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[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=5][COLOR=purple]Wooo Hooo Donna!! You Go with your Real Official License Weight Self!!:D :D Congrats!! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=5][COLOR=#800080][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]Getting ready to make a breakfast something - it's Saturday, my catch up on the house morning and getting errands done.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000080]You all stay Low Carb...ya hear!! :D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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I just started this diet...hasn't been a week and I've dropped 5 lbs. Another 5 and my I should be able to button my pants again without laying on the bed.

Donnerpumpkin~ Thank you! I saw your danish recipe and I thought wow, how can sweetened microwave cooked eggs resemble a danish in any way? I ran in the kitchen and tried it....YUMMO! It truly does take like a danish. The texture is slightly off but I can live with it. I think next time I'll mix a little spelnda in my cream cheese as well. I like getting to the melted cream cheese but it seems like it should be sweet on its own.

For those of you that have never made this...use a good size bowl b/c this stuff balloons up and pops. I also only cooked it for 2 min so YMMV with your microwave.

Thanks again!
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Hi everyone! Sorry I've been away so long...lots going on right now. I did start my tri training today...this is week 1 of 18 weeks. Today was 15 miles on the bike & 750 yds. in the pool. It felt great! We'll see how it goes. I basically have a daily assignment (with Fridays off) for the next 18 weeks, which should keep me on track. I'm 20 pounds heavier than when I did my last tri in 2003...so I've rededicated myself (once again) to healthy eating!

Jean ~ thanks for always asking about me! You seem to be doing great! It's inspiring!

Donna ~ way to go!!!! I'm so impressed! Are you keeping warm up there? I'm going to try that recipe today! I'm going to need it! DH brought Chips Ahoy home last night.:eek:

Schill38 ~ hi there!

gooselace ~ I will try that recipe. I love fish & just don't get to eat it much because DH does not like it at all.

Kreeb ~ I'll try that quiche too! Sounds yummy! I am right with you on that slippery slope. You can do it! Go for it! That new puppy should you active!;)

Carla ~ how's it going? Still purple?

Jocelyn ~ hi there! Is all going well?

Hi Sheila, Tom (you still there somewhere? Still maintaining?), Annie, & everyone else. Have a great Monday!
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I've completed my first week of induction after going off plan during the holidays, and I'm happy to report that I lost 7 lbs. WooHoo!!! Now I just need to keep the momentum going this week. I've also started back working out at Curves today. It's been about a month since I was there, and boy did I feel it.

I made the stuffed jalapenos today. I mixed cream cheese, shredded cheddar cheese, and cooked chopped up bacon for the stuffing, and they were YUMMO! Tonight I baked chicken breasts with a sauce made with butter, chicken boullion, canned mushrooms with liquid, a little lemon juice, capers, and fresh-ground pepper. After it was baked, I took the chicken out and added a little heavy cream and some grated parmesan cheese and whisked it up and poured it over the chicken. It was really tasty. I need to buy something low carb to thicken up sauces. Any recommendations?
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It was really tasty. I need to buy something low carb to thicken up sauces. Any recommendations?

Yes, kreeb, I use something called "ThickenThin not/Starch" from Expert Foods. [URL="http://www.expertfoods.com"]www.expertfoods.com[/URL]. I think I ordered it from Low Carb Connoisseur [URL="http://www.low-carb.com"]www.low-carb.com[/URL]. It works great, a little goes a long way, and it has only 2.3 carbs per serving - all from fiber. Doesn't seem to affect the flavor at all.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Good Morning to Ya All![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Wow...it's really been cold :eek: here and for us desert folks - that means we stay inside! :o But! I've got the tread mill humming and last night I increased my walk with 4 - 1min runs in my 30 min cardio. (Lisa - or any other joggers - is this the right way to get conditioned to be able to get to the point of being able to run further each week? :confused: ) Followed up with some weights and my BBB (Big Blue Ball) and it felt really good! The scales are telling me that I'm on the right track - but will have to wait until my 'official' Thursday weigh in.:p [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I really look forward to what everyone is having/had for dinner - it reminds me that low carb can be high in flavor and not boring at all! I did a brisket in the slow cooker yesterday and it was sooo tender! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Kreeb - I'd forgot about the poppers! They are good! yumm[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lisa - You Go Girl! I'm glad your going to post about your training! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Newist - Welcome! Glad your off to a great start! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]gooselace- Thanks as always for all of your low carb helps! I've also been wondering about something to thicken sauces![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Donna - Had the cream cheese eggs on Saturday - they really are delish![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hello to everyone else! :) [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ok...time to do some work![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
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Hi Gang,
Well I finally got a minute, so I read through all the posts. I am glad to see the new recipes, they all sound so yummy.

