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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Happy....ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!(me screaming! lol) Never could I afford those jeans!!! Its not fair!! Young kids can wear those junior jeans that they buy for around $30 a pair!!! The most I think I would spend is $70 for nice ones, just like you.


I almost feel sorry for the girl walking around with the giant muffin top over her jeans. I mean maybe being she is so young, she doesn't realize that there are other jeans made, they are just hard to find and never in the juniors department.

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Hello ladies. I had a FABULOUS cruise! I am exhausted though...I didn't go to bed before 3 am, and was always up around 7. This morning I didn't go to bed until 5 (I was hanging out with a fella I met on the cruise), and got up at 7 to disembark. I'll write more tomorrow and report in on my weight.

Welcome home, Leslie! Sounds like you had fun. Whatever little bit of weight I gained on my cruise melted off in days w/o problem. I think the little bit of cruise water/ice with the salt in it must have had us retaining more water?


Glad you're home safe & sound. Let's hear more about the FUN parts...;)



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Ugh...I'm discouraged and irritated. Aside from my first and last trips up to Lido deck when I had my carry-on luggage, I took the stairs the entire trip. I worked out every day but Friday. I did indulge a bit in food, but I certainly ate and drank way less than in previous cruises. I weighed myself on Sunday before boarding - 136.2. I weighed again on Wed on the ship and I was 136! Weighed again on Friday - 140:mad:. That's what I am this morning. I NEVER gained weight on a cruise before. My last cruise I took the elevator, ate tons, only worked out once, and no weight gain. What the heck? I'm sure it will go away fairly soon, but it took me soooo long to get from 138 to 136:(


Hey there Chi! Welcome back!! Sounds like you had a terrific time...tell us about this guy you were with until 5am????? Hmmmm??? :p


Take heart...I have had a 3 pound swing :eek: from one day to the next - mostly due to water retention, so don't fret - I bet you will see it drop off quickly. I am back up a pound in the last week...so I need to tighten up myself and get off this snacking binge I seem to be on lately. Also for some reason I've not been drinking as much water...don't know why, but that definitely makes a difference for me. Okay...off to fill up my mug right now!!!

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Me to. When I eat outside of my normal routine for any length of time I will gain a pound or two, but once back on routine it comes off within days... Dont go crazy about it, but do tell us about the 5:00 AM guy!!


I also like a darker, dressier jean that I can wear heels with. My favorite is a fitted leg that tapers out towards the bottom. For me, it creates a long leg line look..give thoes a try. Also look for embellishments that run down the leg rather than at the pocket. If you have a (Ann Taylor) Loft in your area try thier jeans.


But there are some clothes that no matter what you do they just dont look good on your body type and you need to be honest with yourself about this. I had this quite sexy gown that I just loved and was using as a motivation. So it finally fits (very excited) and I brought it to my designer for a few minor design alterations.... She tells me that this gown does nothing for my body type and I could loose another 20 pounds and it still would not look good on me. I appreciated her honesty. She could of done the alterations, taken my money but she did not..... This was a 2 hour ride to get to her and all the way home I was so devestated that I worked hard to wear this gown, and it is just not going to be.... OK, I am over it now but the moral of story is try on the jeans and accept some will look great, others wont... I guess my gown will go on EBay!!

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Smooth,good post..I agree with you...there are some clothes that may look darling on the rack, but awful on the person. Tis true that people don't want to face that. All the time on the fashion board a woman will ask for an opinion on a dress that is not flattering on her at all, ( as in ill fitting, everything hanging out, sticking out, rolling out,etc.) but everyone will make comments about how pretty her hair is, her lovely face, etc. and no comments on the dress, because they don't want to hurt her feelings.

On the jeans thing, you just have to keep trying on and trying on until something works. Shopping for jeans is like shopping for bras..oh what an ordeal I'd rather not deal with!


Chi: You are probably just bloating out from all the sodium in the food, gas, etc. I wouldn't worry about it. Is Aunt Martha coming to visit maybe??


Me to. When I eat outside of my normal routine for any length of time I will gain a pound or two, but once back on routine it comes off within days... Dont go crazy about it, but do tell us about the 5:00 AM guy!!


I also like a darker, dressier jean that I can wear heels with. My favorite is a fitted leg that tapers out towards the bottom. For me, it creates a long leg line look..give thoes a try. Also look for embellishments that run down the leg rather than at the pocket. If you have a (Ann Taylor) Loft in your area try thier jeans.


