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100+ lbs to lose???


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You are all very pretty, and should think of yourselves pretty, body and all, all 300 or so pounds of it! That's the most important thing, feeling happy with yourself as who you are. I have never felt ugly, but my fat makes me mad because it gets in the way of my daily life:mad: I admit that I got WAY more attention from the opposite sex when I was smaller...but I'm not looking for that kind of attention, and am actually glad I don't have it all the time;)

I will post a couple of pics of me later today. They will be from our trip to Disney World this past Jan., well, the full body one, and a close up of my face from this past Halloween when I didn't weigh so much and you can see it in my face. The difference in my face is so amazing when I gain or loose weight, just like you PJ, amazing difference.

Stacey, that's horrible about your son and school:mad: I would NOT send him there! I have found out through the years , esp. when watching a friend of mine's little boy, he was 3-5 while I watched him, the people at daycares and schools don't know how to handle children with extra energy. I really feel he would do best in your home with you...not in a school with obviously mean kids and adults who aren't supervising properly. I will gladly answer any questions you may have, I have two 5 year olds and an 11 year old and have always homeschooled.


That's wonderful you're under 300! I can't wait to be saying that too!!!


As for exercising, I could, I like to, it's just that I can feel the strain on my body with all this extra weight. Anyone else have that problem with being so large?

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Amy-as I have said I am over 300 lbs and 41 y/o. I have played softball all my childhood and into my adulthood, started at 9 and had to quit at 26!!!! So I have bad knees, ankles, and bursitis in my right shoulder!!!! Trying doing some exercise in a pool or get one of those exercise balls that you can sit on, yes they will hold you. I have done both and they are a lot strenous on your joints!!!!!! I run in the pool about 20 mins 3 times a week. I use the machines at the gym for crunches now but the ball is good for home use. Just a little info here too!!!!


Okay here is the only picture I could get to upload. this is me in the orange shirt on the end. This was taken Easter 2008!!! Don't know if it worked or not!!!


Okay it worked!!!!! My mom is in the maroon shirt, this is the night she became Catholic. Vicki is the one in the Green sweater. My brother is the man in the picture who is not the priest!!!!! For those of you that don't know, My mom was in a horrific wreck about 5 mths ago with an 18 wheeler and she recovered great since they told us she should have been at the least paralyzed. And vicki is my wife!!!!! My mom's wife is the tall dark haired woman!!!! My sister in law is the thin woman on the other end and the little lady next to me is my mom's partner's mom!!!!!


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Hey everyone...hope you all had a good weekend!


Hi Amy...welcome...I just joined this board a few days ago and am really liking it and everyone on this thread! :)


Leah...nice to mee you!


Stacy...sex IS better when you're smaller. I was small up until/during my first few semesters at college. I was inexperienced but I had a lot more stamina and being small helps with flexibility and experimenting with other positions...I sound like Cosmo LOL. I know what you mean about being treated rudely or differently in dept. stores etc. I notice this especially when I am out in Boston. I am only about an hour from there and make the trip fairly often to meet up with college friends (went to school there) or shop or go to a show or whatever. In the mall and on Newbury Street, the wannabe 5th Avenue of Boston, where all the snooty stores are I notice it especially. In the mall closer to my house, which is out in suburbia, sometimes I get a salesperson (usually a woman), who acts like I'm wasting their time, but not as much as when I'm in the city. I notice it doesn't happen if my sister or someone small and cute is with me though.


I went to the gym both days this weekend. Yesterday I did NOT want to get up and go, but I was so happy with myself once I did. I asked about personal trainers, it can be up to $60 per session, but my mom is being really supportive about my efforts to lose weight and I think she's going to pay for a few sessions for me! :)


Hope everyone had a good weekend...I better get back to work ugh. ~Bri


I don't have any pictures here on my work computer but I will try to remember to post some from home soon!

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Amy-as I have said I am over 300 lbs and 41 y/o. I have played softball all my childhood and into my adulthood, started at 9 and had to quit at 26!!!! So I have bad knees, ankles, and bursitis in my right shoulder!!!! Trying doing some exercise in a pool or get one of those exercise balls that you can sit on, yes they will hold you. I have done both and they are a lot strenous on your joints!!!!!! I run in the pool about 20 mins 3 times a week. I use the machines at the gym for crunches now but the ball is good for home use. Just a little info here too!!!!


Okay here is the only picture I could get to upload. this is me in the orange shirt on the end. This was taken Easter 2008!!! Don't know if it worked or not!!!


