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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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So wouldn't you know it, I crept back up to 138. However, my body has surely changed. I wore a pair of pants 3 weeks ago. I was 138 then as well. They were a little big around the waist, but still wearable. I went to wear them today...they practically fell off. I can no longer wear them. I really like these pants too...I bought them after Christmas for $15 (originally $90), size 6, were a little snug when I bought them but I knew I'd be losing. Oh well, I got my $15 out of them.


I'm going to keep at it, but I think my body wants to be at 138. And really, what is the difference between 135 and 138? Almost all my size 6 pants in my closet are too big. I've had to change what I was planning on wearing 3 times this week because clothes were too big when I put them on.


I can tell a difference in the way my pants fit for 3 pounds difference (not a "swing", but a consistent weight).


Your body composition has obviously changed since in the last 3 weeks, so that is good - that is what you want. The number isn't so important - it's what makes up that number! ;)


I can't tell you how much money I spent on altering clothes! :rolleyes: I went though three complete wardrobes. At one point my body was changing so quickly I wore a size 10 for only one month!! I threw out so many clothes...but some I just loved so much, or they cost so much, that I spent the money to have them altered. I would bag the $15 pants tho - would not be worth the $. But hey...don't it feel good??? :D

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I have gone through the same clothes issue. I am a consultant (CPA) and often wear a business suit. I spend a good deal on my suits, classics that will take the wear and tear. For these suits I had them taylored and some of them actually came in as much as 3 sizes and came out great.


My ballgowns, which I also tend to by well made and expensive gowns went to Goodwill. My other suits that were not that costly were donated to a program we have around here for females coming off of the welfare rolls and going into the work force. There are plenty of good causes that you can give your gently worn clothes to, and they will really appreicate your help.

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Leslie, Sorry about the jerk. I guess I knew I was right because I have had so much experience with this type of guy. A guy who did that to me did that because he was an addict. He would call....then get high, forget to show up for a date, then call and make up an excuse, etc. I'm by no means saying your guy was or is an addict. It was just a pattern I noticed. I'm sure you will find someone wonderful soon!!


Brought my mom home from hospital last night. She was doing well. Yet, I go to visit her today and she is so weak she can't do anything but lie in bed. If the dr.'s would have seen her like that I don't think they would have released her. She decided to go to sleep now.

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My ballgowns, which I also tend to by well made and expensive gowns went to Goodwill. My other suits that were not that costly were donated to a program we have around here for females coming off of the welfare rolls and going into the work force. There are plenty of good causes that you can give your gently worn clothes to, and they will really appreicate your help.


Agree - I said "throw out", but in truth mine went to Goodwill. Although...some things I actually sold on eBay...I forgot about that.


Brought my mom home from hospital last night. She was doing well. Yet, I go to visit her today and she is so weak she can't do anything but lie in bed. If the dr.'s would have seen her like that I don't think they would have released her. She decided to go to sleep now.
Maybe she just needs some rest...perhaps the trip home and surrounding excitement wore her out.


Brenda, I finally found the tortilla wraps I mentioned earlier. They are made by La Tortilla Factory, and I could find them only at a local chain here - Farm Fresh. But La Tortilla Factory has a website, and I'll post the pic here so you could always call around to see if anyone carries them.


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It doesn't matter why he did or didn't call. He is who he is. In his mind he's not a jerk, and maybe he thought you were giving him the brush off because you didn't answer and he freaked out. Regardless, it doesn't really matter and you still don't have the right to call him a jerk because you'll never know. Onward.


I need to fry a bigger fish:D. I never heard from him Seriously, why did he even bother calling the other night?
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Well, any addict is a jerk period and you don't even have to meet him to figure that out. I dont think Leslie's guy was a jerk at all. He was being who he is and she never got the opportunity to find out.


Glad your mom is doing well.


Leslie, Sorry about the jerk. I guess I knew I was right because I have had so much experience with this type of guy. A guy who did that to me did that because he was an addict. He would call....then get high, forget to show up for a date, then call and make up an excuse, etc. I'm by no means saying your guy was or is an addict. It was just a pattern I noticed. I'm sure you will find someone wonderful soon!!


Brought my mom home from hospital last night. She was doing well. Yet, I go to visit her today and she is so weak she can't do anything but lie in bed. If the dr.'s would have seen her like that I don't think they would have released her. She decided to go to sleep now.

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M, I normally agree with your posts, but I disagree with both of your above posts. Just as he has the right to be who he as, I have the right to draw an opinion based on the info I have as well as be who I am (but I don't see where I called him a jerk here). Based on his behavior, he ACTED like a jerk. Is he a jerk? I don't know because HE didn't give me the opportunity to find out. Legit excuse or not, he cancelled on me twice. Since he hasn't called me back, I have to draw the conclusion that he's not interested, and maybe never really was interested, which makes me question the legitimacy of his excuses. And if he freaked out because he thought I was giving HIM the brush off because I didn't answer the phone, well, that's just silly. There are a million reasons to not answer a phone call. And yes, there are a million reasons why he may not have returned my call, but based on all the data points he's given me...


