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Need a buddy for weight loss

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I've been looking up height/weight charts and found something very unique. It is a photographic height/weight chart.....check it out and you'll understand the concept better. It's useful to get an idea of what you look like to others. Warning: This could be painful......http://www.cockeyed.com/photos/bodies/heightweight.shtml

Brightside: Look up your goal weight/height and you'll get an idea of how you could look.


There isn't a photo of my height and weight....it's a blank spot, but I really THINK I look like the 5'4" lady (200 lbs.) in the light blue sweater and black pants. I think I relate to her body type.....my daughter said that she is more of an "hour glass" shape and that I am more like the lady to her left. See what I'm getting at about reality checks?


I've thought a lot, after last week and the digital scale fiasco, about how I often THINK I look thinner than I do. I also think that mirrors vary and that my full-length mirror and bathroom mirror (for make-up) are often too kind to me. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the not-so-fattest one of all!" Sometimes my mirror says, "In that black dress, you're looking pretty good!" But then someone will take those wicked snapshots and all-of-a-sudden you get that reality check. I take LOTS of pictures of friends and family and have chuckled when a friend grabbed her own photo from my stack of freshly developed shots, then tore it to shreds right in front of me! I understood. I save them and stash them in my underwear drawer! Isn't that insane? Do I really think that hiding those photos does anything? As if no one sees me in all my hefty glory on a day-to-day basis...dressed up, dressed down, etc.? What I'm going through here is a fresh reality check. I hope to use this new found reality for good and not for evil. ;)


I'd like to be able to say that this whole weight-loss venture is only about my health:p ...now wouldn't that seem virtuous? Yes, that is a large part and a really strong motivator for me; but I'd be lying if I left it there.:rolleyes: The truth is, I don't like cottage cheese anywhere but sitting on a lettuce leaf. I've described my toes as "sausages", my thighs like "thunder," my behind (to quote Garrison Keiller) "like two puppies fighting in a sack" when I walk away! Vain or not, I wanna be fit, slim, trim and not feel like hiding from anyone or anything for any reason anymore. I love feminine clothes and am so excited about the thought of shopping one day, without cringing at those fitting-room mirrors.

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Today is Sunday....and I'm very tired. My husband and I spent Friday night at my MILs house and she passed away on Saturday early afternoon. It's hard to sleep on a strange bed and with an oxygen tank making sounds all night. All 5 of her kids, plus two daughters-in-law were present and praying her through the experience. It was a peaceful departure, but the whole process leading up to her passing was emotionally draining. That would be an understatment. I felt like I observed a 100 lb. daughter deliver a 12 lb. baby. You don't realize how exhausted you are until after they take their last breath because you feel like you've taken yours too.


Today is going to be our quiet day before visitation and funeral on Tuesday.


Needless to say that I ate horribly starting from Friday p.m. and all through Saturday--popcorn, a donut, banana bread, Chinese food, pizza, fried chicken, chocolate, cookie, etc.. My only saving grace was that I didn't eat large quantities of anything--my appetite has decreased so much. If not for that, I would be really in trouble by now. None of that food felt healthy and I felt kinda yucky by last night. So today, its cottage cheese and lite wheat toast with coffee and OJ. I'm trying to get back to normal, plus ready for tomorrow's weigh-in. I weighed myself this morning and saw no gain, so I'm happy for at least that, but I see no sign of loss unless something happens between now and then.


How are you all doing this week? The boards seem quiet.

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Hello Everyone,

I have about 69 more lbs to loose before my cruise. I have been going to the Y 5 to 6 times per week now for 3 weeks, and have lost about 16lbs. This is very tough, I have lost and gained for many years. I would be interested in becoming part of you group. I could use all the help that I can get. Thanks


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Sad but true that the weight issue really is a one day at a time..that eventually adds up to weight loss if we can stay the course.

My weight has also went up and down, each time I get down and feel good thinking I will not go back up I start not making each decision count.

Scott it is great that you have time to continue on the journey, before your cruise.

My cruise is in 21 days and I just realized the reflection in the mirror is mine and "somehow" it has inflated! So it is back to getting on track!

May each day be an individual success!

The nice thing about cruises is the built in excerise of the never ending Stairs!


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Just popped in before bed, so don't have the will to say much, just....


Salsa - my thoughts and wishes are with you and your family - i'm truly sorry for your loss...I know you'll be strong, and trust you don't find the next few days too difficult.


Scott - welcome - I've been around here for a few weeks now, and everyone's pretty supportive, so hang out for a while, and let us know a bit more about yourself. I normally weigh in on a Monday, so a Sunday evening post (like this) is a little unusual - I'll be back again in the morning tho!


