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Migraine sufferers on cruises?


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I, like most of you, suffered terribly from Migraine headaches for years. I would get a headache like clockwork twice a month. And then I would get all the in between ones. I tried everything, I went to every doctor and took every drug. I was one of the first in the Baltimore area to give myself Imitrex injections, then to the MITREs pills, etc. etc.


Well, about 6-7 years ago I went to a well renown Neurologist in Annapolis, Maryland. He told me that NO ONE should have headaches every day or every week or every month. He said no one could cure Migraine Headaches but that they CAN be controlled.


He immediately told me to stop taking every migraine med I am on. Put them all in the trash. Wait 24 hours and then start taking Topamax, I do not remember the dosage that I started on, but he told me the first time I get a headache, to call him, no matter the day or time and gave me his pager number. I did. He then told me to add an evening dosage to my morning dosage and make an appointment to see him in 10 days. I did was he said. When I got there I told him I thought it a miracle as I had only had 2 headaches in a month vs. 1 every day or two. He said not got enough and upped the dosage I took morning and night. I now take that Mg, once in the morning and once at bedtime I get 1 or two headaches a year! At most! I get them so seldom, I almost always forget to carry my migraine med (Maxalt)with me. For anyone that suffers from Migraines and is not taking Topamax I STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU TALK TO YOUR PHYSICIAN ABOUT IT. Especially if you have any type of Rx plan, it is not cheap. But a God send. As Migraines are passed on genetically my daughter also suffers from them, she too takes Topamax. It does not always pass from Mother to child. I inherited them from my Grandmother and Aunt on my Father's side.

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I have not sufferd a migraine on a cruise. As another poster said what does that tell us about stress and migraines??!! Hopefully you will not be affected by one either. An ounce of prevention by bringing your meds would be smart. Enjoy your cruise!!!

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and I worry that I will be stuck on a "bleach cruise", where they are cleansing like mad. That would really and truly wreck my vacation, and I hope and pray it never happens. I think I would have to get off the ship and fly home, it's really bad for me. With all due respect to those who suffrered through Noro, I think I'd prefer the Noro to 7 or 11 days of nonstop migraines!


The only other trigger that worries me is the cologne Eternity- if I get into an elevator that was recently occupied by someone wearing that, I nearly pass out. Yikes!


So I do carry meds all the time- Fiorcet and Imitrex are my heroes in times of need.


Thanks for the info on the Tpoamax, my Dr. and I fell we are nder control but it's great to know there are other avenues to follow.


Indeed, happy migraine- free cruises to all of you!

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and I worry that I will be stuck on a "bleach cruise", where they are cleansing like mad. That would really and truly wreck my vacation, and I hope and pray it never happens. I think I would have to get off the ship and fly home, it's really bad for me. With all due respect to those who suffrered through Noro, I think I'd prefer the Noro to 7 or 11 days of nonstop migraines!


The only other trigger that worries me is the cologne Eternity- if I get into an elevator that was recently occupied by someone wearing that, I nearly pass out. Yikes!


So I do carry meds all the time- Fiorcet and Imitrex are my heroes in times of need.


Thanks for the info on the Tpoamax, my Dr. and I fell we are nder control but it's great to know there are other avenues to follow.


Indeed, happy migraine- free cruises to all of you!


Something you can try for scent triggers, keep a strongly scented (NON-triggering scent, of course) cloth or something in an air tight canister in your purse (a few coffee beans in a film cannister, or some vicks vaporub in a small tin). When you smell your trigger scent, grab your "scent can" and sniff on it like crazy 'til you get past the smell. It will usually over ride it. I use the vicks vapo rub and if I'm going to be around the scent that triggers for a while, I'll just rub some of it under my nose (a la Silence of the Lambs). It really does help!


And, to the poster who said that she gets migraines around certain girly times :o, have you told your OB-GYN? It could be due to spikes in certain hormone levels. They can often put you on a certain type of birth control pill that will keep your hormone levels more even and avoid those types of migraines. They put me on Yasmin and I have not had one since! Turns out I had some androgen issues. Who knew?!


And, as other posters have said, I'll keep my fingers crossed that we all have wonderful, headache-less cruises!!!!

