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9 Month Baby Cruising?


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Hi everyone..


At the moment I am 28 weeks pregnant with baby due in August, we were supposed to be on a Med cruise this month but because I would be too far gone we had to move our cruise to a random one until we know what we want to do.


We have seen a cruise next May so baby would be 9 months, the original booking is for 2 adults, so we would like to move the booking and include baby, we don't know the sex of the baby so we cant give a name or date of birth to the booking, can I add baby to the booking already so we know what the fare will be or do we need to wait until baby is born to add to the booking? Would there be extra costs for adding baby later? The cruise we had booked is with Royal Caribbean and the cruise we would like to go on is also with Royal Caribbean.


Then I start to think what is it like to cruise with a baby :confused:

Its always just been me and dh, so I would not know what is best with regards to meals? would we be best to get a table for 2 so others don't have to worry about a baby at the table? Or out of courtesy should we just dine at the Windjammer?


Also, I would like to breast feed, so that should be fine onboard but if we leave the ship and I want to take bottles? can the ship chill the milk? or heat it up? what's the procedure? We had a fridge on Voyager but it never kept the drinks cold, the ship we would be going on would be Navigator.


Then the cabin... We are just looking at an inside as it would only be a 4 night cruise, does Royal provide a cot? and take out the sofa? or does baby share the bed?


If anyone can help me with my questions that would be great!


Many thanks


Kirsty :)

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Hi everyone..


can I add baby to the booking already so we know what the fare will be or do we need to wait until baby is born to add to the booking?

You have to wait until you have a name. I would add tyhe baby as soon as possible after he or she is born just in case your cruise becomes popular and the ship runs out of space.


Would there be extra costs for adding baby later? The cruise we had booked is with Royal Caribbean and the cruise we would like to go on is also with Royal Caribbean.

Yes, the 3rd person fare applies to your baby. Not because of food or housekeeping, but because RCCL cant sell that space to an adult because, per coastguard, your baby qualifies as an occupant of the vessel and every ship has an occupancy limit because of lifeboat space


Then I start to think what is it like to cruise with a baby :confused:

Its always just been me and dh, so I would not know what is best with regards to meals? would we be best to get a table for 2 so others don't have to worry about a baby at the table? Or out of courtesy should we just dine at the Windjammer?

You will know more the closer you get to the cruise but you can always inquire about babysitting for your dinner seating. Our DS was 6 months old when we went and has a bedtime of 7:30 and we were able to arrange in-room babysitting from 8:30 to 10:30 every night. If you feel more comfortable in the Jammer, then just do that.

Also, I would like to breast feed, so that should be fine onboard but if we leave the ship and I want to take bottles? can the ship chill the milk? or heat it up? what's the procedure? We had a fridge on Voyager but it never kept the drinks cold, the ship we would be going on would be Navigator.

We brought a mini cooler and asked the room peson to bring us ice every day for my breast milk.


Then the cabin... We are just looking at an inside as it would only be a 4 night cruise, does Royal provide a cot? and take out the sofa? or does baby share the bed?

I dont think any of the inside cabins have fridge's, JFYI

You can arrange for RCCL to deliver a pack n play to your cabin. It is suggested (by CC moms) that you bring your own sheets.


We had such a great time on the Splendour when DS was 6 months old, we are doing it again on the Rhapsody when DS is 10 months old.


Have fun!

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About adding the baby before he/she is born......we booked our upcoming cruise when I was only 5 months pregnant and we didn't have a name picked out for our baby either. It was booked as Baby X (our last name) on our confirmation. When the baby was born, our travel agent just changed the name to our dd's name. HTH!

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First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy!

...can I add baby to the booking already so we know what the fare will be or do we need to wait until baby is born to add to the booking? Would there be extra costs for adding baby later? The cruise we had booked is with Royal Caribbean and the cruise we would like to go on is also with Royal Caribbean.
You should contact your TA or RCCL directly for the answer to this one. You will be paying for 3rd person, as the pp said.


Its always just been me and dh, so I would not know what is best with regards to meals? would we be best to get a table for 2 so others don't have to worry about a baby at the table? Or out of courtesy should we just dine at the Windjammer?
Bringing baby to dinner is just fine, but again, as pp said, you will know your baby better once s/he is here. You can ask your TA to have you seated at a table with other families if you wish.


As you get closer to sailing date, you will have a lot more questions. Feel free to ask away. There are a lot of cruising families here.

