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Anyone on Atkins?


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Alright ya'll holidays and birthdays are over! Well, I still have one kid birthday to go but not until the end of January. By then I want to be solidly back on path. We still have a few things in the house but they are things I can live without. "Santa" brought DH and I a scale that measures % fat and BMI too, pedometers and a blood pressure cup. (DH was SOOO excited.;) )

Yesterday I started out slowly in the exercise department with a good yoga workout. I have a broken foot because my toddler rolled over it with a huge tonka truck. (Don't ask. These kind of things happen to me!:D ) So for cardio for the next few weeks it's recumbant biking for 30 minutes a day. I pulled a 10K and half marathon training program too. I don't want to do one but we're going to Italy in 17 weeks and I want the family to be in good walking shape so we're going to train for it.

I'm easing back into my eating plan. Since I have crohn's it really screws me up to go into induction suddenly. A low of about 70 carbs is all I seem to be able to tolerate without having ostomy issues. Usually, I get mine by having a daily dose of steel cut oats.

Well, gotta run.

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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Happy New Year Everyone![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I guess Tami and I were ready to post about the same time today!:) [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]No...haven't stepped on the scale yet! I'm thinking of doing a swap on weigh in days to a Thursday weigh in instead of Monday's - they were pretty hard on my self esteem! LOL!:eek: I have to confess 5 days of having a blast with family has probably really taken a toll on my rolls...but I'm up for the challenge!:p My surgery back in November has helped me in a lot of ways and a bit more energy is one of them - so DH is getting the treadmill back down for me to use this afternoon, it was up making more room in the guest bedroom for visitors. I love walking with my pup - but it's just to cold for me! so I thought that'd I would play with her and work out on the treadmill until it warms up enough to get out.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] Tonight...a major pantry & fridge clean out! Inventory on the freezer, and then a trip to the store for more of the [U]right stuff[/U]! I did make deviled eggs last night for those grab and go times for the next couple of days. I still have about 2 cups of pecan's left - but will try and stay out of them for the next few weeks and try and focus on induction and a LOT of water! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Tami - All of that new 'health' equipment! wow! You must have been a good girl! lol!:) [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Donna - your vacation is just around the corner and sounds like your trading in your snow boots for a swimsuit - Great!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lisa - You went to Colorado-how fun! My visitors were all from Colorado and thought that it was colder down here then up there!?!?! :eek: Where did you ski - there's such great places! How are you going to go about your training?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ok, back to work....[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]But will be back![/FONT]
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Purple sticks. :)

Just popped on to look for SugarfreeSheila's website yet again (love that site) and scrolled back a few pages and read your posts. Sounds like everyone's doing very well!

I lost a bunch on Atkins- about 14 pounds over three weeks, then the usual: one cookie. Three weeks later, up 15 pounds, completely, totally, unbelievably OUT OF CONTROL. If I eat carbs I am ravenous. Doesn't matter if the carbs are cookies or popcorn or innocent couscous and lentils- LOOK OUT. I have to have more and more, then finish it off with something sweet, then fall into a stupor, then coffee and sweets to "wake up."

I would estimate that in the week between Christmas and New Year's I was eating 5,000 calories a day.

So I started off Jan 1st back on Atkin's. Yesterday my sticks started turning purple (I get into ketosis very fast) and although I was a bit crabby I had control over my eating- which is a miracle. Today- fine.

If I can lose- check that- I MUST lose 20 pounds before the ship sails on 2/28. That is so I can stuff my face the entire time without... SORRY, what I meant to say was that I can fit into my formerly "fat" formal wear- now known as my "thin" formal wear, plus of course my shorts, capris, yadda yadda.

So depressing to be faaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW I have lost 50 on Atkin's before.

But I feel good. OK, now to look for SFS's site.

