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100+ lbs to lose???


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Tonight I'm going to work on a list of reasons why I want to lose weight...will ya'll join me and share yours tomorrow?


Sure! Why not...it will be fun and interesting and really helpful...

Also, since I missed a lot on this thread before joining...maybe you all could fill me in on your upcoming cruises...where you're going...what you're excited about and what is THE one thing you are looking forward to the most when you cruise with your goal weight?!?:D Looking good in a bathing suit? Fitting in the little chairs with arms on the ships? Wearing cute clothes? Not being the largest one on board as I was on my last cruise, haha.

'Till tomorrow then...

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Well stacy, I am glad yall are getting your FIL at least now you and DH's mind will be some at ease once yall see for yourselves and yall are in control.


T's report card was some better. 2 F's and 3 D's. Had a overall D average for whole card. Told him that he had to have all C's next 9 weeks or he fails and has to go to military school!!!!!:eek: . Punishing really doesn't work, so we are trying scare tactics. Anyways we will see!!!!!!


HMMMM PJ my list for wanting to loose weight!!!!!


Be around for T and Vicki!!! Be able to move Not sweat as much (very heavy sweater) feel better in general, tired of just no energy Get off of BP meds Not have aching joints or feet when I walk Have Vicki and T be proud not embarrassed of me(not that they are but you know) Have better time on vacations and stop worrying about what others think!!!!!!

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Going in Oct, St Thomas, San Juan, Grand Turk, and Half Moon Cay. Picked it b/c of the ports visiting. Never been to Grand Turk or Half Moon Cay. Been to the others though. Looking forward to some alone time with DH while Spidey is in Camp Carnival. Dancing without worrying if others are watching me. Sitting on our balcony. So many things.


Leah, Glad T pulled his grades up some. Hope the scare tactic works. Yes, it will be good to finally have FIL here and not worry about what DH's aunts are up to with his care. I talked to my dad last night since it was his bday and was telling him about it. I told him that I knew his sisters would never do anything like that, but if they did I would come to MS and kick their butts. Makes me so mad.


Going to entertain Spidey, it's raining off and on today. He is stuck inside! Talk later, Stacy

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Going in Oct, St Thomas, San Juan, Grand Turk, and Half Moon Cay. Picked it b/c of the ports visiting. Never been to Grand Turk or Half Moon Cay. Been to the others though. Looking forward to some alone time with DH while Spidey is in Camp Carnival. Dancing without worrying if others are watching me. Sitting on our balcony. So many things.


Leah, Glad T pulled his grades up some. Hope the scare tactic works. Yes, it will be good to finally have FIL here and not worry about what DH's aunts are up to with his care. I talked to my dad last night since it was his bday and was telling him about it. I told him that I knew his sisters would never do anything like that, but if they did I would come to MS and kick their butts. Makes me so mad.


Going to entertain Spidey, it's raining off and on today. He is stuck inside! Talk later, Stacy


Half Moon Cay is WONDERFUL!!! I've been blessed enough to go there 3 times:)

You will love it ~ such a beautiful beach and the sand and water is just incredible!!!

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Okay, our cruise, which we picked because of the ports and the length, 10 days, and 2 of the kids sail free which is wonderful ~ is on the MSC Lirica.


So, it's 10 wonderful days and we will visit San Juan, Saint Lucia, Tortola, Antigua, St. Maarten and Cayo Leventado, DR. I have only been to San Juan, and am looking forward to going back with the family!


Our mom is going with us and she booked her an inside and we splurged big time for a balcony suite:D Gotta have that balcony;)


The thing I am most looking forward to on the cruise with my goal weight is fitting in the chairs in the Lido and the Dining Room and not being in pain from those sides they put on all the chairs. Since this is an Italian ship, the chairs look to be even SMALLER! with tighter arms!:eek: I won't have to worry about that though;)


As for losing weight in general, it's all about the health. I want to be healthy and be here as long as possible for my family. I want to feel good and run again and ride a bike with my kids. I want to go hiking again, here in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains and on the cruise at ports.


