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Canada Denying Entrance

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The only flights out for the day of Disembarkation from Vancouver are 7:00 AM or 9:50 AM. I would never make it off the ship in time and get through customs/immigration to get that flight at 9:50 AM. Then I'm really stuck in VAncouver. I just knew something would happen to screw this surprise for DH! I would'nt be able to get a shuttle or something from Canada to Seattle because then I'm on Canada territory, Right? OH THIS JUST SUCKS!

CJ :) :)


I'm sorry but I don't quite know what you're trying to say here (besides that it sucks). If you get off th ship and go to the airport or get off the ship and take a shuttle and go to Seattle, you'd be on Canadian soil in any event. The two are not different.

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I posted this on the wrong thread. Sorry, on another thread NancyL mentioned that I could probably still take a cruise from Seward and get a flight out of Vancouver but the flights would be too early for me to do that and I did'nt know if I could take a shuttle or Amtrak in time to Seattle without a problem while being in Vancouver.


I got a DUI 14 years ago(no one hurt except my pride, thank God) when I was going through a terrible divorce so I just wondering what kind of problems I would have in Vancouver after getting off ship to leave.


I've been planning this surprise for my DH for so long now and it sucks that I might not get to do it.


CJ :) :)

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I posted this on the wrong thread. Sorry, on another thread NancyL mentioned that I could probably still take a cruise from Seward and get a flight out of Vancouver but the flights would be too early for me to do that and I did'nt know if I could take a shuttle or Amtrak in time to Seattle without a problem while being in Vancouver.


I got a DUI 14 years ago(no one hurt except my pride, thank God) when I was going through a terrible divorce so I just wondering what kind of problems I would have in Vancouver after getting off ship to leave.


I've been planning this surprise for my DH for so long now and it sucks that I might not get to do it.


CJ :) :)


CJ, my very best advice would be to call Canada Customs to see if this is going to be a problem. It's much better to be in the know than to be dreading what "could" happen. Take notes, names and instructions. I really don't think an old DUI will keep you out. I think the government purposely uses words like "may" so they have an out if they want to keep you out but my guess is you will be fine. My point is that finding out now will help you sleep between now and then. These boards are good for a lot of things but clarifying immigration law is not really one of them. If you don't want your hubbie to see the call on your phone bill, buy a calling card so it won't show up.


According to the Canada Customs page, you would be deemed rehabilitated (since your crime was more than 10 years ago, it carries a sentence of under 10 years in Canada (a first offense carries just a fine here) , and you have no other crimes on your record). You don't even need to apply or get a certificate, although they encourage you to contact them to make sure you qualify before you travel.


Here is the link:




Good luck to you and have fun surprising your hubbie.

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First of all, I'm not a criminal but according to Canada I would be! I feel everyone should be treated equally. By the way I have some good friends from Canada so I'm not knocking Canadian people in general. I even have a Canadian lynard I wear on every cruise with my seapass on it that I got from my Canadian friends! ;)

CJ :) :)


There are alot of people from USA who wear Canadain items when traveling because of the "ugky american" problem. Glad you were able to get something.


Also I prfer to referto our southern friends as from USA since we are also "American" as are all peolpe in the Americas.

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Schplinky, just to clarify...


In the US, DUI (or Impaired Driving as we call it in Canada) is a misdemeanour (summary offence), but in Canada it is an indictable offence (ie felony). Therefore you would normally need 10 years of rehabilitation.


The reality is that in court the crown will often allow it to be pleaded down to a summary offence and therefore not be considered criminal. But when someone has it on their record the maximum punishment is considered for comparing it to the Canadian system.


You are right about the MAY, there are plenty of visitors who are allowed in with records and some are simply cleared by customs on the spot and instantly rehabilitated and will never have a problem.


Very few Americans have trouble at the Canadian border, it's a very small minority. If you have something to worry about, it's best to take care of it as soon as possible and then relax so you can enjoy your vacation. I would think that it would be horrible having to worry about it the whole time.


From my experience with dealing with Canada Customs and with US Customs on the phone is that they are both very helpful.

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Not to throw a damper on any of the advice given here but anyone who has concerns would be well advised to check out the specifics of their own situation with either Cdn immigration, or a lawyer who deals with Cdn immigration issues( for those entering the U.S the same advice is prudent). Quite frankly some of the info being provided on this thread is simply not accurate and I would hate for anyone to rely on it to their own detriment :eek:

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That's exactly the point. They should check out their own record. Then they should pick up a phone and talk to Customs and Immigration and get the facts and see if they need to go any further.


Don't ever rely on third party information. Take responsibility for yourself and take the reins of the situation.

