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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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2. If Pedro has a Service Vest make sure he's wearing it the morning of your meeting with Immigration. Make sure he's on his best behavior. Put him in a "down/stay" position. No sniffing around.




Not only does he have a service vest, he also has a life vest, raincoat and a tuxedo. So, I think he is all set.


Do you dress your dog for formal night?

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Not only does he have a service vest, he also has a life vest, raincoat and a tuxedo. So, I think he is all set.


Do you dress your dog for formal night?


Horton has a life vest. Some cruise lines will provide a life vest for you so you don't have to shlep yours along. If you call the special needs office of your cruise line they will tell if they provide the vest. Sometimes, if there are a few dogs onboard they do run out.


And, of course, Horton has a tux that he wears on formal nights. Black dogs look amazing in their tux's. Cindy, [Rangeley on the thread, sent it to me years ago and Horty still wears it quite proudly, I must admit!] Thank you Cindy. Brenda used to wear fancy collars [one for every day] and a glitzy one for formal wear! Again, the black dogs look so cool with something around their necks, it helps to discern their necks from the rest of them. :p

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Oh good! I'm glad others dress up their dogs to cruise. Pedro actually has his own suitcase. He tends to get cold, and with the heavy air conditioning on board, I want to make sure he is comfortable. I know for sure he will not sit on the marble floors. His little butt doesn't like cold floors. If I tell him to sit, on a tile floor, he just looks at me and then at his butt..almost to say, "No way..." Once he is on carpeting, he sits just fine. Luckily, the dining rooms are carpeted.

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Now that we have the ball rolling with port requirements and documentation, my next question is about shore excursions. Have you found tour operators willing to accommodate your dog? We are also traveling with a scooter/wheelchair user. I guess you could call us the walking wounded...me with my cane, my DH with Pedro and our friend with her scooter. Her DH is the only one without a handicap. I jokingly told him he should get a pair of sunglasses and a white cane to fit in.:p


Where wouldn't you take your dog?

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Now that we have the ball rolling with port requirements and documentation, my next question is about shore excursions. Have you found tour operators willing to accommodate your dog? We are also traveling with a scooter/wheelchair user. I guess you could call us the walking wounded...me with my cane, my DH with Pedro and our friend with her scooter. Her DH is the only one without a handicap. I jokingly told him he should get a pair of sunglasses and a white cane to fit in.:p


Where wouldn't you take your dog?


As I've mentioned before.......you may run into a tour bus operator or a taxi who doesn't want your dog in their vehicle. They don't have to allow you on. They can deny you. So, it's very important that you check with the person who is booking your tour or the driver to get their permission to allow Pedro on with you. Make sure he's behaving well when you go for the ask, as I'm sure he always is, anyway! ;)

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And, "where wouldn't I take my dog?"


I am very careful that there are no strays around Horton.

I make sure that the ground that he has to walk on is not too hot.

I try not to take him into a venue where the sounds are very loud [this isn't always possible.] Horton is EXTREMELY sensitive to sounds and can become agitated when it's too much! As do I! :rolleyes:

I NEVER go to bull fighting events.....EVER!!!! Nor anyplace else where animals might be injured.


I bring Horton EVERYWHERE I go. If it's safe and pleasant for me, it's safe and pleasant for him.

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Oh good! I'm glad others dress up their dogs to cruise. Pedro actually has his own suitcase. He tends to get cold, and with the heavy air conditioning on board, I want to make sure he is comfortable. I know for sure he will not sit on the marble floors. His little butt doesn't like cold floors. If I tell him to sit, on a tile floor, he just looks at me and then at his butt..almost to say, "No way..." Once he is on carpeting, he sits just fine. Luckily, the dining rooms are carpeted.


Hmmmmmmmm! Says the CCI Graduate, where dogs are encouraged to sleep, eat, pee, poop and generally love concrete!


