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Anyone got a "sucker" story


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I have one. We were in Jamaica and my tour stopped at the local shopping area. It was first thing in the morning and the shops were just opening up. When we got off the bus the owners were all calling us over for their GREAT deals. I went over to one shop that a very nice older lady was running. When we went in she said to look around and she would not bother us. However every two minutes she was trying to get me and my wife something to buy. I did not care I just laughed to myself. I knew from this board that you do not pay the asking price in Jamaica so when I found a shirt that I like I asked I asked her how much? She told me that the shirt was regular $ 30.00 dollars BUT because I was her first customer and I seemed like a nice guy she would sell it to me for $ 20.00. Well $ 10.00 off of coarse I bought it. I left the shop feeling quite good about myself. The next shop and EVERY OTHER one we went into had identical

shirt starting at $ 15.00!!! All I could do was laugh at myself for being so gullible. My wife really enjoyed telling that story to all our friends

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DH bought a fairly expensive watch from a reputable looking store in Nassau in 1984. It was $100, which was a good deal because we'd seen the same watch at home for around $300. When he got home, it stopped and he was upset because the battery had died. He took it to the jewelry store and they showed him the $1 plastic innards. They didn't know how it lasted as long as it did.



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I went on the Cozumel Highlights and Shopping last October, and we stopped at this little Mayan ruins, and there were a few little shops there, and of course all the guys started trying to get you to come into their store! I go into one of these little stores and buy a shot glass, take it to the guy and he says it will be $4. I give him a $20, and he says,"If you will give me a $1 bill i will give you an even $15 back, so I did. Then, while standing there, I thought,"HEY, that's not right!" I told him that made the cost $6!! So, he gave me my change from the $20 and my $1 back. While sitting on the bus, I was thinking to myself,"Yeah, dude, you TRIED to cheat me but I caught you!" I kept thinking about it and then i realized that he STILL cheated me and I paid $5 for that stupid shot glass, not the original $4 he told me!!!:o :D I bet he has tried to do that to everyone who paid with a $20!! And I was SO proud of myself for "catching" him!:rolleyes:

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our first trip to the straw market in nassau there was a lady there that was trying to sell me a pot pipe, my sister with me had bought one for her son back home from the same lady a few minutes earlier.and paid a lot more than the lady tried selling one to me, i didn't want it, i told the lady no thank you. it turned into a have to sell to this lady war with her, after coming down really low i still stuck to my "NO I DON'T WANT IT" my sister was saying "sell it to me" The lady "NO, SHE WILL BUY' me "NO" i started to walk off and this lady grabs my arm and pulls me back,(OH,you don't do that to me ANYWHERE.)anyway i turned to this lady and said- very cold and stern-"don't EVER grab me again"!! she back off, putting her hands up like in defense and we walked off, my sister said," oh, man, i thought you were going to hit her, you go to jail, and i would have to try to explain it to mother,'LOL we're both married. was late 40's at the time, with husbands home waiting fot us in the US.Even now this oldest sister saids" you can't pick on my baby sister"

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our first trip to the straw market in nassau there was a lady there that was trying to sell me a pot pipe, my sister with me had bought one for her son back home...


Wow, your sister is supporting HER SON in his drug habit :eek: ? Talk about a sucker (this thread is about "sucker stories" right).

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In Freeport we went to the Junkanoo party and there was a lady braiding hair. I let my 10 year old daughter get her hair done even though I thought $50 was very expensive. I was laying on my beach chair and my daughter came over when she was done. She had her hair done and a big plastic necklace on. I said where did you get the necklace. She said the lady let me pick it out. When I walked over the pay the lady big surprise the price went up from $50 to $58. Needless to say I turned to my daughter and said take it off. We put the necklace back and paid the $50.

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at a resort in the Dominican Republic, they allow local vendors to come right into the resort and set up shop. Right outside of the area where you have to go and eat - how convenient.


i ended up paying like $160 (U.S. cash) for three necklaces...

...but they way i figure it, i probably just fed their kids for like two weeks.


somehow i feel much better about being ripped off by individuals than American companies, hahaha.

