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Anyone on Atkins?


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Heather (Curly) - Welcome!!! Gotta love this thread and all of the encouragement. :D


Jean - Welcome back even if it is temporary!! We sure miss you when you are gone but are happy that you are getting to travel! Yes, I am a little basketball crazy. I grew up in Chapel Hill and we use to have season tickets. My mother, father, step-mother, aunt, and grandmother all went to UNC. My grandmother was actually in the first female graduating class and my great-grandfather taught law there for 38 years. My great-uncle was killed in WW II. He was a surgeon and the medical school at UNC has a memorial lecture in his honor every year. It is safe to say we are a true blue Carolina family!! My daughter has a framed autograph from Dean Smith that she proudly displays in her bedroom!! I was Tarheel born, Tarheel bred and when I die I'll be Tarheel dead!! When my ex-fiance and I were together my mother bought him a Carolina hat (I think it was a hat) and he asked her how she knew he was a Carolina fan. Her response was that she knew I would never date a Duke fan!! LOL!! :cool:


Tripster - Congrats on being able to buy smaller clothes!! Hopefully one day we will all be able to join you!!!!:)


For dinner tonight we had grilled chicken and salad. Of course, we all know that I had my usual breakfast shake!! I don't know what I would do without my morning shake. SFS sure was a lifesaver with that recipe. My daughter's 11th birthday is next Tuesday so we are having her party Saturday. I will probably have to fix me a shake during her party so I will stay away from the Chocolate birthday cake and ice cream!! ;)


Have a great week!!!

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Thanks for the welcome Donna!


I would love to see the recipe for the breakfast shake - is it in this thread somewhere? I'm always looking for new ideas!


I'll have to type out a couple of the recipes I've come up with that are Atkins friendly for you guys. I have a great guilt-free dessert trifle recipe. It's not completely carb-free, but it's great to make for parties so there is something sweet that you can eat without getting into the really bad stuff. Here's the info on it:


1 sugar free angel food cake

1 can of no-sugar added pie filling (I like strawberry or cherry for this)

1 tub of sugar free cool-whip or 1-2 cans of redi-whip.

1 box of sugar free vanilla pudding (and the milk to mix with it)


Cut the angel food cake into chunks, and start layering each item..I prefer cake-pudding-pie filling-cool whip with the cool whip ending up as the top layer when you get done.


I always take this when we have family dinners so I can avoid grandma's caramel cake and my MIL's blueberry delight LOL.

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I'll have to type out a couple of the recipes I've come up with that are Atkins friendly for you guys. I have a great guilt-free dessert trifle recipe. It's not completely carb-free, but it's great to make for parties so there is something sweet that you can eat without getting into the really bad stuff. Here's the info on it:


1 sugar free angel food cake

1 can of no-sugar added pie filling (I like strawberry or cherry for this)

1 tub of sugar free cool-whip or 1-2 cans of redi-whip.

1 box of sugar free vanilla pudding (and the milk to mix with it)


Cut the angel food cake into chunks, and start layering each item..I prefer cake-pudding-pie filling-cool whip with the cool whip ending up as the top layer when you get done.


Too funny. I was just thinking about something similar to this to make for dessert on Tuesday. I couldn't decided between the chocolate mousse or this.

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Hi guys! Today is the last day of Induction for me! WooHoo!!! I got on the scale at my mom's house and since going to the doctor in Jan, I've lost 14 pounds. That's a hellova start for just two weeks!


So I'm staying focused and pressing forward in the attempt to loose 20 more pounds before a summer camp reunion in May. I'm going to see people I haven't seen in years and I want to look fabulous! I'm sure I can do it.


Breakfast - eggs and bacon

Lunch - (I actually don't know because I forgot my salad)

Dinner - the salad I forgot for lunch! LOL!

and as always water, water, and more water.

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I had Memphis...booohooohooo.