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I've had migraines since I was a teenager (over 20 years). For a long time I was able to take Imitrex but now cannot take any of the triptan drugs (Imitrex, Maxalt, Zomig, etc) or Midrin because my blood pressure has become nearly impossible to control and they would be dangerous for me. I have narcotics at home that help a little but if they get really bad I'm stuck paying a big copay and going to the ER for meds that help.


My triggers seem to be cured meats, hard cheeses and many strong odors. Some colognes will not only trigger a migraine but also my asthma (Opium cologne).


Fortunately I've not had a migraine on a cruise. Like many others, I do keep up the caffeine that I normally get, try to keep the same sleep patterns, etc.

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I, like most of you, suffered terribly from Migraine headaches for years. I would get a headache like clockwork twice a month. And then I would get all the in between ones. I tried everything, I went to every doctor and took every drug. I was one of the first in the Baltimore area to give myself Imitrex injections, then to the MITREs pills, etc. etc.


Well, about 6-7 years ago I went to a well renown Neurologist in Annapolis, Maryland. He told me that NO ONE should have headaches every day or every week or every month. He said no one could cure Migraine Headaches but that they CAN be controlled.


He immediately told me to stop taking every migraine med I am on. Put them all in the trash. Wait 24 hours and then start taking Topamax, I do not remember the dosage that I started on, but he told me the first time I get a headache, to call him, no matter the day or time and gave me his pager number. I did. He then told me to add an evening dosage to my morning dosage and make an appointment to see him in 10 days. I did was he said. When I got there I told him I thought it a miracle as I had only had 2 headaches in a month vs. 1 every day or two. He said not got enough and upped the dosage I took morning and night. I now take that Mg, once in the morning and once at bedtime I get 1 or two headaches a year! At most! I get them so seldom, I almost always forget to carry my migraine med (Maxalt)with me. For anyone that suffers from Migraines and is not taking Topamax I STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU TALK TO YOUR PHYSICIAN ABOUT IT. Especially if you have any type of Rx plan, it is not cheap. But a God send. As Migraines are passed on genetically my daughter also suffers from them, she too takes Topamax. It does not always pass from Mother to child. I inherited them from my Grandmother and Aunt on my Father's side.



Topamax has been a godsend for me. After suffering a concussion, I was getting a migraine nearly every single day, until my neurologist put me on it. Now, I'm down to 3-5 times per month.


My only fear is that someday my insurance company will stop paying for it, as it's so expensive.

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Funny you should bring this up. On our Eastern Caribbean cruise in August, we did the Loterie Farm treetop course and it was a hot, hot day. I was drenched in sweat and didn't hydrate enough. Headache started. Came back to the ship and it only got worse.


Thank goodness, for once, I brought my prescription. I only had one so waited to take it to see if Advil worked. It didn't. After vomiting and excruciating pain for hours, I took the Maxalt.


I will NEVER let myself get so hungry and dehydrated again. I'm glad I read this thread because I never attributed it to dehydration and hunger.

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Funny you should bring this up. On our Eastern Caribbean cruise in August, we did the Loterie Farm treetop course and it was a hot, hot day. I was drenched in sweat and didn't hydrate enough. Headache started. Came back to the ship and it only got worse.


Thank goodness, for once, I brought my prescription. I only had one so waited to take it to see if Advil worked. It didn't. After vomiting and excruciating pain for hours, I took the Maxalt.


I will NEVER let myself get so hungry and dehydrated again. I'm glad I read this thread because I never attributed it to dehydration and hunger.



I used to do what you did, seeing if the over the counter stuff would work before I took my meds. My doctor explained that a migraine was a like a rock when it is at the top of a hill, as the rock start rolling, going slow it is pretty easy to stop. As the rock picks up momentum and speed it is much harder to stop so to take my meds as soon as I felt one coming on and not waiting until it was full blown. I follow his advice now and don't suffer a fraction like I used to.