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Then I start to think what is it like to cruise with a baby :confused:

Its always just been me and dh, so I would not know what is best with regards to meals? would we be best to get a table for 2 so others don't have to worry about a baby at the table? Or out of courtesy should we just dine at the Windjammer?


What we also did, in advance of our Splendour Cruise last March, was join the Roll Call board for the sailing.


After getting to know people on the Roll Call board, I posted a post letting people know that we were travelling with a 6 month old and that we had late dinner seating. I told them that DS usually is in bed by 7:30 pm and that we were going to try to arrange for a babysitter to sit for us every night during dinner. I asked everyone if there was anyone willing to cross link reservation numbers for tablemates, knowing that we may have DS if babysitting fell through.


We got two TERRIFFIC couples who happily responded "yup!" and we had a GREAT time at dinner each and every night! They were actually dissapointed that DS never made it to dinner because we were able to arrange babysitting.


RCCL usually does not do babysitting for kids under the age of 1 year old. When I was arranging my babysitting, I was initially denied because of this rule. I explained that DS was asleep by 7:30 and all the babysitter would have to do was sit there while he slept and that the babysitting was only so we could go to dinner every night. Pursers desk woman seemed to understand and put the request in.


Finally, I am going to reccomend the book "Babywise" by Ezzo for you to paroose. As a brand new mother I was sleep deprived and stressed and my neighbor suggested I read this book. The book talks about getting your child onto a schedule in order to create an atmosphere of security and comfort. A secure, comfortable, well slept child is a happy, non fussy baby. This philosophy worked so well for us that DS slept thru the night at 8 weeks and we had no idea that DS was teething because he did not show any of the classic teething signs. The philosophy may not be for you, but I definitely think it is worth the $8 to check out the book and see what you think.


This book is how I knew for a fact that DS would be asleep every night by 7:30 pm.


Anyways, Happy Baby and Happy Sailing!

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I booked a cruise while on my Alaskan cruise last year. I was 20 weeks pregnant at the time. We booked a 7 day Southern Caribbean cruise, balcony stateroom (will help us have another 'area' which will be helpful during naps). I didn't include baby on the reservation. I called RCCL after he was born and asked to add him. All they wanted to know was his name. (Our son will be 10.5 months old on the cruise)


FYI: The 3rd person rate isn't consistently the same on every cruise. We looked into several 7 days cruises. One charged 399, another 499, and our Southern Caribbean cruise only charged us 299. Don't know why.

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I booked a cruise while on my Alaskan cruise last year. I was 20 weeks pregnant at the time. We booked a 7 day Southern Caribbean cruise, balcony stateroom (will help us have another 'area' which will be helpful during naps). I didn't include baby on the reservation. I called RCCL after he was born and asked to add him. All they wanted to know was his name. (Our son will be 10.5 months old on the cruise)


FYI: The 3rd person rate isn't consistently the same on every cruise. We looked into several 7 days cruises. One charged 399, another 499, and our Southern Caribbean cruise only charged us 299. Don't know why.


The third person rate varies depending on the popularity of the cruise you select. Some can be $299, some are $499.


Also, to OP, consider getting a balcony room. When baby sleeps you can go out there and enjoy some relaxing alone time.....

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Congratulations on your pregnancy!! We cruised with our DD last Sept., she was 8 months old. We went on an 8 day cruise on RCCL. We had a blast! We were able to relax, despite what you may think. I don't know if every ship is the same but Mariner of the Seas had a pack-n-play waiting for use in our room when we bored. I brought my own sheets and blankets, which I would definately recommend. Hope this helps.

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Congrats on the baby!!! Mine just turned 1 last week. It goes by sooo fast. :-)


Congrats on planning to breastfeed too! My advice to you is to wait until you are closer to the cruise to think about bottles. I thought that I would pump and feed him from a bottle some of the time, but ended up NEVER using the bottle. It was just so much easier to feed him directly where ever we happened to be. No muss - no fuss!


Also, I don't want to start any sort of heated discussion on cruise critic about parenting, but PLEASE read some of the research about Baby Wise if you are thinking about following that approach. I would NEVER follow his advice; there are many other more gentle approaches to sleep and schedules out there.

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I was pregnant with my youngest when I booked a Disney cruise and she was named as Infant with no birthdate on the reservation.