Welcome back, Jean! Sounds like you did great while you were gone. Did you have the fish tacos at Rubio's? Next to In 'n' Out, that's my favorite fast food. I lived in SD for 7 years & I'm a UCSD grad. No, not the party school, the one in La Jolla, lol. It's Kevin's favorite city...some colleagues were putting feelers out for him to take a job there...it was tempting for him! Thankfully the housing prices & traffic kept him from seriously considering it. I love that city, but I'm so happy here. Thanks for loving our Tigers. I was sad they lost, but so proud of them. We got a big blow yesterday when Coach Calipari accepted the job at Kentucky. It's what he's wanted for a long time. It's going to take a while for Kevin to get over--just when Memphis basketball was starting to get some respect!:( Well, we'll still love 'em.


Welcome, Curly! You'll find a wealth of recipes & stuff if you read back a little. This thread is pretty easy to read in a few sittings. You're doing great!


Hello to everyone else! Your posts are super encouraging!


I finally got to change my ticker last week...I had a "swoosh" of 2.8 pound loss. Let's hope it keeps going. I have about 19 pounds left to get back into my 8's, and 33 to get to my best body.


Have a great day, everyone!

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Wow! Sounds like since we all joined in the same boat earlier, that we have all picked up a paddle and started moving us forward. I am loving seeing all the weight loss numbers lately!! WTG! I too can join in. Go figure, I upped my carbs somewhat as I wasn't loosing and was told to give it a try. So I did and todays scale said I lost 2 lbs. I have added better for me items. Nothing drastically. Just basic "you know its good for you food".


Tonights dinner will consist of:


Stuffed chicken breast with spinach and boursin cheese

Green beans- all day cooked

(Hubbys) sour cream and chive twice baked potato

Dessert... Angel Food cake with white chocolate SF pudding and strawberries triffle.


I am also making food for future meals/snacks today, since I have a day off work.


But first, off to exercise AGAIN!

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Everyone is doing so great! :)

I havent weighed myself yet this week. i'm going to just give another

day or so and see how it goes.

Just got done cutting grass and picking up sticks around the yard.

Its very nice here today, so it was great to get out and enjoy some fresh air. Still have to get on the treadmill later though.


keep up the great work everyone. :D

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I lived in SD for 7 years & I'm a UCSD grad. No, not the party school, the one in La Jolla, lol. It's Kevin's favorite city...some colleagues were putting feelers out for him to take a job there...it was tempting for him! Thankfully the housing prices & traffic kept him from seriously considering it. I love that city, but I'm so happy here. Thanks for loving our Tigers. I was sad they lost, but so proud of them. We got a big blow yesterday when Coach Calipari accepted the job at Kentucky. It's what he's wanted for a long time. It's going to take a while for Kevin to get over--just when Memphis basketball was starting to get some respect!:( Well, we'll still love 'em.


I finally got to change my ticker last week...I had a "swoosh" of 2.8 pound loss. Let's hope it keeps going. I have about 19 pounds left to get back into my 8's, and 33 to get to my best body.


Have a great day, everyone!



Lisa Girl! ... Good to 'see' ya! I remember that you did your college years up at UCSD! I used to drive by there to work! Beautiful campus!

My sis and I stayed around downtown and a day over at Coronado. We were at the Omni, that connects to Petco Park..Perfect location! The fish tacos came from the Tin Fin right there by the hotel.

A Big Congrats on your Whoosh!! 2.8 wooo hooo! Your going to get there!

The coach is going to Kentucky?!! yeah... we had a new coach this year too...they did pretty well!


Donna...what great history from UNC!!...you are blue blue blue!! :0)

My DS work a Tarheel hat for a long time!

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It's been a while since I have posted, but I have been reading everyone's posts. I'm going on a cruise over Easter week, then will be back on Atkins again. I think I posted this a long time ago, but thought I would re-post for the newbies and a reminder for the oldies. This came from another Atkins message board.




