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Tipping on QM2

Fred C

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Interesting revelations here. I too have ADD (thanks for the correction by the way - so many different abbrv. I get confused). What is sad is that we actually try to cure this problem with drugs when what we need is what we did when we were growing up. Find a way to channel the ADD into creative paths. Now all we are doing is killing off the creativity of millions of kids, which we all will need to solve other problems later on in the world's cycles. I recently wrote one of my weekly opinion columns on this subject. Maybe, it will get some people thinking about the situation.


Song, you know what I did when I was bored in class? I read the entire encyclopedia, and then re-read the volumes that I liked best.:D I taught my friend the deaf alphabet so we could "talk" in class without getting into trouble. Just kept myself busy--this was Catholic grade school so there was no way I was going to get into trouble!


Ahh, the good old days...

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While there are all sorts of guesses put about about the salary of waiters etc on Cunard ships it is difficult to know just what a waiter, for example could expect to get aboard a cruise ship.


There may be an answer here - http://www.cruiselinejobs.com


Of course we have no idea how much the total wage with the added tips would be; we have no idea how much in tips he/she would get, but it is no help when we get figures quoted here of $50 a month without any indication of where this figure came from.



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Hmmm... I've just found the Cunard brochure (third edition) and if tips are not included in the fare, the text is quite misleading.


There is a promotional slip just before the first page saying that savings of up to 50% could be made on world cruises 2008, booked before 31st January. Underneath this offer, it adds: Plus inclusive gratuities, on-board credit, exclusive shore events, flight upgrades and world cruise gala dinner.


Then on page 179 it says: World cruise guests sailing 103 nights (2008) on QE2 or 106 nights on the QV have gratuities included in the fare (no reference to the special offer).


My interpretation is that the 'plus' part must be the perks enjoyed by all, regardless of when the booking took place :confused:. Any clarification would be much appreciated.

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From the looks of the Wikipedia picture, and English muffin is almost exactly like a crumpet.


No! A crumpet is exactly the same as a pikelet. They're nothing like a muffin.:D


If by creamed vomit you mean a milk gravy, why, you just have to taste some, because it really is delicious, if the gravy maker knows what he/she is doing.


A beef milkshake? The taste could be interesting:eek:


What's a Brummie?


A poor unfortunate form the West Midlands:D

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We can get together and compare meds!

So as a child did they call you MBD or Genius?

Undiagnosed, when I entered school, they figured if you couldn't pay attention in class, you must be bored. You were probably a genius and the class was not stimulating enough to hold your attention (Of course, in my case, the genius part was true <G>) They moved me to a new class with "all genius kids" (Probably half of whom were also ADHD) I wasn't diagnosed until well into adulthood, though I knew I was. I cried when finally told there was no questions whatsoever in the diagnosis. I suffered and struggled so much growing up. It felt good to be finally validated as a human being!



So all you coffee-holics out there. They say that coffee addiction is an attempt by many ADDers to self-medicate, since the caffeine has the paradoxical effect of calming them down. It's not usually a conscious thing, but is actually quite common amongst AADDs (Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder) I know coffee does not make me the least bit jittery or up, and uppers make me go to sleep!


Now you don't suppose that half of the crew on the Fred Thread (or half of the other ones on this board!) might have a tendency to wander off topic, go off on a tangent or get easily distracted with side trips to other topics, do you?



Not us! <G>



who still struggles at times, especially in distractive environments.



Sorry, what was that?


Fred Drift pursued a rather aimless career for Accrington Stanley in the 30's and 40's, punctuated only by a spell shortening teutonic life spans in North Africa (he was a cook in a Wermacht "Strength Through Joy" No. 1 Field Brothel, having accidentally wandered over the lines in pursuit of a long ball from his best pal in both civilian and army life, Tosser Harrington, a dazzling winger who's mother spent hours on his collars and cuffs, which made walking difficult, hence his propensity towards running on the margins of play, often without the ball, which is why many Accrington fans of long-standing still swear to this day that he was a linesman). He made a single appearance at Wembley as a delay, scoring during an Under 23 game against Bohemia, with a comely Russian pikelet called something cyrillic.


