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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Chi, my friend from Chicago just married a gal from Eharmony. She is a veterinarian and he is an engineer. They are doing great. My other friend, however, who married a gal on eharmony, not so good. She ended up being Wiccan and a total freak (her being a freak is not related to her being Wiccan) which is so opposite of his beliefs. Now they are in the middle of a nasty divorce and even nastier custody battle. She got pregnant when they knew each other only 2 months and he tried to do the noble thing by getting married. What a disaster.


I have been in the gym daily for 2 weeks about,and am losing fast. My neighbor gave me a discount thing for one of those body wraps and am going to try it..I know it's only fluids you lose but I feel so bloated despite lots of water drinking, etc. My darling arrives I think at the end of next week on leave so I want to feel good when he's here.


My foot is all healed up, and I'm back to working out too. The first one back was toughest, but now I'm back in the swing of things for the most part. It is harder during the summer - all the BBQs, street festivals, baseball games, deck parties, etc. I always bring a fruit or veggie tray so there's something healthy;). Since summer is so short-lived, I want to take advantage of it, so I've been skipping a workout here and there to meet up with my friends. Of course, I'm walking almost everywhere, so I think the two balance each other out for the most part.


So, I finally bit the bullet and used the photos I had from my cruise in April and signed up for eHarmony! I went out with one guy that was seemed nice enough, but I didn't feel we were really compatible - the only thing we had in common was we're both asthmatic lol! I'm going out with another guy on Friday. We spoke on the phone for the first time on Saturday, and my plans to go to the beach were interrupted as I spend 3 hours on the phone with this guy. We've spoken for at least an hour and a half every day, and we have a lot in common, but also have our own interests. In his words, I'm cautiously optimistic about Friday night:)


The baby is getting his 3 month pictures today (a few days early). He's still in the 95th percentile for weight and length. He's sooooo cute. He's rolling over, and, get this, sitting up. It's short lived, but he is pulling himself up. I love listening to him "talk." He's a happy baby, and we love doting on him!

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Good luck Leslie!! I used one of those internet dating sites once. I had a few disasters.....but the one that sticks out in my brain is the one where the guy was extremely intelligent, but had some other mental disorder....I have no clue what. In any case, we met at the diner and when he ate food went everywhere....but the best part was when I stood to go to the ladies room he stood like a soldier and salluted me!!!! So good luck with the internet dating. I want to hear all the stories!


Menina, The wrap sounds wonderful. I've read about these, but they seem so expensive. I also heard you have to go alot before you really see results. Let me know how it works out.


Well I am up only 1 pound now!!! Which really isn't bad at all since I barely hit that other number right before my cruise. So this is my average weight and I'm happy I got back to it. Now I would like to reach that 115 someday.

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The wrap is usually 75.00 but my friend referred me so the first one is only 20.00. She bought a package of 9 for like 450.00. She noticed results with her cellulite..somehow it squeezes all the junk out of you (not the fat, that only goes away with diet and exercise). It's not a permanent solution but it might help get all this water out of me, I barely eat sodium of any sort so not sure why I always store water. When I take water pills I pee all day!


I'll be interesed in the internet dating stories too. I am not a big believer in them though they are popular, guess I think it's still possible to meet people the old fashioned way...


Good luck Leslie!! I used one of those internet dating sites once. I had a few disasters.....but the one that sticks out in my brain is the one where the guy was extremely intelligent, but had some other mental disorder....I have no clue what. In any case, we met at the diner and when he ate food went everywhere....but the best part was when I stood to go to the ladies room he stood like a soldier and salluted me!!!! So good luck with the internet dating. I want to hear all the stories!


Menina, The wrap sounds wonderful. I've read about these, but they seem so expensive. I also heard you have to go alot before you really see results. Let me know how it works out.


Well I am up only 1 pound now!!! Which really isn't bad at all since I barely hit that other number right before my cruise. So this is my average weight and I'm happy I got back to it. Now I would like to reach that 115 someday.

