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Smoking on cruiseships


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THE SAGA CONTINUES. If I can say one thing to the non-smokers, REALIZE THAT TOBACCO IS ADDICTED. I would love to stop but don't. Now if someone said to me to loose weight (and I luckily do not have to), I think it is real easy. To me, just eat something else. For the drinkers, just drink non-alcohol. For the smokers, what can they do. I don't want to smoke pot. I'm not trying to be nasty, but you may not know what a true addiction is.

As many alcoholics know, drinking is an addiction. This brings up a good point, I wonder if all the alcoholics got together and tried to ban alcohol in bars and on Cruise ships.:eek: It's temptation for them, couldn't they all ban together and convince people how good for society it would be? They wouldn't be driving the streets, would be contributing members of society, etc. if they didn't have the tempatation there to drink.


Maybe gamblers annoymous could get together and ban casino's. Over eaters anonymous could try and force salads on everyone. After all, some states are now trying to force restaurants etc. into banning trans fat in all foods.


Come on, aren't we all adults that should be held responsible for our own decisions and not let the government keep forcing us to conform to what someone else wants?


I'm telling ya, Caribbean island living is looking better and better.:D

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They don't want smokers inside, they don't want smokers outside, they want to ban them all to a little corner of the ship, somewhere 'they' don't want to be. I'm wondering if all the non-smokers want smokers off the ships so bad, how they'll feel when the cruise rates shoot up to several thousand a person for an inside room, like they were years ago, to make up for lost revenue? You'll have a smoke free inside room, but at a rate of $2500.00 a person. If non-smokers don't think banning smoking from ships will affect them, think again. I can assure you that no smoker is going to subject themselves to a 7 day 'smoke free' vacation. Their hard earned money is going to an island resort. And the cruise lines would have to make up the lost customer revenue from somewhere.


I still haven't had anyone respond or agree that if it's so bad in the cabins, that because of ventilation issues that all the balcony's should be the smoking rooms.:rolleyes:


Even if they succeed in banning smokers to a remote corner of the ship, several of them have made it clear that 1. smokers smell worse than B.O.; 2. smokers refuse to understand their special needs; 3. the odor rotates around the front, back, over and under the ship to find them, make them sick and lead them to an early grave; 4. that smokers don't understand they have a RIGHT to clean air; and last, but not least: 5. they don't want to sit next to anyone who has ever smoked a cigarette.


There's no compromise whatsoever that will satisfy some of these people; it's their way or the highway. I could go without my 3 cigarettes a day for a week but I'll never go on a non-smoking ship. Don't think the ambiance would be to my liking.


So yes, I think making the balconies the designated smoking area would be a great idea. But from what we've already read here, that won't be good enough.

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Actually they could solve it by designating a bunch of cabins as smoking just as they do in hotels


Then anyone who for whatever reason but usually a health one would know which area of the ship not to reserve a cabin in


Equally it seems many people are voting with their feet and going on Oceania where they do severely limit smoking to 2 areas and its totally banned in staterooms or balconies .Seems Oceania have full ships too and are to order 2 new ones


To equate smoking with gambling or alcohol or driving as some posters have done is just plain dumb


Unless someone is being extremely stupid when driving a car or is doing so under the influence of alcohol their behaviour or imbibing does not directly harm others


If people want to damage their health by smoking thats fine all the more tax for governments to squander


All one asks is that smokers do not force their non smoking neighbour to share or be made ill from its effects

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Even if they succeed in banning smokers to a remote corner of the ship, several of them have made it clear that 1. smokers smell worse than B.O.; 2. smokers refuse to understand their special needs; 3. the odor rotates around the front, back, over and under the ship to find them, make them sick and lead them to an early grave; 4. that smokers don't understand they have a RIGHT to clean air; and last, but not least: 5. they don't want to sit next to anyone who has ever smoked a cigarette.


There's no compromise whatsoever that will satisfy some of these people; it's their way or the highway. I could go without my 3 cigarettes a day for a week but I'll never go on a non-smoking ship. Don't think the ambiance would be to my liking.


So yes, I think making the balconies the designated smoking area would be a great idea. But from what we've already read here, that won't be good enough.


I guess I'm one of the "they" group. And in answer to your statement,

1. smokers smell worse than B.O. ......... I agree

4. they have a right to clean air .......... I agree

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I guess I'm one of the "they" group. And in answer to your statement,

1. smokers smell worse than B.O. ......... I agree

4. they have a right to clean air .......... I agree



Nowhere is it written that any of us have a right to clean air. The air in most places is not clean, nor will it ever be.


