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Dominica tour with Reyno....


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This is what we were promised....


Dominica Tour:


1st van out will head to Trafalgar Falls and Ti Tou Gorge first, then Emerald Falls/Mr. Nice Fruit Stand and the botanical gardens. This tour will attempt to hit everything so we need to leave asap off the ship.


2nd and 3rd vans out - Will do the traditional tour starting with Emerald Falls/Mr. Nice Fruit Stand, than Trafalgar Falls and the Botanical Garden. They will go to Ti Tou Gorge if there is time.


Unless by stroke of luck all snorkelers are on the first van, we will head back to the ship than head out to Champagne Beach. If we need more than one van for additional people going to Champagne - so be it!!


Remember - it is all dependent on the weather as well. They get a lot of rain and we could end up missing a spot due to current conditions.


This is what we got.... For $35 US ($1 US = $2.67 EC), We were herded under a tree right outside the gates for the pier to wait for Reyno who was LATE! Then, he proceeded to argue about what he had promised. He PROMISED to do as written above, but instead, we were ten people plus a driver and tour guide in two vans, then another van with just three people and a driver and tour guide. Ten people of all ages, heights, and sizes. ALL of us complaining about the space in the van. What the van is, is a van that they ripped all the seats out of and replaced with other seats that were much closer together to be able to carry more people in. The seats were so close to the ones in front of you that your knees were jammed into the seat, no matter how you sat, straight or side ways, it was very uncomfortable. Then, we went to Emerald Falls. There for 25 minutes maximum, then to Mr. Nice (BEST part of the trip in my opinion) for around 15 minutes, then to Trafalgar Falls for around 30 minutes maximum. The scenery was awesome, yet you were SO uncomfortable it was hard to enjoy. YES! It rained, but we were in a rainforest, that's what its supposed to do! How could you complain about that? My complaint is that we never went to the botanical gardens as promised, no drinks, no stop for drinks, no stop for a bathroom other than at the Emerald Falls and Trafalgar Falls facility, no Ti Tou Gorge, and the tour had us back at the ship by 12:58 PM and we didn't even leave at the promised time of 8:30 AM, it was actually 9:33 am. So, did I feel as if I got my moneys worth? NO! Dominica is a BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL island, but the way the tour was conducted and the way we were ripped off definitely left a bad taste in everyones mouth. Literally, we were riding in the cramped van for the majority of the "tour". Reyno has a concept there, but he has a long way to perfect it. First off, start by delivering what you PROMISED!:mad:

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There were some from the cruise critics group who did get to go snorkeling at Champagne beach. I did not go, so I can not comment on that. I also didn't hear what others who were not on the Reyno tour did, but I heard plenty of people commenting on the natural beauty of Dominica.:D

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I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have a good day with Reyno Tours. That sounds so different than the day we had with them. It sounds like we had opposite experiences. I noticed that you had a great day with Cosol on St. Lucia. We were stuck waiting at the pier for him and he wasn't there. We were able to track down our driver, but our day was very disappointing. We, on the other hand, had a great day with Reyno. We had all the time we wanted at each stop and were able to stop at each place for as long as we liked. We weren't cramped at all and found our day wonderful. We would love to go back to Dominica and wouldn't hesitate to use Reyno.


I'm glad to see that you enjoyed the Pearl as much as we did. I wish I were back on her instead of snowed in with 10 more inches coming!

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I was with HopSingh, but on a different van. Our van did go to TiTou Gorge which was pretty, but a 15 minute pebbly hike that many older/less athletic people may not enjoy - especially in the downpour - since it IS a rainforest! ;o) You need to know that you should not go into the gorge unless you are a very good swimmer. Being 6 mos. pregnant, I waited outisde while my husband and some other "young folk" made the journey. They said it was awesome, but the current by the waterfall in the cave is very strong. Plus, as you swim along, there is nothing to hold onto...it is a 10-15 swim into the cave to the waterfall. If you have a thin inflatable vest, that may help, but if not, be careful going in.