You never know where you're going to be while touring and there's only so much you can plan for.........what the floors of a museum, art gallery or restaurant are made of is not a huge concern to either me or Horty! Although, I have been known to ask that the floor be swept under our table before I ask him to lay down on it!

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Well, I called my vet's office today and found out he is a USDA certified vet. Phew! I checked the embassy websites for the ports we are visiting...Aruba, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Jamaica. We decided not to take Pedro into Panama, since we will only be docked for a couple of hours, and Jamaica because we can't take him there as per their laws. As for the other three, Aruba requires the ISO 15 digit microchip, an int'l health certificate and vaccination records, Costa Rica requires the same cert and vaccination records. Colombia is a bigger pain in that we need extra vaccinations, for leptospirosis and coronavirus. He has the others they require...although he did have the one for lepto two years ago. I'll have to check on how long that one is good for. Also, Colombia is on the screwworm list...so we may have to skip that port too.:( Everyone seems to want an original copy. Do we have to get one for each port? Do they keep them or do they just look at them?


One thing I was wondering...when and what is the process for getting off the ship with the dog? Do we just get off with him or do we have to go through a special process? I just want to know what we should expect in each port. My DH suffers from PTSD and I don't want him to get set off from this process.


Oh yeah...what happens when we return to the US? Is there another process to go through before or after customs with the dog? I imagine I will need to have his records in hand along with my passport and customs form?


As for doing my taxes myself? Never again! I have an accountant do them every year. Creative people need help with those things.;)




So glad you can get the health certificate from your regular vet! That makes it much easier, as they know you and your dog and you don't have to get copies of all your dog's records and everything. This is why I am not going to switch vets for my current girl even though they have not been very good as of late (the oncologist and whole oncology practice are awesome - they are not in any way affiliated with the regular vet, in fact, the regular vet had originally referred me to an oncologist at a referral hospital, not this place that is closer to me and does only oncology).


Check to see if Aruba has exceptions for non-ISO chips, such as if you brought a chip reader for your chip with you (it is expensive to rent or buy one, but you could try asking your vet if they have one you can borrow, since they may have more than one scanner) or if they will give you an exception since you will only be there for a few hours with a trained, leashed dog who is always under your control.


Your dog may have received the coronavirus vaccine as part of his puppy shots, so you could titer for it - if not, you may not have enough time before your trip to do the full series (check with your vet about vaccinating an older dog for this). Lepto does only last for a year, unfortunately, so you will need to revaccinate for that (I have to do that one yearly for my girl for the Bahamas).


You just need one health certificate. The ship gives you the original paperwork back and gives the copies they make to the countries during customs or whatever (before anyone is allowed off the ship). All you do to get off the ship is scan your card and walk out the door, same as everyone else. Same with getting off back in the US. I would recommend you keep the paperwork with you when you leave the ship, though, just in case - at the very least, keep a copy of the rabies certificate with you.


I keep all of my dog's paperwork in a spiral-bound multi-folder I got at Staples. I just got a new one this summer, as some gross oily stuff somehow got on the outside of my original one and it just looked nasty (I didn't want to touch it!), so Staples still carries them.


I am a creative, too. Numbers are definitely not my thing!!

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You sound like your pretty much set. Ask the Vet about the necessary updates on all vaccines.


While you're onboard the ship and before you get to each port the Purser's Desk will contact you. You will meet the Immigration Official for each port [that requires it] in the early morning, in a specific lounge or restaurant, before the ship is cleared to enter that port. They will want to see you, your dog and all his/her paperwork. Sometimes they collect the paperwork and do NOT return it and sometimes they look it over, give it back and let the officers onboard know that you've been cleared. NO ONE can leave the ship until EVERYONE has been cleared.


This is why I suggest making at least 4 copies of everything before you leave. Have a folder or envelope just for your dogs paperwork.


You will walk off the ship with the rest of the passengers, once you've been cleared.


When coming home, make sure to have your dog's paperwork, your passport and all customs forms ready to show the officials.


Remember, you have NOT visited a farm, ranch or gone horse back riding with your dog!