I may be undiagnosed.


Dentist tomorrow. God is a bad person who eats brockley.

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Sorry, what was that?


Fred Drift pursued a rather aimless career for Accrington Stanley in the 30's and 40's, punctuated only by a spell shortening teutonic life spans in North Africa (he was a cook in a Wermacht "Strength Through Joy" No. 1 Field Brothel, having accidentally wandered over the lines in pursuit of a long ball from his best pal in both civilian and army life, Tosser Harrington, a dazzling winger who's mother spent hours on his collars and cuffs, which made walking difficult, hence his propensity towards running on the margins of play, often without the ball, which is why many Accrington fans of long-standing still swear to this day that he was a linesman). He made a single appearance at Wembley as a delay, scoring during an Under 23 game against Bohemia, with a comely Russian pikelet called something cyrillic.




Priceless! Bravo!!

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This is in fact absolutely true. They pay a very low wage typically $50 per month to staff who are in direct contact with the passengers and yes they do make a lot of money from the tipping system.


The Concierge on Millennium has started her career as a cabin steward but was swiftly promoted to Guest Relations and then to Concierge. She has now moved to the Journey. Yes she earned more as a cabin steward because of the tipping situation.


It is always well known that there is an undercurrent of Cabin Stewards on some ships tipping the laundry staff so that their bed linen is ready. Tipping kitchen staff so that they can get orders dealt with swiftly. Also tipping the M'D so that they get the best tables. How do I know it to be true I read all this on a reliable source on the web.

Also difficulty in getting jobs on ships in the first place. India and other areas need to pay a fee to even get an interview and then some are given a loan to pay for their flight etc. There was a woman who committed suicide because she owed so much and had this to pay off at exorbitant rate of interest she was incurring.


So much sadness we are fortunate to live in a society where most of us can have some standard of living but this in not so for the underprivileged in other parts of the world. We are indeed blessed.


Shoot me down again if you like but just think about all the poverty and the staff on these ships are not there to get wealthy but rather to provide for not just their own family but for their extended family. It is very hard also for them to be away from their family and especially their children.



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This is in fact absolutely true. They pay a very low wage typically $50 per month to staff who are in direct contact with the passengers and yes they do make a lot of money from the tipping system.


The Concierge on Millennium has started her career as a cabin steward but was swiftly promoted to Guest Relations and then to Concierge. She has now moved to the Journey. Yes she earned more as a cabin steward because of the tipping situation.


It is always well known that there is an undercurrent of Cabin Stewards on some ships tipping the laundry staff so that their bed linen is ready. Tipping kitchen staff so that they can get orders dealt with swiftly. Also tipping the M'D so that they get the best tables. How do I know it to be true I read all this on a reliable source on the web.

Also difficulty in getting jobs on ships in the first place. India and other areas need to pay a fee to even get an interview and then some are given a loan to pay for their flight etc. There was a woman who committed suicide because she owed so much and had this to pay off at exorbitant rate of interest she was incurring.


So much sadness we are fortunate to live in a society where most of us can have some standard of living but this in not so for the underprivileged in other parts of the world. We are indeed blessed.


Shoot me down again if you like but just think about all the poverty and the staff on these ships are not there to get wealthy but rather to provide for not just their own family but for their extended family. It is very hard also for them to be away from their family and especially their children.





I think you've missed the point. the main reason the Aussies, NZ and usually HappyScot jump in on the tipping threads (relentlessly) is to say, we don't want the crew to be 'slaves' - they should be paid properly. But by the shipping line NOT by a Auto Wage Subsidy from passengers who have already paid for the goods and services they might utilise on the cruise in their fare ?



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Hi everyone I entirely agree that it is abuse of these wonderful people on board.