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So, I finally bit the bullet and used the photos I had from my cruise in April and signed up for eHarmony! I went out with one guy that was seemed nice enough, but I didn't feel we were really compatible - the only thing we had in common was we're both asthmatic lol! I'm going out with another guy on Friday. We spoke on the phone for the first time on Saturday, and my plans to go to the beach were interrupted as I spend 3 hours on the phone with this guy. We've spoken for at least an hour and a half every day, and we have a lot in common, but also have our own interests. In his words, I'm cautiously optimistic about Friday night ?


Great!! I've heard very good things about eHarmony - I have two girlfriends that are both in serious relationships with men they met through that site. Enjoying phone conversations is a great sign....always a must for me. If I didn't use online dating, I'd never meet anyone!!!



Not to mention, the best "revenge" is to run into the ex looking even more smoking hot than you did when you were together! You doing ok? Paris trip is right around the corner! Are you super excited?


Yeah Chi, I'm fine now, really more than fine. You know how you turn everything over in your head....analyze things...try and find what you missed?? I've done all that. :p I really knew all along that there were "issues" with his personality...unanswered questions about his past...things that just didn't sit right in my gut. I know I was trying to NOT be so damn picky for a change...and instead I think I wound up settling...though I never got to the point where I would have said "he was my everything", because he wasn't. Never ever felt that way. So, I'm good, completely fine with him being out of the picture. I just miss the company...it was nice having a "companion" again...but I don't miss the stress of the relationship. Honestly, it is so flippin' FREEING not having to take my cell phone every darn where I go now. :cool: That used to drive me nuts.


But the trip is my main focus now...and I leave in 2 weeks and a day!!! Yes I am VERY excited!!

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I'll be interesed in the internet dating stories too. I am not a big believer in them though they are popular, guess I think it's still possible to meet people the old fashioned way...


I think it's definitely possible, but rarely for busy older single moms like me. :o I started getting back into dating only 3 years ago...and after a year spent hitting the clubs and trying to figure out where all the men were, I decided to try the online thing. Took a while to work up the nerve, but I finally did. I dated one guy a few months...that was a hard one - found out he was seeing all kinds of women online - so that was a true eye-opener. Now I'm smarter about it. I did have hopes for this last relationship, but it was not to be. No worries...there are plenty more fish in the sea. It's just that at my age, they tend to stay hidden under the rocks!!! :D And...I am SO picky!!!! :rolleyes:

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I am so glad to hear you are doing so well... If it is a "freeing" experience for you, then great! Just glad to hear you are so well.....


MY SIL met her husabnd on EHarmony. They are such a perfect match, he took it slow with her, and this past May they were married..... She is so happy, so is he....Sometimes these things just work out, as it did for her. It was such a touching day to see my husband give her away, as his dad has been gone for a few years now... Good lord, if anyone can get past my husband in regard to his sister, he has to be OK!!

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I am so glad to hear you are doing so well... If it is a "freeing" experience for you, then great! Just glad to hear you are so well.....


MY SIL met her husabnd on EHarmony. They are such a perfect match, he took it slow with her, and this past May they were married..... She is so happy, so is he....Sometimes these things just work out, as it did for her. It was such a touching day to see my husband give her away, as his dad has been gone for a few years now... Good lord, if anyone can get past my husband in regard to his sister, he has to be OK!!



Well, I said "freeing" because he was one to contantly text me...and call many many times a day...and if I did not respond quickly enough, he started worrying, or sometimes would even sulk. THAT part, I don't miss. :rolleyes:


I'm not saying that having no relationship feels "freeing"...truly I miss it - very much. I know that I want someone in my life...if I didn't know it before, I sure know it now. :o