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My migraines started 10 years ago. Maxalt works quick but only lasted 8 hours and the headache is back. Now I take Frova, it takes longer to work, usually 2 hours but it lasts for 24 hours. I tried Topamax, couldn't think straight or even do simple math like balancing my check book and had an aweful metalic taste with any carbonated beverages. well after 1 week a got a rash so my doctor took me off the Topamax. Still trying to figure out my triggers. Stress and alcohol are two major ones. Only have gotten migranes on a cruise if I drank too much. I have tried many different meds, they are all so expensive. Tried fever few, magnesium and they do not seem to make a difference. Hope some day they will stop. Maybe next time I visit the doctor I should try Imatrex and see how that works. Last year I also started seeing my BP creeping up. But there is a histor of hypertension with both parents and my mom had migraines. Kinda sucks!

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I suffered for years, and still take inderal daily...but amazingly, when I started the "Zone" diet to bring down my cholesterol, my migraines almost disappeared. Sugar and alcohol do still trigger attacks, so cruising can be a problem for me...but I am OK if I stick to sugar-free desserts for the most part.

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Ok,not to get to boring.But just to explain why I am not taking medication

at this time.I have spoken to my OB & my GP about the situation.I really cant officially describe mine as migraines.The pain is definitely migraine like,but there are many things about them that are not.

First.I only get them at night,while I am sleeping.I know many people have this,but what keeps me confused is what follows.

Always hit between 330 AM & 430 AM..Always 2-4 days prior to (those 2 things we all do) if I wake up with it and it is not too bad I can walk around and do some mild stretches and it will cease.I usually then go back to sleep in an upright position.If I do not..it comes back full force.

Laying down increases the pain 100 times.Sometimes it will come back about 30 min after I fall back asleep much stronger,really bad.The vice like grip around the back of the head sometimes all the way around.

At this point,I can take a bath or shower,usually a bath because its hard to stand,I take it as hot as I can get it for as long as I can,then switch over to all cold.Sometimes just the shock of the cold water will completely knock it out.Sometimes I have to go back and forth a bit.

If it has not been a real bad when...I am good to go by about 7 A.M.

If it was real bad I will have some nausea,and a lasting "sore like" or dull pain the rest of the day.


The reason I hesitate to call them Migraines,is I feel true migraine sufferers,cant get relief that easy.I rarely even take an OTC pain med,as I am afraid of "rebound headaches" .Although I will take one after an episode if I have lasting pain the next day.


From constant tracking.I know a few things.Mine is definitely hormone/estrogen related.While I don't have sleep Apnea per say,I do snore very loudly.I wake up sometimes from Palpitations as well.

I have about 23 of 34 of other peri-menopausal symptoms.

The Calcium/Magnesium,by doing a lot of reading,seems to mainly only work on those experiencing Peri or other estrogen issues.

I have a large family history of High Blood pressure,Diabetes and Breast Cancer,so for those reasons very rarely will I take prescription Meds,or BC or HRT...

I am on a diuretic now,to help lower a spiking blood pressure,that also elevates during these "times"


For now,its only a slightly bothersome issue.We are self employed,and I do some consulting for another company..So my work is not usually effected.



Sorry...Hope not to boring..But maybe someone else has weird problems like these as well.

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Well.Without getting too graphic for our male guests..


I have migraine type headaches twice a month.(you ladies can figure those 2 times out) ....mine only started about 2 years ago..(again you ladies can figure out why)....mine only occur around 330 in the AM...nd are pretty severe,but I treat them with increasing circulation to the whole body,and hot/cold baths....

I have not had one on a cruise,but last Oct the night before we boarded Mariner I had the worst one I have ever had...I bet the folks next door (at the Radisson)thought someone was being killed :D So that was not the way I wanted to start mine trip out...

In January we board Voyager on the 27th....That is right in line with when I should have one...But...I only live 20 min from the port this time,so that should be ok...




I have ONE a month - this occured earlier in my life..went away and now they are back - so I guess I'm right with you..

what do you mean by.....increasing circulation to your whole body???

Please tell me how you do that? I am living in fear of the next "time"

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My daughter suffers migrains. She started having one on the ship the first sea day (just got married on board). she thinks it was the stress involved. She took her meds and stayed in her interior room for an hour and was fine. She always brings her meds with her.