I need to find the web information I read on this situation. I will have another look when I find the time today or tomorrow.

I had an accident on a X cruise ship in 2003. They treated me in their hospital unit without any cost but they did mess me about a bit in that they told me the Staff Captain could not be contacted when an appointment was set up.

I asked to speak to the Captain then "OH No the captain won't I then told me that if the S. Captain or the Captain won't speak to me then I will go to them. Marched to the Captain's Office. Long Story!


I then asked for a meeting with the Captain the Staff Captain " the S Caaptain had come to my room along with the Dr the Captains Personal Guard the The CC club Hostess and a few others who were out into the corridor."


The meeting took place with the Hotel Director in his Office. They also had the DR present. I told them exactly what I thought of the way that $50 paid to their waiters etc. Told them about the room Stewards paying the help that these assistants from their tips etc. Told the Captain that his apology was too little too late. Told him that the current 1701 points that Millennium had been awarded by the Berlitzt guide. Also said the X was the only Company who charged their past cruisers to join their loyalty programme.

Someone was coming into the office to put things away and I said why are people coming in and out when this meeting is taking place.

No I didn't change the way that they exploit their staff but on the return flight to the UK every passenger was handed a letter saying that they are invited to join the CC free.


On the ship the crew obviously heard about my fight for a fair wage for their staff. Somehow or other the crew must have found out what I done and what a stance I had taken on their behalf.

I had Waiters Cabin Stewards clapping me on the back saying that "they were proud of me" Nothing was said about what I had discussed so please do not accuse me of not being Pro Active I have been all my life about issues that are important and none so much as the exploitation of those in under developed Countries. Fair trade goods etc and I support Cafod and many other Charities too many to mention.


I will look for the post regarding the problems of even getting a job on these American Cruise lines etc. Been to Kenya and seen the corruption that goes on. We had horrendous problems getting the money we paid to support a Student. We didn't know who was creaming it off but it did happen.

To assume that I don't know what I am talking about is not fair or justified. Yes everyone is entitled to their views and I will always respect that view but equally I think to say lets get back to the breakfast issue is uncalled for as this post is about tips and not about whether Crumpets Pikelets Or PANCAKES is more important is an insult. If you want to discuss Pancakes and how you like butter or whatever on them then do feel free to start a board on this issue. I think justice in the world for the exploited many is far more important.

That's all I have to say on the subject and if someone says don't go on cruises if you feel like this. Equally I could say the same to you but it is not my place to do so. I think it is more important to try to change things and yes this can only be done by being pro active.



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Hi everyone I entirely agree that it is abuse of these wonderful people on board.

I need to find the web information I read on this situation. I will have another look when I find the time today or tomorrow.

I had an accident on a X cruise ship in 2003. They treated me in their hospital unit without any cost but they did mess me about a bit in that they told me the Staff Captain could not be contacted when an appointment was set up.

I asked to speak to the Captain then "OH No the captain won't I then told me that if the S. Captain or the Captain won't speak to me then I will go to them. Marched to the Captain's Office. Long Story!


I then asked for a meeting with the Captain the Staff Captain " the S Caaptain had come to my room along with the Dr the Captains Personal Guard the The CC club Hostess and a few others who were out into the corridor."


The meeting took place with the Hotel Director in his Office. They also had the DR present. I told them exactly what I thought of the way that $50 paid to their waiters etc. Told them about the room Stewards paying the help that these assistants from their tips etc. Told the Captain that his apology was too little too late. Told him that the current 1701 points that Millennium had been awarded by the Berlitzt guide. Also said the X was the only Company who charged their past cruisers to join their loyalty programme.

Someone was coming into the office to put things away and I said why are people coming in and out when this meeting is taking place.

No I didn't change the way that they exploit their staff but on the return flight to the UK every passenger was handed a letter saying that they are invited to join the CC free.


