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Granny's 2008 Adventure


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Hi Granny,


Haven't read one of your "extended" posts for a while. Either that means you're too busy having a great cruise - or you're in the brig! If you have the chance, would you indulge us at least once more before you pull into Lisbon? Others have described the high seas out of Fort Lauderdale. Did your best man fare OK betwixt the swells?


Hope you had a wonderfully Happy Easter!



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There really isn’t much to write about on a Crossing, to be able to do an “extended report”. We are so relaxed it’s a wonder we can stand up though! Even though in a couple more days, we will have reached the 140 day mark, we are still “new” to cruising. First cruise in 2006 and now our BIG one, but we have learnt that we do enjoy sea days. The South American cruise was perfect as it had such a good mix of Port and sea days. Our next cruise in the Baltic wont be quite so relaxing…..and I doubt I could do a cruise in the Med with a Port every day!

Trivia is more fun than I expected. I had been told that on the Crossing the competition is very serious and cut throat….but that hasn’t been the case at all. We are probably having more laughs than we did on the other legs. Our team is very hit and miss….one day we are at the top, next day way down the bottom……all comes down to the last day anyway. Our team consists of 3 Americans most days plus an extra one when he manages to put in an appearance, 4 Brits and John and I. Would you believe I really had to fight for the bonus question yesterday…..”what is Australia’s most venomous snake”……because they had never heard of it, they didn’t believe me……they came up with a name that certainly isn’t any Aussie snake I have ever known! Managed to get my way in the end……yes I was correct!! Think the bookmarks have been spread around the various teams pretty well. Checked the pens we won a few days ago and as JaneBP said…one is a Cunard pen!

I still don’t think Trivia should be played in the Constellation Lounge. Lots of people like to sit in that lounge during the day, and are “forced” out when Trivia starts….I don’t think that’s fair for the rest of the passengers. The Club is not used during the day and the seating is in perfect “sections” for Trivia teams. Every time we go up for Trivia, 2 or 3 people have to move out of “our area”…..or else try to read while we surround them with noise! If I wasn’t playing, I would be very p***** off!

The weather has been much warmer than I had expected, hope its cooler in Lisbon otherwise ~someone~ will whine about all the warm clothes I have brought with me! Think the temperature has been around 70 to 75F. There have been a few days where people have been able to get some sun out on deck. The seas have been mostly “roughish”….just big swells not really rough. Had a couple of days with very slight seas but the waves are back again now. John seems to be coping much better…..he has cut out one of his prescription drugs which is what he thought may have been making him worse, and it seems to have worked…..yesterday he went down to the laundry and said it was really heaving down that end….so I guess Suites 100 and 101 wouldn’t be the best for a Crossing. I am sleeping like a baby with all the rocking, but am anticipating hours of staring at the ceiling when I get home…..maybe I should have bought a hammock in Brazil…….

We are about to get a bit of packing done today as we are shipping home the 2 large suitcases……..the weight has to be 60lbs which I thought was a huge amount! Yesterday I visited a conversion site on the internet and found its only 27.2 kilos! Darn……thought it would be much more than that. I had visions of shipping most of our stuff home….looks like we will still be dragging a lot on and off planes! The idea of our flights home isn’t thrilling me too much. The first one leaving Lisbon at 7.45 AM isn’t thrilling me at ALL! Maybe I should head to the airport the day before! From Lisbon we fly to Zurich, then to LA……have an overnight there, then on to Tokyo and back to Brisbane……we leave Lisbon on April 2nd and don’t get home till April 5th! I had an American try to tell me the other day, what a long flight it is from Tokyo to Singapore!!! Yeah right…….4 to 5 hours….wow……told him I could swim that far……may be a slight exaggeration, but you get what I mean.

I have met a few people on the Crossing who have been “lurkers” in CC so have been reading what I have written….even Chef Markus mentioned Cruisecritic.com at his cooking demonstration the other day. Our Cruise Director Tony also said last night that he has been reading it……amazing how many people have been reading my ramblings. Had dinner with a lovely couple a few nights ago who are frequent “Crossers” but also “lurkers”……having dinner tonight with jgn and her other half.

On the South American part of our cruise, there were many people complaining about the smoking…..well I know some of them will be reading this, so I would advise them NEVER to book on a Crossing. The smoking is much much heavier here than on any of the other cruises. Luckily even with my one bung lung, it doesn’t particularly bother me, I don’t have any allergies etc……but I’m sure others would be badly affected. I don’t think smoking should be allowed indoors at all, the rooms all have far too low ceilings for the smoke to be able to disperse. I have no idea what rules there are in other parts of the World about smoking near food, but in Australia it isn’t allowed any where near where food is served. Both the Club and the Constellation Lounge allow smoking and there is food served in both. During the other cruises there were also complaints about the ashtray outside the Restaurant (where the Globe is) as the smell still came into the Restaurant……..I looked at that ashtray a couple of times and there might have been one or two cigarette butts in it……I looked yesterday and it was piled high!!