Seriously, I'm over it. I don't care anymore. As you said, let sleeping dogs lie.

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In his mind he's not a jerk


But is a jerk ever a jerk in his own mind?? Probably not.:) We judge based the the data we have - it may not be correct data, but that is all we have.


Seriously, I'm over it. I don't care anymore. As you said, let sleeping dogs lie.


Remember to keep your eyes open for those bigger fish!! ;)


Well ladies...you all have a wonderful weekend...I am off to see my fella!

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Happy, how was the weekend?


Brenda, how is your mom?


Smooth, did you have a competition this weekend? If so, how did it go?


For the fourth Saturday in a row, I weighed in at 138. But given the pants issue, I measured myself. I last measured myself when I first weighed in at 138. Waist stayed the same, but I lost another inch in the chest (darn) and 1.5 inches in the hips. So, I'm still shrinking:).

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No Chi, our competition is this week-end coming up. Last week I was at the gym everyday doing 45 minutes of cardio and 45 minute of weight exercises. They say not to do this, rest your muscles in between, but I have to tell you I felt really good doing this. I will continue on with it this week but I cant keep this up as it is really hard to find the time to do this every day plus dance practice.


How many days does everyone else do?


I also did just what you did when I stopped loosing weight. I measured myself and saw the result that way... It works to keep you going, doesnt it?


I had a fun day yesterday. My niece was up from Oregon and I went to a gathering to meet her new baby. My sister had bought a book "Wishes for Baby" and then each of my sisters(I have 4) and I each wrote a wish for the baby in the front of the book. It was quite interesting to see each sisters wish, whatever our passions in life are came out in the little wish and even though our names were beside the wish they did not have to be for me.... I knew who each wish was from......My wish. "I wish you find joy in dance"!!

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Hi all, My mom is doing much better. I, however, do not believe she is well enough to go to work. She insists on going because she cannot afford to take off....so we'll see how that goes today.


I workout at Curves 5 times a week on average. The least I do is 45 minutes and the most is 1 hour 15 minutes. It all varies depending on what else I need to do that day, etc. They combine weight training with cardio. Sometimes on the weekends I do the bike at home.....and sometimes I work on just abs.


I gained a pound back. I think I mentioned I was at 127......in any case, that seems to have been only a temporary. I'm at 128 now. It's not budging. I hope to get it moving this week though. I'm gonna really go for it.


Well have a great day everyone!

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Brenda, maybe this is the plateau we told you was coming..


Happy...hmm..we are waiting for a full report!


I am trying to go back to my routine of cardio every morning..I am working like 60 hours per week again which I'm thankful for, but the days are getting longer trying to get back into my regular gym routine.Here it is 5:30 am and I know I won't be home tonite until 10 :(


Hi all, My mom is doing much better. I, however, do not believe she is well enough to go to work. She insists on going because she cannot afford to take off....so we'll see how that goes today.


I workout at Curves 5 times a week on average. The least I do is 45 minutes and the most is 1 hour 15 minutes. It all varies depending on what else I need to do that day, etc. They combine weight training with cardio. Sometimes on the weekends I do the bike at home.....and sometimes I work on just abs.


I gained a pound back. I think I mentioned I was at 127......in any case, that seems to have been only a temporary. I'm at 128 now. It's not budging. I hope to get it moving this week though. I'm gonna really go for it.


Well have a great day everyone!

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Well I made it back...got in really late last night - flights were all screwed up and I almost had to spend the night in Altlanta. I was booked on 2 standby flights and made the second one thank goodness.


My ex is such a dufus - he was supposed to keep our son at his house Sunday night since I wasn't coming back till Monday night, and he totally forgot. So my son, realizing sometime late Sunday, that I was out of town (he is is father's son, for sure :rolleyes:), called 4 friends and made them promise to give him a wake-up call the next morning so he would not miss the bus. Good grief. Oh well, at least he made it to school!


The trip was good, just really too short. We spend Sunday in St. Augustine just kicking around, and I totally blew my calories, just in alcohol I think! :p I don't drink often, and when I do I don't drink a lot, but I think I upped my average a bit that day. We ate at a little Irish pub called McKnights - we had the Shepards Pie, and OMG was it incredible! I can't even begin to imagine what the calories were...with that and all the fancy drinks, and the pralines (yeah we went into one of those wonderful confectionaries too:cool: ) I guess the weekend, diet-wise, was a bust!! I did get in a run, and we walked our butts off too, so I guess it could have been worse. I was up a pound this morning...but hopefully I will even back out by the weekend. :o


Smooth - my regular routine is 30 min of some type of cardio every day, 45-60 min if I have time, but more often than not I miss at least one day, sometimes two. Also twice a week I do a 2 hour workout on machines and free weights. I used to do this 3 days a week, but lately I have not always had the luxury of time. As far as every day being "too much" on the muscles, I think that is true for strength training, but cardio can be done every day. This doesn't mean you can't do strength training every day, just not the same muscles. Many regulars at my gym are there every single day on the weights, but they rotate muscle groups each day.