Okay it worked!!!!! My mom is in the maroon shirt, this is the night she became Catholic. Vicki is the one in the Green sweater. My brother is the man in the picture who is not the priest!!!!! For those of you that don't know, My mom was in a horrific wreck about 5 mths ago with an 18 wheeler and she recovered great since they told us she should have been at the least paralyzed. And vicki is my wife!!!!! My mom's wife is the tall dark haired woman!!!! My sister in law is the thin woman on the other end and the little lady next to me is my mom's partner's mom!!!!!



Leah, I know the picture isn't a close-up, but it looks to me that Vic looks like YOUR mom! LOL!!!! That's a great shot of all of you.


Thank you guys for sharing pictures, it's nice to have beautiful faces to go with the names here.

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Hey everyone...hope you all had a good weekend!


Hi Amy...welcome...I just joined this board a few days ago and am really liking it and everyone on this thread! :)


Leah...nice to mee you!


Stacy...sex IS better when you're smaller. I was small up until/during my first few semesters at college. I was inexperienced but I had a lot more stamina and being small helps with flexibility and experimenting with other positions...I sound like Cosmo LOL. I know what you mean about being treated rudely or differently in dept. stores etc. I notice this especially when I am out in Boston. I am only about an hour from there and make the trip fairly often to meet up with college friends (went to school there) or shop or go to a show or whatever. In the mall and on Newbury Street, the wannabe 5th Avenue of Boston, where all the snooty stores are I notice it especially. In the mall closer to my house, which is out in suburbia, sometimes I get a salesperson (usually a woman), who acts like I'm wasting their time, but not as much as when I'm in the city. I notice it doesn't happen if my sister or someone small and cute is with me though.


I went to the gym both days this weekend. Yesterday I did NOT want to get up and go, but I was so happy with myself once I did. I asked about personal trainers, it can be up to $60 per session, but my mom is being really supportive about my efforts to lose weight and I think she's going to pay for a few sessions for me! :)


Hope everyone had a good weekend...I better get back to work ugh. ~Bri


I don't have any pictures here on my work computer but I will try to remember to post some from home soon!


Bri I'm proud of you for going to the gym on both Saturday AND Sunday...that is AWESOME!!!!!! :D

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PJ, if you click on the picture it will be a little bigger. I wanted to tell you how beautiful you are!!! Is that your honey in the picture with you???? Everyone thinks my mom is my sister:mad: . I tell them that she better look GREAT for her age and not that I look bad for mine!!!!!! My mom is only 64 though and she is very young for her age!!!!! I am assuming that you mean vicki resembles my mom or she looks like she could be my mom:rolleyes: ???


Jen and Stacy, PJ is right it is very nice to put faces with names and images. Maybe it is just me but from all the posts my mind makes images of you all. But you are all much more beautiful than I could have imagined!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to see more pictures!!!!!!

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HAHA!!! No, that's my best friend Alonzo. That was at my going-away party before I moved from SC to MD. Thanks for the compliments.:)


And LOL!!! Yes, I meant that Vicki resembles your mom, I didn't realize how that sounded, I just typed it as I thought it. See why I said I don't need preggo-brain? I'm bad enough as is! :p


Do any of you take pictures for the express purpose of weight comparison? Like in form-fitting, work-out gear or something? I know a lot of people who do that so they can see where they are progressing. I know that helps because sometimes we can't see the subtle changes because we look at ourselves everyday, but you can tell the differences in photos for comparison. Just a thought...

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I think that taking a pic in something like a bathing suit, or tight fitting clothes is a great idea. I'm scared to do it though:eek:

I was going to do that for my own personal use. As for the pics on here we could share, I thought I would wear the same outfit, capri's and a tight fitting (now) v-neck Tee and that would help to see the difference.

I am going to post a pic now, I don't have many because I just got a printer in Jan. that downloads CF cards and I only have pics of our WDW vacation in Jan. and some pics from last fall.

I will do a close up or two and a body.

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I have pictures THAT I WILL NOT POST, of myself in a sports bra and underwear. Those are from all sides. They are suppose to be for my encouragment and comparison but I have hidden them away because I can't stand to look at them!!!!


PJ, well your bf is a cutie pie

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Here is me from the side. It's the only one out of 1100 pics I could find alone of my whole body. You get the picture ~ I am really unhappy with the tire that grew around my waste and hips , that's where all the last 30 pounds went. Well, 25 of it, the other 5 went to my face.





