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My wife almost died...That's why we cruise every year!


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I'm so glad for this thread. DH is about to retire, and I've been obsessing over having to live on a reduced income. Since I didn't want to take money from savings thinking we might need it some day, I've been thinking that we can't afford many, if any, more cruises. After seeing this thread, I realized that we still need to cruise. There's no guanantee that we'll have the health and have each other to make memories with. An occasional cruise won't make that much difference to our savings accounts, but the lack of memories would be a big mistake. Thank you!

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So glad that your wife is healthy and that you can enjoy your time together. Life is too precious.


At the age of 30 I had my first bout with breast cancer and 32 years later had it for a second time. Believe me when I say that you look at life much differently. Last year my granddaughter (then 13) and I took our first cruise together and next April we are going on our second cruise. My job was cut to part time just before our first cruise but I was not going to let that get in the way of our "bonding" trip. We had the most wonderful time together. Brought us real close. She is my best friend. She and her brother were put in the middle of a nasty divorce and then the marriage of her dad (my son) to a woman who is worst than the first wife. She needs the time away. Can't talk the grandson into a cruise so we are going to Florida for the 7th time.


These grandkids are my life and I would go to extremes to see that they are happy.


Don't take life for granted. Enjoy each and every day because you don't know what lies ahead.


Enjoy your cruises and those people that are precious to you.


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On our last cruise, I came down with a sudden chest cold. I had a similar "cold" a few weeks prior to the cruise. I had always been healthy, active and gave my daughters a run for their money (58 years old now). A few weeks after the cruise, I was so run down that my legs were wobbling and I was very dizzy and out of breath. I was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy (severe heart failure). To make a long story short, we have 2 cruises planned (April and July). The whole family cruised for the 1st time on my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary and practically had to drag them along. When I was diagnosed, I thought it meant I had gone on the last cruise ever. My daughters were worried about me dying, but also were bent out of shape with regret because I wanted to zip-line on our last cruise and they wouldn't do it with me so I didn't go. We decided the only thing to regret is doing nothing. We aren't going to sit at home. We are going to continue to build more wonderful memories. We've gone on 9 cruises and have these 2 planned. While I won't be able to be to run circles around my daughters, that's not really what we remember about our cruises. The cruise in April is just my daughters. me and my Grandson. The July cruise will include the SIL and a friend of my Grandson. My SIL is all about making money. His wife is all about making memories. When my Grandson has a family of his own, I hope he continues to spend time making memories. He's had a good start since he's been on all 9 cruises. I asked my doctor if he felt it was foolish to plan a cruise so far out and he said he thought it was a good idea, and he should start planning one himself. I'm going to enjoy this cruise the same way as every other cruise. We aren't planning "the last cruise..." We are planning just as always. Who knows: I might be posting here 5 years from now about our next cruise. Keeping the faith and building the memories.....

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We raised 4 children and had a blast doing it and daughter now runs our very busy company.We started doing extnsive rafting- hiking - climbing etc about 5 years ago. January is going to be our first crusie in 20 years and I am both excited and nervous ( don't know why I am nervous:confused: ? ) DW is just plain excited !! I have friends that rarely travel or do anything at all together and have terrible relationships. I tell them that even when you have been married 40 years- you still need to date and spend eons of time together. many just don't get it. After reading all the posts here I am more convinced that crusing is just the ticket for romance with your spouse and also your love affair with life:). A BIG KUDOS to you folks and also Thanks to the OP for a great thread. BTW- all the info on this site has made me much less nervous and I sincerely appreciate you guys sharing all your knowledge !! Thank You:)

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  • 3 months later...

I also love this post! what a great topic! My husband and I are celebrating our 25th anniversary this year, and I wanted to do a last family cruise before both kids head off to university. He said NO WAY does he want the kids with us on our anniversary cruise. So, to make a long story short, my beloved dad passed away early January, and I have booked a cruise which I am paying for with the family! Our anniversary cruise will take place later on in the year or perhaps in the new year.


My all time favourite quote is from Mark Twain...


