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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Well, the water is coming back off. Today I am 180.0! However I don't know how I'm going to manage tonight. I made plans about two months ago to go out to a delicious mexican restaurant tonight with a couple of girlfriends. They have this homemade salsa that is absolutely to die for! And the chimichanga is my favorite! I think I may splurge on the food, but just drink water, and eat light all day today and tomorrow, plus work out. What do you think?


Tim, welcome back! Glad to see you are still doing great with your weight loss.


Amy, I know! Chips with salsa and ice cream are my two biggest downfalls. I've been able to satisfy the icecream craving with SF pudding or jello, but just cannot find a good replacement for the chips/salsa. I've tried light popcorn but am just not crazy about it.


I'm kind of nervous about working out today. I havn't worked out since Thursday because I came down with a nasty cold (stuffy/runny nose doesn't make for great jogging) and today I'm supposed to be able to jog 3/4 mile, and 1 mile straight by the end of the week. Hopefully I'll be able to put mind over matter and be able to surprise myself. :o I'll let you know how it goes.


Dar, that's interesting about the well water. We are just on city water so that is pretty much what I drink and I've never had a problem with it. I only get the pulsating like you mentioned when I am on a lot of caffeine. And when I was on steroids. :eek: That was scary how high my blood pressure and pulse strength/rate got! I'd hate to have that feeling after only drinking water!


Hi Erin. Salsa is never a problem. So good and good for you. (both the veggie kind and the dancing kind ;) ) It's all vegetables! Loads of vitamin C. The problem is the chips and no restaurant that I know of serves baked tortilla chips. Darn. I see my own social life issues in your post. It can be almost impossible sometimes to go out and stay on a rigid plan. Those are the days when I kick into moderation and plan ahead, just like you are going to do. Go light for breakfast and lunch, drink a glass of milk maybe, before going out to eat or drink some picante V-8....anything to help you arrive feeling "okay" rather than famished.


With eating out, we still usually take in more calories than we prefer. With that, we will likely take longer to get to our goals. I think as long as you can live with that and will not be overly discouraged or give up, then you will be okay. It may take me longer than I originally intended, to lose the weight that I need to lose but I figured that I've been overweight since my daugther was born back in 88 so I guess if it takes me a year or a year and a half to lose 50-60 lbs., I should just accept that. I do know one thing. By the time my cruise date rolls around, I will be a LOT lighter than I was on June 3rd of 08 and I will feel NORMAL, even if I'm not down 50 lbs. I need to lose about 25 more pounds to feel normal. I know this from past experiences. I will look normal in clothing and be able to run, jump, and play with only 25 more pounds off. Getting to be thin enough in terms of how I see myself in the mirror sans clothing is another thing. That will mean an extra 15 pounds, most likely.

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I agree on the chips and salsa, especially fresh salsa, it is so hard to stop! The salsa it self is ok it's those chips. If I am wanting some I make it to bring somewhere. That way I get some but don't eat the whole batch.

I do eat alot of popcorn, at least a couple of times a week. I have a whirly pop popper for on the stove. It makes the best popcorn. I use the white kernels because they don't have as tough of hulls. 2T canola oil, 1/2 C. popcorn and it makes a big bowl for sharing! I even put 2T melted butter and popcorn salt on it. If I am making it just for me I make 1/2 of that. If I am going to eat something I want it to taste good. Plus with popcorn you get some fiber.

Have you tried the yoplait whipped yogurts? The chocolate ones are pretty good. And you get the benefits of eating something good for you.


I was just reading about the water softeners and raising blood pressure. It makes sense especially if you drink alot of water. We have a well but the water does not taste very good so we have Culligan. After drinking that all the time if I buy a bottle of water it just tastes swampy. I do like the water on the cruise ships. I've heard that is filtered by reverse osmosis to which is probably why I like it.


Erin, make sure you take time to heal. My DD has bronchitis, the girl just won't slow down.


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I agree on the chips and salsa, especially fresh salsa, it is so hard to stop! The salsa it self is ok it's those chips. If I am wanting some I make it to bring somewhere. That way I get some but don't eat the whole batch.

