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Will NCL Follow ????


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I hope not......I smoke..i'm pretty careful of others people spaces..but to not be able to smoke outside or in my own cabin...I don't think I'd cruise again if they did this. I don't drink, I don't steal, lie, cheat, beat my kids......and I don't smoke where I'm not allowed to...and I don't go on vacation where I can't enjoy myself or be made to feel like a criminal If I do.


Sorry for the rant, I just think there should be non smoking ships, hotels, airplanes etc....and then smoking availible on reserved ones as well. Then you have a choice as to where you want to be.

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I think it is great. It would be nice to know that I would be guaranteed a cabin that didn't stink, and would be able to utilize the casino without my sinuses closing up, and leaving smelling like an ashtray.


I do have pity for those who try to quit, it is extremely hard. I don't have pity for those who love to smoke and feel it is their god given right to risk my health with their filthy addiction.


If you are a smoker who doesn't mind going out of the way to smoke go for it, I will not give you trouble if I walk into your smoke, I will just take a detour.



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My guess is, for the time being NCL will keep their present policy. They were the first line to implement the strict non smoking policy across the fleet, last year. Actually except for the casino bar and cabins there really is no place passengers can smoke on NCL ships now. Oh I forgot the cigar bar on ships that have cigar bars, which isn't every ship and those that do; the bar is very small. Actually Celebrity's policy allows more smoking areas than some other lines.



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Wow! This will make me consider Celebrity in the future!


I hope other lines folllow suit. With the fire hazards, I can't believe people are still allowed, no, encouraged to smoke in their cabins on ships. I know many smokers are considerate and responsible about where they stash their butts/ashes, but it just takes ONE person who falls asleep.


And I'm not even getting into the non-smoker vs. smoker debate on the smell of smoking.


I think that smokers should not be allowed to smoke in their rooms or on the balconies. I do think there should be more lounges with smoking allowed which could be more monitored by crew in case of fire, etc.

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was the first non-smoking state. No inside smoking in a public area. 2 years later Ohio did it. Restaurants have more customers than with smokers. Insurance costs have fallen making hotels, restaurants, and public buildings very happy. 500 feet from a doorway so smoke doesn;t go in when the door opens.


On cruiseships we have to have an ionizer to run in the smoker's stateroom with the stink since they do not laundry drapes, bedding, carpets, etc. So $250 to clean out staterooms after you, would be good from the cruiseline to do overtime work. When they are $10 a pack you may quit............


Quote=jdenn4;14194013]I hope not......I smoke..i'm pretty careful of others people spaces..but to not be able to smoke outside or in my own cabin...I don't think I'd cruise again if they did this. I don't drink, I don't steal, lie, cheat, beat my kids......and I don't smoke where I'm not allowed to...and I don't go on vacation where I can't enjoy myself or be made to feel like a criminal If I do.


Sorry for the rant, I just think there should be non smoking ships, hotels, airplanes etc....and then smoking availible on reserved ones as well. Then you have a choice as to where you want to be.

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It wld be so nice if they do, that is the only thing I hate about cruising, is if the person before you in the staeroom smoked it usually takes a good day or two to get that smell out of there.

Really? I have only had one situation where we could smell the smoke when we entered the cabin, that was on HAL a couple of years ago. It wasn't bad, seemed to disappear within 5 minutes after we entered, but everytime we opened the door for the first few days we did get a whiff (spelling) of smoke. Maybe we have never been on another ship where anyone has smoked in the cabin before us, not likely when you theink of how many cruises we have been on.



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Man I never thought of going on Celebrity but now it could become my new favorate line. I always hated paying moeny to have a balcony to smell the fresh air and be able to use it and then having a smoker on the blackony near by and then not be able to use it. I am actaully okay with people smoking in the rooms as long as cruises keep cleaning the way they do to get out the smoke but not on the blaconies cause you ruin the blaconies with everyone downwind of you.

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I have never been a smoker, and really don't like the smell of stale smoke in any room! But outside areas really do need to be there for those who do smoke. I look at my Mom, who has smoked for 50 years, and theres no way she could not smoke on a cruise. If it was easy to quit, she'd have done it by now, so I do have some sympathy for smokers. I don't want to smell it, but I feel for them. Talk about wishy washy eh?


Sure, cigarette smoke isn't good for anyones health, but neither is too much booze. Could that eventually be on the chopping block in the future? No booze on my cruise? I'll be staying home!


