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praying before trip


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All debates and namecalling aside, I just want to give a "shout out" to an old standard --- Gratitude. Its the best prayer I know, and you don't even have to pray to a Higher Power to benefit from thinking about what you're grateful for. I gots high class problems, you know what I mean? And its always good to remind myself of the abundance in my life.


Also when going on vacation, I pray for God's blessings to all the airline pilots, crew and staff, or any other service people we come in contact with. I pray blessings for all other passengers, and for my family back at home as well.


Hey I know that my prayer doesn't make everyone safe, or prevent anything bad from happening. I do it personally connect with God, and focus on love and positive energy. Froofie and new-agie as that sounds, its a hell of alot better than me worried and stressed out about things beyond my control, (as I used to live).


One last thought: Whether there is a God or not, I know I became a happier and more peaceful person when I chose to believe there is. I decided to to contribute to the healing of the suffering instead of indulging in it. That's my story & I'm sticking to it ;)

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Of course I pray before each cruise. But I also pray every day, whenever I feel the need to talk to my Savior. I don't always pray FOR something, but rather give THANKS for what I have been blessed with. Do I have problems? Of course. Does God answer my prayers? Yes, but on His own time table and not aways what I have asked. Sometimes it is yes, sometimes no.

God does not cause pain, suffering, etc. Satan does that. God only allows it to happen. That is one of Satan's big lies that many believe- "if God is so wonderful, why does He let bad things happen?"

Until one experiences the grace of Jesus, you cannot understand the happiness and peace that comes with it. Until then, you will be cynical and unhappy with life.

I will pray that all those who doubt God will open their hearts and eyes and seek the truth of His existence.

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I took a couple of my daughters and a grandson on a 1700 mile road trip this weekend (left Friday and got home Sunday night) for the baptism of my new daughter in law.


Sure, we prayed before we left, but we also offered a prayer of gratitude and thanks on our safe return!

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  • 1 month later...


I appreciate the sentiment and although we have different beliefs I genuinely wish yourself, and all fellow men a happy life.

We are so far apart in some respects and so close in others.

I know we both want the world to be a better place than it actually is, and we all strive for that, regardless of our beliefs.

I've enjoyed the debate, may your God go with you, whilst I travel alone. Take care.


WHEW! Good on ya! You held your own very well. Glad to see I am not the only one that finds this thread just a little creepy:eek:


My own observations is this: More people have been killed, tortured, denied happiness, discriminated against in the name of religion that any other reason in the history of mankind!


To continue: more "christians" have gotten obscenely wealthy, and continue to gain wealth by claiming a close, personal relationship to a god who actually speaks to them and passes the "word" through them. (See televangilists and that ilk).


More: Some people gain strength and peace by praying or otherwise communicating with an extra-terrestial being...and that's ok with me. I think, however, that this "communication" mostly supports what the person wants to hear.


I, like you, wish them well. I, like you, will carry on with the love and support of my wonderful family and will take my chances.


After all, nothing ever dies; it only changes!

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  • 2 weeks later...

On a Saturday afternoon of browsing I found this thread. It's fascinating.


BuddyL, if you're still out there would love to have you chime in again.


Okay, truth in advertising first. I am a Christian pastor. I preach every Sunday and marry and bury and visit the sick and on and on.


My sister is an atheist. We agree on social issues and politics, just not religion. I love and respect her and don't try to convert her. She loves and respects me and doesn't ply me with her beliefs. However, we do talk at times about the very non-Christian attitudes and actions of some church members I've had. As she said a few years ago, and I quote, **I'm more Christian than your church members are, and I'm an atheist.** And she was and remains right.


Do I pray? Of course.


Do I believe only Christians are going to heaven? No. I cannot know the mind of God.


Do I believe in the big bang? Yes, until another more convincing theory is proposed.


Do I believe God was behind the big bang? Yes.


Do I ever doubt? Every day. I worry about Christians, or anyone else for that matter, who don't doubt and question and get curious. Closed minds never led to new scientific or medical discoveries or anything else for that matter.


Do I worry about fundamentalists and where they're trying to take the world? Yes, I worry about fundamentalists, but I think more to the point I worry about extremes of any religion, right or left wing, and where they might try to lead us. I am far from middle of the road, but I'm not naive about extremists whatever end of the spectrum they inhabit.