I do eat alot of popcorn, at least a couple of times a week. I have a whirly pop popper for on the stove. It makes the best popcorn. I use the white kernels because they don't have as tough of hulls. 2T canola oil, 1/2 C. popcorn and it makes a big bowl for sharing! I even put 2T melted butter and popcorn salt on it. If I am making it just for me I make 1/2 of that. If I am going to eat something I want it to taste good. Plus with popcorn you get some fiber.

Have you tried the yoplait whipped yogurts? The chocolate ones are pretty good. And you get the benefits of eating something good for you.


I was just reading about the water softeners and raising blood pressure. It makes sense especially if you drink alot of water. We have a well but the water does not taste very good so we have Culligan. After drinking that all the time if I buy a bottle of water it just tastes swampy. I do like the water on the cruise ships. I've heard that is filtered by reverse osmosis to which is probably why I like it.


Erin, make sure you take time to heal. My DD has bronchitis, the girl just won't slow down.




Kelly...I have the same kind of popper and it makes the best popcorn. An old friend is a connisseur of popcorn...I'm not kidding. He and his wife drive all the way to Amish land in Indiana to buy a particular kind of popcorn...I think it is Yoder's Lady-fingers. He's always looking for better components so that's the last one I heard of. He uses peanut oil, real butter, butter-flavored salt. Mmmmm. I make mine by his "recipe."


Bronchitis is bad. I used to get it recurrently and it was due to being too busy. I made lifestyle changes and slowed myself down a lot to avoid getting it because once it starts, you can get it frequently. Physical exhaustion is usually the main culprit. Another friend used to get it regularly too. What we both did not know, early on, is that it can cause scarring in the bronchial tubes and cardio-pulmonary issues with those with chronic bronchitis. My friend is on the borderline of needing surgery as a result of the scarring. Now if I ever get one of those deep chest colds, I make myself rest, flat on my back, for one full day at the onset. I get over those bouts very quickly that way.


I laughed so hard at Bonnie Hunt yesterday, on her 11 a.m. show. She showed photos of teen girls with sweats that read "Juicy" or "Pink" on the butt, in embroidery. She said that she decided to come up with her own versions. Each pair was hilarious as she unfolded them. One read, "I Blame Both Ben & Jerry." Another read, "I Brake for Cookie Dough." Too funny!

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Ok, I am back. Business meeting over and guess what; lots and lots of pizza and wings:eek: :eek:. I have already gained 5.4lbs. It is not time to really buckle down and get serious. Although I don't believe I gained 5.4 lbs in a week. I have been so busy that I was crabbing junk food or fast food and stuffing it down. Not sure how much I ate, so maybe I did gain that much weight. Things have slowed down a bit so maybe I can try Dar's soup plan.

Dar - We don't get the Bonnie Hunt show here, but I think that is funny about the slogans on the butt. I was once on the beach and a fat lady was bending over and this skinny man walked by and said "I don't beleive that; a tale of two cities". Than he took a picture. I laughed so hard I started to cry.

By the way I ate 3 slices of pizza and two bufalo wings, good thing I am not cooking tonight. :)

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Gladys- I'm sure you'll be back on track in no time! Don't let this get you down!


Kelly- thanks for the tip! I'll have to look into the whirly-pop popper. Are they sold in stores or online? What is "popcorn salt"? I knew you'd have some great advise for me! ;)


Dar- I don't even know who Bonnie Hunt is! :eek: But we don't watch any TV at home. It's funny though, I worked at Victoria Secret last year during the holiday season and have a pair of those "pink" butt pants! :p So far today I have had a South Beach diet breakfast bar, 2 bananas, and one of the South Beach "tide me over" drinks. Those really work! A free sample came in the breakfast bars I bought and it is yummy and really took the edge off my hunger! I burned off over 300 calories working out, and I DID run 3/4 mile TWICE!! :D So proud of myself! I don't think I've ever been this motivated before. I was getting so tired but I kept telling myself, "This feeling is only temporary, soon it will be over." And it was! I got close to quitting at one point and knowing that I'd post my results on here was enough to make me finish. So thanks again! I'll have something low cal for lunch, maybe just a salad or a bowl of cereal if I'm still really hungry. And then I won't feel guilty about endulging tonight! Yay!


Any good replacement for chips that I can dip into Salsa that still tastse good?

