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100+ lbs to lose???


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Good morning everyone!


Leah - so sorry the biggest looser contest turned out the way it did. Dont get yourself down. Our weight issues "feed" on depression. Get out into the sun and soak up a little vitamin c. Walk around the block. Both of these will help push that depression from you. This is only a little setback. You can do this. I know you can. We are here for you!! {{hugs}}


PJ - That is great. I would have taken a 2 lb loss this week instead of a .2 of a pound. Keep up the great work.


On the run, Stacy

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Hi girls ~ long time no post. Everythings well here...no big news on the weight loss front, just gradually cutting down, haven't started the whole strict diabetic diet yet but I am eating healthy.

PJ, 2 pounds is good! Stacy, at least you're not gaining more weight!

Leah, that's crappy about the contest and it being a cover up for trying to sell you something.

I have to go, I've been so busy around here with the kids , their behavior hasn't been the best this week:( and I had an emergency dental appointment yesterday and had to get a filling that I'd been putting off for 2 years and it was really, really hard for me to try and battle my fears and anxiety about the procedure. All is well though, it's over for now and hopefully next time I won't be so scared!

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OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo excited. I just came home from getting to meet the USA OLYMPIC SOFTBALL TEAM!!!!!!!!!! I am one of the biggest softball fans ever!!!!!!!!!! all softball, college, olympic, recreational. I played it from age 9 to age 26, when they MADE me quit because I was 6 months pregnant with T!!!!!!!!! so I am so pump. I even got to take pictures with my favorite players. I got the heads up that they were going to be a restaurant here in town and Vic and I went early. My niece is a big fan to so I had an 8x10 picture of her and had them all sign it!!!!!!! I am sooo excited about seeing them play tomorrow night but even more now that I got to meet them face to face, even play peek a boo with my most favorites son!!!!!!!!


My new goal is to loose 25lbs by August 1(our cruise is August 4), that would put me under 300!!! My prize will be a massage on the beach in cozumel!!!!!!!!


Thanks for the hugs, Stacy and Amy great job on the dentist. We should all learn to face ALL of our fears.


Do yall think sometimes that we are afraid to become thin???? I know I use my size to keep people at bay, but it didn't work for Vicki and I think that really threw me off because she loves me for me not what I look like, how much money I have, or what I can give her!!!!!! Just things I think about sometimes. Welcome to my warped mind:D .

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Hello my Cruisin Cuties!! I miss you all so much. I promise to make time to catch up with everyone real soon. I had not been on my best diet behavior but I did kick it up a notch this week. At the gym every morning this week, paying attention to what I put in my mouth, etc. I had not been weighing in the past few weeks so I could not tell if I lost or not. I did weigh in this morning and I am at 235 today. I feel a difference in my body this week so it is giving me more incentive to continue to move on.


I hope you all are well. And I'm sending out a group hug to everyone. It seems like we have all been preoccupied with a lot of goings on in our lives. I hope everyone is holding up.


I'm running to meet my girls at the Relay for Life and get some walking in. We've just been soooooo busy with end of school things (Jamie is a senior and her schedule is PACKED!) Graduation is May 10th and I would so love to be in an 18 for that day.


Hugs and smooches to everyone!!! Let's keep our chins up!!!



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Good Morning Ladies!! I guess we all were wrapped up in things during the week. I have been at the nursing home to visit with my FIL every day. He is so confused and looks scared. I just wanted him to have a familiar face and a little security by seeing me and Spidey. DH goes when he can due to work. Anyway, we are trying at the last minute to find a sitter for Spidey. Today is my b-day (I turned a big 35), and I would really like to go out to eat or watch a movie without him.


Amy - trust me - I wasnt complaining about the .2 lb weight loss. I thought the same thing you did. At least I didnt gain. We have just had a lot of stress and I have not been able to exercise. Just started back exercising yesterday. Yeah, I was a little bummed that it was less than a pound, but not totally disappointed since I knew I had a rough week. Great job going to the dentist! I may be crazy, and the only person in the world who does not mind going to the dentist. I hate to hear the drill going and the shots in my mouth, but I tell ya, I would rather have that than go to the OBGYN. I lothe going to the obgyn, but know this is something us women must do.


