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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Vineland..have you heard of this??


B, how's the weight loss thing anyway, we haven't heard a peep out of you in a bit..still maintaining?


Happy needs to report in to this thread about her trip! Saw her posts on the other!


Congrats on the fish market Menina. Where is it?


I have found incentive to keep the weight off. I have booked another cruise for June 9th on the Miracle!! WOO HOO!!!! Oh, and I'm not bringing any kids!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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Ding Ding Ding...


Gathina hit the 1000 post on our thread!!! Who would of thought!!


Good for you Brenda, a cruise vacation with no kiddies!! I need to get some motivation going myself... We are booked for a November cruise on the QM2... Wonderful 11 day cruise leaving out of NYC, ends in FLL... I have got so off the wagon and gained 10 pounds. I have taken on a consulting project that has me working really long hours and I end up eating fast foods, no gym. Mind you this is no excuse, I can take the time to make my lunch to bring to the office, get up early to hit the gym, I just have not done it.....


Another switch, Brenda you came here looking for help, got beat up and did it.... Now I use you as incentive to get my own tail back in gear.

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Smooth...cool...did you just give us permission to beat you up?? :) only kidding!


I got off the wagon myself..I was out in the everglades last night doing a project and stopped at my fav. soul food place..fried everything..stroke on a plate..fried porkchops, hush puppies, collard greens with bacon and homemade lemonade..I brought half of it home but wow,do I feel bloated! I've been in the gym 2 hours a day for over a week but no excuse for me either!


Ding Ding Ding...


Gathina hit the 1000 post on our thread!!! Who would of thought!!


Good for you Brenda, a cruise vacation with no kiddies!! I need to get some motivation going myself... We are booked for a November cruise on the QM2... Wonderful 11 day cruise leaving out of NYC, ends in FLL... I have got so off the wagon and gained 10 pounds. I have taken on a consulting project that has me working really long hours and I end up eating fast foods, no gym. Mind you this is no excuse, I can take the time to make my lunch to bring to the office, get up early to hit the gym, I just have not done it.....


Another switch, Brenda you came here looking for help, got beat up and did it.... Now I use you as incentive to get my own tail back in gear.

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I have been maintaining my weight. I have to admit I am pretty proud of myself. I do go up and down by a pound or 2 once in awhile....but that really is maintaining I believe. I'm happy I am not gaining. I do, however, want to lose 5 more pounds before my first cruise in November. I want to lose it as a cushion......not gonna lie....I plan on enjoying myself on the cruise and not denying myself anything I like. Starting when Christian heads back to school I am getting very serious again and gonna push myself to lose a few extra pounds.


Smooth....thank you for saying that!! It makes me feel so good. I went back only this week and started reading this thread over and I think that is a good push right there. All the tools we need are right there. Its filled with both praise, and the cold truth. But its all good.....it worked!!! I think with you, the fact that you know what you have done wrong to put on the weight is a start right there. You are not stupid and saying "I have no clue how this happened".....You know and therefore, when YOU are ready you will get back into the groove. I'm sure you still look wonderful just the way you are. I've never cruised on the QM2. How does it differ from the traditional Carnival or RCCL cruise?


M....I have heard of Vineland, off hand I can't place it though. I'll ask DH and he'll know. AND....2 hours in the gym......YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

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Brenda, I only wish you had posted some before and after pics!


I have to say, out of all the threads I like this one the best. I've learned alot from everyone and it's nice to see how we've all made progress. Brenda you really inspired all of us by your practical approach and how you hung in there even when we got in your face :) I basically got mauled on another thread by making a comment that nobody got fat overnight. I don't think any of us woke up and found ourselves 10, 20, or more pounds overweight from just one occasion!


I have been maintaining my weight. I have to admit I am pretty proud of myself. I do go up and down by a pound or 2


once in awhile....but that really is maintaining I believe. I'm happy I am not gaining. I do, however, want to lose 5 more pounds before my first cruise in November. I want to lose it as a cushion......not gonna lie....I plan on enjoying myself on the cruise and not denying myself anything I like. Starting when Christian heads back to school I am getting very serious again and gonna push myself to lose a few extra pounds.


