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Bringing alcohol on board??


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Orange-flavored apples maybe; apple-flavored oranges, perhaps.


Carnival's website requests that diners in the formal dining rooms "dress appropriately" for dinner. They also announce, every cruise, that the first night, because not everyone can be guaranteed to have their luggage by their dinner seating, the dress is "relaxed" to allowing jeans.


If "appropriate dress" does not, in Carnival's terms, include jeans then those who claim that because they don't say so everywhere means that they don't mean so anywhere are technically incorrect.


Again, it's one of those things which Carnival says but does not strictly enforce, probably because they don't want to irritate the natives who fork over their bucks to them.



Personally, I think it boils down to an entirely philosophical debate: when are rules not really rules? and is social custom appropriately reduced to the lowest common denominator simply because many of us don't know better? and since we all understand that the looks of the food on our plates affects how we perceive it tasting, why is it so difficult to understand that the looks of the other diners may also affect our enjoyment of the meal?


Wonderfully ripe discussion material!



And I love re-inventing that wheel, myself. For I personally agree with those who think that "stylish jeans are one thing but jeans that just came in from the pasture are another", but I'm honest enough, and dislike rationalizing enough, to understand that even though I personally believe this, Carnival's requests do not indicate this, and their lack of strict enforcement does not justify this, and that since I wasn't raised by wolves and am somewhat worldly I'm aware that dining tradition on board cruise ships is supposed to be a somewhat more "elegant" event than the buffet line.


Perhaps you might re-read my post, re: apples and oranges.

I said smuggling was breaking the rules


Wearing jeans was not breaking any rule.


Carnival does not say jeans are OK the first night because Carnival does not restrict jean wear at all [except formal night]


I do not like jeans and do not wear them except for working in my shop and seldom then.

But they are allowed on Carnival on any casual evening.


Smuggling is never allowed regardless of how often its done

and jeans are allowed no matter how many say they aren't.


So I was not arguing with you, just saying you were comparing two different things.



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They also announce, every cruise, that the first night, because not everyone can be guaranteed to have their luggage by their dinner seating, the dress is "relaxed" to allowing jeans.



In my dozen sailings on Carnival, and many on othere lines, I have never heard this 'announcement'.



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Im not sure why so many people want to play the cop re: alcohol smuggling.


Isn't it Carnival's issue to deal with?


Why do any of you care if i want to break a rule and bring a bottle of vodka in my suitcase to save a few dollars? If i get caught breaking a rule, I'll deal with the circumstances. This isn't a crime, it's a rule. Why do the non smugglers care? If the problem was such an issue that Carnival wants to enforce it more strictly, than Im sure they would. There are steps if they choose to. (ie security cabin checks and in-cabin confiscations, etc) but they choose to enforce it a little less stringently, so, in effect, their policies seem to act more as a deterrent. Now, if you get past the first line of defense (embarkation), you're free.


And please don't tell me that smuggling affects drink prices. My individual smuggling doesn't affect your drink price. The overall Carnival policy and enforcement level affects on board drink consumption and purchases, and profitablility, and that is entirely in Carnival's control.


So, why do you care?

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Im not sure why so many people want to play the cop re: alcohol smuggling.


Isn't it Carnival's issue to deal with?


Why do any of you care if i want to break a rule and bring a bottle of vodka in my suitcase to save a few dollars? If i get caught breaking a rule, I'll deal with the circumstances. This isn't a crime, it's a rule. Why do the non smugglers care? If the problem was such an issue that Carnival wants to enforce it more strictly, than Im sure they would. There are steps if they choose to. (ie security cabin checks and confiscations, etc) but they choose to enforce it a little more less stringently, so their policies act as a deterrent.


And please don't tell me that smuggling affects drink prices. My individual smuggling doesn't affect your drink price. The overall Carnival policy and enforcement level affects on board drink consumption and purchases, and profitablility, and that is entirely in Carnival's control.


So, why do you care?


Well I'm confused :p The quote you quoted was referring to an announcement about jeans in the dining room :p LOL! It's been a while since this thread was about alcohol... it got slightly off track.

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Well I'm confused :p The quote you quoted was referring to an announcement about jeans in the dining room :p LOL! It's been a while since this thread was about alcohol... it got slightly off track.


