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Anyone on Atkins?


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Baywalker, thanks for saying I look younger. That pic was from a few years ago( 3 or 4). Sounds like we have the same method of operation-MO-eat this way so I can cheat on vacations and holidays!

Sounds like you're pretty spry yourself ! Did not know anyone has had this WOE figured out 25 years ago! Except for Atkins himself! Why haven't more people converted! Why are there still so many others touting all kinds of grains and "natural" sugars (agave, honey etc.)? Why when you watch Dr. Oz or some other health shows, they want to say watch your carbs but also lo- fat? You really can't do both LOW! Thanks for the response. Keep going! I don't even LIKE French fries anymore!

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Hey! I have done low carbon on and off since 2001. Started back on it Jan 1 2013. Have lost 18 lbs so far. Only 4 more to reach my goal of 135. I also am 52 and have been trying to get below 148 since I got stuck there while doing insanity workout. Started doing insanity in July 2012 and finished the 1st round of 63 days just prior to our cruise in Sept 2013. Stayed at 148 the entire time! So the insanity workout worked great but I still had a tummy roll that wouldn't go away! The 5 times a day eating clean but with carbs obviously did not work for me! So after the holidays began doing the workouts in order but only 3 times a week and doing low carb at the same time. Some say you have to eat carbs to exercise intensely( which it is!) But I don't find this to be true. If you strength and cardio train while doing lo carb, you will have plenty of fat reserves to burn and you don't bonk or feel as sore after. Also, you will lose the most fat while retaining or gaining muscle. Read low carbohydrate performance by Steven phinney. Anyway, the combination is reshaping my body! Have lost 3 inches off waist and 2 off thighs. Feel strong and leaner than I have in a long time!


Thank you for the recommendation of this book!! I've been training for triathlon season & added carbs according to recommendations of, well, just about everyone in the racing world. All it's gotten me is heavier. This book was just what I needed, and I'm eating LOW low again (as opposed to just above maintenance) and I feel great. The tip to drink bullion before the workouts is inspired.


I did Insanity, too, and felt great, but didn't lose any weight. After triathlon season I'll do it again, but low carb this time!


I'm going to buy "The Art and Science of Low Carb Living" and "New Atkins for a New You". I didn't buy the latter before because I have my old Atkins book practically memorized--but I love the science these guys offer, as well as the different perspective from an athlete's point of view.


Again, many thanks for the book tip--I think you just saved my triathlon season!! First race in 10 days!

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LISA- I'm so glad that you got something out of my post! The books are very helpful and don't forget you NEED fat! Hope all goes well for your triathlon races. Let me know how it goes after. Truly this is the only thing that makes sense for me. Not only has it helped me get lean and trim, it has so many other health benefits- better numbers for LDL, HDL, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc.

I find that my body performs much better when I am keto-adapted than the day after a cheat or carb up day. I TRY not to get out of ketosis because of this. I can cheat for short periods (a meal to a day) if I then restrict my carbs severely the next day and get back into ketosis by that evening. It only takes me about 1 day if that because ihave been doing this so long consistently. My body now prefers to burn fat! Again so glad I could help. Thought maybe this thread was dead!

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Hi everyone..may I join in?


I started Atkins January 2nd, 2010. After having 3 children and heading towards middle age...OMG.


I was 5 feet tall. 202lbs. I looked like a rollie pollie.

I cut out all bad carbs and worked out almost every day for 30 minutes. This is very important. When people say they do not have time, I find that to be a cop out. Get up a half hour earlier each day.


By November, I weighed 114lbs.


2 1/2 years later and I have maintained my weight. I do treat myself to pasta once in a while, but other than that......I stay away from all bad carbs.


My body is in better shape than it was before having my children.


Even Gweneth Paltrow attributes her mean body to "no carbs" and she refuses to give her children any also.


I have found this to be the easiest diet in the world. There are so many options. It never gets boring. Love it and hope all of you that are on the Atkins diet hang in there. NO CHEATING. Lol.

