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Grand Cayman Excursions

Island Marketing Cayman

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Very kind of you to take the time to write such a detailed and informative report. Your posts are the best information I've been able to glean from the internet and are very much appreciated. Have you heard any news about Dexter, of Dexter's Fantasea Tours? Do you know him? I hope he's OK.


Thanks, again, for the updates!

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Wow mateo! What a lot of information. My thoughts go out to all those in GC. We are going to be there the first week in January. Guess I should forget renting a car and driving to Rum Point. I wonder how AVIS made out with their cars? Glad the west side wasn't as bad. The rest of our group was going to the west side. Thanks for your infomation and I look forward to any updates you have.

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Here is an e-mail that I received from Captain Marvins. My heart goes out to them but I am glad that the employees are well. Keep them in your thoughts along with the others on GC.


To all of you who have written with questions about how we are doing after

> Hurricane Ivan, here is a brief update. Thank you for your prayers and

> concern; they have meant a lot to us during the past several days.


> The island has been ravaged by the hurricane. Most people have sustained

> damage to their homes and businesses. The trees are mostly gone; what are

> left standing have few or no leaves/fronds left on them. There are

> literally tons and tons of debris that need to be cleared, but this

> massive task is underway and there is a great improvement already.


> Capt. Marvin's Watersports lost two of our three locations, but the one in

> town at the Waterfront Centre is intact and although we have sustained

> some water damage, everything else seems to be fine here. We lost one of

> our boats but hope to bring that back up and get it going again. All of

> our crew, staff and owners and their families are well, which is the

> biggest blessing of all. We are thankful for life.


> Grand Cayman has never in recorded history been hit directly by a

> hurricane, much less a category 5 hurricane such as Ivan was, with

> sustained winds of over 165 mph, and gusts up to 208 mph recorded at the

> airport.


> Flights with returning residents and emergency/humanitarian supplies are

> arriving daily. One cruise ship arrived today with no tourists, but with

> humanitarian supplies, for which we are very grateful. We plan to be up

> and going whenever the first tourist arrives here, by land or by sea. We

> are actually capable of running at almost full capacity already, so we

> will be ready as soon as the first tourists arrive again.


By the way, the Turtle Farm survived the storm in great shape!


> Thank you again for all of your prayers and concern. I apologize for the

> global email, but just don't have time to write to everyone individually

> right now. There were almost 500 emails waiting for me when I booted up

> the computer for the first time today!


> Gratefully yours,

> Ruth and the staff and crew from Capt. Marvin's

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Thank you so much for all your info.The nice words you speak about the folks,and other operator's on the Island are touching.


We were on Rhapsody of the Seas last week,and were booked with Nativeway on Thursday the 16th.My family was so looking forward to this,and I kept saying how dissapointed I would be if we were too miss the Caymans for some reason.It seems that it is missed a lot,due to rough weather etc.


I can tell you,onboard Rhapsody,there was a very somber mood onboard Tuesday.Not because we were not going,but because news reports were starting to come in about Jamacia,and we knew you guys took a direct hit.What courage it must take to get through this,and pick up and carry on.You guys all have my thoughts and prayers,and we hope to meet up with some of you next year.

I hope my church will undertake a mission trip to one of the Islands hit,I would love to give something back to those who have given us so much.



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Hello all,


Cayman’s progression is as fast as initially thought, electricity is back in George Town and power lines are up all the way to the Hyatt on 7 Mile Beach, it will not be long before electricity is restored on the entire 7 Mile Beach area. Water is available in areas South of George Town, 7 Mile Beach will have water anytime now as pipes are being quickly replaced.


As the business sector is recovering private homes are still in need of electric, water, construction material and laborers with tools, much was lost “privately” by builders and much needs to be repurchased and imported to the Island. Some builders traveled to the USA to purchase building supplies only to find shortages of everything that is needed and sky high prices for basic building supplies, no surprise there, somehow all the threads on this message board are forgetting that a score of hurricanes have hit Florida in the past 2 months, my heart goes out to all Floridians whom are also in need at this time! It has been quite a season for the entire Caribbean, many Islands have been affected by storms, the USA has surely had enough storms to last them a lifetime.


