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My First Seabourn Cruise March 17-30, 2008

Ms. J.

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As I have told many, for me it's all about the cruise and the people, not so much about the ports. Perfect reason for a transatlantic or transpacific....and this one on the Pride was as perfect as it gets.


So, what about the people? As diverse a crowd as one can imagine. The lady rancher from Texas first comes to mind.....a twinkle in her eye and a passion for fun....she greeted me with open arms and a hug. A petite dynamo, with a following as loyal to her as she is to Seabourn. I called her "Ms. Seabourn", and she corrected me and said her friend, (whom I'll call Miss A.) is the Queen of Seabourn and she is just a Princess. Royalty or not, these ladies made my days ever so much fun.


I ran into a tall, good-looking guy who lives not too far from me in Southern California. To my surprise he was a lot younger than I imagined. I pictured him older than he is because of all the sage advice he imparted. All the good information he gave me while posting came rushing back to me as we sat in the lounge during embarkation. While we waited, he told more Seabourn stories and pointed out many people I would call "Seabourn Stars" - including him.


The dizzying, free-flowing champagne threw a lovely haze over the sail away St. Paddy's party where I met folks I would get to know better in the days that followed. With my green feather boa, and green carnation in my hair, I fell in line with the many Seabourn veterans. And don't you know I had on my "Glad in Plaid" Tartan plaid sunglasses. My plaid glasses were fun, but Miss Rancher's plaid hat with feathers, earrings and ballet shoes were over-the-top gorgeous! I can't recall the order in which I met my new friends, and should I mistakenly leave anyone out, please chalk it up to glorious, sunny afternoons and tropical drinks at the Sky Bar. Speaking of the Sky Bar, I would call that the "hub".....the meeting place, if you will....and where I would soon get to know other mariners. I remember the tall, handsome man from Germany - a smart dresser, and also traveling solo. He regaled us with his stories, peppering them with infectious laughter, as he sipped champagne and always shared his afternoon sweets and caviar. Later, I met two gentlemen, from another part of Germany....an attorney and a pediatrician....a handsome couple they made. The four of us spent many a pleasant afternoons together, and drinks in the club before dinner.


Early on, it was the lovely lady attorney and her cute attorney hubby that had dinner with me at a hosted table one evening. She has a smile so warm and genuine, it often welcomed me from across the deck. The whimsical side of her is she tells a great joke! And speaking of smiles, there was one of the biggest smiles on the Aerobics Queen and her newly retired other half - who are the proud owners of not one, but two houses in California. The lady from the ranch introduced me to them and this couple kept me laughing. They maintained a tight schedule of wine in the morning, trivia and wine in the afternoon....such a hectic Seabourn life(!)


Soon the distinguished Brit frequented my meeting place often, and shared many stories of cruises and vacations. Miss Rancher dubbed him "Mr. Seabourn", an honor that did not overly impress his beautiful bride. They were celebrating their anniversary onboard, and the soft-spoken better half added a real touch of class, clothed in some of the nicest ensembles I've ever seen on a cruise. They were celebrating their anniversary on this cruise (40th, I think) I hope they kept warm going home to Canada, after all the beautiful weather we had onboard.


Now, let me get to a competition onboard that kept us all entertained, whether we participated or merely cheered the rivals on. Namely the golf putting tournament every afterrnoon at 2:30. The more-than-cheerful and exuberant drew a crowd and were perfect hosts for this and other events onboard. The British lady, half of this Seabourn team, once confessed with sympathy, that her handbag was as large as mine....possibly because I was constantly digging into to it attempting to find wayward items. Her CD hubby was a delight at dinner and the perfect master of ceremonies for the Ugliest Tie Contest. Back to golf, there were three real stand outs I had the pleasure of being with often. Two, that are a couple, need to write a book....maybe something titled, "The Pilot and the Attendant". I was blessed with knowing this couple from the UK, and they made dinner, more than once, a real pleasure. I would refer to her as the "saucey" one - everyone onboard loved her! The third stand out was a wine drinking, many days onboard, golfer. His claim to fame is that he owns more Seabourn leather book markers than anyone else, and also holds the title of Easter egg hustler, as he found half of the eggs hidden for this spring morning hunt.