I am still playing around with that 1 lb and it is down this week, so I decided that I got the maintence stage perfected LOL:o Now I need to get back to induction and weight loss!:D I just have to lay off the wine and nuts and start excercising.

My DH was doing great with the low carb since Mid Dec then he decided to do low fat b/c he thought it would be better for his cholesterol, I told him his cholesterol would go down but you know men LOL...anyway, he had gone to the Dr for a physical just after our cruise in Oct (before he started low carb) and he just got his results the other day....they said that his cholesterol went down from the medication, but his blood sugar was borderline diabetic!!!:eek: Well that convinced him to go back to low carb/low sugar. He has an appointment for more bloodwork on the 25th so I am interested to see how it turns out.

Besides that, my b-day was on Jan 6th and we spent the weekend in NYC. We saw Wicked and it was AWESOME! The city is so great and it was warm which made it even better.

Jean, you had me laughing about the chapstick freezing to your lipsLOL

Lisa, way to go with the training!

donner....Congrats on being your license weight, I am so glad they do not have that on NY DL's b/c I wouldn't want to show anyone...Also, thanks for the danish recipe.

gooselace, that fish sounds yummy, I love halibut! Can't wait to try it, don't know why I never thought to bread fish with nuts:confused:

That reminds me, last night I ground up some pecan and used them like breadcrumbs to coat chicken cutlets that I then fried (YUMMY) I made that with mashed cauliflower..mmmmm

Kreeb, that spaghetti squash sounds delish...I have always wanted to try it but I was scared of it LOL thank for letting us know how to cook it.

Welcome to all our new low carb buddies.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Good Morning![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] Well this was my weigh in morning and I am down 4 of those bad bad holiday party pounds that I put on with the family extending Christmas all the way to New Years! ha ha... yeah that's it blame it on the family :p - I KNOW - They didn't hold me down and stuff those carbs in my mouth - but I'm working it off - slowly - but I hope to be pre-holiday weight next week! I'll keep Focused ! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] Ok, If anyone watches the weather - we are in a deep FREEZE right now! I hope it doesn't kill the cactus! Ha! There is no way I can get out and walk in this :eek: - so treadmill - here I come! This is my Grocery week - time to be picking up the Nuts - no not my sisters! lol - Had to do that! But Pecan's, Macadamia and Pistachios - [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]gooselace - Are there any other nuts I should have in my pantry?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Joceyln - Good to see you around again! Let us know how DH's tests come out ok![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Oh...Late - Happy Birthday! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]* Newest gadget - My DD got me a Magic Bullet for Christmas - and I used it today for the SFS induction shake - What a Breeze to know I don't have to use my whole blender for a cup of low carbs. Raspberry is my Favorite! It'll be great when I can add a strawberry or two! And I plan on using it for chopping the nuts for breading - But I thik what I like is that I'm not using a 12 Cup blender - for 1/2 or 1 cup item. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Catch ya all later![/FONT]
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Hey Jean,
Great job on being down those 4 lbs! That magic bullet sounds great, I'll have to look into that.

BTW, I tried a new recipe last night that was yummy and quick, I call it French Onion Chicken.

I took two chiken breasts and sauted them in a pan with butter and onions (about 1 medium onion) on med heat until the chicken was browned and the onions were carmelized.