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Just checking in..Brenda, did you lose the last 2lbs from vacation? Chi, any dates yet?? I've done great keeping up with my gym routine, eating not so hot..not in terms of eating wrong foods, just alot of stress and my appetite is always first thing to go. I failed a licenseing type exam, it was 2 hour oral exam and I failed the last 15 minutes of it..what a disaster..I can retake it but feel like such a f*** up. The only good thing that came out of it is that a friend is taking me to Montego Bay Jamaica for the DAY for lunch and the beach..can you imagine..it's like an hour from here..we are taking a 7am flight then taking like a 10pm home that night..I am so excited. I took it easy today as that exam about killed me. Another friend took me to Cafe Chardonnay for lunch (don't ask how many cheeses were on the pasta). I am lucky to have such wonderful friends! Didn't make it to gym tonite so am going to swim at the beach after dinner tonite.


Hope all is well with you wonderful ladies!! M

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Hi Menina. Well I lost all but one pound. I am at 119. Close enough. I only squeaked in at the 118 anyhow. But, I still want to lose more, only my body resists.


Sorry about your exam......I'm sure you'll do better next time. BUT, you get to go to Jamaica for the day!!! How fabulous is that!!! You really do have wonderful friends. I'm so jealous!!!!

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Well, the good news is you bounced back quickly. Meant to mention, was supposed to get my "wrap" today but I had to cancel it because "Aunt Martha" visited and they said no wraps when you are on your cycle. Maybe this will be better, get all the junk sucked out of me before the day in Jamaica. I don't think the day in Jamaica will be a day of eating, though, I think it's going to be a day of drinking on the beach:D My baby is supposed to be coming sometime within the next week or so, it'll be just like him to show up to plan this big surprise for me and I'll be gone (has happened!)


Hi Menina. Well I lost all but one pound. I am at 119. Close enough. I only squeaked in at the 118 anyhow. But, I still want to lose more, only my body resists.


Sorry about your exam......I'm sure you'll do better next time. BUT, you get to go to Jamaica for the day!!! How fabulous is that!!! You really do have wonderful friends. I'm so jealous!!!!

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Brenda, congrats!


Ham on a bagel living it up? Now, I was expecting you to say fine chocolate and exquisite pastries!


Hope you get some great presents too!


Had a new "treat"..was at my MIL's church on Sunday and they served fresh made carrot juice made with some other kind of fruit (west indian)..it was SO good,felt like I was drinking something very rich as it was so thick!


Its my Birthday!!!....and I'm living it up!! LOL I had taylor ham on a bagel this morning, then ice cream and heading out for a nice dinner. WOO HOO!!!! I'm gonna work out like crazy tomorrow! LOL
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I did get nice presents. My little guy got me a pretty anklet and Pink Sugar perfume. My daughter got me a new digital camera and memory card. My husband gave me a camcorder. Only problem is I think he got me too nice of a one.....its digital with a hard drive and uses a memory card....then you have to burn it onto a DVD if u want to use it that way. I think even though this is technically the "better" one that it would be a whole lot easier for me to just get one that automatically records it onto a DVD and then I can pop the DVD out and watch it on a normal DVD player. Right? This is way too confusing!!!


Anyhow, dinner was awesome....splurged, of course....had my great mushrooms I love, then had something they call fusilli gelone which has fusilli, chicken, sundried tomatoes, mushrooms, peas in a pink vodka sauce. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....I was really bad....had a couple glasses of wine, an espresso with a shot of Sambuca AND cannoli gelato. Yeah, I'm fat. LOL But I went to the gym at 7:15 today so I'm back in the groove.....oh yeah, til tomorrow night :eek: when I go to THE MANOR for my wedding anniversary and truly live it up on fancy food. I look forward to this once a year special event. Hopefully all these special events will be done with so I can go back to my normal healthy eating........yeah yeah, I KNOW I can eat healthy on special occassions too, but who wants to? LOL

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Brenda, a friend has asked me to visit, she is in Belleville, which I think is in south Jersey..what is the nearest airport? Isn't that near Wildwood? M


ps hope you recovered from your bday bash!

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Belleville is in North Jersey. It is about 20 minutes from where I live. The nearest airport is Newark. Belleville is about 2 1/2 hours from Wildwood.