Leah - That is so neat about the USA Olympic Softball Team. I know when I meet someone that I really like I am pumped for the rest of the day. That was really cool. 25 lbs is definatly achieveable by Aug 1. It works out to about 8.5 lbs a month. You can do this!!! Try to stay away from breads, pasta, rice, corn, carrots. I tell you this b/c I was able to drop weight by doing this. You can do it!!! You can do it!!! (I'll be a cheerleader for you)


Vic - I was wondering if you had deserted us. Glad you came back and checked in. I have missed you!! I understand that you are busy with Jamie and end of school things. Just remember to breathe. I know you are so proud of her. Thanks for the hugs. I feel like I have needed a lot lately. Hope the Relay for Life was a lot of fun and you got a lot of walking in. Good job with the gym. Keep it up girl and you will be in that size 18 in no time!!


Oh yeah - Leah - Not a warped mind at all. I have never been scared to become thin. My problem is that my love for food would always keep me fat. Seriously. I love food. DH was a chef at Emeril's in Orlando when we met. This man I married can cook. I LOVE everything he cooks. I never wanted to give up the foods that I love. So it was never the fact of being scared to be thin, it was feeling deprived of the comforts that I love - food! Does that make sense? I am just waking up, so I hope I am not sounding crazy. Just like Vicki is with you just for who you are, my DH is the same with me. I am now about 15 lbs away from the size I was when I first met him. He loves me for me. He finds me beautiful and desirable. He finds me funny, intelligent and at times sarcastic. He fell in love with me regardless of what I weighed. Now his mom on the other hand has had issues with my weight. But she has had her own issues with growing old and having wrinkles.


Well I am off, need to clean the house (should be a crime to do this on your b-day). Then I am off to the nursing home again. Talk later. Everyone have a great day. Stacy

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY STACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(yesterday). No your post didn't sound crazy. Vicki and I are always having "last day" meals of the foods we like because we get in a mind set that while we are watching what we eat we can't have these things so we are feel punished and give up. I know this an intelligent woman and yet still do it!!!!!!!!!! Now that is crazy:p


Oh vicky it is so good to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!! I know you are soooo proud of Jamie!!!!!!!! You didn't mention what size you are know??? 20??? of so 18 may be doable!!!!!!!!!! Either way she will be just as proud to have you as her mom and there supporting her!!!!!!!!!!!! Your girls sound like good kids.


Went and had chinese after the game last night and it made me have diarhhea(sp) and nauseau. Don't know if it was the food or because I sat out in the sun and heat for 5 hours waiting for the game. But I did notice here lately that when I eat "healthy" my stomach doesn't hurt and I feel more energetic!!!!!!!!! You would think that I would learn. Well maybe in time cause the bad food taste sooo good!!!!

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Thank you Leah. We had a really nice time. We went to Tarpon Springs (a small town right beside ours) to their sponge docks. The sponge docks are where they go out into the outlets that lead to the Gulf of Mexico and harvest sea sponges. This area (or docks) has store after store where you can purchase natural sea sponge, sea shells, etc. So we went there and they have so many resturants that serve authentic Greek food. DH and I both love Greek food. Tarpon Springs is a huge greek community. DH told the waiter that it was my birthday and they treated us like family. I ate like I havent eaten in a while. I had all the things I am not suppose to have. I had bread, rice, and CHOCOLATE!!! They brought us a chocolate sponge mousse cake to die for. They also brought us a cheesecake with tiramisu pieces. Gotta go, will finish this later. Mom's on the phone.

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I am having one of those days. So anyway, just wanted to come back since I left so abruptly earlier.


Needless to say, I ate really good last night. Today I pay for it. Just like you Leah, it is affecting me too. But you know, I think that all people who are overweight think the same way. One more "last". I can tell you though, it will be a while before I have another one more "last" like I did last night. I just feel sick today.


We did find a last minute sitter for Spidey. He stayed with a couple who go to our church. They have two boys as well. We felt confident leaving him with them. He had a blast, and so did we. Well, just wanted to touch base again. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Stacy

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I miss you guys!!! :( My official weigh-in day is not until tomorrow, but I weighed this morning and I'm holding steady right at 335. I have so much weight to lose and I don't know why I'm only losing ounces at a time. It's frustrating!!! When I did WW I lost like 8lbs my first week! I think I need to up my water intake. *sigh* I wanted to be down 45-50lbs by August but at this rate I'm not going to make it. My body is slowly getting back to normal and I am planning to do my prayer/fast next week, so I'm sure a by-product of that will be a few pounds lost.


