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Carnival Inspiration; 3 thru 7 April... a review


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Margaritaville in Cozumel was my favorite one so far of the foreign ones I have visited. It brought the term Dive Bar to a whole new level :)


It was a bit of a walk from the pier... so kudos to you with a bad back.. (i have a bad knee, and had to stop from time to time on the way.. luckily there were places to sit).



I'm punching up the M'ville portion now. With a bit of luck I'll get it posted before the evenings out.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read. It's very appreciated.


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Forgive my ignorance, but could you possibly explain the Climb This shirt. I just didn't get it. Thanks!

Also, I had no idea there were rooms with jacuzzis!! All I can say to that is WOW!

Great review...waiting for the rest :)



Hiya, Princess!!!

As you may or may not know, Royal Caribbean, Carnival's biggest rival, has 'rock' climbing walls on their ships. For the life of me I don't understand why but it's one of their icons.

As you can see in the image, 'Climb This' extends down out of the Farcus Funnel, probably the most recognized image in all of the cruise industry.

I added the 'Lookin' for a rock wall?' as a bit of a poke in the eye to the 'other guys.'

It's all in good fun as Royal really does have a good product and a very devoted following!!

The category 12 suites have Jacuzzis and I wouldn't have been able to finish my adventure without it!!


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It was time to pay homage to Jimmy Buffett and head to Maragritaville where ‘there’s booze in the blender and soon it will render that frozen concoction that helps me hang on…’


I’ve visited quite a few of Jimmy’s stores and this is one of my favorites. Even quite early in the afternoon (early for them, mid day for me…) the place was kickin’!! Most folks were out on the patio with drinks in there hands, colors mimicking the entire spectrum of light. Some of the happy revelers had been here overnight, or so it would seem, as it would be difficult to get that happy that early. God bless ‘em.


The water just beyond the patio was that gorgeous pale blue that so typifies the beach areas of these islands. It was about as inviting as any water anywhere could be. I wanted to run headlong into the sea but the new camera that was draped around my neck made me think better of it. So, I elected to sit, have a few (wink, wink…) drinks, look for some t-shirts and whatnot and enjoy what always happens there… rampant age regression.


Looking about this place one is assaulted by all things Jimmy. There’s surf boards on the walls, parrothead signage everywhere, bikini clad lovelies wearing paper pirate hats, waitresses in grass skirts and not a person in sight over the mental age of twelve. I am home.


Curvaceous hips clad in a grass skirt swaying in my direction suggested that I needed to figure out what was going to be my concoction du jour. On rare occasions I like something a bit different and today was an occasion. It boiled down to one word: Mojito. What a wonderful word, conjuring up images of Hemingway leaning heavily against the bar at La Floridita in Havana. Yep… it’s gonna be a Mojito day.


In short order those swaying hips returned sporting a tray which sported my Mojito. It was BEAUTIFUL!!! Yellowish green with muddled mint leaves the size of my thumb swirling about, this drink was a work of art. Tropical moisture condensed on the cold glass and ran gracefully down the side. My mouth is watering as I write. This thing was cold, refreshing, full of flavor and history. There isn’t a thing about this drink that’s not to love. I drank it gratefully and fairly quickly. The second was as pleasing as the first and was a perfect compliment to my order of nachos… as was the third… and fourth. Ya’ see, this was no common order of nachos. It arrived by fork lift and nearly crushed my table. As I recall, Sir Edmund Hillary was planting the New Zealand flag on the top when the plate arrived. Pale green gobs of fresh guacamole, hundreds of slices of jalapeno, cascades of melted cheese, creamy refried beans, deep brown ground beef and bacon (!!!!) graced an Everest of chips. This was the mother load! Tasting as good as it looked this delight could have fed several families in some third world nations. I spent a good forty five minutes savoring Mt. Nacho before I finally waved the white flag and begged to have it taken away.


Mojito in hand I spent some time taking stock of the gift shop and selected a couple of the less brilliant t-shirts, got my treasures bagged up and made one final pass through the store. I got talked into doing a couple shots of rum at three bucks a pop. What the heck… I can see the ship from here so the odds of getting lost are just about even.


Reluctantly I stepped out the door into the blazing Cozumel afternoon sunshine. As all of the medication had worn off and the Mojitos hadn’t the trek back was time consuming, time consuming but fun.


Arriving at the pier I once again rickshawed my way back to the Inspiration. I suspect that every time I see Carnival twins side by side I’ll get the same silly grin on my face that I did then. It was good to be home… home on the Inspiration.

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Thank you for the review it is wonderful. It makes me fell like I am back on Inspiration. This was my first ship ever and so far she is my second favorite behind the Glory. Going on my 5 cruise in a little over 26 days on the Glory. Thank you again for your experience and hope you have a great week!




