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Full report on Arcadia cruise to Med


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This is my review of my cruise taken June 22nd - July 6th 2007 of Arcadia and my Med Cruise - make a cuppa 1st - it's long!:D


J714 – Med Cruise on Arcadia.


Day 1 Embarkation



We arrived at the QE2 dock gate 4 at around 12.20pm, had been aiming for noon but delays through Devizes and some other small villages who all seemed to be having road works. There was one lane closed on the Southampton approach road, but this did not cause much of a delay - about 5 mins.

On arriving at the 'shed', we pulled up and the porters removed our luggage, a roll of masking tape from the boot attached itself to a case -lol, and the porter pulled it off, saying to my husband, 'um, do you want this Sir?? to which he replied, 'better take it with us, to put across the wife's mouth to stop her chatting!! What a cheek!


Anyway, went into Check-in, and there was quite a queue....about 400 or so in zigzag formation. But I am pleased to say it was a brisk queue, with plenty of check in desks open, and we were only queuing for about 25mins. So by 12.45pm ish we were checked in, handed or OB cards and went straight onto the ship, no sitting around in a lounge waiting area for anyone. It is so much better now.

Went up to the Belvedere, had a lunch, saw June Sawyers and husband Martin and joined them. By 1.30pm cabins were ready which was excellent timing as we just finished eating, so went to our cabin - balcony stateroom C132, and our cases were waiting for us (all of them!).

The cabin was how we expected, no surprises there, as we had a similar grade balcony last year on here. No complaints, clean both in the balcony, room and bathroom. Our towels are changed twice daily and plenty of priory crumbles, replaced 2 times daily!

Once unpacked, we went to book AR and the Orchid. One we have Wed and one following week on a Tues, booked on informal night, as prefer to be with table companions on a formal night.

We have black and white night this weekend with Cirque Arcadia as the evening’s entertainment, so that should be good……..


Now onboard and sailing past Portsmouth. Just had a very pleasant drink in the Orchid bar, after sailaway where we had a good jazz band and a glass of champers to see us off.

The weather looks good for the cruise, already blue skies, and Med looks good too for the following week.

The Hydro pool has changed now instead of 3 sessions for £20, it is £10 a day - well that isn't as good as you only want to go in once a day really but I will no doubt try it out. You can also pre-book for £50 for the whole cruise.


Arcadia looks in fine fettle - carpets are ok not seen any worn or frayed ones yet.


One disappointing thing was the acts are exactly the same as last years cruise - Mike Doyle, Robbie Allen and Hilary O’Neil, which is a shame, but a few shows are different, and a couple of other acts as well.


Day 2 – at sea


Just back from a sit down at the stern of the prom deck, a little sheltered spot where you can watch the wake, took a fab photo by leaning over side (!) and turning in on the ship, with 'Arcadia' Hamilton and the wake breaking against her. Will post it on a new photosite when I return saw flying fish as well.

Our dining table last night was next to the waiter station.... a bit noisy with waiters setting down meals and putting cutlery in the drawers, but I managed to move to other side of the table after 1st course as 2 people didn't turn up, never mind, the food made up for it, lovely.


This morning we had a late room service breakfast after a lie-in, it is still free !! I thought at first you had to pay £2 per room as it said so in the cabin book, but that has been withdrawn. After a walk around the ship and a lovely coffee and custard tart in Intermezzo, went to tour talk on Cannes, and then at noon up to the Crows Nest to hold my cc meet. June Sawyers and Hubbie, Madeline and Janet Dickerson and hubbie came, as well as my Tony, and Peter from Welovecruising, so had a few drinks and a chat, then most of us went to the Meridian for a Spanish Tapas lunch which was excellent, esp the fresh sardines, paella and anchovies.


Tonight, will be the Captains Gala Party, so off to get ready in a minute.


Yes we have our balcony cushions and they are in good shape. The carpets are fine everywhere, I was worried after reading reports of 'threadbare carpets' but apart from one or two stairs on one stairwell, haven't seen anything worth complaining about. (photo on my photosite)


Captains party tonight was great, managed 3 gin and tonics and a red wine in the half hour - hic, and food for dinner brilliant - Hot Asparagus mousse and Asparagus, Pumpkin soup, champagne sorbet, duck in a wonderful kumquat sauce, and a selection of mini lemon sweets, also cheese and biscuits if you fancy, and then coffee and Belgian chocs - phew,

After the show was ‘Best of West End’, then the crows nest where a jazz trumpet player entertained us till 1am. Clocks forward an hour.



