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Extended cruises...Why extra tipping


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wow all these people complaining about $20 for two extra days!! We just got back from our extended trip on the Carnival Triumph, Yes we did get two additional days of tips added to our s& s card. We also got two extra days of entertainment, bed making, food service, and all around pampering. The crew on that ship worked very very hard and were so kind and courteous. It was our first cruise and defintley not our last! I am not a rich woman and saved for a while for my cruise, I would never think of cutting it so close that $20 would break me. Cruising is a luxury not a necessity if you are begrudging a room steward of a days' tip, maybe cruising is not for you.

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Just curious....What would happen if a person did not have enough money to settle their account at the end of their cruise? Would they try to detain you or send you a bill?


Thank God I am always over-prepared when it comes to cruise $$$. The more I save, the more I can put down on another cruise!!:p

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Good question colette. I don't believe they would send you a bill. It seems I recall someone posting that they had to make arrangements for someone to get the bill paid before they could leave the ship. It's been awhile, and my memory may be faulty on this, but I think they called ashore for someone with a valid credit card to make the payment.

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So what's an extra $20pp?

Thats $40 for 2 folks, and some might not have that money available for whatever reason, I dunno. You have a good point that the staff is still deserving and should probably be compensated still, whether it by Carnival themselves, or the guests. But just to point out that its only "$20/pp, whats the big deal" doesnt really validate the point. :D


To me $2000 isn't something that would kill me if I lost it, but just for someone to say hey its only $2k, whats the big deal. I dont just readily give my money away or spend it frivolously because I have that much at my disposal.

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Guess I'm a bit confused. First of all I agree that $10 per person is an inconsequential amount for most folks. Maybe for some it's a big deal and for others it the principle that matters. That being said, I was under the impression that you could change the amount of tips automatically charged to your account.


Has this changed? If not, then why didn't the person impacted just change their tip amount?

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No one... and I mean NO ONE should travel in foreign seas or lands where $10 per day for a couple of days for unforeseen circumstances is a hardship! What if these people had to secure lodging or meals due to a hurricane without even $10 in their pockets?


What is everyone thinking here? That if "something" goes awry, that since they can't get blood from a turnip, that others should suffer or bail them out?


This is a ridiculous discussion. If you can afford to cruise, you can afford a few extra bucks to compensate the staff in adverse circumstances when they are working their butts off to accommodate a ship full of concerned, questioning, inconvenienced, and even angry pax.


And if you are dead flat broke before getting home, then you are an extraordinarily poor money manager and perhaps shouldn't have spent down to your last dollar in the world for a VACATION.



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I re-read the post and realized that the OP is complaining that the tips were added automatically but that Carnival required them to be removed "in person", thus requiring the passenger to visit the Purser's Office.


Maybe they should have stopped feeding the passengers after 7 days because no where in the contract does it say that Carnival is obligated to feed them after the 7 days are up. The OP line of logic is completely FUBAR.


I really can't comment on this any further because I'll get myself banned from this board.

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We were also on the Sensation that left August 30 from Tampa. What was scheduled originally as a 5 day cruise, ultimately turned out to be an 8 day cruise. Carnival DID NOT automatically add the additional gratuities to our Sign and Sail account. We had to go down to the purser's desk and have them added. My husband asked that they add on the additional gratuities for the additional days, and the person at the desk only added on for 2 extra days instead of the actual 3. I agree that $10 per person per day is a great bargain for all that we got. It was not the fault of the Carnival staff that we were stuck at sea. It was just something that happened.

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We just got off the Glory yesterday. They did put an extra $10 per person per day for two days on the bill automatic. I did not mind at all. The entire staff was still working just as hard those two days as they were the rest of the week. They did a great job of putting up with the passengers the extra two days. Our luggage went out in hall on Fri. night anticipating getting off the ship on Sat. morning in Miami. After the 4:45am announcement that we had been turned away from the port of Miami, we were told our luggage would be returned to our room. It was. That means the service staff worked extra hard since we stayed on board. I heard no complaints from the staff.


Look around you at some of the people's attitude that cruise and ask yourself, would you like to wait on these people for long hours every day. Some people can not be pleased no matter what you do.


The hurricane was no ones fault, including Carnival, Passengers or Crew. Everyone just needs to make the best of it. Living in Central Florida, I was safer on the ship during Jeanne than I would have been at home. I feel Carnival did a great job and made the best of the situation. That is the chance you take when you get those great fares during hurricane season. Life is to short to be miserable, and make everyone else miserable, about something you can not change.

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Since crew members have to work so many hours without ever getting a day off...why do cruise lines pay them so cheaply. I don't think cruise lines should pay their crew members those little meager wages, and then just expect the passenger to "make up the difference". Those crew men/women work too dang hard to get screwed the way that they do...most of whom have families to support just like the rest of us.