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"If Canadian customs/immigration doesn't even want you at one of the ports of calls (if they fell you shouldn't be there) even if you stay on the ship then I guess there will be a whole lot of us not cruising b/c any ship you get on to Alaska is going to be hitting Canada at some point.


I guess now I have to find somewhere else to cruise! ;("


One option is to cruise out of Seattle and just skip the single Canadian port.

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From what I heard you might not be able to cruise into the port (Canada) even if you planned on staying on the ship when it comes to getting a cruise out of Seattle. So I don't know if that would even work.


I really wanted to visit Vancouver too I've heard so many nice things about it.


CJ :) :)

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From what I heard you might not be able to cruise into the port (Canada) even if you planned on staying on the ship when it comes to getting a cruise out of Seattle. So I don't know if that would even work.


I really wanted to visit Vancouver too I've heard so many nice things about it.


CJ :) :)


Are you saying they would deny the cruise ship entrance to the port because you're on board? Not going to happen. Let's use our common sense here folks.

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What is it that makes you so uncomfortable when you're in the US?



I hold my breath waiting to get shot, stabbed, or bombed!:eek:


Seriously, the media sucks.


Upstate NY is BEAUTIFUL and ppl are nice there. It's just a comfort and familiarity thing.


I am comfy in Ottawa, a little less in Toronto, but much more than any place in the states.

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I have cruised with a person who is unwelcome in Canada at the present time because of a DUI conviction. The person in question had no problem (no questions asked by US Authorities) getting onboard the ship in Seattle and did not try to disembark in at the one stop in Victoria, BC.


I just reread the Cruise Critic article which states "What if you board in New York and your cruise ends in Montreal, and you're in an "Inadmissible Class" and don't know it? Lucy Perillo, who operates Canada Border Crossing Services, an agency which helps expedite the "rehabilitation" process, says that your first clue will be that you can't get off the ship for your shore excursions in Halifax or Prince Edward Island." My friend did, knowing he was in an inadmissible class, did not even try.


He's a nice guy who found out the hard way that he was inadmissable when he went to Canada on business. He was ultimately allowed in by paying to become a temporary citizen. He was encouraged by the Canadians (who even noted the nice guy status in his file) to apply for "rehabilitation" after a specified time limit had expired. His passport now has a special stamp that the would enable future Canadian authorities to recognize his inadmissable status. (I've seen it - it's nothing that another government would jump on.)


Hope this helps a little.

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Being a worrier by nature, this just gives me one more thing to worry about. I don't have a criminal record or anything like that, but I can just picture being stopped and asked about a parking ticket from 1953 or something. I really feel sorry for people I've read about that are put on the no-fly list because they have a name similar to someone on a list of suspected terrorists.


Well, let's not get too carried away. I doubt they're going to nail you for an unpaid parking ticket.


Canadians are routinely denied entrance to the US for a variety of reasons - such as writing books which are not always complimentary to the US. For that they get stopped at the border.


Then there is the most recent case of Maher Arar, a Canadian who has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be innocent of anything. He's still on a US no-fly list, no reasons being given.


Fran in Toronto

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For the person who asked about not being able to cruise on a roundtrip Seattle Alaska cruise, there is nothing to worry about.


You fly from your home in the states to Seattle...you do not go through any customs or immigration. You get on the ship and still do not go through customs or immigration...just the usual cruise registration. The cruise line does not have access to Department of Homeland Security data, nor do they care about it, I would think. You disembark in all of the Alaska ports, no problem. When you get to the one Canada stop (usually Victoria or Prince Edward Island?), you do a quick run-through and show of i.d. to the Canadian authorities. When we were there in 2004, they simply glanced at your i.d. and let you pass. They did not even have computer stations set up to check anyone's information. However, that was 3 years ago, and I do not know if this has changed. I am sure there is a possibility that if someone with a criminal history went ashore during their stop in Victoria, the Canadian authorities COULD stop them from entering, if they were set up to do so and were looking for such a thing. So, point of the story is - roundtrip Seattle, no problem at all...if you are really worried, don't try disembarking in the stop in Canada.


You could also cruise Alaska (Seward/Whittier to Vancouver) and not have a problem. As the Cruise Critic article states, IF the Canadian government is worried about you, when you disembark in Vancouver, just be prepared to go directly to the airport. Don't plan any post-cruise stays in case you are not "welcome" there...as you may be escorted directly to the airport. (Do not pass go, do not collect $200...) :-)


And, as someone else mentioned, if you are at all worried, call the Canadian consulate and ask.

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1. ARAR was NOT proven to be NOT GUILTY....The US are still banning him. It was the Syrians who tortured him....Canadians paid him off cause they felt bad about his being sent to Syria partially on info provided by Canada not because he was innocent.