But there are some clothes that no matter what you do they just dont look good on your body type and you need to be honest with yourself about this. I had this quite sexy gown that I just loved and was using as a motivation. So it finally fits (very excited) and I brought it to my designer for a few minor design alterations.... She tells me that this gown does nothing for my body type and I could loose another 20 pounds and it still would not look good on me. I appreciated her honesty. She could of done the alterations, taken my money but she did not..... This was a 2 hour ride to get to her and all the way home I was so devestated that I worked hard to wear this gown, and it is just not going to be.... OK, I am over it now but the moral of story is try on the jeans and accept some will look great, others wont... I guess my gown will go on EBay!!

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Brenda, congrats on your weight loss! I'm so impressed with you - and you went from the advice seeker to the advice giver - I love it:). However, that husband of yours...I can't believe he said that to you! You can be sexy at any age!


As for the jeans, I had the same problem. I found that Lucky Brand jeans fit me really great. Many of the other brands I tried were just simply too low. Like Menina said, you just have to keep trying on.


I'm retaining water big time. I drank over 80 onces today and only went to the bathroom twice...I normally have to go way more than that. And, Aunt Martha is at her tail end.


OK, so the 5 am guy. This story just goes to show how dumb men can be:rolleyes:. We met Tuesday in Grand Cayman. He was sitting next to me on our catamaran to the stingray sandbar. He said he couldn't believe his luck with me being on the same excursion - he had seen me the previous two nights in the disco but was too afraid to talk to me. I told him there was nothing to be afraid of, and I'd see him in the disco that night. So we danced all night. At the end of the night, he gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and we go our ways. Same thing happens the next two nights - we were dancing, would go out in the promenade to take a break and chat, and then he'd give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I was thinking "is this guy going to make a move or what?" Next night was Cozumel night, and he wasn't feeling so great from the day's activities, so he didn't go to the disco. Saturday, we have lunch together, went down the water slide, etc. FINALLY, Saturday night, he kisses me for real. I asked him what he waited for. He said he was having a hard time reading me:confused:, and even though his friend he traveled with and his tablemates encouraged him to make a move, he was afraid of rejection. At least if I rejected him on the last night, he wouldn't have to see me again. I thought my signals were pretty clear. Anyhow, we had fun Saturday night (no, not that much fun...I'm not like that and see my note above about the tail end of Aunt Martha). He said he was an idiot and feels like he wasted the week. We exchanged info. He lives in California. I don't expect anything to come of it, but it was fun for the week.


This cruise makes me wonder what kind of vibe I give men - I had two other guys come up to me on Friday night and tell me that they wanted to talk to me all week but were afraid they were out of their league and didn't want to get rejected.


I did meet a couple on my excursion in Cozumel that live in the Chicago area. The woman's brother is single and lives really close to me. She said she wanted to set us up. On our way back to the ship (intoxicated), she kept yelling "This is my future sister-in-law!" We also exchanged info, and she took a picture to show her brother!

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Leslie....Sounds like you had some nice fun on your cruise. Personally, I think its great he didn't really make a move if you are going to be unable to pursue the relationship anyhow. Who knows maybe the drunks brother :eek: will be Mr. Right.


So I was out with my daughter yesterday. She found me a pair of jeans. Now, of course, I have to wear them and try them. I fear that because of the stretch I may have gotten too big a size and once I do wear them its too late!! So I debating. I thought they were too low and didn't want to try them, but she insisted I was wrong......well I'm glad I was!! I found them in Macy's. The brand is Dollhouse and they were $48. They are a very dark wash and a tight straight leg just like I wanted. I also found a few tops to compliment the jeans.


Well its off to Curves to prove DH wrong. lol

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So I was out with my daughter yesterday. She found me a pair of jeans. Now, of course, I have to wear them and try them. I fear that because of the stretch I may have gotten too big a size and once I do wear them its too late!! So I debating. I thought they were too low and didn't want to try them, but she insisted I was wrong......well I'm glad I was!! I found them in Macy's. The brand is Dollhouse and they were $48. They are a very dark wash and a tight straight leg just like I wanted. I also found a few tops to compliment the jeans. /quote]


Now you do know that bootcut is the most flattering cut - right?? :D Anyhoo...those are definitely junior jeans. I could never wear them...I am rather long and junior pants usually are way too short in the crotch.