Day 3 – at sea


Really relaxing now, and the sun has at last appeared. We are heading for the straights of Gib, but sail along 4am ! so will miss it.

Hopefully the weather will get better and better from now on as Med temps look good.

Today, rather lazy so far, after a breakfast in the Belvedere, went to a lecture by a tax advisor on inheritance tax!!! yes - me !! it was very funny and informative believe it or not... also talked about company cars and petrol allowances ha ha, but believe me very entertaining. Then had a good filter coffee in Cafe Vivo, and a walk around sun deck. Off to Crows Nest at noon, with some new friends and then the Neptune’s Buffet in the meridian.

Life is hard isn't it!! Had a great table by the window watching the sun caress the waves as we glided along, ate red and black caviar, dressed crab, avocado and prawns and salad, and a lovely custard and strawberry tartlet for pudding.

Just been sunbathing on the very top deck - by the golf balls and funnel for a hour, paid for my formal photo which came out very nice from last nights Gala night, and in a minute off to a port talk on Palau Sardinia. All the port talks are over these 3 days, as once we arrive in Barcelona, we are port intensive for 6 days in a row.



Day 4 – at sea


Its 11am and I have come in to cool off out of the sun. Went to find a lounger at 10am and all gone around the pool -The generator is still there on the Aquarius deck. Chatted to Captain Ian Walters and Mike Doyle last night in Intermezzo, and the Captain said the generator will be with us until Rome, a few more days, it does look a bit of an eyesore and takes up about 1/8th of the sun deck, because it is roped off, and that area is lost too. It is there for essential electrical maintenance, which we can't really complain about.

We are sunning ourselves on deck 11 , the highest point right on the bow, it is already very hot and sunny. Mike Doyle was a happy chap yesterday as he became a dad to a bouncing baby boy, shook his hand and congratulated him, he will disembark in Barcelona tomorrow and fly home to see his son, I bet he is dying to get off, but Captain W insists he does his show tonight ! LOL.


Just out of the sun again its 5pm now and too hot to lie out in it, already brown. Went to see the 'audience with Mike Doyle' in the theatre this afternoon, a interview with cruise director Sally Silgoe (who was in Eastenders at the beginning she told us Hannah I think married to Tony)

p.s. cocktails are great around the pool, I thought of you all just now, with my toes dipped in the pool sailing through the sea, it’s boiling here !! :)


Last sun bathing day today, and a formal night again tonight and then off we go for 5 ports in a row, starting with Barcelona tomorrow.





Guess what! Sat with a nice couple at breakfast yesterday morning got on well, met them in the evening and they invited us to their wedding onboard on Sunday, so Tony and I will be going, really looking forward to that! The other couple at breakfast that morning were interesting too - he was a football chairman of a small club, Dagenham? I believe. You meet all sorts on here you know!


Sorry to hear of all the flooding and the dam nearly bursting its banks in Rotherham was it??

The weather today started cloudy which was a shame for our first port - Barcelona... but by 10.30 am it had lifted to a lovely breezy sunny 76 degrees - ideal for sight seeing.

Walked La Ramblas and went on a tour bus around the city. Has a large Sangria and lunch in a restaurant in La Ramblas and we have just had sail away.

All is well with the world, 25 degrees promised tomorrow for Cannes, I am off to Monte Carlo.


Cannes – Non!!


Well, I am afraid to say Cannes has been cancelled due to tenders being unable to be dropped, choppy seas in Cannes. So no Monte Carlo, and no Casino for me! Was looking forward to this port, as, although the only one I have been too out of the ones on this cruise, we both went there twice about 25 years ago in the early days of our relationship, and was looking forward to seeing the Casino and Monte Harbour again. But as I said to Tony just now (who has come down with 'air conditioning throat ' as you lot call it!!) there are worse things than being at dropped anchor outside Nice, with blue skies, a sun lounger on the Aquarius deck by the rail pointing out to sea and larger at £2.50 a pint!!

As soon as the Captain announced it was cancelled - we tried to dock in Antibes, but were refused, as they would only take 850 pax max, I was off for the pool loungers- never one to miss out me! and this is the first time we have secured one. right by the rails looking out to sea.