That's all I think about when losing weight, my health. I will look good , excuse me, I already do, haha. I will look really good when I lose weight and I'm not thrilled about the attention it brings, but that's just part of being beautiful, inside and out;) It will be nice to wear a more wide variety of clothes though, not just what fits, and it will feel good not to have people stare becuase I'm so huge, even though it doesn't bother me, I love who I am, and I am who I am, the only person it bothers is me.


It will feel so good not having all this heavy weight on me! I can't even imagine what it would feel like not to have 100+ pounds of excess fat on my body. I will be free, and it will feel great!!!

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Ok, I actually switched laptops because my daughter said there were pictures from our cruise 2 Thanksgivings ago on hers. So I will try to upload them.


Ok, I found two from our cruise from Thanksgiving 2006 and one from last August taking pictures of all the grandkids (Could have used Jenny for that session!!!)


here we go:




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Whew!!! I'm mentally exhausted from uploading those pictures! HAHAHA - well, I really am tired. Left for the gym at 4:35 this morning. I weigh in tomorrow. I drank my entire gallon of water today. I peed my brains out all day and definitely got an extra mile of walking back and forth to the bathroom all day!


I'll chime in tomorrow on my LOSS!!! Better be a loss!!!


Night night - Vic

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Good Morning Beauties!!!


Vic-LMAO @ peeing your brains out! I can relate. Once you are drinking water like that on a regular basis though, it will get easier. I know when I don't do well with my water intake for a few days and then get back on the bandwagon, I feel like I'm just going to float away!!!


Amy- I'm going on the Carnival Destiny in August. We leave out of San Juan and we visit a different island everyday (St. Thomas-my favorite, Dominica, Barbados, St. Lucia, Antigua, St. Kitts). My family cruises every August, but this is only going to be my second time going with them. I'm looking most forward to the face that 2 of my friends are going with me and one of my most hilarious cousins has decided to go this year. His birthday is the night before we leave so we are all going to fly into SJU a day earlier so we can get the party started on his birthday! Since it's such a port-intensive cruise, I'm enjoying all the planning beforehand to try to decide what we're going to do at each island. My cabinmate (is no longer the BF...well ex-BF) is really fun and he's looking forward to doing a lot of the stuff that I didn't get to do last year because BF thought it was a waste of money.


I really want to get down 2 dress sizes before the cruise, not really for vanity purposes, but I just think that I'll be able to enjoy myself much more if I was a bit smaller. I don't really have a lot of the issues that a lot of people my size have about what they're going to look like in certain clothes, so for that I'm thankful. I am blessed to be able to find stuff that I think looks good and wear it comfortably and not worry about what others think. I DO want to find a better swimsuit though, I need something that supports the 'girls' a little better. I'm a DDD and my swimsuit and my girls were battling last year and from some of the pictures I saw, the girls were winning, lol.


I also want to lose weight so that I don't have to wonder about whether or not I have to use a seatbelt extender on the plane. I've NEVER had to ask for one before, and last year my seatbelt didn't fit. I was too embarrassed to say anything so I just put my jacket over me as if I was cold. BF didn't notice. It fit on the way back though...go figure.


General reasons: I think a couple people mentioned that they sweat excessively, and I wonder if that will get better with weight loss. My grandmother sweats like that and I always assumed that it was hereditary...so if that is reduced by weightloss, I'm all for it. Lower my blood pressure, I'm too young to have BP issues, but I do. I know some of it was due to stress as well, but that needs to be corrected. I was diagnosed as borderline diabetic or pre-diabetic, so I want to make sure that I lower my risk of that. Ummmm, I want to be able to feel comfortable in crossing my legs. I know that sounds really simple, but I don't cross my legs in public...I CAN, but I don't because I feel like my legs are huge and that would just draw attention to them. MORE STAMINA in the bedroom. ;) More stamina period. I would love to run everyday, and now I just don't have the stamina for it. I also want to reduce the weight on my knees. I want to be healthy as I get older, I don't want to be like my grandmother who has problems moving around and getting winded because she's overweight and feels that she's both too old and too big to exercise. I need to do it now. I want to prepare my body for children. I also have PCOS and I know that it's compounded when you're overweight. One of my fears is that I'll never be able to have children and I know that being fat just works against me when the time comes for me to start my family.