We ve been told over an over again that daily weighing is unnecessary, yet many of us can t resist peeking at that number every morning. If you just can t bring yourself to toss the scale in the trash, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the factors that influence it s readings. From water retention to glycogen storage and changes in lean body mass, daily weight fluctuations are normal. They are not indicators of your success or failure. Once you understand how these mechanisms work, you can free yourself from the daily battle with the bathroom scale.


Water makes up about 60% of total body mass. Normal fluctuations in the body s water content can send scale-watchers into a tailspin if they don t understand what s happening. Two factors influencing water retention are water consumption and salt intake. Strange as it sounds, the less water you drink, the more of it your body retains. If you are even slightly dehydrated your body will hang onto it s water supplies with a vengeance, possibly causing the number on the scale to inch upward. The solution is to drink plenty of water.


A biologist at Berkeley shared something very revealing on the low-carb BBS system about 4 years ago that helps us all through the erratic weight fluctuations you invariably encounter:


"Fat cells are resilient, stubborn little creatures that do not want to give up their actual cell volume. Over a period of weeks, maybe months of "proper dieting", each of your fat cells may have actually lost a good percentage of the actual fat contained in those cells. But the fat cells themselves, stubborn little guys, replace that lost fat with water to retain their size. That is, instead of shrinking to match the reduced amount of fat in the cell, they stay the same size! Result - you weigh the same, look the same, maybe even gained some scale weight, even though you have actually lost some serious fat."


This is what we have been telling folks. You lose inches but not pounds because your body plumps the fat cells. I tell them it is a complicated biochemical process that your body replaces the fat molecules with water and fluids until you exceed your bodies predetermined fluid level. Then your body will release a chemical that releases all this stored water and you get a sudden overnight loss of several pounds. Then the cycle starts over again with inches gone and the scales lag behind.


The good news is that this water replacement is temporary. It's a defensive measure to keep your body from changing too rapidly. It allows the fat cell to counter the rapid change in cell composition, allowing for a slow, gradual reduction in cell size. The problem is, most people are frustrated with their apparent lack of success, assume they have lost nothing, and stop dieting. However, if you give those fat cells some time, like 4-6 months, and ignore the scale weight fluctuations, your real weight/shape will slowly begin to show.


Excess salt (sodium) can also play a big role in water retention. A single teaspoon of salt contains over 2,000 mg of sodium. Generally, we should only eat between 1,000 and 3,000 mg of sodium a day, so it s easy to go overboard. Sodium is a sneaky substance. You would expect it to be most highly concentrated in salty chips, nuts, and crackers. However, a food doesn t have to taste salty to be loaded with sodium. A half cup of instant pudding actually contains nearly four times as much sodium as an ounce of salted nuts, 460 mg in the pudding versus 123 mg in the nuts. The more highly processed a food is, the more likely it is to have a high sodium content. That s why, when it comes to eating, it s wise to stick mainly to the basics: fruits, vegetables, lean meat, beans, and whole grains. Be sure to read the labels on canned foods, boxed mixes, and frozen dinners.


Women may also retain several pounds of water prior to menstruation. This is very common and the weight will likely disappear as quickly as it arrives. Pre-menstrual water-weight gain can be minimized by drinking plenty of water, maintaining an exercise program, and keeping high-sodium processed foods to a minimum.


Another factor that can influence the scale is glycogen. Think of glycogen as a fuel tank full of stored carbohydrate. Some glycogen is stored in the liver and some is stored the muscles themselves. This energy reserve weighs more than a pound and it s packaged with 3-4 pounds of water when it s stored. Your glycogen supply will shrink during the day if you fail to take in enough carbohydrates. As the glycogen supply shrinks you will experience a small imperceptible increase in appetite and your body will restore this fuel reserve along with it s associated water. It s normal to experience glycogen and water weight shifts of up to 2 pounds per day even with no changes in your calorie intake or activity level. These fluctuations have nothing to do with fat loss, although they can make for some unnecessarily dramatic weigh-ins if you re prone to obsessing over the number on the scale.


