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Is It Wrong To Ban Cell Phones?


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We all bring our cellphones on vacation. While on the ship, they are shut off. In case of emergency from our parents (who are in their 70's) we give them our intinerary and the ship emergency number. We all take our phones off the ship in ports. I would never leave the ship without my cell and I would never allow my children to either.

I would let them bring them. Once back on land, why can't your kids call or text their friends to tell them what a great time they are having? What's the big deal? They are teenagers and teenagers like to talk to their friends.

Why be so strict over something that is not worth it. The important things in life you need to be strict about. Like unprotected sex and use of drugs.

I don't get the point of being mean. Yeah it's a family vacation, but 10 minutes of texting or a phone call to their friends at home is going to destroy your family vacation?

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I think what you are doing is "Tough Love" and commend you for this..... Cell phones have gotten totally out of hand. We did without them before and did just fine when on vacations.....Leave 'em home is my vote !


All of these new devices are mixed blessings. I can see the point in taking them along for safety reasons (eg. getting separated from each other at Disneyworld and being able to locate one another via cell phone.) However, I think it would be incredibly annoying to have them walking around with them on a ship.


I would allow them to be taken, and even to be taken when on an excursion for the above cited reason. However, I'd require them to be held by an adult, in all other venues on the ship, and perhaps even secured in the safe in your cabin.


My first instinct was to say to throw them overboard (the phones, not the kids - although I admit the latter would sometimes be VERY tempting, esp. with teenagers :-) ), and my last instinct still says that the world would be a better place without the cell phones, blackberries, pagers etc.


But then the world would probably be a better place without computers, TVs, automobiles, superhighways, fastfood restaurants, skyscrapers, high fructose corn syrup, twinkies and cheesedoodles.


We could probably find a way to blame the entire thing on the British or the French, but the truth is it was the distant relative of one of those cavemen on TV who invented the wheel.


It was literally down hill from there...( "Just like Romeo and Juliet..." )



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LOL, I have friends who were in the middle of planning a cruise for last fall when they were informed by their 8th grade daughter that she would NOT go on a cruise because she would not be able to be on line for a WHOLE 5 DAYS!:eek:


So, they cancelled their cruising plans.:(


Now, isn't that sad?


That's beyond sad, that's pathetic. Just perpetuating the entitlement syndrome. The kid needs an ^** whipping and so do the parents. It will be a cold day in hades that my child dictates adult decisions.

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CRAZY!! Sounds like these parents at some point lost control of their child and it will only get worse! That child will grow up to think she rules the world and can do anything she wants! Kind of like....well...Paris Hilton??:rolleyes:



Wasn't that Paris Hilton's objection to going to jail? That she couldn't text message that other drunken slut for a whole five days?


Hmmm.....back in the days before the white man came and destroyed the Western Hemisphere, I wonder if Native American parents prevented their teenagers from sending smoke signals to their friends in the next village....


( "Sleeping Turtle will walk to village of Little Big Man just like honored father did. I will forever hate the day that Rubs His Stick invented fire !!!")



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Shame on the parents. To each his own, but if my child was worried about 5 days at sea without a phone, we would have to see how 10 days at home without one is.


I think I'd be doing the same thing. Lord knows we lived without cell phones.


I'd just put the things in the cabin safe and leave them there for the cruise duration. Let them catch up when they get back to the States. I'm not sure where kids get off these days. At my house the first thing to go is the driver's license, then the cell phone. My daughter started begging for a phone when she was 12 or 13. She didn't get one until she was 16 and that's only because I wanted her to have one when she started driving in case she needed help.

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Tough Love would have been the parents saying Tough Tootsies we're all going on the cruise and you're leaving your cell phone home to boot! My sentiments exactly..

I teach Middle School - 8th graders think they are all that and more. They need to learn that the world does NOT revolve around them ;) Lol, ask my 16 and 20 y/o's how many times they have heard this!!! I can see them now, rolling their eyes and saying "too many".



I'll repeat, they're enabling her, perpetuating an "all about me" mentality.....

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I wish cell phones were banned in all public places.....what you do in private I don't care:p



Total agreement!!! It's so infuriating to go to a restuaurant with the person at the table next to you screaming into a cell phone...We have recently had them go off during Communion at Church and a funeral!!:mad: I don't want to hear about your personal problems when I am standing in line at the grocery, sitting in the Drs. waiting room, or worse being waited on at a store by some clerk, who is taking care of her personal business while she tries to check my purchase out! And yes, we both have cell phones, and they are a wonderful thing to have. But the main reason for emergencies. In case one of us was out and needed medical or police assistance. One of our favorite restaurants is a small family owned place here in our town and althought the food is good, the reason we go there is "No Cell Phones Allowed". We know that when we go in there, the people are there for that reason, to enjoy the food and each other's company without the constant ringing and loud talking that so many people feel that have to do, when on a cell phone. After all these years of cell phones, I can't understand why people have to literally scream into these things. Is it that they want people to notice them, or they truly have to concept of how they sound, or my own opinion, just rude and no manners. wecruise in a couple of months, and hopefully I won't be seeing or hearing them in the dining room!!:rolleyes:


As far as the family that cancelled their cruise because of their 8th grade daughter, that is a classic case of "another set of parents" who have lost control. They better get this "little girl" in check real quick, (probaby by now this whole family needs some counseling) I believe she needs to hear the word "No" and "Mommy and Daddy" need to grow up and be the parents they should be, and show this little girl that she is not in charge!

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As far as the family that cancelled their cruise because of their 8th grade daughter' date=' that is a classic case of "another set of parents" who have lost control. They better get this "little girl" in check real quick, (probaby by now this whole family needs some counseling) I believe she needs to hear the word "No" and "Mommy and Daddy" need to grow up and be the parents they should be, and show this little girl that she is not in charge![/quote']


I totally agree. My DD is going into 8th grade (next week!!:eek: Where did the summer go?) She loves cruises and knows that if her behavior is less than perfect while she is on a cruise that she will be staying with Grandma for the next one. I regularly take away cell phones, laptop, tv for bad behavior and even though she is 13 a well aimed swat on the rear still gets her attention. ;)

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Nope... thats an extreme case of "TOUGH LOVE" and I am in favor of what they did !


How about the parents vacation? :( I think I would have found a Grandparent, trusted Aunt or friend and left 'the brat' at home and gone on the cruise and enjoyed being away from her for a few days! Just imagine what is going to happen as she gets older! :eek:

Luv's Crusin'

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Just a reminder--if you are on the ship or in port and someone calls the phone, the charge for the incoming message is charged to your phone with most service providers so while you might not be making any calls, those friends calling your phone and leaving messages can run up your bill--better to leave it in the good old USA to avoid these charges.


You will not be charged for those calls/texts until you turn your phone on. If you do not turn the phone on until you are back in the US, then you won't be charged extra for them.

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I will forever hate the day that Rubs His Stick invented fire !!!




I bet Rubs His Stick has no interest in texting or being online. :p Of course, with that in mind, cell phones might be looking pretty good to some parents right about now.

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I think that the kids will survive without a cell phone for 11 days.


What do you think, am I being a stick in the mud about this?


Hopefully they won't be making any calls from the ship phone ;)



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Just a reminder--if you are on the ship or in port and someone calls the phone, the charge for the incoming message is charged to your phone with most service providers so while you might not be making any calls, those friends calling your phone and leaving messages can run up your bill--better to leave it in the good old USA to avoid these charges.



That is exactly why it will be off and stored in the safe on the ship and in port unless I can verify that the islands are covered under my plan. I have nationwide coverage. I just don't know yet if Puerto Rico and St. Thomas are included. She will only be allowed to carry it if there are no additional charges.

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Total agreement!!! It's so infuriating to go to a restuaurant with the person at the table next to you screaming into a cell phone...We have recently had them go off during Communion at Church and a funeral!!:mad:


We just attended a funeral last Saturday and the the first thing that came out of the Pastors mouth was everyone please turn your cell phones off if you have not done so already........You should have seen all the people reaching and turning their cell phone off. I could not believe it......

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We just attended a funeral last Saturday and the the first thing that came out of the Pastors mouth was everyone please turn your cell phones off if you have not done so already........You should have seen all the people reaching and turning their cell phone off. I could not believe it......


It is unbelievable as almost every church service I hear cell phones ringing even though on our large screens before the service there are reminders every couple of minutes to turn them off. What is even more amazing is that when I can see the person reaching for the phone it is usually an adult who should know better. In restaurants, movies, etc. I might leave mine on if we have left my daughter at home or if she is with a friend but it will be on vibrate so she can get in touch if necessary.

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Is it going to matter in 10 years from now that they spent 15 minutes texting their friends?)


Is it going to matter if they didn't?


I just got back from a family vacation to Disney with my parents, sister, BIL, DW, DS, and 4 nieces. The oldest niece had her cell phone and was on it so much that she ran the phone battery out. I teased her and said that I did not recognize her if she did not have that phone up to her ear.


There was no reason to have it since she stayed with us the whole time and when we broke into two groups by BIL and father each had a phone for contact purposes. I understand the logic of taking it to Disney to remain in touch but if they don't answer it when you call what is the point? Several times we tried to call her and she would not answer because she could see who was calling and did not want to be bothered.


I grew up near Disney and we went at least once a month when we were teenagers, we never needed a cell-phone or radio, just a watch and a location to meet. Both my sister and I are still alive so that method must have worked fine.


