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Does anybody have a copy of what was offered to Frances Cruisers


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Realized it was hurricane season way after the fact. Just joined the board on the sixth of September so it wasn't like I joined in June and made the hurricane comment. To be honest I would have much rather been here with the daycare kids then where we were.

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Seems to me like everything that happened... Ie the different ports, weather conditions and confusion when everything changes so rapidly from the weather can happen on any cruise line, so why bother switching.

I live In Illnois, Dont watch tv. work , take care of my son and go to school more than full time. And I still know there is a hurricane season. I dont know why your ta didnt tell you, and why you didnt know it existed???

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We were on the Holiday out of New Orleans on Sept 11.

I don't understand why you are looking for information from Carnival about Hurricane Frances? Wasn't it Ivan that was a threat at that point? I was in NOLA that weekend and watched both the Holiday and the Conquest sail. I think that those that were on board either of these ships and were delayed in disembarking were fortunate. I, for one, would take an extra few days FOR FREE in a heartbeat!!


Another note, as someone else posted, if you had a home and bed to come home to, count yourself blessed and quit yer b*tching!!

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Pay good money and get nothing but lies or as some would say miss conceptions (bull), rude service and spend over half of your days in bed sick, go to ports that they tell you we don't know much about them but good luck, think that you will have a place to stay if you stay on board on Thursday to make your own departing plans out of Galveston in which you were told that you would be staying until 1 on Friday to get into port to be told that you have between 10 and 12 to get off the boat because we are leaving out at 1 and this was on Thursday.


Yea, I came home to my loved ones and my bed but as some have stated in this "we knew we were cruising in hurrican season" so to be honest sorry for your bad luck but you knew you were living in hurricane paths. We all make mistakes some are just not as aware of the situation as some.

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Pay good money and get nothing but lies or as some would say miss conceptions (bull), rude service and spend over half of your days in bed sick, go to ports that they tell you we don't know much about them but good luck, think that you will have a place to stay if you stay on board on Thursday to make your own departing plans out of Galveston in which you were told that you would be staying until 1 on Friday to get into port to be told that you have between 10 and 12 to get off the boat because we are leaving out at 1 and this was on Thursday.


Yea, I came home to my loved ones and my bed but as some have stated in this "we knew we were cruising in hurrican season" so to be honest sorry for your bad luck but you knew you were living in hurricane paths. We all make mistakes some are just not as aware of the situation as some.

T, I truly am sorry for all of your inconveniences. I'll call my friends in Pensacola who are still without power and water and see if they will also offer their sympathies. FTLOG, please get over it. You chose to cruise during hurricane season to save money. Those are the chances you take and Carnival owes you NOTHING!!!

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How can anyone NOT know that there is a hurricane season? Happens on both coasts and I know for a fact that it is pretty public knowledge everywhere... Frances was public knowledge, nationwide for a long time (she was out there for a while)... same thing with Ivan. Another thing, Carnival offers a pretty rock solid guarantee as stated in their documents... We have to be responsible for our decisions... not reading or doing any research is not Carnivals fault... they go into detail about Hurricanes on their website... we cannot blame them when we don't watch the news.. both Frances and Ivan had SEVERAL projected paths... We have to make our own decisions as to whether or not we feel safe... Bonine is readily available from the physician on board or the pursers desk... I am sorry you had a bad cruise, but to blame it on not knowing about hurricanes is not Carnivals fault... I'm sorry you had bad service, and I hope you told the purser as soon as you noticed it... I do know that prior to your cruise and after you joined, there were MANY MANY MANY posts regarding hurricanes... actually, they were stickies... so everyone on this board was aware of the threat... even had they not turned on the TV...

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All you need to do is come to the boards for rudeness I don't have to pay for it. You have a point about what things we have but you know what I feel sorry for those people in the path but again we all have our problems and I wouldn't chose to live on the coast.

You say you wouldn't choose to live on the coast. OK, that's your perogative. BUT! You did CHOOSE to book a cruise in the heart of the hurricane season, from a port likely to be affected by hurricanes, to places likely to be hit by hurricanes. Nobody held a gun to your head and told you that you had to book that cruise, did they? Just like those of us that CHOOSE to live in Florida and take our chances, you have to be responsible for the choices you make. I would think that anyone capable of running three day care centers would know how to roll with the punches, make the best of a bad situation and land on their feet. From some of the other threads, it seems that there were others on that same ship that were able to have a good time. You get no sympathy from me.