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Great success stories! I find I get in trouble when I try to 'blend' some other WOE into what I know is best for me...each of us kinda has our own formula that works, I'm trying to keep it clean, tho & as much farm fresh/ organic as I can. I really have to keep it low to lose or even maintain. I feel like my body is such a traitor sometimes- gotta be tough w/ that old gal!:p


Congrats Lisa on your upcoming triathlon! You go girl! What an inspiration!:D

Really, the lbs should melt off w/ all that energy & activity combined w/ l/c!


A lot of us probably check this thread every so often w/out posting...I have to have the time & be in the right frame of mind to be chatty - but I love to read success stories ( &even failures, which we still all can learn from!)


My current favorite go- to snack or sometimes even meal is sardines w/ hot green chilies...a dab of horseradish & either some mayo or sf ketchup & I am good...yes, it is very fishy & either ya love it or find it disgusting apparently! But for me, it is a l/c lifesaver @ times!


Gotta keep it low carb!

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Has anyone tried those Coffee Bean thingies? A friend assumed I would be an expert, since I am so close to my goal, and asked me if they were safe. I read both sides, great to dangerous. I already have the energy and self control without the pills but Anne is morbidly obese and has no will power. Added to that is the fact that she can't exercise due to knee problems. I suggested low carb but she is half Italian and half Irish and feels obligated to cook Pasta and Potatoes.

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So I'm trying to help my sis in law lose weight. Probably needs to lose about 50 lbs. She lost like 15 to start but now is stuck and has not lost in a month or so. Ketostik show pink but she says she is not losing. Has anyone had this problem? She lives with us right now so she is eating the same as me. Says she is being faithful and is getting discouraged. I am devoted to this WOE and keep telling her it will work but I am losing my creditability! Help!

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So I'm trying to help my sis in law lose weight. Probably needs to lose about 50 lbs. She lost like 15 to start but now is stuck and has not lost in a month or so. Ketostik show pink but she says she is not losing. Has anyone had this problem? She lives with us right now so she is eating the same as me. Says she is being faithful and is getting discouraged. I am devoted to this WOE and keep telling her it will work but I am losing my creditability! Help!

Does she drink her gallon of water? I am on the dreaded plateau as well but past experience has shown me that, if patient, the weight will, again, come off. I don't get "plateau" depressed any more and "Pig Out" to make me feel better. When I did pig out I would feel worse and start the cycle all over again. On my cruise next month, I will not over eat, just go off extreme low carbs for the week, as I have done on vacations over the past 30 years. I will exchange Potatoes, Rice and Pasta for double veggies and order low carb appetizers and only eat a small portion of my dessert. I'm down 108 lbs with 17 more to go to reach my next 25 lbs goal so it works for me.

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So I'm trying to help my sis in law lose weight. Probably needs to lose about 50 lbs. She lost like 15 to start but now is stuck and has not lost in a month or so. Ketostik show pink but she says she is not losing. Has anyone had this problem? She lives with us right now so she is eating the same as me. Says she is being faithful and is getting discouraged. I am devoted to this WOE and keep telling her it will work but I am losing my creditability! Help!


Congrats to her for losing the first 15! I'm wondering (after reading the book you suggested;)) if she's eating too much protein & not enough fat. Dr. Atkins would recommend a fat fast for anyone stuck in a plateau for too long. I like baywalker's suggestion for more water, too. Please keep us updated!

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My sticks are darker purple than they've ever been. I feel like, even though I've had this WOE for 14 years (with a couple of veers off course), I'm rediscovering my beloved Atkins all over again & seeing things through fresh eyes.


I went to a banquet for my daughter's band last night, and the chocolate cake was sitting on the table all 3 1/2 hours--and I wasn't even tempted. Woohoo! I ate pork loin, chicken, squash & broccoli. Easily skipped the pasta alfredo & potatoes au gratin.