To the OP if you want to maintain the family vacation sans cell-phones then go to Radio Shack and buy the FRS radios. This will allow you to keep in touch with your kids when they do go off on their own. And the range, even the 2 mile versions, will cover all four Disney parks with no problem. I would recommend the GMRS version that has increased frequencies and longer range, sometimes there are a lot of FRS radios and you will get some cross-talk.

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They'll live without them. Cell phones go in the safe in the cabin and do not come out until cruise is over. At Mickey world it is still vacation. No phones.

Of course you could always let them do what ever they want.....


If you have to ask us what to do...I guess you haven't figured out how to lay down the rules after how many years of the whining...?????

Just a thought......



And it seems you haven't figured out how to read someone's post before replying to it. Look at the OP's post again. They did lay down the rules for their children, and they weren't "asking us what to do", they were asking for other people's opinions and initiating discussion.


This whole issue can be a tough one. It's easy to say that Mom and Dad's word should be law, but if your children are old enough to be using cell phones etc, they're probably also old enough that they've been given some discretion on when and where they are used. I would hope a 16 yr old has matured enough that they no longer need mommy and daddy dictating every minute of their lives. Sooo, if a teenager has been given that freedom, suddenly taking it away is bound to generate some grief. We adults don't always take it lying down when someone comes along and changes the rules on *us*, do we? It's not unreasonable for a parent to bar cell phones on a family vacation, nor it is unreasonable for a teenager to gripe about that. Just my $0.02 CDN :)

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Total agreement!!! It's so infuriating to go to a restuaurant with the person at the table next to you screaming into a cell phone...We have recently had them go off during Communion at Church and a funeral!!:mad:


I totally agree with the restaurant accessment. But do you really want to limit funerals and Church to those that aren't on call? As a caregiver to a cancer patient, I'm totally fine with others attempting to keep their spiritual life alive while knowing their charge might need them at any minute.

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I'm totally fine with others attempting to keep their spiritual life alive while knowing their charge might need them at any minute.



That's why they have the vibrate feature on the phones. ;)


I think what the poster was talking about wasn't a case like yours though. I can't imagine hearing a bunch of phones going off during a funeral service....it's just really disrespectful.

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I don't want to hear about your personal problems when I am standing in line at the grocery' date=' sitting in the Drs. waiting room, or worse being waited on at a store by some clerk, who is taking care of her personal business while she tries to check my purchase out! [/quote']


Get an I-pod then you don't have to hear me.

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This whole issue can be a tough one. It's easy to say that Mom and Dad's word should be law, but if your children are old enough to be using cell phones etc, they're probably also old enough that they've been given some discretion on when and where they are used. I would hope a 16 yr old has matured enough that they no longer need mommy and daddy dictating every minute of their lives. Sooo, if a teenager has been given that freedom, suddenly taking it away is bound to generate some grief. We adults don't always take it lying down when someone comes along and changes the rules on *us*, do we? It's not unreasonable for a parent to bar cell phones on a family vacation, nor it is unreasonable for a teenager to gripe about that. Just my $0.02 CDN :)


I personally don't think it's tough.

My view is a family vacation is not a right. I give this to my kids...whether they are 6 or 16 makes no difference. If they absolutely can't do without chatting via phone or internet for a week, then they shouldn't be included on the trip.

I also view a cell phone as a privelege and not a right.

I can giveth and I can taketh away.


In my home, my word is law until they move out on their own.


This Mommy dictates everything she foots the bill for. When my kids pay for their own vacation, they can use internet and cell as they wish.


I think it is very unreasonable for them to gripe. Maybe I feel this way because mine never did...probably because the meaning of family vacation was understood by them.


I wouldn't be changing any rules because my rules would be no internet or cell phones on a cruise.


My $0.02

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This whole thread makes me glad my kids were mostly grown before cell phones became affordable. My take is, you're the parents, it's your call. I personally would get family band radios for Disney World, if you don't plan to take cell phones period. I'd also enforce the rules across the board, including for me. That means one cell phone for the family, only for emergency use, off most of the time, and none of the "we can do it because we're the adults" nonsense. Family time is family time. BTW, my youngest, who's in college, came with us last cruise. She didn't take a cell phone, did purchase computer time and spent a half hour each evening on line. It didn't take away from family time a bit.



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My point wasn't really that it isn't a parent's place to make rules or decisions for their family. And yes, if you're paying the bill for something, it's your right to oversee it as you see fit. My point was, if you give someone freedom (and responsibility) for something and then take it away, don't expect that to go over real well. I suppose if you've taught your children that they don't dare speak up when they think you're being unfair, you'd never have to deal with this. I applaud the OP, who made a decision, but wasn't above asking his/herself (and the board) if it was the right thing to do.

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