Yeah, you are always going to have the passenger that may appear to be "cheap", but the bottom line is this...most passengers budget their trip down to the last penny, and when you are all of a sudden "stuck" on a cruise ship for an extra two days that were not originally included in your budget, that could lead to a problem financially. Speaking for myself, I carry a credit card for emergencies like that, but some people may not have a credit card. I have known people that have saved literally all of their adult lives just to take cruise, and really didn't have that much money to bring onboard the ship with them. Now, if they got stuck on the ship for an extra two days, and they just didn't have the money to pay the extra tip charge that was added onto their S&S card...is this cheap.


Anyways, I said all of that just to say this...I think it is TOTALLY unacceptable for cruise lines to pay their crew members such lackluster wages. Plus, they continue to view their crew members as nothing more than "cheap labor"!!!! To me, that is not right and the fact that cruise lines do that makes my skin crawl. I wholeheartedly believe cruise lines should reevaluate what they pay their crew members. Nonetheless, I will continue to tip no matter what. I am just thankful that I am blessed to be able to do so!!!!

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On the cruise we were on they had three people that needed to clear up their account before deparkment. One of them was waiting with us and they said that they used all of their money and that when they went to the pursur's desk it was over the extra 20 for the day we were stuck at sea.
Since one can change the amount of the tips that has been charged to ones sail n sign account, this person was blowing smoke. They overspent not because of the extra charge but due to their own mistake. They could have easily taken that amount off of their bill if it was indeed the tips.
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LSU Policeman...this is not directed at you...simply to your post...


Those crew men/women work too dang hard to get screwed the way that they do...most of whom have families to support just like the rest of us.
Then don't screw them over and tip them. It is a well known fact that these people work for tips. It is in multiple posts here (as I would be willing to bet is on sites similar to this one), you TA should tell you about it, I know my PVP told me and explained the prepaid tips and Carnival also explains it in detail on thier site.


but the bottom line is this...most passengers budget their trip down to the last penny
"Most passengers" is pretty ambiguous here. This will be my first cruise. I only know what to expect from what I have read here and on Carnival's site. I figured out what we wanted to do for excursions and budgeted that above my $300 pp that will be pre authorized on my card. I also budgeted casino money and preraid my tips. "Most passengers" would have a lot less stress if they took thier cruise 1-2 paychecks later as to have a small safety cushion for unexpected expenses.


I wholeheartedly believe cruise lines should reevaluate what they pay their crew members.
Would it really make a difference if your 7 day cruise was priced at $1070 pp rather than $1000 pp? Because that's really all it is.


Nonetheless, I will continue to tip no matter what. I am just thankful that I am blessed to be able to do so!!!!
I am glad to hear that you do tip. People that aren't as "blessed" should really ask themselves, "Can I/we really afford all of the costs of this trip"? Cruising is a luxury, not a privledge.


OK, I'll get off my soapbox now.

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No one... and I mean NO ONE should travel in foreign seas or lands where $10 per day for a couple of days for unforeseen circumstances is a hardship! What if these people had to secure lodging or meals due to a hurricane without even $10 in their pockets?


What is everyone thinking here? That if "something" goes awry, that since they can't get blood from a turnip, that others should suffer or bail them out?


This is a ridiculous discussion. If you can afford to cruise, you can afford a few extra bucks to compensate the staff in adverse circumstances when they are working their butts off to accommodate a ship full of concerned, questioning, inconvenienced, and even angry pax.


And if you are dead flat broke before getting home, then you are an extraordinarily poor money manager and perhaps shouldn't have spent down to your last dollar in the world for a VACATION.



Exactly.......you said it perfectly.

$20 is $20. If you are THAT uptight, you should stay home!

I guess, like they say, it takes all kinds. Sad though.



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Since crew members have to work so many hours without ever getting a day off...why do cruise lines pay them so cheaply. I don't think cruise lines should pay their crew members those little meager wages, and then just expect the passenger to "make up the difference". Those crew men/women work too dang hard to get screwed the way that they do...most of whom have families to support just like the rest of us.


Yeah, you are always going to have the passenger that may appear to be "cheap", but the bottom line is this...most passengers budget their trip down to the last penny, and when you are all of a sudden "stuck" on a cruise ship for an extra two days that were not originally included in your budget, that could lead to a problem financially. Speaking for myself, I carry a credit card for emergencies like that, but some people may not have a credit card. I have known people that have saved literally all of their adult lives just to take cruise, and really didn't have that much money to bring onboard the ship with them. Now, if they got stuck on the ship for an extra two days, and they just didn't have the money to pay the extra tip charge that was added onto their S&S card...is this cheap.