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Back in my cabin I retrieved my meds and gingerly made my way into the Jacuzzi this time facing the proper direction. This weary body really appreciated the warm, rushing water that coursed and pounded about me. Somewhere in the vicinity of forty five minutes later I was once again comfortable. Wrapping up in a Carnival robe I watched a slide show of pictures that I had taken to that point on the new ViewSonic flat screen TV. Excellent picture quality, and the photos weren’t bad, either! Many folks have asked recently about the ability to use a PlayStation or X Box on board with the new TVs. I’m happy to report that you can! On the back of the TV, left side, you’ll find a tab protruding. A gentle push will pop that panel loose. Inside you’ll find inputs for S Video, component video for high def, and analog video – the yellow jack that pretty much everyone is familiar with. Audio inputs are on the bottom, the customary red and white RCA jack.


The remote has an input selector allowing you to toggle back and forth among the input choices. I connected the wiring for my camera the first day and left it in place for the entire cruise. No one seemed to mind.


For the first time this cruise I was going to be able to dine in main dining and meet my table mates. I dressed quickly and headed for the Mardi Gras dining room destined to miss sail away as my seating was 6:15 and we sailed at 7 PM which, I believe, is about 2:26 PM Cozumel time.


As it turned out my table mates were a delightful group from various parts of the country with widely divergent occupations and interests. We were half first time cruisers, equipped with that familiar litany of superlatives, and half ‘old sea dogs’ with many cruises made.


The ‘Cruisin’ with the Crazies’ mascots had accompanied me to dinner and immediately captured everyone’s hearts. These little guys are rife with personality and are totally irresistible. Everyone wanted their picture taken with the ‘scots and so I obliged.


Dinner was excellent. I selected the NY Strip from the alternate menu with a side of haricot verte and velvety garlic mashed potatoes. The typically wonderful Caesar salad preceded the main course. My steak came smothered in Three Peppercorn sauce, my favorite, and was properly rare and tender.


Dessert arrived for the others at the table. Universally, the little ramekins that mark Warm Chocolate Melting Cake rested in front of everyone. In the midst of ‘ooooh’s, ‘ahhhh’s and remarks about the relative sinfulness of the dish grins and looks of near orgasmic delight betrayed how well loved this little delight really is. Several of the ladies mentioned that they had purchased the cook books and were hoping to be able to make WCMC as soon as they returned home. I hope it turned out well for them.


Dinner over I excused myself from the table and, once more, made my way about the ship, mascots in hand. We visited lounges, we visited the Internet Café, we visited the Disco, the Brasserie and then relaxed at the aft end of the ship where I was able to enjoy a warm cognac and catch the final glimpses of a phenomenal Caribbean sunset. There is little in life that compares to sunsets at sea. The sun slowly descends toward the water trading its burning yellow make up for a mantle of varying shades of orange. Growing larger as she approaches the sea, the few clouds near the horizon match her color out of respect. Finally, an identical streak of color extends outward toward you, directing you to the impending spectacle. Many times in the past I’ve been privileged to witness the fabled Green Flash. Not so today but it made little difference. Sunset was magnificent.


I lounged for a time in the Chopin, enjoying a fine cigar and another cognac. I chatted for a while with a number of fellow cruisers including one gentleman who was from Spain and spoke no English. As I speak no Spanish the conversation was brief. The décor in the Chopin is proper for a cigar bar. Brighter than most cigar bars as it fronts the Candlelight Lounge, it distinguished itself with many outsized signed photographs of Muhammad Ali in many of his memorable fights. The young lady behind the bar had an intriguing story. This was her last contract with Carnival. She was returning home to Slovakia to marry her childhood sweetheart. They hoped to open a bar together and decorate it with Carnival memorabilia. How cool would it be to wander down the streets of a small Slovak town and be greeted by images of Funship Freddie, the Farcus Funnel and all things Carnival? I wish them all the best in the world.


I bypassed the evening’s entertainment in favor of my balcony. This time I and my bare feet sat quietly, listened and watched as the sea and the sky danced and merged.


It had been a wonderful day of adventure, laughter and exploration. In other words, a typical day on a cruise. My bed had sent a text message to my back inviting it to relax for eight hours and so we did.

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What a wonderful way to wake this mooring...

To read about Coz and feel I was waking there... There's a huge smile of contentment on my face... THANK YOU!!!

You made me see that pier, know that haze from the heat mixed with the drinks du jour, and the music... oh, I HEARD the music...


This ia a great way to set the whole tone for the day... BUT, it gets better... I saw there was another posting.. another entry into your cruise...

I'm heading back in... see you soon!!!

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Dinner, cigar, cognac, sunset, sounds of the sea, the caressing feel of the air, peace... (well all but the cigar...)

Now this is my idea of heaven!!! Lord, I know I'm in Texas and they say this is heaven... but when I die, let me cruise and feel all this peace... Your majesty is all about to witness and experience...

Mach you're words bring it all alive! Your brilliant!! Don't be modest... you have a gift...