The occasional country will want to see your dog in person; I have only had this happen once. They met me in the sofa area in front of the customer service desk. They needed to scan for her chip. It was an easy process, but definitely do note where your dog's chip is located if it has migrated from the original location of between the shoulder blades! I hadn't taken note of it when our regular vet scanned for it and it took a long time for the country's employee to find it! It migrated to her right side. I don't know why it took so long, as he did wave it over that area (and all others) plenty, but it did finally work.

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First of all, thank you. I am feeling a little bit better about the whole process.


This morning, my vet's office called, and I spoke to the person who handles the details for certification. We went over Pedro's vaccinations, the requirements for each port and what we need to do. She said she has just done this for someone travelling to the Netherlands, but this will be her first cruise. LOL She had already spoken to the local USDA office and was told that we only had to comply with the regulations in each port, but only had to deal mainly with the first port(Aruba.) They said after the first port, we weren't coming from the US, we would be coming from the previous port. Is this correct in your experience? We will still be going by all of the requirements for each port though. We also discussed the flea/tick/mosquito situation and will get him started on a program. All but two vaccinations are up to date. Colombia requires the additional leptospirosis and coronavirus vaccines...which he will get. When I mentioned that Colombia was on the "screwworm list" she said she would call the USDA back for further info. If we have to keep him on board, we will. Everything will be ordered and the appointments with the vet and the USDA(for the seals) will be coordinated within 10 days of the date we leave home. We are driving, so we don't have to hassle with the airlines. Luckily, Pedro travels well by car.


Regarding the process on board in each port. Have you run into any problems or possible problems we may encounter? I want to be prepared for every situation. Do they look down on you if you show up for the customs meeting in your PJs?;) I don't do mornings well...


Have you ever NOT been cleared by customs in a port?




Yes, you are coming from each port that was your last port. This is why you cannot get off at Cayman Islands if your cruise's last port was Mexico (at least, those were the regulations back when I was on such a cruise), as they do not allow dogs from Mexico in Cayman. Some places don't allow dogs who have been to certain countries within the past six months, too. And no, it doesn't matter if your dog didn't get off at the last port or not.


As long as you have your paperwork, just relax, as you shouldn't have any issues. I have not been not cleared by any port, but read about some lady who decided to not have any paperwork with her and then got mad when she wasn't allowed off the ship (durr!). You are doing the prep work, so should be just fine!

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Cindra, I wish I was going with you so I could show you how easy it all really is.


1. I HATE mornings and they hate me. I come down in my pj's because it will be very early. Of course, it seems they always pick an area that's at the complete opposite of your cabin. So, you're walking past a lot of earlybirds with your charming self. And, I must say, I'm not a pretty picture but they've asked for it and they're getting it. Keep a smile on your face and don't over think or over talk! Make sure you've pottied him before your meeting.


I am not a morning person, but get off the ship soon after it docks so I can go on excursions, so am dressed and ready to go that early on a cruise port day. The one time a country saw us in person, it did not prevent the ship from being cleared and other passengers got off while I was still with the country people (I remember this because the rest of my group got off before I was done, then I met them outside in the cruise center shopping area). But, who cares what people you won't ever see again think about your bedhed and PJs (as long as you are family-appropriate - no lingerie, LOL!!)?


2. If Pedro has a Service Vest make sure he's wearing it the morning of your meeting with Immigration. Make sure he's on his best behavior. Put him in a "down/stay" position. No sniffing around.


3. Bring ALL Pedro's paperwork and your Passport.


4. Sometimes they want to interact with the dog, sometimes not. I had it both ways. Some agents will examine your dog, some could care less.


5. There will be an agent from the ship who will act as interpreter so don't worry about any language barriers.


6. I have NEVER, in over 19 cruises with my dogs, been denied entry into any country and except for the following: One over zealous Immigration official, who wanted to examine Brenda's paws, and one who had to get permission to allow her on the train to Zermatt, Switzerland, and a guard in Canada who wouldn't let us into the gardens and then into a restaurant. It's all pretty normal stuff for a dog traveling with you.


