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Granny's 2008 Adventure


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As this is the first time I have been able to use the Internet since leaving home, I thought I had better get my "cruise" thread underway while I had a chance.

It is 6 days since we left home in Oz...cant believe so much time has already gone, only about 100 days left to go!

On Boxing Day, friends collected us at 5am and drove us to the airport in Brisbane. I had been awake since 3am so was glad to get moving!

We flew to Narita, Japan with JAL and had a very good flight. We thought the cabin crew and the food was much better than last time we flew with JAL. Only problem, was that our flight from Narita to LAX was ~just slightly~ over 24 hours from our first flight.(about 15 minutes) That meant than on arriving in Japan, we had to collect all our luggage, drag it outside the airport, find the shuttle bus to the JAL Hotel, then again in reverse when we got there. If the second flight had been within 24 hours, our luggage would have been sent right through to LAX. Once at the hotel, the staff wouldnt allow us to handle our luggage, with lots of bows and gestures they made it clear that they would take care of it all. That is usually well and good, but the "staff" in this case were young Japanese girls........and our bags were up in the highest level of allowable baggage! As you can imjagine, these girls were very small......we felt guilty, but hopefully with all the bowing, they have very strong backs! I think there are employment opportunities at the hotels for ex sumo wrestlers!

Our next flight was even better, and I managed a good sleep for a change. Each flight was around 9 hours so not too bad. A direct flight to the USA would be 14 to 16 hours, but these days we like to break the journey by flying via Asia. Formalities at LAX moved very quickly so we were out of there in no time, and into the Hilton Hotel for the night. After a good nights sleep, it was time to move on to Union Station Los Angeles.

OK....I know I was warned about a marathon train journey.......I had booked a "bedroom" which was the best I could get....next time...no there wont be a next time. If there was, I would book TWO bedrooms. Anyway after a few hours I started to think.......why did I do this? I had been reading the Amtrak Forums and had been getting quite excited about the "great new menu".......the excitement didnt last very long. Thank heavens that between me and John, I was the one with the most "recent illness" so I got the lower bunk. John had to climb up to a rather narrow top bunk, about a foot down from the ceiling, but all was well, he had straps to keep him from falling out! Then of course it was time to have a shower.......I went first. Read the instructions carefully....or so I thought. Got two drops of cold water....then nothing....then 2 more drops of cold water....then nothing...ok a 4 drop wash is good enough! I must add here, that after that day, we did master the mystery of the shower! Arrived in Chicago after 2 days.......stuck our head out the door, took a quick photo of the Sears Tower, then back into the station before frost bite got me. Dont think I have ever felt such bitter cold. During the trip, we saw lots and lots of lovely thick snow, but didnt manage to see any actually falling.

We have just completed the third leg from Chicago to Washington DC, most of it was overnight so we didnt get to see anything. We are now sleeping like logs on the train, so are either getting comfortable in the bunks, or just suffering from utter exhaustion. In another hour we will be boarding the train again for the LAST time. We have eaten in the Food Court here at DC Union Station, so wont need the wonderful new menu this time. I am sure I will find the beds on the Pride much too soft.....maybe I can get downgraded to a lifeboat? New Year Eve will be celebrated on the train, but I am sure we will be comatose by then. Tomorrow night we will be back in civilisation and into a hotel, with a BATH and a REAL BED......

A few weeks ago I made a statement that by the time I got to the Pride, I would either be fit or dead. Well I wouldnt say I am exactly fit, but am feeling great, so far.

Well time to head off to the train, bet its on the very LAST track, it has been so far!

Until next installment


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Hi GrannyLorr,

I've been looking forward to your posts. What an excellent and very diplomatic description of Amtrak!


We travelled LA - Chicago - NY in 1993. Never again, although the scenery was fantastic.

Don't give up on train travel though. The trip across Canada is fantastic!


Looking forward to future posts.


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I've been telling my wife about this lady from Australia who's going to be on the trip with us around the horn, but taking the train across America is far and away putting you in my Jules Verne category. The good news is that going from Amtrack to the Pride is going to make your first few days aboard seem unbelievable, so maybe you're on to something in adventure travel.



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Hi Lorraine,


Glad to hear that you are almost to the Pride after a very interesting journey. Your description was wonderful and I look forward to your continuing reports.