Glad you found some...enjoy proving hubby wrong! :p

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I can "fit" into junior size clothes but the "cut" isn't flattering at all...I think it has to do with gravity that occurs as we get older! :)


I love Bootcut jeans...super straight doesn't do it for me. Ralph Lauren and Calivn Klein make some great jeans. Brenda did you try the rocky moutains? those are super straight!


So I was out with my daughter yesterday. She found me a pair of jeans. Now, of course, I have to wear them and try them. I fear that because of the stretch I may have gotten too big a size and once I do wear them its too late!! So I debating. I thought they were too low and didn't want to try them, but she insisted I was wrong......well I'm glad I was!! I found them in Macy's. The brand is Dollhouse and they were $48. They are a very dark wash and a tight straight leg just like I wanted. I also found a few tops to compliment the jeans. /quote]


Now you do know that bootcut is the most flattering cut - right?? :D Anyhoo...those are definitely junior jeans. I could never wear them...I am rather long and junior pants usually are way too short in the crotch.

Glad you found some...enjoy proving hubby wrong! :p

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Most Juniors do not flatter me either!! Ashley just has an eye and told me that this certain pair had a little higher waste, etc....she was right.


I have not found Rocky Mountains. Where do they sell them....or just online?

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I always find Junior's sizes to be very long....???


When I say "long" - I mean from hip/waist area to the crotch. Junior sizes are cut shorter there...(simply because girls are not quite finished growing) and misses are cut longer. That's basically the difference in the two cuts. Wearing a junior size, when you need a misses, could provide the dreaded "camel toe" effect!!! :eek: :D

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If you check the website it will tell you store locations.


OK, I'm stupid. What is camel toe? The jeans I got were a bit higher rise than the traditional junior's....I can't wear them low!! :eek:
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Just wanted to respond to one of the posts about what to do with the tummy when surgery is not an option. It is called Turbo Jam! Honestly I never in a million years would of thought I would find my waistline again. I am 53 years old and have had two kids by c-section so I understand the whole stomach problem. I went on WW's and lost 30 pounds and combined that with Turbo Jam and my waist went from a size 31 to a now 26! The money I spent on those Turbo Jam dvd's was the best investment I ever made. And no I am not in any way or form associated with Turbo Jam, I am just a grandma who wants to be in the best shape possible.

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Good for you, vfb! I so agree that it can be done.

If I was rely on DVD's though it would never happen for me. I always find an excuse of what I need to do around the house and never pop in a DVD. For me that is why I go to the gym because there are no excuses, no distractions.


You just have to do what works, right?

PS... I am also a grandma!

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If I was rely on DVD's though it would never happen for me. I always find an excuse of what I need to do around the house and never pop in a DVD. For me that is why I go to the gym because there are no excuses, no distractions.


Gosh me too! I am terrible about that. I do have some equipment at home - dumbbells, a curl bar, a good bench, balance ball, and my latest acquisition - a foam roller (I highly recommend one by the way) and I do use them...but only when I have to cut a gym workout short. But a dvd? Heck I bought "The Firm" about 4 years ago, and they are still in the darn cellophane wrapper!!! :rolleyes:

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Now I am just the opposite, if I had to get up and go to the gym everyday for my workouts I would be in terrible shape. I really like the variety one gets with workout dvds, and not having to leave the house when it is snowing and 40 below is a huge plus. But it all comes down to just getting out there and doing some kind of workout, it really does help speed up the weight loss.

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Now I am just the opposite, if I had to get up and go to the gym everyday for my workouts I would be in terrible shape. I really like the variety one gets with workout dvds, and not having to leave the house when it is snowing and 40 below is a huge plus. But it all comes down to just getting out there and doing some kind of workout, it really does help speed up the weight loss.


Well, my gym is 5 min down the road from my work so I spend my lunch hour there for cardio, (I do strength training either on the way home, or with my son later). And it's a huge gym - plenty of variety. So most of the time, I am already "up and out" when I go. But we don't have that kind of weather here either :eek: ...so I can understand you prefering to stay in!! :) You are right though... whatever works for each person, is best!!

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Good morning.....


OK.....I googled. LOL Just to set the record straight, I have NEVER had nor will I ever have camel toe!!!! I may not know everything there is to know about dieting and exercise, but I'm pretty good when it comes to the way I look in clothing. I have a very good sense of style. This is why I find it so hard to find clothing....I'm so picky how everything fits, etc.


leslie....really nice pics. You look great.

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