In New York, a cab driver swore at me in some language about Brenda getting into his cab and not being allowed to sit on the seat but rather she had to stay on the floor, as he pointed angrily at me and yelled; I made him pullover to the curb and pull the dang passenger seat forward so there was more room for her.


The appropriate place for a service dog is on the floor of a cab, not the seat.


Canada's access laws vary by province and some allow businesses to require a doctor's letter from you if they are not sure your dog is a legit service dog.


In Paris there were dogs everywhere. I had to watch that she didn't get nipped or attacked more than I had to excuse her in the restaurants, where there was dog poop on the floor [not from Brenda], it all seemed quite normal to all the patrons, who just stepped very lightly around the stuff!


Gross!! Nobody even picked it up?! Can you imagine how bad it would be if pets were allowed places here in the US?! :eek:


Go, take Pedro, enjoy! You'll sense when it just doesn't feel right to take him off the ship. Take a walk down the gangplank and look around, if the hair on the back of your neck stands up......shop at the little kiosks near the ship, take a walk on terra-firma for a bit and walk right back onto the ship. Use your own good sense.


When in doubt DON'T! ;)[b]


Yeah, those shops can be fun!! :)

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1. DH took our first red doberman for a walk in the neighborhood right before Christmas. She wasn't full grown, more like a teenager. They passed a little girl in her yard, and she went running into the house saying, "Mommy, mommy, I saw a REINDEER!" :D


2. We went camping at Zion National Park with our second red doberman (probably about a teenager, too). We were setting up camp when friends came back from a hike (they had come the day before) . The wife said to her DH, "Oh look, they brought their pet goat." :eek::D




Several years ago, in I think an Asian country, there was a trend to buy Poodles - except some con men were selling sheep to people and telling them they were Poodles! I have no idea how they didn't realize the difference, but I guess they were fooled somehow!

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Oh good! I'm glad others dress up their dogs to cruise. Pedro actually has his own suitcase. He tends to get cold, and with the heavy air conditioning on board, I want to make sure he is comfortable. I know for sure he will not sit on the marble floors. His little butt doesn't like cold floors. If I tell him to sit, on a tile floor, he just looks at me and then at his butt..almost to say, "No way..." Once he is on carpeting, he sits just fine. Luckily, the dining rooms are carpeted.


That's hilarious! :D My girl loves cool/cold floors and often seeks them out at home when she gets too warm on the sofa, bed, or carpet/rug.


She needs her own "suitcase" (it is a wide-mouth duffel bag), and sometimes (for multi-week trips) a second bag, for all her food, supplements, poop bags, first aid kit, light-duty harness (she wears her regular mobility harness on the plane), etc. For a cruise, she has a third bag for the potty faux grass (the second bag holds the potty pads that go under it, as she doesn't need that bag for food when it is just a week-long cruise).


I recently got new dry food travel bags from Planet Dog that I am looking forward to using on our upcoming trip. They are designed like dry bags that hikers, paddlers, rafters, etc. use to keep their stuff dry. They have a pretty stripes pattern on them and come in several color choices. I love my previous bags, which just zipped up, but the place I got them from went out of business on the Internet, so I couldn't get more, which I needed for this five-week trip (they barely fit enough food for the three-week trip last year). I am happy with the new bags, though of course I haven't used them yet. Remind me to report back about them in January if you're interested!


Oh, and for formal nights, I have put a bow/feather barrette in my girl's hair before. The group we were with sometimes had our own themes, so she wore a pirate bandanna and pirate hat (I think) to the group party (only within the private space for the group as far as anything like a hat/beyond a bandanna went). I often put a trip-related bandanna on her for the length of the trip.