Smooth....thank you for saying that!! It makes me feel so good. I went back only this week and started reading this thread over and I think that is a good push right there. All the tools we need are right there. Its filled with both praise, and the cold truth. But its all good.....it worked!!! I think with you, the fact that you know what you have done wrong to put on the weight is a start right there. You are not stupid and saying "I have no clue how this happened".....You know and therefore, when YOU are ready you will get back into the groove. I'm sure you still look wonderful just the way you are. I've never cruised on the QM2. How does it differ from the traditional Carnival or RCCL cruise?


M....I have heard of Vineland, off hand I can't place it though. I'll ask DH and he'll know. AND....2 hours in the gym......YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

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Hi ladies! I've actually gotten off the wagon a bit. I have gained some weight, but I hired a trainer who has been kicking my butt and having me do a lot of lifting. I feel so much stronger, and I'm gaining more definition. My clothes still fit the same, so I don't care that I'm up 5 pounds. Once this weekend is over, I should be able to get back on the wagon with my food.


Only 2 more months until my cruise!


I'm dating somebody from eHarmony. It's amazing how easily we clicked. It's only been a month, but I'm optimistic :)


Happy, how was the trip?

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Chi!! tell us the dirt!! :)


Hi ladies! I've actually gotten off the wagon a bit. I have gained some weight, but I hired a trainer who has been kicking my butt and having me do a lot of lifting. I feel so much stronger, and I'm gaining more definition. My clothes still fit the same, so I don't care that I'm up 5 pounds. Once this weekend is over, I should be able to get back on the wagon with my food.


Only 2 more months until my cruise!


I'm dating somebody from eHarmony. It's amazing how easily we clicked. It's only been a month, but I'm optimistic :)


Happy, how was the trip?

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Leslie, Yes, spill on this new "love".


Menina.....I wish I knew how to post a picture. LOL I recently developed pics of me from Christmas....you can even see in my face how fat I am!!!! I was a cow!!!! Now I have pics of me standing next to my son in my bikini.......no more cow. YIPPEE!!!!!


I think we all get off track during the summer. But, I have noticed that we all seem to know it. That is the most important part I think. I ate healthy today....but I know it won't be that way again til next week when school starts. Don't get me wrong....I'm not pigging or anything....I'm just not eating the best of foods......I'll be having spareribs, etc. But hey, I saved it all summer for this weekend. Well not exactly saved it....its food I had in the freezer that I never eat because I am so damn healthy!! So I decided to use it up for the end of the summer blast. LOL But, even though these aren't the best foods, I won't overdo it. I am kind of getting to know my body and what I can and cannot do. BUT next week its a whole new ball game and basically my whistle will be coming out again to get myself back into tip top shape!!! I have a cruise in November and I want to be gorgeous!!!


Have a wonderful night ladies.

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Hey ladies! Sounds like everyone is doing MAHvalous!!!


The trip was great...we didn't see everything I had on the "list", but I didn't expect to either. But we did see a lot!! I tried to not make it so rushed, so the boys could enjoy themselves and get more of a sense of the flavor of what was around them, rather than just ticking things off a list. The last night we were in Paris we climbed the Eiffel Tower to the second floor, and we spent about 45 min up there, and we all thoroughly enjoyed that - truly one of my favorite things we did - even though I know it is such a "tourist" thing. I wish I had timed our ascent...the boys beat me of course, but not by too much! :p The downhill we did time - about 8 minutes flat!


Chi - congrats on the new man!!! Give us some details girl!! I've been out on a few dates, but so far nothing to write home about. :rolleyes:


Brenda, you really have changed your life. You have done such an awesome job, and are an inspiration for everyone on this board!! Lucky you on that cruise - sounds awesome!!!


Gathina - a fish market?? How cool!! Do you plan to visit it? You should post a pic of that sparkler - I bet it is gorgeous! Sounds like you have a great relationship with your sweetie. And of course you are correctamundo, as usual, on the weight gain. Too often people want instant results, and if they can't have them, they lose interest. :cool:


Smooth - a cruise for you too???? And on the QM2 - wow!! Now THAT is motivation!!!