2. The friend did not get temporary citizenship....got a temporary residence permit...could have even been a form of a Ministers Permit which allows otherwise inadmissable persons into the country. Rehabilitation is what they call it when your criminal record is really old and you seem to have become a better citizen allowing you to enter Canada. this can happen by merely applying for entry into Canada.


3. once alberta seperates the rules will change anyhow

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1. ARAR was NOT proven to be NOT GUILTY....The US are still banning him. It was the Syrians who tortured him....Canadians paid him off cause they felt bad about his being sent to Syria partially on info provided by Canada not because he was innocent.


2. The friend did not get temporary citizenship....got a temporary residence permit...could have even been a form of a Ministers Permit which allows otherwise inadmissable persons into the country. Rehabilitation is what they call it when your criminal record is really old and you seem to have become a better citizen allowing you to enter Canada. this can happen by merely applying for entry into Canada.


3. once alberta seperates the rules will change anyhow


Can we please not turn this into a discussion about Alberta's insecurity? Really?

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Really? I thought the US was the only "modern" country with such arcane drug laws.


Whether a country is "modern" has nothing to do with it. I know of some very modern countries in the Middle East where they cut your hand off for doin' that doobie... it's all about culture.



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I don't know how these posts end up becoming so personal. All this post is about is informing US citizens/residents about the issues they may have going into Canada. It also is to help provide information to anybody who may have issues on possible revelations.


It is not a rip on Canada or it's citizens/residents. There are other forums for that :) If cruisers need to supply information on issue traveling the US that should be a different post.


Cruise Critic Boards are for informing, mingling, and helping others.

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for the guy who thinks Alberta is insecure....yup thats it....


for our Amercian friends, Canadians are simply americans without a defence budget.....we are doing the free ride..spending money on socialist stuff that not paying for our own defence lets us. There is actually more difference between somebody from Ontario and somebody from alberta than somebody from Texas and somebody from alberta...


...except we are stuck with Calgary...how do you tell the difference between a guy in Cowboy boots from Edmonton and one from Calgary...in Edmonton the bullsh*t is on the outside of the boots...tee hee hee



anyhow, if you have an old DUI call Canada Border Services Agency...CBSA does both customs and immigration now...I would not pay for a lawyer to do this..most likely they would just make the same call and charge you lots for the priviledge...


if you have a Canadian consulate where you live give them a try



the rules have changed since 911 but the idea is to catch terrorists and bad guys....problem is that the lawyers want proof that the bad guy is a bad guy BEFORE they want you to be able to investigate ....


so, things are a little tighter than before but most people can still come to Canada. so relax folks..unless you have a serious record you will most likely be able to visit..you might want to try a short trip first before committing to a cruise that you might lose your money on....did I mention we have no sales tax in Alberta and the worlds largest mall

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Well, let's not get too carried away. I doubt they're going to nail you for an unpaid parking ticket.


Canadians are routinely denied entrance to the US for a variety of reasons - such as writing books which are not always complimentary to the US. For that they get stopped at the border.


Then there is the most recent case of Maher Arar, a Canadian who has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be innocent of anything. He's still on a US no-fly list, no reasons being given.


Fran in Toronto


And you are in REAL trouble if you ever visited Cuba and the American government finds out!


But the real issue here is that Canada is simply tightening up the rules - this situation has been reality for Canadians entering the US for years!

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for the guy who thinks Alberta is insecure....yup thats it....


for our Amercian friends, Canadians are simply americans without a defence budget.....we are doing the free ride..spending money on socialist stuff that not paying for our own defence lets us. There is actually more difference between somebody from Ontario and somebody from alberta than somebody from Texas and somebody from alberta...


...except we are stuck with Calgary...how do you tell the difference between a guy in Cowboy boots from Edmonton and one from Calgary...in Edmonton the bullsh*t is on the outside of the boots...tee hee hee



anyhow, if you have an old DUI call Canada Border Services Agency...CBSA does both customs and immigration now...I would not pay for a lawyer to do this..most likely they would just make the same call and charge you lots for the priviledge...


if you have a Canadian consulate where you live give them a try



the rules have changed since 911 but the idea is to catch terrorists and bad guys....problem is that the lawyers want proof that the bad guy is a bad guy BEFORE they want you to be able to investigate ....


so, things are a little tighter than before but most people can still come to Canada. so relax folks..unless you have a serious record you will most likely be able to visit..you might want to try a short trip first before committing to a cruise that you might lose your money on....did I mention we have no sales tax in Alberta and the worlds largest mall


You are someone I would like to cruise with someday.


Ane we have a big sales tax in California and The Running Man as governer.

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