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Carnival Inspiration; 3 thru 7 April... a review


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Thank you for such an entertaining review. I am enjoying every post! I have a few quick questions for you.

1. What's the story with the mascots you have traveling with you? I'm not new to cruisecritic but I must have missed this one. I thought they were people traveling with you and now I realize, from the picture, that they are "little" stuffed people?


2. The Category 12 cabin you are in is beautiful! Is this the only cabin that size are is this one of many? I get confused with the cat 11 and 12s on these size ships.


We sail the Inspiration on 8/2.....we can't wait...especially after this review. And the CD really makes the cruise too! I sure hope Risa is still there in August!


Thank you again Mach!



1) Ahhh... the 'little stuffed people'... Well, here's the thing about that... I'm leading a group of about 160 or 170 folks on the Conquest next September. By the time we sail I'm sure we'll be well over 200. During all the brainstorming and fun that has led us to this point it was suggested that we have mascots that can travel with us where ever we go. It was decided that we would keep a photo album of the 'scots, as we ended up calling 'em, to document their voyages. You can find the group thread here:


and the photo thread here:


It's all in good fun and the 'scots are becoming VERY well known at Carnival. The pirate guy is Cap'n Crazy (as we call ourselves the Committed Conquest Crazies...) and the guy in the tux is MachScot... I guess 'cause of me... Anyway, they get pretty much anywhere on the ship as you can see from the pictures.

B) My cabin was on Upper deck, smack dab in the middle of the ship, starboard side. There are 28 Category 12 cabins on the Fantasy class ships. The Cat 11 cabins are up on the Verandah deck well forward... There's quite a difference between the two...

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awesome review :-)

Im sailing on the May 24th and can't wait!!! YAY

any pics to share???



Yeah... I took a few... 669 to be exact... I'm trying to cull them out a bit. Once I get that task complete I'll upload 'em to a web sit and provide a link.

Today I'm finishing my review and hope to get some of the Capers uploaded to webshots or some such place...

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Yep... they sure did. You use your Sail and Sign card for the door and any old card with a magnetic stripe for the safe. Worked, as always, like a champ!!!




Great! I'll make sure to slip my empty Target gift card into my wallet before we go. Thank you!

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Great! I'll make sure to slip my empty Target gift card into my wallet before we go. Thank you!



Yep... that will work fine. I failed to bring along some dead old card and had to use my American Express which is now a dead, old card...


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Having just had an experience that not too many folks get to enjoy I elected to head back to the Lido Deck pool area, grab a burger and a drink and glance at the pictures. Juggling my cheeseburger and fries, two ‘scots and my camera seemed to require more hands and coordination than I could tack together at one time. Happily, Dmitri, a Lido deck waiter saw my dilemma and offered to assist. Not only did he take my tray but he also got me a table. When I say he got me a table I mean he GOT me a table! There wasn’t an open table in the area as everyone was making the most of their last day at sea. Dmitri wandered away with my tray in hand and returned momentarily with a TABLE and my tray. Fairly well stunned I thanked him profusely and sat down to enjoy my repast. As per norm, my cheeseburger was paradise (thank you, Jimmy…) and the fries had spies from McDonalds sneaking about trying to steal their secret.

Dmitri stopped by asking if there was anything else he could help me with and I thanked him, saying that I was doing just fine. We struck up a bit of a conversation, chatting about my camera. I let him play with it, showed him how to turn it on, activate the zoom, got him to work a couple of the special effects and snap a couple shots. He was quite taken with it. I gave him the URL of the web site where I purchased it and he indicated that he was going to order one. Later in the day Dmitri ran me down as I was headed aft on the Promenade deck to thank me. He ordered his camera and it would be waiting for him in Tampa the after the Inspiration’s next sailing.

Just to show you how odd life is, Dmitri is Russian. The first Russian I ever met was the Commander of the Russian Air Force. I met him at the USAF Flight Test Center, Edwards Air Force base. My other pals and I had to grit our teeth as the General walked past several classified aircraft with a scowl on his countenance. The bad old days of the Cold War hadn’t yet faded in our memories. Now, here I was chatting happily with Dmitri finding the entire situation somehow comforting, somehow healing. Dmitri is a good man and I am a better man for meeting him.