I realized the same thing, and edited out the quote.


Jeans are a different story. I can understand in a dining environment, how the failure to follow a dress rule/guideline can affect the experience of fellow diners who want a positive dining experience.


I agree with an earlier poster re: cell phones. I HATE when people are talking on a cell phone at a table near mine in a nice restaurant. Its disrespectul. Dressing like a slob in a nice restaurant has the same effect (in my opinion) when others follow the guidelines and get dressed up.


But... it's up to the establishment to enforce the rules they set. Rules that aren't enforced end up not being taken seriously.

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I realized the same thing, and edited out the quote.


Jeans are a different story. I can understand in a dining environment, how the failure to follow a dress rule/guideline can affect the experience of fellow diners who want a positive dining experience.


I agree with an earlier poster re: cell phones. I HATE when people are talking on a cell phone at a table near mine in a nice restaurant. Its disrespectul. Dressing like a slob in a nice restaurant has the same effect (in my opinion) when others follow the guidelines and get dressed up.


But... it's up to the establishment to enforce the rules they set. Rules that aren't enforced end up not being taken seriously.


But there is no rule on jeans in the dining room... so there is nothing to enforce :) And just because one wears jeans, does not mean they are dressed like a slob :rolleyes: I agree with you though, if Carnival is going to have rules, they are the ones that have to enforce them... And if they don't want jeans in the dining room, they should say it... but with the dress code actually being relaxed, and other cruise lines that once didn't allow them, now allowing them, I doubt that will ever happen.

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what kills me is doesn't anyone know how to use the search feature on this board? There are hundreds of PREVIOUS posts about beer, wine and liqour.




I'm glad you posted this. Those were my exact thoughts as soon as I saw this thread. :rolleyes:

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First, please show me ONE place where Carnival states that "jeans are allowed on the first night".


I already did. One thing I've always noticed is that people who refuse to pay attention are going to miss quite a lot.


For the record, this is going to be the third time I've given this answer:

The announcements on the first day aboard have always said that because passengers are not guaranteed to have received their luggage, they will allow jeans the first night at dinner.


The answer isn't going to change because you are desperate to stick your fingers in your ears and hum a loud tune while the announcement is made, nor because you've been on umpteen cruises and you no longer pay attention to the announcement as it is made, nor because you have pre-decided that it's something you don't want to hear and are cherry-picking the information in order to rationalize the position you wish to arrive at in the first place.


...or that I am unable to comprehend simple english is insulting, but I also consider the source.


The source is someone who declared me to be "hoity toity" without knowing squat about me; who has made, twice now, fairly crass comments about my ability to sit; who is otherwise casting all manner of pretentious assumptions my way about what and who I am; who has continually attempted to personalize the subject as if I were indeed the subject under discussion; who is giving a very good impression of someone who is rudely complaining about someone else being rude. ...of all the ironies. You quibble about "chimp"?


There's nerve, right there.


As for your abilities to comprehend simple English statements, since I've had to say three times now that Carnival announces that jeans are allowed on the first night at dinner, I can only assume that you are sped reding through my comments, selecting only what you find necessary to become indignant, and firing off a snippy and presumptuous response attempting to put me in my place. ...which includes denouncing me for doing to unnamed others what you are doing specifically to me: berating.


Carnival states very clearly what they prefer and what is not allowed.


In writing, in two different places I can think of, though none are unambiguous. Probably by design. I am doing nothing more than reminding everyone of a third statement that you will find nowhere but the first day of the cruise. ... and not in writing, either.


Once again, it is my assumption that they make this announcement separately because they want to tell people that they really don't like jeans in the dining room, but in such a way as to not inordinately upset anyone. If you are truly desperate to miss it, you can. Most -- as witnessed here -- do.


YOU perhaps want to interpret it differently and that may make YOU feel better about berating people that choose a more relaxed vacation.


1] I haven't "berated" anyone. Instead, I've been trying very hard to keep this as academic as possible. I, though, have been pre-emptively called self-superior or, in your terms, "hoity-toity" for doing nothing more than stating a reality that you and your cohort have missed;

2] if diplomatic statements are too subtle for certain people to comprehend, then it is not the fault of the person who can comprehend them when he tells others what they mean.


you are really going to hate the fact that Carnival has relaxed the dress code even MORE!!