On the ship the crew obviously heard about my fight for a fair wage for their staff. Somehow or other the crew must have found out what I done and what a stance I had taken on their behalf.

I had Waiters Cabin Stewards clapping me on the back saying that "they were proud of me" Nothing was said about what I had discussed so please do not accuse me of not being Pro Active I have been all my life about issues that are important and none so much as the exploitation of those in under developed Countries. Fair trade goods etc and I support Cafod and many other Charities too many to mention.


I will look for the post regarding the problems of even getting a job on these American Cruise lines etc. Been to Kenya and seen the corruption that goes on. We had horrendous problems getting the money we paid to support a Student. We didn't know who was creaming it off but it did happen.

To assume that I don't know what I am talking about is not fair or justified. Yes everyone is entitled to their views and I will always respect that view but equally I think to say lets get back to the breakfast issue is uncalled for as this post is about tips and not about whether Crumpets Pikelets Or PANCAKES is more important is an insult. If you want to discuss Pancakes and how you like butter or whatever on them then do feel free to start a board on this issue. I think justice in the world for the exploited many is far more important.

That's all I have to say on the subject and if someone says don't go on cruises if you feel like this. Equally I could say the same to you but it is not my place to do so. I think it is more important to try to change things and yes this can only be done by being pro active.



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I seemed to have lost this post as it said there was a fatal error. However when I came back to the computer it has posted. Initially I thought maybe it was best it didn't go as I was on my HIGH HORSE and if I have offended anyone then I do apologies. I was a midwife by profession and all my life I have campaigned on behalf of those who are unable to stand up for themselves. In fact the UNDERDOG. Often I have done so at a great cost to myself both physical and emotional expense> Will it stop me absolutely NO. I live now in a retirement properties with some very elderly people. I made it by a whisker being 56. Have I taken up issues here on their behalf absolutely!


Now I am down from that HIGH HORSE and it is not my intention to offend anyone but and I do agree that you have to be PRO active if things are to change and believe me I have written many comments on their questionnaire regarding this injustice. Does it stop me tipping the crew. No because it not doing so I am expecting to look after me for the measly $50 a month. I would in the interim deprive them of a means of supporting their families. I too have kept in contact with many of these staff over the years I have been cruising and this involved me sending photo's of their Mum or Dad to those children as well as enclosing some $ for them. I can't change the world overnight but does it make me give up No. I lived and worked in Australia in the 1960's My Brother lives in Perth since 1981 I have been out there on several occassions and yes I know that the Australians don't tip and neither is it expected but that does not mean that the rest of the world need to follow that example or that we should follow the US folks who go over the top with tipping. The aggressive way I have been dealt with by taxi drivers porters in hotels who look at what you give them and are at times can be almost hostile in their attitude. I deplore this and when a bus driver on a tour says remember me your driver I also deplore this.


Again I am on my soapbox!! Do put up with me and I promise to find the web site where I found this info and I will step down off that soap box and leave you in peace. Do continue to discuss the pikelet scotch pancake etc.



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Again I am on my soapbox!! Do put up with me and I promise to find the web site where I found this info and I will step down off that soap box and leave you in peace. Do continue to discuss the pikelet scotch pancake etc.




You, Madame, are hereby awarded Scottish citizenship with the whisky-breath medallion, our second-highest honour.


Hurrah to you.



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Hey you Scot. And the honorary Scottish Whiskey award.


I am Irish 100% Born there is 1942. Due a family bereavment in 1953 when my Sister aged 12 on the 22nd June we arrived lock stock and not much in Glasgow in 1953.

So I have the Scottish accent not something either that I am ashamed of. I don't have a broad GLASGA accent but more refined but definately a west of Scotland rather than the Fife accent!

Yes defected to Scotland and then in 1976 to Fife where my beloved Brian was moved to with his job. I remained in Fife until 1998 and then defected to ENGLAND. Shame on you I hear you say! Brian sadly died in 1996 from a particularly aggressive brain tumour.