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Well I knew better than to come back and gripe about being stuck on Sensation for 8 nights instead of 5 after all the discussion about booking during hurricane season before I left. In all honesty I had cruised in Aug. 03 and had no problems. And we cruised this time b/c of my mom's birthday. But we all agreed no more cruises in Aug/Sept. It got a little old being on the ship for that long (when it wasn't planned)....good thing I overpacked b/c I needed all those extra clothes. But it was better than being in Florida while the storm hit.


Bottom line is the OP for some reason thought the Frances cruisers got something extra and unless I missed it, we didn't on Sensation. I would like to see how the numbers came out for Carnival as far as the extra food and fuel they spent sailing us around for 3 1/2 extra days vs. what people spent on phones and internet (I think this was definitely higher than usual b/c of everyone needing to rearrange travel plans). And since the next cruise was cancelled the ship was empty for a couple of days.

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I'm glad to see the OP's last post was removed. She called us some pretty bad names:eek:

That's what you get for being honest and tryng to help people:)


OHHHHHHHHHH I missed that post!!! What did that little Opressed Person say??????? E-mail me

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A person has to live in a cave if they do not know about hurricane season. I personally give little credit to the OP's statements since she is a constant negative about the entire experience. I too cruised during Frances and my plans were changed. I knew going in that things could change.


I suggest that the OP find another type of vacation as it seems cruising is not for her. Also, I think the attitude of the crew has a lot to do with how they are treated by the passengers. If the above posts by the OP are any indication of her attitude then I could see why they maybe treated her that way.

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If you took my last post offensive then you too must have been offensive because facts is all I posted. I can promise you we were to sick to be rude to anybody. I would not have any problem if when addressed with the fact of not being happy with cruise way before first port, or the fact of asking about rescheduling this cruise (not a refund but picking another time to go) and being refused because they checked the weather and we were in no danger with the ports originally chosen. So tell me what is so wrong except that unlike some replying to this post we weren't perfect and realized that it was hurricane season. Lets see I believe we were buying the furniture from the Amish that weekend and you know they didn't say anything either.

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It sounds like you were completely unhappy before the first post... why didn't you take Carnival up on their Guarantee and just go home? You would have received a refund for the remainder of the cruise???? I'm sorry you were seasick, that is a horrible problem... did you see the doctor on the ship for Bonine? It really helps (I would suggest that everyone unsure of seasickness take something along to prevent it... it can ruin an otherwise good time)... The cruiseline does not promise the ports... so I am sorry you feel you were deceived...

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When we were in the process of boarding the ship we talked to the ladies that takes your tickets about the storm turning. They are the ones that told us that they (carnival) had been watching the weather closely and that we would be making our ports. We asked then about getting out of the cruise with the guarantee. We were told we needed to talk to the pursurs desk which we did and they also made no recourse to make things better.


As far as seasick pills I had the bands and also the pills.


I don't want anybody to get me wrong we were on a the Carnival Fascination in Dec 2003 and it was WONDERFUL. I do feel that it is a little uncalled for, for some of these people to assume that we were treated rude because of the way we were. How can you be rude to anybody IF I for one wasn't out of my room? The problem being we didn't have the do not disturb sign on the door and we didn't have a problem from 10 p.m. on Sunday night until around 10 a.m on Tuesday morning of anybody trying to take care of our room. When my husband went for extra towels the gentleman he got it from told him that he wasn't in charge of our room an dhe was sorry.


You know I don't think that anybody can tell me that finding items under the bed that did not belong to you or your mate is saying your room is clean. I can handle the bottle cap but one item found was nasty of the previous passengers and in my opinion should have been found by the person cleaning the room. They came in sometime before we got off the ship and separated our beds and remade them, the rooms were sit up for the next person. My question: are these beds changed? From what we could see the nice down covers were not changed and the sheets when we turned back one of the beds the first night we were on did have hair on it. Needless to say we slept on top of the down cover and used one to cover up with.


I don't feel that I am b*tching as someone said I think that we have true and accurate complaints that Carnival wants to avoid to keep their earnings up.


I don't understand how one ship in the same storm can be given a fifty dollar on board credit per person and another isn't from the same cruise line.


Nor, can I understand why they would tell people one thing about how they can get off the ship, have people make plans, and then change their minds. The ship was not in harms way when this was done.


Like I said before it isn't a fact of not liking cruising and Carinival was in my opinion top of the line. I really thought that when we called our direct ta about our concerns and had already booked a group of 20 cabins with him for 2005 that things would be looked into a little better.


