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Does anyone like Funship Freddie? The colors game?


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My name is Janis & I'm a Cruiseaholic. I'm crazy about everything/anything that has to do with cruising.I go through an entire year of withdrawal symtoms evrytime I get off a ship. I've never cruised on anything but Carnival so what they offer is all I know. My husband & I don't play very many of the games but watching all those people having such a good time adds to our cruise enjoyment.:D

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You have enlightened me today. I had no idea that something like a mascot can be such a big issue for an autistic child. I can't imagine the impromptu situations you have had to deal with over the years to avoid such meetings. It is nice to hear that Carnival does their best in accommodating families that have this challenge.


As for the colors? It doesn't really affect me either way. I could take them or leave them.


Again, fortunately not all children with autism have this problem. We believe that these panic attacks come from an "imprinted" incident he had when he was about 14 months old. He also has ataxia....which means he went through years of physical therapy, leg braces etc.


Mickey Mouse (the real one) and his "host" popped in in the middle of one of his therapy sessions at the Children's Hospital one day. These hour long sessions (twice a week) were alway s very traumatic for him and we believe he associates that trauma with Mickey Mouse and all other mascots.


Now the fake sharks...we don't have a clue!!!


Perhaps if we could get a video of a fake shark eating Funship Freddie...all the problems would be solved!! :D

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Does anyone say 'boogie down' any more? Not trying to be flippant but I haven't heard that since disco died...


I like the color thing. It bring a large group of people together in a setting that they would otherwise not encounter. It gives you a chance to act like a kid in the midst of hundreds of other adults turned child.


As for Freddy, I like him. Kinda like the Spurs Coyote on steroids...



Disco died? :confused:

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Perhaps if we could get a video of a fake shark eating Funship Freddie...all the problems would be solved!!


A fake shark eating fun ship freddy dressed like mickey mouse!!! :D



watching all those people having such a good time adds to our cruise enjoyment.


Janis, that is a very good point. I really never thought about it but I guess I do enjoy seeing other people have fun with it...so maybe I do like the colors thing.

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I like the color thing. It bring a large group of people together in a setting that they would otherwise not encounter. It gives you a chance to act like a kid in the midst of hundreds of other adults turned child.


I agree. After all, this is the fun ship company. I understand Holland America provides a much more sedate experience. I personally choose Carnival for the ways they incorporate fun into every experience.

Another option is to dine in the supper club. This is fine dining experience for those looking for such, and they definitely do not do the colors game.

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I agree. Even though I don't do much in the colors it does give a chance to my DD's and I to act silly. Its a vacation (play time). Lets be adults elsewhere. And Freddie how can you do a Carnival vacation without getting your picture with him...LOL

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I agree. After all, this is the fun ship company. I understand Holland America provides a much more sedate experience. I personally choose Carnival for the ways they incorporate fun into every experience.

Another option is to dine in the supper club. This is fine dining experience for those looking for such, and they definitely do not do the colors game.



Repete I just have to let you know we love your beer announcements! DH ignores everything I do cruise related (except the paying for it, unfortunately) but he actually asks me what you have listed in your signature. He likes to find out of the way microbrews and the history of them. But the funny/awful thing is that unless we are going out, he drinks <Gasp> Natural Light. He says its cold and its cheap. But he always tries something different everywhere we go. I guess there is a difference in his mind between beer for thirst and beer for enjoyment. :rolleyes:

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My dh doesn't gamble not a penny. But he doesn't want to cruise on a ship where there is no gambling. He likes watching folks in the casino enjoy themselves. That's how I feel about the colors and the singing and the dancing in the dining room. I can take it or leave it but when I look around the room and see how many people are enjoying themselves I'd vote to keep both.

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Repete I just have to let you know we love your beer announcements! DH ignores everything I do cruise related (except the paying for it, unfortunately) but he actually asks me what you have listed in your signature. He likes to find out of the way microbrews and the history of them. But the funny/awful thing is that unless we are going out, he drinks <Gasp> Natural Light. He says its cold and its cheap. But he always tries something different everywhere we go. I guess there is a difference in his mind between beer for thirst and beer for enjoyment. :rolleyes:


Great to hear!

