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id like to ditch my cabin steward


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Has anyone watched those shows about what employees really do? Haven't you seen them do something to your food, just well because they are nasty people and the grand thing about it is that you will NEVER know.


And for the record on several posts are things to bring - Lysol and anti-bacterial hand lotion - if the staff is doing such a great job, there should never be a need for this!


Could it be that the customers (in this case cruise ship pax) are the nasty ones?


I think more often that not it's not the crew that's the problem. It's the PAX. Think about it - 2000+ people coming from all over the world and all of them brining their own little germs.

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Vesw, a- I believe the workers are bonded. b- Same goes with a hotel, and for 15 years I have stayed in 1000's of hotels, not one single problem... no need for me to start pushing the panic button now... it's why i have insurance... I would hate to go through life worrying whether or not I could trust someone... Honestly, when you get on the ship and see how hard these guys work, trust me... they don't have time to sit around and play with your undies. Really, they work hard and have a tight schedule. ALSO, the doors are kept open while they are in your cabin. I take anti-bacterial with me EVERYWHERE!!!!! LOL! Sorry, I don't want to pick up any germs, and there are some in every public place.


If someone wants to rid themselves of the steward, that is your choice if Carnival will allow you (although you may want to ask when you make this request if they are going to remove the tip for said steward... ). I think those that do will find it difficult and all of the sudden realize everything the steward actually does... especially for someone with children.. to have to use the same towels each day, sometimes twice a day (i'll say it again, eeewwwweeeee), same sheets (no matter how dirty they get), and God forbid they run out of toilet paper!!! :eek: , emptying their own trash, getting their own ice, etc. And Vesw, while many adults don't care too much about the towel animals, and little extras.. the kids sure enjoy it. It's vacation, I like to splurge a little on vacation which is why I save through the year so I can have a couple of nice ones a year... last thing I want to do is make my own bed, wash my own linens, vacuum or anything other than relax and have fun :D

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wow!...so u did call about this!:)....and its as easy as THAT to have their services removed.....who'd of thunk it!?......now im extra bummed that i cant follow through with this plan and have the happy ending....GOINCRUISIN is right...if you have kids, or for just 99% of the rest of us, im sure you would want to use your steward......always gonna be that 1% thats the exception to the rule....of course that would be ME......all the things yall keep listing are things that ive never needed from a steward.....we change our sheets once a week here at home, so i think i could survive the same on vacation......and im an ONLY ONE SQUARE NEEDED kinda guy when discussing toilet paper......one roll and im good to go for the month....ha......HALOS!:)....ur mellowness is rubbbin off on me:).....always catchin more flies with honey........DANZIGG!!!:)....the arrogant, superiority complex thang is the real deal with me, im happy to report!........Oprah and Bill gates have lives superior to mine.....they have mass money and fame and happy relationships(im guessing).....it is what it is......i call it as i see it.....based on the 3 biggies ( money,happiness,health), i feel pretty safe saying that my life rocks over most.....it is what it is.....call it feelin superior.....i call it facts as they are....

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Has anyone watched those shows about what employees really do?


Maybe I am cynical ]



Yeah...at least cynical.

Negative and extremely paranoid come to mind as well.

I'd hate to be living in your head.

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Halos, You obviously live in your own naive world. This happens more often then you may choose to believe. It is at the core of human nature to avenge a wrong. When underpaid, overworked, stressed, uneducated people are left unattended in a room belonging to whom they perceive to be the culprit of their misery, I guarentee all but a few moral workers will lash out in any way their creative mind will take them. There have been many shows on the tube that approach this subject. I always put the do not disturb sign on my door. I do not draw attention to the fact that I do not want them in my room. That goes for the 4 star hotel, as well as the cruise ship. I get new towels each day myself, I get my own ice, if I need other services I stay in the room till they are done. Call me anal, paranoid, overly precautious, I don't care. I know what people do when no one is watching. :eek:

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I never take the tip off, after all these people are there for me if I NEED THEM< AND need the few bucks more then I do. Usually leave an envelope on the table when we leave too, It is not about the money for me.

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Halos, You obviously live in your own naive world. . :eek:



I totally agree with that statement. I have said numerous times on this board that I live in La-La Land.

I have to tell you that I am proud of it.


I am a firm believer in manifestation of thoughts...my being naive and positive has lead me to a life of 42 years with no problems, difficulties, or unhappiness...you get what you expect in this life. I expect good service with no dipping of my toothbrush in the toilet. You may always question whether this has happened to you, I don't.

I have never felt while cruising or staying at any hotel that my stuff was gone through and I haven't ever experienced theft on a ship or anytime at all while vacationing. I spent the day at Blue Lagoon snorkeling with my very expensive camera on a picnic table and no one touched it.