"Twenty years from now, you'll regret more the things that you didn't do, than the things you did do."

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  • 3 months later...
I also love this post! what a great topic! My husband and I are celebrating our 25th anniversary this year, and I wanted to do a last family cruise before both kids head off to university. He said NO WAY does he want the kids with us on our anniversary cruise. So, to make a long story short, my beloved dad passed away early January, and I have booked a cruise which I am paying for with the family! Our anniversary cruise will take place later on in the year or perhaps in the new year.


My all time favourite quote is from Mark Twain...


"Twenty years from now, you'll regret more the things that you didn't do, than the things you did do."


So true!


My parents had a life long plan to retire and then travel. Cancer had a different plan for my mom, and just before retirement she passed away.


My lovely wife and I try to appreciate each other, and the blessings of life, every day. Since our 25th, we decided to plan cruising as our opportunity "celebrate" together.


Hope others will do the same...These things have to be SCHEDULED into our lives.:)


Mike and Wendy

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love this thread - I booked our NCL Epic cruise in October of 2009, only 4 days after our 36 year old friend died of pulmonary hypertension. I told my husband that we needed to stop saying "we should take the kids on a cruise someday". So in January, we sailed on Epic and surprised the kids and it was really a wonderful vacation. We toasted to Jackie and had a good cry and enjoyed ourselves as a family. Now we have another family cruise planned for 2013.


I know it's overused but life really is short and I'm so glad we take advantage of all it has to offer. Sometimes you just need a little slap in the face to be reminded.


Happy cruising everyone!

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  • 5 months later...

Finally, I located this great thread:)


Just thinking about a friend who's 30 year old wife with 3 kids, is dying of sudden onset of stage 4 lung cancer, non smoker and non drinker.:mad:


I'm sooooo thankful for the blessings of life and pray for this young family.


Don't wait till later to make memories!!!


Al out

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My parents always wanted to travel...our vacations growing up was to visit kinfolk. By the time my younger brother started high school (still not old enough to be left alone) my dad was diagnosed with cancer. They never got to travel. Fast forward.....my husband and I never had the money to do much traveling.....fast forward again...once my husband and I divorced, I decided that I was going to "live" (also might have decided that when I had a mini stroke and "died" being taken down for a cat scan) I have been on 4 cruises, 3 of them solo and my next cruise leaves Nov 27......IMO, going on a cruise is the only way to vacation, esp as a solo....

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I've always enjoyed traveling with my parents, even as a child. It's a blessing that I've been able to share very special moments with my parents, especially when traveling to our "dream" destinations, which I'm most thankful for. The added bonus is that when on a cruise, one only has to unpack once :)

Edited by Expy00
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I'm so glad your wife is ok now. And my heart goes out to all of you that have lost loved ones. I haven't read all of the posts on this thread yet since I'm very emotional (will go back and read them later), but this reminds me of my mother who passed away in Feb. this year at 84. She loved to cruise and gamble (and shop, dance, etc.-just loved life). She won a free 7 day cruise from a casino and had no one to go with her. She wanted me to go, but this was many years agao and I didin't think I would enjoy being on a cruise with her and didn't think it was important enough to take my vacation time to go with her. Years later (after much maturity), I took a very early retirement, because I decided I did not want to look back one day and regret that I did not spend more time with both of my parents, have some fun times and be there for them if they needed me. That was in 2006. Three weeks after I retired, she fell and broke her hip, had two strokes while in rehab and my brother passed away a month after that. Wow, did I make the right decision to retire early. Can't say that there were lots of "real fun" times with her after that, but I was so glad I could be there at any time she needed me. There was "Quality" time. It was my honor, pleasure and priviledge to spend time with her and help her. My Dad passed in 2008 and I was able to be there for him as well.


Long of the short is, sometimes I visualize the day I dropped my mother off at the port in New Orleans to board the ship, and she said "I sure wish you would come with me, and I said that I couldn't due to work". I'd give anything to go back in time and take that cruise with her. I'm sure we would have had a great time. After she broke her hip, her lifestyle totally changed (the strokes were mild). Although she did go from a wheelchair to a walker, cane, and then on her own, she was never the same. I wished I would have pushed harder for going on some other trips, but she wouldn't have gone at that point.