I believe I am to love God with all that I am. I equally believe that I am to love my neighbors with all that I am--neighbors next door and around the world. And, in the end I believe everything, including God, is pure mystery which can never be explained or proved. We who believe do so only because of faith. That's not enough for people like my sister, and I'm okay with that.

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Christ is the center of our home, so we pray in earnest without ceasing on a daily basis. We always pray before a trip, as well upon our safe return. It's not about asking for things, but about Thanksgiving, Praise and Faith! My husband always says Grace before meals as he is leader of our home and then we always hold hands and he prays before bedtime. It such a beautiful way to end the day. Oh, and yes, we also hold hands and say Grace at the dinner table on our cruises, so if you happen to be sailing August 31st, on the Sensation.....

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  • 4 weeks later...


My own observations is this: More people have been killed, tortured, denied happiness, discriminated against in the name of religion that any other reason in the history of mankind!


Except bigotry and demeaning others for the ideals by which they choose to live their lives. :rolleyes:

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Tragic, but true, as Richard Dawkins observed: “Without religion a good man may do good things, and a bad man may do evil things. But for a good man to do evil things you need religion.”


May we all pray that that cease in all religions?




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Christ is the center of our home' date=' so we pray in earnest without ceasing on a daily basis. We always pray before a trip, as well upon our safe return. It's not about asking for things, but about Thanksgiving, Praise and Faith! My husband always says Grace before meals as he is leader of our home and then we always hold hands and he prays before bedtime. It such a beautiful way to end the day. Oh, and yes, we also hold hands and say Grace at the dinner table on our cruises, so if you happen to be sailing August 31st, on the Sensation.....[/quote']


I trust you have a table for your family only? And that you would ask others at your table if they minded if you didn't?

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Actually we were blessed enough to have a table for two on our anniversary cruise the whole time. Maybe we will be so fortunate again. And my husband never makes a big production out of saying grace. Simply holds my hand, and says a quiet blessing for our food. (A real man to be respected and admired because he is not afraid to do the unthinkable in this day and age) Also to thank The Lord is not something that we have to ask permission to do and it's not something that we comprimise on! If it's offensive to the person sitting next to me, they can go right ahead and talk and laugh as loud as they want. Won't affect us in the least. Have a Blessed evening!!

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Tragic, but true, as Richard Dawkins observed: “Without religion a good man may do good things, and a bad man may do evil things. But for a good man to do evil things you need religion.”


May we all pray that that cease in all religions?





Well, it's odd for Dawkins to suggest that he could possibly consider a man who does evil to be a "good man". It's the kind of twisted logic that often surfaces when people take great pains to try to slander the very idea of faith.


But even if you accept the notion that people who are "basically good" sometimes commit evil acts as aberration, the suggestion that this phenomenon is a particular affliction of "religious" people is absurd on its face.


Let's just say that good men are good, and evil men are evil. There's no shortage of religious or secular people in either camp.:)

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  • 1 year later...

Satan is in control of this world at this time (God has allowed that) but ultimately God will reign supreme and "every knee shall bow" to Him. Prayer is for us - so that we have a way to speak to our God and Creator. God does not cause these things of the world to happen-he allows them so that we will have the choice to either seek Him for His love & support during these times or to reject Him and try "to get through this life in one piece" on our own. You are correct - it is your view and you are allowed that view because of a loving God who delights in those who choose Him on their own free will. I hope and pray that you will one day choose yourself and know the unsurpassing love and peace that only comes from our Heavenly Father.

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If I quoted every single entire message, my post would be about 5 times longer, too long really.

The bits and pieces I've picked out are virtually the point yourself or others are making in a condensed form. The point is still there and my arguments against are still totally relevant.

You state I can't be rational or realistic for all situations...why not?

If I have a situation I dont understand in this world, I will tell you. That is me being `realistic`. If I can see a possible problem I will try and find a `rational` solution.

There are many things we cant explain, but I wouldn't say its a miracle or an act of God just because we dont understand. There are still tribes in the Amazon who have never seen electricity, and if you showed them they would bow down as if looking at an act of God, why?...because they dont understand.


So, lets look at your last quote, (which i've included in full) parts of which I've tried to answer above. Parents have to discipline children, I agree, because children need to learn right and wrong...I am an adult, with, I feel, a good concept of right and wrong, grown up enough to understand good and bad, and I dont need some giant earthquake and tidal wave to teach me any different!!!