I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend! I've been back home for less than a week, and tomorrow I have a half-marathon that I am SOOOO not prepared for! Oh well - it's a Rock&Roll, so it will be fun even if I walk the d@mn thing! At least I will have Monday to recover! :D

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Brenda, I think it surprises most people to find out that they can do these runs. For me, this year was a bust as I had not trained properly (spent most of my normal running hours planning for our trip!!) so I walked a good portion of it, but I finished and that is all I ever ask of myself. But do know that many people do walk the entire thing...and they have every bit as much fun as the others.


The coolest thing is that you can eat just about anything you want afterwards :D, within reason of course. Actually, the coolest thing is watching the scale drop 3 pounds in one day! :p Of course, it's mostly water and will be back within a couple of days. But still encouraging to see!!

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Ouch!.. After a month of no gym I have returned and been to the gym the past 2 days. My body hurts. It is amazing that just a month away and you start all over again. Still, it is a good hurt.


I just could not seem to get back on track but by going to the gym that seems to pull the whole package together. Once you do a work out it motivtes you to eat heatlhy... and when eating healthy it motivtes you to go to the gym... Interesting circle.


Anyway, my routine is 45 minutes on a cross-trainer, then 30 minutes of weight exercises, all body parts except legs because the dancing more than handles that part! I am curious what everyone else does in terms of time at each gym session.

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Smooth, I was off the wagon too. I worked with a trainer for along time and never looked better. The problem was I worked out for an hour of weights with him 4 days a week, and on top of that cardio for one hour 6 days per week. At one time I was up to hundreds of crunches. I loved how I looked and felt and I found it exhilerating and motivating to be in the gym so much. I cut out the training when I had to budget due to losing a pile of money on an investment. Long story short, it was SO hard to go back in. Now, I am in for about two hours a day but without a trainer. I do 1-1/2 hours of cardio, usually the treadmill at a speed of 4.0 and an incline of 10-15, I adjust it. I like the crosstrainer, too. I do a comvination of ab exercises around 200. Then weights. But, I am trying to change things and add some classes for variation, like yoga. I am fortunate that I had an athletic body for a lot of my life so I can lose quickly, but I HATE the ab exercises and that's my worst part. On the days I do weights I try to do an hour so I might be in the gym over 2 hours, but sometimes I go twice a day. I decided I HAD to make the effort and let other things go, though I work a ton of hours a week.


Right now my attitude of fitness is different. I figure if I at least do something every day, it's better than nothing. I'm thinking of buying a bike to ride everywhere for the days when I work in Palm Beach in my office close to my home. One summer I rode my bike everywhere as much as possible, even to the grocery. I was much more careful with what I bought as I knew I had to lug it home!


Ouch!.. After a month of no gym I have returned and been to the gym the past 2 days. My body hurts. It is amazing that just a month away and you start all over again. Still, it is a good hurt.


I just could not seem to get back on track but by going to the gym that seems to pull the whole package together. Once you do a work out it motivtes you to eat heatlhy... and when eating healthy it motivtes you to go to the gym... Interesting circle.


Anyway, my routine is 45 minutes on a cross-trainer, then 30 minutes of weight exercises, all body parts except legs because the dancing more than handles that part! I am curious what everyone else does in terms of time at each gym session.

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Wow....you guys do some awesome workouts. I could not handle that type of thing just yet. I am just doing my hour at Curves which combines cardio and weights. I want to start working with my ab rocker at night so that my tummy muscles get tighter for my November cruise. Its hard to stop eating cold turkey.......I am working into it slowly, but happy how I am doing. I bought another bikini on clearance today.....hey, you can never have too many. LOL

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I do about 45 minutes of weights 4 times a week and 45 minutes cardio. Two days a week I just do 60 minutes cardio and ab work. Now that summer is over, it should be easier to get back into my regime. My social life was getting in the way.:rolleyes: Well, actually, this week will be rough too. My best friend is moving to Boston next Sunday, so we have several events planned to send her off in style. I'm her maid of honor, and she wants to go dress shopping for the bridesmaids before she leaves:eek:


As for the guy, now I'm not so sure. We had a really awkward date last weekend. He was um, pushing for more than I'm ready for, physically. He seemed annoyed when I didn't want to spend the night. I didn't hear from him until 11:00 on Friday night when he sent a text message that he had a busy week. He called and left a voicemail yesterday, but I was at my nephew's baptism (I'm the godmother). I was talking to my cousin (the godfather; he's a year older than I am and also single), and we're both just getting so frustrated with the dating thing.

