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Gangs on the Miracle out of NYC?


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It's too bad that they don't think they look stupid. The kids of today are totally different than when we grew up. I can't believe what some of the girls wear. If I ever walked out of the house like that when I was a teenager, my mother would have locked me in my room. I was a teenager in the 70s and we had those plaid and striped bell bottoms. :eek::p:D


Lol. I've never been able to grasp my mind around bell bottoms. :D . Plaid at that. Wow.

But I don't think my mom is above locking me in my room if I wear anything in appropriate.

So we've gotten to a point when I go shopping I mentally think to myself 'Can I get out of my house in this?'

But call me a cynic... but I blame the media for this :D . They've been programming teenage girls into think that less is more...

I guess its up to the parents to deprogram us as quickly as possible.

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Livetojump mentioned about the illegal activities gang members will get into so as to be able to afford cruises. I don't agree to fully with that...granted they all perform the illegal drug selling and whatnots but from what I've understood about gang culture it is the top, tiers (and forgive me at risk of sounding entirely too cynical) would appear to be upstanding members of society that benefit from the illegal activities of their minions.

What they do is they recruit these kids, offering them all these grandiose whatnots and they do the ground work... the top tiers receive the bulk of the money.

And those top tiered people, are not the ones who come across as gangster at all.


Btw Livetojump... not sure if the sarcasm at the start of your post was entirely warranted... after all I'm sure those who were speaking about working with gang members hence the belief that they couldn't afford cruises were in no way shape or form implying that they were 'upstanding' members of society.



Agree...to a point.


Of course it was sarcastic and warranted or not...that's just me. I never said they were saying that...I did...again...sarcasm.

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Lol. I've never been able to grasp my mind around bell bottoms. :D . Plaid at that. Wow.

But I don't think my mom is above locking me in my room if I wear anything in appropriate.

So we've gotten to a point when I go shopping I mentally think to myself 'Can I get out of my house in this?'

But call me a cynic... but I blame the media for this :D . They've been programming teenage girls into think that less is more...

I guess its up to the parents to deprogram us as quickly as possible.


Yup, we had plaid and striped bell bottons...LOL When I look at old pictures I just can't believe I wore those things. :D

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Yup, we had plaid and striped bell bottons...LOL When I look at old pictures I just can't believe I wore those things. :D


but the 70's was also the era of those really cute mini-dresses right? :D .

The ones that they are trying to bring back to the forefront now with slight modifications.

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but the 70's was also the era of those really cute mini-dresses right? :D .

The ones that they are trying to bring back to the forefront now with slight modifications.


That was more in the 60s. But in the early 70's I did have hot pants in hot pink which were basically very short shorts.

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I agree with this that's why I said that I doubted that it was a gang. People in gangs (also personal experience from working with these kinds of people) not only can't afford it but usually will not leave where they live for fear of problems while they are gone...A cruise is probably the last thought on their mind.


FUNNY AS HELL. I can see gang members at a meeting discussing possible drive-bys, initiations, drug transactions and one member says...."So when are we suppose to get to the cruise terminal for our cruise?" Some individuals live in certain areas of the USA and will see hip hop clothes or the way a kid talks or how he looks as threatening. It's sad but it's similar to inner city kids seeing a person dressed nice as a cop or outsider.

Trust me they were kids dressed a certain way or with bad language. Doesn't matter if they are white, black, hispanic, oriental, etc.

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Ball-cap thing... dominant to hip hop culture... I think I can tolerate it to some extent, although I'm of the opinion if you've gotta wear your hat weird just turn in to the back :D

The pant thing... not dominant to only hip hop culture at all... I think that its become a sickening disease among young men.

I've seen the punk crowd with their pants all the way down there as well.

I think it is the artsy types, the preppy types and the goths who have managed to withstand this sickening fad.

But I do agree... its really annoying and the weirdest part is that they actually think its very cool.

Coming from a teenager --- I think its the biggest turn off ever.


Livetojump mentioned about the illegal activities gang members will get into so as to be able to afford cruises. I don't agree to fully with that...granted they all perform the illegal drug selling and whatnots but from what I've understood about gang culture it is the top, tiers (and forgive me at risk of sounding entirely too cynical) would appear to be upstanding members of society that benefit from the illegal activities of their minions.

What they do is they recruit these kids, offering them all these grandiose whatnots and they do the ground work... the top tiers receive the bulk of the money.

And those top tiered people, are not the ones who come across as gangster at all.

Btw Livetojump... not sure if the sarcasm at the start of your post was entirely warranted... after all I'm sure those who were speaking about working with gang members hence the belief that they couldn't afford cruises were in no way shape or form implying that they were 'upstanding' members of society.


I think what happened on that ship were probably a bunch of kids or men... who listened to way too much rap music and watched way too much BET. So they believed 'acting' gangster was the way to go. Gang members, I'm less inclined to believe --- but who knows eh?


You're right but it goes both ways in what they see. Almost every TV show will show a fad that kids pick up, bet might show the baseball caps to the side, while Nascar might show a kid with a confederate flag on his cap.To some that's ok, to some it is not.