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Now that we have the ball rolling with port requirements and documentation, my next question is about shore excursions. Have you found tour operators willing to accommodate your dog? We are also traveling with a scooter/wheelchair user. I guess you could call us the walking wounded...me with my cane, my DH with Pedro and our friend with her scooter. Her DH is the only one without a handicap. I jokingly told him he should get a pair of sunglasses and a white cane to fit in.:p


Where wouldn't you take your dog?


Check for any access laws in each country (for example, Mexico grants access to only guide dogs - at least, they did years ago when I went). If they don't have any (most in the Caribbean won't), you will have to educate them on what service dogs are, how well they are trained, what they do, and then ask if your dog can come. Some might be afraid of dogs or not like dogs due to cultural differences, but I have never had an issue save for one excursion a dog could not physically go on because everyone needed to go down a straight ladder (something that I might not have been able to do, either). So, unlike in the US, you can't just book the excursion without asking about the service dog first.


I don't do the cruise ship excursions, as they cost a lot more than private excursions and private excursions are great because you are in charge of where to go on a tour and such.


The scooter might be hard just because the tour van/vehicle might not be able to accommodate it. Can your friend use a manual wheelchair that can be folded to fit in a car on excursions that can't take the scooter? (She will need to bring one with her, either her own or a borrowed/rented one.)


Oh, and where wouldn't I go? Well, I was definitely not upset that I couldn't get off at Jamaica! ;) I wouldn't go sky diving or zip lining. We did do a helicopter excursion, which I highly recommend. (I got my girl Mutt Muffs, doggy hearing protection, for the helicopter trip.) I wouldn't go white river rafting. So, basically, anything not safe for the pooch.

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Pedro did his job tonight... DH and I were in Best Buy getting a new computer. He had just come from work,so he was still in uniform. Another customer came up to him and said he was a relative of the female firefighter just killed on the job in our city. Talking about this tragic incident set my DH off and one of his PTSD episodes was coming on. Pedro noticed and literally jumped into action...jumping into his lap and head butting his face, until he was in my DH's jacket. DH put his arms around Pedro and a few tears helped to release some tension. This worked quickly, luckily, and the episode passed. It's amazing what these little dogs can do. We are very lucky to have him in our lives.





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Pedro did his job tonight... DH and I were in Best Buy getting a new computer. He had just come from work,so he was still in uniform. Another customer came up to him and said he was a relative of the female firefighter just killed on the job in our city. Talking about this tragic incident set my DH off and one of his PTSD episodes was coming on. Pedro noticed and literally jumped into action...jumping into his lap and head butting his face, until he was in my DH's jacket. DH put his arms around Pedro and a few tears helped to release some tension. This worked quickly, luckily, and the episode passed. It's amazing what these little dogs can do. We are very lucky to have him in our lives.





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Aaah Cindra, tears here too reading this ..... Pedro is a star for his Dad and his Mum who must worry so about his Dad! .....

Please Give Pedro a big Scottish cyber hug from us .... :). Well done Pedro! :D


I'm sorry also to read of loss of life, it's tragic at any time of year but somehow coming up to Christmas just makes it worse. Prayers and thoughts for this lady firefighter and her family.

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Oh my dawg .... Sheep as poodles, a dobie-Goat and the vision of Aunty Roz stepping out down to the pursers office in her jim jams .... It's all too much .... LOL!!!


Aruba went to her first Christmas Carol concert on Sunday. It was held in a lovely chapel in an old country house called Haddo House. Haddo House was handed over to the National Trust for Scotland, like so many of thse big old aristocratic country houses were, to save payment of death duties, which were crippling to so many families as they may have had land and houses, and been seen as extremely wealthy, but they really had no "cash" to pay out these huge sums of taxes. Of course, some of them did have a lot of money and still do today!