This is the latest gov't guidelines on fitness - this was issued in Aug '07, and it is a pretty length read, but I refer people to if often when they balk at my recommendations for an exercise plan (I get asked a lot at work). There is a lot of detailed info here, but if you just want the summary, skip to page 10-11 for the "short & skinny" on the recommendations.


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Smooth, I work out 6 days a week. I do at least an hour of cardio every day (sometimes a little more), abs every day for 10-15 minutes, and a half hour of lower body weights 2 days a week (Sunday and Wed), and a half hour of upper body twice a week (Sat and Tues).

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OK then, it sounds like many of us are working out a lot in a week. These past two weeks I have been doing 45 minutes of cardio, and 1 hour of weight training, all muscles every day..... But this is in prep for the comp, after tommorrow I will start working a muscle group every day....


Last night I thought I was going to die in the end! I did a 2 hour work out then met my husband at the dance studio where we pushed it very hard for another 2 hours. We are dancing 2 new aggressive routines this week-end so have been putting in a lot of extra time. I have learned however through out this prep for the comp that my body can take qute a bit and I can push it this hard... That feels good.


Sounds like you had a great time Happy. Frankly I see nothing wrong with a week-end of calories as long as you get back to your regualr habits. Knowing you, I am sure this is not an issue for you.

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Good morning,


Well after a couple weeks of yo-yoing between 128 and 129....and a short glimpse of 127......I got on the scale this morning to see it read.......ready?....126!!!!!! I am 1 pound away from my second goal of 125.......wow, this is hard!! Third goal is 120.......hope its before summer..... In any case, it was a great morning and I just wanted to share.


Curves, here I come!!

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Good morning,


Well after a couple weeks of yo-yoing between 128 and 129....and a short glimpse of 127......I got on the scale this morning to see it read.......ready?....126!!!!!! I am 1 pound away from my second goal of 125.......wow, this is hard!! Third goal is 120.......hope its before summer..... In any case, it was a great morning and I just wanted to share.


Curves, here I come!!


You go girl!! You are an inspiration for the rest of us!! ;)

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Well, doing this for 4 years is starting to take a toll on me, esp. in the eating thing because then I have to plan even more. Last nght I was so tired I ended up buying some chinese soup (hot and sour which isn't too bad calorie wise) but it's not the same. I hate eating after 7 at night and then I'm too hungry and I eat the wrong thing and I get sick. So planning for me is the key.


I have gone daily to the gym for my cardo so far this week. If I go early by 6am then I find I have more energy when 3pm comes around. Am taking a break now, I work until 7.


Great job on the weightloss Brenda!




M....I give you credit. I honestly, could never handle that schedule. My body simply doesn't function that way. I would be passing out all over the place! :eek: In any case, take it easy.
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M....I do agree that living the healthy lifestyle involves tons of planning!! Its so hard!!! Without planning its much easier to grab something unhealthy. I haven't had chinese since I started this and I can imagine I'm going to be in heaven the next time I do. Today I spent the day with my oldest son....something that is so few and far between unfortunately. In any case, he wanted to go to Cheeseburger Paradise for lunch. :eek: However, I did find grilled chicken skewers that were grilled. So overall, I think I did great. In the past I definitely would have got the burger and fries.....but I was still happy to have went out with my son for the day, no matter what I ate. So even though I did Curves this morning, I just finished 20 minutes of cardio on the bike. Hey, figured I'd burn a few extra calories today.


I have to give you credit though....if I were to get Chinese, I never would have been able to settle for just soup. I, of course, like the worst thing...Sesame Chicken....although I do ask for all white meat. :rolleyes: lol


Thanks for all the nice words everyone.

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...esp. in the eating thing because then I have to plan even more. ...So planning for me is the key.


Gosh I so agree. My family and BF get so annoyed when they throw out a last minute suggestion for dinner out and I decline to eat). They don't get it...if I've not planned for a dinner out, then I will most likely NOT be hungry for such a meal. And eating like that, when not hungry, is how I got fat in the first place!!


Sheesh. Minefields...every where you go. :cool:

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...if I were to get Chinese, I never would have been able to settle for just soup. I, of course, like the worst thing...Sesame Chicken....although I do ask for all white meat.


I love, no...I ADORE General Tso's chicken. And we have a place here that makes it better than I've ever had - very hot and spicy!! But it is SO fattening and SO unhealthy. Now that I know better, I just shake my head at how I, in my blissfully ignorant days, thought that "Chinese food", in general (no pun intended!:p ) was good for you.

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