Anyways, I said all of that just to say this...I think it is TOTALLY unacceptable for cruise lines to pay their crew members such lackluster wages. Plus, they continue to view their crew members as nothing more than "cheap labor"!!!! To me, that is not right and the fact that cruise lines do that makes my skin crawl. I wholeheartedly believe cruise lines should reevaluate what they pay their crew members. Nonetheless, I will continue to tip no matter what. I am just thankful that I am blessed to be able to do so!!!!


How do you consider stiffing someone a LOUSY $3 a day NOT cheap????

Anyone who plans their vacation down to the penny and doesn't have an 'emergency plan of backup'...financial or otherwise is FOOLISH.

ANYONE who complains that they have to tip the staff for extra days on board the ship is CHEAP.

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If "most passengers" budget down to their last penny, then they are stupid and foolish.


I can't even count all the horror stories on this board alone about unforeseen circumstances and what people had to do to compensate for them. Most of the time, it involves changed flights (fees), an extra hotel night and meals, or something similar.


I have no sympathy for the idiot who has not a penny in their pocket because they blew it all during the week on 'whatever'. And I have nothing but disdain for those who gripe about paying a couple of days extra in tips - no matter how they are charged to the account. The answer of settling the bill by taking tips off is NOT acceptable.


Keep in mind that the crew's tips are going to be SHORTED on the next cruise because it is not as long as anticipated.

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We travel with three so for us it would be another 30.00 per day so to me the tipping is not that big of a deal. No one can control the weather and you just have to kind of roll with it. The cruise line can only do what they can do. I don't feel the staff should suffer because you got extra days, there would have been new passengers on there tipping them for the day if things went as planned. I'm sure they plan on that money the same as you do with your pay check. That being said there are other things that may cost you more then those tips. I only have so many vacation days if I were out there longer I would not be getting paid for those day away from work. You might also have cost with airline changes, parking, stuff like this. I would like the extra days but I probably could have taken another cruise with the pay I would have missed. I think it's just one of those thing you go with and take care of just like if your car broke down just after you got back. You find a way to deal with it and move on.

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I can't beleive that people are really complaining about the extra tips for the free extra days at sea. I seem to recall that these hurricanes have been threatening Florida before passengers even got on the cruise ships and one would wonder how it would effect their cruise and return to port. (some even praying that they would get extra days at sea!) So spending your money down to your last dime while hearing the hurricane predictions seems like an irresponsible thing to do to me. What if Carnival only packed enough food to feed everyone for 7 days, wouldn't you have been upset if they ran out of food? In that case I could maybe justify not tipping the dining staff for the extra days!

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Since crew members have to work so many hours without ever getting a day off...why do cruise lines pay them so cheaply. I don't think cruise lines should pay their crew members those little meager wages, and then just expect the passenger to "make up the difference". Those crew men/women work too dang hard to get screwed the way that they do...most of whom have families to support just like the rest of us.


Anyways, I said all of that just to say this...I think it is TOTALLY unacceptable for cruise lines to pay their crew members such lackluster wages. Plus, they continue to view their crew members as nothing more than "cheap labor"!!!! To me, that is not right and the fact that cruise lines do that makes my skin crawl. I wholeheartedly believe cruise lines should reevaluate what they pay their crew members. Nonetheless, I will continue to tip no matter what. I am just thankful that I am blessed to be able to do so!!!!

Ahh...but you're missing something here.... The cruise lines hire FOREIGN workers and pay them low wages based on AMERICAN STANDARDS. Many of the crewmembers send almost everything they make home to support their families. What many of the crew earns on a cruise ship is considerably more money than they can make in their home countries, if they could even find work at all in their homelands. I honestly think the cruise lines would be better off raising their prices $10.00 per day, as opposed to having the "gratuity system" they do now, and for only one reason... Cruise lines have the reputation for "nickel and diming" passengers. $2.00 for a Coke, $12.00 for a photo, $3.50 for bottled water, $10.00 for tips, that adds up very fast. I think it's just the idea that we feel gouged on the frills, and then are expected to give Carnival even more money! I don't really have a problem with $10.00 a day, the problem is how it's presented, and passengers feel "obligated" to pay it. I'd rather just pay 10 bucks more per day up front...it's a mental thing...

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It would be nice if the cruiselines could drop you off at the port (or send you back on lifeboats), where, because of weather conditions and airport closures YOU would be paying for hotels (if you could find one) and meals (if the resturants have electricity). I guarantee you, even if you stayed at the airport for a few days your cost for food would far exceed the amount of the extra tips! Let's all be thanksful for what we have and to the cruiselines for keeping our safety in mind and being quite generous with the extra sea days at no charge.


As far as missing work etc., this an act of nature and no one can control it. Would be the same if you were caught in a snow storm while on another vacation but I'm sure you would find it quite a bit more expensive and inconvenient that being stuck out on a ship in beautiful weather!

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