I don't think I've quite gotten to the *keto-adapted* state yet; I did a 20-mile bike ride on Thursday (after running 2-mile hill sprints a couple hours before that) & hit what was almost certainly a bonk.


Phinney says it takes about 2 weeks to adapt. I hope I've adapted before then since my first race is next Saturday! That will be almost exactly 2 weeks. Other than my asthma and that bonk, I'm feeling pretty good. If next week's race isn't great, I'll shoot for a better performance on June 18. The good news is that having a race coming up keeps me determined to stay in ketosis--and stay away from the carbs! :)

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My sticks are darker purple than they've ever been. I feel like, even though I've had this WOE for 14 years (with a couple of veers off course), I'm rediscovering my beloved Atkins all over again & seeing things through fresh eyes.


I went to a banquet for my daughter's band last night, and the chocolate cake was sitting on the table all 3 1/2 hours--and I wasn't even tempted. Woohoo! I ate pork loin, chicken, squash & broccoli. Easily skipped the pasta alfredo & potatoes au gratin.


I don't think I've quite gotten to the *keto-adapted* state yet; I did a 20-mile bike ride on Thursday (after running 2-mile hill sprints a couple hours before that) & hit what was almost certainly a bonk.


Phinney says it takes about 2 weeks to adapt. I hope I've adapted before then since my first race is next Saturday! That will be almost exactly 2 weeks. Other than my asthma and that bonk, I'm feeling pretty good. If next week's race isn't great, I'll shoot for a better performance on June 18. The good news is that having a race coming up keeps me determined to stay in ketosis--and stay away from the carbs! :)

Congrats!!!, Lisa. I have used the two week -20g Keto-adaption, as you call it, after every planned "Off Track" occurrence. Sometimes I take a week or so of -40g to prepare for the -20g but, although tempted not to, I get back on track.. .lose the cruise lbs. ..plus 5 lbs more.

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Congrats!!!, Lisa. I have used the two week -20g Keto-adaption, as you call it, after every planned "Off Track" occurrence. Sometimes I take a week or so of -40g to prepare for the -20g but, although tempted not to, I get back on track.. .lose the cruise lbs. ..plus 5 lbs more.


I think it's great what you've been able to do!


The "keto-adapted" refers to a state described by Phinney which correlates to the body using ketones to fuel a long, sustained workout (such as a marathon or triathlon). His studies show it takes about two weeks of being in ketosis to get there so you can do these races without bonking, or hitting a wall. He talks about having access to 40,000 fat calories to burn instead of the maximum 2000 we have to burn if we're fueling by ingesting carbs. Amazing!


More good news: as of this morning, I've lost 3 pounds (which is just icing on the cake-the sugar-free kind, of course) AND by just sharing my excitement about what I've learned this week, my parents are going to read these books and get back to low-carb too! They've gone on & off and have gained some weight this winter.

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More good news: as of this morning, I've lost 3 pounds (which is just icing on the cake-the sugar-free kind, of course) AND by just sharing my excitement about what I've learned this week, my parents are going to read these books and get back to low-carb too! They've gone on & off and have gained some weight this winter.

Here is your reward for losing 3 lbs


Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Peppers




P.S. Did great at Applebees for Mother's Day. Steak and Broccoli instead of taters.

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Happy Monday Everyone!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to come back and see the postings that are so encouraging! Great success story too!

AND... I'm not running a marathon........But I am going to try those PhillyPepper things! OH Yum!! :p

We went to the mountains for the weekend...eeek! There was some light snow on the ground! By Saturday... evening it was long sleeve weather and we grilled Steaks, Baked Potatoes...for my DD & DS-inlaw... and I found a killer deal on some lobster tails so my surf n turf for my Mother's Day Mountain Meal realllly hit the spot! yum!