Otherwise rational people also tend to forget about the actual weight of the food they eat. For this reason, it s wise to weigh yourself first thing in the morning before you ve had anything to eat or drink. Swallowing a bunch of food before you step on the scale is no different than putting a bunch of rocks in your pocket. The 5 pounds that you gain right after a huge dinner is not fat. It s the actual weight of everything you ve had to eat and drink. The added weight of the meal will be gone several hours later when you ve finished digesting it.


Exercise physiologists tell us that in order to store one pound of fat, you need to eat 3,500 calories more than your body is able to burn. In other words, to actually store the above dinner as 5 pounds of fat, it would have to contain a whopping 17,500 calories. This is not likely, in fact it s not humanly possible. So when the scale goes up 3 or 4 pounds overnight, rest easy, it s likely to be water, glycogen, and the weight of your dinner. Keep in mind that the 3,500 calorie rule works in reverse also. In order to lose one pound of fat you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in. Generally, it s only possible to lose 1-2 pounds of fat per week. When you follow a very low calorie diet that causes your weight to drop 10 pounds in 7 days, it s physically impossible for all of that to be fat. What you re really losing is water, glycogen, and muscle.


This brings us to the scale s sneakiest attribute. It doesn t just weigh fat. It weighs muscle, bone, water, internal organs and all. When you lose "weight," that doesn t necessarily mean that you ve lost fat. In fact, the scale has no way of telling you what you ve lost (or gained). Losing muscle is nothing to celebrate. Muscle is a metabolically active tissue. The more muscle you have the more calories your body burns, even when you re just sitting around. That s one reason why a fit, active person is able to eat considerably more food than the dieter who is unwittingly destroying muscle tissue.


Robin Landis, author of "Body Fueling," compares fat and muscles to feathers and gold. One pound of fat is like a big fluffy, lumpy bunch of feathers, and one pound of muscle is small and valuable like a piece of gold. Obviously, you want to lose the dumpy, bulky feathers and keep the sleek beautiful gold. The problem with the scale is that it doesn t differentiate between the two. It can t tell you how much of your total body weight is lean tissue and how much is fat. There are several other measuring techniques that can accomplish this, although they vary in convenience, accuracy, and cost. Skin-fold calipers pinch and measure fat folds at various locations on the body, hydrostatic (or underwater) weighing involves exhaling all of the air from your lungs before being lowered into a tank of water, and bioelectrical impedance measures the degree to which your body fat impedes a mild electrical current.


If the thought of being pinched, dunked, or gently zapped just doesn t appeal to you, don t worry. The best measurement tool of all turns out to be your very own eyes. How do you look? How do you feel? How do your clothes fit? Are your rings looser? Do your muscles feel firmer? These are the true measurements of success. If you are exercising and eating right, don t be discouraged by a small gain on the scale. Fluctuations are perfectly normal. Expect them to happen and take them in stride. It s a matter of mind over scale.


by Renee Cloe,

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

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Hey new ones & those that may need a reminder - sugarfreesheila.com - a great site with great motivation, recipes, faq's, etc, & she's one of us!! Spend some time reading & learning - time well spent! I still check in there once a week or so for any updates or whatever!!


I'm in the boat with no paddle this week...uh uh, no way am I gonna weigh...maybe in a day or two, hmm, we'll see...


Oh yeah, another site for those to check if you get FitTv by Discovery channel - older shows Blaine's Low Carb Kitchen go to the web site for recipes, ideas.

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Hi Kreeb, you must have posted while I was slowly typing away - funny I should mention weighing, & come to think of it, I do resemble feathers rather than gold!!:eek::D


But, I am working on it!!:p Don't be a stranger! & have an amazing cruise...report back so we can live vicariously thru yours!