Once in a while the littlest things become huge. I headed a bit forward to the starboard Lido Deck bar to grab something cold and satisfying. There I found my monkey… my coconut monkey head!!! I was THRILLED!!! None of the other bars had any and I so wanted one to take home. If you read John Heald’s Blog (something that if you don’t do you should…) you’ll recall the guy from PETA berating John for allowing coconut monkeys to be displayed as they were what he called ‘exploitation.’ Who or what was being exploited I’m not quite sure but the gentleman did raise quite a fuss over it. I had promised myself a coconut monkey and here he was!! The bartender asked what I wanted in my monkey. I told him it made no difference. Apparently it does. Only a DoD or a drink of that ilk can go in monkeys. So there, Mr. PETA… coconut monkeys are so special you can only put high dollar drinks in ‘em!! I opted for a Yellow Bird and it was excellent, as are all of the DoDs. See? It really takes very little to make me very happy.

Returning to my cabin, it was time to prepare for dinner. As it was only one of two that I would have in main dining I was more than ready for it. Shower, shave and dress… out the door at 6 PM. The Mardi Gras dining room is a bit forward and above my cabin. It’s a short walk punctuated by ‘Good evening, sir’s and ‘How are you doing’s. I wish Carnival would share these wonderful people with the rest of the world. I think they might be the solution to world peace.

Entering the dining room I saw that most of my table mates had already arrived. Tanned and relaxed, they all were very deep into cruise bliss. We exchanged greetings, talked about our day, who we met, how things went at the Casino and where the heck were the ‘scots. I had to admit that the ‘scots were left to their own devices back in my cabin. Cap’n Crazy had the remote and was feverishly trying to find any movie with Johnny Depp in the starring role.

Dinner was top, top, top. My starter was the near perfect Caesar Salad escorted by the Black Tiger Shrimp cocktail with my Bombay Sapphire martini guarding the port side. The main course was Chateaubriand done to perfection. If it’s on the menu you must have it. Even the smallest bite is a mouthful of flavor. Wonderful stuff. Once again, everyone at the table, save me, had warm chocolate melting cake for desert. It appears as though people become addicted to WCMC with the first bite and the addiction doesn’t end until the cruise is over. Ummmms and ahhhhhhs rang around the table like a desert version of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. They were ‘lovin’ it’… nothing wrong with that.

Dinner over I returned to my cabin to stuff some things in my bags as the morning would see us back in Tampa, back to reality.

Shortly, the ‘scots and I made our way to Rhapsody in Blue, the piano bar, sat and talked with the patrons, laughed and sang (or tried…) with the piano player and generally enjoyed my last evening at sea.

Near midnight I returned to my cabin, finished packing, sat on my balcony and watched the deep, black sea slip by.

As tends to happen to me on the last night of a cruise, I slept poorly. Meandering about my cabin, glancing out the window, staring blankly at the television I didn’t want it to end. Prior to sailing, I was sure that the odd depression that washes over me at the end of a week long cruise wouldn’t occur at the end of a four day. I was wrong, very wrong. It’s the same.

Around 4 AM I wrapped myself in a robe sat quietly in the darkness and eventually fell asleep. No dreams, no memories, just sleep.

Eventually, less darkness woke me. We were dockside in Tampa, motionless. I dressed and considered breakfast but decided against it. My camera was producing a slide show on the TV of the six hundred or so pictures that I had taken. It brought a smile to my face and an occasional laugh. Reliving my cruise before I left the ship made the end a bit better. Not good but less bad.

Debark was amazingly painless. I had elected to drag my own bags along fearing they would make a detour to Three Deck again. Like everyone else, I had my customs forms prepared and in hand. I was a bit confused as there were no official looking booths to file past, no sullen looking officers to assume my guilt before I proved myself innocent. There stood one gentleman in open collar blue shirt with something written on it that I assume meant he was with Customs. I was ready to display my treasures to prove I wasn’t smuggling in vast quantities of whatever folks are smuggling vast quantities these days when he took a cursory glance at my form and said ‘You’re OK’ and motioned me on. Pleasantly stunned I walked out into the sunshine of the Tampa morning.