My daughter lives in Harrogate and I have 2 grandchildren here which was the definite draw. Stephen my son was living in Manchester where he had attended the Royal Northern College of Music. He is now living in Ireland having married an Irish girl who came to Manchester for a year and stayed 6 because of Stephen.

In the space of just over 2 years both my parents Brian's father and then 6 months after Brian died my MIL died. Such a lot of loss for my children in just such a short time.

I am very happy living here. For those of you who know it will know and that we have our famous STRAY. I was fortunate to find a wonderful apartment here overlooking the Stray. They call it a Penthouse I call it an attic or as some would say a Garrett.


I laughed when I read your comments and then am in tears as I write about my reason for being here. I am happy again content in my life. I have made some very good friends. I have a wonderful family and a further 2 little Granddaughters called KEELA and EVA yes you guesses they are the Irish born little girls aged 5 & 3.


NOW I am going to throw in to the ring a QUESTION AND ESPECIALLY FOR YOU SCOTS OUT THERE!


There is a difference and I will let you try to guess or find out before I tell you the answer. For those who already know keep it quiet until we see what the others come up with. DRAT I did tell a few on the ship and also others. I have never spoken to anyone who could tell me. You experts out there will definately know.

I await the guesses with interest and remember for those who know hang back and see what happens.


Thank you also you Aussies out there. I lived and worked in Brisbane in the Princess Alexandra known to you all as the PA. YOU lot shorten everything which is the first time I was ever called Sue. I have yet another name and this was coined by a BIL

He Christened me CRUSIN SUSAN!


Bye for now hope this raises a few smiles.



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Both taste braw but the Scots malt tastes slightly brawer.


It depends how much Braw you put in you see. I know this because my Great-Great Grandfather was one of the last hand-reared Braw slaughterers on the Spey. The Braw were hand-reared, not my Great-Great Grandad. He always said that (in his native Spanish) that the quicker the Braw died, the better they tasted. A bit like Americans.


Scottish hand-reared Braw are now extinct, having interbred with English Furry Notbads along the border, mainly in Dumfriesshire, creating the hybrid Notbrawbad, inadequate in texture for distilling purposes. Scots distilleries now import braw from Croatia, Wales and Brawhemia. The imported Braw is rather bitter, but still palatable. Or so Carole Marlowe says.


I think you should drink some, and exhale. You're very lovely.



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What's the highest?


That you must endeavour to learn and earn, my little English cherub.


I suspect it's the same as what a Scot wears under his kilt - If you need to ask then you don't need to know:)

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Both taste braw but the Scots malt tastes slightly brawer.


It depends how much Braw you put in you see. I know this because my Great-Great Grandfather was one of the last hand-reared Braw slaughterers on the Spey. The Braw were hand-reared, not my Great-Great Grandad. He always said that (in his native Spanish) that the quicker the Braw died, the better they tasted. A bit like Americans.


Scottish hand-reared Braw are now extinct, having interbred with English Furry Notbads along the border, mainly in Dumfriesshire, creating the hybrid Notbrawbad, inadequate in texture for distilling purposes. Scots distilleries now import braw from Croatia, Wales and Brawhemia. The imported Braw is rather bitter, but still palatable. Or so Carole Marlowe says.


I think you should drink some, and exhale. You're very lovely.




Do you know I haven't a clue what you just said but I loved almost every word of it for the sheer imagery it conjures up, whatever it is!!


Now, about that part about the "quicker the Braw died, the better they tasted. A bit like Americans. "...HUH??? ;) Now there's an explanation I'm looking forward to hearing...:rolleyes:


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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I suspect it's the same as what a Scot wears under his kilt - If you need to ask then you don't need to know:)


Nope...not me...I'm not asking anything here!!! Just sitting over here in America minding my own business...:eek:


Now then Mary...a new role to play??English cherub? I'll just stick to the tart...more fun than a cherub....ooops, other thread...:rolleyes:


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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This is just dead wrong. No one works for $50 a month. The wages and benefits are competitive enough to attract skilled staff. The real hardship are the long hours and time away from family. But that is the sacrifice crew makes to obtain these jobs that pay more than in their home countries.