Yes, as others have stated, you will have to pay the 3rd person rate for the child. I have seen that rate as low as $99 and as high as $899, pending on the cruise/cabin.


Get a balcony cabin so you can enjoy some alone time outside and not worry about tiptoing around the inside of the cabin while the baby sleeps.


On all of our cruises we have only been seated with another couple ONCE. And that was on our honeymoon cruise...we were seated with another honeymoon couple. So you may get as lucky as we have. :D


When our kids were that age, they slept through dinner in their carrier car seat.


Have a great cruise and congrats!

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Also, I don't want to start any sort of heated discussion on cruise critic about parenting, but PLEASE read some of the research about Baby Wise if you are thinking about following that approach. I would NEVER follow his advice; there are many other more gentle approaches to sleep and schedules out there.




And "whoo-ha" did the La Leche Lady GASP when I told her I was doing babywsie! She chastized me and instructed me to do on demand feeding! I was a bit miffed about that! I'm thinkin "hey, lady, I called you cuz my nipps hurt and I want to discuss the latch, and you are telling me how to parent my newborn??"


What is interesting about your comment was that there was absolutely no struggle for DS, or us, in following the babywise philosophy.


It was an easy and gentle pattern to fall into and he had no issue about being put onto a schedule.


Babies are different tho! Some babies will resist a routine. Some babies are just harder to manage than others.


We arent sure if DS was born with such an easygoing nature OR weather putting him onto a schedule made him so comfortable he developed an easygoing nature. Frankly, we dont care as it works very well for us!


There are TONS of parenting philosophies out there. I encourage OP to investigate as many of them as she can and decide which one feels right to her.


I'm just paying forward the blessing I feel that I have recieved.


Personally, I could never be an "on demand feeding" type of mother. I have come to understand that, with my baby, every time he cried he was not hungry (as the 'on demand' philosophy instructs). In fact, every time he actually cried it was, in fact, because he was tired and needed a nap (and he got one). It goes against my nature and breeding (yes, breeding) to pacify the cries of any human being with the reward of food.


But this post is shaping up to be best left on another board! =-)


Happy Baby & Happy Sailing!

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Congratulations on the baby. Right now, I don't think it is advisable to stress about the cruise. Put a deposit on the cruise and you don't have to pay the balance until 90 days prior. At that point,you'll know if you really want to travel with you little one. It is probably hard to imagine at this point.


I would also look into Celebrity because they have incabin sitting for kids 6 months and older. Another option might be Cunard. They have nannies available day and night for small babies. I am doing Cunard for the first time in August and I'll let you know what I think of the QM2.

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One thing with babies, they sleep very well on the ship. If you stick to their usual sleep schedule and bring along some familiar items for their crib. They probably won't know the difference. The important thing is to keep things the same as when you are at home. Don't allow the baby to become overstimulated. Make sure that they are getting proper naps in the quiet cabin- which means not doing all day excursions and that sort of thing.


By the way, I will give you some unsolicited advice- make sure that you get your child used to babysitters from the very beginning. With my older child I was a stay at home Mom and he was extremely attached and would not go with a sitter (he would cry the entire time I was gone!). My younger son, I went back to work when he was 6 weeks old and had a sitter come to my house. She introduced me to some friends of hers and they babysat also. So, my son associated fun and safety with babysitters and he never had any separation anxiety.

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By the way, I will give you some unsolicited advice- make sure that you get your child used to babysitters from the very beginning. With my older child I was a stay at home Mom and he was extremely attached and would not go with a sitter (he would cry the entire time I was gone!). My younger son, I went back to work when he was 6 weeks old and had a sitter come to my house. She introduced me to some friends of hers and they babysat also. So, my son associated fun and safety with babysitters and he never had any separation anxiety.


I have had this advice give to me too. Based on DS's absolute LOVE of his daycare teachers versus some other friends, children's reactions to babysitters (these friends are stay at home moms) I can see why the advice is given.

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With our first two we cruised when they were babies and I was breastfeeding. I always nursed them before leaving for dinner as to never have to interrupt dinner. Another thing I did was to bring along their pumpkin seat and take it to dinner. All the noise from the dining room would put them to sleep each night so it worked out great!!

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I'm just paying forward the blessing I feel that I have recieved.