Cruise Line Companies are doing their best redirecting Ships while their departure Ports keep receiving Hurricanes, this week is once again “mystery week” in the Cruise business with just about all Ships re-routed to alternate Ports, Cruises shortened, excursions cancelled, it is a mess! We are doing our best to accommodate all arriving passengers and will also take care of diverted passengers. This summer will be fresh in our minds forever. Our shore excursion “Operation Manual” at one time 56 pages will be rewritten and will be the size of the Encyclopedia Britannica by the time I am finished rewriting it for next season (Dec to Dec)


I would like at this time to request a huge favor from all who will be reading this post:


For the past two weeks I have encountered a humongous amount of links pointing to pictures of the destruction caused by Ivan in Grand Cayman. Many of you who have visited our Island have only done so for a short Cruise stop and are not 100% familiar to our Island, many of you have yet to visit and do not know the landscape, buildings, roads etc. All photo albums shown on the Internet are of the same buildings, places and areas affected by Ivan, there are no “new pictures” out there, they are all the same, taken at different angles during different times of the day, all showing the same 5 condos (I do not think there are that many actually, let’s see: Dolphin Point, Bonnie’s Arch, Ocean Club Mariner’s Cove and Villas of the Galleon. I guess I counted correctly.) All pictures are showing the same exact boat pileup at the Yacht Club and Lime Tree Bay, there are only 2 widely used anchorage areas in Cayman even though all the pictures out there make it seem as there are 1,000 and a million boats have drifted to shore. The destroyed building on 7 Mile beach widely shown (the one that looks like King Kong had a seat on it) is Regency Court, the only building on 7 Mile which was affected in such manner and will most likely have to be demolished, if you look at some of the 300 pictures out there in “Internetland” you can see Galleria Plaza right next to Regency, there is a light pole in the middle of the road right by the Burger King’s sign which is also in the road. I believe one picture said “This used to be burger king” which should have read “this used to be their sign!”


I have seen pictures of areas which had no homes ever built there, where the sea rose and took away most pine trees and deposited a large amount of rocks and sand on the road (most of the road was washed away as well). The picture caption was “This used to be a row of million dollar homes” I am not sure how much glue the photographer was able to sniff before that statement was written but there were no homes there to begin with!


My “last straw” was when Courtney Platt, a photographer who I have “followed” for years published his set of photos. I have to admit I was a little excited when I noticed a link posted by a photo gallery owner who carries his work pointing to the album he had put together. (Great advertising stunt I must say) When I visited his website to see what he had capture I could not help but being extremely disappointed at his display. Here is a photographer who has been able to capture Cayman’s beauty for years, he is the photographer who best proves that “photography is all about being at the right place at the right time” as well as photographers need the skill to be ready when that time comes. He has done some work for National Geographic (when he worked as a Capt. on the Atlantis Deep Sub) and overall a great underwater photographer, I could go on and on about his work. His pictures are the same exact pictures I had seen taken by 500 people, same building, same boats, the same 5 condos etc. the most disappointing element: The same pictures were now taken professionally, with the right lighting, the right angle, the right camera (probably photoshop enhanced at that!) That to me was insult to injury! I mean, with so much to really show about our Island, people rebuilding, 100 lineman working 24/7, water companies working 24/7, relief coming in at all times with people helping to distribute, how about some picture showing what has not been shown in the past 2 weeks? If I expected anyone to do so it would have been Platt, non the less David Wolf, now here is another “good Samaritan” not only does he show the same areas destroyed he rents an airplane to take the photos! Sorry Courtney, David got one over you on that one :p His gyroscope camera mount came in handy, the only one on Island, I am just wondering, with all that displayed destruction shown to appear as the entire Island blew up how did all of your equipment survive?


Continued below......