I then removed the chicken and put it in a pan with some swiss cheese on top and broiled it in the oven so the cheese could melt. In the meantime I put some chicken stock, butter and thyme in the pan that has the onions and juices from the chicken and let that boil alittle until it made a nice sauce. I put the chicken in a plate and poured the "French Onion sauce" over it. So Yummy! It only took about 15 to 20 minutes total time.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Wow! Am I ever Glad it's Friday![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] So, I had a good day of WOE and WOT yesterday and today is off to a good start! I think DH may want to go to the movies tonight - so I need to get those nuts today to have in my pocket - and keep my hands out of the popcorn! We'll have a good dinner before we go - so maybe I'll just need a stick of gum! :p [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]French Onion Chicken....ooooo that's a good one![/FONT]
Last night I got in my work out clothes, got on the tread mill for about 10 min - decided to switch up my iPod list a bit - got on iTunes and started remembering some good 'old school' songs to load up and lost total track of time and next thing I know, the pup is sound asleep at my feet - and it's 8:30! Way to late to get my heart beat up and then go to bed at 9:30 for my early wake up call for work the next morning.
I'll stay focused this weekend and do a really good work out on Sat & Sun - I really need to get back down to pre-holiday weight!!

I Get side tracked very easily!:o
Have a great day!
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[quote name='NMCruzzin'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Wow! Am I ever Glad it's Friday![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] So, I had a good day of WOE and WOT yesterday and today is off to a good start! I think DH may want to go to the movies tonight - so I need to get those nuts today to have in my pocket - and keep my hands out of the popcorn! We'll have a good dinner before we go - so maybe I'll just need a stick of gum! :p [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]French Onion Chicken....ooooo that's a good one![/FONT]
Last night I got in my work out clothes, got on the tread mill for about 10 min - decided to switch up my iPod list a bit - got on iTunes and started remembering some good 'old school' songs to load up and lost total track of time and next thing I know, the pup is sound asleep at my feet - and it's 8:30! Way to late to get my heart beat up and then go to bed at 9:30 for my early wake up call for work the next morning.
I'll stay focused this weekend and do a really good work out on Sat & Sun - I really need to get back down to pre-holiday weight!!

I Get side tracked very easily!:o
Have a great day![/QUOTE]
I love losing track of time singing, it is so fun to hear songs that you haven't for a while. I have to get back on a workout routine...Jean, how do you keep so motivated? Once I start I working out I feel great, but it is almost like I talk myself out of it:eek: ....
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[quote name='jbrambach']I love losing track of time singing, it is so fun to hear songs that you haven't for a while. I have to get back on a workout routine...Jean, how do you keep so motivated? Once I start I working out I feel great, but it is almost like I talk myself out of it:eek: ....[/quote]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Oh I can talk myself out of working out as easy as the next guy!!! But it never gets me closer to my ' I have a Dream" weight - and I'll keep working towards it - as I have so many others on here that inspire me too! Tom, Lisa, gooselace, SFS, Donna - and so many I can't mention!!!! But that means this (board/forum) works for us that are working towards our healthy & fit selves! You were so focused before your Cruise, which was before the Holidays...and I would just encourage you to find a goal - jeans, triathleon (?sp) like Lisa, a weight that you used to be when you were fit (and it has to be realistic), what ever you choose that gives you a goal that you have to work at to see it happen! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] My iPod is really great to get my feet moving - How can I listen to the Doobie Brothers - Rock'n Down the Highway & Neal's Fandango - Louis Prima's Jump & Jive and Turn the Beat Around - and not feel like getting on the treadmill and get going!?!?! I know...so old school music ... but yeah, at least I know the Words! LOL :p [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] Just got back from the movies, and yep, here's those nuts in a bag - right on the counter where I left them 4 hours ago!! grrrr! Had a few handfulls of popcorn.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ok, Have a great evening and I'll check back tomorrow![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey There! How'd ya all do this weekend!?! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I did pretty good! We fired up the grill on Saturday - it was only 29 degrees outside :eek: - but we were craving a burger on the grill!! No bun - of Course!:p No Chips- of course![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]But Grilled onions & mushrooms on top took care of any feelings of not a 'real burger'. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]So here's a good question for winter - do you still fire up your grill for steaks, chicken and other favorites - even with really low temps? [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Check back on ya's later![/FONT]
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Hey Jean,
Thank for the "kick in the patootie:D " that I needed. You are right, and I made a small goal to lose 5 more lbs by the end of the month. When I get home I am going to dig my treadmill out of my bedroom where it has been doubling as a clothes hanger for about a month:D :eek: . We moved it to make room for the tree in the livingroom, but I am going to free it tonight.
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Happy Monday Everyone! (happy monday??? ) Oxymoron :D !