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You're right but it goes both ways in what they see. Almost every TV show will show a fad that kids pick up, bet might show the baseball caps to the side, while Nascar might show a kid with a confederate flag on his cap.To some that's ok, to some it is not.


That's true. I guess I just have an issue with BET. You would not believe how my friends get offended when I tell them this.

I'm not saying all the shows do.

But especially the music videos... oh my goodness... they are usually so deragotory towards women and the whole sex, drugs, violence theme that permeates most rap music offends me.

When a black teenager tells her friends, "I don't listen to rap. And I'm very selective about the hip hop songs I listen to."

Constant bashing follows.

But I shrug it off.

I'll prefer to listen to Johan Sebastian Bach any day... I strongly believe when you keep listening to songs that encourage violence, promiscuous sex and drug use... eventually, some day...you are going to think it is okay.

I do agree that some people feel forced into gangs because of growing up in poverty... but I do believe that hip hop and rap has done the world and injustice by romanticizing it.


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I'm 43 years old and when i was 16 yrs old i dressed worse than some of these kids now. I wore my addidas with colored laces, lee jeans, cap backwards, cazal frames($300 a pop in 1979), big, thick 20" chain, stud earing, etc. Now if you see me i'm VERY conservative (dress shirt, designer tie, etc). I don't have a problem with what they wear, i do have a problem with girls wearing shorts two sizes small or skirts with nothing underneath or boys wearing shirts with a vulgar word or act.

Back in the 20's they had a style, 50's they had a style, 60's, 70's, etc. It's how you behave that shows who you really are. I see men in their 40's acting like idiots on cruises and teenagers acting like adults.

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I completely agree... I'm not talking about the dressing per se. But I'm speaking about the outlook on life that seems to change once you pick up the ideaology that comes along with it.

I know your clothes do not definite who you are --- its your beliefs and value systems and your attitude that does.

But I do believe that when teenages girl go out at night wearing the tightest of, the smallest of...I can see your bum out the back, pants and the tiniest of blouses, breasts straining over the tops, that it has a lot to do with what the media has portrayed to them as being sexy and appealing.

The same thing with the media's portrayal of sex.

:) This is the reason why I have some serious issues with some of the shows on MTV....'The Real World'

I've been accused of taking life too seriously... but I do think the media you surround yourself with can eventually impact your idealogies, values and eventually self-concept.

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It's too bad that they don't think they look stupid. The kids of today are totally different than when we grew up. I can't believe what some of the girls wear. If I ever walked out of the house like that when I was a teenager, my mother would have locked me in my room.


The thing is, every generation says this about the current teen generation. Your parents and friends said the same thing about you, their parents said the same thing about them, etc...



Have you ever read these quotes:


"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for

authority, they show disrespect to their elders.... They no longer

rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents,

chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their

legs, and are tyrants over their teachers."


Or this one?


"The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have

no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all

restraint. They talk as if they alone knew everything and what passes

for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for girls, they are

forward, immodest and unwomanly in speech, behaviour and dress."


These quotes have been attriubted to Plato and Socrates both. Regardless of the author, your sentiments about today's youth have been echoed for many many generations.

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The thing is, every generation says this about the current teen generation. Your parents and friends said the same thing about you, their parents said the same thing about them, etc...



Have you ever read these quotes:


"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for

authority, they show disrespect to their elders.... They no longer

rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents,

chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their

legs, and are tyrants over their teachers."


Or this one?


"The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have

no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all

restraint. They talk as if they alone knew everything and what passes

for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for girls, they are

forward, immodest and unwomanly in speech, behaviour and dress."


These quotes have been attriubted to Plato and Socrates both. Regardless of the author, your sentiments about today's youth have been echoed for many many generations.


You are absolutely correct but I think with each generation a lot of the kids get worse. I believe a lot has to do with the media, what they show on TV, that sort of thing.

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They sure do look stupid. I don't mind the way they wear the ballcaps but the pants leave a lot to be desired....LOL!!! So stupid hanging down to their knees. I don't know how they can even walk. hahahahha:D:D Too funny Liv.


The pant thing is not their fault. It is a scientific fact that the older you get the higher your pants get. I think it was Newton 2nd law of anti-gravity that states "My findings indicate that do to an unknown unseen power human pants move upwards over time, ultimately settling on the wearers chest somewhere in Florida at the age of 70."


People should go easy on these "gang members" , because no matter how ridiculous they look now at 18, they will eventually leave this faze, have a couple good decades and then look ridiculous again at 70...It's the "Circle of pants"


P.S. I wear baggy jeans sometimes and I hope there are not any "eminem" sightings posted after my cruise...BTW I am always polite to staff and my homeys and I did not have to "sling rocks" or have a "strong p!mp-hand" to pay for my cruise.:cool:

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Personally, I think it has nothing to do with WHAT they wear...but WHY they wear it.


IF they are wearing it just to be some kind of "fashion statement", I have no problem.


IF they are wearing it to intimidate, humiliate or demean others....then I have a BIG problem.