This just happens to be how I live.

It works for me.

La-La Land is a great place. You should visit sometime.

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Amen Halos... no need to walk through life with blinders on, but no need to walk through life thinking everyone is out to get you. There are 2 people cleaning your cabin, the door is wide open and the cabin is about the size of a dining room table... I'm not worried. I have seen all the shows about "workers" doing things, but I also know that is not the norm... how many people here were wait staff? cleaning help? or something in the service industry when they were young? I was.. and the thought never entered my mind. I believe it happens more frequently with Americans and youth than it happens overseas (and these stewards are not teenagers)... No way am I going to run around screaming "conspiracy theory" and end up in a nut house, i'd rather just relax and be trusting to an extent.

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how about cheap cheap cheap!

I think vsw should just canx the cruise and stay home- she would be much happier.


I don't think that was very nice. Maybe she saved for a long time for a vacation for her family and all the extra expenses are things she can't really afford? I believe that tipping is for services rendered...if she doesn't use the stewards service every day, then I don't think she needs to tip every day.I do think she should tip at the end since the steward will have to get the room ready for the next passengers.


Fine, all the workers on the ship are underpaid. It's not vsw's job to pay them. It's Carnivals.


And to those posters out there who keep telling robby how disgusting the room and bathroom would be after a week...what kind of mess do you make in your own homes???!!! How often do you change your sheets at home? How often do you scrub your showers/bathubs and toilets?


I didn't know that the average American spent so much time cleaning...but then again, maybe a lot of the posters here aren't average. :)

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I don't think this has much to do with cleaning... yes, I think that if you remove the steward, you will regret it but that is my opinion... sorry, I just think that between towels, toilet paper, spills, etc... will come up. It is not anyone's responsibility to pay their salaries, however, this is Carnival's policy and it should be considered as part of the cruise... the tipping policy is not hidden, it is pretty upfront and people should familiarize themselves with this policy prior to booking... then there will be no "hidden" expenses, if someone can't afford the tips, simple... find another vacation, or a shorter cruise, etc. "Are you going say "hmmm, I think I would like my steward 2 times, and I'll pay him for those visits", better yet, do you think they are going to completely rearrange a schedule they have in place because of this one person? Probably not... but go for it!!! People usually find any way possible to make everyone conform to what makes them comfortable, instead of just accepting that is the way it is.... What is everyone going to do when tips are included in the cruise price? If it's not this, it's tipping the porters, or tipping in the casino, or tipping for drinks... which in my opinion boils down to one thing.... IN MY OPINION, if it walks like a duck...

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halos, I'll take your La La Land any day. It sure beats going through life expecting everyone to be out to get you in one way or another.



Good deal, hstry!! Join me in La-La Land. I'll make us some Jell-O shots!!

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I don't think that was very nice. Maybe she saved for a long time for a vacation for her family and all the extra expenses are things she can't really afford? I


Fine, all the workers on the ship are underpaid. It's not vsw's job to pay them. It's Carnivals.


And to those posters out there who keep telling robby how disgusting the room and bathroom would be after a week...what kind of mess do you make in your own homes???!!! How often do you change your sheets at home? How often do you scrub your showers/bathubs and toilets?


I didn't know that the average American spent so much time cleaning...but then again, maybe a lot of the posters here aren't average. :)

That being the case, the....."saved a long time", assuming the research has been done (which IS done by average people), none of the threads started by the referenced poster have any validity AND if it's an extra expense then maybe cruising isn't the way to go for this person. But if it ISN'T a surprise then maybe the individual should have cut some corners when planning this cruise? BTW daily service from the cabin steward is a given...it's expected by the PAX and the cabin steward.


That in itself is one of the problems....they ARE paid although the are very UNDER-paid and they are VERY overworked. While it's a glamourous life in respect to traveling to exotic places I certainly wouldn't want to do it. I don't think I could be paid enough and if I did and knew that you were going to "stiff" me (yes this is exactly what this is) I'd probably pee in your ice bucket too.


I don't think anyone called XOXO "disgusting". I think the "idea" of not having the room cleaned daily was "disgusting". Think about it. When on a cruise you are subject to a variety of germs everyday from different people and different places. Do I clean my bathroom everyday? Of course not, but it's cleaned a couple of times per week as is the rest of my house. I don't live anywhere near the beach so I don't track sand in from various places and I do remove my shoes as soon as I enter my house but that doesn't mean the carpet shouldn't be cleaned regularly.