I met the Aussie couple a bit later in the cruise. I didn't realize they had been onboard for so long. How I envy them as I read of their adventures, diary-style on a Seabourn thread. Another Texan (I'm pretty sure he's from Texas) I learned is a good friend of Miss Rancher. I prefer to call him "Mr. Sweater". I have never seen anyone wear a pullover sweater so handsomely. Like Miss Rancher, he had some delightfully funny stories to tell. His partner, who unfortunately had to stay home, left a vacancy for their friend, whom I will call the Philosopher, to join him on this cruise at the last minute. The philosopher, who tells it like it is, is now retired from a highly successful floral business and non profit organization. His ability to consume "Mojitos" is impressive, to say the least.


Let me tell you about the slim, southern gentleman whose clothes were color coordinated at all times. As he worked on his needlwork project, we had a great chat about doing things right the first time....he cited his skill in upholstery crafts as an example. So many talented folks onboard!


There was a petite lady reading her books on the Sky Bar deck every afternoon. We shared a similar story about travel after 9/11. Also afternoons, it was beer for my friend, the man with the beautiful ring on his hand. From an angle, it looked like my all gold initial ring, but at closer inspection, it had a beautiful black stone. You could tell he admired jewelry as he gazed upon the Murano necklace won by another friend. He said she'll be the "Belle of the Ball" wearing that necklace. As many onboard, he had a musical southern accent.


I was inspired every afternoon by a newlywed walking around the deck, doing I don't know how many laps. The Philosopher would heckle her jokingly as she passed him around the bend....of course, with his Mojito in hand. Her light blonde hair streamed behind her, reminiscent of pure silk....and she has the whitest teeth I have ever seen! A real beauty. Her husband must have really missed her, as this time she was traveling with her parents, and had done so for many years..


Of course, I'll always remember whom I call "Mr. Big". I call him that because he does everything in a BIG way. His "Plaid Pajama Party" was a highlight of the cruise for me, and I loved everyone who attended. He's good friends with many onboard, especially the lady rancher. He also made quite a splash at the Ugliest Tie Contest....along with my friend, the Aerobics Queen.


Every cruise could use a little spiritual guidance, hence enters the the Priest and his buddy. When we met, the priest introduced himself by his first name.....it was later that I learned he was a retired priest. Believe me, I was hard-pressed to remember if I said any "no-no's" in his presence prior to his announcement(!) His friend was a delight and had a great sense of humor. There was another cruiser would come to the Sky Bar each afternoon and asked Ivana (our lovely bartender) for either a Margarita or cognac (or maybe it was brandy). Smoking the "baby" cigars, he was well-liked by all. I would chat with him and his better half in other locales, as well. There were two other gentlemen I met early on the cruise from San Diego - I think the South Park area. Maybe the lovely lady attorney can remember these partners from the table we shared with them. Anyway, I didn't get to see a lot of them on this cruise....maybe next time.


Of course, as any good Pride sailor knows, a seat at the Captain's table is definitely a highlight. I was seated next to him and found him to be an amazing conversationalist and quite funny. Upon dembarkation, he even asked me for a kiss goodbye. Great memories.


Seabourn again? You bet. If I could afford to, I'd be on the ship right now. The service was impeccable, the food to die for and the entire crew was thoughtful and extremely professional. I've seen other posters point the finger at a critique and call the writer a "cheerleader". Well, folks, I'd be honored to be called a "Seabourn Cheerleader".....yeah, baby!


Jini (from sunny, but cool San Diego)

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Hi, Eric....