Thank you for sharing it!!

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I am really enjoying your review of your latest Inspiration cruise. I find myself saying "when will there be another post?" ! Thanks for taking the time to share... and I hope your back is better!

I'll be in the Inspiration in June.. really looking forward to it.. and even more so after your posts!


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Guest Crazeecat5


Lambie is right....you have a wonderful gift. Your writing draws pictures and plays music. I am so enjoying your review. One question....did the ship have the outdoor movie screen?


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I am really enjoying your review of your latest Inspiration cruise. I find myself saying "when will there be another post?" ! Thanks for taking the time to share... and I hope your back is better!

I'll be in the Inspiration in June.. really looking forward to it.. and even more so after your posts!




Thanks for your concern, Debbie!

My back kinda comes and goes... It went on the cruise, came back on the cruise and went again when I got home. No big deal, just an inconvenience.

You'll love the Inspiration. She's a fine lady tended by a fantastic crew. Tell Risa I said hi. I don't know if she'll chase you off the ship or hug you!!!



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I have been haunting the boards for a week straight while home with an inner ear problem. I figured since I am off balance anyway, I might as well feel like I am on a cruise too.... thanks to you, and a few other wonderful thread posters, I have not been disappointed!


Also, I have friends who will be leaving on the Inspiration on the 21st, it is their first cruise. They have asked me lots of questions and I LOVE finding answers for them. Makes me feel useful and gives me a great sense of joy to impart even the smallest amount of information to help someone enjoy their cruise instead of worrying about foolish things...


Your review is like a glass of wine and French bread... to be savored and thoroughly enjoyed. I imagine I could sit and converse with you for hours and nod my head in agreement to almost anything you had to say. A mesmerizing gift of words you have.


I look forward to reading more....TY

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Lambie is right....you have a wonderful gift. Your writing draws pictures and plays music. I am so enjoying your review. One question....did the ship have the outdoor movie screen?




Thanks so much for the overly kind words. I really enjoy writing these things.

Nope... she doesn't have the Carnival Sea Side Theater thingy. I suspect that will remain reserved for the Destiny/Conquest/Splendor class ships.

In this picture you can see where it might be installed:


The area directly in front of the funnel is where they are and are being install on the larger ships. There might be a real problem with sight lines on the Fantasy class.

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We are enjoying this Review as much as we did your 'Solo Conquest of the Caribbean'....however we are a little shocked that there wasn't a Shrimp Cocktail to go along with your Ceasar Salad and Peppercorn Steak at Dinner..thought it was a staple


Looking forward to meeting you on Team Splendor..we have a Category 12 on the Paradise booked right before the Splendor Cruise...hope we enjoy the Cabin as much as you and that the Paradise has had the Evolutions of Fun retrofit by the time we are on her


See ya in a year



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I have been haunting the boards for a week straight while home with an inner ear problem. I figured since I am off balance anyway, I might as well feel like I am on a cruise too.... thanks to you, and a few other wonderful thread posters, I have not been disappointed!


Also, I have friends who will be leaving on the Inspiration on the 21st, it is their first cruise. They have asked me lots of questions and I LOVE finding answers for them. Makes me feel useful and gives me a great sense of joy to impart even the smallest amount of information to help someone enjoy their cruise instead of worrying about foolish things...


Your review is like a glass of wine and French bread... to be savored and thoroughly enjoyed. I imagine I could sit and converse with you for hours and nod my head in agreement to almost anything you had to say. A mesmerizing gift of words you have.


I look forward to reading more....TY



Thanks so much for taking the time to read my rantings!! You sound like a true cruise addict!! Nothing wrong with that at all! If you couldn't tell I happen to be one myself.

Much like you, I love helping out folks with gathering information about cruises, ports of call and such. That's how I got to Cruise Critic in the first place... looking for an answer to a question...

I'm trying to get my 'review' done today here in my office but work keeps in interrupting! Please stick around and I promise I'll finish it as soon as I can.


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I'm not going anywhere.... looking forward to more "rantings"... kinda sounds like what goes on in my mind...I've just never put it out there like you so eloquently do.... I don't think the check valve between my brain and my fingers would let it flow quite so freely!!

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Mach I have said this before you are a truly remarable man who has the gift of writing. a talent that I do not have. I have sailed the Inspiration in Nov 1998 and have relived the experience through your review. Can't wait to read your next review of your cruise.

Hope the back continues to get better.



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I am loving you review thus far. Im new to the cruising world, and your review has be itching to go. I cant wait to read the rest.


I need to make more friends so I have people to harrass into cruising with me.


Awaiting the rest...:D



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I'm not going anywhere.... looking forward to more "rantings"... kinda sounds like what goes on in my mind...I've just never put it out there like you so eloquently do.... I don't think the check valve between my brain and my fingers would let it flow quite so freely!!



Don't ever question your abilities until you test them... You might be amazed at how well you do...

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