My DH is going to find that he's eating a lot more low carb in the very near future...because... this is my last week at work, and I will even have more time to work on our meals! Yup... due to lack of work.... This is my last week. Now, I'm supposed to leave my desk as is...so that if we get a new contract in Quarter 4, they are calling me back! ... What if we don't?! I'm riding an emotional roller coaster now! eek! -- But I do have our Alaska trip in August to look forward too! :p

** Easy on that salt shaker.....and more Water! That can help to kick things in for weight loss! Even if the excersice is hard on the knees ( I get this!) some light weights and arm excersices can still help to work for a weight loss! And... if there is a community pool..... just walking back and forth in the water will be easy on the joints! I plan to get back to the pool when I have more time on my hands too! :D It really helps! Our pool has adult lanes and Many just walk the laps, take a break and walk some more!

You all have a great day! :)

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Ahh Ms Jean...the mountains...it's inching close to the 90's already here in ETex...I don't mind too much - I am a tropical kinda gal. But, when/ if it hits the 100's I think everybody just melts... hope you are productive w/ your 'vaca' from work...btw, are you cruising to Alaska? I couldn't remember...ahh the trials & tribulation of senility!:p


Is this the weekend of the triathlon for our resident l/c athlete? Hope it goes well for Lisa!:D


My sticks (which I have been really diligently checking lately) are showing in/out of ketosis - I must really have to get seriously lower to stay in...any little overage & poof!:eek:

Tho this morning I did wake up w/ a flatter feeling tummy...I have felt like my tummy has been round & 'bloated' for over a couple of weeks, but miraculously has shrunken overnite! Yay!


Any success is success! It's a journey! WooHoo!

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Just got back from our motorcycle trip to the blue ridge pkwy. Great time! Weighed this morning and only up 1 lb!!! Don't know how other than it must have been physically taxing to ride a motorcycle(on the back) for 8 hrs a day.

Thanks guys for the suggestions for my sis in law! Passed along and will keep you updated on her progress.

I will be starting my insanity workout over from start along with low carb Tuesday. Mostly to get more toned and keep what I have. Only need to lose 3 or 4 more lbs. I want to stay in this WOE from now on ( except vacations and holidays). Staying at maintenance levels has always been my downfall.

glad to see everyone else's posts and progress! Keep it going. You know it works and makes you feel better!

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Is this the weekend of the triathlon for our resident l/c athlete? Hope it goes well for Lisa!:D


My sticks (which I have been really diligently checking lately) are showing in/out of ketosis - I must really have to get seriously lower to stay in...any little overage & poof!:eek:

Tho this morning I did wake up w/ a flatter feeling tummy...I have felt like my tummy has been round & 'bloated' for over a couple of weeks, but miraculously has shrunken overnite! Yay!


Any success is success! It's a journey! WooHoo!


A flatter tummy sounds like big success to me!! It takes more for me to stay in purple, too, but what I'm learning this time around is MORE fat, less protein will make them darker. And when I come back from exercising, they're even darker.


Speaking of exercise, thanks for asking! I was so excited....I took 15 minutes off last year's time! A minute and a half off the swim, 7+ minutes off the bike & 7 minutes off the run. I was most excited about the swim & the run; the swim because I beat my coach's time (he said, "Well done, Grasshoppa!"), the run because running is the bane of my existence & I got the time I was hoping for. I also got some great running tips in a seminar taught by a running coach with a PhD in physical therapy. I'm looking forward to trying them out & getting faster.


The bike improvement I expected because my hubby bought me a decent road bike for Christmas (instead of my old Schwinn 10-speed that I used last year). I made my goal, but was hoping for more improvement than that.


The biggest joy of all: I did the whole race consuming nothing more than an Atkins shake & a cup of bullion before the race, and Propel and water throughout the race. NO BONK!! None, zero, zip, nada!! I made it through & felt much stronger than I did last year. I did hit a wall, but it was 2 hours after the race:) and I felt fine the next morning. I can't wait to see how well I do when my body has been keto-adapted even longer.


The race was in Tunica & though we ate in buffet after buffet, I managed to stay on plan, even when eating my beloved Pho soup. I ate everything but the noodles & it was delicious!!