I'm starting to get really excited about my trip and I just know I'd enjoy it SOOOOO much more if I can get down a dress size or two. I don't want to have to worry about whether or not I'm going to encroach upon my plane neighbors seat or whether I'm going to have a numb leg by the time I get to my destination because the armrest is cutting off my circulation, lol. I want to be able to do any/every excursion my friend/family wants to do without feeling like this hugemongous person that's going to slow everyone down. I'm pretty fit for a fat chick, but I'm still fat, lol. Last weekend my friend and I went sightseeing and barhopping around DC (I only had 2 drinks, but I wonder if that could have been the culprit on my slow weight loss) and we walked and walked and WALKED and I was fine! But he's ridiculously fit (runs miles a day) and I just don't want him to feel like he has to slow down his pace on the cruise because I can't keep up. *sigh*


I only came in here to say Good Morning and I miss you chicks, but I guess I had some stuff on my mind, lol.:o

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Good morning ladies!!!!!!!!


Isn't it funny, PJ, that when we start typing here it just all kinda comes pouring out!!!!!!!!!! I guess that is why so many people keep journals. Just hang in there though and the weight will start coming off.


Hope you all have a great day!!!!!

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I have a question for all of you cruisers. I told Vicki that we need to start going to the beach and walking and going to the University track and walking the stairs for conditioning. Did yall have a lot of walking up and down stairs on the ship?? I have bad knees from the weight and all those years of softball, most of them played as a catcher. Just wondering.:D

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You can avoid steps if you just can't deal with them, but there is quite a lot of walking, I think that's why I lost so much weight on my cruise last year! It didn't help that our room was allllll the way aft and our dining room was allll the way forward, lol. It wasn't too much for me though.

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Hi Ladies!! Well, I had my weigh in today. I lost 4.6 lbs. I have now went over my first 10% goal. My next goal is 28lbs.


PJ - get at least a gallon of fluid a day. You would not believe what it does when you get that much fluid. It helps flush your body. Keep up the walking when you can. You might want to find a DVD to do at home to get exercise too. I know what you mean, we are not going until Oct, but I am so excited too.


Leah - I use the elevators when I am in heels. When I am going down a floor, I usually walk the stairs (going down is easier than up). It is a lot of walking, but you will be ok. I have had surgery on my knee and mine might hurt a little, but nothing I couldnt deal with.


Everyone have a great day. I am off to the nursing home.


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WOW Stacy!!!! Great job!!!!!!!!!!! you are definately in inspiration to me to get started. I need 32lbs for my 10%. We will see. A gallon a day hmmm. Well first i have to figure out how many ounces in a gallon and go from there. Almost finshed my first 23 ounces. Must drink up!!!!!!!!


Thanks for the info PJ, I think our cabin is at the bow of the ship and our restaurant is in the aft so I will have the same walk as you did. Maybe I won't want to eat as much if I have to walk so far everytime.!!!!! Aft does mean rear right????:confused:

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Thanks Leah. I started out with 31.8 being my first 10% goal. I sure did hope that I made it today, and I did. Remember last week was only .2 of a pound. I just made up this week for what I did not do last week. I already have the oz figured out for you. 128 oz = 1 gallon.


ok, now I am off to the nursing home. DH had to go to the dermatologist and have sutures removed where they removed skin cancer, then we are picking up FIL and taking him to the beach. Hope it is going to be a good day. Talk later, Stacy

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Hey PJ I just realized you are leaving the day before me!!!!!!!!! How much are you striving to loose before you go???? At first I had said 60 but I have wasted so much time that I am going for 25-30. Would put me under 300.

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Hey PJ I just realized you are leaving the day before me!!!!!!!!! How much are you striving to loose before you go???? At first I had said 60 but I have wasted so much time that I am going for 25-30. Would put me under 300.


I was also going for about 50-60lbs, right now I'm wondering if 40 would be possible. I would like to be under 300 too.

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We can do this!!!!!!! Last time I weighed I was 320. So I need 21 to be 299. Last I read you were 335 so you need 36 to be 299. 3 months and 8-10 days that is 2.57 lbs a week for you and 1.5 lbs a week for me. That is so doable!!!! shoot we could get off more if we just put our minds to it!!!!!!!!! Let's do this!!!!!!!!! are we the only 2 over 300??

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Hi Ladies. I have just now returned home. DH was off today and we went and picked my FIL up from the nursing home and took him to Ft Desoto. Beautiful beach!!! Spidey had a blast, and we enjoyed it too. FIL, well, bless his heart - he is in his own little world with his alzheimers. We went to eat afterwards. I had for my dinner the lettuce wraps. They are on the menu as an appetizer, but I decided to go for it as my dinner. Anyway, at dinner FIL kept dunking his french fries in his coffee (DH moved it for him). This disease is bad. I hope and pray they will find a cure.