We then went to Trafalagar Falls and to the Botanical Garden, but did not hit Emerald Pool. Our van did go on with solme folks, but by that point we were beat and the roads were rough...it would have meant another 2 hours in the van for more waterfalls when we already saw 2.


The problems with Reyno's tour during our excursion was communication. We were suppose to have the price of admission to the Falls covered, as well as drinks. Neither was deleivered. The van we were in was old and worn, not like Cosol's, which were clean and newer.


Having said all that, our tour guide Rosalind was very good and informative. We learned a lot.


Some things to know if you decide to do ANY excusion in Dominica...


  • It is a very poor country, but they are a proud people (as many have said here before).
  • It is a beautiful country, however the roads are scary as all get out - one lane, barely paved with no guardrails and very steep inclines. It was an adventure!
  • It rains...a lot! But at the base, it seems to stay sunny. Bringing a change of clothes or a rainjkacket/umbrella might do you some good! Water shoes or comfortable shoes are helpful. Sandals and leisurely pretty shoes are not encouraged!

We did not go snorkeling, but there was a group of 10 that did go. I think what they liked most was the Champagne effect derived from the volcanic origins on the island. I don't know if they saw a ton of fish or anything...maybe one of them will pop on here.


Final thought based on Cruisin Carrie's post - try to get Reyno as your guide and customize your tour to your liking and make sure you agree to the terms ahead of time. Sounds like that is what they did and it worked well. Although no matter what...the vans simply weren't that great.




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Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with Reyno. Dominica is such a beautiful island and the people are so welcoming and friendly but I it sounds like you didn't get to really experience all that this amazing island has to offer. We love Dominica and will be returning again next month for another fantastic day with our past guide, Beno. Hopefully, you will have another opportunity to revist Dominica and really get to experience this special place.

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We were in the van with HopSingh and it was just like she stated. I think the problem was that he really couldn't accomodate our large CC group. We were crammed into the vans and we didn't even get to go every place we were supposed to go. We had to pay the entrance fees at the sites which were supposed to be included and he did not provide the promised drinks. His excuse was that there were too many people in the vans and there wasn't room for the drinks. He was right about that--you definitely couldn't have gotten anything else in the van;)

It was also not fun to stand in the hot sun waiting for him.

Reyno himself did not travel with our 3 vans but was with another smaller group who booked separately. They probably had a great time.

He might be good for a small group but not a large one like we had.

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We were in the van with HopSingh and it was just like she stated. I think the problem was that he really couldn't accomodate our large CC group. We were crammed into the vans and we didn't even get to go every place we were supposed to go. We had to pay the entrance fees at the sites which were supposed to be included and he did not provide the promised drinks. His excuse was that there were too many people in the vans and there wasn't room for the drinks. He was right about that--you definitely couldn't have gotten anything else in the van;)

It was also not fun to stand in the hot sun waiting for him.

Reyno himself did not travel with our 3 vans but was with another smaller group who booked separately. They probably had a great time.

He might be good for a small group but not a large one like we had.

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We just came back from our Carnival Destiny tour and our best tour on the islands was with REYNO TOURS. We paid $40 each and there were 8 of us in the van plus the driver (great guy..forgot his name) and the guide, Rosalin, who sat with us in the back as my husband is 6'9" and was sitting next to the driver.


We were given everything Reyno had promised and even more. Rosalin was not just a guide but a very experienced professional guide. We received so much information from her. It was awesome. Dominica is so beautiful we covered so much stuff that when we came back we had to disect all the info over the next few hours.


The people are so friendly and yet so very poor. We have traveled extensively and $40 for a 5-6 hour guided tour with drinks, and entrance fees included was in our opinion a bargain and well worth it.


We are currently looking at vacationing in Dominica and Reyno will be our guy to take us again and arrainging accomadations for us.

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Email from Reyno:

Anna I write in connection with what is happening to me and my business on cruisecritic message board.These is affecting my business badly and people that arwe booked with me are wrtting me and ask to withdraw there confirmation with me, these is unfaire,bad and malicious. I don’t think anyone is trying to be unfair, bad or malicious. Everything stated above is based on their experience. I have attached a second posting about my personal review.