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One word about the guy...NEXT!!! Let it fizzle out.


Isn't it funny how when we are in a new realtionship the workouts, etc. can go by the wayside, then when we are "out there"again we make all the time in the world for the workouts! Yesterday I had done an an hour on one machine, an atty friend I hadn't seen in ages showed up next to me and we got to yakking..by time we shut up I had done well over 2 hours of cardio..I couldn't believe it and I didn't even feel a thing or notice how much time had passed. Obvously I skipped the weights and I didn't even feel sore today. Wish I could do that every day!



I do about 45 minutes of weights 4 times a week and 45 minutes cardio. Two days a week I just do 60 minutes cardio and ab work. Now that summer is over, it should be easier to get back into my regime. My social life was getting in the way.:rolleyes: Well, actually, this week will be rough too. My best friend is moving to Boston next Sunday, so we have several events planned to send her off in style. I'm her maid of honor, and she wants to go dress shopping for the bridesmaids before she leaves:eek:


As for the guy, now I'm not so sure. We had a really awkward date last weekend. He was um, pushing for more than I'm ready for, physically. He seemed annoyed when I didn't want to spend the night. I didn't hear from him until 11:00 on Friday night when he sent a text message that he had a busy week. He called and left a voicemail yesterday, but I was at my nephew's baptism (I'm the godmother). I was talking to my cousin (the godfather; he's a year older than I am and also single), and we're both just getting so frustrated with the dating thing.

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Now that summer is over, it should be easier to get back into my regime. My social life was getting in the way.:rolleyes: Well, actually, this week will be rough too.


I made the mistake of doing that with guy I was dating - and I will NOT do that again. Certainly there are special times that call for a change in priority, but he was way too needy and jealous of my time, and I gave in to that, and or course he wasn't even worth it. :cool:


As for the guy, now I'm not so sure. We had a really awkward date last weekend. He was um, pushing for more than I'm ready for, physically. He seemed annoyed when I didn't want to spend the night. I didn't hear from him until 11:00 on Friday night when he sent a text message that he had a busy week. He called and left a voicemail yesterday, but I was at my nephew's baptism (I'm the godmother). I was talking to my cousin (the godfather; he's a year older than I am and also single), and we're both just getting so frustrated with the dating thing.


I feel your pain girl. I met a guy last month that seemed nice, but he gave me a firm handshake after meeting and I figured oh well, that's that. It's been a month, and had not heard a thing from him (in fact he doesn't even have his profile up on Match anymore) and out of the blue he calls Friday!! He's been in FL visiting his mom, and knew I was back in town, so wanted to know if I wanted to go out sometime. :rolleyes: But, I also am have been talking quite a lot to another guy...we've met, and there is definitely chemistry there, but so far, nothing more than emails and occasional phone calls. So the jury is out on him. And oh yeah...one more...a guy I've not yet met, but sounds great on the phone. Soooo.....we'll see what happens. Right now, I don't even have a favorite.


On your guy, I think if he is that easily "distracted", then I'd move on. Anyone worth his salt should be willing to wait until YOU want to move further. :cool:

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I hear about this group on the radio here all the time..http://www.lotsofevents.com . Maybe they have one where both of you guys live. From what it sounds, it's like a 'singles activity club"..from what they advertise, it's a lot of adventureous type outings..kayaking, etc..but it's only for singles..maybe you guys should look for something like that??


I think the trick is to try new activities, and just sorta be out there. I'm not a big proponent of internet dating. I understand why people do it, but it seems like there has to be a more less painful way to meet someone.


Chi, maybe ask your trainer if he or she has any single friends?




