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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi all,


I hope it's okay for me to jump in here. When I saw there was a thread for Atkins dieters and other low-carbers, I felt it would offer great support for me as I get my eating back under control.


Brief History: In 1976 at age 24 I lost 60+ lbs on Atkins in less than 8 months (ahh, youth!). I went from 181 down to 118-121, and basically maintained that for years, up until 1992, by living lowcarb. I had deliberately bumped my weight up to a 129-134 range once I was in my thirties, as I just looked better as a size 6 or 8 rather than size 4. In 1992, heeding the incessant warnings by the low-fat/high carb groups that I was headed toward heart disease (despite total cholesterol under 150 and perfect health), I started the Pritikin diet. Gained 20 lbs in 4 months! Then I tried the Susan Powter insanity...gained another 12 lbs before stopping that. Horrified, I joined weightwatchers to drop that 32 extra lbs, and starved for months going through a constant lose 10 lbs/gain 16 lb cycle. Five years of craziness, until I finally went back to Atkins in late 97 just before my 46th birthday. I was 176 lbs :-( By New Year's 1999 I was down to 148. I kept until 150 but never again got under 146. Still, I was good at that weight.


Life happened. Failed romance, losing friends on 9/11, job stresses, business travel, all the highs and lows and I found myself back up at 189 by summer of 2003. Then, I quit smoking and hit menopause. Boom! added 60 lbs.


Since then, I have had small efforts, but only now, facing health issues and the prospect of losing my independence and ability to travel, am I buckling down. I have gotten down to 226.8 through intermittent low-carbing, and began again on 6/20 with a first small goal of being at 209 by my September 2 cruise.


Just 2 days in, I am down to 223.8. I'm an old hand at this, and years ago actually mentored several Atkins Newbies, including Sheila aka Sugar-free Sheila. (In 1999-2001 we were on the same AOL LC message board...that girl was so young and green then!:). ) I need to be active on this board, so feel free to ask questions or pass along info and advice to me.

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Just 2 days in, I am down to 223.8. I'm an old hand at this, and years ago actually mentored several Atkins Newbies, including Sheila aka Sugar-free Sheila. (In 1999-2001 we were on the same AOL LC message board...that girl was so young and green then!:). ) I need to be active on this board, so feel free to ask questions or pass along info and advice to me.


I did post on the AOL low-carb boards at this time, but never had a mentor or anyone who took me under their wing at any point. It was much like the LowCarbFriends forum: all the posting members there doing their best to help each other - sometimes even via e-mail, too. If we aren't acquainted, it's very nice to meet you, Liesa!


*I am unable to sign under my old handle here, so had to create this one about a month ago. Nice to see you, ladies! I'm currently staying in a hotel waiting for a home build. Just another few more days - and they are not coming soon enough!

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Hi all!! I have lost about 65 lbs. over the last year and a half or so... mainly just eating better, etc. Recently I have been stalled and I cannot seem to put the sweets down.... I have down low-carb in the past and I think that's really the only thing to get my cravings in check. I plan to start back with low carbing.... I cruise for the first time in October and would LOVE to lose 20-30 lbs by then. I think it's doable.....

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I did post on the AOL low-carb boards at this time, but never had a mentor or anyone who took me under their wing at any point. It was much like the LowCarbFriends forum: all the posting members there doing their best to help each other - sometimes even via e-mail, too. If we aren't acquainted, it's very nice to meet you, Liesa!


SFS, if you were around then, I bet you remember JepRoostr, Bethpen, and Brightwind. They were some of the most active posters on the Atkins and LC boards. There was also Caroline, of the famous "Caroline's Low-carb shake".

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Hi all!! I have lost about 65 lbs. over the last year and a half or so... mainly just eating better, etc. Recently I have been stalled and I cannot seem to put the sweets down.... I have down low-carb in the past and I think that's really the only thing to get my cravings in check. I plan to start back with low carbing.... I cruise for the first time in October and would LOVE to lose 20-30 lbs by then. I think it's doable.....


It's doable unless it's your last 30 lbs. But 20 lbs, yep! Just stay focused on protein and produce, step away fom all the prepared LC snacks and candies, and try to avoid alcohol. (The body will burn alcohol for fuel before fat.) Limit heavy cream, cheeses, and any other dairy to 3-4 oz a day max. Drink plenty of water...preferably 80+ oz a day. And never, ever try to do low-fat low-carb.


Someone here earlier recommended Gary Taubes wonderful books, esp "Why We Get Fat...and What to Do About It". I read his ground-breaking article in the New York Times Magazine in 2001, "What if it's All Been A Big Fat Lie?" about the fallacy and failures of low-fat dieting, and he wrote about the incidence of and explanation for what I experienced once I went low-fat and high-carb: weight gain and increase in cholesterol.


Good Luck!