Thanks for listening!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hi Guys n Gals![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ok, so I'm having the carb with drawls grumpies this morning. Had a good Atkins breakfast - but I know if I get through today, staying strong - tomorrow I will be feeling pretty good and will have 1 day of induction behind me. Yep stepped on the scales - after giving myself a good talking too about not being to shocked at what the scales will not just say - but shout out to me - :eek: [B]'What did you expect when you ate like that!?!?!?!" [/B]Yep....I'm up 6 (gulp) pounds from about Dec 15th until now! Jeesh! Here I go again! But the tread mill is set up - I've got my iPod ready and when I get off of work each afternoon...You'll know where I'll be and it Better Be on That TREADMILL working up a good sweat!! :p [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Welcome Carla - Here's SFS website you were looking for [URL]http://www.sugarfreesheila.com/[/URL] - She Rocks at looking good and staying fit - check out her new picture from Spain....too cute!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]How's it going everyone? New Resolution workouts? Cleaning out that pantry and getting rid of the white stuff? I told my DH that I think I'll take everything that has been stuffed in there that isn't opened - I'll take to a local food bank - I just cannot just throw out noodles, sauce, crackers etc..... when they aren't opened and another family could use them. It's just me.:o [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Keeping it low carb today!:) [/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ohhhhh Drat! I guess I'm the only one tipping the scales this week?!:( [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Took the pup on a walk yesterday after work - until my face was freezing up and my chapstick was going to have to thaw out in order for me to talk when I got home. Later, I did walk on the treadmill - while trying to keep my left leg from getting nipped at from Sadie not used to me walking and she's not! Oh boy... [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Had some ribs & green beans for supper , and wasn't hungry all evening - amazingly!! - Is it just me or do you find it easier to cook low carb rather then high carb? It took like 2-3 hours to put on an Italian dinner for everyone last weekend - and I know roasts, chops or ribs would have been easier and less clean up then all of the pots for Italian. Maybe I'm just used to it? :confused: [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Where is everyone?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Jocelyn - What are you up to girl?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lisa, Annie, Tom, SFS, Donna, Karen, Kreeb helllooooo? [/FONT]
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Hey There, I'm here Jean!:)

Been back on induction also, trying to get myself geared up to keep at it till I go on my cruise. I understand how you feel Jean, I should'nt of been suprized by what the scale told me either!:eek: But I've got if off (AGAIN!), and I've got to be good! 34 days till my cruise! Been trying to have more snacks on hand to help for those times when you just gotta have one hits. It's funny how people notice things you don't even think about. I was in the break room having dinner (2nd shifter) and someone asked me what I was having. Another co-worker piped up..."Salad and Chicken, what else?" LOL! I do always carry a salad, and usually it is chicken. But I enjoy it and it's easy to fix up.

My New Year's resolution is to not stop this WOE when my cruise is over. To finish what I have started. I am finally so close to being at my goal weight, and it has been a long, long time since I was there.
To tone myself, I'm glad I'm thinner, but now stuff hangs! (and flaps!:eek: )
To be more grateful and to live simpler.

Stay low carb everyone!
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Hi everyone - I started back on the Low carb lifestyle on Jan 2 - Jan 1 was a holiday & there was still chocolate in the house - so Jan 2 it was. i am doing well. I lost 50 lbs on Atkins a couple years ago - when i stick pretty close to it - I do fine.

I saw a recipe for a low carb breakfast casserole - with lots of green chili's, hot sausage and cheddar cheese. 4 eggs are use - you beat the whites & add the yolks to them. Sounded good. Bakes for an hour at 350. I like making egg salad for breakfast & smash up bacon into it.

I also made a fresh spinach soup - chicken broth, egg whites are beaten into it (along with some herbs & parmesean cheese).

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I'm still here too! I check in from time to time to see how everyone's doing, but don't have much time to post. I've been quite busy with our new puppy and my convalescing husband.

I was doing really well until a week ago. We were having my two aunts and my cousin and her husband over last Sunday for a belated Christmas get together, so I baked my aunts favorite cookie (which happens to be mine too) and also an almond raspberry shortbread cookie (and I love anything almond). Baking was my first mistake....eating the cookies was my second mistake, but they were delicious! I sent 95% of them home with my relatives, but the other 5% ended up over my lips and onto my hips!!!