G'night all - sleep well



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Hello Everyone,

I have about 69 more lbs to loose before my cruise. I have been going to the Y 5 to 6 times per week now for 3 weeks, and have lost about 16lbs. This is very tough, I have lost and gained for many years. I would be interested in becoming part of you group. I could use all the help that I can get. Thanks



Welcome! Weigh-in is tomorrow. Sixteen pounds in 3 weeks? I'm jealous already! :D I have been at it for 10 weeks and might make my 10 lb. goal by tomorrow...or not????


We usually post like:


SW: (start weight)

LW: (last weigh-in)

CW: (current weight)

GW: (goal weight)


I like to add my start date and the week # that I just completed. The more the merrier. We all need the support here and do our best to give it when we see that its needed. I see that you have a good long time before your next cruise. You'll be at your goal long before then, I'll bet.


What is your plan? Various ones are ongoing here.

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Just popped in before bed, so don't have the will to say much, just....


Salsa - my thoughts and wishes are with you and your family - i'm truly sorry for your loss...I know you'll be strong, and trust you don't find the next few days too difficult.


Scott - welcome - I've been around here for a few weeks now, and everyone's pretty supportive, so hang out for a while, and let us know a bit more about yourself. I normally weigh in on a Monday, so a Sunday evening post (like this) is a little unusual - I'll be back again in the morning tho!


G'night all - sleep well




Thanks, Tim. Carbs are my comfort food and I ate too many of those, for sure. I am tempted to chicken-out of the weigh-in tomorrow. Hmmmm.... The next two days will be very busy, then I can breathe on Wednesday. I appreciate the good thoughts.

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Ok! Not actually very long since my 'Sunday evening' post, but it's monday morning now, and I'm ready for another week. Figures first.


SW : 284

LW : 263

CW : 261

GW : 238


I've had to resign myself to the fact that I'm not likely to reach my GW by the time we cruise (without amputating a limb at least), so that didn't help my mood over the weekend, but I busied myself with a bit of 'decluttering' of my garden room/workshop. At least now I can actually get through the door! Oh, we also got our cruise docs through last week (you should see me doc dance :eek:) so that livened things up mightily too!


All of this housework has stemmed from the fact that our daughter leaves for university on the same day we depart for our cruise, and she's been 'sorting her life out' (tidying her room for the first time in five years) and inspired me to do the same! It's amazing how much rubbish we've accumulated over the years, but even more so when you realise we only moved here fourteen months ago, which means we must have paid someone to actually bring it all here from our old house in Scotland!


On the food front, I'm finding it easier to get by without desserts or cheese now, (cheese being a real weakness), and as long as I stick to my daily regime things seem to be going in the right direction. On the exercise bike I'm still stuck at the 5 miles/day, but that's just laziness on my part.


One other positive note, our vegetable garden has gone into overdrive! This weekend we've had potatoes, strawberries, raspberries, courgettes (zucchini to you :D) broad beans, french beans, peas, onions, garlic, gherkins, cucumber, tomatoes, chillis, cauliflower, carrots, and broccoli. I'm definitely going to have to start giving most of the crop away, because even though it's all really healthy, the amount we're producing would be seriously damaging for my diet if I was to attempt to eat it all! Fortunately, most of it freezes well, so the worst case scenario is that I have to buy a new deep freeze!


I'm off to make a lasagne now - I know it's inly 7:30 in the morning, but I always think they taste better if they're cooked, cooled and then reheated? Best wishes to all of you, and good luck with your weigh-ins!



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Hello Again,

It's Monday and I guess this is weigh in day. The type of lifestyle change that I have committed to is a low fat, low caloric intake. I also committed to a minimum of 5 days per week at the YMCA. Today starts my 3rd week. I have 59 more weeks until we cruise the Med. Hopefully I can get this done.

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 269

CW: (current weight) 269

GW: (goal weight) 199


Thank You Everyone.


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Hello Again,

It's Monday and I guess this is weigh in day. The type of lifestyle change that I have committed to is a low fat, low caloric intake. I also committed to a minimum of 5 days per week at the YMCA. Today starts my 3rd week. I have 59 more weeks until we cruise the Med. Hopefully I can get this done.


Hi Scott - I guess the YMCA is your local Gym? Whatever it is it's working for you - you're at least a week ahead of where I was at the three week stage, as it took me four and a half weeks or so to drop to 269 from 284! 199's quite a target though, so I can only applaud that. Once my September cruise is out of the way I'll have to re-assess the damage (hopefully there won't be too much :) ), and set myself another goal pre-Xmas, but I think it'll be sometime late next year before I get anywhere near 14 stone.