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Erin, Popcorn salt is finer than regular table salt. I think that makes it stick better. You can find it by the popcorn. Watch dept. stores that have a kitchen area. They usually have whirly pop poppers in gift boxes for Christmas. It will come with popcorn. The one I have now I picked up at a rummage sale for $2. I was so excited because mine, the top was falling apart.


I would love a good replacement for chips to eat with salsa. I heard there was a whole wheat one. I am going to look the next time I get to the big cheap grocery store, Woodmans.


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Thanks for the info. I did some searching online and found the whilry-pop set for 25-30 dollars on amazon. Is that about typical or should I check the department stores? Wow, that would be great if it I could fine it at a rummage sale for $2! What a steal! Do you think you really need the gourmet popping corn or would just regular work ok? Thanks! :)

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I would watch Christmas sales. and no you don't need gourmet popping corn. I buy the cheap store brand but I do like the white better than the yellow. DH says I make the best popcorn in the world and he has been to Iraq & back so he's been pretty far! Before I got the whirly pop I used the bottom pan of an old double boiler. Even that made good popcorn. Much better than microwave.


It's cold & rainy here today. I guess that makes it a good day to do some cleaning. It has been so unseasonably nice that this is kind of disappointing.


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Erin, Popcorn salt is finer than regular table salt. I think that makes it stick better. You can find it by the popcorn. Watch dept. stores that have a kitchen area. They usually have whirly pop poppers in gift boxes for Christmas. It will come with popcorn. The one I have now I picked up at a rummage sale for $2. I was so excited because mine, the top was falling apart.


I would love a good replacement for chips to eat with salsa. I heard there was a whole wheat one. I am going to look the next time I get to the big cheap grocery store, Woodmans.



Lays Chips make the type of chips you want. Here is a link.



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Thanks Scott but I am looking for more fiber. I found this http://www.peertrainer.com/DFcaloriecounterB.aspx?id=9939 About Trader Joe's whole grain tortilla chips. They are a few more calories but I like the whole grain/more fiber. We don't have a Trader Joe's but I think on Monday I might get to Woodman's (1 hr away) They are a big store and carry alot of what I can't find here and are way cheaper than the stores in my area.


Salsa, I am looking forward to the kahlua recipe. I like to brush alittle onto a slice of angel food cake then I make an espresso cream. So yummy. Even without the cream the cake & kahlua are good. I like angle food because you can slice it and freeze in single servings. And chocolate angel food is good too!


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My recipes are in chaos (my task of 2008-2009 is to organize them) but I found the slow kahlua recipe while looking for my chili recipe. I told you guys that I'm into finding the best, so I did a lot of searching to find this variation of the fast kahlua that is made with sugar, water, instant coffee, vanilla and vodka (no waiting time before using and no spices). After I made a batch of each, I had a bunch of young adults do a taste comparison and they liked this one the best, of the two. Aside from that, there is a brand of vodka that I can get here...it is called Monopolova. I noticed it at a little wine store, local, and it had a label that said it won some big taste-test award at a Chicago event for either restaurants or food service. I think Monopolova means "One Potato". It is also pretty cheap relative to the "good" vodkas. I then asked people what was considered "good" vodka and got several names of this and that...Grey Goose, Stoli, Absolut, Skyy, etc. I bought each one in a little airline bottle, then poured samples of each and numbered them, then blindfolded my friends and asked them to sip and tell me what they liked. They kept choosing the Monopolova. Also, for this recipe, you can use any cheap vodka because the coffee, sugar, spices, and vanilla cover the flavor anyway, so what's the point of using more pricey stuff? The cheapest seems to be that Popov.....the kind that some people drink out of paper bags. :o I increase the batch by quite a bit, then give some away as Christmas gifts.


Homemade Kahlua


2 cups water

2 cups sugar

1/2 cup instant coffee; fresh jar

1/2 vanilla bean; chopped

1 1/2 cups vodka

1 pinch ground cinnamon

1 pinch ground cloves

1 pinch ground cardamom (I didn't have this)

1 pinch grated orange peel

1 pinch dried mint flakes


Boil water & sugar together until dissolved & clear. Turn off heat. Slowly add instant coffee & continue stirring. When well-mixed, let cool to room temperature. While the coffee mixture cools, add vanilla bean to the vodka. When the coffee mixture is cooled, add the vodka mixture. Cover tightly & shake vigorously each day for 3 weeks. Strain & filter. Yield: 4 cups.