I made the mistake of doing that with guy I was dating - and I will NOT do that again. Certainly there are special times that call for a change in priority, but he was way too needy and jealous of my time, and I gave in to that, and or course he wasn't even worth it. :cool:




I feel your pain girl. I met a guy last month that seemed nice, but he gave me a firm handshake after meeting and I figured oh well, that's that. It's been a month, and had not heard a thing from him (in fact he doesn't even have his profile up on Match anymore) and out of the blue he calls Friday!! He's been in FL visiting his mom, and knew I was back in town, so wanted to know if I wanted to go out sometime. :rolleyes: But, I also am have been talking quite a lot to another guy...we've met, and there is definitely chemistry there, but so far, nothing more than emails and occasional phone calls. So the jury is out on him. And oh yeah...one more...a guy I've not yet met, but sounds great on the phone. Soooo.....we'll see what happens. Right now, I don't even have a favorite.


On your guy, I think if he is that easily "distracted", then I'd move on. Anyone worth his salt should be willing to wait until YOU want to move further. :cool:

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I hear about this group on the radio here all the time..www.lotsofevents.com . Maybe they have one where both of you guys live. From what it sounds, it's like a 'singles activity club"..from what they advertise, it's a lot of adventureous type outings..kayaking, etc..but it's only for singles..maybe you guys should look for something like that??


I think the trick is to try new activities, and just sorta be out there. I'm not a big proponent of internet dating. I understand why people do it, but it seems like there has to be a more less painful way to meet someone.


Chi, maybe ask your trainer if he or she has any single friends?


Oh I don't know. I think dating is always a bit painful, unless you're a 23 year old bombshell. :D Unfortunately the lifestyle we lead today, as opposed to 20 years ago, is much busier, and much more insulated. We can shop from our homes, get movies in our mailboxes, and pick up dinner at the door. I agree new activities sounds good...but realistically, for me, I'm already pretty slammed time-wise. I do get out socially, with the girls at work, and with a girlfriend occasionally. And LORD has it been a busy summer this year. Plus, I still have my son at home, and frankly nothing really takes priority over him. :o


I think the internet thing is a good useful tool. Painful? Initially, yes. But after a while, it's no big deal. Truly, I've met far more people through Match, than through the sign out on my front lawn. :D (kidding of course!!)

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I'm glad it was only a sign on your front lawn and not your phone number on the wall of the men's room! :)


Oh I don't know. I think dating is always a bit painful, unless you're a 23 year old bombshell. :D Unfortunately the lifestyle we lead today, as opposed to 20 years ago, is much busier, and much more insulated. We can shop from our homes, get movies in our mailboxes, and pick up dinner at the door. I agree new activities sounds good...but realistically, for me, I'm already pretty slammed time-wise. I do get out socially, with the girls at work, and with a girlfriend occasionally. And LORD has it been a busy summer this year. Plus, I still have my son at home, and frankly nothing really takes priority over him. :o


I think the internet thing is a good useful tool. Painful? Initially, yes. But after a while, it's no big deal. Truly, I've met far more people through Match, than through the sign out on my front lawn. :D (kidding of course!!)

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I hear about this group on the radio here all the time..www.lotsofevents.com . Maybe they have one where both of you guys live. From what it sounds, it's like a 'singles activity club"..from what they advertise, it's a lot of adventureous type outings..kayaking, etc..but it's only for singles..maybe you guys should look for something like that??


That site looks like a great idea. Nothing near me unfortunately, but hopefully it will catch on. :)

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I'll throw you some of my leftovers if you want them..haha..a few weeks ago I was sitting in a starbucks relaxing and a 76 year old man who looked and dressed EXACTLY like Richard Simmons sat down next to me and made a move,so to speak. Oh I felt like crawling under the chair..didn't know if I should be flattered or go home and cry!:eek:


Hey I've had a few friends threaten to do that!! :D
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I'll throw you some of my leftovers if you want them..haha..a few weeks ago I was sitting in a starbucks relaxing and a 76 year old man who looked and dressed EXACTLY like Richard Simmons sat down next to me and made a move,so to speak. Oh I felt like crawling under the chair..didn't know if I should be flattered or go home and cry!:eek:



Accckkkk!!!!!!! Oh I hate when that happens! :p :p

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