Here is a close up of me at Christmastime of me and my son. Luckily they don't have any weight issues because we eat healthy and organic and natural foods, I just gained my weight all at once eating lots of bad stuff within a 6 month period after having my second son.


You can really see the weight on my face.




This is a close up at Halloween, the only one I can find that shows my face without the 30 extra pounds. I gained a lot since last October:(






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I have pictures THAT I WILL NOT POST, of myself in a sports bra and underwear. Those are from all sides. They are suppose to be for my encouragment and comparison but I have hidden them away because I can't stand to look at them!!!!


PJ, well your bf is a cutie pie


That's what I'm going to do for myself. Bra and underwear pics throughout the weight loss period to scare me into never going over 300 again!!!

We were looking at my cruise pics from 2005 last night and the kids were going on and on about how good I looked and how much younger I looked. That motivated me right there!

I could never post the bra and undies pictures online though:eek:haha

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I have some bra and undy pics that will NEVER see the light of day unless I hit goal. LOL :p


Amy I love your Halloween makeup, that looks fab! We really are some beautiful chicks!!! :D Your son is a gorgeous young man too!


Ya'll check out this link http://public.fotki.com/beanruby/weighty_matters/ This lady did the couch-to-5k running program and she lost a ton of weight. She chronicled her weightloss progress in pictures and this is what I mean. You can really see her transformation! Start from the bottom album up...

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A few more pictures...




My then-BF took these pictures in Grand Turk and I was completely oblivious...




My problem areas are definitely my arms, my stomach and my thighs. *sigh* All of which are prevalent in my bathing suit, lol.








Okay...I'm done.

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PJ, you look great! Your cruise looked fun! I have problems with my belly, hips and arms too. And of course my thighs...well, you get the point.

You can sure tell the difference in your face from the previous pics you posted and the above pics. How much did you weigh in the pics above?

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PJ, you look great! Your cruise looked fun! I have problems with my belly, hips and arms too. And of course my thighs...well, you get the point.


You can sure tell the difference in your face from the previous pics you posted and the above pics. How much did you weigh in the pics above?



I'd gained weight in those pics I just posted...thats about where I am now also which is around 320-325. I lost 8lbs while on the cruise and gained it all back, lol.


Oh, and I know that one of the causes of my belly fat is the amount of carbs that I consume, so hopefully, I can get that under control and increase my cardio, that will be one of the first things to go. I've only had a really big stomach for the past 2-3 years or so.

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Stacy!!!!! Way to GO for being under 300!!!!! You'll never be in the 300s again, right? *hugs* You're very pretty yourself! You have such beautiful, thick hair. Is that second picture in Grand Turk? Ahhhh, I loved it there!


And thank you for the compliments. :)


Thank you for the compliment. Everyone has always loved my hair. It is a little shorter now, just gets too darn heavy. No, will never be in the 300's again. Second pic is in Costa Maya - one of my favs. Havent been to Grand Turk yet, going in Oct!!

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Stacey' date=' that's horrible about your son and school:mad: I would NOT send him there! I have found out through the years , esp. when watching a friend of mine's little boy, he was 3-5 while I watched him, the people at daycares and schools don't know how to handle children with extra energy. I really feel he would do best in your home with you...not in a school with obviously mean kids and adults who aren't supervising properly. I will gladly answer any questions you may have, I have two 5 year olds and an 11 year old and have always homeschooled.[/font']


That's wonderful you're under 300! I can't wait to be saying that too!!!


As for exercising, I could, I like to, it's just that I can feel the strain on my body with all this extra weight. Anyone else have that problem with being so large?


He was immediately pulled out when they told me they really didnt have any biters. I felt horrible knowing that my baby, who depends on me to keep him safe, was brutally attacked by another child and there wasnt anyone who did anything about it.


Thank you! I feel better by being under 300. You will say it soon enough. The exercise though, you really need too. Trust me - I HATE EXERCISE!! I would rather have all my fingernails ripped off than exercise. It's almost like I am allergic to it. hehe But I have too. Yes, I can still feel the strain on my body. Yes, my feet hurt when I walk around the block. Yes, my lower back kills me after I have walked around the block. Especially when I first started. Now, it is getting better. The pain is not as bad. The strain can not be felt as much. Plus, I am not tired after I return. Before I would fall on the couch when I got back and veg for at least 30 minutes. Now when I get home, I come in grab my water and purse, put Spidey in the car and take off for the playground. I can tell a difference!! You will be able to also - stop making excuses. (said with love and motivation of course) You are too pretty to make excuses like that!!