The day after the race my keto sticks hit the second-darkest purple on the bottle. I've never seen them that shade. Woohoo!!


Next triathlon: June 18th. 1/2 mile swim, 18 mile bike, 4 mile run. Working up to Olympic distance (.9 mile swim, 25 mile bike, 10k run) in September.


Probably more than you wanted to know...:o


Just got back from our motorcycle trip to the blue ridge pkwy. Great time! Weighed this morning and only up 1 lb!!! Don't know how other than it must have been physically taxing to ride a motorcycle(on the back) for 8 hrs a day.

Thanks guys for the suggestions for my sis in law! Passed along and will keep you updated on her progress.

I will be starting my insanity workout over from start along with low carb Tuesday. Mostly to get more toned and keep what I have. Only need to lose 3 or 4 more lbs. I want to stay in this WOE from now on ( except vacations and holidays). Staying at maintenance levels has always been my downfall.

glad to see everyone else's posts and progress! Keep it going. You know it works and makes you feel better!


Way to go, ladybug! Keep us posted on how Insanity goes, especially your energy level while doing it low-carb. Again, thank you for the book recommendation. I talked about it all weekend & probably made people sick of hearing about it. :p

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Congrats Lisa!!!! Wow.... you really trained well to have cut that much time off of your events! That is great!

Lisa... a flatter tummy.... That is so terrific...because when you button/zip your shorts...a big ol'smile over your face...knowing that those inches came off!

We are Cruising to Alaska....but not until August! ... Seems like it'll never get here!


I have grand ideas of being much more active with not being full time employed this summer.... we'll see how consistant I am. First it's a trip to the Vet for my walking buddy, Sadie... She seems to be slowing down quite a bit ....and that's just not like her! :(


I am hoping to really have fun grilling low carb this summer! Smells so good and I will love having the leftovers too!

Have a great Monday!

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Lisa-glad it's working so well for you! I told you his books are awesome and even though I'm not nearly at your level of endurance, it helps me stay on track when I understand how my body works.

Will keep you updated on my training for what it's worth. Once you're a true believer, nothing else makes sense! BTW, do you have any fat left to burn? LOL there is a point where you might need a few good carbs. I'm actually trying to do this while staying in MILD ketosis to keep my body burning fat while easing in more carbs to slow down weight loss leading up to maintenance. That's the hardest thing for me to balance! Great hearing your race results and improvements doing lo-carb!

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Lisa-glad it's working so well for you! I told you his books are awesome and even though I'm not nearly at your level of endurance, it helps me stay on track when I understand how my body works.

Will keep you updated on my training for what it's worth. Once you're a true believer, nothing else makes sense! BTW, do you have any fat left to burn? LOL there is a point where you might need a few good carbs. I'm actually trying to do this while staying in MILD ketosis to keep my body burning fat while easing in more carbs to slow down weight loss leading up to maintenance. That's the hardest thing for me to balance! Great hearing your race results and improvements doing lo-carb!


You know, I never even considered anything but Atkins until I joined the racing community...even one of the Atkins advisers, a triathlete and Dr., recommended adding carbs for training and racing. I just figured that during triathlon season I would resign myself to being heavier, which looking back, makes no sense at all. I think the added sodium was the missing link--that and the fact that by burning carbs, our bodies can store 2000 calories, but by burning fat, we have 40,000 calories at our disposal. Amazing.


And I have that and more!! I have plenty of fat to burn. :D I've got 10 pounds to lose that I gained over the winter training, plus about 15 to get to my pre-pregnancy top condition, at 19% body fat. Mind you, I was pregnant 8 years ago.:p I gained 42 pounds and gained back what I lost in the birth over her first few months--breastfeeding and all. I found this thread and another (Cruise Countdown, where I "met" a great group of people who we've kept in contact for 5 years now) and lost about 27 pounds. Anyhoo, I would be okay with where I'm at (I'm tall), but I know I will go a lot faster when I get leaner.