Last nights meal in AR , Had a truly superb meal in AR last night, had

Chefs compliments 'sweet pea soup' a small cup of wonderfully fresh pea soup with peas in,

lovely warm rolls with cracked salt on the top,

Pan fried red mullet with a orange and spring onion sauce for starters,

roast breast of duck with spinach and cherries in red wine, veg,

followed by a mini compliments Orange and lemon sorbet,

and then Marshmallow Meringue with summer fruits and ice-cream in a little pastry cup,


Belgian chocs

and floater coffee - phew!

The service was very attentive and unrushed, well worth the £15pp supplement.

The Manager of AR told me that Cafe B on Aurora will be a 'BISTRO RHODES' a 24 hr affair not as fine dining as the Oriana and Arcadian Rhodes.



Pisa/ Florence


Oh dear, no Liverno today Captain Walters said he couldn't dock there??? So we ended up in a small port further along the coast - La Spezia which meant the 1/2 tours to Florence were cancelled. The full day tours went ahead, but were very long days, we got back at 7.10pm and 1st sitting people had to go straight in to dine after being on the road in hot Tuscany since 8.30am this morning. I am shattered.

Suffice to say, Not a happy bunny, Just 40mins in Pisa and 2 1/2 hours in Florence out of a long day. The guide didn't speak much English and the Florence tour guides microphone broke in the first few minutes of the tour, it was very noisy and busy in Florence... too much to do both Pisa and Florence in one day.



Palau - Sardinia


Well, I was on my balcony this morning with a cup of coffee looking at Sardinia in the blue sunshine, what was your morning like? :))))


Tenders were lowered, and yes, we were off to Palau.

We decided to diy it, and take advice from some of you and take the ferry over to Maddalena Islands. It was fab (10e pp) Very hot here - at least 80. perhaps more. Blue skies, and blue sea. Had a very pleasant time. Lovely shops, cafes and pretty harbour.


I have a planters punch cocktail at my side as I write this in the cyber room, it is 3.30pm and I will be going out to the pool again in a minute, so bye for now!!



]Rome : Two words to describe my day, exhausting and fantastic !

Have seen all the main sites - Vatican,Sistine Chapel, St Peters Basilica, Trevi Fountain, Colosseum and Roman Forum!! PHEW ! All in 90 degree heat with another 20,000 odd people in Vatican city.


The Vatican was closed yesterday for a public holiday and tomorrow as its Sunday, so everyone came today with us. The temps rose to 90, and the queues were amazing 10 deep and about a mile long. The trip I went on 'Essence of Rome' was expensive - but worth it, as we sailed passed all these people queuing in the hot sun, and wait straight into the Vatican - amazing. It was all breath taking, seeing this place for the first time, even the Pope’s lift in St.Peters Basilica, which he travels in down from his offices to the church !


After seeing the church and Vatican we went to lunch, our meal was in a restaurant by the Forum, and we had a plate of fresh pasta with bolognaise, veal in a sauce with diced potatoes and salad, a brulee type sweet with plenty of white wine and bottled water. Then it was on to the Colosseum , Forum and Trevi Fountain.

All entrance fees included, and coach from the port to Rome, so quite a good trip. If you diy Rome there is no way you would of seen these things, as the queues were horrendous.

And for the person who asked, yesterday 1st sitting is delayed., we arrived back at 6.30pm, 1st sitting will be about 7pm I think and us on 2nd 8.45pm instead of 8.30pm, but the poor first sitting people had to go straight into dinner from the coach, we, went back to our cabin, relaxed and had a shower before we dined – that’s why I like 2nd sitting!!


Day at sea, and a wedding!


A lovely hot sunny day again (look at the webcam if you don't believe me -lol) Blue skies and a bluer sea. We are sailing through the Med now across from Rome to Spain for Alicante tomorrow.

After a lie-in, relaxing breakfast in the Meridian, and a walk around the prom deck, we got ready for the wedding in the Viceroy room at 11am. We were the only witnesses for the couple we met a few days ago, and sat in 2 large plush seats a few feet behind the bride and groom. Captain Walters married the couple in his black navy uniform. There was a brand new ice sculpture behind him of 2 lovebirds. Soft music playing, about four other ships personnel of different ranks and the photographer. After the service we toasted the couple with champagne, and had some photos done. It was lovely, and I felt very privileged to be there and enjoy their special day.

After that we changed into sun bathing gear and went in search of a few sun loungers, which we found on the deck above the belvedere. At lunch time time there was a bbq in the Neptune pool area, which was very nice, ribs, burgers, steak, sausages, spicy chicken, salads, jacket pots etc, and fresh pineapple and red watermelon.