It is sooo cold here in Maine, right now outside it is 3 degrees! And there's a wind blowing, so it's more like 15 below. Oh my goodness!:eek:


Jocelyn- You are doing so GREAT!! I so understand that,

" you mean I have to exercise, oh wait I mean, why yes I have to exercise!" LOL! I so wish I had a treadmill, but my teeny tiny apt, I'd have to give up my couch. Hmmm, maybe not a bad idea! ;)


Jean- You are so right about how all of us help each other to keep going. I know I'm really motivated because my cruise is just 17 days away, and when I come back I'll need you all to help me get right back on this WOE.


Kreeb- you keep at it, you make me want to make it to the end.


All the recipes you guys share are so great, because I kind of get stuck in a rut, cooking for just one. I am down another pound for a total of 27 lost! So my goal when I get back from my cruise is to...

1. Plan my next cruise! :)

2. Get on induction and loose whatever I find on this cruise!

3. Finally, after so many years of being overweight, get to my goal weight. I am only 15 lbs from it!!!!

4. Realize that this truly is a WOL if I am to stay there at my goal.

5. Firm up what's been left behind!:eek:

6. And realize I'm happy now, NOT when I'm skinny again.


Thanks Everyone...


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Hello out there.


I apologize... havent posted since, before my cruise, I believe. We had a wonderful time and have already booked again with Princess (although we had a great time with Norwegian the princess itinerary dates were just better!) for November.


As for atkins, I'm still in premaintenance and trying to wade through the difficulty of what I can and can't eat without causign weight issues. I'm within my goal weight range now and hoping to achieve the lower number which I've come close to several times but not yet hit. Premaintenance is surely the trickest part of the whole plan.


This weekend my husband had emergency surgery and I ran to the grocery store for soft foods for him (he's recovered well now for anyone who got concerned just then) and picked up pasta for myself. Good old enriched white pasta... and i didn't like it. It didn't taste as good as I remembered it being... that's how I feel about most cheats. I love my dark choc and my sugar-free hot choc and my low carb choc bars. I drink cherry coke zero for a treat once in awhile. But I don't miss sugar or white flour at all.


Still working on the bread issue...trying to find a low carb bread/tortilla that won't do me in... it is a struggle. I don't believe we'll be buying the bake mix anytime soon though my husband has offered to bake if I breakdown and buy it.


He is not atkins... he is trying to gain weight :) So he usually eats what I eat with a side of toast, ramen (his choice, yuck) and white rice. I am hoping to add wild rice in small quantities to my diet next month which will bring us closer to eating the same meals and cooking 1 meal instead of too. The crockpot and large wok have been lifesavers for us!


I hope all is well with everyone here and apologize but our net went down in Dec and we disconnected it because the service was so unreliable. However I'm starting classes again and will have net access at least 1-2x/week to do homework. And of course I'll need study breaks. I will post when I try some new recipes for all to share!



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Hi all!


Quick pop in to say hi, the first week of training went well, but my eating not so much. I'm not out of control, but just not being strict. Lots of stuff going on right now.


Jean, you go girl!

Donna, stay warm!

Pink, good to see you!


I'll be back soon...gotta put my girl down for a nap.


Take care!