Although one or two of what they are saying maybe true but I think these is and attact on me and mu business.You were the Leader of the group,you help to planned the tour with me.I rememeber that you said you did not want all the vans togerther and that one will leave to and area and te other 2 will head to another area. The problem is you were late. I got off the ship first (litterally waited an hour) at 8:00 am to make sure this went well and you were not there. The tour was arranged for 8:30 – but you said you would be there at 7:00. We started waiting at 8:15. Our van left at 8:45 am, I cannot comment on the others. The vans were to be broken into one van going to Ti Tou Gorge, Trafalgar Falls and Emerald Falls, and the other ones to Emerald Falls and Trafalgar Falls. When you arrived you tried to split up the snorkeling group again – which I told you in an email would be a problem and this caused confusion and additional waiting time. We were always to do snorkeling after the “land tours” so people could see what they wanted to and then go snorkeling. Arranging this large or a group is difficult.

I think we did most of the site's, the only problem was that there were no drinks like you told me on the phone.I ask you to used some of the tour money you were suppose to pay me and by somethings to drinks.I also remember I gave both you and your Husband a free trip.Today some of the people that were in the group and did the tour are writting so many bad things about me on cc. What they say about the drinks is accurate. You told us there was not enough room in the vans. When I talked to you on the phone our van did not pay entrance fees, but there must have been a miscommunication as we continued to pay for drinks. Thank you for the complimentary trip, I would rather have the execution go right as I felt personally responsible.

I want to apologize for those who said they did not see everything that I promise.I am only one person.I trust my staff but maybe they did not live up to the what I told them to do I'm sory about these.I am asking you to please get on cruisecritic message board and set the record straight. I thought the tour itself for Ti Tou Gorge and Trafalgar Falls went fine. If you are handling that large of a group you should go with them – if you are just contracting out to other tour guides you should let people know that up front.

These is hurting my business and I dont thing any one would like that.we all a Human and liable to make mistakes,we all have failliors and sucess so please add your imput on cc. I am terribly sorry about that, but people are entitled to their opinions.

Finaly, I would be more that happy to refund some of the money that I collect though is was just us$35p/p very cheap but some people thought it was a reap-of.All I know is tat who God bless know man curst. Christina and anyone else – please contact Reyno for a refund.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or coments and I would be more that happy to work with you again i the future.You are my friend and I am yours Anna.

Please tell Your Husband I said hello and may good richly bless you all thansk for your held in advance bye bye. Thank you very much Reyno for the kind regards. I am sorry this did not work out for us and you as well as we hoped.

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What I thought personally about the Reyno trip:


  • The sites we visited were unique, fun and interesting.
  • Tour guide – Rosalind, was very informative and pleasant
  • Those of us who snorkeled in addition to the site seeing got a good deal for the money
  • Including the tour leader free for planning such a large group
  • Driver was nice and tried to work with us
  • Reyno contacted me part way through to ask how we were doing and when I told him there were still complaints – entrance fees and drinks – he tried to remedy it with his driver and tour guide (our van did not pay entrance fees like apparently the others did).


  • Misunderstanding about what the group wanted. What Christina has in the first post was emailed exactly to Reyno and I thought we had an understanding.
  • Waiting for Reyno to arrive so the first van did not leave right away and you either could go to Emerald Falls or snorkeling – not both.
  • Not having drinks with us
  • Reyno going with another group instead of ours

Dominica is a beautiful island but is still developing. I talked to others on the ship tours and some were on busses and some described cramped vans like the ones we experienced. Reyno was correct and some of us got worn out on the trip with the windy, curvy roads. Ten people are too many for these vans.

I think if people went personally with Reyno they would have a good time. I would not try to organize such a large group again. When we started out I thought it was relatively simple – see as many sites as we could see, then stop back at the ship and those who wanted to go snorkeling could. It was not until a few weeks before we left that Reyno contacted me and suggested that going to all the sites (Ti Tou Gorge, Trafalgar Falls, Mr. Nice Fruit Stand and Emerald Falls) would be difficult. I think we could have done it, but would have needed to have left immediately and been kept 6 – 8 in a van at most. I do not personally recommend trying to do so much though.