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When we got off the ship in Cabo, there were dozens of women and children trying to get us to buy silver bracelets for $10. I didn't like them and knew the price was high,we said "No Gracias" over and over.


When we went to get back onto the ships tender, these same bracelets were $1 :rolleyes: . I still didn't buy any (I knew I'd turn green in minutes from the "silver") but I did wonder how many people were kicking themselves for paying a higher price in the morning.

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About 10 years ago, we got off of a ship in Ocho Rios. As usual, all of the taxi drivers were yelling and running at you to get you to use their service.

We wanted to go to a certain shopping area and it was $6.00 per person one way. BUT....one of them offered us $11.00 round trip. Great...we will save $1.00 per person. What a deal!!!

Yes.....you guessed it. He dropped us off and said he would pick us up at the same place at a certain time. Of course, we never saw him again and had to pay $7.00 per person to go back to the ship. We were running late because we stood around so long waiting for our "round trip transfer". So we had to take the first offer of $7.00 to go back.

I thought I was smarter than that. NOT!!!!


I am laughing hysterically while writing this. I tell everybody about this incident so that they don't do the same stupid thing.

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at a resort in the Dominican Republic, they allow local vendors to come right into the resort and set up shop. Right outside of the area where you have to go and eat - how convenient.


i ended up paying like $160 (U.S. cash) for three necklaces...

...but they way i figure it, i probably just fed their kids for like two weeks.


somehow i feel much better about being ripped off by individuals than American companies, hahaha.


Kafitty, was this at Secrets Excellence? Was there in January and was exhausted by the time we wheeled and dealed for a nice carved stone piece. I started walking around the other side of the indoor fountain to stay away from them!

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A woman came up to us in the Bahamas and put bracelets on our wrists made out of conch shells. She said they were free and then proceeded to ask for a donation to help with the children. SUCKERS!!!

A similar thing happened to me in Venice! sheesh!

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It was our second cruise. . I made an appt. in the salon to get my hair done for formal night. Basically, she just put it in a French twist, nothing special, and then held out a tray of sparkly barrettes and asked me which one I liked. She put it in my hair and we were done. Little did I know until I went to sign for my 'do that there was a $35 charge for the barrette!

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Here's mine. I booked a deep sea fishing excursion through the ship. The price wasn't that high and appeared to be a good deal. (That's the bait)


We got on the boat, a nicely equipped vessel well stocked with all sorts of fishing gear, and most importantly, a big cooler full of beer. (He's nibbling!)


I hooked a really nice Wahoo and spent a considerable amount of time fighting him and getting him into the boat. The captain and mate both stood with me and my catch to make a good photo op. They suggested that I have the fish mounted and could help arrange it. (Fish on!)


When we got back to the dock, someone was there to take my fish, for a small deposit. They also gave me an estimated final cost. (Play him...play him...now reel him in!)


After making all the arrangements, I heard from the company doing the mounting and got the real final tally, plus lots of extra cost upgrades. We agreed to a price. Then, they called again to say that the mount was too big to send via UPS and would have to be shipped to me via truck, which would cost a few hundred dollars more.


My $129 fishing excursion ended up costing about $1200, all so I could have a dead fish on the living room wall. I remember my wife being so proud of my manliness when I got thing into the boat; now, all she says is, "That thing needs to be dusted."


Hook, line, and sinker, I swallowed 'em all on that deal. :rolleyes:

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A similar thing happened to me in Venice! sheesh!


I had worse done to me. I was trying to keep from falling climbing that stupid Dunns river Falls and this idiot guy throws a bead necklace over my head and says it is "free". I said "no thanks!" I had already had too much of those folks by that time. My stomach was giving me problems and I had been to the batrhroom three times and each time I had to pay a $1 for the use of the facillities there! I have no desire WHATSOEVER to ever go back to Jamaica-even though it was a beautiful island.

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"Wow, your sister is supporting HER SON in his drug habit :eek: ? Talk about a sucker (this thread is about "sucker stories" right)."