Colors abound in Tampa. Birds were making bird sounds, the sky was occasionally blue and the air was warming. The Customs guy was right… I was OK. It was time to go home.

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<pouty lip stickin' out> It's OVER??? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Your last sea day was wonderful!!! I know that feeling on the last night... I don't want it to end... I want to cruise on forever... BUT, life is a bunch of experiences and there are many, many more still to come!!! I look forward to my future cruises as I'm know you do!!!

Dmitri sounds like one of the wonderful people CARNIVAL always manages to hire... And how great that he could bring more to your day! :-) The hospitality and the warmth that we're always served on the CARNIVAL vessels is so much of the total experience! These ambassadors of peace and pampering and caring are truly a reason to ty CARNIVAL and a positive reason to return!!

Thanks, Mach... you made what could have been a cruise to complain about into one we'd all like to share!!! THANK YOU!!!!

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Mach, great review! Your review and Dave's review of your cruises will have to keep me going until I sail off in the sunset on the Glory in October.;)


Thanks so much... I'm happy I finally finished it. Writing about the last day is nearly as difficult at living through it...


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Thanks for the wonderful review, Mach!:) You really DO have a way with words; you seem to effortlessly bring the reader right into the story as if we were there too! Sorry your cruise had to end, but I THINK you have a few more booked to look forward to!;) The old "silver lining" and all...:)

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<pouty lip stickin' out> It's OVER??? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


Your last sea day was wonderful!!! I know that feeling on the last night... I don't want it to end... I want to cruise on forever... BUT, life is a bunch of experiences and there are many, many more still to come!!! I look forward to my future cruises as I'm know you do!!!


Dmitri sounds like one of the wonderful people CARNIVAL always manages to hire... And how great that he could bring more to your day! :-) The hospitality and the warmth that we're always served on the CARNIVAL vessels is so much of the total experience! These ambassadors of peace and pampering and caring are truly a reason to ty CARNIVAL and a positive reason to return!!


Thanks, Mach... you made what could have been a cruise to complain about into one we'd all like to share!!! THANK YOU!!!!



Thanks, Lambie... It really was a great cruise. Everyone I met, with the exception of a few folks who thought the ship belonged to them and them alone, was great.

Lots of different folks from lots of different walks of life enjoying themselves. The first time cruisers were the best. I wandered about a lot, listened to folks and watched. The words I heard made me smile, most of the time.

I can't wait to get back on the Conquest for my next voyage just over five months from now!!


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Ahhhh Mach...you brought me to tears....that last night is sooooo poignant!! Of course I am immediately smiling broadly now because I sail in 11 DAYS!!!!!

Thanks so much for sharing so eloquently all we love about cruising, even the parts that choke you up...:o

.....Can I please have that url???? I soooooo need to have a new camera!!!!

You're a doll!!!

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Thanks for the wonderful review, Mach!:) You really DO have a way with words; you seem to effortlessly bring the reader right into the story as if we were there too! Sorry your cruise had to end, but I THINK you have a few more booked to look forward to!;) The old "silver lining" and all...:)



Thank you, Sheri... I DO just happen to have a few more booked... five, in fact...

I'm thinkin' it's about time to book another!!!

Gotta keep that pipeline full!!


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I just wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed reading your review. My husband and I will be traveling on the Inspiration a week from Saturday for our first wedding anniversary and now I'm more excited than ever. Thank you for a wonderful read!

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Mach -


I have completely enjoyed this thread, and now our family is even more excited about vacationing on the Inspiration next March.


I didn't think the anticipation could be any greater, but after the vivid experience you have provided us, I don't know if we can wait until then.




- Tony

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......Where's my tissue...oooh - the box is empty and tears are streaming down my cheek and fogging up my glasses.

Over...Over....You mean it's over??? lol

Geez, you really made me feel like I was living the last day of a cruise, the sad, sad last day!

But wait - I get to REALLY sail in 16 days!!!!

Thank you sooo much, Mach!! This was so awesome to read. I can't wait to see the pictures and most importantly, cannot wait to book our next cruise on the Inspiration!!! It's gonna have to be soon - for real!

Give a hug to the 'Scots for me!