Yes, I should have prefaced this piece by explaining it's for my fellow guests who seem to be known by Seabourn-ites at large, and for anyone else who would like to sneak a peek at the folks that cruise with Seabourn. They were an incredible bunch of cruisers, whom, I'm sure, love Seabourn so much that they have helped, in however small way, to shape the line to what it is today. Additionally, so many of these threads have touted the many wonders of Seabourn, I thought my fellow guests would appreciate seeing a mini post card of themselves, and as the Sebourn family, how much they're appreciated by me. Maybe after all is said and done, the people that cruise with Sebourn would be another selling feature. All in all, a fabulous cruise! Jini


P.S. Eric, I did think the caviar anytime, anyplace was unique and exceptional. J.

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Hello Jini,

Am happy you arrived home safely ~~ I flew into West Texas Friday evening ~~still suffering "reverse vertigo" but my problem was very minor/slight compared to the crisis we were having in West Texas over the weekend. I'm sure some heard about it on CNN, Fox News and other National news. We've all known about the YFZ Zion Ranch for 4 years. Simply waiting for the State of Texas to find legal reasons/warrants to go in. Bless all the ladies and children (423) now safely out of the ranch and housed in San Angelo. My heart goes out to each and every one ~~

I thought our Pride Crossing was the best ever! ! Service, food, entertainment 10 stars! Guests were all most congenial and fun! I think we had 80 non US Guests and a'round 100 US Guests. I don't believe I've ever cruised with such a happy group~~everybody seemed to keep smiles on their faces from morning 'till night!

Our parties and events were such fun ~~I was disappointed that we were not able to add a note of the happenings in The Herald, as we've done in the past. I just couldn't impose on the Pursers to send invitations, as they have so many duties and work so hard. But all that attended had a blast.

I thought the Atlantic was "different" this year ~~we "corkscrewed" across from Ft Laud to Lisbon ~~ Dr Herra decided this unusual motion was my vertigo problem. I heard some regular Crossing Sailor's were sea sick.

We all so enjoyed having you ~~I can still still you laughing! Do consider joining us next March for yet another Pride magical Cross!

Many thanks for your posting! Your writing is very eloquent!

I send hug's to San Diego ~~

Martita B.

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I was pleased to sail again with Capt. Erik Anderssen ~~he was such fun and always so upbeat! I enjoy his stories!:p Especially those he related to us during his Lounge receptions.

Along with Mr. Lulu, our excellent Hot Man, we enjoyed TWO Exec, Chefs ~~Cheffy Markus and Cheffy Lambrecths (who was training Galley Chefs) Our Cruise Directors were grrreat ~Tony Markey and his charming wife, Christine and talented Matt Brown. Felipe was the Dining room Maitre'D. He's also very talented, having been on the Pride for many years. All the waiter's, adorable and attentive. Of course Dr. Herra, we love as well as Nursey Elisabeth!

My good friend, Miss A. was in fine form and will stay on the Pride until 1st of November.

Yes, Gini, it is the Staff and the Guests who always make the voyage extraordinary and special!

We wish them smooth seas and blue skies!

Martita B.

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Hello Jini,

the crisis we were having in West Texas over the weekend. I'm sure some heard about it on CNN, Fox News and other National news. We've all known about the YFZ Zion Ranch for 4 years. Simply waiting for the State of Texas to find legal reasons/warrants to go in. Bless all the ladies and children (423) now safely out of the ranch and housed in San Angelo. My heart goes out to each and every one


THANKS, Ms. J for the very nice report! Glad to know that Martita B. is as shy and boring as ever. Didn't know that those kooks in Texas were that close to where she lived. Hopefully there will not be a repeat of the mess down in Texas in the 1990's that happened with that other religious group and their fire, the deaths. We’re still focused on the port-focused cruises, preparing for the Baltics this summer on our second ship trip. Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

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Yes, you are correct ~~I'm still as boring and shy as ever! In fact on our March Pride Crossing the Staff dubbed me "the poor 'lit 'ole matchstick girl" ~~I just sat over in the corner, quite as a mouse!