I think it's over the top to insist that all cruise ships ban smoking everywhere because some people don't like the smell or on the false premise that they have a god-given right to clean air.


There are many good arguments for banning smoking in many areas of the ship. But these aren't 2 of them.

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Nowhere is it written that any of us have a right to clean air. The air in most places is not clean, nor will it ever be.


I think it's over the top to insist that all cruise ships ban smoking everywhere because some people don't like the smell or on the false premise that they have a god-given right to clean air.


There are many good arguments for banning smoking in many areas of the ship. But these aren't 2 of them.


At no time did I ever mention banning smoking anywhere, however now that you bring it up.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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The air in most places is not clean, nor will it ever be.




Probably true, but we have a lake house in the West Texas Hill Country. It's out in the middle of nowhere, on a large blue lake with the cleanest water in the state (people get scuba certified here). The air is so fresh, clean and crisp. It's SO noticeably different from the city air, it's just amazing. Don't knock clean air until you've tried it.:D I sometimes fantasize about getting back to the lake with just that clean air in mind. I wish I were there now.:(

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At no time did I ever mention banning smoking anywhere, however now that you bring it up.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


If you wanted to make a point that had nothing to do with what I posted, please don't use a quote from me as your springboard.


It's common courtesy.

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Probably true, but we have a lake house in the West Texas Hill Country. It's out in the middle of nowhere, on a large blue lake with the cleanest water in the state (people get scuba certified here). The air is so fresh, clean and crisp. It's SO noticeably different from the city air, it's just amazing. Don't knock clean air until you've tried it.:D I sometimes fantasize about getting back to the lake with just that clean air in mind. I wish I were there now.:(



Sounds beautiful. I drive to the upper peninsula of Michigan every 3 months to stay with my Dad for a week, and even though I've been doing it for years, I'm still struck by the difference in the color of the sky after I cross the Mackinac Bridge every single time. (Although with the cancer rates what they are up there, I'm not sure clean air is all that it's cracked up to be but we'll leave that for another day).


I'd love nothing more than for everyone to have clean air. I was simply rebutting the assertion that we have a "right" to it. I think keeping things factual goes a long way toward getting others to agree with your opinion. Claiming a right to clean air as the reason to ban smoking doesn't sway me over to the other side of the argument at all. Requesting clean air, asking for clean air, saying you prefer clean air, not wanting dirty air are all much more persuasive phrases.

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Quite humourous that posters post comments about their clean air, when they are not even aware that the good clean stuff is actually being polluted by the super stacks hundreds of miles north of them, and pushing the polluted particulate down in their areas.

Does anyone have compassion for the human that has an identified and well documented addiction? Which qualifies as a medical condition. So how about feeling some empathy for these smokers, instead of negativity, start showing some compassion. Be respectful, explain to those smokers your problem with their byproduct.

And to you smokers.... give us recent habit kickers a break... your smoke is killing us!! Every whiff I get, I would die for just one drag. I loved my best friend Mr Matinee Slim Menthols, don't crucify me, or lump me into the same barrell as th holier than tho non smokers... I was there for 40 years... I'm one of the sisters, I do understand.

And to the cruise lines... if my cabin this summer has one whiff of a good smoke... you will need to do "whatever" it takes to get the stink out of the room or I will be back on them within a day!

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Looks like this debate will most likely never be resolved huh? As a non-smoker I think the best bet would be to designate areas ok for smoking and have specific areas for smoking & non-smoking cabins just like a hotel. If you want a non-smoking cabin and they're sold out then you either book a different cruise or book the smoking area and don't complain when the person next door is smoking. I agree with many of the comments about the odor caused by smoking, health hazards etc but I have a funny feeling I wouldn't take it so well if I was a smoker to be told by others what to do if I wasn't breaking any rules.

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Looks like this debate will most likely never be resolved huh?

As a non-smoker I think the best bet would be to designate areas ok for smoking and have specific areas for smoking & non-smoking cabins just like a hotel.


I agree. I have always thought that it would be so easy to designate either certain decks to be smoking and others to be non-smoking; or, the cabins on the right side for non-smoking and the cabins on the left side for smokers.

It sounds fairly simple.......