I washed it down with a cocktail.

Later tonight we have the black and white ball and Cirque Arcadia, so should be a good evening

Alicante Hello Shipmates


Today, after a room service brekkie, we boarded the free shuttle bus, and passed 'The World' cruise ship docked next to us - fancy a cabin on that then???, and on into Alicante.

Ummmm, its ok, a nice Marina, and the beach was good - soft sand and clear blue sea. But first I had to hit the shops. Haven't had much chance to shop atall on this cruise.... as when on the tours we are hearded around following a guide on a tight schedule.... as my previous posts explained, so no stopping for shopping!!


Today I bought Olives, Sangria, and two pairs of leather sandals in the large department store El Corte Ingles ... then we had a baguette and a larger by the beach. Very hot and sunny, in the 80's . Went on the beach for a swim in the sea - lovely. Then back to dear Arcadia at 2.30pm for a nice cup of tea and a piece of gateaux and fresh fruit salad, and back to those sun loungers around the Aquarius deck.


The Generator has now been removed from the deck, and all is well.


Tomorrow night we dine in Orchid. And a half-day in Gib to spend some more money, and then we sadly sail home to you - the rain and stories of bombing - wonderful Blighty!!

Had a black and white night last night. I wore the full Monte - a long black gown with sequins, a sheer white shawl, a bl/w brooch, a black bag with white flower. Hubbie white jacket black shirt, white blow tie, black trousers.

On our table of 8, 3 men had white jackets on with white/ or black shirts, one had lounge suit (only about 4 men on whole sitting had lounge suit on, the men were dressed wonderfully)

The women, mostly b/w , some cocktail dresses, some long, some black trousers. A few decided not to 'play' and wore red dresses or other colours, but mostly everyone conformed.


Informal night is another thing - a real mis match, perhaps this should be named SEMI-FORMAL ??? People seem to read informal to mean NOT formal, and are wearing all sorts some in cocktail dresses and others trousers and t.shirts....


perhaps it should just be formal nights - on days at sea, and casual nights for days at port?

What do you all think?

Sea Day


Well, another hot sunny day.

On our way back home now, so making the most of every day!.

This morning went to a port talk presentation by Richard Dunwoody, a nice informative speech on his days as a Grand National winner and jockey. Then we arrived in Gib at about noon, and were allowed to go ashore.

My first time here, but as I will be back in 10 months on my Venice cruise, and for a full day then, decided just to shop, and leave the rock and apes till next time! A taxi service was available from the dock gates into town in a mini bus at £1 a head, which I thought was very reasonable. We walked in, as there was a queue, but it was already very hot and very busy by 12.30pm as Navigator of the Seas was in as well. So we took advantage of the mini bus on the way back. Did some shopping, had a lunch of caffeys beer and a cheese baguette with spanish onions - wow ! that went down well, a simple lunch with cold beer when the weather was in the 80's again. Very very hot !!

Back to the ship, and a brilliant sail away at 6pm with flags and a party in the sunshine.

Off to The Orchid tonight for a meal.

Went to the Orchid oriental fusion restaurant last night. £10pp extra supplement. Makes a peaceful change from the main restaurant. Ask when booking for a table for 2 by the window !

We booked on embarkation day, and had no problems getting the table on the day we required.

I had:


Deep fried Salmon cubes with a chilli dip (complimentary extra)



Deep fried crab parcels in filo pastry with spring onions, served with salad and a ginger sweet rice wine vinegar sauce. PUE HAO


Clear Duck Soup with a hint of Chilli -



Lamb shank braised in a mild korma sauce served with lemon rice and chapatti bread, and a horn of pommadom




Roasted pineapple topped with a mild lime sorbet


A day at sea today, with another full day at sea tomorrow. Home Friday morning. Already had our disembarkation cards - I was Orange 8am disembark - a bit early for us, - would of been home at 10am!!!

So changed to brown 9.20am, one of the last off, so we can have breakfast, and not be up at crack of dawn!


Today temps a bit lower , Captain said 25 but with a breeze. Expecting force 7 as we enter the bay, it says sea state : rough on the magazine!! So might be fun tonight and tomorrow!!! All of the cruise so far, including the bay on the way down to the Med was like a mill pond, had been a very smooth cruise indeed, like in a hotel not a ship.

This morning Sally Silgoe the cruise director did a 1/2 hr talk on her life in show business - in Eastenders and other shows -inc Rainbow! and she has also been a Jazz singer.