I still haven't finished the "Low Carb Living" book, and they reference adding fat once you're at goal weight to keep from losing any more, but I haven't gotten to the details of that part yet. I was thinking the same thing, though, that once I do get to where I have no more weight to lose (that day will come!!) I'll have to figure out how to stay in ketosis enough to fuel my races & workouts but not enough to keep losing fat. His cycling subjects did it with only 7% body fat, so it can be done. I just have to keep reading to find out how.:p

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Congrats Lisa!!!! Wow.... you really trained well to have cut that much time off of your events! That is great!


I have grand ideas of being much more active with not being full time employed this summer.... we'll see how consistant I am. First it's a trip to the Vet for my walking buddy, Sadie... She seems to be slowing down quite a bit ....and that's just not like her! :(


I am hoping to really have fun grilling low carb this summer! Smells so good and I will love having the leftovers too!

Have a great Monday![/font]


Thanks, Jean! I'm sure you'll have no trouble using the extra hours!:)


I'm sorry to hear about Sadie. Hopefully it's something she can get through quickly. We recently lost our sweet Shadow, who we figured out toward the end of his life that he was a flat-coated retriever (we rescued him as a stray). He was with us for 11 years, some crazy but all wonderful.

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Lisa and others. . .what vitamins and other supplements do you take? I had to add Potassium years ago as I was experiencing unbearable leg cramps.


I take potassium and magnesium--I have an electrical issue with my heart that requires those--fish oil and choline for my brain. :) I used to take a multivitamin, but since I take Superfood (GNC) in my smoothies I don't take one anymore.


I also just started drinking a cup of bullion before exercise. On the rare occasion my foot cramps up, I pop a potassium & away it goes. :)

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I take potassium and magnesium--I have an electrical issue with my heart that requires those--fish oil and choline for my brain. :) I used to take a multivitamin, but since I take Superfood (GNC) in my smoothies I don't take one anymore.


I also just started drinking a cup of bullion before exercise. On the rare occasion my foot cramps up, I pop a potassium & away it goes. :)

I used to eat a banana with cereal most mornings but had to give up both on low carbs. Larry continues with his bananas, on occasion, and saves about a one inch slice for me. He was looking at the desert menu for Bananas Foster. The NCL Dawn served them on both of our cruises. My new Dr. put me on a low dose Aspirin every day. I don't have a heart problem or high blood pressure but it couldn't hurt. My previous Dr. put me on Folic Acid and Calcium+D tablets. My bone density scan has always been been perfect so I don't know if the Meds are necessary but, I don't have a MD diploma hanging on the wall.

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I survived a week of sugar flying everywhere. I had volunteered to make iced sugar cookies with a masquerade theme for my son's end-of-year dance. I thought maybe the cookies would go too fast, so I decided to make cupcakes as well. 100 cookies & 100 cupcakes later, the kids hardly ate anything--most of the food as a whole was packed back up & taken home.


I would have just given them all away, but I knew I had an event at my home the next night and a potluck on Sunday that I could take them to. The cookies were devoured at the event at my house & most of the cupcakes were eaten at the potluck.


Even with a taste here & there of the dough & the various icings--I'm always using occasions like these to try new recipes and techniques--I stayed in ketosis. Then came Memorial Day...a friend's mom is in from Detroit & Monday was her birthday. I asked what her favorite cake was--caramel. I live in the South, but I'm not from here, so I had never made a true caramel cake (making the icing in a cast iron skillet). At the end of it, my kitchen looked like a caramel blob had taken over, but the text I received after dropping off the cake--"the cake is perfection". Woohoo! I knew it tasted good though, as I had had a couple of scraps dipped in caramel--I had to know if it would be good!:p


So the drum roll this morning...did the caramel blob knock me out of ketosis???



NO! Whew! The rest of my eating was spot on & I was sure to fill my tummy with the good stuff before tasting anything. Today all my baking equipment goes back downstairs. Disaster averted until the next time...

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