Oh sure, I recovered from my bday bash....but NOW tonight is the BIG BASH....its my Anniversary tomorrow and tonight we are celebrating at The Manor in West Orange. Its a very elegant restaurant.....jacket required type of place. After dinner there is a nice club upstairs (really just like a bunch of couples hanging...not club like) with a band playing. Its a great night. Check out the website. We are going to the a la carte dinner. The Manor

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Oooohh..now that's what I call a "big girl date"..wonderful!


Belleville is in North Jersey. It is about 20 minutes from where I live. The nearest airport is Newark. Belleville is about 2 1/2 hours from Wildwood.


Oh sure, I recovered from my bday bash....but NOW tonight is the BIG BASH....its my Anniversary tomorrow and tonight we are celebrating at The Manor in West Orange. Its a very elegant restaurant.....jacket required type of place. After dinner there is a nice club upstairs (really just like a bunch of couples hanging...not club like) with a band playing. Its a great night. Check out the website. We are going to the a la carte dinner. The Manor

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The Manor looks wonderful. Great place for a special occasion I am sure. This month is our 20th anniversary, no idea what we will do just yet. After 20 years together celebrating one day is not that important to either of us so who knows.


I have gotten off track, for a while now, and it is time for me to get back in shape. We competed this week-end and although the gowns still fit, it showed that I had lost lots of the tone in my body.We dont compete again for another quarter so I should have some time now to get back to the gym..... I just have to do it and I am in the right frame of mind to kick some butt again!

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Good luck with the butt kicking Smooth!!!! I think its the time of the year. I keep "cheating" and feeling bloated. I think once summer is over things will be more normal again.


Well my anniversary dinner turned out to be a disaster. I'm still upset. Anyhow, I got the WORST upper pain under my chest......gas pain I assume.....it wouldn't go away, no how, no way. I took gas pills, etc. Stayed. I was miserable all through dinner. It started before I ate, so I can't blame the food. In any case, the night was completely ruined. I waited all year for this and ended it in tears. Now of course, DH should have said, that we could do it again before next year, but nope......Uggghhhhhhhhhh.


Gotta get my butt to the gym this morning. I need to work off calories, but also frustration!!

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Gas..yuck...I wonder if it was due to your now not accustomed to eating certain foods?


Drink a lot of seltzer...and some ginger tea with no sugar..and lemon water...should help.


Good luck with the butt kicking Smooth!!!! I think its the time of the year. I keep "cheating" and feeling bloated. I think once summer is over things will be more normal again.


Well my anniversary dinner turned out to be a disaster. I'm still upset. Anyhow, I got the WORST upper pain under my chest......gas pain I assume.....it wouldn't go away, no how, no way. I took gas pills, etc. Stayed. I was miserable all through dinner. It started before I ate, so I can't blame the food. In any case, the night was completely ruined. I waited all year for this and ended it in tears. Now of course, DH should have said, that we could do it again before next year, but nope......Uggghhhhhhhhhh.


Gotta get my butt to the gym this morning. I need to work off calories, but also frustration!!

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Well my anniversary dinner turned out to be a disaster. I'm still upset. Anyhow, I got the WORST upper pain under my chest......gas pain I assume.....it wouldn't go away, no how, no way. I took gas pills, etc. Stayed. I was miserable all through dinner. It started before I ate, so I can't blame the food. In any case, the night was completely ruined. I waited all year for this and ended it in tears. Now of course, DH should have said, that we could do it again before next year, but nope......Uggghhhhhhhhhh.


Gotta get my butt to the gym this morning. I need to work off calories, but also frustration!!


Oh my gosh Brenda - do you still have the pain? I can't imagine getting that serious a pain from gas prior to eating. :confused: I'm sorry it ruined your anniversary sweetie....but take care of yourself. Make sure it is not anything more serious!! If hubby didn't say it, then YOU say it - this calls for a DO-OVER!! ;)

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