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Kreeb - great reminder. Even though we all probably know that in the back of our heads, we still need a reminder. There is just something rewarding to see numbers get lower. For me, I can tell if my fat % is lower or not. Some clothes I have could be a size 16 and too tight, while the same pair of jeans by a different maker could be a 12 and fit fine. Go figure. So for me, clothes comparing doesn't work. I just have to stick with a certain article of clothing and see if that gets any looser and not worry about what size number it is, cuz it is probably wrong anyway. LOL

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Wow! It is bustin' out spring here in EastTex! I saw the first 'scout' hummingbird this weekend - he came & buzzed my kitchen window until I looked up, as if to say 'We're baaaack!!' Yay!! I do feed birds year round, boy, what an expense, but I just count it in with the dog food, horse feed, & people food!:p


Jean, I bet you Sadie missed you while you were gone - did you hear about Oprah's Sadie - a little 'cockerel spanish' girl (ok, that's cocker spaniel for those who don't remember Lady & the Tramp! hee hee) who got sick with parvo - her brother didn't make it, but so far she has? My DS's two black lab pups caught parvo last year after their first trip to the vet to be vaccinated...both survived, but, boy what a vet bill, probably no where what O paid...:eek: Oh, btw, do you still see my 'eggs'?! I think they went poof too, I no longer see them on the last page...go figure...



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Hey Kreeb.....good to see you back and your post was good to re-read! Funny how we need reminders, reminded and new reminders again! I still check out the scale each morning...but what it says, doesn't set my day - good or bad! I try to be good every day...because I know when I'm bad...uh, yeah...we won't go there! :p Be sure to tell us about your trip!!

Cerabella - Hey Girl, No, didn't hear about O's pups.... but how sad!! :( My Sadie started off with the 'cough' when I adopted her from the pound...but I think she's done really good...and is tough as nails!! Have you seen the mesa pics where we hike on my website? When I see her crunching on something.:eek:...yuck...I don't even want to know what it is! Her B-day was last week...she's 2 yr old now!

Ohhh... I don't see eggs...I had some for breakfast...but I don't see them on here!:o Gotta love those 'scouts'! They know if it's time to head north or not!

Curly - I checked out your website......B E A U T I F U L!! :) Love it! Have done a couple of small weddings...... what work!! Whew!! But what satisfaction when they love the pictures! And...your doing really good on your weight loss! Good Job!

---Windy !====Windy !-----Windy.!....Yep it's Spring!

Have a great Evening all....

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Hey Kreeb - Welcome back!! Thank you so much for that reminder! I really needed that. I am really thinking about getting a hand held fat monitor from Costco so that I can keep a check on that as well. I am sure you will have a wonderful cruise. I just hope you don't fall off the wagon like I did!! ;)


Today was a crazy day so I am just now getting a chance to check in and catch up. I am trying to get all my homework done ahead of time since we are making another trip to the Outer Banks for a long weekend next week. I am really starting to get burned out with school but I refuse to quit. I have a feeling that if I take off some time I will never get back to it. If I keep at the slower pace that I have been going I will finally get my degree in May 2011. :cool:

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Curly - I checked out your website......B E A U T I F U L!! :) Love it! Have done a couple of small weddings...... what work!! Whew!! But what satisfaction when they love the pictures! And...your doing really good on your weight loss! Good Job!


Thanks Cruzzin! It's been a labor of love for sure! But, I thrive on the energy of a wedding day, and there's nothing better than making someone cry when they see their pictures for the first time (in a good way, of course!).


So, I'm at that 2 days back on induction point when I'm headachey and hungry all the time. Hate it, but I know I've gotta do it. Hanging in there!!

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Hi all. Just checking in today.


I have been getting caught up on a few things at home. Actually, really caught up now!


Curly - I have enrolled in a photography class and loving it so far. I got myself a nice new camera and wanted to learn it so I can take some awesome pictures.