Auto tipping is just another way for Cunard to squeeze the consumer. How many of you tip the hotel maid? The dishwasher? Cook? By going along with Cunard's scheme you permit them to shift their costs to you.


Tipping is for good service, it's not a given. Maybe Cunard/Carnival should just institute profit sharing for its employees?

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This is not a joke but absolute fact and absolutely true. The Scots make a joke about the reason for the absolute difference but the Irish have a great ability to laugh at themselves.


Keep guessing if all is not revealed in the next say 24 hours then I will disclose the ANSWER!


Penny still in love with my QM and even more so in that I had an invoice from the TA and as I said I did get a very good deal but I NOW HAVE AN EVEN BETTER DEAL>

Spoke to Cunard future cruise folks and when they brought up my booking it looked that I had been charged £198 more than had been paid to Cunard. Invoices I had received from the TA said the higher amount and when I questioned it they said I was charged the correct amount.


Called Cunard here had to call the TA and asked to speak to their Director or their PA. Got a Customer Services manager who told ME that I had agreed to pay this amount on the telephone. Told her it matters not a jot what was said on the phone I have 4 headed letters from you with this amount on it. Told them they had failed to send me an invoice from Cunard and that they had a duty of care to make sure that I was quoted the correct price. For the contract to exist etc etc. Told me no invoice. Called Cunard email invoice sent 29th May 12.21hrs.


Spoke to Trading Standards Abta etc put it in writing. Also Cunard wanted a copy. Would not return my calls. Fired off an email for the attention of the Company Directors. email addresses to the Customer Service madam. Told them that they might decide to ignore this as she had failed to return my calls.

Called yesterday am. Insisted I would hang on until someone in authority would speak to me. Keira from the complaints dept spoke with me. Had the letters and the email. Said she would respond in 28 days. Told her I would give them 7 days she said she was going on holiday on Monday this gave her 3 days.

Went to town to sort out wallpaper for me decorator on Monday.


Checked my email and she had spoken to her Director and that a cheque would be put in the post to me today. RESULT! I had a further email as a response to my returning her email. Again she has passed on my appreciation for the swift manner they have dealt with my complaint. We have a bit of a postal strike here at the moment. IS anyone impressed? I am at myself. I am one formidable woman! But I had to laugh that along with sleeping in when we arrived here in Southampton and that is yet another story. My life is never dull and I enjoy it non more when I am on a mission to sort someone or something out.

I take on the whole world at times and I was asked a question once when to let go as I am like a dog with a bone. His answer was to ask myself " was it in proportion " Very good advice which I have followed. Must get on with things.


Could anyone get me a deal on the Grand Lady of the Seas for £198??


Love to Penny and I will do more once I the problems my neighbours have and have been waiting on me returning. Spoke with our TOP Man today At Goldsborogh/Bupa. Didn't get the email I sent him earlier have now sent it again with another 2 issues that had to be sorted out. Don't even have time to eat. SAY Get off that computer then. Called AOL as I had been charged for calls to AOL support and that is sorted and they will give me a free 6 months talk package despite the fact I already have an account with the. DRAT another £42 saved gets better. I then have to let all the folks involved know. Retired who said life is never dull with me!! Long may it continue.



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Didn't say they worked for $50 but that is what the companies pay to staff who have direct contact with the passengers. They pay other staff a salary which will be a living wage but a lot less than I bet any of us would work for!

The waiters and steward do well in that they are tipped well and sometimes even too generously by passengers.

The Cruise companies lay down the level of tipping suggested. I always remove my tips and tip the people who care for me. The Cruise companies do exploit and they could pay more but then would you be happy if the pushed the price of the cruises accordingly??


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