After reading some post, I never called anybody any names as suggested, and I was just stressing my own feelings. It does seem that some can stress theirs but don't want them back. WE ALL HAVE OUR BAD DAYS AND THINGS DID COME ACROSS WRONG TO ME YESTERDAY SORRY IF I OFFENDED ANYBODY ON THE WAY I STRESSED MY OPINION EVEN THOUGH I STILL FEEL STRONGLY ABOUT THE TREATMENT WE RECEIVED.

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Tina, I think some people may get defensive because of the tone you have used... which can always come across different when written rather than said... I am sorry you had poor service, but if you did not get resolution upon bringing it to your stewards attention, you should have taken it to the purser, and then further up the chain if necessary. As for the ladies checking you in, I'm not sure how they could even tell you that you would not miss ports, as they were already reporting on the website at the time that there was a possibility of changes in itinerary... as for the guarantee... you have every right to use it at your first stop, they will put you off the ship and fly you home... which is what you probably should have done since you guys were so miserable.


Also, you have no idea of knowing if the ship was in harms way... the captain and crew make those decisions and they will not skip a port if there is not a very valid reason to do so... just because you did not see iminent danger, that does not mean there wasn't any... remember, ships move much slower (slower than alot of hurricanes), so had they stopped, you all may have been in danger. Again, Carnival states that the ports are not guaranteed and you do not pay extra, except for port charges, for the ports on your cruise....


You definitely should have been upset about your steward, I will give you that... but in my opinion you should have been proactive about voicing your concerns, and voicing them until the problem was fixed... everything else is mother nature, and Carnival cannot be held responsible for that. From what I understand, the cruises that were literally cut short did receive some sort of credit.... how short was yours cut?

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The ship that I am referring to wasn't cut short either that received the onboard credit. I would have loved to be able to talk to somebody trust me. Stood in pursur line for ninety minutes one day and when I got up there they refered me to someplace else in turn referred me back to pursur's desk. Tried to call from room phone busy for a long long time.


You are right when reading you can read it differently then the way it is meant. And to be honest I am the type of person if I feel that I am right about something I will defend my feelings until proven different. Just my nature my husband says virgo and german. Who knows???

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Nope can't say I get a chance to see much on t.v. because I run three daycares and by the time I get home I don't have time to watch t.v.

But you seem to have plenty of time to visit the internet and CC. Perhaps you could check the news and further your travel research there before you go next time.


I still believe you should consider the facts that:


1) You bought a cruise, you received a cruise.

2) You were safe

3) You had a nice place to sleep

4) Plenty of food and entertainment


So what if the ports were not the most desirable ports for you at the time. They were ports that were safe from the hurricane and no one made you get off the ship. If you don't like the port.... stay on the ship!

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We ARE sorry that you did not have a memorable cruise. I think most of us in that situation would feel as rotten about it as you did. I realize that you are new to the boards. Most of the people who post on here have multible cruises under their belts and are qualified to help others out with their questions and problems. If you will go back to the begining to the thread where people were asking you about the king size bed and about hurricane season, they were speaking from experience. Some of us did wonder why you did not push the two beds together. That is why I thought you were a new cruiser. When you travel in hurricane season, the cruise line states in their fine print that they are not obligated to reimburse you for any missed ports or itenirary changes. The seasoned cruisers knew this. You did become a little defensive on your next post. Even though we understand your plight, there is NOTHING any of us here on CC can do for you. Most were merely stating the facts. If anything I said to you hurt your feelings, I do apologize.


I would not want to be treated rudely on a cruise ship, either. It is uncalled for. In my previous post, I was only trying to get you to see the reason behind their possible behavior. I am sure most of the crew were nervous and had no information to tell the passengers. They were probably chewed out by more than a few folks which in turn, resulted in their demeanor. I would not want to be sick on a cruise, either. And those posters on CC who have been seasick can sympothize with you. And I agree, your room was not cleaned properly. I can imagine the staff were hurried and not even sure if they would be sailing or not.


Though I can understand your reasons for feeling defensive, your tone towards the other posters is what set this thread on fire. You realize that now that you have time to think about it. Please understand most were only trying to state the facts about the cruiseline's policies.


If you were as dissatsified as I believe you were, I would take a few calm breaths and write CCL a letter. Remember, they are not obligated to reimburse you for the missed ports and it was not their fault that the hurricane occured. I would point out the problems with housekeeping, the pursers desk, and any other crew you felt were rude to you. If you write the letter in a professional matter with as many details as you can remember, it is possible you may receive a discount on a future cruise.


Sometimes you have to be thick skinned on these boards:) . But for the most part, most of the CC clan are great people who are an asset to the cruising industry.

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