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We'll be on the Princess ship in a few weeks. We were so excited until

we found out that smoking was allowed!

We even asked our travel agent about this and was told that smoking was

limitid to when you arrived in ports of call only, but absolutely no smoking

was allowed on any Princess ships.

I grew up in a smoking household but can't tolerate it very well any more:o


Can anyone give me some words of encurgment? Will it smell like an

ashtray in all places or just in certain areas? I have a very delicate

sense of smell.



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We'll be on the Princess ship in a few weeks. We were so excited until

we found out that smoking was allowed!

We even asked our travel agent about this and was told that smoking was

limitid to when you arrived in ports of call only, but absolutely no smoking

was allowed on any Princess ships.

I grew up in a smoking household but can't tolerate it very well any more:o


Can anyone give me some words of encurgment? Will it smell like an

ashtray in all places or just in certain areas? I have a very delicate

sense of smell.




Just stop by my balcony and share my cigar....then you won't even notice the cig smoke!:D

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Happy, you need a TA who is interested in your needs instead of the$$ in commission. They all know this. You should have also looked at the Princess web site to find out there rules. There is absolutely no smoking in any area where food is served(dinning rooms and buffet) also the show room. Smoking is allowed outside on certain areas of the ship (casino) as well as your cabin.


To Perl47, I agree with you 100% on your posts. There are things out there that people don't know about. Take for instance preservatives in some soda that react with other ingredients to form benzene. That is one of the most powerful carcinogens in the world. There are others which one takes for granted that also can cause cancer.


I smoke, and if it bothers you tell me and I will move. We all may have to do a little give and take.

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Can anyone give me some words of encurgment? Will it smell like an

ashtray in all places or just in certain areas? I have a very delicate

sense of smell.




I will give what I can....I live in Washington State where smoking has been banned in all restaurants, bars, public areas, etc, and 30 feet from any doorway, window, or air intake. I have gotten VERY used to not being around smoke in any setting. I was quite nervous before our cruise in 2005 because I am highly sensitive to smoke and can become very uncomfortable (headache, runny eyes, sneezy, etc) in situations where I am exposed to it. On the Sapphire and Diamond both, I found it almost impossible to be exposed to the smoke....unless one wanted to hang in the casino a lot. We discovered early on which side of the pool area was smoking and we just made a point to walk on the other side. With the ship moving, it helped create its own ventilation system on the pool/deck area on the side where smoking was allowed anyway. In the main areas and all of the restaurants, smoking was not allowed. A few times, and I do mean a very few, we would walk by a bar/lounge and it would waft out, but nothing that was not easily avoided. I do wish the casino had a non-smoking night or afternoon or something, because I could never be in there....although I was able to walk through it when we were in a port in Alaska where it was closed, but I could never have hung out there and gambled. I guess I should be thankful...saved a bunch of $$$. :D

As you can see, I have booked more cruises!!! :) Best of luck and have a great cruise!


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We'll be on the Princess ship in a few weeks. We were so excited until

we found out that smoking was allowed!

We even asked our travel agent about this and was told that smoking was

limitid to when you arrived in ports of call only, but absolutely no smoking

was allowed on any Princess ships.

I grew up in a smoking household but can't tolerate it very well any more:o


Can anyone give me some words of encurgment? Will it smell like an

ashtray in all places or just in certain areas? I have a very delicate

sense of smell.



I'm not sure who your TA is, but you'd better check to make sure you have a reservation and they didn't just take your money and run.:eek: If it's a true TA, you might consider finding another because that one doesn't know what they're talking about unless Princess made an announcement today.


The places it will smell like an ashtray I suppose are the smoking areas, so words of encouragement for you would be to stay out of the designated smoking areas and you'll be fine.:)

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I'm not sure who your TA is, but you'd better check to make sure you have a reservation and they didn't just take your money and run.:eek: If it's a true TA, you might consider finding another because that one doesn't know what they're talking about unless Princess made an announcement today.


The places it will smell like an ashtray I suppose are the smoking areas, so words of encouragement for you would be to stay out of the designated smoking areas and you'll be fine.:)



I trust my TA since I've been using him-her for several trips now, but

cruising his-her area of specialtize is not his specialness.. I will know

beter the next time around.

Thank you for the encurging comments earlier about not smelling

smoke everywhere on the ship. I fell lots better now knowing

I won't be vacationing on a floating ashtray.

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