Lately I try to live each day as if it were my last.


And like my signature says "Life is too short, let me live it on a cruise"!!!!

Edited by PreciousCruiser
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Our family discovered cruising about 15 years ago. We have wonderful photos and memories of my Dad's dream cruise we took to Hawaii a few years before he died. We were stunned when I was diagnosed with severe cardiomyopathy 18 months ago. We cruised in April and in July and had the time of our lives on FOS. What fun to hear everyone's excitement at something they did on that particular day. I smile everytime I see one of the photos framed on a table at home. We will be cruising to the Med, if my condition remains stable, in June. We realized long ago how precious memories were in comparison to material things. I can't imagine anything better than having all these fabulous memories to sit and recall. Don't wait to cruise until you have "I wish I had..." moments instead of opportunities.

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I'm so glad your wife is ok now. And my heart goes out to all of you that have lost loved ones. I haven't read all of the posts on this thread yet since I'm very emotional (will go back and read them later), but this reminds me of my mother who passed away in Feb. this year at 84. She loved to cruise and gamble (and shop, dance, etc.-just loved life). She won a free 7 day cruise from a casino and had no one to go with her. She wanted me to go, but this was many years agao and I didin't think I would enjoy being on a cruise with her and didn't think it was important enough to take my vacation time to go with her. Years later (after much maturity), I took a very early retirement, because I decided I did not want to look back one day and regret that I did not spend more time with both of my parents, have some fun times and be there for them if they needed me. That was in 2006. Three weeks after I retired, she fell and broke her hip, had two strokes while in rehab and my brother passed away a month after that. Wow, did I make the right decision to retire early. Can't say that there were lots of "real fun" times with her after that, but I was so glad I could be there at any time she needed me. There was "Quality" time. It was my honor, pleasure and priviledge to spend time with her and help her. My Dad passed in 2008 and I was able to be there for him as well.


Long of the short is, sometimes I visualize the day I dropped my mother off at the port in New Orleans to board the ship, and she said "I sure wish you would come with me, and I said that I couldn't due to work". I'd give anything to go back in time and take that cruise with her. I'm sure we would have had a great time. After she broke her hip, her lifestyle totally changed (the strokes were mild). Although she did go from a wheelchair to a walker, cane, and then on her own, she was never the same. I wished I would have pushed harder for going on some other trips, but she wouldn't have gone at that point.


Lately I try to live each day as if it were my last.


And like my signature says "Life is too short, let me live it on a cruise"!!!!



I'm touched by your post. I did cruise with my mom and have some very wonderful memories of those cruises and am very thankful I do as she has passed. She never made much money on her own so I think the cruises we took (four) where beyond her imagination of something she would ever get to do. I still have very specific, wonderful memories on each ship we cruised together. So, I hope for you, that whoever is in your life now that you may be able to experience life's experiences with, you do so with open arms.

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I'm touched by your post. I did cruise with my mom and have some very wonderful memories of those cruises and am very thankful I do as she has passed. She never made much money on her own so I think the cruises we took (four) where beyond her imagination of something she would ever get to do. I still have very specific, wonderful memories on each ship we cruised together. So, I hope for you, that whoever is in your life now that you may be able to experience life's experiences with, you do so with open arms.


OMG! I got a little emotional when I read your post then looked at your member name. My mother's name was Chloe! Isn't that something! I love that name... I have many pictures of her in her beautiful clothes on the formal nights on several cruises she went on. I'm so glad she purchased those photos. I will always cherish having them. I remember her spending days packing and trying to decide what to bring, what to wear, and how excited she was to go.


Thanks for sharing your story/thoughts... I'm so glad you were able to cruise with your mom and have those special memories.