So, God is trying to teach us?

What happened to the parents firm word? a gentle smack?...No, God couldn't show himself and give a firm word, could he?

Wonder why?

"I'll teach humans to love fellow man by killing fellow man" Yeah, that makes sense!!

And all the people who died, who believed and appreciated their lives as they were, leaving behind such an enormous trail of grief.

God comes along and says "Now can you appreciate things a whole lot better?"...er, actually, no.

What about somebody who ekes a meagre living, lives in a ramshackle dwelling, trying to support his family, lives by what he feels are the right values and prays every single day to God. He feels he's doing the right thing every day yet it still will not help him one jot. Earthquake, tidal wave, death!!!

And the even more ridiculous thing is...the people left behind with the grief and the famine and the disease, which will kill even more, and all their possesions in a shoe box and their entire family devastated...will get together every day and say "Thank you Lord" :eek: It absolutely beggars belief.


I know neither of us will ever convert and I would never ever ask anybody to do so. I just put rational and logic to my argument and ask people to look at things realistically, Its only my take on the situation.


By the way, you still haven't answered what happens to all the non-praying animals?

Kind of messes up the `pray to God and you'll get in heaven` theory!!!




The difference between animals and humans, in respect to God, is that when God created Man, he breathed life into his nostrils and Man became a living soul. Animals were not created with souls.


And, you wanted evidence in God, consider this: When you see trees and plants swaying in the wind, what caused them to sway? You cannot see the wind, only the evidence that it impacted the trees and plants and makes them bend and sway.


I have seen that same evidence of God's existence in people's lives. Once someone has a personal encounter with God, the change in the direction of their lives is evidence that something impacted their lives and caused the change.


When God created the world, it was perfect, without death, pain, and suffering. Man's choice to disobey the guidlines that God set before them was what brought about the judgement of God that allows these terrible events to occur.

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Hey guys, I just did our first cruise with the kids and we had 10-14 foot waves on the Disney Wonder-- there were many people getting sick and I prayed- all four of us were ok no sickness. But the biggest thing for me was having peace and that only comes from HIM.

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Do you say a special prayer just for trips before you leave?


Always. It's a must. You pray for good health so that you can go on your trip and enjoy it. I'm praying for me and my mother's health for a trip in November 2008 to the Mediterranean on the Queen Victoria. No, thankfully we're not sick, but you never know what may happen.

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Do you say a special prayer just for trips before you leave?


Always. It's a must. You pray for good health so that you can go on your trip and enjoy it. I'm praying for me and my mother's health for a trip in November 2008 to the Mediterranean on the Queen Victoria. No, thankfully we're not sick, but you never know what may happen.

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Here is my prayer of choice (the Jewish traveler's prayer):


יְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְפָנֶיךָ ה' אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ וֵא-לֹהֵי אֲבוֹתֵינוּ, שֶתּוֹלִיכֵנוּ לְשָלוֹם וְתַצְעִידֵנוּ לְשָלוֹם. וְתִסְמְכֵנוּ לְשָלוֹם. וְתַדְרִיכֵנוּ לְשָלוֹם. וְתַגִיעֵנוּ לִמְחוֹז חֶפְצֵנוּ לְחַיִּים וּלְשִמְחָה וּלְשָלוֹם וְתַצִּילֵנוּ מִכַּף כָּל אוֹיֵב וְאוֹרֵב וְלִסְטִים וְחַיּוֹת רָעוֹת בַדֶּרֶךְ וּמִכָּל מִינֵי פּוּרְעָנִיּוֹת הַמִתְרַגְּשוֹת לָבוֹא לָעוֹלָם וְתִשְלַח בְּרָכָה בְּכל מַעֲשֵה יָדֵינוּ, וְתִתְּנֵנוּ לְחֵן וּלְחֶסֶד וּלְרַחֲמִים בְעֵינֶיךָ וּבְעֵינֵי כָל רוֹאֵינוּ וְתִשְמַע קוֹל תַּחֲנוּנֵינוּ. כִּי אֵ-ל שוֹמֵעַ תְּפִלָּה וְתַחֲנוּן אתה: בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה', שוֹמֵעַ תְּפִלָּה.



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