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pinkbikini and anyone else who might be missing pasta - have you tried Dreamfields - the numbers are a little hard to undeerstand but the total "digestable" carbs are listed as 5 per serving, and I think that must be true because it has never had any adverse effect on my lowcarb WOE or on my DH's diabetes. Available in spaghetti, linguine, macaroni, lasagna, and penne forms. Tastes better than the "whole grain" ones we tried, doesn't get mushy, like another low-carb one, and is available at some grocery stores or can be ordered through the dreamfieldsfoods.com website, which also has a lot of information about the products.

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PinkB - when I was posting about the pasta, I overlooked your request for low carb tortillas. We get ones made by LaTortilla Factory, which have only 3 carbs for the regular size, and come in whole wheat, green onion, and garlic & herb varieties. I fry them lightly on both sides in a little oil, fold in half, let cool a little, and fill for tacos. Or I use two to make a grilled cheese quesadilla. Cut in half and served with a salad it makes a perfect light lunch for DH and myself.


A larger size (5 carbs), is perfect for wraps you're going to cut in pieces.


If you can't find them in your local grocery, they are available online from www.latortillafactory.com, which also has a store locator. They keep well, and can also be frozen.

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Good Morning!

gooselace - always a great source of information, thanks for sharing! Did you use wraps like these when you were loosing? or just maintaining?

Pink- Good to see you back on!

Donna - Your getting so close to your Cruise with your sister! YAY! After all of the cold and snow at your place, if you don't post by Mar 1 we'll know you just decided to NOT get back on the ship! LOL :D We'll miss you :p !

Jocelyn - Good for you - Getting a Goal!! Atta Girl! :)

Lisa - Always glad to hear what you've been up to!


Today was my weigh in - same all week. Ok, so when I finally get to my goal - I'll know how to stay there. But, I'm just a bit stumped, I've been really good on watching the extras, carbs & water. Walking at least every other day. Hmmmm I'll keep thinking what is not moving the scale.:mad: This afternoon I have to have a root canal....ugh...I'm so tired of paying out of pocket for the medical profession to inflict pain on me somewhere! :(


Take care everyone!

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MNCruzzin -As near as I remember, neither the LC tortillas nor the Dreamfields pasta was available - or at least I didn't learn of them - until I was on maintenance (Oct. 2000). I actually started seeking out such products only after my DH was diagnosed with diabetes, and really missed such foods. However, they are low enough in carbs that they could be used, at least in limited quantities, anytime after induction.

For a time, at the height of the Atkins diet revolution - before his untimely death - there were many more low carb/ sugar free products available from major manufacturers and sold in supermarkets. Unfortunately, many of these have been discontinued. Some, like the Low Carbolicious Pizza kit, are only available, so far as I know, online.

That's one of the reasons I mention these products on this board, even tho some of them may not be suitable for the earliest stages of Atkins. If people don't see them in the grocery, they get discouraged and think that they are giving up some favorite foods forever - or just decide that low-carb isn't for them.

Speaking of which, did you all see the excellent article by Gary Taub in the January Ladies Home Journal? It was adapted from an earlier one he wrote for the New York Times Magazine section.

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Hey Everyone!


I wish I liked eggplant. :( Just can't do it! Been using summer squash though. Time to try spaghetti (sp) squash with sauce.


Well, it was a AWFUL weekend! I ate everything in sight. :eek: We went to Olive Garden, and I blew off my WOE totally and I paid for it big time, I was soooo nauseous. And then there has been chocolates and muffins at work. And I have'nt been prepared when I come with my own snacks. But I got myself back under control and Monday and today have been much better.

Only 11 days to go, and don't want to start my vacation "too" early!;) My DS and I have promised each other that we would walk every morning on the track upstairs. And we will be on the Celebrity Constellation, and we'll try to eat at the AquaSpa for lunches when on board. Plan to do alot of snorkeling and swimming. Has anyone been on the Connie?? My first time.

How has everyone been??? I know winter is a lousy time to stay on a diet plan, cold out, hard to exercise, holidays, comfort food. Hang in there everyone!!


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