So far, so good. Except those darn aperture and shutter speed dials. Seems like I move them and it never looks different. I want a fuzzy background, but can't seem to get there. Doesn't help that the numbers are opposite of what you would think. EX: larger is actually small. LOL


Get this - My husband was so impressed with the low carb dessert I made the other night, he wanted to have people sample it and brag that I fixed it to be "better for us to eat". As he puts it, "good for us to eat". I keep telling him that most things are not "good for us", but, "better than normal for us". Turns out, the guys were impressed and wanted to know if I was making it again SOON. I hope they don't think I am going to start baking for them and feeding them. Not in this economy! LOL


At work now trying to decide what we are going to order in. I am kinda hungry already. I had an active day, so I bet that is why.

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Hello Gang!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. Today was busy at work and just flew by. Keith called me at 3:00 and wanted to know what I wanted for dinner. I asked what he wanted and he said "the chicken that has been in the oven for two hours sounds good to me" I love it when he has dinner ready when I walk in the door. It is only 6:00 and we have already eaten dinner and I have cleaned the kitchen!! He ate just chicken but I had a salad with my baked chicken. Yummy!!


I am feeling better and drinking more water so hopefully I will have good news on Monday when I weigh!! I still have over 18 months before our next cruise so I will definately be at my goal weight by then. I keep hoping that I will be able to fit a cruise in this year but it just does not seem to be happening. :rolleyes: Hopefully this rain will go away sometime soon so I can get back out there and walk. Maybe I should just walk up and down the stairs for a little exercise. ;) Tomorrow I am going to buy a Wii for Haven's birthday and I am thinking about getting the Wii fit down the road. Maybe then it would be easier to get some exercise since I can't talk her Mema out of her treadmill! :D I hope everyone is having a wonderful evening!!

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Curly - I have enrolled in a photography class and loving it so far. I got myself a nice new camera and wanted to learn it so I can take some awesome pictures.

So far, so good. Except those darn aperture and shutter speed dials. Seems like I move them and it never looks different. I want a fuzzy background, but can't seem to get there. Doesn't help that the numbers are opposite of what you would think. EX: larger is actually small. LOL


Awesome! What kind of camera did you get? Once you get used to the aperture and shutter speed and ISO changes, it becomes second nature. I can pretty much look at a scene and know exactly what all of my settings need to be without even using the meter.


The fuzzy background (shallow depth of field -where you have a narrow plane that is actually in focus) is much easier when you have lenses that can go down to a 1.2 or 2.8 aperture. The lower the aperture the more narrow your depth of field is. Most kit lenses that come with cameras don't have that kind of aperture range. Also, even if your aperture is wide open (at the lowest aperture possible), if you are a long distance away from your subject, you will still end up with a larger depth of field. There are all kinds of fun mathematical reasons why :D


I'm happy to help if you have any questions!

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Just checking in to say hi...


I'm inching back up close to my highest weight. Are you all aware of the dangers of a few months off Atkins now? Are you???? Let me spare you the misery of finding out for yourself if you haven't already...work OWL after induction, find out what you can and can't eat, figure out how many carbs you need to maintian and how many to lose...and don't be in a rush just to get to goal. Maintaining is soooooooooooooooooo much harder to do I think then the initial losses. I'll try to be smarter this time around.


Part of it I'm certain has to do with the stress in my life right now. Lots of big marital discussions- baby making, homebuying, staying or moving from our home state... stress!!!! Plus full time work, part time school and clinical obligations 10-15 hrs/week, and community service commitments through a local women's group keep me occupied nearly every day of the week.


Also, I feel overtired because nobody respects the overnight schedule. Even other nurses. They don't understand why if you didn't work the night before you might still be tired having to attend an 11 a.m. meeting in the middle of your normal sleep pattern. So, there are days where I sleep 4 hrs here and 2 hours there in between my many commitments. I'm feeling a little overextended but it all seemed so doable in January when I signed on to these projects- ya know?