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So here is the favor:


(and tank you for allowing me to rant and rave) there are many photos out there, we have all seen them. We who know the Island well realize all photos are of same exact areas, unfortunately most people do not. Thankfully there are responsible individuals out there like David Olson who is taking 1,000,000 of photos of everything, destroyed, damaged and untouched (actually he is just now starting to show untouched areas, as there are no more damaged areas he can show, at least he didn’t stop there!) One responsible individual also went to work with his camera and was able to show pictures of “what did not happen”, as unglamorous as it will be, no Pulitzer Prize for that one, he is shown Cayman rebuilding, or the areas in Cayman that do not need to be rebuild. His work is most likely the most difficult one, it is easier to take 100 pictures of destroyed homes, cars, boats, very difficult to take 100,000 pictures of untouched areas, his work is endless as every time he is finished the wrecked areas will be fixed and his would will have to be redone on a weekly basis!







should be commended as finally someone is showing the “real after Ivan”!


By the way, does anyone recognize this one?


This is the English Bakery where our Capt. Bryan’s Excursion meets.



That is Capt. Marvin’s GT office.


If more responsible photographers where out there we could also see many other operators on Island whom are fine and ready to roll! We would be shown more areas that are untouched, more condos ready for visitors, hotels reconstructing and fixing everything to prepare for this winter season.


I don’t know about you, but I am much rather see what is untouched and what they are doing to help the Cayman population Island as well as what they are doing to once again allow visitors to our Island than what Ivan has done to some places for the 1,000nd time. Please understand I am not saying nothing happened to Grand Cayman during Ivan, but please understand that when press releases say “90% of structures have been affected” it does not mean destroyed, I lost shingles from my home, my satellite dish is gone, my car was flooded as well as no power and water to my house, so I am also part of the 90%. That is a far cry from the pictures currently published of the same condos and areas. I have no room to complain! My house sits empty, it has not been looted, (I still cannot find anyone who has…) I will take care of the house as soon as I can…..


The favor? Please refrain from placing links from the “new guy out there” who is once again showing the same 50 pictures. Everybody and their mother has a digital camera in Cayman, most new photo albums are of people who would like to show their friends and families their side of the destruction, all pictures are of the same stuff.


I have noticed an overwhelming amount of people on other internet forums who are canceling their Cayman vacation scheduled as far away as April 2005! They state “By the looks of the pictures I have seen on the Internet Cayman seems totally destroyed. We called the condo owner of the property and he said there was no damage to his property (most say “slight damage but the owner said it will be fixed in 1 month, 2 at most”) but the pictures show different. I do not want to go to a devastated Island so I have canceled my vacation….”


This is my reason for “the favor”. By April the same cancelled arrival would have forgotten a huge hurricane visited a few months before due to the Island being back together in the time for their visit. They do not realize the same pictures are being shown, they think the whole Island looks like Regency Court! When Hurricane Gilbert visited many years ago it had the same effect (ok, ok, not as much damage, but 14+ years ago we did not have half the buildings or boats on the Island. More buildings only equal to more buildings being damaged) many people cancelled their vacation for January, Feb, and April. By December the Island looked perfectly fine but tourism died that year…. Who wants to visit a destroyed Island……?


Cayman will need a lot of work, and a lot will be done by December. I hope more responsible photographers are out there to show future visitors progress and not the same old pictures. Cayman needs help, yes, but now they need a different kind of help, Cayman need reassurance that visitors will still arrive, contrary to everyone’s believe Cayman survives on tourism, Banking hardly feeds most people it only feed the few. 99% of my friend (non the less family) survives from tourism related incomes, all are very depressed right now with the thought of no tourism for months, no tourism means no jobs, no jobs means no money, banks alone will not feed 90% of the population. If the World thinks Cayman will look like the day following Ivan forever they are mistaken, but how will they know any different if all that is shown is Regency Court and Mariner’s Cove?


We have opened our reservation system for Grand Cayman for November arrivals onwards to revive our Operator’s spirits, to show them visitors will be arriving and cannot wait to go on their excursions. We need to show them visitors will be arriving, no one will lose their job, we need to help them hang in there for the next month. We are 100% prepared to take a beating on this one and refund all reservations if Cruise Liners are not back to Grand Cayman by then for some strange reason (have you seen the “real pictures” of the port? Princes’ tenders have already docked there bringing supplies! Passengers were upset they could not go to shore as George Town looked perfectly fine!) We will absorb the refund penalty costs, we will risk Visa, MC and others wrath for charging and then refunding (how they hate when we do that :( ) that is the least we can do to lift our Operator’s spirits. In short, we are betting money Cruise Liners will visit by November, Government Officials have said it, Cruise Liners are planning on it, most hotels will also be opened by then.


