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Shark-Ray Snorkel - awesome or totally insane?


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Has anyone done the Shark-Ray Snorkel in Belize? It sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity -- I am just wondering how safe it is. Any comments??


We did this on our Glory trip in 2004. It was a great experience. We went snorkeling at a coral reef first and the 2nd stop was the sharks/rays. My DD was scared and wouldn't get in the water for a while but she finally did and loved it. The tour guides had some fish food that they put in the water to attrack the sharks over and after a while they swim away. I would do it again.


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Has anyone done the Shark-Ray Snorkel in Belize? It sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity -- I am just wondering how safe it is. Any comments??


My DW and I were there about a year ago and took this tour. This was the first time that we have ever snorkeled in the wild (just did some practice in a swimming pool prior to this). This was also the first time to ever use one of those disposable underwater cameras too. We absolutely loved this tour, what an exciting experience. The staff from Coral Breeze Tours were wonderful, at least one was in the water with us at all times and kept an eye on everyone (there were 8 of us, only 6 went into the water), it was fabulous.

Below my signature is smugmug, click on that and go to "Snorkeling in Belize", click on that and see the pictures that we took there. Hopefully this will help you to make your decision as to what you wish to do, good luck.


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What a coincidence -- we are Kathy and Randy too --and this will be our first time to actually snorkel (I did the practice in the pool at our hotel last month) and we will be using a disposable underwater camera for the first time too. We will sailing on Jewel of the Seas in 3 weeks. Can hardly wait! Any tips you care to share would be much appreciated. Anything else you would care to add about Belize? Did you go to Cozumel? Key West? Playa Del Carmen (this port replaces Costa Maya after their island was so badly damaged)

I enjoyed your pictures --thanks again for your reply!


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What a coincidence -- we are Kathy and Randy too --and this will be our first time to actually snorkel (I did the practice in the pool at our hotel last month) and we will be using a disposable underwater camera for the first time too. We will sailing on Jewel of the Seas in 3 weeks. Can hardly wait! Any tips you care to share would be much appreciated. Anything else you would care to add about Belize? Did you go to Cozumel? Key West? Playa Del Carmen (this port replaces Costa Maya after their island was so badly damaged)

I enjoyed your pictures --thanks again for your reply!




Wow, is this what they call day-ja-view all over again? :p Well Randy & Kathy, a year ago we were on the Carnival Legend and we went to Panama, Costa Rica & Belize. The fist time for us to go to any of those countries, it was a terrific cruise.

What we did in Belize was to get on the tender early so that we had time to shop in a few stores before the excursion began because we knew that we may not have time to do so after we got back, and this is just how it turned out. It worked just as we hoped it would.

Just listen to the safety instructions that the excursion folks give you at the beginning, and follow them and you will have no problems. Regarding the camera, we later found that a cloud overhead can interfere with the clarity of the picture, also the closer to the object that you are shooting, the better. If you can wait for the sun to come back out you will probably have clearer pictures and the colors should be more vivid. I also learned that you do not have to try to read the tiny number under water while advancing the film in order to not go too far with the film. It has an auto stop that will only release after you have taken the next picture, one less thing to have to think about. Also, when practicing in the pool we did not experience any waves "pushing us around", that will happen so just be prepared to sometimes have to swim against a slight current, it's not a big deal though. Remember to keep a tight seal with your mouth around the mouthpiece, if any salt water gets in you will suddenly be reminded that you are not in the pool any more.:rolleyes:

I found that you may want to be in the water first when you arrive in the shallow area to get photos of the Rays and Sharks. The water gets cloudy quickly, as it is only about 3' deep, after a few people walk around and the Rays also stir up sediment as they feed from the bottom. Try to get the Rays pictures first, then move a little ways away from the boat where there is clearer water and hopefully get a clear picture if any of the sharks come by.

The Sharks may want to come in to feed also, but we were told that the sharks and the Rays are not necessarily good "buddies" and usually don't mingle together. That is why I had to venture out about 30' from the boat in order to get a picture, we only had one shark come in, some people see more than that.

That's about all that I can think of for now. Somehow I left there with an amazing feeling of having just done something that I had never thought that I might do, a collection of memories that I will never forget and a batch of pictures to look at for years into the future to help to remind me of that special day.

Good luck as the day that you folks will be experiencing these same things draws nearer.

BTW, Kathy & I don't know of any stray twins that we have out running around someplace....do you suppose.........Naaa.:D


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We did this excursion this past July with family. We loved it so much we are doing it again in Feb. with friends. You will love the entire day! We booked this through Coral Breezes. We had a small group and fantastic guides. We ordered lunch, it was very good. Hope you enjoy the trip.