Edited by PreciousCruiser
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Why do we cruise? My father's quote was this, "in a year from now, you will be the same person except for the books you read,people you meet and places you travel." Thanks dad for that advice, for it is so true. Off to hit the Christmas markets in Vienna shortly.;)

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Read an obituary awhile back that said this lady had retired from work early due to her cancer and later on in the obit it said that her and her husband had PLANNED to travel after their retirement How sad-Hopefully mine will say he and his wife traveled extensivly and had a great time prior to his illness and death

Edited by CFD130
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We have gone on cruises because I have health problems and I don't know how much longer it will be until I can't go anywhere. I have seen a couple of my siblings save their money and never go on vacations and now that they really could, they can't. At least I have a lot of memories and will still have a couple of trips planned.


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What a great thread to find on Thanksgiving!


I feel for all of those who have had life changing experiences. Being young myself, I have had my share which makes me live every day to the fullest now and make sure my kids are happy before anything else (but the essentials to live and bills!)


When I was 17 I have my first son, during his birth we both almost died. He was facing my spine instead of facing outwards. No drugs, 10 hours of pushing and I had honestly just given up at that point. If my husband hadn't had the thought of say Lawyer, the doctor would have never given me the C-Section (or at least it seems). My only memories of his birth, and of my husband and the rest of my family screaming at me to breath because by the end, I was just to exhausted to do it unconsciously.


When I was 28 (3 years ago) I was having some problems. After 2 trips to the hospital, I was told I just had a pulled muscle in my back and a sinus infection. 5 days later I was blind. IMO nothing is more scary than that. Went to the same ER room as before, who said there was nothing wrong with me, but to go see the Neuro on call at a different hospital. Got there, he looked into my eyes and had an immediate diagnosis. 3 days later I had 60% of my vision back, the rest of my optic nerves are to damaged to ever heal.


Being blind made me realize how much I would never see. My kids growing up, grandchildren if it's in the cards, and how many places I would never see. We can barely afford it, but I now don't think there is any choice. I will more than happily go with out for myself, to make sure I can see my kids in these places! I have a constant fear that something will go wrong with my head (have a shunt in my head) and wake up blind again! I don't want to have any regrets if that happens. As it is, I am expected to have to have brain surgery every 5-7 years for the rest of my life. Because of the damage in my head, I am also in the stages of early onset Alzheimer's. I will hopefully have a good 20-30 years left but who can tell? I want my kids to remember good times, not me how I will end up being!

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We have found cruising later on in life , the family are not interested in cruising so we will be going on our own & try & go as much as we can while we can ...we still get together with the rest of them for any little camping trips we do , next May sail , June camping ,Sept camping ,hopefully a short cruise then as well ..life is too short , ....my cousin died just as her husband had retired & his world fell apart :( ..so my motto is.. do it if you can

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I was a single mom for many years and while I did take the kids to Hawaii once and I sent them to Cuba with their school band the rest of the time I could only afford camping trips on the island we live on. 10 years ago I met DH and we bought a time share. We used it to travel around our province. Two years ago I was unable to book the timeshare in BC and I phoned the company to complain. The timeshare company told me to think outside the box so I ended up booking a timeshare in Egypt! We had a fabulous time. While there we did a Nile cruise and enjoyed it. The next summer DH got very sick and I was worried we would be unable to travel but he has recovered. Following that I had a health scare and my 17 year old dog died as well. I booked our first ocean cruise at that time and we are leaving in two weeks. I hope we enoy cruising as much as all of you have posted.

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I was a single mom for many years and while I did take the kids to Hawaii once and I sent them to Cuba with their school band the rest of the time I could only afford camping trips on the island we live on. 10 years ago I met DH and we bought a time share. We used it to travel around our province. Two years ago I was unable to book the timeshare in BC and I phoned the company to complain. The timeshare company told me to think outside the box so I ended up booking a timeshare in Egypt! We had a fabulous time. While there we did a Nile cruise and enjoyed it. The next summer DH got very sick and I was worried we would be unable to travel but he has recovered. Following that I had a health scare and my 17 year old dog died as well. I booked our first ocean cruise at that time and we are leaving in two weeks. I hope we enoy cruising as much as all of you have posted.


Enjoy! Nothing like the WOW experience of the first cruise!


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