Anyway, off we went to the carol concert and we had to enter this old house, up and down large wide staircases to get to the chapel. Imagine having a chapel in your home! The chapel held about 100 people so it was a lovely atmosphere with the grown up choir and the little ones too! We sat at the end of a pew and Aruba initially sat just staring down the aisle at the choir as they came in. I'm sure she was thinking, "just wait till I tell Max and Poppy where I've been now - all these humans wailing!" ;):D


She then decided to come in under my legs between me and the DH and settled down. Of course, it was quite funny as every time we stood to sing, she jumped up ready to take me off. Poor girl she was quite confused as she did exactly what she's trained to do, but this time I wanted her to stay down. By the last carol she'd got it all worked out and so had I - the solution not move my feet as I stood up, so she didn't think I was going off.


After the concert we were Invited to take a glass of sherry or tea with sweet mince pies and shortbread in the drawing room - it was quite lovely and got us all into the Christmas spirit, in more ways than one! LOL!


Aruba was much admired and behaved impeccably .... I was very proud of her.


They've still all got a touch of conjunctivitis, so it's drops in their eyes twice a day. Now one dog you can con into coming to you and surprising them with the drops, with three, no chance. You wouldn't believe how much of a contortionist Aruba is trying to avoid these eye drops! Ah well, only 10 more days worth! ::rolleyes:


Happy weekend all .... Busy getting last minute bits and pieces .... You know what it's like! :eek:

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Oh my dawg .... Sheep as poodles, a dobie-Goat and the vision of Aunty Roz stepping out down to the pursers office in her jim jams .... It's all too much .... LOL!!!


Aruba went to her first Christmas Carol concert on Sunday. It was held in a lovely chapel in an old country house called Haddo House. Haddo House was handed over to the National Trust for Scotland, like so many of thse big old aristocratic country houses were, to save payment of death duties, which were crippling to so many families as they may have had land and houses, and been seen as extremely wealthy, but they really had no "cash" to pay out these huge sums of taxes. Of course, some of them did have a lot of money and still do today!


Anyway, off we went to the carol concert and we had to enter this old house, up and down large wide staircases to get to the chapel. Imagine having a chapel in your home! The chapel held about 100 people so it was a lovely atmosphere with the grown up choir and the little ones too! We sat at the end of a pew and Aruba initially sat just staring down the aisle at the choir as they came in. I'm sure she was thinking, "just wait till I tell Max and Poppy where I've been now - all these humans wailing!" ;):D


She then decided to come in under my legs between me and the DH and settled down. Of course, it was quite funny as every time we stood to sing, she jumped up ready to take me off. Poor girl she was quite confused as she did exactly what she's trained to do, but this time I wanted her to stay down. By the last carol she'd got it all worked out and so had I - the solution not move my feet as I stood up, so she didn't think I was going off.


After the concert we were Invited to take a glass of sherry or tea with sweet mince pies and shortbread in the drawing room - it was quite lovely and got us all into the Christmas spirit, in more ways than one! LOL!


Aruba was much admired and behaved impeccably .... I was very proud of her.


They've still all got a touch of conjunctivitis, so it's drops in their eyes twice a day. Now one dog you can con into coming to you and surprising them with the drops, with three, no chance. You wouldn't believe how much of a contortionist Aruba is trying to avoid these eye drops! Ah well, only 10 more days worth! ::rolleyes:


Happy weekend all .... Busy getting last minute bits and pieces .... You know what it's like! :eek:


How great a job are you doing? You sound like the perfect puppy raiser (walker). And you sound like your having a blast doing it. I can't wait for the day when you tell us Aruba has been matched with a lucky person and you have a new pup to help begin his or her amazing journey. Thank you very much for what you are doing.

P.S.... I told you you would love it! :D

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Pedro did his job tonight... DH and I were in Best Buy getting a new computer. He had just come from work,so he was still in uniform. Another customer came up to him and said he was a relative of the female firefighter just killed on the job in our city. Talking about this tragic incident set my DH off and one of his PTSD episodes was coming on. Pedro noticed and literally jumped into action...jumping into his lap and head butting his face, until he was in my DH's jacket. DH put his arms around Pedro and a few tears helped to release some tension. This worked quickly, luckily, and the episode passed. It's amazing what these little dogs can do. We are very lucky to have him in our lives.