*sigh* I guess that's enough for right now.

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PJ, we have that in common, that we want to lose weight for ourselves and our health, not just to look better;) but to feel better!

You get to go to Dominica!!!!! Lucky! It's my favorite port in the world! It's truly different from any other island in the Carribbean, they call it the Hawaii of the Carribbean. We took a tour in 2005 that drove us into the mountains and the rainforest and to the Carrib indian village. They had lunch for us there and then we bought some of the , well, lots of the handmade baskets and stuff from the women there. It was so incredible! If you can find a tour taking you to the Carib indian village, go , and bring cash!

St. Kitts was my second fave, only because of the great excursion. We got to see the island by train! They have a converted sugar train that takes you along the coast and more than halfway around the island. Breathtaking and wonderful, with free pina coladas and strawberry daquiris, I don't drink, but ordered virgins and they were so good:D You should check into that, it was so amazing. I can't even begin to describe it, the mountains, the coast, the villages...

What a fun cruise with lots of great stops!

I need a new bathing suit too, I'll buy one before I leave. It's hard finding ones that support your "girls" though, I wear a size 46ddd so I really need the support too.

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Good morning Ladies!!!!! I will be running the roads with Vicki today. She and I went to the ER yesterday because her L foot was killing her. She has GOUT!!!!!


Anyway, I have some what I call silly goals in my weight loss. I want to pull my knees to my chest whiling I am sitting down.:rolleyes: I know silly but that to me will mean my stomach is a normal size!!!!much less my big craig heyward thighs. vicki will know who that is and maybe the rest of you will too. LOL.


Our cruise is out of NOLA and we are going to Progresso and Cozumel. This is our first cruise ever. I TURNED ONE DOWN in 1984. I know crazy huh. But I was 17 and had noone to go with. Yes even worse it was going to be GIVEN to me as a graduation present!!!!!!!! Hind sight huh!!!!


Oh yeah, we signed up for the biggest loser competion I saw at the gym. It is not held at the gym, but we will get our metabolism taken (tuesday), help with nutrition, and help with exercising. It lasts 12 weeks, we missed the first one, and only the "leader" will know our weights and measurments. There are prizes for 1, 2, and 3 places for the most percentage lost. We will see!!!!!


Hope you all have a good day!!!!!!!!

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PJ, we have that in common, that we want to lose weight for ourselves and our health, not just to look better;) but to feel better!


You get to go to Dominica!!!!! Lucky! It's my favorite port in the world! It's truly different from any other island in the Carribbean, they call it the Hawaii of the Carribbean. We took a tour in 2005 that drove us into the mountains and the rainforest and to the Carrib indian village. They had lunch for us there and then we bought some of the , well, lots of the handmade baskets and stuff from the women there. It was so incredible! If you can find a tour taking you to the Carib indian village, go , and bring cash!


St. Kitts was my second fave, only because of the great excursion. We got to see the island by train! They have a converted sugar train that takes you along the coast and more than halfway around the island. Breathtaking and wonderful, with free pina coladas and strawberry daquiris, I don't drink, but ordered virgins and they were so good:D You should check into that, it was so amazing. I can't even begin to describe it, the mountains, the coast, the villages...


What a fun cruise with lots of great stops!


I need a new bathing suit too, I'll buy one before I leave. It's hard finding ones that support your "girls" though, I wear a size 46ddd so I really need the support too.




OOOOOOOH, do you remember who you booked your tours with? My friend said he heard that basically Dominica is a MUST EXCURSION port. IT's a beautiful island, but you can't just "wing it" so I'm sure we'll be doing a tour there. I hope you can remember!!


I'm in a 44DDD so I feel your pain. There is one site that I found that I will probably order my bathing suit from but I can't remember the link right now...I'll come back with it. Last year I ordered a suit from Old Navy and it did NOTHING for my girls. It was a halter style with a "built-in bra" My boobs were like "Yeah...whatever" :p So I took it back and ended up not being able to find one. The suit I wore last year is probably 3 years old...I found it on ebay. I would be so much more comfortable if I could just wear a regular bra under my swimsuit. LMAO I'm not used to not having "support".