Now a food complaint!!! Seabourn….PLEASE buy new toasters for the galleys!! The toaster in the Veranda obviously isn’t working properly…….toast needs to go through about 3 times before it gets any colour and by then can you imagine how rock hard it is? Try buttering it and it breaks in pieces……raisin toast is burnt on one side and uncooked on the other. I never order toast in the Restaurant as it is cold before it gets to you. So there is one food item I have missed……..toast served and buttered while still HOT!!

Don’t think I have ever had decent toast in any hotel…so there is a challenge for Seabourn….be the first!

Anyone sailing on the Pride between now and next August, please leave plenty of books in the library. We have been reading so much I think we must have gone through half the books in the library. We prefer the paperbacks as they are easier to read in bed! At home I don’t seem to find much time to read so it’s been great having these sea days to relax with our books. John NEVER reads books except when he is on Seabourn!

I suppose a little stool would be dangerous in the library, given the age of most of us and the rough seas at times, but I am short and can’t see the DVD’s on the top shelf! Have to rely on John to pick them……….think I will just keep reading……..

I have been asked a few times what the highlights and disappointments were on our South American cruise. It’s hard to come up with any particular highlights as we really enjoyed almost everything. Suppose the Amazon was a highlight, although we weren’t impressed with the rest of Brazil……the Chilean Fjords were a highlight, really liked a lot of the places we visited in Chile….the Horn would have been a highlight if Captain Dexter wasn’t such a chicken! (just joking). Probably the whole trip was a highlight as it was a part of the World we had never been to and probably will never go to again. Disappointments? Probably not being able to do more than one tour in each place we visited….at times it was difficult choosing which tour to do, then sometimes wishing we had chosen the other one……I didn’t see as much wildlife as I was expecting and there were tours that would have shown us more. The penguin tour was much too short and I spoke to Carol Frey about that…..suggested they run a short and a long version of the tour……animal nuts could spend a lot more time “watching” the penguins…..not just rushing out, taking a couple of pics and rushing back. A few Ports could have done with two day stays instead of just the one day……but suppose that would make the cruise much too long for most.

I did have one BIG shopping disappointment. We hadn’t intended buying much this trip because of the luggage restrictions…..so were very careful. One thing I had wanted to buy was alpaca wool and some alpaca clothing…….one place we visited had a huge warehouse building on the Dock….full of alpaca stuff….silly me decided to wait till the next port and have a look there. I never found another place that had so much beautiful stuff to choose from! In fact after we left there, all the knitted goods became very hard, course and rough……I missed out badly! I can’t think of the Port at the moment, but will work it out later. Auntie Anne may remember as I am sure she bought some stuff there? I think “MichiganDave”’s wife also bought a poncho there. It was Peru….somewhere……the clothing was beautiful, really cheap and there were a lot of different vendors in this warehouse……someone will remember!! Hopefully those doing the trip next year won’t miss out.

Well time to go to Trivia again…then lunch…then sleep…..then dinner…..then sleep…how am I going to manage at home?

I will write again after we have been to Funchal…..and hopefully I will have internet in Lisbon so will be able to tell you all about the trouble Granny gets into there!

Until next time

Bye from Granny

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>"Anyone sailing on the Pride between now and next August, please leave plenty of books in the library."


I always do that, except for the rare occasion when I need a new paperback for the plane home. Since I send my luggage on ahead, I usually add all the hardbacks I have read and not passed on. Then I put them in the library. Sometimes, I even put the labels on them, too!


>"I am short and can’t see the DVD’s on the top shelf! Have to rely on John to pick them………."


I have also commented on this problem as well. Ergo, I have started bringing some of my own CD's (operas). And I don't have your dear John to assist me.


So many of us think about you two and your wonderful adventures. They have been such fun to read about and I too shall start thinking about withdrawl.