Happy New Year from a scorching Melbourne. We reached 44C here in the suburbs yesterday, it was 32C at midnight and it got to 46C earlier this afternoon before a bit of a cool change arrived.

Safe and healthy travels.



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Granny, I really enjoyed a much needed chuckle this first day of 2008! Yes, we of the great US of A knew that you would need your good sense of humor on this trip. You are over 50 years too late to enjoy that trip. It actually used to be enjoyable... the cocktail car and dining car were fun. The waiters wore tuxes and in most cases white gloves on the ones that I experienced. It was not the luxury that we are used to today, but..it was fun. You will have to let the wonderful young people of SB know how grateful you are to see them and their wonderful ship...they will be amused by your experience.:D

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Have a great New Year and a marvelous trip. Jack


Would you believe that I wrote all this, then tried to post it and got an "invalid thread" warning.......lost the whole b***** lot!!! :confused: Wrote it again in Word this time, thank heavens as the same thing happened again! Finally resorted to using Jacks "quote" to be able to reply!!

Thanks for all the replies. Wayne, what a terrible New Year! I just hate those sort of temperatures….no wonder we moved to Queensland (from Melbourne) about 30 years ago! Just had an email from my son, and apparently the weather hasn’t been too good in Brisbane either with a mini cyclone hovering around, spoiling New Year celebrations by having to cancel fireworks etc. I think it’s rather good though, as the weather was so bad he stayed home with our dog, and they all ate prawns! (dog included)

OK….Granny’s saga continues.

The Red Cap came to the Amtrak Lounge to collect us as I had decided that walking to the most distant rail track in DC was just a bit much after our last few days. Onto the cart we got, and almost froze to death as the Red Cap searched for our train. At one stage we were down on the tracks and a trains bright light was coming towards us, the Red cap asked what track we thought the train was on, the one WE were on, or the next one? Yep…it was the next one so we were safely delivered to our carriage after all.

This time the train was just a single one, so I was very happy I didn’t have to climb any more stairs to get to our accommodation. However the bedrooms on this train were even smaller than the ones on the previous two trains. John’s upper bunk was slightly better though, he had a lot more head room, at least two feet! That meant that when he rolled over he neither broke any part of him nor the train! The bathrooms were smaller as well, so there was no way we were going to even attempt to shower this time. It didn’t matter, no one knew us anyway. This part of the trip was rockier, rougher, and shook and rattled a lot more than the last two trains. I don’t know how neither of us managed to fall out of bed….but then you wouldn’t would you……the walls were too close to allow that!

Our Conductor wanted to make dinner reservations for us, but we politely told him we had already eaten, so wouldn’t be needing dinner. We arranged for our beds to be made up at 10pm. so no New Years celebration for us. The conductor then informed us that he would give us a wake up call in the morning, we told him not to bother, but true to his word at 8.30am. *bang *bang* bang *on the door, and a “last call for breakfast”. It had probably been about 6am when I had finally fallen into unconsciousness, so really wasn’t very amused. However we stumbled down for breakfast; need to keep up our strength. A few hours later we had lunch THEN celebrated that this was our VERY LAST meal on the train! I had TWO glasses of iced tea to celebrate.

Once we passed into Florida, we counted down the stations, until at last we saw Fort Lauderdale, out our window. We had survived!

By now I was starting to get a wee bit anxious about our luggage. It had been a long time since we had parted company, and I just wanted to actually see it again! The luggage car was at the far end of the platform, so we walked down to watch the unloading. There were very few bags unloaded. Now my luggage is RED….very easy to spot…..we didn’t spot any red luggage. Johns luggage is more common……black and blue…..there were a few black and blue pieces but none that looked like Johns! OK….we have learnt that there is no point in panic when traveling…….take a deep breath……find out the facts……then KILL someone! Back to where the luggage was being handed out and we passed our receipts to the station lady……. “which bags are yours”….. “none of them”…..then a light bulb seemed to come on……. “Are yours red?”….. “Some of them are”……. “Oh well they are in the Office!” Of course they are, where else would they be? Somehow our luggage got there before us……..relief is a great thing….well it is if it lasts……but that wouldn’t make a good story now would it?

