wouldn't be in such bad shape now.

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I had my baby May 15th. He was 8 lbs even and 20.5". I was 207.8 after my water broke and currently weigh 188.6. I've been low carbing (not do low I'm in ketosis). Since the day I left the hospital. I fell off the wagon one time and that was the day I delivered (I was starving!)


Baby is beautiful, packing on weight and nurses like a champion!!!

CONGRATS!!!! on your NEW BABY!!!!! And...you are doing Great! You worked off everthing you ate while in labor and deliver...I'm sure! :)

Had a good weekend....but I think I had a little to much salt...and my hands even feel puffy!

Hope your all doing well....and This is the BEST time for great sales on fantastic grilling foods!! Stock up!!;):p

Edited by NMCruzzin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All...Have not had much time to participate in anything online lately...in a nutshell I am a caretaker for my mother and husband...he came home from the hospital today after hip replacement surgery so I am catching up while he naps...anyway, wanted to share 2 things:


1. If no one else has already posted about these, we found these cocoa covered almonds at Sam's Club...if you are eating candy, not so spectacular (so my cousin says) but if you are off sugar they are fantastic, have no added sugar, and taste (to me) like a Hershey Bar with nuts.


2. I am hooked in my Kindle and look at freebies every day...just found this one and have not read it yet but it gets good ratings and low carb snacks can be difficult and monotonous...I love deviled eggs and nuts, etc. but can get boring...you don't need a Kindle to read ebooks...I know my SIL does it on her phone and computer but I cannot explain how to do that. Anyway, here is the link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008BMEMX0/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=entfreebkpst-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B008BMEMX0


Hope everyone is well! :) Mary

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Ugh!!... Bad week for me! It's been sooo hot and dry!!! The only thing that sounds even almost tasty is Buffalo Wings..and Ice Tea!! LOOL

Well...the coolness of some salad is tempting!

And...with the heat....After work...to hot to go out, and just, well...to hot!!

I can't wait for the Monsoons to kick in so that we can have the cooler evenings to go walking again!!

Hang in there everyone!


And...I'll have to watch for those Cocoa almonds at Sam's! Thanks for the tip!

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