Oooh!! Two "!!" You must really be serious about your judgment of me.


I would suggest that if you want an experience that rivals the Lusitania, choose a different cruiseline.


Once again, Ms Perfect-Comprehension: I have not stated one way or another whether or not I like, dislike, love or hate their policies about dining room dress; I have simply been telling you what Carnival says about it in the only place, to my knowledge, they make this specific statement.


You are once again trying to personalize this, attempting to insinuate that I am being a veritable Jeans Police, and carving a presumptuous niche into a non-existent moral highground for yourself.



Perhaps you might re-read my post, re: apples and oranges.

I said smuggling was breaking the rules


Wearing jeans was not breaking any rule.


Perhaps, indeed; what would I find there this time?


Carnival does not say jeans are OK the first night


Yes they do. You are incorrect.


So I was not arguing with you, just saying you were comparing two different things.


You were attempting to deny a comparison as valid based on a factually false assertion, to wit: Carnival does not make the announcement that they have made every cruise I've been on.


Yes, they do.


It is human nature to filter our input based on comfort levels with the surroundings, with our desires, with our biases, with our [in certain subjects] political philosophies, et cetera. But filtered input, for whatever reason, is essentially cherry-picked. It is incomplete.


I am [once again] very very well aware of certain things that you are [all] citing: Carnival.com ... the daily newsletter. Okay. They make statements in those places relevant to this subject. But those are not the complete set of statements made.


A statement in forum A and a similar statement in forum B has no bearing on whether or not there is a further statement in forum C ... nor what that third statement specifically contains, whether it is similar, identical, or completely different.


Carnival announces that because passengers are not guaranteed to have their luggage by dinner time on the first day, jeans will be allowed in the dining room. If you don't hear this announcement it does not mean they did not make it. It only means that your personal, individual assessments are going to be made minus the information from this other announcement.


I've heard this announcement, my wife has heard it, other people who have been here in past years have heard it. And they, like me, have been shouted down and called all manner of self-righteously presumptive names for daring to say so, I might add.


And -- once again -- I will declare that this is the only place Carnival makes this specific statement [to my knowledge; even I might have missed something], and that it is couched in sufficiently diplomatic terms that may, to a great many people, be so subtle as to be indecipherable. But it still does not mean that Carnival does not make this announcement, nor what the fairly clear implications are: they prefer not to have people wearing jeans in the dining room.


In my dozen sailings on Carnival ... I have never heard this 'announcement'.


I'm not surprised. There are many things working against it.




Now this is all a very entertaining bout of group dynamics and pecking-order establishment. We have a local orthodoxy being challenged, not to mention the primacy of long-established individuals' authority, charges of heresy, and a whole slew of what is essentially internet mob-mentality being tossed around. ...which all message boards are full of, frankly.


But the long and the short of it is: they make this announcement; those who do not hear it cannot validly assert that it is therefore not made; I will not be cowed into accepting the local orthodoxy simply to avoid the insults that come with being the outlyer; and if you wish to discuss the topic from a less personal-attack mindset and hit the theory and philosophy of it, then I'm game.


But the moral posturing has gotta go.

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I already did. One thing I've always noticed is that people who refuse to pay attention are going to miss quite a lot.


For the record, this is going to be the third time I've given this answer:

The announcements on the first day aboard have always said that because passengers are not guaranteed to have received their luggage, they will allow jeans the first night at dinner..


And I'm telling you that not a single caper I have states that. Nor have I heard that, nor have you seen anyone else hear that has heard that "announcement"... the only dress code announcements they tend to make are regarding formal night... and these announcements don't always occur. I pay perfect attention thank you very much :rolleyes: Seems you hear what you would like to hear... but please, should you have any of those capers that state "jeans will be allowed", I'd love to see them. What? You don't have them? That's what I thought... because there is no such "announcement". They state that the first night is casual... nothing about "jeans" Perhaps one of the wonderful Carnival employees that are members here can tell us about this "announcement" and just how so many have missed it over the years. Even Bob Dickinson himself stated last year that jeans were not a problem on Carnival...

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For the record, this is going to be the third time I've given this answer:

The announcements on the first day aboard have always said that because passengers are not guaranteed to have received their luggage, they will allow jeans the first night at dinner.