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Well that was a waste of 15 mins of my life. I am glad I got suckered into this entire post. But I see Rob's point, we all clean up after our selfs at home(I hope). So what would be so hard about keeping a 185 sq foot room clean for a week? Make the bed when you get up hang up your towels to dry and pick up your clothes. But on the other hand it is nice to be on Vacation and let someone else make my bed, pick up my towels, and pay them 50 bucks. Rob - If you can get away with it go for it and if you can't stiff him or pay the tip. Ok now I lost 20 minutes of my life on this post. Nuff said...

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this is all very interesting. i never knew you were supposed to tip the dealer! i don't play, so why would i know? anyway, seems odd, since most people are losing money.


i don't think it bad of robby to ask the question. personally, i consider it a wonderful treat to have fresh towels & linens daily.


i never worry about theft, not that i leave wads of cash laying around, but we left our video & still cameras in our room last year on jubilee.


as for the ickiness of not changing linens & scrubbing the bathroom everyday, i'm no messier away from home than i am at home, so it probably wouldn't be a huge issue.


as far as the tipping, isn't it $10 per day per person? for a 7 day cruise for our family of 5, that's a big deal - $350. so, again, i understand why one might question using a room steward. as for us, we start putting aside money as soon as the cruise is booked. that way, we have money to spend even when a big wad goes to those who pamper us. in light of that, i certainly hope they are not using my toothbrush to clean!


as far as grammar/spelling - lots of people use shortcuts - mine is not bothering with capital letters. haven't managed to get past the spelling issue for myself, but as long as i get the idea, i don't care how others spell.


however, i think i wouldn't be dissing carnival cruisers and looking down on them. you're not the one making fun of people that buy stuff at kmart or walmart are you? someone posted something to that effect a while back & i thought it pretty sad. you know all those dillards clothes are probably made in the same factories as the walmart clothes anyway.


well, all this reading about cleanliness has really gotten to me. i need to go clean my kitchen!

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I am not naive. I do not live in lala land. I can see that there are a few very passionate people here. People who feel very strongly for the crew who pamper us while we live it up. I love them too, and believe they deserve the tips we give them. I think we know well ahead of booking that they expect each passenger to pay the minimum of $10 a day usually up front. (I think they should charge more for kids) I don't consider that daily $10pp tipping either, just an addition like port charges, insurance or taxes to the total. I don't think it is beyond reasoning to wonder what the crew does to passengers who don't pay. I grew up in the restaurant business, I've waited tables, bartended, and thrown pizza's in my dad's 3 restaurants all of my life. I still like to help when I go back home. We all know the stiffs, and we don't ever want to wait on them. They got the worst tables, the stale bread, light watery drinks, rude service from us. I never did anything to the food, but I had to stop a waitress or two in my lifetime from being sneeky. The good tippers we knew by name and sat them in our own sections. We knew what they drank, and how they liked their burgers. I once brought back some special cigars for a regular tipper who was getting married! We wen't out of our way for them, hoping they would request us to serve them, because nice tips are enjoyable, and I enjoyed serving them. I don't think I am paranoid for tipping extra from the get go just to alleiviate any misgivings. When we dine the waitresses sit us in their own sections, because we tip nicely. I want to be their favorite customer, not the one they go back and complain about. Is it a bribe? Yes. But they are in the service industry, you should expect to pay for service. These stewards cleaned the room and made you feel welcome upon arival, if they didn't, give them a spot and tell them what needs attention. At the end of the cruise you can always take that amount off. But it is much easier to catch a fly with sugar. Just my opinion, Happy cruising!

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Maybe you should advise carnival the next time you go on a cruise. And maybe send them a copy of this posting, the way you feel. I'm sure when the cabin steward reads your thoughts he may just give you fifty bucks to stay out of his way.

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Whether or not you have the cabin steward come to your room (which you COULD avoid entirely simply by sleeping late and being conveniently in your cabin other times the steward would be there, but that would be no fun) ... you'd still have to request to have the tips removed. You COULD, rather than forgo the cabin steward, lower the tips for everyone and find someone who didn't live up to your standards and lower their tip more. I'm sure you could have the same amount by doing that.

Me, I need the cabin steward. I'm just a slob.



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I am a firm believer in manifestation of thoughts...my being naive and positive has lead me to a life of 42 years with no problems, difficulties, or unhappiness...you get what you expect in this life. I expect good service with no dipping of my toothbrush in the toilet. You may always question whether this has happened to you, I don't.

I have never felt while cruising or staying at any hotel that my stuff was gone through and I haven't ever experienced theft on a ship or anytime at all while vacationing. I spent the day at Blue Lagoon snorkeling with my very expensive camera on a picnic table and no one touched it.

This just happens to be how I live.

It works for me.

La-La Land is a great place. You should visit sometime.

Is that anywhere near Camelot?? I love your attitude. Life is what you make of it and those of us living in the United States are blessed in so many ways.

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