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Thank you, everyone, for your replies! It is kindof hard to read about a tour and know what to really expect -- it helps alot to hear from people who have actually done it. Thanks again, Randy, for your snorkel/camera hints -- I found them very helpful and I appreciate you taking the time to share them.


Everyone sounds very positive about the shark/ray experience -- but I just wonder if there are people who didn't respond to my inquiry.....because....the sharks ate them! lol


Everyone who has mentioned a particular company has mentioned Coral Breezes -- and we were looking at Fab Tours, so I guess I need to check that out too.


Thanks again for the replies!


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What kind of lunch the Coral Breezes provide?

Does it include any drink (water, soda or beer)?



We went with Coral Breeze Tours as well. What they did was took your lunch order as soon as the tour began. Then there was a boat ride to an Island, Caye Caulker, where they stopped and gave the lunch order to some people that run a small restaurant there, they then went and purchased some shrimp to be used for bait, then got back into the boat and we went only about a mile to the coral reef and began the snorkeling.

There was a number of food and drink options on the menu that the restaurant provides. Everyone seemed to enjoy their lunch, especially after the exercise and the exhilaration that we had just been through.


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  • 1 month later...
So, Randy and Kathy,


Did you go? I loved reading these responses. I think I'm most excited about this excursion.


We leave in a week!


Oh yes, we were in Belize on Nov. 22, 2006. This was a most thrilling and enjoyable excursion. If you haven't seen them yet, go below my signature and click on the smugmug link, there are some pictures that we took while there. I hope that you enjoy this as much as we did.


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Randy- Your pictures are amazing! We are so excited for this excursion. It's our second time to Belize, and we cave tubed last time, so we're just looking forward to trying something different. Is it any more possible for these last 9 days to crawl on by any slower? :)


I wonder if the other Randy and Kathy ended up going?


Thanks again for all the great info - can't wait to report back our findings.

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Randy- Your pictures are amazing! We are so excited for this excursion. It's our second time to Belize, and we cave tubed last time, so we're just looking forward to trying something different. Is it any more possible for these last 9 days to crawl on by any slower? :)


I wonder if the other Randy and Kathy ended up going?


Thanks again for all the great info - can't wait to report back our findings.


I don't know about the other R & K, they have not reported back here. I think their cruise is over with by now. That was the first time that I ever used a disposable underwater camera, I was pleased with the results. Be sure to take pictures, you will cherish them forever. Have a great time.


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When we had lunch they gave you a some choices to pick from. We had the island special (what they recommended-a mexican chicken rice dish--very good), but they also had the usual like a hamburger etc. You choose before you leave on the excursion. Soda or ice tea was included with the meal They do have a bar in the restauant. It is a very laid back place, very friendly. Check out the place on line where you will eat at Caye Caulker--The Paradise Hotel global-travel.co.uk/tropical.htm

When we arrived, lunch was served! I will say that the tour guides were absolutely wonderful--Heni, Evar, and Mark. You will have a fantastic time! Check out Coral Breeze, they were great with the reservations! Enjoy! We are booked for Feb. again to take friends this time. I can hardly wait!

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Travgurl- I appreciate your responses. I stumbled upon some (albiet old) threads about Coral Breeze that weren't very positive. We booked with them about 2 months ago, and put down our deposit. We definitely still plan to go, and I'm so glad to read your positive experiences!! So, thank you!


I'm definitely going to check out the hotel link. I loved being informed about everything before I go.


I've read that some people didn't get to see any sharks. You can't be mad at Coral Breeze for that - it's the ocean and they can't make anything show up! Did you guys see some sharks? I think that's what I'm most excited for, because it's something I've never done before! And I'm taking my mom, so I'm excited for her, too!


So again, thank you so much for all your information, I can't wait to report back when we return!


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We had a great time snorkeling at the first place--saw the reef area, fish, and and eel. The second place we saw some sting rays, nurse sharks and baracuda. Just the whole experience was fantastic. But, what really made the trip were the guides-Heni, Evar and Mark (captain of the boat). They were knowledgable, friendly and helpful. The island is a very laid back, quiet tropical island. We enjoyed our lunch and had time to walk around the island a little bit. I will looking for your review when you get back. Tell Heni hello, we were there in July with our family of 5. Tell her we will see her in Feb. again with friends. What are you doing at the other ports? Have a great trip!