Reyno my advice to you is to always have drinks, place less people in the vans, and go with that large of a group personally and print out the email(s) from them to make sure you are on the same page. I know I had printed my emails to you and had them with as did several others.

I encourage people who are planning smaller tours to still consider Reyno. I talked to someone from the other group who went with him personally and they had an excellent time, with the exception of leaving late because of the execution of our group.

I will describe the individual sites later as this is a fairly long post.

Lady Anna

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We went with Reyno Tours last week,and had an awesome time! I had booked a private tour with him,but ended up inviting 3 other couples,so there were 8 of us,driver and tour guide (both were wonderful).We felt we had plenty of room. Sorry to hear that others didnt enjoy it as much as we did. Dot

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I am not a mean or malicious person. I simply had a bad experience on my tour of Dominica. I do not feel that Dominica is a bad place at all. Out of all the countries we visited, Dominica was the most beautiful and unspoiled place. It was absolutely gorgeous, and my camera was full of 181 photos taken on our excursion there. I loved Dominica! The two minutes I saw of Reyno he seemed to be a very personable person, but he is not the person who conducted the tour in the van I was in. My tour guide Maureen was very nice, sweet, kind, knowledgeable and personable, but she was not Reyno. Communication seems to be the big factor here. What Reyno originally agreed to, he changed at the last minute and was unprepared(in my opinion) to deal with such a large group tour. I knew upon booking the cruise, that no matter what I did in Dominica, the country is poor and undeveloped and that the roads would not be comparable to what we have here in the US. This is not my complaint. My complaint is we were not given the tour we were promised even though we paid for the tour we were promised and tipped our driver James $20 US. I do not want a refund. I am simply stating the facts as to what happened on my tour. I can not speak as to what others experienced on their tours. All I can speak for is what I experienced on mine. I felt it was important to note for others that they would need to be aware of the fact that bathroom stops were nonexistent, there were no drinks provided and it was hot waiting in the blazing sun, then crammed in the van, the AC did not work well, so it was hot and muggy, it had been raining, as we were in the rainforest, so therefore that made it even more uncomfortable. I also felt like people should know up front that the entrance fees were not included as promised. Sometimes people will only carry a limited amount of cash with them to pay for the tour, food, drinks, souvenirs, and tip. If I did not have extra money put aside, that would have infringed on not being able to pay the entrance fees, or buy something to drink, or even to tip! That's why we have cruise critic. Several people may do the same exact thing, but they will all have a different experience. Just reporting on my experience. Be prepared and ask for and agree upon things in writing and reaffirm before leaving the port so as to not have a miserable experience in Dominica. I want people to enjoy Dominica, just in a more pleasant way than I did.:D

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HopSingh - Thank you for your report, it is interesting to hear the bad as well as the good.


We have a tour booked with Reyno, although it is a private tour just for us. As it's just for us, we will not have the problem of the van been over-crowded or people in the group wanting to see different things.


Just to clarify did you tell Reyno or your driver or guide you were unhappy with the conditions at the time, when maybe they could have done something about it? Did you specifically ask for the aircon to be turned up more, or a bathroom stop, and were told it was not possible?

