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J721 The Review!


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Review of J721, Arcadia "Pearls of the Mediterranean".


Set off from home about 10.00am and pulled up outside the Mayflower at about 12.30pm. We had stopped en route, but picked the only Little Chef anywhere in England that wasn't serving tea, due to a broken boiler. We were in the second row of cars, and were ushered through to the front of the terminal after about five minutes of waiting. Once inside, we moved fairly speedily through check in, and I was surprised to find us stepping straight on board-no waiting in the lounge to be called. Once through the usual security photos, we were shown up to the Crow's Nest and were sitting having sandwiches and a drink by about 1.10pm. Twenty minutes later and the cabins were ready, and upon arrival, I found three of our four cases already there. The fourth turned up about ten minutes later.

We unpacked and did a little exploring, before the usual rigmarole of lifeboat drill. As we had a port side cabin, we stood on the balcony for a sailaway with a Dixieland jazz band playing us off.


Loved the ship from the minute we set foot on her, though it took us a while to suss out getting around. Favourite places included The Rising Sun, The Spinnaker Bar, and the Crow's Nest. Only criticism I have of The Rising Sun is that there is too much music going on. Even when there is no live band playing, there are music videos-please P&O, get rid of them! The place was heaving whenever sport was being shown, and there was not a seat to be had during the England v Samoa rugby last week. Could have done without watching the Spurs v Villa game though-put me in a bad mood for the last evening! I don't really think there was a bad room on the ship, and once you knew roughly where everything was, it was no problem to get around (unless you're my SOH, who has no sense of direction-she got lost coming from the launderette to the cabin and that was on the same corridor!) The Palladium is certainly one of the best theatres I have seen on a ship, even compared to some of those on Princess, and the place was full for every show. We didn't really use the pools, though we did lie around the aft Aquarius pool a few times. I was certainly impressed by the Neptune Pool however. I couldn't fault the staff either, though on occasion, there never seemed to be a waiter around when you needed one.


Always a vital part. We didn't try any of the speciality restaurants, mainly due to the SOH's dietary requirements, however, I am sure they would have made provision if we had given them enough notice. The Belvedere was our venue of choice for breakfast and lunch. The first morning was a bit of a bunfight, but once we had worked out where to go to get the Gluten Free toast (port side, aft-at the Breads, Pastries anc Cereals counter there) we were flying. Usually we went there first, and picked up the GF toast, before deciding on what else to get. Cooked breakfasts were as good as ever, and heated tureens were available at the end of the counter, with plum tomatoes, black pudding, smoked haddock and usually one other dish. Fresh made waffles and pancakes were available, as were fresh coked omlettes (highly recommended)

The Meridian Restaurant was equally as good. We had a table on the upper level, first sitting. We were positioned almost right over the stern. Great table companions, though I had to act as translator between my SOH, and Barrie from Nottingham, as neither seemed to be able to understand what the other was saying. I only had two below par meals-a steak, which was overcooked, and a seafood grill, which to be frank, was just bland. As for the SOH's dietary requirments, she was attended every night by the head waiter, who gave her the following day's menu, and advised her what was not suitable, and what could be made using gluten free products. I have never seen a head waiter so much on a ship before, and it is the first time I have ever given one a tip!



We did the "Panoramic Barcelona" tour, which is easy on the legs (as my SOH has to walk with a stick.) Although informative, I was a little disappointed, as we only took in La Sagrada Familia, and the hill overlooking the city. Great views, but we bypassed so many other sights. Barcelona Lite, I think you could call it. Amusing for the lady who accosted SOH at the lookout point, and was jabbering on ten to the dozen in Italian to her. She kept saying "Sardinia, Saridinia"-I think she was trying to tell us she was from there, and was admiring my SOH's blonde hair and fair skin. Other ships in port with us- Voyager of the Seas and Costa Europa-the Europa gave us three cheers as we went past. I thought it was because I had stepped onto the balcony in just my boxer shorts.


Arrived on a beautiful sunny day, with just a hint of a breeze, that built up during the course of the day. Ashore by tender here, and, we made it despite a fairly choppy ride across the bay. We did the Nice and the Little Train Tour here-the coach took us into Nice, and dropped us on the Promenade des Anglais. We had about an hour to explore the old town, though we found a quiet bar, and sat down for a drink, and watched them getting the square ready for the evenings dining under the awnings outside many of the cafes. Back on the Prom, and we took the little train,which would its way through the city centre (currently undergoing the biggest pedestrianisation in Europe) and up to the hill over looking the Bay of Angels and down onto the city. Time for photographs before heading back down to pick the coach up, and back to the ship. Other ship in port with us Celebrity Consellation.