Well ya know, unlike alcohol, no one ever died from smoking too much marijuana or woke up with a hangover. I thought it was hilarious when a cruise director on one cruise had the nerve to lecture the audience at a show about how horrrrrible pot is and anyone who smoked it was just so awful... right after encouraging everyone to buy lots of alcohol and get good and drunk.


It's silly that a nearly harmless drug is demonized while something as physically damaging as alcohol gets government subsidies.

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Oh all right, here's mine. Four words, Gold By The Inch. How many groans did I just get? $165.00 US, now seeing that I'm Canadian, and the exchange rate at the time was 1.53%, that equals $252.00 CDN. 3 weeks and the gold was gone. Hey we were newbies.

For this one we should have bean smarter, Nassau, Straw Market, Prada knockoffs, 1st-$40.00, 2nd-$30.00, 3rd- $25.00. Too bad we didn't find 3 from the same stall and make a deal.

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Here's mine. I booked a deep sea fishing excursion through the ship. The price wasn't that high and appeared to be a good deal. (That's the bait)


We got on the boat, a nicely equipped vessel well stocked with all sorts of fishing gear, and most importantly, a big cooler full of beer. (He's nibbling!)


I hooked a really nice Wahoo and spent a considerable amount of time fighting him and getting him into the boat. The captain and mate both stood with me and my catch to make a good photo op. They suggested that I have the fish mounted and could help arrange it. (Fish on!)


When we got back to the dock, someone was there to take my fish, for a small deposit. They also gave me an estimated final cost. (Play him...play him...now reel him in!)


After making all the arrangements, I heard from the company doing the mounting and got the real final tally, plus lots of extra cost upgrades. We agreed to a price. Then, they called again to say that the mount was too big to send via UPS and would have to be shipped to me via truck, which would cost a few hundred dollars more.


My $129 fishing excursion ended up costing about $1200, all so I could have a dead fish on the living room wall. I remember my wife being so proud of my manliness when I got thing into the boat; now, all she says is, "That thing needs to be dusted."


Hook, line, and sinker, I swallowed 'em all on that deal. :rolleyes:

LOL! That happened to DH. He caught a barracuda in Cozumel and the guy was waiting at the dock. It wasn't even a very big one but the total for mounting and shipping was close to $1000 US. As I recall, they shipped the fish on ice to Florida to get it done.

DH turned to the captain's assistant and said, "Do you eat barracuda?" The guy nodded yes, and DH gave it to him.


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Wow, your sister is supporting HER SON in his drug habit :eek: ? Talk about a sucker (this thread is about "sucker stories" right).


Sounds like it don't it? But , no, he just collects these beautiful pipes that he gets from he and his friends travels. You can get some beauties in these.

But, if that were the case then i guess that would be her bussiness,as long as he stayed home and done it. we had a brother get killed at age 18 because an eldery man(81) in bad health didn't want to give up driving, he had a heart attack while driving and took my brothers life, his, and left another teenager in my brothers car brain damaged for life,

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When we were at the straw market in Nassau a older lady came up to me and was asking about my red hair. She was standing with all kinds of necklaces and braclets but wasn't asking me to buy! I just kept answering question after question about my"lovely red hair" -waiting for the sales pitch. It never came! As I was walking away she said 'Oh miss, I have taken so much of your time I want to give you this braclet [ as she swiftly put it on my wrist} Oh no thank you I stated but she insisted -then walked away . She then quickly turned around , stated that the bracelet was free but the necklace [which she put around my throat so quickly I didn't know what hit me was $10.00! GOTCHA YA!!!:eek:

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"Wow, your sister is supporting HER SON in his drug habit :eek: ? Talk about a sucker (this thread is about "sucker stories" right)."


Well ya know, unlike alcohol, no one ever died from smoking too much marijuana or woke up with a hangover. I thought it was hilarious when a cruise director on one cruise had the nerve to lecture the audience at a show about how horrrrrible pot is and anyone who smoked it was just so awful... right after encouraging everyone to buy lots of alcohol and get good and drunk.


It's silly that a nearly harmless drug is demonized while something as physically damaging as alcohol gets government subsidies.


Are you being serious, or is this tongue in cheek? :confused:

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