Their actions usually distinquish between the two.


On the Imagination, there was a young adult (probably 21) that had the "gangsta" look down pat. He and his friend (with an orange mohawk) did a rap song (Slim Shady) the whole cruise. They were both the nicest folks you would ever want to meet. Very polite. Very respectful. We had a blast in karaoke. They were "representing" a fashion statement.


Then you have the groups that we have read about on several cruises...not just the Miracle...that were trouble the entire cruise. Fights with broken bottles, throwing chairs, selling drugs, pushing people down the stairs.....


Now did every passenger on the ship see every single incident. No. But not every single person on the ship has to see it for it to be a reality. These "gangstas" are dressing to intimidate, because their "actions" clearly say that.

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[quote name='Sandi149']You are absolutely correct but I think with each generation a lot of the kids get worse. I believe a lot has to do with the media, what they show on TV, that sort of thing.[/quote]

You beat me to it.

I also think in addition to the things you listed above, there seems to be a sense of entitlement with today's youth.
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[quote name='LHP']Personally, I think it has nothing to do with WHAT they wear...but WHY they wear it.

IF they are wearing it just to be some kind of "fashion statement", I have no problem.

IF they are wearing it to intimidate, humiliate or demean others....then I have a BIG problem.

Their actions usually distinquish between the two.

On the Imagination, there was a young adult (probably 21) that had the "gangsta" look down pat. He and his friend (with an orange mohawk) did a rap song (Slim Shady) the whole cruise. They were both the nicest folks you would ever want to meet. Very polite. Very respectful. We had a blast in karaoke. They were "representing" a fashion statement.

Then you have the groups that we have read about on several cruises...not just the Miracle...that were trouble the entire cruise. Fights with broken bottles, throwing chairs, selling drugs, pushing people down the stairs.....

Now did every passenger on the ship see every single incident. No. But not every single person on the ship has to see it for it to be a reality. These "gangstas" are dressing to intimidate, because their "actions" clearly say that.[/quote]

Love your TJ quote.. and how true it is!
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[quote name='livtojump']

nor have I ever understood wearing ones pants down around their knees? If these people only realized how stupid they looked.:rolleyes:[/quote]

Ah but law enforcement love it. Just how far do they think they can run wearing those pants:rolleyes:

Btw Livetojump... not sure if the sarcasm at the start of your post was entirely warranted... [/quote]

Hey that's the liv we all come to love:D
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[quote name='Kurbanfan']Ah but law enforcement love it. Just how far do they think they can run wearing those pants:rolleyes:

Hey that's the liv we all come to love:D[/quote]

LMAO...that's why they complete the outfit with a $300 pair of felony fliers ;)

Why of course it is :D
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[quote name='LHP']Personally, I think it has nothing to do with WHAT they wear...but WHY they wear it.

IF they are wearing it just to be some kind of "fashion statement", I have no problem.

IF they are wearing it to intimidate, humiliate or demean others....then I have a BIG problem.

Their actions usually distinquish between the two.

On the Imagination, there was a young adult (probably 21) that had the "gangsta" look down pat. He and his friend (with an orange mohawk) did a rap song (Slim Shady) the whole cruise. They were both the nicest folks you would ever want to meet. Very polite. Very respectful. We had a blast in karaoke. They were "representing" a fashion statement.

Then you have the groups that we have read about on several cruises...not just the Miracle...that were trouble the entire cruise. Fights with broken bottles, throwing chairs, selling drugs, pushing people down the stairs.....

Now did every passenger on the ship see every single incident. No. But not every single person on the ship has to see it for it to be a reality. These "gangstas" are dressing to intimidate, because their "actions" clearly say that.[/quote]

I totally agree with you 110%
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[quote name='livtojump']You beat me to it.

I also think in addition to the things you listed above, there seems to be a sense of entitlement with today's youth.[/quote]

Ohh that's for sure. They all think that the world should revolve around them. :rolleyes:
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The only Gang I will not cruise with and I would be afraid of is the Girl Scouts of Americia. Just try to tell them no about buying there cookies and see what happens. Those 7 and 8 year old girls are a pretty rough bunch
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[quote name='DqALEX']The only Gang I will not cruise with and I would be afraid of is the Girl Scouts of Americia. Just try to tell them no about buying there cookies and see what happens. Those 7 and 8 year old girls are a pretty rough bunch[/quote]

Who says no to Girl Scout cookies??? :confused:
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[quote name='livtojump']Ummm...have you considered that some of these fine upstanding gang members may be involved in some not so legal activities which generate income?

While we're at it...I'm not a big fan of the hip hop culture, dress...whatever. Never understood the need to wear a ball cap at the 4 or 10 o'clock position nor have I ever understood wearing ones pants down around their knees? If these people only realized how stupid they looked.:rolleyes:[/quote]

Agreed Liv, the ball cap was designed to shade the eyes, not your ear.:rolleyes:

[quote name='livtojump']You beat me to it.

I also think in addition to the things you listed above, there seems to be a sense of entitlement with today's youth.[/quote]

Yes there is, just don't get it either. :confused:
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