Next we are approached by a taxi driver….we cant understand him, and he cant understand us, but a lot of people have that problem, so we persevered and eventually he realized we wanted to go to the Fort Lauderdale Grande Hotel…….he said “the Marriott?” ……yes, said I, as I knew it had formally been a Marriott. Off we went in silence, until we reached the hotel….it was in darkness, all closed up for renovations! The taxi driver was confused, we were confused….ok what the hell do we do next? I told the taxi driver that we would probably have to sleep on the beach, he understood that and laughed, I think perhaps he could have got us a good rate there! He drove to the hotel closest to the Grande, and we spoke to the Concierge, told him we had a reservation at the Grande……. “Oh that is closed for renovations” he informed us, then added “it should be open next week” …….well what a surprise! I had booked the hotel months ago, and only 3 days ago had received an email advertising all their “special deals”….would have been nice if they had mentioned they weren’t actually open!! Our driver then went back to the Grande for another look, and drove over some road markers which got lodged under his car. He was then down on hands and knees trying to dislodge these markers. Of course they had been put there to STOP cars driving in to a construction site. Next excitement is when a Security guard comes after us. We tell him we have reservations at the Grande…… “oh that is closed for renovations” …..if one more person tells me that, I am likely to get quite upset! However this lovely Security guard then continues on with “the reservations at the Grande have been transferred to the Hyatt Pier 66!” Wish he had just said that in the first place.

So that is where we now are……a lovely room with a balcony and views across the waterway, and straight across to THE GRANDE HOTEL!!! We have friends from our first cruise who are booked in here, but wont arrive until Friday….boy will they be surprised to see us here!

We also have arrangements to meet some people from another internet Forum, tomorrow night for dinner. We are meeting at The Grande Hotel…….do you think I should tell them?

Until next time

Bye from Granny

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Hello Granny,


Just when you think you have planned your journey down to the last detail! I'm glad you didn't have to sleep on the beach although by the sound of it you may have had a better night sleep than you did on the train. I talked my husband into taking the palace on wheels (train) through India, I had these romantic visions of being lulled to sleep by the swaying of the train. To cut a long story short, I did not sleep for 7 nights and ended up with the flu. Train travel is not for me. Will be posting a medal to you for bravery!


Looking forward to your next post and wishing you the best for The New Year and the best of cruises.



Perth Australia

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Come on Granny, fess up....this story is a hoax...right???? This is enough to kill travel for anyone interested in enjoying the US. Glad that your sense of humor remains in tact. I can just visualize you relating your tale to the wonderful youngsters on the ship, They will shed a few tears of laughter.

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I am so enjoying reading your posts! We also experienced a not so perfect cruise on our last trip. Even with so much planning there are going to be some things that are out of my control as I have learned. I do know that just like you, it's better if you just go with the flow since nothing is going to completely ruin one of my trips! I guess I was due after so many nearly flawless trips we were due for some challenges. Have a wonderful cruise and I look forward to reading all about your sailing.

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Come on Granny, fess up....this story is a hoax...right???? This is enough to kill travel for anyone interested in enjoying the US. Glad that your sense of humor remains in tact. I can just visualize you relating your tale to the wonderful youngsters on the ship, They will shed a few tears of laughter.


Whether all true or not it could make for a good movie. :)


First there was the 1970 movie The-Out-Of-Towners starrring Jack Lemmon, followed by the 1987 movies Planes Trains and Autmobiles starring Steve Martin and John Candy and now the 2008 version of GrannyLorr's traveles starring GrannyLorr.



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I can assure you, every word is the absolute truth!! :rolleyes: I am looking out at the Legend now, and will take a pic later.....it is freezing cold here this morning so we havent ventured out of the hotel yet.

I have checked some of our luggage and the jar of vegemite I got for Captain Dexter is safe and well. Today we will try and figure out the Water Taxi........I am sure there wont be any more interesting tales to tell until after we set sail on Saturday!

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Wow, you certainly had an adventure or two just getting to the hotel in FLL! I find that an attitude of patience and flexibility is paramount when traveling. So glad you and John are now comfortably berthed in the departure port of your adventure around South America. I hope the weather warms up so you can get out and about and have some fun in FLL.


I will be watching closely your well-written travelogue and anticipating your great photos! BonVoyage! :D

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Happy to hear you're in "sunny Florida":confused: finally ~~and happy to hear Capt. Dexter's precious cargo is safe and sound! He'll be thrilled when you present it to him.

There is a lovely restaurant next to Pier 66 Hotel ~~"Grill 66" I've dined out on the deck overlooking the water but it's if too cold to sit outdoors you and Mr. John might enjoy dining indoors.