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I am not a mean or malicious person. I simply had a bad experience on my tour of Dominica. I do not feel that Dominica is a bad place at all. Out of all the countries we visited, Dominica was the most beautiful and unspoiled place. It was absolutely gorgeous, and my camera was full of 181 photos taken on our excursion there. I loved Dominica! The two minutes I saw of Reyno he seemed to be a very personable person, but he is not the person who conducted the tour in the van I was in. My tour guide Maureen was very nice, sweet, kind, knowledgeable and personable, but she was not Reyno. Communication seems to be the big factor here. What Reyno originally agreed to, he changed at the last minute and was unprepared(in my opinion) to deal with such a large group tour. I knew upon booking the cruise, that no matter what I did in Dominica, the country is poor and undeveloped and that the roads would not be comparable to what we have here in the US. This is not my complaint. My complaint is we were not given the tour we were promised even though we paid for the tour we were promised and tipped our driver James $20 US. I do not want a refund. I am simply stating the facts as to what happened on my tour. I can not speak as to what others experienced on their tours. All I can speak for is what I experienced on mine. I felt it was important to note for others that they would need to be aware of the fact that bathroom stops were nonexistent, there were no drinks provided and it was hot waiting in the blazing sun, then crammed in the van, the AC did not work well, so it was hot and muggy, it had been raining, as we were in the rainforest, so therefore that made it even more uncomfortable. I also felt like people should know up front that the entrance fees were not included as promised. Sometimes people will only carry a limited amount of cash with them to pay for the tour, food, drinks, souvenirs, and tip. If I did not have extra money put aside, that would have infringed on not being able to pay the entrance fees, or buy something to drink, or even to tip! That's why we have cruise critic. Several people may do the same exact thing, but they will all have a different experience. Just reporting on my experience. Be prepared and ask for and agree upon things in writing and reaffirm before leaving the port so as to not have a miserable experience in Dominica. I want people to enjoy Dominica, just in a more pleasant way than I did.:D



Christina ~ your points are well taken and I do not think Reyno really meant any of you were malicious. From the email Lady Anna posted it looks as if Reyno has tried to fix it, by not charging her and her husband, and by offering the people to buy drinks and deduct it from their tour money. Your group was probably way too large for him to handle. He might have never had a group this large. He seems to operate a small business just like so many of them. I am sure he has learned from this experience as well. He also offered a refund in his email so he is trying his best to fix it but he can not turn things back.


I have to say I was glad to read you were not pursuing the refund.


I never saw really larger vans by the independent operators and in a previous Reyno review I posted I mentioned we had drinks, but we did not, we bought them and in our email from him he told us $35 and two stops that we would have to pay $2 p/p to get in IF we wished to go. I got confused with another tour. Reyno was suppose to be with us as well but he was sick eventhough he met us at the pier and looked awful so we were glad he was not in our van as we had no intention to get sick :o)


I am not sure why you guys did not get to stop more often ~ we must have had 4 + potty stops and we had numerous opportunities to buy water or whatever we wanted.


I hope your next visit to Dominica will be better ~ Els

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Christina is one of the sweetest persons you'd ever want to meet. And I think she's like me, we don't want our money back and we are in no way trying to hurt Reyno. But the boards are for reporting your experience to help others plan their trip.

I was really looking forward to Dominica and the day was really awful. We tried to express our frustration but you have to understand we were not with Reyno. Our guide communicated with him by phone but never addressed our concerns. It was never communicated to our van that our price was reduced and no one offered to buy our drinks.

But it's not the cost of the tour, the entrance fees or the cost of buying our own drinks that was the issue. The issue was that we did not receive the tour promised. He booked too large a group and solved the problem by overloading the vans. And because of it our day in Dominica was really spoiled.

It's not like we can go back and do it over. But I hope our experience will help others in planning their day.

I'm not saying not to use Reyno, but make sure your group is smaller and he follows through with what was promised before you leave.

After waiting in the sun for him, I almost booked a private driver instead with another couple we had met on the ship. I wish I had!

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Christina is one of the sweetest persons you'd ever want to meet. And I think she's like me, we don't want our money back and we are in no way trying to hurt Reyno. But the boards are for reporting your experience to help others plan their trip.

I was really looking forward to Dominica and the day was really awful. We tried to express our frustration but you have to understand we were not with Reyno. Our guide communicated with him by phone but never addressed our concerns. It was never communicated to our van that our price was reduced and no one offered to buy our drinks.

But it's not the cost of the tour, the entrance fees or the cost of buying our own drinks that was the issue. The issue was that we did not receive the tour promised. He booked too large a group and solved the problem by overloading the vans. And because of it our day in Dominica was really spoiled.