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C'mon girls....I didn't chicken-out. I'm weighing in, although not a thing lost this week. After the funeral is behind me, some form of exercise will begin. I don't like "hovering" at the same weight one bit.


Started June 3rd

Today is the end of my 10th week

SW: 188

LW: 179

CW: 179

GW: 135/125


Mood: blah.jpg


Tim: I meant to ask....What is a stone? I see that term used and have no clue. LUCKY YOU! You're almost at the 25 lb. mark! You still have 40 days left and can do some seriously good "damage" to your current weight. You'll feel like a million bucks by the time the cruise date comes. Even with 2 lbs. a week off. If I were you, I'd book another cruise right after that as incentive.:D Oh....you're veggie garden sounds wonderful. I used to garden like that but got lazy and now just shop at the fresh produce stands. One day you should take a picture of your garden and post it for us.


Girls: I can't check in until Tuesday night or Wednesday. I hope to see you all present and accounted for. I need you! I realized last night that I didn't drink a drop of water all day long. Just OJ, coffee, and Diet Coke. That is pathetic, I know. I'm hoping that I'm water-logged and will see some weight off at next weigh-in. I'm going to budge this pudge.;) Today my husband is home, and tomorrow, due to the funeral visitations and funeral tomorrow. I'm going to ask him to measure my height because he doesn't believe that I'm 5'3" now. I'm open to correction but think it is funny!


Mommy.....I'm dying to know if things changed from last week. I know you had a rough week. I figure that the women are more likely to experience plateaus earlier than men and longer-lasting. Must be the way God designed us to survive and feed our young. So we have Him to blame. ;)

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Hello All


Welcome Scott. Great to have you. Yaaah!!! for your weight loss sucess.


Tim - Great Job, even your bad week is a good week. Keep up the good work.


Salsa - Sorry about your loss. I will be sending up prayers of comfort for you and your family.


I have nothing to report today. I am in the office today and did not get on the scale this morning. Have I lost any weight? Not likely. Do I care NO. I am tired of watching my weight. I am tired of counting points and calories. I am tired of being on a weight loss program. As far as changing my eating habits, well that will not happen over night. I just want to be able to enyoy food. Food that is good for me and food that society say is bad for me (cheesecake). I am not sad, I am not upset and I am not frustrated. I am tired of having to watch everything I put in my mouth. I am not saying I am not going to stick with WW; however what I am saying is I need a break. Today I am watching what I eat. I ate fruit for breakfast, a 1pt snack cake of mid morning snack and 1/2 chicken breast for lunch. I also brought an apple for afternoon snack. I will have a crab cake, bake potato and salad for dinner. This is what I choose to eat. For today I counted no calaries or points. Now that is the way I want to live, no counting points and calaries. Now when I want my cheese cake I want to be able to eat it. By the way I have been on this atomic fire ball kick. I love that candy and it is 1pt for 2. I have vented. I will weigh in tomorrow:eek: to see what damage have been done.

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Tim: I meant to ask....What is a stone? I see that term used and have no clue.

A stone is an Imperial measurement unit, equal to 14 lbs. In the UK (and most English speaking countries other than the US and Canada), it's usual to quote body weights in Stones and Pounds, rather than the easier and more straightforward pounds (or Kilos if you're into that sort of thing)...


Just what I grew up with I guess - if someone tells me they're 5'2" and 14 stone I can picture that in my mind's eye, whereas if you say 5'3" AND 179 Lbs I have difficulty until I've done the mental maths to recalculate it.


Imperial Units are great as a talking point, as noone these days has a clue what you're talking about if you start mentioning grains, pecks, rods, bushels and perches :eek:



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Sorry I am so late in the day posting, have been busy freezing and canning vegetables and such. Just finished canning some pickles. I love the freshness of home grown foods and I don't have to worry about the preservatives and additives either.


Salsa - you and your family are in our prayers. I have been in your shoes when my DH passed away at home(2002) with his mom, my mom and myself there with him.. It is exhausting and surreal at the same time. If you need ANYTHING please let me know . moonpie906@aol.com even if it is just to talk or ramble about anything...


Here are my stats for today -


SW: 162

LW: 145 (original goal)

CW: 143

New GW: 140


Talk later


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Hi Everyone!