I really will be interesting to see how this plays out. Maybe NCL will follow and have some boats smoking optional and others smoke free? Again with the wishy washy!:D

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I have never been a smoker, and really don't like the smell of stale smoke in any room! But outside areas really do need to be there for those who do smoke. I look at my Mom, who has smoked for 50 years, and theres no way she could not smoke on a cruise. If it was easy to quit, she'd have done it by now, so I do have some sympathy for smokers. I don't want to smell it, but I feel for them. Talk about wishy washy eh?


Sure, cigarette smoke isn't good for anyones health, but neither is too much booze. Could that eventually be on the chopping block in the future? No booze on my cruise? I'll be staying home!


I really will be interesting to see how this plays out. Maybe NCL will follow and have some boats smoking optional and others smoke free? Again with the wishy washy!:D


I'd say it's not wishy washy - just a well rounded opinion. Some see things from clearly from both points of view - others are more nearsighted.

If the booze goes do you think they'll take out the butter as well as the gambling - that's not good for the health either. ;)


Nita has it right - not that we've sailed as often as she - never smelled smoke in any cabin we entered - however, that casino is another matter.


Surprising Celebrity is still allowing smoking within an enclosed casino but not in passenger room ? I'm thinking their change of policy has more to do with the cost of cleaning than it does passenger consideration.


Does anyone remember who tried to go with complete non smoking ships -

(not the whole fleet) I'm thinking it was Carnival ? but not sure - They couldn't book the cabins so they did an about face.

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I smoked for 18 years and it took me two of those to quit....I've now been a non-smoker for 13 years!:D I travel the US on business and must say I absolutely love cities where you can't smoke in bars, restaurants, hotel rooms, etc....To be able to come home and not smell or feel like I've been dragged through an ashtray full of dirty butts is wonderful!! All those businesses that said they'd go under are now busier than ever with non-smokers who have come back to them. I live in Vegas where even WE voted to have all bars that serve food to be non-smoking. It's the way the world is going and it's a GOOD direction. As was said in the article...90% of their cruisers are non-smoking (as has been said here in Vegas at certain hotels) so they are going to risk losing 10% business knowing that it will be made up by non-smokers who wouldn't use them before....including me!:)

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They could do smoking/non-smoking cabins. The breeze is always so brisk outside that I don't see a problem for smoking on your balcony. That is why we pay extra for them.

OK....A) Who would decide is smokers or nonsmokers get the aft, hump, "favorite" cabins??? I would be really pissed off if the "other" type had the cabin I wanted. NOT a solution. B) Those breezes are exactly what carry those lit cigarette butts onto other balconies and start FIRES!:eek: You can't hrow a cigarette butt overboard and expect it t o go into the sea....the winds are much stronger than that. C) I pay extra money fro my balcony to enjoy the FRESH sea air....not my neighbors smoke!:rolleyes:

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Visit the rural south, you will likely see people smoking in grocery stores, wal-mart etc..




Absolutely true. I'm originally from Raleigh and go back to visit family a couple of times a year. I can assure you that there is not a non smoking section at McDonalds. I've seen people smoking in Winn Dixie.

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Absolutely true. I'm originally from Raleigh and go back to visit family a couple of times a year. I can assure you that there is not a non smoking section at McDonalds. I've seen people smoking in Winn Dixie.

For those that haven't visited Vegas....we have slot areas at all the grocery stores and pharmacies in town. We voted last year to stop smoking in those as well. Imagine you go to the grocery store with your kids, or to the pharmacy to get your asthma medicine and have to walk through someone's smoke to get there!:eek: :mad: So there's hope for the rest of the country if we could come to our senses.:D Oh, and while there are still slots in the airport there is NO SMOKING anywhere inside the airport.

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OK....A) Who would decide is smokers or nonsmokers get the aft, hump, "favorite" cabins??? I would be really pissed off if the "other" type had the cabin I wanted. NOT a solution. B) Those breezes are exactly what carry those lit cigarette butts onto other balconies and start FIRES!:eek: You can't hrow a cigarette butt overboard and expect it t o go into the sea....the winds are much stronger than that. C) I pay extra money fro my balcony to enjoy the FRESH sea air....not my neighbors smoke!:rolleyes:


A.Oh, I get your point about the rooms; you're right that isn't a solution.

B. I've never thrown a butt overboard in my life, not even on the ground at home; that's disgusting! And who would want to pollute the sea with butts? I remember being upset about cruise ships letting "golfers" putt their balls off the ship and Cousteau telling us how many there were.