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Travgurl- Thanks again for the info! I'm so glad I stumbled across Cruise Critic before my Valor cruise last year. It really is a wealth of information.


Our itineray includes Panama and Costa Rica, as well as Belize. We went to Belize on the Valor last year, and loved loved loved the cave tubing, but we were really excited to try something new. And this sounded like the experience of a lifetime! We're really pumped, and it's our last port of call, so the anticipation will keep me so excited for it!


We don't have plans for Panama (not really finding anything of interest to do there, and the safety warnings have my family and I a little leary), and we are white water rafting in Costa Rica. Another first for me! This trip is a load of firsts - first balcony, first trip with boyfriend (who I met on the Valor last year - long, crazy story, and SO unlike me, but ended up being totally worth it - he's great!), first cruise with my mom, first time WWR, and first time "swimming" with sharks! So if you can't tell by my abundance of exclamation points, I am SO EXCITED! :D


So again, thanks for all the info, and I would be honored to say hello to the CB crew for you. What's your name and any other distinguishing characteristics that might trigger their memory?


I also can't wait to write a review when I return, it's a great way to "pay it forward" to those travelers who will cruise in the future.

asader83 (Amy)

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Travgurl- I appreciate your responses. I stumbled upon some (albiet old) threads about Coral Breeze that weren't very positive. We booked with them about 2 months ago, and put down our deposit. We definitely still plan to go, and I'm so glad to read your positive experiences!! So, thank you!




We just took this tour two weeks ago. They were great. We didn't order lunch through them because of our dietary restrictions, but then bought it at that restaurant.





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Hi Cool Cruiser, what a story! Meeting your boyfriend on the cruise! I would like to hear about it sometime in detail. The CB guides may remember us. We are a family of 5 from Manchester Md. We had our college age son who had done alot of snorkeling in the Keys and our teenage twin daughters. Evar took our son down on some deep diving with him while snorkeling. We met Heni's daughter, she rode back with us that day to Belize. Heni lives in Caye Caulker. We were on the Glory the week of July 14th. Tell them we will see them the week of Feb. 17th, on the Valor.

Perhaps in Panama, check out the boards here for ideas. You might find something that you would like to do. Good luck!

We will be in Grand Caymay--going to Seven Mile Beach, Cozumel--repeating the dune buggy excursion and in Roaton going on the Victor Bodden tour. That is the plan so far.

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AllanAllyn- Thanks for the postive response! It's greatly appreciated. I know that all places, whether it's a hotel, an airline, a restaurant, a cruiseline or an excursion can get bad reviews, that's why I love this website - all opinions are included and welcomed, and you just have to make your own best informed decision. I'm doing all the planning for this cruise for our family of four (my mom, myself and our boyfriends), and so far, everyone has been very happy with the decisions I've made for us. So again, thanks!


Travgurl- I'll give you the Cliff's Notes version of how we met. Even though I tell people that we met on the cruise, we actually "met" first on our Roll Call board right here on CC! :) For that particular cruise, I was sailing with a girlfriend of mine, and he was traveling with three other fellow firefighters. Got my wheels-a-spinning! :D We exchanged personal emails after a while, and agreed to meet up at the Meet and Greet scheduled for our roll call group. We met (literally, not virtually) on the ship immediately after the muster drill, and the rest is history! We spent nearly every waking moment together on board, and since cruising did not agree with my girlfriend (on more than one level - she hasn't spoken to me since we returned, and my best friend since 8th grade, to boot), I was able to have my "first date" with him on Grand Cayman! How many people can say that? We went to Hell, the turtle farm, the rum factory, and Stingray City. It was probably the best first date in history!


Fast forward 9 months later, after numerous flights between the Midwest and the East Coast, I put my house up for sale, packed up my dogs, and headed east! It's been 13 months now, and I've never been happier. I knew my story would not be a simple one ("we met at work/a bar/etc") but I never realized it would be THAT out there! It's been an awesome experience, and I'm thrilled to actually be going with him on another cruise.


I will certainly pass on your hello's to Heni and the gang, I'm sure they'll remember you! I'll also warn them of your impending arrival as well! :D I'm sure they'll be thrilled to have you back again.


Hope your Christmas was great! And hope to talk soon again!


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  • 2 weeks later...

asader83, Carnival is looking for stories like yours. There was a post a couple of months ago. I think it was "Anyone find love on a cruie?". I made reference to one of our roll call members, cruisinmominmaine, so you may be able to search that word. Someone replied, claiming to be a Carnival employee, asking people to contact her with their stories.

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