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my son is allergic to dairy! Since I'm breastfeeding exclusively, my carbs need to be higher. I have added in berries and whole grains 3 times a week. I'm losing about a pound a week, with a spike in weight when I added the grains back in! I'm down to 186.8 - 21 lbs since delivery six weeks ago.


SFS- I miss the SOS shake so much!!! I can't gave cream cheese, creamer or whey... And no

! Tons of olive and coconut oil, meat, eggs and produce instead!!

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It's doable unless it's your last 30 lbs. But 20 lbs, yep! Just stay focused on protein and produce, step away fom all the prepared LC snacks and candies, and try to avoid alcohol. (The body will burn alcohol for fuel before fat.) Limit heavy cream, cheeses, and any other dairy to 3-4 oz a day max. Drink plenty of water...preferably 80+ oz a day. And never, ever try to do low-fat low-carb.


Someone here earlier recommended Gary Taubes wonderful books, esp "Why We Get Fat...and What to Do About It". I read his ground-breaking article in the New York Times Magazine in 2001, "What if it's All Been A Big Fat Lie?" about the fallacy and failures of low-fat dieting, and he wrote about the incidence of and explanation for what I experienced once I went low-fat and high-carb: weight gain and increase in cholesterol.


Good Luck!


Thanks!! Nope- it's not my last 20-30.... my goal is about 50 lbs. out. :) Thanks for the advice!! Thankfully, I don't drink alcohol so I don't need to worry about that.... I will definitely up my water intake! I have heard in the past to drink half your body weight in ounces- is this true?

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Happy Monday afternoon to you all!!

Well.. we still remain in the hot temps around here, but I want to say how great it is to see Mary, PrettynPinkPumps! And SFS.... sure hope you get into your house soon!

Liesa....thanks so much for sharing your journey.!! You so have all of the knowledge and will power! Lostshaker.... way to go on bumping up in GOOD carbs... berries!!:D

Encouragement and a place to talk about what's working, what isn't...that is what we need! I'm glad we have this board to come too!

My DGD had her First Birthday party this weekend.... My DS grilled, lots of burgers, brats and hotdogs.... I have to say that I was actually entertained on how many of the guys had plates of grilled goodies....and burger fixings!!! And they did not touch the buns!! Who says picnic's are dangerous to attend this summer!! LOOOL!!! :p;)

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So I went to the grocery store once I got off of work and went shopping :) I used Sugar Free Sheila's printable grocery list for induction foods! I am aimed and ready to start tomorrow... I will keep you guys posted!


I'm just curious- for those who are doing low carb, would you share how long you've had this WOE and the progress you've made:) Thanks!

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I'm just curious- for those who are doing low carb, would you share how long you've had this WOE and the progress you've made:) Thanks!

I was on Atkins in 1/1/03 and kept with it for three years. In'05 I went off Atkins "just for the holidays". My DH and I went thru surgeries in '06 and I ended in a wheel chair for 3 months. During that year I managed to gain everything back and left the WOL.


I went back on Atkins the first of the year. I am down 40 pounds even after a 14 day cruise when I lost 2 pounds.


I was on another thread from 04/05 that went away.

Good luck!

Edited by PINEVIEW01
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I've been on Atkins since Nov of this year. I found out I was pregnant, had morning sickness and packed on 8 lbs in four weeks. I had a horrible gain with my first pregnancy (46 lbs) while also being terribly sick.


This time I kept my carbs between 40-100 grams and had a much better Pregnancy. I Only gained 22 lbs and at less than six weeks postpartum have taken most of that off... Now to lose the next 35 from prior pregnancy and honeymoon weight!!!

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I've been on Atkins since Nov of this year. I found out I was pregnant, had morning sickness and packed on 8 lbs in four weeks. I had a horrible gain with my first pregnancy (46 lbs) while also being terribly sick.


This time I kept my carbs between 40-100 grams and had a much better Pregnancy. I Only gained 22 lbs and at less than six weeks postpartum have taken most of that off... Now to lose the next 35 from prior pregnancy and honeymoon weight!!!


Congratulations, LostShaker! That's a tremendous accomplishment, and I bet you feel great. You've got momentum; I bet you'll knock that next 35 off.


One week back on my LC journey and I am down 5.2 lbs.

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Day 2 of induction is complete. :) I've been battling a nasty headache and feeling sluggish... but I'm thinking that's just me coming off of carbs. Hopefully I will start feeling better soon :)



Hang in there!!......it really is your body making the shift from getting fed the bad stuff...and learning to love the good stuff!!! Water!! Lots of Water!!

Got my flier of all of the sale foods for the 4th weekend.... Wow...this is really the time to stock the freezer - and even make up some meals that just need heated up later down the road!

Welcome ThursdaysChild!!! Off to a good start!


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So today for work, we had a cookout.... I just stuck to a hot dog/hamburger without the buns. There was lettuce, so I wrapped my burger in that. I avoided snow cones and funnel cakes too.... and in all honesty, it wasn't that hard!