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Stacy...sex IS better when you're smaller. I was small up until/during my first few semesters at college. I was inexperienced but I had a lot more stamina and being small helps with flexibility and experimenting with other positions...I sound like Cosmo LOL. I know what you mean about being treated rudely or differently in dept. stores etc. I notice this especially when I am out in Boston. I am only about an hour from there and make the trip fairly often to meet up with college friends (went to school there) or shop or go to a show or whatever. In the mall and on Newbury Street, the wannabe 5th Avenue of Boston, where all the snooty stores are I notice it especially. In the mall closer to my house, which is out in suburbia, sometimes I get a salesperson (usually a woman), who acts like I'm wasting their time, but not as much as when I'm in the city. I notice it doesn't happen if my sister or someone small and cute is with me though.


Better to be Cosmo than Time or something stuffy like that. My mother was livid with the incident that happened in Dillards. She started to ask for a manager, but I told her to to do that, it would embarress me more.



I went to the gym both days this weekend. Yesterday I did NOT want to get up and go, but I was so happy with myself once I did. I asked about personal trainers, it can be up to $60 per session, but my mom is being really supportive about my efforts to lose weight and I think she's going to pay for a few sessions for me! :)


Great job on going to the gym. I will pray that your mom will provide a personal trainer for you. That would be awesome!!


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Goodness!! There was a lot of posting on here today that I am trying to catch up with - Calgon take me away!! Anyone remember that?


My problem areas are my stomach, arms, and breast. My legs are ok. My hubby says that my legs dont match the rest of my body. He really likes my legs. No, I do not have any undy pictures. Just never thought to do that. Do I plan on it? Hell no! Do you want me to have a heart attack?


I must say that I am glad that we all posted pictures of ourselves. We are all very pretty - inside and out. Plus, now I can put a face with the post that I am reading. Just more personable that way.


Leah - I am with you. Everyone is just more beautiful that I could have imagined. I guess that is because of our weight issues we have pictures in our heads of what we look like and that everyone else looks like that mental image too. You are very pretty, and you make a cute couple with your partner.


OK, another picture of me and my hubby. The love of my life. The man I adore. Ok I'll shut up now.


Having a really hard day today. We are trying to get guardianship of my father in law. He was taken to MI a few years ago for a visit and while there he was diagnosed with alzheimers and put into a nursing home. We have been going back and forth with my hubbys aunt to get him back here with us. She put him in the nursing home and got power of attorney without us knowing that she was doing it. So we have finally gotten to the end of this battle and it looks like next week or the next we are picking him up and bringing him back to FL. I was dealing with this all day so needless to say - I am very stressed right now. I must go, Spidey is bouncing off the walls again. Talk later. Stacy


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He was immediately pulled out when they told me they really didnt have any biters. I felt horrible knowing that my baby, who depends on me to keep him safe, was brutally attacked by another child and there wasnt anyone who did anything about it.


Thank you! I feel better by being under 300. You will say it soon enough. The exercise though, you really need too. Trust me - I HATE EXERCISE!! I would rather have all my fingernails ripped off than exercise. It's almost like I am allergic to it. hehe But I have too. Yes, I can still feel the strain on my body. Yes, my feet hurt when I walk around the block. Yes, my lower back kills me after I have walked around the block. Especially when I first started. Now, it is getting better. The pain is not as bad. The strain can not be felt as much. Plus, I am not tired after I return. Before I would fall on the couch when I got back and veg for at least 30 minutes. Now when I get home, I come in grab my water and purse, put Spidey in the car and take off for the playground. I can tell a difference!! You will be able to also - stop making excuses. (said with love and motivation of course) You are too pretty to make excuses like that!!


Thanks for the motivation. I love to walk. When I was working out of the house last year and the year before 3 days a week as a barista at a coffee shop inside a health food store I walked to work. I walked very fast and walked a mile and a half each day, 3 days a week. At first it made me so tired, then it was no problem. I would go straight to work and work running around 8 hours straight. I can tell I'm out of shape again.

I just have problems in my mind about my weight and my heart. I have panic attacks sometimes, not any this year so far, but I know it was from my dad who doesnt' like fat people and always says awful things about them . He always told me growing up as a teen that I'd better lose weight or I'd "stroke off" as he called it. I have a fear of my weight making me dangerously unhealty and am paraniod of that affecting my heart. I have always had irregular beats and had all kinds of tests and my heart is perfectly fine, but since gaining this extra weight back I can definately feel the strain on my body as in it's harder to breathe while walking up stairs, etc. and I'm honestly afraid of over exerting myself , part of the lingering fear I guess...