I'm happy they quit calling me, "the Seabourn Scalawag!":D


When is your cruise to the Baltics? If in June, you will enjoy a few of my Sailor friends ~~~~of course, Miss A. will be aboard, whom we all adore.


All's quite on the home front as 432 ladies and children from the Zion ranch are now safely housed in San Angelo. We, in West Texas have worried for 4 years we'd experience another Waco someday but the end came peacefully, thanks to the Texas Rangers and the law enforcers.


Have a nice weekend!:p

Martita B.

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Hi, Terry....

I'm glad you liked my little epic....your Baltics cruise sounds wonderful. As Miss Martha said, the seas were a little different this crossing....I had the same problem - the reverse vertigo, and I never get seasick. I did lose 2 pounds, and not by going to the gym, but by trying to stand upright(!) Jini

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My reverse vertigo was caused by (Dr Herra suggested) the suite was "reversed" as to sailing forward ~~bed and sofa! Simply, I was riding backwards. I had never sailed in a reversed suite and when the ship corkscrewed, "pitching and rolling at the same time" it affected my equillibrium and balance. I believe I had rather be sea sick than this! A terrible feeling ~~~I've had a few bouts with vertigo before but nothing like what I suffered on the Crossing.

I'm still taking Vitamin B12.

But, I will survive! 'Ya can't keep a tough Texas lady down for long!

How are the tulips?:p

Hug's sent


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I think we have a few more "coastal" sailings before we will be qualified for the "grand traverse"! Sounds like you had more movement than the mechanical bull at me local country/western bar! Hope you and Miss Jini are feeling better and walking the "straight and narrow." Sounds similar to the earthquake at Northridge (Los Angeles) I experienced - except on Seabourn everyone was able to see the next day.


I'll keep my junior sailor fins for now, but sounds like the Legend may be doing a bit better. It's amazing the difference a few weeks makes.


GA has gotten a good bit of rain this year but I think the tulips prefer the hose!



Jini, your perspective had a very unique feel to it. I tend to agree - Seabourn is my favorite, but it's the fellow pax that make all the difference. SB just seems to attract a most congenial group of folks. All so different, but all so friendly.


If the Legend crossing folks are reading, I hope you continue your smooth sailings!



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Glad to hear from "the poor 'lit 'ole matchstick girl" who is just sitting "over in the corner, quite as a mouse!". I love the title: "the Seabourn Scalawag!" That's truth in advertising, plus fun!


Our July 24-Aug. 4 Baltics cruise is going to be on Crystal. We're not being disloyal to Seabourn! We loved that first cruise in 2006 in the Greek Isles and Turkish Coast on the Spirit. Thanks to great tips from Martita B. and others, it was a super trip and experience! For our second cruise, the Crystal cruise hit more and better the ports we sought, plus it provided a chance to try a little larger boat with more and different options, plus maintaining that high level of great service and food, etc. We'll report in later on the Seabourn vs. Crystal comparisons. From what others have written on these various boards, they both are excellent.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

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As to "Scalawag," I had button/pins made and have given these to many Seabourn Sailor's ~~and yes, even our friends on Blue Lagoon Drive wear them!

You'll enjoy Crystal I'm sure ~~I've heard great things about the line including excellant service, food, etc.

Martita B.

If I ever moved it would be

to Dublin, Ohio!:p

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Hi, Johnny....