With so much negativity out there please help us do our part to support local Operators, refrain from posting the same ol’ pictures of the same buildings and please plan on your Cayman vacation, it will be a great one!



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This situation reminds me of what happened here in Southern California after the Norhtridge Earthquake. To watch the news, one would believe that the place was leveled! True, there were areas of shocking devastation. Namely, an apartment complex, a parking structure and a bad freeway collapse. The thing is, there was so much that was not even touched. The news reports kept showing that "one" street where the gas main broke and caught fire. I guess it just makes for a more interesting story to focus on the bad. Hopefully, all the hoopla will die down and Grand Cayman will get back on it's feet shortly.

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Thanks for all of your information! I'm very happy to find out that your island is recovering so quickly! I cannot imagine being without power & water for so long...our prayers are with you.


Since you seem to be able to confirm with photos the extent of damage to some tour operators, would you happen to know any more about Soto's? I am hopeing they are fine, and I hope to visit them in November.


Thank you very much!

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What a great person to take the time to inform all of us interested in how Grand Cayman is handling things. Our cruise is scheduled to stop on November 3, so I guess it's a toss up right now. My husband and I were there in July, 2003 and had hoped we would be able to share the visit with our family, however, more important is the safety and well being of the wonderful people there. If we don't make it, this might be the excuse (not that we need one) we need to plan a future cruise, but you can bet we'll try to stay away from the hurricane season!!

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Matteo, thanks for letting us all know your plight. Without your telling us, we would never have known how badly these "Ivan Destruction Pictures" have hurt you. I for one, vow to NOT view any more of those devastation pictures from the Cayman Islands. If the person's posting these threads sees that they are not getting any hits and no one's viewing the pictures, they'll stop posting them. Then maybe we can get rid of these horrible pictures and start thinking about how beautiful the Caymanians are making their island right now as we speak.:)


Also, I am scheduled to visit the Cayman Islands on our cruise on Nov. 4th. If we do get to go, I plan on posting a raving review here on the boards as soon as I get back.:D I will do everything I can to help you get your tourism going again. And I urge everyone else to post a review as soon as they get back from their cruise once the cruise ships start going back to the Cayman Islands. We need to help these people get back on their feet. And the best way to do that is start thinking positively and talking positively about the Cayman islands. I have had a number of Cayman island residents echo your thoughts that the cruise ships will probably be back in late October or early November. And I hope it's true! Good luck on getting your home back to normal Matteo.


Matteo is correct, we should also be concerned for Florida. They have been hit by four tornados in one month. I can't even begin to imagine their plight. The only time this has ever happened before was in Texas in 1886. So this is extremely rare and very sad.:( The only positive thing for them is that they are not an island and supplies don't have to be shipped in like they do in the Cayman islands. Many surrounding states are putting together relief efforts in order to try to help the residents of florida.

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thanks so much for all the updates, though we did book our cruise with the intention of being in GC for Thanksgiving, I pray more for the safety and recovery of the island. I know alot of the toursim money provides families there with their income. If we stop we will definitly spend our money gladly, if our cruise is unable to make it, we will come spend a week there next year. We love cayman and will definetly go back.


thanks again,



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Perhaps, when the time is right, you can relay a message for me to the folks at Captain Bryan's. My wife, her parents and I all went with them aboard the Hannibal 9/02 and had an absolutely wonderful time. I've forgotten the names of the crew, except for the videographer from VIP, Heather. All of them were incredibly informative and showed a genuine desire to make the trip an enjoyable one for all involved. I searched the web for a way to contact them directly, to no avail. I was hoping to leave a little ray of sunshine in their email for whenever they might have access to it again. Since you are affiliated with them, could you please make sure they get the message?

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This is what i have been waiting for... Thank you Island Marketing Cayman. I have been reading, on sites like stormcarib.com about the resolve and determination of the residents of Grand Cayman to fix their beautiful island, but I too was only seeing the same pictures to which you referred. From the looks of it, there will always be a scar where Ivan hit, but the island, and it's residents, are healing. Thanks again.