Anyway, I will start. I love walking and have a gym here where I live I can use 24 hours a day:)

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Evening all well a day that started out good has not ended so good. The music studio I have been teaching at is shutting down the middle of May so the job that paid my bills and was allowing me to try and launch my photography career is going to end and I don't have anything steady when it comes to work. So tonight I'm kind of depressed, but on the other hand, I'm happy. Usually when I'm upset I eat. Well tonight even tough I stopped at Wendy's for dinner since I didn't feel like cooking, for me instead of getting a hamburger and fries I had a chicken ceasar salad. Now I'm snacking on a bowl of popcorn and then I'm going to head to bed.


Well until tomorrow have a great night

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Evening all well a day that started out good has not ended so good. The music studio I have been teaching at is shutting down the middle of May so the job that paid my bills and was allowing me to try and launch my photography career is going to end and I don't have anything steady when it comes to work. So tonight I'm kind of depressed, but on the other hand, I'm happy. Usually when I'm upset I eat. Well tonight even tough I stopped at Wendy's for dinner since I didn't feel like cooking, for me instead of getting a hamburger and fries I had a chicken ceasar salad. Now I'm snacking on a bowl of popcorn and then I'm going to head to bed.


Well until tomorrow have a great night


Oh no!!!! *hugs* I'm sure something will materialize for you before May...that's a good bit of time away! I'm sorry that you're stressing, but it seems like you didn't allow that to make you make bad choices. That was a small victory in itself. I hope that when you wake up today and come by and read this you're feeling much better. :)

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Amy, if you can afford it, use the gym. Most of the cardio machines have a heart rate monitor on them so maybe that will ease your mind some. Also in the pool it is not as strenous!!!! Just some suggestions. I can easily give them but I haven't been to the gym since Wednesday or so last week!!!!!!!!!


PJ, where do you get your clothes from???? They are just beautiful. I am gonna try and not buy a lot of clothes for the cruise, but I might have to get somethings. We don't have a lot of options here, but we do have a Avenue that I get some of my stuff from!!!!!


stacy, I am praying that all of this mess with your FIL comes to an end soon. I have an uncle like your DH's aunt. He had his father sign over most of their land to him while his dad was on a morphine pump for Cancer!!!!!! Needless to say it was not a pretty scene when it all came down. You saw the size of my mom!!!! This was her brother and father.


Thank you all for the compliments. Vicki tells me how beautiful and sexy I am almost everyday but you know coming from your honey, they are kinda biast. But I guess those are the ones that matter. I just wish I felt the same way about myself. I am very confident in EVERYTHING else in my life but I have some of the lowest self esteem on the planet. Which I think is why I let myself get this big. I have struggled with ALOT of personal demons in my life and food was always my friend!!!! I was "date raped" at the age of 14 and then very permiscous(sp) after that, plus I was always dealing with the feelings of being gay!!!! Now this was the late 70's early 80's, so there were no Ellen's, Rosie's, and so forth at least they weren't out yet. But then I fell in love with my husband, or so I thought but he loved me and we were married and we had T by time I really came to terms with my sexuality. So I stayed married and then he became ill and I definately couldn't leave then. so we were married 14 years, then he passed away and I blamed myself for that too. Then I felt very selfish for coming out and changing something else in T's life. But I found Vicki about 4 years ago and she makes me and T very happy. but I had ALOT of years (24 to be exact) of mixed emotions and emotional eating. Oh yeah and then Sept of 2006 Vicki and I quit smoking, which I had done since the age of 12. Gained 40lbs from that alone, but still glad we did it.


Wow, Sorry I was not planning on writing all that this morning and that may be WAY more than yall wanted to know about me, but gracious that felt good!!!!!!! Maybe I should start journaling.


Hope you all have a good Tuesday!!!!!!!!

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Oh Jen I forgot you in my self absorbed rant!!!!! so sorry about the closing of your studio. Like PJ said something else will come along!!!!! Just keep up the good work and they good thoughts and pray(if that is something you believe in) and things will come around!!!!!! Hoping for the best for you and all of you!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you for those kind words PeeJay. It is amazing what a good night sleep and a mile walk smelling the fresh air, we had a small rain storm last night. and listening to the birds singing will do for you.


My mind is clear and I have some ideas rolling around in my head. Today I will begin working one some of them.


I have joined a group called the 1-day challenge, if you get a chance you should check it out



Todays challenge is to get a some kind of fruit and or vegetable with each meal. So I am off to have my bowl of cereal with a banana on it.

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