"Easy Pisa" was the trip here, and a great one for anyone with limited mobility. We were dropped in a lay-by close to the Etruscan Tombs and then picked up by another little train, for the ride into Pisa itself. Once we were dropped in Miracle Fields, we were then given a tour of the Cathedral and the Baptistry. As someone who loves ornate catherdrals, I was in my oil tot, so to speak! Once that was done, we were given an hour to wander among the stalls and shop (and did we shop!) before boarding the train for a tour of the city, including it's many squares and also along both sides of the river. We were then driven back to the coach (bypassing the crowded coach park) and driven back to the ship. Probably the best of the three tours that we did. Other ships in port with us included Regatta, AIDAVita, Island Sky, and several others moored at the other end of the port, that we couldn't make out.


What an enchanting little island! We took the tender ashore and walked along the harbour front, stopping to do some shopping and then having a couple of drinks. I left the SOH basking in the sunshine, to walk through the town to Napoleon's Villa. It was shut. Took the little train yet again, for a run around the town, before heading back to the ship. Several people who took tours commented on how tranquil the interior of the island was. One other ship in with us, the Regatta.


No tours booked here, mostly because they seemed unsuitable for the SOH. Several people who did book tours spoke of how well P&O organised things, especially for those with wheelchairs-they were ferried around Rome by private minibuses. We took the shuttle bus to the dock gates and walked awhile along the promenade, which was very pleasant, despite the strong wind. Retired to the ship, to watch the waves crash over the sea wall. Only other ship in with us, appeared to be the Discovery.


Good to get to dry land after a rough night and day at sea. Took the shuttle bus to the promenade, then wandered into the town. After some shopping, we repaired to O'Haras Irish bar for a Guinness. Try looking at the way the paving stones are laid on the prom after a couple of pints! Very disconcerting. Took the open top "hop on, hop off" bus, and did a full circuit, before returning to the ship, and afternoon tea on the afterdeck.


Ah, good old Gib. A little piece of Blighty in warmer climes. Took a taxi up to the town and explored some of the shops-yes, more shopping. As usual, it was a duty free haven for booze, cigarettes and perfumes. Sat in the Lord Nelson in Casemates Square and had a drink, watching a barbary ape scamper amongst the roof tops, searching for food no doubt. Also caught a parade of six soldiers as they marched across the square and up Main Street. We were informed by the taxi driver on the way back, that they had had appalling wweather the previous day, and that it was the hottest day for some time.


Most of the sea days were spent taking it easy, We had a couple of really rough days in terms of sea conditions-betweeen Civitavecchia and Alicante (a sea described by the Commodore as "frolicsome") and the day after leaving Gibraltar. Tried my hand at deck cricket and found I wasn't as good as I used to be. Also took part in numerous quizzes, winning three. Bridger Forsyth of "Likely Lads" fame, was an excellent guest speaker, and although I didn't go, Frank Shapiro's talks were well received also. One lady even tried Rick Beech's Origami class, and also Tai Chi!


The one unpredictable factor in it all. It was bitter when we left Southampton-certainly had my jacket on when watching the sailaway. By the time we got through the Bay (like a millpond on the way down), things warmed up a little. The thunderstorm whilst passing through the Straits was something to behold, certainly the most spectacular that I have seen in a long time. It rained in Barcelona for about five minutes, but thereafter was quite warm. Cannes, Livorno and Elba saw temperatures in the mid twenties, whilst Civitavecchia was just as warm, but with a strong wind blowing in off the sea, contributing to some rough seas on the way across to Alicante. That weather wiped out the sea day, as it rained and was misty at times, as we rocked and rolled like a 1950's teenybopper. Alicante saw us with patchy cloud, but warm temperatures, whilst we frazzled in Gibraltar. We turned the corner to pass up the coast of Portugal and were hit by a Force 6 southerly, that really pitched us about. Certainly things were crashing in the dining room, and I avoided the soup course that night. Once into the Bay, it calmed down, and by the middle of the following morning, it was back to normal again. On turning into the channel however, we hit patchy fog banks, and it was like that all day.