I decided that Sunday would be the only day that I went off plan, but Sunday lead to Monday (New Year's Eve), which lead to Tuesday (New Year's Day), then I got back on plan on Wednesday, and fell off again. I haven't had the courage to get on the scale. I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow and stock up on all the legal foods. Aren't diets supposed to start on Mondays???

We are going on the Carnival Glory on March 1st, so with that coming up I have to get back on this WOE and lose more weight so I can fit into a gown that I bought last September.

When am I going to learn that I can't cheat? Once I take one step on the carb slippery slope, I am skiing down the carb hill with reckless abandon.

I am so grateful to be able to come here and get inspired by all of you to get back on this WOE. My husband bought me Gary Taubes Good Calories, Bad Calories book just before Christmas, but I haven't had time to read it. I'm sure that it will just reaffirm what I already believe about low carb eating...that it is the best way for me to eat.

I kept off 30 lbs. since last January, so this year I am committed to losing another 50 lbs. and finally reaching my goal weight. Thanks for all the support and inspiration you have given me. Now I just need to put one foot in front of the other and get back on track.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Good Morning![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Welcome BettyPC - low carb breakfast casseroles are so great - perfect for leftovers and being able to mix up the ingredients to change the flavors makes it handy and not to boring! :) [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kreeb - Hope the DH is getting better and I'm sure your having fun with your new puppy - what did you name it?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Donna - Your cruise is so close! What a great motivator! I was a Chicken & Green Bean's in a dish gal for lunch for month's when I first did low carb. I knew they were the right foods, easy to zap in the microwave and I was seeing results, so that's what I stuck to and everyone at work knew what I was having too! lol![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Carla- How'd you do over the weekend?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I took my pup for a 2 mile walk on Saturday and raked up the leaves and sticks in the back yard and was pretty busy through the rest of the day, Sunday was a rainy, cloudy day so not out as much. Since it's raining today I'll be hitting the tread mill tonight! I'm using stew meat, bell pepper, onion & spices for a 'stew' for dinner tonight in the crock pot. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Keeping it Low Carb![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey There Everyone![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hope you all had a good start of the week yesterday and was able to stay on the low carb, good feeling track ! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I kept right on induction, and started walking the tread mill when American Gladiators came on and I got so motivated......I did some core work outs with my big blue ball! :eek: :) It felt really good to have an evening of working out, and a day of eating right....I'm going to do that today too! :p [/FONT]
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I took DH to the doctor yesterday to have his staples removed, and the doctor was happy with how he is healing and there was no sign of infection. He told him he needed to walk for exercise and not to golf for another 3-4 weeks. So, I took him to the mall today to walk, but he's no fun to shop with so I'll have to go to the mall on my own to take advantage of some of the great sales going on right now.

I have been getting exercise walking and playing with our new puppy, Molly. She is so playful and just precious except for the nipping/teething. My arms and hands are covered with little nip marks and bruises. It will be wonderful when we are past this stage.

I started induction yesterday and have stuck to the plan so far. When I went grocery shopping, I bought fresh aspargus, spaghetti squash, cauliflower, and salad fixings so I will be eating my quota of vegetables and won't get bored. I also bought some frozen wild salmon. Anyone have any salmon recipes they would like to share?

Tonight I had shrimp over spaghetti squash. I just sauteed the shrimp in butter, olive oil, garlic, onion powder, basil, oregano, then added a little heavy cream and some parmesan cheese. It was delicious! You can cook spaghetti squash easily by cutting it in half and removing the seeds, putting it in a covered dish with a 1/4 cup of water and microwaving for 10 minutes. Then just take a fork and remove the strands. I just cover the other half in plastic wrap and it will keep in the refrigerator for several days.