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Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to get us some info. I am really disgusted with the lack of media coverage GC has had here in the states.


We are hoping to visit you the last week in Nov. We hope that will happen but if not, we'll just plan another trip! You have a beautiful island full of wonderful people.


I hope they know how many people are thinking of them during this difficult time.

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Matteo, thank you for this first hand update.

As someone who works in the travel industry I ask you a favor in return. Talk with you tourism board and tell them how important it is to communicate with the cruise lines.

It's great that you are taking bookings for November however, those due to sail in October (myself included) still show GC as a port on our itinerary. The "not knowing" is what causes people to go out and look for the very pictures you are talking about.

They post to these boards "what's the story with GC????" and that only leads to responses from people who really don't know the answers.


I don't think it would be too hard for cruise lines to have said, on Oct. 1, all GC stops are cancelled for the month. As November draws near the decision will be re-evaluated. Now I don't know if this is the cruise lines that decide not to inform passengers or if GC tourism is unclear about ship arrivals.

But for the future, I think everyone would benefit from clear information as soon as it is availabe.


I have not been to GC and was so looking forward to renting a jeep and making our way to Rum Point. I was due to be there 10/27 or 10/28 but I don't think I will make it. So for now it just goes back on my list of places to visit .. very soon!


Good luck for continued speedy recovery!


mary beth

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My TA told me Grand Cayman was off the Rhapsody itinerary for October but that November would be decided on a weekly basis. I am hoping that by our 11/28 departure, Grand Cayman will be more than ready for us. Thanks for the updates Matteo, we're ready when you are.

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Thank you all for your comments and encouraging words, they mean lots!!!


Bemarshall --- I noticed the Jolly Roger on mangroves by Boobie Key, the picture said “Yacht run aground during Ivan”, and of course it would say that. The picture contradicts the caption and it looks as if it did ok during the storm. It is hard to tell form a picture taken from an airplane but the vessel was floating, not aground. I know the area well and always sail in the channel between the mainland and Boobie Key, the channel is natural and very deep, I have sailed 52ft sailboats, catamarans, fishing boats etc through the same channel with ease, the mangrove would work as a great buffer if the vessel hit shore. I hope that I am correct….


Dannziigg --- VIP Production http://www.vipcayman.com/ --- vip@candw.ky

1-345-945-1561 They are surely closed but might be able to check their e-mail if off Island.


MBW1024 --- No one would be more excited to see a Cruise Liner return to Cayman than Cayman itself. Cayman’s Department of Tourism is working closely with the Cayman Island Government and our Chamber of Commerce to ensure a quick come back. Unfortunately there is no clear answer to the present Port opening date. The Island will need many services re-instated before they can allow 10,000 passengers to visit the Island. Cruise Liners are doing their best with re-routing all Western Caribbean Itineraries, I am sure it is no small feat to rearrange schedules, excursions, port times, a living nightmare for any employee. We had to reschedule hundreds if not thousands of passengers in 3 of our serviced Ports without the appropriate staff, without our head office etc. I think 4 of us are busier now than in full season, our other 2 staff members are in limbo not knowing when they will be able to return home. All Cruise Liners have cancelled Grand Cayman from their itinerary for the month of October, the month of November is still on Itineraries due to the Port opening in November, an exact date is not known but we are hoping on a November 1st (Monday) opening date. The first week of November only has 12 cruise liners scheduled as compared to 22 cruise liners the 3rd week of November, perhaps opening on a “slow” week might be best for all. Your questions are very good questions, I think that the confusion rests on all parties you have mentioned, Government would like to have a November startup, the Cruise Liners would like a November startup, the Cayman public would also like to see a November startup but I think the real decision rests on all the personnel working 24/7 to re-instate electricity, water, phones, roads and more. If they build it (or re-build in this case) they will come


To everyone --- You kind words are inspiring and fantastic help for the Cayman population. I talked to Capt. Bryan yesterday and he was also uplifted when I told him how passengers feel about their Cayman arrival, you can’t wait to be there and Caymanians can’t wait to see you! :D



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