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Wow! Good job Pedro!


When I see a Service Dog go into a dark room to scan for somebody in the room and then come back to his handler to let him know that the room is "all clear" and it's safe for him to go in, I get teary eyed! The safety and assurance that a dog can give their handler in letting them live life as normal as they can, is just short of remarkable!


God bless these wonderful heroes and God bless Pedro!


Oh! My! I'm sounding a bit like Tiny Tim, aren't I! Perfect time of the year!

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Oh my dawg .... Sheep as poodles, a dobie-Goat and the vision of Aunty Roz stepping out down to the pursers office in her jim jams .... It's all too much .... LOL!!!


Aruba went to her first Christmas Carol concert on Sunday. It was held in a lovely chapel in an old country house called Haddo House. Haddo House was handed over to the National Trust for Scotland, like so many of thse big old aristocratic country houses were, to save payment of death duties, which were crippling to so many families as they may have had land and houses, and been seen as extremely wealthy, but they really had no "cash" to pay out these huge sums of taxes. Of course, some of them did have a lot of money and still do today!


Anyway, off we went to the carol concert and we had to enter this old house, up and down large wide staircases to get to the chapel. Imagine having a chapel in your home! The chapel held about 100 people so it was a lovely atmosphere with the grown up choir and the little ones too! We sat at the end of a pew and Aruba initially sat just staring down the aisle at the choir as they came in. I'm sure she was thinking, "just wait till I tell Max and Poppy where I've been now - all these humans wailing!" ;):D


She then decided to come in under my legs between me and the DH and settled down. Of course, it was quite funny as every time we stood to sing, she jumped up ready to take me off. Poor girl she was quite confused as she did exactly what she's trained to do, but this time I wanted her to stay down. By the last carol she'd got it all worked out and so had I - the solution not move my feet as I stood up, so she didn't think I was going off.


After the concert we were Invited to take a glass of sherry or tea with sweet mince pies and shortbread in the drawing room - it was quite lovely and got us all into the Christmas spirit, in more ways than one! LOL!


Aruba was much admired and behaved impeccably .... I was very proud of her.


They've still all got a touch of conjunctivitis, so it's drops in their eyes twice a day. Now one dog you can con into coming to you and surprising them with the drops, with three, no chance. You wouldn't believe how much of a contortionist Aruba is trying to avoid these eye drops! Ah well, only 10 more days worth! ::rolleyes:


Happy weekend all .... Busy getting last minute bits and pieces .... You know what it's like! :eek:


Thank you for taking us along to the concert. I enjoyed it! And, I love hearing how our Aruba is doing. I'm so proud of her!


Honestly, I knew I wasn't getting off the ship at the port we'd stopped at and if they were going to ask me to be in the lounge that early, they were going to get the full-Roz; tee-shirt, plaid jammy bottoms and slippers. I couldn't wait to get back to the cabin and back to bed!!!


Have a great weekend and enjoy your time with each other. I'm going to my son's to be with family and friends. Horton's at the beauty parlor playing with little "Stevie Wonder"; the little blind Shihtzu who adores him. Horty's a great friend.

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This is Nala, she's 8 months old, beautiful yellow girl lab - Aruba and her are good pals at the puppy workshops.


She sure is a pretty girl. I do have a very soft spot in my heart for the Yellow Labs. But, CCI got me so hooked on the Black's, I've become a bit partial! ♥

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How great a job are you doing? You sound like the perfect puppy raiser (walker). And you sound like your having a blast doing it. I can't wait for the day when you tell us Aruba has been matched with a lucky person and you have a new pup to help begin his or her amazing journey. Thank you very much for what you are doing.

P.S.... I told you you would love it! :D


Your encouragement has put a big smile on my face! THANK YOU both for being who you are to all of us!


You know how I feel about PuppyRaisers. I'm so grateful to all of you. ♥ And truly love you for what you're doing for someone else!♥ ♥

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