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Bad luck tried to steal our cruise but we fought back!

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It is last summer on the NCL Spirit, my first & only cruise thusfar, on the very first morning, at the very first breakfast...and, among other things, I order two eggs-over-easy. DW & I and our friends D(W) & G(H) are enjoying our fresh cut fruit and juices, along with some yummy little muffins & danishes...and then...IT HAPPENS!!:eek:

Our waiter, in a very timely and polite fashion, delivers my eggs-over-easy AND!........one of the yolks is BROKEN!!:eek:

YES! I know! Well...I don't know how to react! Just the looks on my tablemates' faces is enough to tell me that my cruise experience is RUINED! My friend G even offers to have his private helicopter pick us up on the ship so I will not have to endure any further affronts such as this!

But no...steadying myself and biting my lip, I rise from my chair and, doing my best Gregory Peck (or some such guy), I calmly state, "No, my Dear Wife and Friends...I will be strong...I MUST be strong...for you. As hard as it may be, I will push through this agony, and I will ensure that we all enjoy the remainder of this cruise." And with that, I resume my seat, and I eat that runny egg, and I wipe the yolk from my mustache, and I carry on.

After returning to my Suite from breakfast, I pour 3 ounces of my illegally smuggled Johnnie Walker Blue, just to steady myself from the trauma mind you, and join my company on the pool deck where I had cleverly placed many towels, books & magazines upon six chairs (two for our stuff) earlier that morning...before the tragedy. And the cruise went swimmingly after that.

Now I know what you are all saying, what kind of man is this that has the inner strength and fortitude to handle such a situation with such grace. But please, do not applaud this humble traveler...just knowing that I stiffed the waitstaff for tips is reward enough for me.

...What? well of course I stiffed the waitstaff! After all, I have my principles you know!:rolleyes:


...and apparently a lot of time on my hands. Apologies for wasting good posting space! I don't think you can even get over-easy eggs in the NCL dining room! Chow! ;)

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ROFL! Oh, the indignity of it all. I am so proud of you for facing such adversity and still being able to carry on. You made my day.


To the rest of the posters: Attitude is everything. BRAVO! I've had a couple experiences.


I was in New York at JFK and had checked in for my flight to Greece. I went to another terminal to meet a friend. When we finally met up she said we needed to check why we didn't get our Visa (which we had paid for) so we went again to check in. At this point I realized I had lost my passport, traveler's checks and cash which were all in a separate case. We retraced my steps, but nothing. Alas, going back to the terminal from which we were leaving, there on the ground was the case with everything intact! I don't know what would have happened otherwise. I could have boarded the plane, as I had already shown them my passport, however when I arrived in Greece I would have been out of luck and would have probably been returned to the US immediately.


I also had an experience with Dolphin Cruise Lines (now out of business - thank goodness) back in the 90's. They mailed all documents to one address and one person was leaving from another city (about 150 miles away). I ended up sending their information overnight to them. We were confirmed on a flight leaving around 3:00 PM on a Sunday.


We were to fly Air Jamaica. I went to re-confirm the flight the night before, but they were closed! I started calling at 7:00 AM the next morning. After 45 minutes on hold, telling me they couldn't find my reservation, they said I was confirmed for a 10:00 AM flight! If I wait for the late flight, I may be "standby" and not get a seat. We were about an hour from the airport and it is now closer to 8:00 AM. We had to finish getting our things together, shower and leave. We had planned to go to breakfast, pickup a dress at the dry cleaner's (my father owned it, so we could access it) and head to the airport. This could not happen and still make the flight. All we did was throw stuff together and head to the airport. We get their about 9:40. Our bags are the "last bag out". We have to get through security. They cannot let us go to the front of the line, but luckily the people in line said go ahead. I run to the gate (my mother is following slower behind me, my dad wasn't going, he just dropped us off and left). I get to the gate breathless and ask if the plane is still there. They said, what? The plane isn't at the gate yet! We have to eat at the airport (yuck), didn't pick up my dress (which was the one I would wear on formal night) and we wait. I believe we finally left around 1:30 PM. We finally board and things go from bad to worse. That was the worst cruise I've ever been on. Nobody was happy to be on the ship (especially the crew). They had just taken over food service for the kitchen that cruise. The purser's office always had a line with people complaining. Nothing started on time. They had to change early and late seating (made early - earlier, and late - later) so they could clear the dining room between sittings. I heard 50 crew members jumped ship at the first port. Luckily nothing seriously bad happened, but if that had been my first cruise, I don't know if I would have gone on others.


Now, years later, we can look back at laugh at it.

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Last year my sisters and I were on the Voyager of the Seas. We spent two nights in Barcelona before the cruise and on the first night one of my sisters fell and had a nasty cut above her eye (with a lot of blood) and her foot was very painful. She has problems with her feet anyway and this did not make it any better. We went to the chemist next morning and they strapped it up for her. We then boarded the cruise and she hobbled around as best she could (including a gruelling day walking around Rome in very hot weather). The day after we arrived home she visited the A & E at the hospital and she had broken a bone in her ankle and a metertasel and was immediately put in plaster. We are booked on another cruise in June and she is hoping for btter luck.