But, my goals this summer are just to focus on full-time work with no other summer commitments. Taking a summer off school *DONNA, I FEEL FOR YOU GIRL!** And to get back to walking. And to clear out our back room which was supposed to be a workout room in the winter. I'm going to sell lots of stuff on ebay and then garage sale/donate the remainder and clear that room out so its empty and ready for winter workouts (between that and wii fit we have no excuse not to stay fit next winter!). We won't be picking our 2010 cruise until the winter at the end of this year... I'm imagining it will be Europe or S. America and probably not a bikini trip so no incentive there necessarily...it's easy to hide in layers ;)


Anyway, just checking in to commiserate on stress levels and rationalize poor eating and exercise habits... with the goal to start improving in 4 weeks when all these commitments are through (except that pesky fulltime job)


Pink :p

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Well I'm at another standstill .. its driving me nuts! :mad:

I've never had such a hard time losing before. WTH?

Getting old sux! (lack of willpower dosent help either) lol :p


I did fall off the wagon over the weekend, we had Japanese.

So with that I had a gain (2lbs).. I think i got that lost and back to my 19.5lb loss. I think i'm gonna have to pickup some of those strips.. Cuz I'm not able to tell if i'm in my zone. I like Cheese, so I think i might be overdoing it? IDK. I am trying to keep up with the water.

I'm going to buy a brita filter/pitcher this weekend, and hope it helps, and cut back on all the water bottles.


Roadtripster.. your so lucky to be enrolled into a photography class. Everytime we have one offered here, it gets cancelled due to lack of interest :( I'm having a heck of a time nailing my focus. Not sure if its cuz of my aperature being too wide open or movement or if my 50 is messed up.

I'm thinking its not the camera LOL

Pink, sorry your having a tough go too... Hope it settles down for you soon. I'd love to go to school, but I know with my schedule, i'd be nuts. LOL


Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)

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Pink- I feel for you!!! Look at the weight I gained back when I took a couple of months off Atkins!! NOT GOOD!! I have actually decided to speed up the pace a little with school. Instead of one class this summer and two classes this fall, I have registered for two classes this summer and three classes this fall. I think 6 hours in the summer session and 9 hours in the fall semester is enough. Last fall I took 9 hours and it just about killed me and here I am doing it again. :eek: Oh well, I am just so tired of working full time and school. I just want it over with.


We don't have a cruise booked until until November 2009 so I should be looking good by then!! :p

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Happy Friday Everyone!!

Going to Dr today...so I didn't step on scale...it'd probably not be a good thing to be in tears ...before I even start to talk to him, eh?! :o But it is what it is for today....but, this week I've been good because of my San Diego trip! What has been hard is not being able to walk, hike etc...that I normally do...that's why I need to see Dr...I'll give him the list and see what he says! I'm just maintaining...and I'm ok with that...just trying not to go up before next week for my next adventure!





Also, I feel overtired because nobody respects the overnight schedule. Even other nurses. They don't understand why if you didn't work the night before you might still be tired having to attend an 11 a.m. meeting in the middle of your normal sleep pattern. So, there are days where I sleep 4 hrs here and 2 hours there in between my many commitments. Pink :p


Pink - Girl!! I know what your saying...I really do! My DS works the Graveyard shift (lights, sirens etc..) and now with the new baby...he comes home just in time for my DIL to head to work for 5 hours - and she passes the baby to him...who is wide awake for the morning! Finally, about 9:30..she's ready for a nap...and boy is he too! I got to help them out on Wed...but they are very sure that everything is 'working out'! I would love to come babysit...just so they both could sleep for about 8 hours straight! Where would we be without our night time/graveyard people that are very dedicated in what they do?! Thank You!!


Everyone that has overloaded schedules....Rest/Sleep!! You need that as much as you need to work out! Besides, that treadmill will do a number on you if you go to sleep while trying to walk! :p:eek:


Busy weekend here ....but remember!

Less is More

It's your Fork and your Choice!

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