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PJ and Amy - my girls are ddd also. {sigh} Always been plagued by bigguns. I went from a training bra to a D overnight it seemed like. I was a D in 6th grade. Once I loose all my weight, and have all the children God means for us to have I will get a tummy tuck and breast reduction. I am in need of a new swimsuit too. My problem is that my stomach sticks out so far. When I put on the bathing suit, the part that goes from my stomach to the crotch area has a big space. You can look right in if viewed the right way. I HATE THIS. I stopped wearing them b/c of this years ago. I just put a pair of shorts and a tank top on. I am looking forward to wearing a bathing suit, but I have no idea what size I will be, so it will be a while before I buy one. Dont know if I can find one in the winter time. I am sure it will all work out.


PJ- been a while since I have crossed my legs. I look forward to that too. I also ran the other day too. First time I have done that in ages. I didnt run far with Spidey, but I was not tired either. Not even breathing hard. I was so proud of myself for that. By the way, what is PCOS? I prob know what it is, but just dont recognize it from the accronym (or however you spell it.)


Vickie - I had a mouthful of water when I read your post. I almost spewed the computer!! I feel the same way. Feel like I am always in the bathroom. I make Spidey go with me (cant trust him to leave him by himself in another room) and he will say, "again mommy?", yeap again. By the way, we now know where your beautiful daughters get their looks from. You are very pretty. You look a little familiar to me though.


Leah - I am so sorry about Vickie's foot. I hope that she starts to feel better soon. Your goals are not silly to me. They may be to a person who has never had a weight problem, but not to me. I can so relate. How could you turn down a cruise? That is great that you signed up for the biggest looser competition at your gym. I like that the gym is helping with the metabolic rates and all of the tools to help you succeed. We will cheer you on to first place!!


Yesterday I did not get my exercise or water intake like I should have. Will work on that today. DH had yesterday off so we were out looking at the local YMCA to see what they have to offer, and then we went to the beach for a little while. Spidey loves the "big water" and had a blast. Hope everyone is having a great day! Talk later, Stacy

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Leah! I'm sorry about Vicki, I hope she starts feeling better soon!


Stacy- PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Basically I am prone to cysts in my ovaries and it makes it hard to conceive. When I was first diagnosed maybe 4 years ago, they suggested that I go ahead and have children if I was ready because it would only get harder to conceive as I get older. That was kind of devastating to me because as much as I want children, I want a husband first and I just sometimes get a little down about the fact that it might not "just happen" when I'm ready. But I trust God and know that what He has for me is for me and everything will happen in His time.


As for your swimsuit, why don't you try one that has a skirt on it or one that has a mini-sarong attached to the front...lemme find a picture






Here is the website I was talking about:




and then also try www.swimsuitsforall.com


I'm sure ya'll will find something! I see a couple that I like. Swimsuits are so expensive though! ugh

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Hope this works. Cruise passangers were robbed in Antigua. If you can not click on it, copy and paste to get the article.



Oh no!!!! This is why if there are only 2 of us in port on the beach, we take turns going in the water. Even if your stuff is in plain view, you just can't get there quick enough if somebody is going for your stuff!! SMH I know that probably ruined their trip. $1500? Wow. Think of the memories they stole with those cameras! I hope they didn't have their passports and stuff like that in there. Ugh, that just makes me mad! :mad: Why do people insist on taking what they didn't earn? What makes them think they deserve it? Get a damn job!

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Stacy- PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Basically I am prone to cysts in my ovaries and it makes it hard to conceive. When I was first diagnosed maybe 4 years ago, they suggested that I go ahead and have children if I was ready because it would only get harder to conceive as I get older. That was kind of devastating to me because as much as I want children, I want a husband first and I just sometimes get a little down about the fact that it might not "just happen" when I'm ready. But I trust God and know that what He has for me is for me and everything will happen in His time.