Ok, Ok, Ok. I have been lurking on this thread for two days now, debating whether or not I want to commit myself to posting. I have a million in one excuses for not losing weight. I need you guys for support! I figure I am on cruise critic almost every day so I might as well stop by this thread! :o


Here is my story: I am 25 years old, gained almost 40 pounds in 3 years. 3 years ago I had emergency surgery and was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Afterwards I was put on steroids and gained 20 pounds seemingly overnight. When I was taken off steroids, I figured "what's the point" and have been eating whatever I want whenever I want ever since. Lately even my loosest clothes have been incredibly tight... but then I saw the dreaded picure of myself. OMG!!! I HAVE to do something!! I definately identified with the post that I have been kidding myself thinking that I was thin and everyone else thought I was thin. No use hiding the picture. I have definately plumped up!


My problem is late night eating, early day eating, eating out, sweets, salts, emotional eating, you name it, I got it. :o I am definately ready for a change, though I have such a hard time controlling what I put in my mouth. I work full time and go to nursing school full time at night, so it is SO hard to make right food decisions when it is so convenient to go to mcdonald's. but here I go.


SW: 184 (8/12/08)

GW: 154


I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better. I'll be praying for you and your family Salsa! And to everyone, thankyou for already inspiring me!

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Good Morning to you, good morning to you, we are all in our places with sun shinny faces and this is the way we start our weight loss day:D:D. As you all can see I am in a great mood. Not because of weight loss because I did not loose an oz last week.

SW: 178.0

LW: 165.4

CW: 165.4

GW: 145.0


20 lbs to go or not. Perception, perception, perception. I perceive myself to be short and fat. Am I really short and fat. OK this is what started this; I went into the office yesterday and I always dress very professional because of the work I do. I had on a beige pencil skirt, (size 12, with pins on each side to hold it up) a brown wrap blouse and brown stilettos. As usual certain female co workers were rolling their eyes at me and the male co workers were just hanging around me, including manager. This time I notice that strange men were being very friendly. I am catching the commuter bus, I use to drive in the office but with the cost of gas:eek:. Catching the commuter bus is free (job pays for it and driving is $32.00 a day that includes parking) Ok now I am wondering what is going on, "is this feel sorry for the fat lady day". I decided to take a look at some of my cruise pictures 12/07 (170 lbs, size 12) in some I look bigger than others and it some I think look good. :confused:Hmmmm, maybe I am not a short fat lady, maybe I am attractive. :confused:Hmmmm maybe it is the way I perceive myself.


How do you perceive yourself? To show that I am ok with myself I am going to post a picture of self at 170 lbs, size 12. I am still going to continue to work at my weight loss goal, I am not going to put myself down any more. I will attempt to feel good about myself no matter what state I am in. God wonderfully and fearfully made me.


Ebandive- Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. Support is the major force behind weight loss and if you are looking for support you need go no further.


Moonpie- how do manage 2lbs every week? What is your secret?



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Mommy - I don't know..... I don't eat near what I used to and I stay busy around the house. I have also started bike riding either in the morning or evening.

I don't drink sodas anymore, only water and the only caffeine I have is coffee. I have also cut back on that as well from 3 pots a day to maybe 2 cups a day.

That's it plus watching what I eat. I don't do fried foods anymore and I have never really eaten sweets exceot maybe once in a blue moon.

My energy level has increased other than that, I haven't a clue... believe me if I had discovered a secret, I would gladly share it with everyone.....

I have kept in touch with my doctor and she says everything is fine. I was worried for a while too because there is diabetes in my family.

So...... who knows?????????

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Mommy - I don't know..... I don't eat near what I used to and I stay busy around the house. I have also started bike riding either in the morning or evening.

I don't drink sodas anymore, only water and the only caffeine I have is coffee. I have also cut back on that as well from 3 pots a day to maybe 2 cups a day.

That's it plus watching what I eat. I don't do fried foods anymore and I have never really eaten sweets exceot maybe once in a blue moon.

My energy level has increased other than that, I haven't a clue... believe me if I had discovered a secret, I would gladly share it with everyone.....

I have kept in touch with my doctor and she says everything is fine. I was worried for a while too because there is diabetes in my family.

So...... who knows?????????


Ok, I see why you are loosing weight. You have shared your weight loss secrets. However your plan is to difficult for me to follow. I don't eat as much fried foods as I use to and I have cut back on my sweets. I love sweets and I feel deprived if I don't get them. I will get the extra 20 lbs off in due time.

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I was so tired when we all got home today. I just crashed on the couch for the last couple of hours, then had to take a peek to see how everyone was doing.


I see we have a new recruit, so welcome. We're all getting to know each other well and all have a common goal. To be healthier and sassy-looking. ;)


Moonpie--Thanks for sharing your email. I'm jotting it down for later. I didn't realize that you have lost your husband. That is a rough one. We've lost too many in the last few years...2 fathers, my husband's best friend, and now his mom. You're right about the surreal part. That's how today has been. After the funeral, I told my hubby that I wish we could get into the car and keep on driving and he was feeling the exact same way. I think we're already ready for that cruise!