I agree 100%! The Babywise philosophy worked well here, too (feeding every 2 1/2 - 3hours following a eat/wake/sleep pattern). I feel VERY confident taking my baby on a cruise because 1) he's on a schedule, 2) he's sleeping through the night (started that at 8 weeks old), and 3) fusses very little- usually when he's sleepy. Our days with him are very predictable so we'll be able to plan excursions, pool time etc around his schedule.


Here's another question: do any of you buy travel insurance in the event of an illness? Or what to do if baby gets sick on the vacation? :eek: We've never had an experience with illness onboard (knock on wood), but better to be prepared.

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I have never bought the cruise insurance but have taken both of my kids to the ships doctors- they do not take insurance but you can turn in the bills to your insurance company when you return home.

An average trip to the ship's doctor is about $ 60 for the visit- plus perscriptions. Just like at home.


I have been pleased with the ships doctors for the most part. On Norwegian my son had a stiff neck from carrying a heavy carryon bad through the airports. His couldn't straighten his neck out completely for the entire cruise. It was sad- but muscle relaxers helped a bit.


My younger son has been to the doctor on Princess and Celebrity with tonsillitis and bronchittis.


On my last cruise, on Radiance of the Seas, in April. The last day of the cruise he had a high fever and was quite ill. I tried to go to the doctor at 11PM but they were closed. We disembarked the next morning. My son thru up on the way to the airport and was really ill the whole ride home. It may have been an undiagnosed case of Norovirus. Not sure. I never got sick and sometimes he throws up from the Tylenol when he has a high fever.


So, yes, as much as I travel on ships (I've done 18 total with kids)- there is always the a chance that you will end up in the medical center!

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Here's another question: do any of you buy travel insurance in the event of an illness? Or what to do if baby gets sick on the vacation? :eek: We've never had an experience with illness onboard (knock on wood), but better to be prepared.

I always buy travel insurance. Haven't needed it yet, but I know as soon as I don't buy it, that will be the one time I need it. :D

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I agree 100%! The Babywise philosophy worked well here, too (feeding every 2 1/2 - 3hours following a eat/wake/sleep pattern). I feel VERY confident taking my baby on a cruise because 1) he's on a schedule, 2) he's sleeping through the night (started that at 8 weeks old), and 3) fusses very little- usually when he's sleepy. Our days with him are very predictable so we'll be able to plan excursions, pool time etc around his schedule.


It's simply amazing! Everyone always comments on what a wonderful baby we have. I am a bit baffled at how any mom cannot know that a well slept baby is a happy and well mannered baby! Yes, it does "cramp your style", as a person, to have to abide by your baby's schedule in order to have your baby well rested, but sleep is important to developing minds and putting your childs needs above your own is pretty much what you bargain for when you decide to let that egg get fertilized, right?! :)


We have never bought extra trip insurance to cover any additional medical expenses. We have never thought if it. We do take him to the doctor for a checkup before we go and we are sure to pack all the medication essentials. Based on that another poster said, I would probably take him to the ships doc if we really felt like it was neccesary.


Happy sailing!

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I'm also worried (I'm now an official worry-wart since becoming a mom) about him getting sick prior to the cruise. If we can't make the trip at the last minute due to illness, . . . what then?:eek:

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I'm also worried (I'm now an official worry-wart since becoming a mom) about him getting sick prior to the cruise. If we can't make the trip at the last minute due to illness, . . . what then?:eek:


That's what the insurance is for. Although you need to check your specific policy. There are policies that cover trip cancellation/interuption coverage for certain reasons. Illness being a popular reason.


I just noticed you're from STL. Hi neighbor!

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Interesting dilema- I have traveled now with two kids for the past 19 years and no one in the family was sick prior to traveling except me. I was so ill one year that I was afraid I wouldn't make the trip the following morning- but somehow pulled it together.


Fortuneately neither of my kids have been sick prior to a trip. I have not traveled around Christmas however since 1999. I got the flu on that trip and said never again! So, it is a good idea to avoid cold and flu season if possible.


But the fact is that if there are kids in the kids program that are sick- others are going to get it. They can have the kids wash their hands but they use the same equiptment, video games, etc. and I am sure that my kids got sick there. Try to encourage the kids to use Purrell and wash their hands frequently.

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I'm also worried (I'm now an official worry-wart since becoming a mom) about him getting sick prior to the cruise. If we can't make the trip at the last minute due to illness, . . . what then?:eek:


You spend the $$ and buy trip insurance for this very reason!

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