It's not like we can go back and do it over. But I hope our experience will help others in planning their day.

I'm not saying not to use Reyno, but make sure your group is smaller and he follows through with what was promised before you leave.

After waiting in the sun for him, I almost booked a private driver instead with another couple we had met on the ship. I wish I had!


I hope you can still look back at Dominica and remember its beauty eventhough you did not have the tour you had hoped for. I know you just can not go back and do it over.


It reminds me of a Princess cruise Acapulco trip we did last September with my MIL. The trip took us to small villages into the hills and we were put on a big buss and they had torn seats and the air condition was leaking on one half of the seats ~ the bus was 3/4 full ~ it was not a pretty sight. Our guide had such a strong accent we missed out on alot of commentary. We had a bathroom in the bus..but we could not use it because it was jammed...it was not a fun tour ~ this was cruiseline sponsored ~ we went to the shore excursion but nothing was done ~ we wrote on the comment card and never heard back. I know what it feels when the trip you wanted did not work out ~ we paid a ton of money $99 each.


I wish your Reyno tour had turned out like ours, 4 couples, tour guide and driver ~ we had plenty of room ~ Els

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I am sorry that a few of you did not have the time you expected to have in Dominica. We had a great day with Levi (of bumpiingtours) back in January. He pointed out both Reyno and Beno to us who were also waiting for people at the pier, but I think what shellhol said is right,we report about our tours/excursions experiences so others can have an idea of what to expect. Maybe Reyno meant no harm to anyone but things happen and sometime we just have to accept it. Reading Renyo's e-mail I would think he would really like to correct his mistakes. Like he said we all make mistakes.

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We too were on the tour as mentioned by the previous posters. We were in a different van than they were. Our van was in good repair and the airconditioning was working. We had a very nice driver, sorry his name escapes me right now and a tour guide named Matilda. She was the sweetest girl. She went with us on each of our hikes and pointed many different things out to us. I truly enjoyed seeing the falls and did not plan on snorkeling. All of our stops were long enough to shop, use the restrooms and take many pictures. Yes, it did rain twice while we were there, but, as everyone else had said before, we were in a rain forest. I thank Anna for putting this tour together. Dominica was a beautiful country and I would not hesitate to contact Reyno again if I am ever fortunate to travel there again.

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We too were on the tour as mentioned by the previous posters. We were in a different van than they were. Our van was in good repair and the airconditioning was working. We had a very nice driver, sorry his name escapes me right now and a tour guide named Matilda. She was the sweetest girl. She went with us on each of our hikes and pointed many different things out to us. I truly enjoyed seeing the falls and did not plan on snorkeling. All of our stops were long enough to shop, use the restrooms and take many pictures. Yes, it did rain twice while we were there, but, as everyone else had said before, we were in a rain forest. I thank Anna for putting this tour together. Dominica was a beautiful country and I would not hesitate to contact Reyno again if I am ever fortunate to travel there again.


Glad to know that not the whole group had a bad experience ~ Els

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First, I want to Thank everyone who went with Reyno tous and my group. I know my husband loved the sights, but thought we didn't get what was promised either. I agree with what everyone has said. I was on the van with TypeAGal. Whippets I think was on the one van that went at a resonable pace. I'm happy you liked it!


Christina - I hope I didn't offend you posting what Reyno said. I did not think you were being malicious at all. More people than not said the same things you did. I know at least one of the vans ( I think yours) left almost an hour late and somehow ended up back at the ship early. It was nice of you not to ask for a refund, but I personally do not feel you got what you were promised at all. Since I set-up the trip I should have worked out a refund with anyone on the ship and sent it to you guys. My apologies.


Following is some of the emails I received from Reyno. Reyno - I told you how dissapointed I was, can you see why?



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I do not wish to hurt this man's business but this is the truth. Reyno reponded promptly to all of my questions, and they were a lot of questions, but not everything happened as pomised. As the tour leader, I felt personally responsible for picking a good guide and while some where happy, others were not.