Then a nice filter coffee (95P) with free pastry in intermizzo - I had a shortbread heart biscuit - yum.

The skies were blue with fluffy clouds and a breeze, so have been sat in a sheltered spot by Aquarius pool since, with lunch and a choc banana cocktail. Just been to the galley tour - so clean - amazing how they cater for 2000 every evening in there.


Was talking to our cabin steward this morning, he cleans and looks after 11 cabins! And works from 7am - 10pm 7 days a week, 9 months a year. He is married, and has 2 children aged 7 and 10, His son’s birthday is on Christmas Eve - and he goes home in January!!! so will miss his birthday and Christmas with his children, A hard life indeed for him and all the others on the ships.


Tonight is our last formal night. Then perhaps some packing tomorrow before cases are taken away at 4pm. Final bags at midnight.

Last full day at sea



In the middle of the bay of Biscay now, and we are swaying and rolling, just had two fried eggs and 2 sausages for breakfast ----------oooh dear !!

Well, we are through the Bay of Biscay now, I'm fine. We hit force 7 with thick fog. Fog horn going every 2 mins or so.


Went in the Hydro pool and sauna for a couple of hours while himself packed his cases. Two people in a cabin not good when trying to pack -lol!!


Could of done with more entertainment or should I 'some' entertainment today, as too nasty to go out on deck. Only things in the ships paper selling things like spa treatments, golf pro talks, shop 'open' - really ? what a surprise !, Future cruise manager at his desk !! etc.... nothing to do but sit around drink and eat. Not even a film on, Very quiet around ship this afternoon, packing had to be done - main cases out by 4pm, rest by midnight.


Overall a great sunny cruise, very busy in the middle with Rome, Barcelona, Florence and Pisa etc.

Sardina seemed to be a favourite port for a relaxing pretty stay, and it was a great shame Monte Carlo/Cannes port was cancelled. But hey -ho. !


Arcadia handled the seas wonderfully and I was fine throughout, The Bay was a millpond down to the Med, and rocky on way back, but she is a steady lady.


Must start my packing now

Final Day


Disembarkation went very smoothly. We all had to vacate cabins by 8am so that the stewards could prepare them for the next cruise by noon.

Ok with that, rather disembark early if it means we can embark by 12.30 pm on the onset of a cruise. ! :)


We were one of the last off and were driving out of car park by 9.30am !

Out of interest, the cars were moved from our QE2 dock gate 4 where we sailed from to Mayflower car park, dock gate 10. Covered in the thick grimy dust as per usual from the grain depot, but - don't know if you all know this, you can have a complimentary power wash if you head to the back of the car park, some one told us - no signs about this. Two men there who will spend about 2-3 mins power washing and wiping windows. We gave them a small tip, but it was free.

Roll on 5th May 2008 for our 16n Venice cruise, back on Arcadia !:D



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Sounds like you had a great time, thanks for sharing. We have to wait until next March for Island Princess Panama - the Oceana in September and we are trying Ventura in Jan 09! Seems a long way off.:(

Best Wishes


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Thanks for the very 'chatty' review - I enjoyed it.


I'm quite surprised Arcadia couldn't get into Livorno - this is a major port of course and I would have thought that access would be simple. Lots of liners call there (as well as many container & other cargo ships, of course), and I don't recall hearing of problems docking before. Perhaps I've just missed the reports....

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Capt Walters on the Aurora in 2001 did a sterling job in bringing in the ship into Grand Harbour, Malta, through what was a diffcult, narrow and stormy approach.


I have no evidence whatsoever on which to base this comment, but perhaps Aurora is 'handier' than Arcadia? I could surmise that Aurora was designed & built for northern waters, while Arcadia, basically a Vista-class ship, was intended more for the balmy Caribbean....

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Last October, the Arcadia successfully docked at Ponta Delgarda in the Portugese Azores in high winds. The large bow thrusters and fully rotatable azipods make the Arcadia and her sisters (such as Holland America's Vista class) easier to handle in high winds than a ship such as the Aurora, which has shafted propellors with bow and stern thrusters.


As a point of interest, sevearl of the Caribbean islands have ports that are fairly tricky to get in and out of - such as Barbados.


I had an interesting conversation with the Captain of the Zuiderdam (which is almost identical to the Arcadia), and he told me that the ship was quite capable of mooring up in winds of up to 27 knots without any assistance from tugs.



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