Another fabulous restaurant on the riverwalk is "The River House."

Cold ? Upstairs you can sit by the fireplace and have dinner. Lovely spot and deelicious food!

We'll be anxious to read your next installment and review!:p

Continue to have lots of fun!

Martita B.

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Granny, as you know once you board the ship then you will enjoy the luxorious experience of Seabourn. The most challenging thing about cruise travel is just traveling to the port of embarkation and at the conclusion of the trip traveling back home from the port of disembarkation. Everything else is easy once on board the ship. Have a wonderful time.



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Talk about having to earn one's supper...you are entitled to a feast.


For some strange reason I still cant "post a reply" have to use the Quote thingy.

Now I just know that none of you are going to believe our first day in sunny Florida! I stuck my head out the door and a blast of cold air straight from the Antarctic hit me! Just as well we are going to sail close to the Antarctic, so had a few winter woolies packed. The breakfast at the Hyatt was a bit of an improvement over Amtrak, so feeling almost human again; we decided to try out the Water Taxi.

Just walking down to the dock was hard work in the bitterly cold wind. Finally the boat arrived and as we boarded, they handed out blankets. It was an “open” boat….can you imagine?

We had a bit of a browse around Los Olas Street, then decided to hop on another boat and head for the Galleria. We needed to buy lots of bits and pieces for the cruise, none of those sort of shops in Los Olas! We thought we were in heaven….this second boat was an enclosed one, and the driver said he had turned the heater on today for the first time ever. No blankets needed this time. Well then the lady driver announced that there was something wrong with the boat, but she could fix it! Out the back she went….fiddled with some bits…..nope that didn’t fix it. Next she announced that she would have to get a mechanic out. We sat, and sat, and sat……the mechanic arrived…….he fiddled a few times, seemed to be mumbling a lot under his breath, then fiddled some more. After about an hour, we decided we wouldn’t be able to go to the Galleria after all, as we were meeting people back at our hotel around 6pm. Ok……we will just go straight back to the hotel. Would anything be that simple for poor old Granny? They then asked if anyone wanted Stop 6, 7 or 8, as to make up time they were going to bypass them. When we said we wanted 6, we were asked if we could swim. They then decided they would unload us, and we could catch another boat in a few minutes, that would take us to 6. My maiden name was Murphy……..do you think that has anything to do with my luck lately? Of course we were then out of the nice warm boat, and back onto a freezing open boat, but this one didn’t even supply blankets! By the time we got back to the Hyatt I didn’t think I would ever be able to feel my feet again! All I needed was a nice hot bath to recover. Up to our room, and at after 4pm we find no one has been near our room all day. Well that would be par for the course wouldn’t it?

Tomorrow is another day…….we will try a “local” bus tomorrow and try to find the Galleria……anyone have any other ideas where we might be able to go shopping? How do we get to a Walgreens etc from the Hyatt?

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What fun it is to read your travel experiences. It had me in stitches and I do love reading your emails.


I am sure you will be like us after our 15 days in Egypt on a land/Nile trip -when we arrived at the dock in Alexandria to board the Spirit. We were chomping at the bit to be at our Spirit home but had to wait out in the blazing sun for two hours for the authorities to let us on. It seems we didn't have the proper exit visa to pass the security gate.


It will be bliss once you board.


Waiting for your next humorous, enjoyable posting.

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There is a large Walgreens right down from Pier 66 Hotel. It's on 17th Street. If it's too cold to walk just take a Taxi. It's just a few blocks.

Sorry about your water taxi "ruckus!"

Have faith ~~~Sat, Jan 5th is just a'round the corner!

Pride will be waiting for you ~~~~with open arms:p

Martita B.

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We have just watched the Legend sail away....as well as the Volendam and Carnival Miracle. We waved and waved at the Legend, also used our binoculars, looked like lots of people in the Sky Bar.......couldnt see anyone waving back :(

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Granny - I wish they had a waving smilie :p to wave back at you.


James King is still on board with his family - we miss them already - Tom just asked if we were having dinner in the dining room or "2" - ha, ha....it's kitchen duty for me tonight! But in honor of the weather and our need for some good old fashioned comfort food I've made a pot of chili.


I hope things warm up for you tomorrow and you get your shopping done. The Pride will be a welcome sight for you on Saturday...hang in there.

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