Very well put together shows. Gerard Kenny did two exellent sets, however Jane Beaumont was a little more run of the mill and we skipped her second show. The two comedians, Mickey Zany and Taffy Spencer presented good, clean shows, though Taffy took a while to warm up. Once he was going though, he had everyone rolling. Missed the "Late and Live" show in the Globe (deliberately.) The theatre company were by far and away the most professional I have ever seen on board ship, and the Cirque de Arcadia was simply stunning. Even the West End production moved away from some of the more predictable songs and shows and moved into uncharted territory. Ten out of ten for the main male lead-he has a fantastic voice that would put any X Factor contestant to shame.


Went fairly smoothly, and we were off and away for just gone 9.00am. Got back to Irvine at around 7.30pm, having stopped off for a good lunch on the way!


Thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I was amazed to have only put on 5lbs in weight-it felt like twice that amount. Time to start dieting in earnest. Have I done enough to persuade the SOH on another? I think so. Watch this space!!!

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"Set off from home about 10.00am and pulled up outside the Mayflower at about 12.30pm"


Good report! Thanks for sharing.

Just wondering - "home" couldn't have been Irvine that morning?


2.5 hours is good going!

I'd reckon on around 7 hours.



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Hi, I was on the same cruise and met up with Spudgun and his other half! It was my first cruise and I enjoyed every minute, it was wonderful. I was with my 85 year old mum, who also really loved it.

I went line-dancing at 10am every sea day morning (interesting on the "frolicsome" days!) and danced in the Globe nearly every night, so I have actually LOST weight - I will disappear altogether if I lose any more!

Everything was fantastic as Spudgun says - food, service, entertainment etc.

My only complaint was the lack of variety of dancing in the Globe the second week. The first week was a mixture - some nights ballroom dancing, a 60s/70s party night, "Dancing through the Decades"night, and it was very lively in there. The second week it went really flat - nearly all ballroom dancing, and on the last night just line dancing for 3 hours! (yes, I'd attended the classes, but didn't want to do it all night). Some nights there were very few people in there. Why can't they have a mixture all on the same night - some ballroom, some 60s/70s, some sequence dances. The Sunflower Band, who mostly played in there, were good at all types of music so there wouldn't be any problem I'm sure.

I went into the disco a couple of times but it was almost deserted, probably because of the age group on the ship (mostly over 55, I was told, I am 49 but like a boogie-woogie!) and it's no fun dancing on your own!

I have booked on Arcadia again for next year, Pearls of the Adriatic, so maybe P&O can sort it out for me by then!

All in all, a wonderful first cruise, full marks.


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"Set off from home about 10.00am and pulled up outside the Mayflower at about 12.30pm"


Good report! Thanks for sharing.

Just wondering - "home" couldn't have been Irvine that morning?


No CASPALL, I did the downward journey in two legs. One on the Monday from Irvine to the Midlands and then from the Midlands to Southampton on Tuesday.


Going back was a haul though. About two and a half hours back to the Midlands and some lunch with my Dad, and then another six back to Irvine, with a couple of stops thrown in for good measure.

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Good to see you made it back in one piece.


We were going to try the disco on the night after Gib-we rather fancied the "Cheesy Tunes". Sadly, Ann Marie's sea-legs deserted her in the rough weather, and she took to her bed. I wound up on the balcony with a couple of g&t's and a book!

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The age group should be coming down now, what with all the weddings onboard - which follows, bestman, bridesmaids and friends will be younger too. After all you and spud gun were on there for a start and your not over 55 -lol:D


When Arcadia first came in in 2005 a lot of the pax were in the over 65 + age group, but now we are seeing lots of returners in the under 65 range, I myself was on there in 2006 and this year, and noticed a lot of younger pax this year. Still empty disco though, seems to be a problem there?

I'll report back again in May 08 with any changes. It will be interesting to see the difference between 2006/7 and then 2008.


Spudgun, did you like Arcadia alot?Which is your Fav P&O ship now?



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The age group should be coming down now, what with all the weddings onboard - which follows, bestman, bridesmaids and friends will be younger too. After all you and spud gun were on there for a start and your not over 55 -lol


When Arcadia first came in in 2005 a lot of the pax were in the over 65 + age group, but now we are seeing lots of returners in the under 65 range, I myself was on there in 2006 and this year, and noticed a lot of younger pax this year. Still empty disco though, seems to be a problem there?

I'll report back again in May 08 with any changes. It will be interesting to see the difference between 2006/7 and then 2008.


Spudgun, did you like Arcadia alot?Which is your Fav P&O ship now?







Hi Sue,


We are always last out of the disco on any cruise and will be in November, July and January 09:D:D.


And if you had stayed up last Sat., you would have seen that we were last to bed at the DD:D





:)Happy Cruising:)







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