I'm sorry, but I still smoke.

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I have never been a smoker, and really don't like the smell of stale smoke in any room! But outside areas really do need to be there for those who do smoke. I look at my Mom, who has smoked for 50 years, and theres no way she could not smoke on a cruise. If it was easy to quit, she'd have done it by now, so I do have some sympathy for smokers. I don't want to smell it, but I feel for them. Talk about wishy washy eh?


Sure, cigarette smoke isn't good for anyones health, but neither is too much booze. Could that eventually be on the chopping block in the future? No booze on my cruise? I'll be staying home!


I really will be interesting to see how this plays out. Maybe NCL will follow and have some boats smoking optional and others smoke free? Again with the wishy washy!:D


Yeah but someone drinking on a cruise doesn't pose a risk to MY health, and will not leave a nasty stench behind;).



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Absolutely true. I'm originally from Raleigh and go back to visit family a couple of times a year. I can assure you that there is not a non smoking section at McDonalds. I've seen people smoking in Winn Dixie.


Thank goodness we don't see this much anymore in town, but go a few miles away from the city, and it's a whole other story!:(



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OK....A) Who would decide is smokers or nonsmokers get the aft, hump, "favorite" cabins??? I would be really pissed off if the "other" type had the cabin I wanted. NOT a solution. B) Those breezes are exactly what carry those lit cigarette butts onto other balconies and start FIRES!:eek: You can't hrow a cigarette butt overboard and expect it t o go into the sea....the winds are much stronger than that. C) I pay extra money fro my balcony to enjoy the FRESH sea air....not my neighbors smoke!:rolleyes:


I swore I wasn't going to get involved in this conversation yet again. After all, the last time I did I was stalked on the board and was wished lung cancer to be my fate by a gem of a guy.


It's just that posts like the above continue to astound me, even though I should be used to it by now.


Non smokers do not want to be around smoker. I got that, I understand that. Non smokers don't want to go into a cabin that smells of stale smoke. Understand that too. So a perfectly good solution to accomodate all would be non smoking cabins. But no, thats no good enough.


"I would be pissed off if the other type had the cabin in wanted. Not a solution." Other type? Oh you mean a fellow passenger who happens to partake in something you dispise? The other passenger who paid his fare also and is just as entitled to a specific cabin as you are? The other passenger who you feel has no right whatsever to smoke even tho it is a completely legal activity? Just put them all down in steerage. Afterall they are 2nd class citizens who's money certainly isn't as good as yours so they certainly should not have a choice of a decent cabin....the damned low lifes.


Throwing cigarette butts overboard? Exactly how did we jump from people smoking on their balcony to throwing cigarettes overboard? Ever hard of ashtrays? Oh that's right, the low life smokers just toss their butts everywhere. Dont care about fire hazzards, poluting the ocean etc. What more can you expect from such low class people?


Smoke filitering on to yout bacony? You have a point there except for the fact that common sense tells you that smoking cabins could be towards the back of the ship, on one side of the ship so that when smoke drifted, it would shift towads the rear (the boat does move forward you know, sending the smoke to the rear of the ship). But again, that's no good enough. Ban the "others" to the worst cabins to make them suffer for their activity so that the perfect people can get what they pay for. Nevermind that the smoker paid every bit as much money for their cabin as you did for yours.


It's posts like these that have the high and mighty attitude that enrages people. No possibe solution to the problem so that everyone can live togethe peacefully. Just judgments, harsh statements, and the "me, me" attitude. And yet people wonder why smokers get an attitude.

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Just because ashtrays are provided doesn't mean they are used! I've seen people sitting right next to one and still throw their butts over the side. Some smokers may feel that what they do doesn't affect anyone else, but it can. Accidents happen ~ just look at these pics of the Star. I think smoking needs to be restricted to certain areas for SAFETY sake. It's not a smokers vs. non-smokers issue.





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... when isn't it? Cruise lines have repeatedly stated that they cannot accommodate smoking and non-smoking cabins for inventory control reasons i.e. they want to sail every trip with every cabin full and not have to do an extra fare discount to squeeze a non-smoker into a smoker cabin or vice versa.


Personally, I remain surprised that any cruise line has smoking in cabins and balconies after the Princess fire. Surely it's just a matter of time till there's another fire and a total ban will ensue.


I am an occasional smoker (more on vacation) and I never smoke in my cabin - can't stand the smell - but I am a firm supporter of well thought out and managed smoking areas on some decks and in perhaps one bar on the ship.

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