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I have the worst luck when I go on cruises. There always seems to come a day when they make me get off the ship! I don't know what the deal is. I'm having the time of my life, and then I have to leave! It's happened every, single time, and it's always long before I am ready to go. I keep booking cruises, figuring it will all work out in the end, someday. So far, though, no joy.


Does this happen to anyone else? :D




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3. So we go to dinner in the Animator's Palate on the Magic and at some point my wife yells. Her diamond ring is sitting in her hand right were it should be, minus the diamond. This is where I wish I had won that lottery and bought the big 6 carat diamond as the just over half carat diamond was gone. She left the dinner, went to the front desk to report it and started checking the ship. Yes, I said checking the ship. She had grown attached to that diamond over the past fifteen years. I couldn't shake her from this tradegy, she was depressed. We went back to our cabin that evening and on a total hunch and to make her feel better, I got down on my hands and knees and checked the floor. This was really much more of my husbandly duty to try and find the diamond than an actual attempt. In my mind I was sure it was lying back on that street in St. Marten where she had fallen. While I'm on hands and knees on the floor I actually find the blinking shiny little devil in the cabin, on the floor between the bathroom door and the closet. I stand there speechless holding the lonely diamond in my hand when my DW realizes what I found. ??

If it was an engagement ring, it was on her left hand...I hope.:D


I noticed you said you checked the floor after dinner. Good thing that the Disney crew didn't vacuum your room when you were at dinner. :eek:

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Capt. Johnny: Now that's what I call "go with the flow!!" Good for you.You know, things happen and you have to move on. Your experiences were above and beyond and you have my utmost admiration! :) :)

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It is last summer on the NCL Spirit, my first & only cruise thusfar, on the very first morning, at the very first breakfast...and, among other things, I order two eggs-over-easy. DW & I and our friends D(W) & G(H) are enjoying our fresh cut fruit and juices, along with some yummy little muffins & danishes...and then...IT HAPPENS!!:eek:

Our waiter, in a very timely and polite fashion, delivers my eggs-over-easy AND!........one of the yolks is BROKEN!!:eek:

YES! I know! Well...I don't know how to react! Just the looks on my tablemates' faces is enough to tell me that my cruise experience is RUINED! My friend G even offers to have his private helicopter pick us up on the ship so I will not have to endure any further affronts such as this!

But no...steadying myself and biting my lip, I rise from my chair and, doing my best Gregory Peck (or some such guy), I calmly state, "No, my Dear Wife and Friends...I will be strong...I MUST be strong...for you. As hard as it may be, I will push through this agony, and I will ensure that we all enjoy the remainder of this cruise." And with that, I resume my seat, and I eat that runny egg, and I wipe the yolk from my mustache, and I carry on.

After returning to my Suite from breakfast, I pour 3 ounces of my illegally smuggled Johnnie Walker Blue, just to steady myself from the trauma mind you, and join my company on the pool deck where I had cleverly placed many towels, books & magazines upon six chairs (two for our stuff) earlier that morning...before the tragedy. And the cruise went swimmingly after that.

Now I know what you are all saying, what kind of man is this that has the inner strength and fortitude to handle such a situation with such grace. But please, do not applaud this humble traveler...just knowing that I stiffed the waitstaff for tips is reward enough for me.

...What? well of course I stiffed the waitstaff! After all, I have my principles you know!:rolleyes:


...and apparently a lot of time on my hands. Apologies for wasting good posting space! I don't think you can even get over-easy eggs in the NCL dining room! Chow! ;)




I am sure I have broken ribs from laughing !!!! Now my cruise in three weeks is ruined LOL!!!:D

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If it was an engagement ring, it was on her left hand...I hope.:D


I noticed you said you checked the floor after dinner. Good thing that the Disney crew didn't vacuum your room when you were at dinner. :eek:


What an awesome catch, Don't tell my wife I had the wrong hand or she will ask me when our anniversary is and you know where that will leave me.:eek::eek:

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Capt. Johnny: Now that's what I call "go with the flow!!" Good for you.You know, things happen and you have to move on. Your experiences were above and beyond and you have my utmost admiration! :) :)




Don't forget it is me telling the story and my wife who suffered all the bruises, cuts, mangled glasses and a broken prong on her new "Hearts on Fire" diamond ring. I managed to get through it all with some help of the caribbean rum. She was the trooper!!;)

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As the saying goes...


When handed lemons in life . . .

Make lemonade!!


And when handed limes, make margeuritas.

Of course, all bets are off if life hands you a truckload of hand grenades.


As for my experience, let's just say that there's nothing quite like having your husband pee on your foot to get the little sea urchin barb out...

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Did it really work?


Last summer, while at the baths in Virgin Gorda, some poor fella that was on the NCL Spirit like me stepped on one...he was screaming bloody muder and asking the beach attendant if he was "gonna die". I'm glad I wasn't aware of this unique remedy at that time because, being the kind-hearted guy I am, I would have insisted on helping him out....and the dude was about 6'6" 280 :eek:

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I really don't have a lot of bad stories, but I have to say my cruise on the Carnival Destiny was less than perfect. After getting off that ship, I swore I would never go on another cruise again. The dining room smelled like urine, and made me gag every time we went there to eat. My son's bed crashed 4 times during the cruise (yes.....the legs buckeled, and he was on the floor 4 separate nights). One day we found.....well, who knows what kind of stains on the newly made bedsheets.