Where does it say that Jeans are NOT allowed on any other night other than the first night?


The fact that jeans are allowed on night one, doesn't mean they are prohibited on other nights, other than those nights when they are specifically prohibited (ie formal nights).


Rules do not have to be interpreted or read between lines.

I haven't seen a compelling argument that the jeans rule is spelled out.

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I'm telling you that not a single caper I have states that

Not under discussion.


Nor have I heard that


Particularly now that you're being challenged.


nor have you seen anyone else hear that has heard that "announcement"




I've been here for three years in late winter after booking cruises, and every year there have been many instances of this very discussion. This is the first time I've actually started it. Woohoo!


And one of the consistent points each year has been "what about when they announce...?"



Seems you hear what you would like to hear...

I must be glue to your rubber ...



but please, should you have any of those capers that state "jeans will be allowed", I'd love to see them.

Seriously, you need to either cook those red herrings or give them to the cat; they're starting to reek.


ONCE AGAIN: they only make this announcement one place I am aware of, and not in writing. Continually trying to disprove me based on something I never said is a pretty good way to appeal to your constituency, but it don't hold academic water.



They state that the first night is casual...


So what's the problem.



Even Bob Dickinson himself stated last year that jeans were not a problem on Carnival...

I believe he'd also say that bathing suits aren't a problem, either. In any event, "problem" isn't the issue. Diplomatically stated preferences are.




Where does it say that Jeans are NOT allowed on any other night other than the first night?


When they go to the specific length of saying what you're granted on the first night ... and from the perspective of those who are making the statement ... you are being asked to interpret this as a grace period, as it were.


But then, you have to know something about the traditions of cruising, and dining during same.


From the perspective of those who are making the statement, dinner dining is a formal event. From the perspective of those who are, for whatever reason, insulated from that experience, dinner dining aboard a ship is not necessarily any different than going to Ponderosa Steakhouse.


As I said, Carnival makes their preferences known -- if you listen -- and if you can separate your desires from the words you're hearing for just a moment. And as I also stated, if you look presentable they aren't going to do anything about it.


But that doesn't mean they don't make the statement.


How you interpret it -- from your personal perspective, or from the perspective of those who make the statement -- is up to you.

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Although, I personally doubt that it is said... but I know there will be plenty of people paying attention this weekend!!! I have always listened to the announcements, and contrary to what you might think about me, I pay pretty good attention as I generally have about 120 other people counting on me to know what is going on. And I'm telling you that it has never been mentioned on any of the cruises [B][U]I [/U][/B]have been on. Now, you can challenge me all you want, but since you were not there, you don't know that it was said, and I know it wasn't. So perhaps for your benefit, it was said on your cruises. I've been here for 5 years and I've never seen this "announcement" spoken about until you mentioned it. So go ahead, tell me I'm not paying attention, how I'm an idiot, and make sure you draw it out into 42 paragraphs and use every big word you know, it still doesn't change the fact that it's never been said on any cruise I've been on.
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I have thoroughly enjoyed this Thread. One thing I have learned from this is bootlegging and jeans go together and if I happen to see someone wearing jeans in the dining room, that person most certainly smuggled a bottle of booze onboard ship.
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[quote name='mark3232']I have thoroughly enjoyed this Thread. One thing I have learned from this is bootlegging and jeans go together and if I happen to see someone wearing jeans in the dining room, that person most certainly smuggled a bottle of booze onboard ship.[/quote]

And don't forget [B]those[/B] [B]people only hear what they want to hear[/B]:rolleyes:

Oops that would be selfish little me me me:p
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[quote name='mark3232']I have thoroughly enjoyed this Thread. One thing I have learned from this is bootlegging and jeans go together and if I happen to see someone wearing jeans in the dining room, that person most certainly smuggled a bottle of booze onboard ship.[/quote]

And they are probably hogging chairs too :p Remember, those evil jeans wearers are always lurking... ready to pounce!!! :eek: :p
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[quote name='GoinCruisin']And they are probably hogging chairs too Remember, those evil jeans wearers are always lurking... ready to pounce!!! :p[/quote]

[COLOR=red]Well of course those kind have been raised by wolves ya know:p [/COLOR]

[quote name='seaman54']I MEAN IT JEAN BOY:p[/quote]

:cool: :cool: :cool:
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