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Dear L & J

Thanks for the update. We miss you both. The second week of twigs and leaves diet is almost over and the clothes are zipping a little easier. FHC wants lamb chops for breakfast but is settling for a bowl of oatmeal! Best, FAC

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Poor old Granny is shattered again!!! Just returned from dinner with jgn and her hubby. I think they must be trying to trick me…… had a really nice evening together, had met a couple of times but hadn’t had a chance to really “talk” until tonight. Met in the Club before dinner and had a couple of drinks, then down to dinner in the Restaurant. I hope I am not speaking out of turn here, mentioning peoples ages etc….but I just have too! We were told hubby was 92…….NO NO NO…..can’t be true……I thought maybe somewhere in the 70’s??? Jgn I thought was probably close to my age (almost 60)….oh dear maybe I shouldn’t say it….yes I will….jgn is over 20 years older than me…….came back to our room and the Stewardess’ were in the hallway…told them we are about to give up EVERYTHING!!!! These people are amazing, see what cruising does for you! I am off to book my next ten cruises!

Fran and Frank, please keep in touch when we get home, we really enjoyed your company very much and hope to meet up with you again one day.

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Once again thank you for the informative entertaining narrative-very interesting and funny.

Went to Funchal many years back on a cruise ship ( the old Oriana that did the Uk to Australia run )and it is a really wonderfull Island. Went to Reids hotel ( think it was called that ) for 'english' afternoon tea. Really resplendant.

Lorraine if you have chance would you please tell Crina all my emails to her have been returned.

Thank you,

Kind regards


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I suppose most of today will be spent packing, what a horrible thought, but we have at least made a start on it. No idea how all that “stuff” is going to fit in those few bags! Have heard a few others mutter the same complaint so we aren’t the only ones expecting problems with luggage!

Yesterday we also had our very last Sailaway……we love the sailaways, and now have to wait over a year for the next one.

Captain Anderssen had his Farewell Reception a couple of nights ago, cant remember how many of those we have been too, but this was our FINAL one…how sad. He said he was “hoping to find land” in 2 days, and thank heavens he did! All that way across all that water and he “found” the island he was looking for! We arrived in Funchal, Madeira yesterday morning. We had decided not to take a tour, as there was going to be a shuttle bus from the ship to town. Left the ship at 9.30am and it was only a short ride, saw lots of the crew walking the distance…..they are a lot younger than us!

Funchal was a lovely city to just walk around. Also a beautifully clean city, no garbage, no graffiti and we felt “very safe”. It felt really good to be back in Europe. The pathways throughout the city were beautiful with all the black and white patterns……each street seemed to have different patterns. We had had these same features pointed out to us in Brazil, but they certainly didn’t look very good over there. They were filthy, damaged etc and would have been better with plain old concrete!

Somehow we managed to find our way to the market……we were just across the road and I said to John, “oh there is the market”…..”how do you know” he replied. Well I did manage to learn ONE word in Portuguese…… “ Mercado”. Think we visited every “Mercado” in Brazil…….The market was mostly fruit and vegetables and a few flowers, so not anything we could buy. At the end was the fish market…..I know now why I never sign up for the “Shopping with the Chef” tours. The smell and sight of dead fish just turns my stomach! I know those Chef tours are very popular and I would love to go one day, but I think they always head to the fish markets……poor old Granny will just have to miss out!

After the markets we found the cable car so decided to take a ride on that. It was a great ride….very quiet and smooth. The views were spectacular. Don’t think I have ever been on a cable car quite that high before!

Couldn’t spend any time up the top as we had to get back to the ship in time for the “Exclusive Seabourn Experience”. Back down again, then just had to have a look in some other markets on the way back to the shuttle bus. The goods here were mostly linens, lots of embroidered table cloths etc. Also had lots of linens printed with embroidery patterns. I was tempted to try another hobby, but decided I had enough UFO’s (unfinished objects) at home so probably didn’t need any more. Anyway I have a machine that does that embroidery, and it looks a lot better than I could manage. Back to the shuttle empty handed. As we were waiting for the shuttle to leave, a lady said to me “are you Granny?” It is really amazing how many people have been reading my “blog”, lots of people obviously read CC but don’t post. Had a quick lunch then out to the buses to take us to Reids Hotel for “Tea”…..I think most of the passengers went to Reids, we had three coaches. When we arrived at Reids, we could see the ship very close to where we were, but it had taken us ages to get there! Obviously we had done a bit of a sightseeing tour of the island first. We had one stop for a photo opportunity. No idea how the coach drivers manage on some of these winding narrow roads. When we first arrived at Reids we had a walk through the gardens which were lovely, then up to the room for “tea”. Scones were served first, and there were also lots of sandwiches, cakes and pastries etc. One scone was enough for me……think I am becoming allergic to food……just cant face any more! Had lots of tea though. We had some time to have a look around the hotel and take some pics. Maybe after we win the lottery we can come back here and stay! Heard the nightly rate was about $700….afraid that is way out of our budget!