Mommy...I can just FEEL your good mood all the way up to Michigan! And you are no chicken! I think WW is wonderful but I don't want to count this point or that calorie either. I only end up doing those things short term. Every once in a while, I check myself and do a quick mental count since I know the calorie content of most of my food, if I eat simple stuff. I usually end up around 1300. I think I just need to kick it in gear and start burning a bit more fuel in a week. Now you look really nice in your pictures but you are going to look STUNNING when you reach your goals. Yup. Stunning. No wonder those co-workers are taking notice. ;) What I hate about own weight problem is that I can look decent in a pretty dress, or so I think, then when I sit down, there is that roll. Yeah, you know the one! It just pops up from nowhere.:D


Tim...I thought of another thing regarding your upcoming cruise date and your feeling a bit disappointed about possibly not reaching your goal. That might be me in a few months, if things continue as they have been; so I'm saying this to myself, too. How many events have come and gone with you hanging somewhere around that original start weight? As with me, I've been to so many events and felt rotten about myself for having done nothing to conquer my weight problem. But goal reached or not, the next cruise will be tremendously different. You will have a LOT of pounds off and that is something to crow about! I might not reach my goal but I will definitely be at a weight that I have not been at in years and know that it's going to feel mighty great to be there. You have a lot to be proud of!


Yesterday was another weird food day (and today). I had a bowl of cereal and OJ in the morning...fine....then we didn't eat again until much later with the family all going out to dinner. So we split two appetizers among 7 people...Chicken Quesadillas....then another.....Hot Arthchoke Dip and tortilla chips and toast points. I had an incredible 8 oz. sirloin that was Cajun spiced, topped with blue cheese, some haystack onions; sweet potatoe fries with a goat cheese dip; fresh asparagus; and 7 of us shared this huge slice of a decadent chocolate cake that was layers of chocolate cake and flourless cake, with ice cream on the side and....a Mojito! I'm sorry to make anyone drool....really I am....;) I felt so GUILTY after dinner but, mind you, I'd had two meals instead of 3 that day. Got on the scale in the a.m. and it looked like I lost 1/2 lb.! GO FIGURE.


I'm telling this just to say that in the past when I had that 12 week plateau, I rocketed out of it by dropping to two larger meals per day instead of 3 medium just for a weekend. Maybe that is something to try when plateauing?


The only worrisome part is can I regain self-control and be content with the sampling of stuff that I indulged in and leave it behind me while forging ahead to face cottage cheese and yogurt tomorrow. Having you guys all here helps me to believe that I can.

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Mommy, I am so proud of you! The picture where you say you look fat... well I think that is your own opinion! If I saw you I would not think that at all!! (And I PROMISE I am not saying that!!) For comparison for you I will post pictures of myself. I am a size 12 also, though am 5'8". I weigh more now but refuse to buy new larger clothes.


OK it's hard to find pictures of myself because I am usually taking them. But this is me. I hate this picture because I think I look big here. (DH is not too flattered either though, LOL!)

Here is another NOT flattering picture of myself (more recent):



But I think I look great in this next one:


And in a dress:


So there you have it. Meet me and my family. I carry all my weight in my boobs and my belly. Secondary to that, I have been asked more times than I can count, "Oh, when is your baby due?" The worst though is when they reach out and touch my belly and ask, "Is there something going on in there?" And I reply as sweet as I can muster, "No." :p


On a side note... I weighed myself again today (usually I never weigh myself) and I have dropped two pounds since yesterday morning. Both weights were first thing in the morning, after voiding, before shower, eating, or drinking. I drank the same amount of water yesterday as I always do, but I did change my eating habits. Is it really possible that I lost two pounds or is it just one of those daily fluctuations with water weight!?!?

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ebandive - Nice pictures. You are not fat. You look nice and as far as boobs, dieting and exercising will not get that to decrease in size:). Thanks for saying I am not fat and I agree. I am phat. :cool: I am truly going to stop beating myself up. Life is to short. As far as 2lbs in one day :eek: water. Our body is 70% water.


Salsa - How are you? Yes I believe you lost 1/2 lb. Our body goes into survival mode when we are not eating and preserve fat. When we eat our body says, I don't have to preserve fat, I am getting food. That is why they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You are breaking from the over night fast.


Everyone please post a picture of yourself. I don't believe any of us are really fat. It is perception.;) Besides if you want to see fat, watch the discovery channel sometimes and see what fat people really look like. :p

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