Here are some of the emails I received from Reyno:



Hi Anna, nice to hear from you again before your cruise.Yes I will be driving one of the Vans and will be ther with you all.


Yes the ChampageBeach is stiil rocky,however I will not be able to arange Boat for the few who wants to go there. Anna it's not dificult to get in the area,the only thing is that they have to pay us$2p/p to enter into the Marine Reserved Area.


I hope I answer all of your questions and looking forward to meeting you all on Febuary 5th bye.




Hi Anna, the Vans a very large, they are so large thay can hold 12---14 people very comfortably.






Hi Anna, thanks for keeping in touch with me.Yes all what you spoke about stands,once times permites and the weather is good.I want to asure you that I will try my best Anna to please every body and to make you feel happy about me trust me.


I can and will work with you and make your wish come true.I am there to please and to make verey body feel happy.


once you all or tey get of the Ship and ask for Reyno it wil be very easy to find me dont worry your self ok.I will be there from 7:00am waiting for the Ship.


Anna see you all soon and verey thing will be alright.


Hi Anna,


Thanks for choosing Reyno tours on your planed cruise visit to Dominica.Yes I will be available and to take you all any where you wish to go for Site's seeing tour on the date mentioned.We will visit the :Emerald Pool, Rain Forest, Titou Gouge, Trafalger Falls,Botanic Garden, Mr.Nice Fruite Stand,see the Sulpher hot spring(Volcanic activity),Panoramic View of the french Town(Roseau) with your ship in the back ground for photo, and much more highlights whiles on tour, and any thing alse you wish to do on that day.We will stop for 30------40 minutes at each of the main site's.(Emerald Pool,Trafalger Falls).


Yes Anna, it will take a little more time to do those that i mentioned with Emerald pool included.However with will have the time to do all of them and then do at lease 1 1/2 to 2 hours at the Champagne for Snorkeling.But if you need more time to snorkel then we will have to leave out the Emerald Pool and do all the others,Yes you are right most of the others are in the same location exsept the Emerald Pool and Mr.Nice.


Yes there is a short hike to the Falls and the Pool like I told you about 10 munites.Yes we can add Titou Gouge like I told you.Yes I will take all those who wish to Snorkel at the Reef for Snorkeling, drop off or wait for them.Yes all those who dont want to swimm will get there chances to see and take all there photo's at the site's.


You should meet me early as you can after the Ship Docks to avoid the crowd and the rush.As soon as you get there we will then begin our tour Just after,we will go for as long as you want for the day.You dont have to deposit any thing to get booked.All you have to do is write back and say you want to confirm the tour with me and I will book you all down.the 10--12 of you will ride toigerther in an air-condition Van, but if there is more than 12 we will use the other Vans.I have 4 of them and each one carries 12--14 people comfortable.I also have access to 2 big Buses that carries 27 people each,so any amount from your group of 50 from cc that want to join you there is room for them. everybody will pay me in cash us$35p/p, But you Anna gets a free trip since you will be the Leader.No payment with travellers cheques, no credit card, Visa or master card. You will pay tilll when we get back to the ship after the tour is over. If you can bring 20 or more from your large cc group I will give 3 free trips. (We received 2 - which is fine.)




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That sure sounds like a man that is trying to please,and I know that he told me to pay at the end,and if Im not happy,I dont pay. One thing I did learn on this past cruise...I had a tour thru the ship,and we were the last to board the bus...I knew the minute I got on that bus there were TOO many ppl and I would not be comfy,so I told them before I left...they had other buses and you just get on the next one. I know that might have been difficult to do with Reyno,but I wouldnt go if it looks to crowded....


I do know that he feels badly about your excursion and Im sure he has learned some lessons.But,he is truly a nice man and he does want to please...

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You are so right DALSAL ~ I have been on those overcrowded busses organized through the ship and the cruiselines were not as apologetic as Reyno is. What more do you want Lady Anna? Destroy the guys business because of ONE group's bad experience. I am not discounting your validity but come on you stated your disappointment now move on.

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