Had a break in packing for the Galley Lunch. We now miss most of the first half of the food and go straight to the hot food at the end.

Last day of Trivia and we didn’t win….but we didn’t come last either, think somewhere in the middle. Just as well as I doubt I would have been able to fit anymore prizes in our bags!

Well this will be my very last post from the ship, but I am ready to go home. Been away since the day after Christmas. Last cruise was 55 days and I wasn’t ready to leave after that….but now after 85 days I am ready……looking forward to the next one next year.

So until next time

Bye from Granny!


Tony and Trevor, passed your message onto Crina, she said she will phone you in a couple of days as she will be in England.....

No pics Johnnycruise! :D

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Thanks again Lorraine. Have a safe trip home.

Be nice to the Immigration and Quarantine officers. We don't wan't to see you on a future episode of "Border Security":eek: .


Please start posting the photos when you get home.

We can then enjoy your trip all over again.:) .



Steve and Chris.

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Dear L & J, Safe journey home. Thank you for all the travel news Things really become normal again after the jet lag settles, the un-packing is finished, and the laundry is clean. I hate that part. We are looking forward to seeing the pics. FAC

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Hi Lorraine - have been trying to read your many posts in the past few days - 85 days!!! Did not know you were also doing the crossing and from the tone of your posts sounds like you perhaps should have gone home from Ft. Lauderdale. Have heard that these crossings are not for everyone, know we would not enjoy all of the "do nothing" days at sea. Thanks so much for the whimsical and sometimes tongue in cheek chapters you faithfully delivered to your many readers. Have a good trip back and perhaps you can write when you get home and let us know how many adventures you encountered along the way! Why not post a photo of you and your husband? Would love to "meet" you. Bye - Rene'

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Well poor old Granny is a landlubber again. Safe and sound in Lisbon now.Probably wont post my FINAL report until I get home. Am using a computer in the hotel lobby and its not the best.......

Dont tell Chef Markus but for lunch we had Subways and for dinner McDonalds. :eek:

ProperLady...I am sorry if it sounded as though we didnt enjoy the Crossing, we really did enjoy it. We love lots of sea days and it was a perfect way to relax after a very long cruise.

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Why not post a photo of you and your husband? Would love to "meet" you. Bye - Rene'


Hi Lorraine!

Thanks also on my behalf for all your postings; I truly enjoyed them!

Like "Proper Lady" I also asked you a while ago for a picture of you or one of the both of you. Be brave and allow us to finally see you at least once!

Even novel writers put a photo on the last page of their books.

And after all you wrote us all "a book filled with all your memories, a journey around the world in 85 days"! As if it is nothing. You simply owe it to us, your readers.

And why don't you, when you're finally home, copy each of your posts and make a nice cruise-travel book out of it. I'm sure a lot of people would be interested. Think about it Lorraine. Have a safe trip home!

In just a couple of days we're on our way to join the Legend for "our crossing" (just the crossing, but man do I look forward to it!).

Thanks again!


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Hi, Granny: It was so nice to finally meet you and John and get to know you two in person. My only regret is that we didn't exchange email addresses. Is it permitted to give out those things on CC? I'll see by giving you mine: thenolls@bellsouth.net. We'll see what happens!


Wonder if anyone is hankering after a lovely wool PLaid skirt, size 12P, never worn? And if anyone would like a hideous tie with surf boards all over it, let me know. I must say the crossing I was on doesn't much resemble what I've heard here. We found a most congenial group of people in the bridge room and continued to enjoy their company at dinner, etc. These "theme" parties seem to attract the smokers and I can't be near them even though I was once one.So I can't say it made much difference to my husband and I that we were not invited to them.


I do think there are a few "slippages" in the Seabourn experience. I for one found the Reid's tea pretty ordinary. Perhaps it was the heat but I can tell you the Regent "Experience" was far superior last fall when we were in Funchall. Wish I could remember where it was held but it was so, so much nicer.


The highlight for us was eating lunch with Capt. Anderssen! He's a real friendly fellow and seemed to remember us from his Royal Odyssey days. And eating with the Staff Capt. Sigurd Darbakk was another especially meeting Paul for the first time.


The ship is still rocking and rolling even though I'm trying to do laundry at home. We expected to come home to summer and found the temperature to be 59 when we got off the plane in JAX last night!!


'til the Odyssey, then. Hope to hear from you, Lorraine.



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I will contact you when i get home Jean....having a few problems using a European keyboard.

Just wanted to make a quick post to say my after Seabourn experience continues to be eventfull, just like my before Seabourn experience......I just got threatened with arrest in Lisbon :eek: .......will leave the details till I get home......

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