Thanks for the kind words. The guests from the Pride are still hanging around me in spirit. There's not an hour that goes by without my thinking of my new friends. Take care, all and have some fun today. Jini

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Great to hear about your "Scalawag" button/pins. Also loved your comment about "If I ever moved it would be to Dublin, Ohio!" THANKS for the great work on the CC Boards! Keep enjoying. Will report in more after our Baltics trip this summer. Any special tips from your travels in Oslo, Copenhagen, Helsinki, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tallinn and Stockholm? Since you've been everywhere, I assume you've been to many of these great cities. Terry in Ohio

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I just posted over on the Crystal board to Keith and Anne Marie. They are Seabourn regulars and fellow Texans! We've been friends a number of years. Top A1 Sailors! As they are true bluewater world cruising Sailor's and are far more seasoned than I, I'm sure Keith will be happy to answer any and all questions as to your upcoming Baltic voyage. He should write for Porthole Magazine or Travel & Leisure~~~:D He's gifted.

I am excited about flying to Oslo (and on to Fredrikstad) the middle of May to attend a May 17th party hosted by Captain Toenis Soerensen and his friend, H.G. Seabourn friends will gather for a few days ~~I'm sure my life will never be the same!:eek:

Have a great week!


p.s. I once had lunch at your

downtown Columbus Wendy's!

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Whew! I was hoping for a quiet transatlantic cruise this November. Sounds like there wasn't much on yours. My husband and I are very private (I wouldn't say anti-social, we just like our own company a lot), so will we have a horrible time with all this activity? Will we be shunned if we enjoy occasional interaction with fellow passengers but avoid the group festivities? Of course, the plaid, ugly tie, etc. functions are private, I guess, but that's okay. I'm a bit apprehensive about all this comraderie. Hope I don't come off as a snob; it's just that my husband is hard of hearing, so group "things" are a bit tough for him. Thanks for any input.

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The Pride Crossing's are actually pretty quiet/peaceful. Yes, there are private parties and events, but for those Sailor's that enjoy privacy, reading and relaxing the parties will not distrub you in the least. All of the events are always tastefully held ~~usually a'round 3:00 p.m. Of course you will be welcomed with "open arms" and we'll be more than happy to have you join us.

If you are Crossing on Nov. 8th, then you'll be aboard the Legend. The Pride will Cross Oct. 30th from Lisboa.

Hope you have a wonderful smooth sailing!:p

Martita B.

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>" Will we be shunned if we enjoy occasional interaction with fellow passengers but avoid the group festivities?"


Trust me, you can be as secluded and private as you wish. Some of the private parties are held quite out of the way. As to the kidnapping hi-jinks, they are pretty non-existent if you are not in the 'crowd', as it were. I was on a Legend crossing with a kidnapping and didn't know it until I signed on here during the cruise. You may enjoy dining in Restaurant '2' in the evening, since it's smaller and quieter. Breakfast and lunch are quite quiet in the Dining Room.


I am sure you will have a lovely time.

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Hi, Mahogany....

You couldn't possibly have what you call a "horrible" time on a Seabourn cruise. I knew that before I even boarded the ship. This board is packed full of wonderful details about the SB life. I had lots of quiet time, but IF I wanted to be outside and social, I'd go to the Sky Bar. If I wanted to be outside and quiet, I'd walk 20 steps away to the lounge chairs and nap or read a book. The nicest thing about SB is no one snubs anyone for any reason...even the frequent floaters on SB made me feel like I had cruised with them for years. I don't consider the two events I attended as a lot of "activity" for a 13 day cruise, but it was a great way to meet some very interesting people. By the way, what's a "kidnapping"? Take care, all and have some fun today. Jini

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The "kidnapping's" are fun prank happening's aboard the Legend Crossings. One Crossing Capt. Geir-Arne was in cahoots with the Cruise Director ~~A guest's stuffed animal is kidnapped for ransom! All in fun, of course! Host Dan can chime in as he's been aboard many times during these "sea crimes!":D

Martita B.

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The Oct. Pride TA Crossing will, I predict be a "sell out!" Our Fall Crossings usually start at the Tower Bridge, London ~~this will be a 1st as to embarking in Lisbon.

Many TA repeat Crossing sailors have booked ~~

Looking forward to smoother seas! Cross fingers and "toers!"


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