Until now, I had been a closet Bud Light (even gasp Natural Light) drinker for "session" drinking, but since I got my kegerator I will probably enjoy more microbrews. I think I will need to move the kegerator next to my gym, though. :eek:

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I too wouldn't miss the colors thing if it disappeared forever. It seems pointless to me as there is no prize to be won and on several of my cruises they never even announced what team won at the end of the week. But I do enjoy watching first time cruisers enjoy things like the singing waiters and the silly contests (like hairy chest etc.). I still enjoy them too. These things are unique to the whole cruise experience. They are kind of like family traditions. The only one I can't enjoy, that I used to love, is the "Not so newlwed game". I have heard the same exact same answers from the old couple on numerous voyages,... suspicious.

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The only one I can't enjoy, that I used to love, is the "Not so newlwed game". I have heard the same exact same answers from the old couple on numerous voyages,... suspicious.


I have heard several times that the CD spices up the answers when he "reads" them in order to make the show entertaining. I had also wondered why the answers seemed so similiar, then I heard that...

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Yes, the Entertainment staff do a FABULOUS job with this. It is really very simple. They email me Freddie's schedule before our cruise, so that we know where "not to be". And we simply avoid him. They also have a picture of our son, so that the "host" that guides Freddie can be on the look out.


On occasions like the Past Guest Party, we let them know where we are sitting so that Freddie stays on the other side. Some Cruise Directors have had Freddie just stay at the door (as opposed to just wandering around the theater or lounge)...so that guests can get their picture with him, but we don't have to worry about him "popping up".


I really can't say enough wonderful things about Carnival and the way they have exceeded our expectations where the health and safety of our child is concerned. All we ever asked for was the schedule, so that we could stay out of Freddie's way. They have done all the rest without our having to ask.

And their Club O2 directors are nothing short of heros in our book. Any time you find someone who will work as hard as they do to help a "special needs child" just be a "normal kid" for a week....receives high praise (and a big tip) from me.


Fortunately, not all children with autism have this reaction. The disorder manifests itself in different way with different children and to varying degrees. This is why this disorder has been so hard to get a handle on. It is as individual as the child.


Of course, even Carnival is limited with what they can do where special needs children are concerned. They can not offer one on one care. We have always kept our expectations realistic and Carnival has never failed us.


We're doing our first cruise with our kids next month on the Valor. Our son has Asperger's and many little issues of his own. However, he is really excited about seeing Funship Freddy thanks to the Carnival website. Who knows how he'll be with the real deal! :D Our guy has serious panic about a cow mascot at a local dairy due to a loud noise when he was 3. He's now 6 and WILL NOT go near the place.


LHP, I have a question. We have not informed Carnival about our son's potential needs for Camp Carnival. Do you think it is necessary or do we just wait and see? He's usually pretty good but may need more supervision than some campers. Any thoughts?



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My opinion on the colors game is I really don't care. They have used colors (red and blue), or on the last cruise they used Mardi Gras or Carnivale as the teams. Personally, if it was done away with it wouldn't hurt my feelings. It doesn't make or break my trip.


Freddy--I can truly say that the only time I saw Freddy on my cruise last January was at the past guest party. The last cruise I saw him twice. Once at the past guest party, and then at the debarkation talk on the last day. I get around, but I seem to in the wrong place at the wrong time. I hear the comedian, or singer, when they stay on the ship have free fun, well, plenty of people say they run into them (or the cruise diredtor), but I never do!!!! I think the only time I saw Jorge on the Victory was when something was going on in the main show lounge! Now, I saw a lot more of the four social hosts wandering about.


Perhaps I need to stay up later, but when you instictively wake up between 6am and 7am, staying up after 11pm is difficult. Needless to say, I don't hit the action in the clubs and bars late in the evening...no, I need my sleep.....

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I have never seen Funship Freddy on a cruise.


I have no idea what the colors game is. I've never heard it mentioned, I have no idea what is involved, I have no idea what color I may have been at any time on any cruise.


I sincerely hope the above continues next month.


How can you participate (or not) when you don't even know it's happening? We always eat in the dining room for dinner. I've never seen or heard a word about being on a blue or red team!

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Ok, I have a question. I know that on Day 1 at dinner they announce who's on what team. For instance, everyone on the bottom floor of the dining room on the Miracle was 1 color, odd tables upstairs were the second color, even were the third color. All these people who say they have no idea what color they are on must just be tuning out announcements all together. Then usually, sometime throughout the cruise, like the midnight Lido party, they announce it again for those who didn't hear it the first time. For those who say they go to be early or tune out the announcements at dinner, do you ever watch any of the events on the ship cause if you did, they always ask the contestants what team they are on.