That's what I thought it was. Thanks for clearing that up for me. As a christian woman, I will tell you all things happen when God wants them too. I didnt want to have my first child when I was 31, but it happened. Now I am glad that it did b/c my first hubby was ugly and not a very nice person. I am so thankful that I never had children with him. When I met and married DH now, it took 3 months and I was preggers. Now however, we have come to realize that maybe my weight is the reason why we are not getting preggers now. Spidey really wants a Batman or Superman or Wonder Woman to join him. I havent been on birth control for over 2 yrs, and it hasnt happened yet. Now that I am loosing weight we hope that it will happen when I am more healthy. We prefer me to be closer to 200 or under. I understand it being devistating. At first, 2 yrs ago, every month I just cried b/c it had not happened. DH was just as devistated. We have prayed about it, and with God's help we have come to understand that when He is ready, we are ready (including Spidey, ok especially Spidey). I will pray that God will bring the perfect man into your life and that you may start a family. Ok, enough of that. I gotta get Spidey down from the ceiling. He is getting so good with his webs. Stacy

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Ugh, that just makes me mad! :mad: Why do people insist on taking what they didn't earn? What makes them think they deserve it? Get a damn job!


Amen sister, you preach it and I'll turn the pages for you!!


Also, never ever ever take your documents with you in ports. Make a copy of them and take the copy, leaving the originals on the ship. I have always heard that is the safest way. Plus, why would you take that much money into one port? Lock it up!!

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That's what I thought it was. Thanks for clearing that up for me. As a christian woman, I will tell you all things happen when God wants them too. I didnt want to have my first child when I was 31, but it happened. Now I am glad that it did b/c my first hubby was ugly and not a very nice person. I am so thankful that I never had children with him.


I have tears in my eyes from laughing at this part! OMG Stacy, I know you probably didn't even mean for it to be funny, but that was hilarious!


I trust God too and I know that THE man he has for me will come and comfort me and whatever we have to go through will be fine because we have each other. I have someone special that has recently come into my life...ironically, he's been admiring me from afar since like November, but never approached me. I'm enjoying the newness of it and like I said, I know that everything happens in His time. This guy literally approached me DAYS after breaking things off with the ex. Timing was impeccable. I'm just taking things as they flow and enjoying the process. I just want to do my part and make my body ready for when the time comes.



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Amen sister, you preach it and I'll turn the pages for you!!


Also, never ever ever take your documents with you in ports. Make a copy of them and take the copy, leaving the originals on the ship. I have always heard that is the safest way. Plus, why would you take that much money into one port? Lock it up!!


EXACTLY!!!! If only to avoid spending it, lol. I think I'm only taking that much with me TOTAL, lol. I didn't spend much of anything last year, but I'm going to budget for $200-250/day this time...including pictures. I really want to enjoy myself and get the entire cruise experience.

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I have tears in my eyes from laughing at this part! OMG Stacy, I know you probably didn't even mean for it to be funny, but that was hilarious!



OK, this is sad - I DID MEAN IT! Yes, I am laughing now even as I write it. But now that I look back, he was overweight, wanted to keep me overweight, and just ugly. What did I ever see in him? Oh yeah, I was stupid and had a lapse of judgement. He was always grumpy, his family was always arguing with someone. He was also stupid. He was book smart - just had no common sense.


Now the man I am married to, you have seen pictures of him, is very handsome to me. He has a great personality. Always making people laugh. He is also smart - book and common sense. I met him 2 months after my divorce was final. We have not been seperate since. Love of my life, and I am also going to admit - never ever ever has there been another sexual encounter that equals up to now. Our meeting and falling in love was meant to be and we are perfect for each other. OK, prob TMI for you. Sorry. I will try not to make any more references to my ugly, stupid, mean, good for nothing ex husband!! hehe

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EXACTLY!!!! If only to avoid spending it, lol. I think I'm only taking that much with me TOTAL, lol. I didn't spend much of anything last year, but I'm going to budget for $200-250/day this time...including pictures. I really want to enjoy myself and get the entire cruise experience.


We only took about $800 on our last cruise. Due to situations, we just really didnt have a lot to take with us. Hopefully in Oct will be a little different. I sure would love some jewelry to bring home.

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