Just curious- how often do you all weigh in to check your progress?

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So I haven't posted in a few days.... we were actually without power some over the weekend (in VA) and it was 104 degrees outside! Yikes... I am SO thankful we have our power back on! But through it all, I stayed on plan and haven't cheated once. It's become much easier. How is everyone else doing? Is this an active forum? I find that posting keeps me accountable!

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Hello :) My name is Lacey and I thought I would introduce myself since I am an avid follower of Atkins. I started induction on May 25th and so far have lost 46 pounds. This is not my first time with Atkins and I find it really easy to follow and love to cook and tweak existing recipes to be Atkins friendly. I have no cravings and always feel satisfied with my diet which makes a huge difference to me. Low fat diets make me feel like I am STARVING!!! I also have a wheat intolerance so that makes a low carb lifestyle, the only choice for me :)


I am going on my first cruise in November with my sister and brother and my original goal was to lose 50 pounds but I have done much better than I anticipated and am only 4 pounds away from that goal! I have about 65 more pounds to lose so now I am just going to focus on doing the best I can with that. I would be really happy with another 30 or 40 pounds before November and feel like that is probably a realistic goal for me! Glad to have found this thread! :D

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I returned from France last Thursday...it really could have been bad with all the bread that's eaten there, but I restrained myself and only had what I really wanted. The cheese is simply to die for. I've never had anything like it. We were in the Alps, and it was absolutely gorgeous. A wonderful time. I managed to do 2 P90X workouts with my brother and we walked everywhere.


I came back up 4 pounds, and I'm back down 2. Tomorrow we leave for San Antonio, for a conference. I have no reason to cheat there. :)


So I haven't posted in a few days.... we were actually without power some over the weekend (in VA) and it was 104 degrees outside! Yikes... I am SO thankful we have our power back on! But through it all, I stayed on plan and haven't cheated once. It's become much easier. How is everyone else doing? Is this an active forum? I find that posting keeps me accountable!


I'm glad you got your power back! We were in a similar situation during "Hurricane Elvis"--a straight-line summer wind storm that knocked out most of the city's power. Some folks had no power for weeks. We got ours back after 5 days.


There are a few here who post regularly, and it ebbs & flows. :) Great job on sticking to plan during the heat!


Hello :) My name is Lacey and I thought I would introduce myself since I am an avid follower of Atkins. I started induction on May 25th and so far have lost 46 pounds. This is not my first time with Atkins and I find it really easy to follow and love to cook and tweak existing recipes to be Atkins friendly. I have no cravings and always feel satisfied with my diet which makes a huge difference to me. Low fat diets make me feel like I am STARVING!!! I also have a wheat intolerance so that makes a low carb lifestyle, the only choice for me :)


I am going on my first cruise in November with my sister and brother and my original goal was to lose 50 pounds but I have done much better than I anticipated and am only 4 pounds away from that goal! I have about 65 more pounds to lose so now I am just going to focus on doing the best I can with that. I would be really happy with another 30 or 40 pounds before November and feel like that is probably a realistic goal for me! Glad to have found this thread! :D


WOW! That's an amazing loss in such a short time. I hope you stick around & continue to let us all know how it's going. You will have a fantastic time on your first cruise! Where are you going?

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Come often - Post Often!!! ;):D

If it helps you...then do it! They say journaling is a great way to track your journey as you keep your eye on your goal!! I agree!...:)

Great start, Lacey!!... And great success!! What is your exercise routine!?

I am feel so bad for all of you that have had terrible storms and lots your power! UGH!!... Hope it comes back on soon!!

Lisa!!... The Alps!! Awesome!! You did so well!! - San Antonio is so fun....crazy hot right now...but you'll be ok!!

I have my ribs coming out tonight for tomorrow...

Fourth of July can be such a great place for Low Carb eating!!... and can be trickey if your not helping with the menu....so offer to bring a side dish...and make it one that you can enjoy and feel satisfied!!

I'm just maintaing...... no ups - no downs.... but for right now, it works...but I continue to stay low carbing...and that's why I'm not seeing the ups...go up,up,up!!;)

Have a great 4th everyone!!

Edited by NMCruzzin
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My exercise routine includes a lot of strength training to build muscle... I also do yoga, pilates and my exercise ball a lot. :) Oh and the Wii Fit! That is so much fun and great for getting my cardio in!



Great start, Lacey!!... And great success!! What is your exercise routine!?

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It took me the last month on Atkins to lose this last five pounds. It took me 24 hours off of Atkins to gain it all back and it isn't a one day stay. It has been 4 days now and still up that five pounds.:eek:


It is so much harder now that I hit MP. Just have to dig back in. I can't do anything but gain with out this WOL.:cool:

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So far I am a week into this and I am down 9 lbs.... very happy with that!! I know half of that is water weight, but it's still nice to see the number go down and I feel so much better! I am looking forward to seeing how much more I can lose by my cruise in October. :)

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