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MtnBiker Fall Down- great name,lol- now THAT is why I love cruise critic! That is a fantastic tip, to carry something good- smelling or to use Vapo-Rub. I will do so and am so very grateful- even thought I always carry meds it is much better not to have to use them!


brn2crz, it sounds like it might be a cluster headache, they hurt like the dickens too but a bit different. Hope you find a way to banish them!

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Had migraines since I was a teenager and am now 60 and they have been worse as I got older.

Going thro the Panama was a nightmare and high or very low pressure makes them worse.

Told I would grow out of them when my arteies started hardening...guess what? not yet.

T I have been on prevenative meds, not good for various reasons but thank goodness for zolmitripan and others like it.

I stated with the self injections but so glad when tablets arrived....bit difficult when out and about sticking a needle and injecting yourself.

Now diagnosed with high blood pressure find as it lowers the headaches going which is good as an ordinary headache can turn into a migraine quite easily.

Perfume and smoke can set me off...even this talk of it makes me queasy.

You must take your anti migraine as soon as poss as the blood vessels shut down and you cannot absorb the meds as easily as in the begining of an attack.

When younger I was medicated with suppositories as they are absorbed easily into your blood stream.

cruising does not seem to bring more than usual attacks apart from the high pressure times.

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I only have an occasional (thank goodness), but when I do they are a dosey. (sp?). I need total black darkness and have been known to think that all birds and insects should be quite for me. I have not had one on a cruise, I believe it to be a stress-less time. I don't get spun up by little things (long lines or waits) as apposed to "real life". I have traveled enough to know that things will go wrong and don't let them interfere with my good time.



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If you take regular medication take that. As far as over the counter...Excedrine Migraine is the best stuff out there, in my opinion.


I agree! I started getting migraines after I turned 28. My first one lasted 6 days! My doctor gave me some prescription, but I didn't like the side effects. I tried Advil Migraine, but my body became used to it and it stopped working. When I tried Excedrin Migraine, I was fine in a hour. I'm not sure what all my triggers are, but I always get them whenever I stress or take a flight. I usually take an Excedrin an hour before a flight so I don't get them at all, and if I do get one, I need to take it as soon as I feel it coming on. I now know that if I wait until it feels like my eyeballs are going to explode, I'll be down for hours not to mention the nausea. I have also found, if I have a migraine and I'm nauseous, one dosage of Alka Seltzer(sp?) will clear my head and make the nausea go away.Go figure:p

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Ok,not to get to boring.But just to explain why I am not taking medication

at this time.I have spoken to my OB & my GP about the situation.I really cant officially describe mine as migraines.The pain is definitely migraine like,but there are many things about them that are not.

First.I only get them at night,while I am sleeping.I know many people have this,but what keeps me confused is what follows.

Always hit between 330 AM & 430 AM..Always 2-4 days prior to (those 2 things we all do) if I wake up with it and it is not too bad I can walk around and do some mild stretches and it will cease.I usually then go back to sleep in an upright position.If I do not..it comes back full force.

Laying down increases the pain 100 times.Sometimes it will come back about 30 min after I fall back asleep much stronger,really bad.The vice like grip around the back of the head sometimes all the way around.

At this point,I can take a bath or shower,usually a bath because its hard to stand,I take it as hot as I can get it for as long as I can,then switch over to all cold.Sometimes just the shock of the cold water will completely knock it out.Sometimes I have to go back and forth a bit.

If it has not been a real bad when...I am good to go by about 7 A.M.

If it was real bad I will have some nausea,and a lasting "sore like" or dull pain the rest of the day.


The reason I hesitate to call them Migraines,is I feel true migraine sufferers,cant get relief that easy.I rarely even take an OTC pain med,as I am afraid of "rebound headaches" .Although I will take one after an episode if I have lasting pain the next day.


From constant tracking.I know a few things.Mine is definitely hormone/estrogen related.While I don't have sleep Apnea per say,I do snore very loudly.I wake up sometimes from Palpitations as well.

I have about 23 of 34 of other peri-menopausal symptoms.

The Calcium/Magnesium,by doing a lot of reading,seems to mainly only work on those experiencing Peri or other estrogen issues.

I have a large family history of High Blood pressure,Diabetes and Breast Cancer,so for those reasons very rarely will I take prescription Meds,or BC or HRT...