Hope everyone else is sticking to plan...2008 is our year to meet our goals!!!
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[quote name='carlalena1']I did very well, thanks! Sticks are purple, hallelujah;) .

Did you ever tally up the calories/points you are eating in a given day? Sometimes it's scary....[/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Carla - best not to tally anything except carbs, especially if your sticks are purple. When I was losing at a steady 10 lb. a month rate, friends couldn't believe I was eating half a pound of bacon almost every morning. On the other hand, for the first year, I never ate any breads, nothing breaded, no cereals, nor anything with flour of any kind. Lots of plain salad greens and probably a pound of meat, chicken or fish every day. I have no idea of the calorie counts, but I still eat that way. Started at 260, got down to 130, and seven years later weigh 134, with ideal cholesterol counts and no health problems. Don't let the naysayers discourage you. [/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Wednesday! Finally in the middle of the week! This is my first full week back at work since the holidays...how did I use to do this week after week? lol! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]gooselace - good to see you back! How was your trip? Where did your cruise take you?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Walked pup on our 2 mi route....so cold - my face was freezing by the time we got home! And I bundled up too! Chicken with a nice slice of mild green chile and swiss cheese melted on top - and a bit of green salad. yum! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I was thinking back through 2007 and the low carb tips that you have shared and I think my favorites have been the Ken's ranch dressing, toasted fresh pecans, the SFS breakfast shake and the breakfast casserole ideas. What are some of yours?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lisa- how's that training going? [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Joceyln - how you doing girl?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kreeb - do you know what the carb count for the squash is - 1 cup?Your dinner sounded pretty yummy! I know your loving having Molly around![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Tami - how's your foot these days?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Annie - been thinking about you - hope your doing ok - drop us a post sometime![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Betty PC, Tom, and others - hope your off to a good low carb 2008[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Going to get another big glass of water! Catch ya's later[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
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[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

Just wanted to pop in and say hi, I have been super busy with the holidays, work and getting the tax stuff in on time whew:D

I have to go back through the posts when I get another second....talk to ya all soon:D
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Hey Everyone,

Same as you Jean, feeling good about being low carb and eating right! Been back on induction and it's coming off once again. Down a pound, making a total of 25 lbs off since September. :)

29 days and counting till my cruise! I am sooooo ready to go!

Kreeb, molly sounds so much fun. She'll keep you active! Glad DH is healing well.
Carla, Gooselace knows what's she saying...just count your carbs.

How is everyone else?????

I still enjoy the simple egg and cream cheese danish you first start with on induction, it just helps when I need a little something.

Take care!
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Spaghetti Squash:

Per 1/2 cup (108 grams): 29 Calories; trace Fat; 1g Protein; 7g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; [B]5g Net Carbs[/B]

Per 3/4 cup (162 grams): 44 Calories; trace Fat; 1g Protein; 10g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; [B]8g Net Carbs [/B]

Per 1 cup (216 grams): 59 Calories; 1g Fat; 1g Protein; 14g Carbohydrate; 3g Dietary Fiber; [B]11g Net Carbs [/B]
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We all know fish is so good for us, but sometimes it gets a bit boring. Here's a low carb halibut recipe adapted from a dish we had several years ago at a seafood wonderful restaurant.

Grind 8 oz of macademia nuts (I find they are easier to grind in the food processor if they are frozen - keep better too - I buy them in bulk packages - much cheaper than jars). They shouldn't be too finely ground. Season them with garlic, herbs, and some cayenne pepper or paprika (mainly for the color) . Press seasoned nuts onto one side of halibut steaks, sprinkle liberally with melted butter. Cover with waxed paper and refrigerate for 30 minutes or so to firm-up the butter.

Bake in shallow baking pan at 425 degrees until halibut is opaque (separate slightly with fork to check). For a crisper, browner "crust" finish under the broiler for a minute or so.

My DH used to be ho-hum about fish, but this has become one of his favorite meals.