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I am thankful to have had the joy of experiencing cruising through your eyes... just pure pleasure. You are a rare gem. Thanks so much. Looking forward to a picture link... she says hopefully....



Thank you. You are FAR too generous...

I'll get a link up this weekend after I finish thinning out the picture pile. I have to resize them, as well. They measure over 3000X1800 pixels... in other words... HUGE!!


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Mach, This was an awesome review. You really have a gift of language and not everyone has that. As an English teacher, trying to get kids to be able to write descriptively was frustrating to say that least. You have a way of making this come alive and allowing us to be a part of you experience.

Can't wait to see what you do with our Crazies Cruise !!!!!

The descriptions should be verrrrry interesting !!!! Maybe you can write a book " Sailing the Ocean Blue with the Crazies Crew" Thanks for a great review!!! Can't wait for the pictures.


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I just wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed reading your review. My husband and I will be traveling on the Inspiration a week from Saturday for our first wedding anniversary and now I'm more excited than ever. Thank you for a wonderful read!



Thanks so much for the kind words.

You'll love the Inspiration. She's a fine lady. Take good care of her for me.


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I am sailing in 4 weeks with my kids on the newly refurbished and upgraded inspiration i am bringing my daughters they are first time cruisers personally i have never been on carnival cruise line i have been on princess 5 time and rccl 3 times, I am in sales and to take a whole week off work is a little difficult considering i just was on the crown princess out of san juan in jan 08 so this works out great for us, MACH was there a lot of things for 18 year olds to do at night time i can sit at a watering hole and enjoy people watching, your writing skills are amazing it was as if i was on this ship two weeks ago look forward to seeing the pictures, thak for the great review

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Mach -


I have completely enjoyed this thread, and now our family is even more excited about vacationing on the Inspiration next March.


I didn't think the anticipation could be any greater, but after the vivid experience you have provided us, I don't know if we can wait until then.




- Tony



Thank you, Tony.

I write these things as much for me as for all the folks on Cruise Critic. It helps keep the cruise alive for me, pushes the less enjoyable parts into the background and brightens the high points.

Thanks again...


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Thank you, Tony.


I write these things as much for me as for all the folks on Cruise Critic. It helps keep the cruise alive for me, pushes the less enjoyable parts into the background and brightens the high points.


Thanks again...



I had that Cat 12 on Inspiration back in February #U74 and they really were nice !! Reading you review does put me back on board if only for a minute or two, Which was nice !! I am jumping ship (So to speak :eek: ) and trying Royal Caribbean this August with my little guy (He's 8) On "Enchantment of the Seas" on a Corner Aft JS (My First) I hope they will live up to my Carnival cruises of the past ! Thanks once more !!:D

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......Where's my tissue...oooh - the box is empty and tears are streaming down my cheek and fogging up my glasses.


Over...Over....You mean it's over??? lol


Geez, you really made me feel like I was living the last day of a cruise, the sad, sad last day!


But wait - I get to REALLY sail in 16 days!!!!


Thank you sooo much, Mach!! This was so awesome to read. I can't wait to see the pictures and most importantly, cannot wait to book our next cruise on the Inspiration!!! It's gonna have to be soon - for real!


Give a hug to the 'Scots for me!



Hi, Cheryl... thank you. I appreciate your comments more than you can know.

How exciting for you! Two weeks and you're on board. That's fantastic!! Think about all of us stuck here on shore and have a DoD for me!!!


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Mach, This was an awesome review. You really have a gift of language and not everyone has that. As an English teacher, trying to get kids to be able to write descriptively was frustrating to say that least. You have a way of making this come alive and allowing us to be a part of you experience.

Can't wait to see what you do with our Crazies Cruise !!!!!

The descriptions should be verrrrry interesting !!!! Maybe you can write a book " Sailing the Ocean Blue with the Crazies Crew" Thanks for a great review!!! Can't wait for the pictures.






Hey, Ginnie... thank you so much. Oddly enough English was one of my worst subjects in school. I mean, I did well but I actually scored higher in French than I did English!

It was a pleasure to be able to take all of you along with me as I returned to the Inspiration over these last few days. What good is joy if not it's not shared???

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