I am on a diuretic now,to help lower a spiking blood pressure,that also elevates during these "times"


For now,its only a slightly bothersome issue.We are self employed,and I do some consulting for another company..So my work is not usually effected.



Sorry...Hope not to boring..But maybe someone else has weird problems like these as well.


I used to wake up with migraines. Do you think it's the pressure of putting your head down? Has your doctor sent you to a neurologist? Mine did and they did an MRI. The neurologist told me he can tell I suffer from migraines from just looking at the nerve endings. Apparently, they show melting? I cannot remember how he described it.


He did tell me migraine sufferers are at a higher risk for strokes. Sending hugs to all sufferers. I feel your pain.


Lastly, Excedrin Migraine usually works. It's amazing!

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I used to wake up with migraines. Do you think it's the pressure of putting your head down? Has your doctor sent you to a neurologist? Mine did and they did an MRI. The neurologist told me he can tell I suffer from migraines from just looking at the nerve endings. Apparently, they show melting? I cannot remember how he described it.


He did tell me migraine sufferers are at a higher risk for strokes. Sending hugs to all sufferers. I feel your pain.


Lastly, Excedrin Migraine usually works. It's amazing!


Thanks for posting about this. Half of the migraines I've had, I woke up with them. I'll be calling my doctor Monday.

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brn2crz - That's a great point about rebound headaches. It amazes me how many docs aren't aware of it. I was taking excedrin migraine DAILY. I went to so many docs. One put me on the pill (tried hormone therapy), one put me on Inderal, Maxalt and was about the try Topamax (anti seizure med), another gave me Fiorecet. :rolleyes:


So I stopped taking Excedrin Migraine cold turkey (OMG did I feel like dirt for a week), then miraculously the migraines stopped complety. I used to wake up daily, EVERY day with migraines. The kind where you can't lift up your head off the pillow, can't stand light, have nausea and extreme sensitivity to sounds.


Using Excedrin Migraine every day causes rebound headaches. Headaches that are caused when you miss a dose of Excedrin Migraine. :rolleyes:


So now when I use it, I use it when I REALLY need it.


Just be careful and use it sparingly. I know it's a miracle drug. I know it seems to be the only thing that works. But if you start to get to the point that I did where I would wake up every morning with a migraine that wouldn't go away until I took Excedrin...that means you need wean yourself off that stuff.

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I've suffered from migraines for over 30 years. Until Imitrex came onto the market all I could do was lie down in a dark room, sometimes for 2-3 days. I still give myself Imitrex injections when I have a "blaster". Most of the time I can just take Imitrex tablets when I feel the first aura of it coming.


Triggers are smoke, strong scent, and sometimes alcohol. I generally don't have migraines whiile I'm on a cruise ship. I avoid smoky places and will run from a strong odor.


I don't travel anywhere without both forms of Imitrex with me.

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I too suffer from migraines, average 3 a month. I can depend on one - the day before my menstrual cycle. Sometimes I get them when I haven't eaten in a while or around strong smells (especially perfume, ugh) or due to the weather (how can you avoid that trigger??) I think I've been lucky too because I have weird sleep habits and don't drink nearly the same amount of caffeine on a cruise and have only had 1 migraine on a cruise (knocking on wood too!)


Anyways, I'm not on a prescription (yet) so I take Excedrine Migraine which tends to work (I hate when it doesn't though since it's 24-hour medication).


My sister and I tend to have a migraine on the same day too, and since we're going on the Mariner together I hope we don't have one then! :eek: :rolleyes:

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I have ONE a month - this occured earlier in my life..went away and now they are back - so I guess I'm right with you..

what do you mean by.....increasing circulation to your whole body???

Please tell me how you do that? I am living in fear of the next "time"


Bacically just getting up and getting moving....arm circles,neck rotations,walking and streching...


Last weekend we were at an overnight CubScout camp out ,very primitive.I woke up at...3:25 with a mild,but increasing one..I woke DH up and we walked around a bit.Then sat in the Camp chairs...I put my legs up and leaned my head back...Which was great cause there was a pretty good meteor shower that night:D

Stayed up for about an hour,then went back to bed and slept like a log til almost 9!!

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