Anyway, thanks PJ. I had to giggle when I read your post. All of you make me laugh. I am so glad that we are all here for encouragement and laughter, and tears, etc. PJ and Leah - you can do this. I have lost 33.5 lbs in 2.5 months. I know! I have had help from a weight loss clinic, but if you just stick to meat and veggies (the right kind) and the free stuff - you can do it too. Dont forget water. It really does help. And Leah, I still "feel" like I am over 300. So even though I am under that mark, my brain is still not letting me believe that I am. So my question is, how can I push you two to help you reach your goals? We are all here! Let us help, and help us too. Love you guys!!


Well, I am tired from being at the beach all day. Going to bed soon. Good night, Stacy

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We can do this!!!!!!! Last time I weighed I was 320. So I need 21 to be 299. Last I read you were 335 so you need 36 to be 299. 3 months and 8-10 days that is 2.57 lbs a week for you and 1.5 lbs a week for me. That is so doable!!!! shoot we could get off more if we just put our minds to it!!!!!!!!! Let's do this!!!!!!!!! are we the only 2 over 300??


No, I'm over 300 too ~ Last I weighed , about 2 weeks ago? I was 340 :(

I have 7 months left before my cruise and I know I can get below 300 ~ I would love to lose at least 10 pounds a month.

Stacy ~ great job! You are doing wonderful and I know from the past how great that feels:D Happy belated birthday, sounds like you had a great one.

Leah ~ I feel that same way when eating out, or eating something processed or with a lot of additives which I'm not used to eating. When your body is fed good, healty, pure foods for so long, then you put all that crap in it, you feel it, weather it's greasy, sugary, processed or just full of additives. It's like sludge in a gas tank.

I have been doing ok. I haven't weighed myself again. I will start by picking a set day and doing it. I haven't gotten in the total mind set of losing weight yet. It's so hard, the hardest part for me!

PJ ~ you can totally lose the weight before the cruise. Just make sure you drink enough water and you know what is the most important thing? Your mindset! You have to be constantly knowing and telling yourself you are losing weight and getting healthy...you have to believe it and feel it and know it at all times. When you drink that water imagine it cleansing you of toxins and helping flush out the impurities. When you feel your stomach growl, imagine it burning away that unwanted fat, suck in your stomach as much as possible, it really helps pull it back in as you lose weight. Your mind is really strong, it's your body afterall, you can do anything and having a positive mindset and focusing on your body and losing weight really makes the difference:)

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Hey Beauties!!!


I've been doing my research on what type of nutritional plan I wanted to follow and I believe I've finally decided on WW Core plan. I had success (albeit fleeting) with the WW Flex plan, but I think that I would grow weary of counting points right about now. I think I'm going to start up with Core after my prayer fast next week. I also came across a very comprehensive list of allowed core foods. I love Google!!! :D




Anyway, I hope you all are doing ok. I still haven't done my measurements, maybe I can get my friend to do them this weekend. But wait...that would mean he'd know just how wide I am. :o LMAO!!!!!

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I still haven't done my measurements, maybe I can get my friend to do them this weekend. But wait...that would mean he'd know just how wide I am. :o LMAO!!!!!


OMG!!! I almost fell off my chair laughing. I would not let my husband measure me!! He offered. I refused. There was no way, even though he hugs, etc me. He knows every inch of my body and I still wouldnt let him. BECAUSE THE SAME THOUGHT WENT THROUGH MY HEAD - He will know just how wide I am! I did end up measuring myself. Through the 2.5 months I have been loosing, I have lost a combined total of 15.5 inches. (waist, bust, hips, individual legs, individual arms)


PJ - it sounds like you have found just the right eating plan for you!! I am proud of you for taking this step to locate just what would be good for you.


Thanks Amy. It was a good birthday. OK, you have 7 mths left. You can do this. I know you can.

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Good evening ladies!!! Hope all is well.


Well I bought me a new pair of tennis shoes this evening. I have a heel spur on my R foot so I have been searching for some good shoes for years. Tonite we were looking for T some shoes and I found a clearance table:D (I love clearance). Well they had some Saucony's for $25.00 so we bought them then shopped for another 2 1/2 hours. and my heel really doesn't hurt that bad. Had a hot flash in Target!!!!! that was my first.:mad: Ate at Buffalo Wild Wings, but I ordered the naked tenders w/no fries and an unsweet tea. Which is better than I have been doing with my food. Also bought us a pedometer that also tracks calories burned. I guess I will have to start using them all.


PJ, I will have to go and look at that website!!!!!!!!! Vicki measured me and I measured her but I was pretty much embarrased for her to do it:o .


Hope you all have a good night!!!!!!!!!!

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