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We're doing our first cruise with our kids next month on the Valor. Our son has Asperger's and many little issues of his own. However, he is really excited about seeing Funship Freddy thanks to the Carnival website. Who knows how he'll be with the real deal! :D Our guy has serious panic about a cow mascot at a local dairy due to a loud noise when he was 3. He's now 6 and WILL NOT go near the place.


LHP, I have a question. We have not informed Carnival about our son's potential needs for Camp Carnival. Do you think it is necessary or do we just wait and see? He's usually pretty good but may need more supervision than some campers. Any thoughts?




We have been cruising with our son since he was about your son's age. His 19th cruise is coming up next month and Camp Carnival (and now Club O2) have always done an excellent job.


As you can imagine almost 10 years ago, the specialists did not have a clue...about the specific requirements to care for children like ours. So we were pretty much "winging" it!!


Here is my recommendation:


Carnival has an email address for special needs.




In years past, it was only for medical needs ~~99% for the elderly~~ wheelchairs, diabetics, oxygen. And these elderly needs still makeup the vast majority of their work. However, as more and more families are cruising (and specifically families with special needs children)...Carnival is now learning to deal with children's needs as well.


I would recommend that you email them with your name, booking number, sail date and ship. Explain that you have a child with AS and that you need to make Camp Carnival aware of this. They will email you a form to fill out and fax or mail back to them. On this form, you need to think about any concessions your child may need. For us, it is things like Freddie's schedule, the Club O2 director being made aware so that they can be a little more watchful and a table for our family only.


Every time I speak to parents, I praise Carnival for doing a wonderful job all these years. I also caution to remain realistic. (which we parents of special kids really already do very well!!)


One specific case years ago (I can't remember which ship) one parent of a special needs son was livid, because Camp Carnival could not keep him. He was 10 years old and very violent. The counselors, of course, have to keep the safety of the other children as their main priority. While they can't do one on one care...they can give kids like ours that "little extra" attention they need to have a safe and fun cruise. Sadly, this cruiser was a case where they clearly needed to bring a sitter with them.


Over the years, we have worked with Camp Carnival to achieve different goals. For example, our son can not swim...but he LOVED to go to the swim parties CC would have. For many years, the water was over his head on the ship pools. The counselors offered to take him...but I felt that was an undue burden to put on them (especially considering the number of children they had during the summer). The solution was that he went to the swim parties because I took him and stayed with him while he was there. He had a wonderful time...even though basically all he did was play in the water on the side and watch the other kids racing, dive for golf balls or whatever they were doing. And the counselors did not have the added worry of having a child there that might accidently get knocked into water over his head.


If you have any additional questions, give me a shout on my email in the signature. As you can tell from the book I just wrote above..I love talking about our kids and what we can do to make their lives the best they can be.


Happy Cruising!!

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I have never seen Funship Freddy on a cruise.


I have no idea what the colors game is. I've never heard it mentioned, I have no idea what is involved, I have no idea what color I may have been at any time on any cruise.


I sincerely hope the above continues next month.


How can you participate (or not) when you don't even know it's happening? We always eat in the dining room for dinner. I've never seen or heard a word about being on a blue or red team!


I can send you his schedule!!! :D


Seriously, it is mainly Camp Carnival that sees him. He is at the embarkation for about 20 minutes around 2pm. He is at the parties for the kids. He will be at the Welcome Aboard show, the debarkation talk, Captain's Party and Past Guest Party!!

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Maybe that's it, then!


I most definitely do NOT watch the "ship activities" and make an effort to be as far away from them as possible!


I have never heard an announcement made during dinner (and I arrive on time). I'm not on the Lido deck at midnight. I'm snuggled into my comfy Carnival bedding, fast asleep (ok, maybe I'm in the casino one or two nights at midnight, but not normally).


If I've seen him at the PG parties, I must have simply not noticed. Of course, I could've been busy trying to flag down a server with a drink tray!


Lucky me! Seems I won't be bothered by the silliness again next cruise! :D

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One more thing, make sure you list his AS on the paperwork at Orientation. I also use to chat with his specific counselor after orientation....just to make sure we were on the same page.

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