On my last cruise I had an experience that probably is going to make me look and sound really blonde: I am a little claustrophobic and panic when I find myself in rooms or places that I cannot control getting out off. One night I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Our cabin was pitch black, even though it was a balcony cabin. I do not like to turn the lights on for fear of waking the children. After I was ready to come out of the bathroom, I realized that for the life of me I could not remember where the light switch was, or where the door knob was. As I start feeling around the bathroom walls, I cannot find either. It is pitch dark, and I feel myself beginning to panic. Finally (though probably less than a minute passed), in total panic mode and fear, I scream for the kids to come and get me out of the bathroom, that I cannot find the light switch or the door knob. My 12 year old promptly turns on the light.....and stares at me in disbelief. There I was: in the bathroom....the door wide open. I had not even closed it, and could have just walked out.


I know. You don't have to tease me. My kids do it on a daily basis. I am sure this will be one of those stories that will be repeated many times over..... :o


LMAO! Thank you SO much for that laugh, I needed it! Still laughing! Lol, ROFL!

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Did it really work?


Last summer, while at the baths in Virgin Gorda, some poor fella that was on the NCL Spirit like me stepped on one...he was screaming bloody muder and asking the beach attendant if he was "gonna die". I'm glad I wasn't aware of this unique remedy at that time because, being the kind-hearted guy I am, I would have insisted on helping him out....and the dude was about 6'6" 280 :eek:


Yep. It works. The little barb backs out just enough for you to grab it. Some scuba divers gave us this little tip.


Of course, success is fully contingent on the "pee-r" not experiencing performance anxiety and being able to pee on the "pee-ee."

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  • 3 weeks later...
"It ain't vacation until somebody bleeds!"


Now anytime we are on vacation and have any kind of mishap come up, one of us will look at the other and utter our new family vacation motto. Then we just laugh ourselves silly. Anyone overhearing us probably thinks we are complete lunatics, but we don't care. We're on vacation! :D



This line is hysterical :D Your husband sounds a lot like mine ;)


My screen name is from our experience with family vacations. Our travels with our kids have sometimes been similar to the National Lampoon Vacation series. Someone always gets hurt or sick, someone is always complaining, but my husband always finds humor in any situation.


The screen name should be The Happy K's (my grammatical error years ago :rolleyes: ), which is what he named us in a rental car driving (lost) on Oahu years ago, for our grumbling about the hours spent in the car. We nicknamed him Island Boy, code for getting us hopelessly lost on an island and driving the full perimeter before getting back to the hotel.


The Happy K's still vacation together and Island Boy still gets to drive the rental car.

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  • 8 months later...

Oooh Oooh, I want to play!


We booked our 3rd DCL cruise to leave on Dec 28 in 2004. We kept it a secret from the kids for 14 long months. I spent HOURS cropping pictures from past DCL cruises and having a puzzle made (actual puzzle pieces) of my creation, plus more hours planning a Chrismtas morning scavenger hunt. I packed what I could in secret, we pulled off the big surprise at Christmas and left the next morning.


We met friends in Orlando, spent a day at Downtown Disney and headed to Port C. It was COLD for Florida (50's for the high) and we boarded the ship on Dec 28. I felt cold all day, but attributed it to the cooler-than-normal temps.


We did Palo that first night and I continued to shake/shiver. By the next day I knew I had something and headed to the dr. He gave me a Z-pack but couldn't tell if it was bacterial or viral. By the next day I was OUT OF IT. I spent hour after hour sleeping in my bed w/the flu (not the stomach flu, but the upper resp version, stuffy head, congestion, aches/fever, etc.).


On New Year's Eve I managed to go to dinner and make it to 10 p.m, but went back to bed then and spent the next day in bed too. That evening DD got it and joined me in bed. DS and DH would scramble in/out of the cabin as fast as possible! DD had had a flu shot (I had not) so we hoped hers would be short-lived)


Flash forward to the last day. I was SICK (heart) that we had spent thousands and thousands of dollars on this cruise and I missed 75% of it and DD missed 50%. I took her outside to Castaway Cay and we walked around for about 30 minutes before we were both too wiped to continue. It was miserable.


We went back and napped and I forced us to take a shower so we'd feel somewhat better.


I'm helping her out of the shower (wrapped in a towel myself w/my hair up in another) and there is A TON of banging/yelling outside and then inside the cabin.


DS yells "Mom we won 5 MILLION dollars!!!" and I am thinking "what in the h*ll?" and DH comes in and yells "we won bingo".


I opened the bathroom door, looked at him (and our friends crowding in behind him) and said "If you are joking, I will KILL you!".


He was not joking, the winnings of JACKPOT BINGO paid for that cruise (so we booked another, but on RCCL lol) and I went to the gift shop and had my way with the souvenirs. It really helped make up for a rotten cruise for DD and me!

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