If anyone is interested I've also adapted a restaurant recipe for blacked tilapia with shrimp that is also a favorite here.
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I'm a super yo-yo dieter when it comes to Atkins, I have been on it twice in the past and both times have lost 30 + pounds...well after the Holiday season and not being able to sit comfortably in my pants it's time to get back on!

Here's an easy breakfast that you can make up at work if you don't have much time in the morning.


1 - Roll of Jimmy dean sausage (I like the spicy kind, but normal works)
2 - 8 oz packages of cream cheese
2 - 15 oz cans of rotel tomatoes with green chiles

Cook sausage first, then after it's all the way cooked add in cream cheese and tomatoes. Put in tupperware and store in fridge.

I then take 1/2 a cup and mix it with 2 eggs, I microwave it for 2 and 1/2 minutes at work and it's just like eating scrambled eggs. Works great if you need a quick meal and have access to a microwave at work.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hello![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kreeb - thanks for the carb counts! It sure sounds yummy, I'll have to watch my portions![/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]gooselace - your fish recipe sounds really good! I like fish, my DH likes fish - just not my fish! So I'll give this a try and see what he says![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Shill38-Welcome! My sister made this exact same thing on New Years Eve, only she made it as a dip for chips! Wow...that JD Sausage really had a kick:eek: a day or two after she made it! But it was good!:D [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Donna - egg & cheese danish...? and how do you make those? The guys in the office had blueberry danish's the other morning... oh yum...but I didn't touch them![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Off to the tread mill....I am really looking forward to our Southwest heating up just a bit - 50's would sure feel good! It's freezing tonight!!![/FONT]
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[quote name='NMCruzzin'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Shill38-Welcome! My sister made this exact same thing on New Years Eve, only she made it as a dip for chips! Wow...that JD Sausage really had a kick:eek: a day or two after she made it! But it was good!:D [/FONT][/quote]

That is funny because that is how I came upon the recipe. My wife has made this dip for a few years for Super Bowl Parties. I LOVE it with chips! Why oh why do chips have so many carbs!?! So I just started to eat it for breakfast with eggs. I was eating eggs mixed with spinach/artichoke dip from Costco (a recipe I found here, thanks), but just got tired of it. I love to come here to get new recipe ideas for Atkins, so please do share.
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One of my favorite breakfasts is a sausage quiche. I brown Jimmy Dean Hot Breakfast Sausage with some frozen chopped onions, green peppers, and red peppers. I spray a deep dish pie plate with Pam and add the cooked sausage and veggies. Sprinkle some shredded cheddar cheese over the meat. Beat 8 eggs with some heavy cream and poor over meat. Sprinkle more cheddar cheese on top. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 40 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. I cut it in four pieces. It reheats nicely in the microwave.
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Hello and happy Friday!

My mock danish is from the ADBB website. And SFS has a version also. But mine is done in the microwave.
2 eggs beaten
2 oz cream cheese softened
1 oz heavy cream
2 pkts of splenda
dash of nutmeg or cinnamon

Mix all together and put in microwave safe dish and microwave for 2 1/2 mins approx. Very hot when you get it out so be careful! I've always wondered if I could add some DaVinci SF syrup in it???? Perhaps pour on top!!!! hhmmmm? Guess I know what I'm trying when I get home!:D

I went and jumped on the scale and I was sooooo happy!! I am FINALLY weighing what it says on my driver's license for the first time in 10 years!!!
Woo Hoo! This is a personal goal for me! :) Total loss is now 26lbs. Cruise is 27 days away!

Been pouring rain here today, yuck:( ! Melted almost all of our snow and has left just dirty piles all around. Now it's supposed to get cold and freeze everything. So need to be some where warm!

Staying low carb, hope you are too!
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Thanks donnerpumpkin - that mock danish sounds like something my diabetic DH will really enjoy. Have all the ingredients - will make it for him tomorrow.

And congratulations on making your personal goal. :) And less than a month to go before your cruise. Where are you going? Of course, I'm sure it will be warmer and wonderful.
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