Substitution: You can substitute rum for the vodka to make "Tia Maria"--the Jamaican version of Kahlua.


Kelly..... I mostly use Kahlua for a tiramisu recipe and also for a cocktail called Tiratini....it has kahlua, vanilla vodka, cream, Irish cream, and chocolate syrup and is so good. I only make that at most, once per year because it is pretty decadent. Not good for my weight issues at all. :)

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Thanks Salsa, I am adding to my grocery list! Do you think instant espresso would be to strong? I am thinking it would but I have that from the espresso cream.


It is so cold here today we turned the furnace on. I went out for my mammo this morning. Now I am sitting in bed trying to get warm. I should probably do some cleaning and move around!


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Ok, I am back. Business meeting over and guess what; lots and lots of pizza and wings:eek: :eek:. I have already gained 5.4lbs. It is not time to really buckle down and get serious. Although I don't believe I gained 5.4 lbs in a week. I have been so busy that I was crabbing junk food or fast food and stuffing it down. Not sure how much I ate, so maybe I did gain that much weight. Things have slowed down a bit so maybe I can try Dar's soup plan.


Dar - We don't get the Bonnie Hunt show here, but I think that is funny about the slogans on the butt. I was once on the beach and a fat lady was bending over and this skinny man walked by and said "I don't beleive that; a tale of two cities". Than he took a picture. I laughed so hard I started to cry.


By the way I ate 3 slices of pizza and two bufalo wings, good thing I am not cooking tonight. :)



Oh Gladys! Now you have me laughing and crying!! Wait until I tell my husband that one. That's one of those things that someone said that is mean, but witty and you can't help but laugh. I was in a little coffee shop once in a part of town that isn't the nicest, but I was into this little retro shop, sort of like a diner, and I was curious about it because a book and movie was produced regarding that particular bakery/coffee place. Their pastries were the WORST. It had the word "American" in the name, yet the owners and employees all appeared to be from the far east, like India. Anyway, I literally had to spit out a cream puff bite that I took. THAT'S how bad it was because I love cream puffs. They were OLD and dry. Well, this guy was called outside by this very large woman and she was dressed in this really LOUD colored outfit...like hot pink top with hot pink pants and very stretchy-knit-tight. She was mad at him and they started arguing big-time. All of the patrons were sitting there swigging their coffee and smoking their cigarettes and talking about it. The whole thing was going on in front of a big window. She was yelling at him about the rent or something like that. The skinny guy finally came back inside kinda red-faced and said, "Man. When I saw her coming, I should have hollered 'Hey, Kool-Aid!!" I laughed so hard and still laugh when I think of it.


Gladys....The 5 lbs. is part fat from the extra calories and part water. The water will come off on its own in a couple of days. Time to get back in the saddle girlie. Me too. I was ready for bed last night, very tired, and my son called with an emergency so I was out giving him a ride late at night, and 3 of his young friends. My son does volunteer work at a homeless shelter and he had taken 3 young boys from the inner city to a basketball game...the Pistons were here on our side of the state. Well, his car got towed from a lot at the shelter...a mistake on the part of staff, so he needed a ride, $187 to get it out of the towing place, and the 3 boys needed to be driven home and that was in an unsafe neighborhood. So there I was at midnight!! I bought a McDonald's cone and small fries at midnight and felt guilty! Today I am going to behave myself and get it under control. I'm still up one pound from mid-week last week. I want to be under 170!! I'll be good if you'll be good. ;)

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Thanks Salsa, I am adding to my grocery list! Do you think instant espresso would be to strong? I am thinking it would but I have that from the espresso cream.


It is so cold here today we turned the furnace on. I went out for my mammo this morning. Now I am sitting in bed trying to get warm. I should probably do some cleaning and move around!




I think the espresso would work but just dilute it with more water so that it won't taste too strong. I'm into economizing and that seems smart. Another person said that they use leftover coffee instead of the instant. I'm going to try that next time myself.


I'm interested in your espresso cream recipe. I love anything mocha and angel food cake is great...light and good. Is there a way to lighten up the espresso cream? Sugar free vanilla pudding with espresso and light or fat free cream cheese maybe? It would be nice to have a couple of dessert ideas that are simple and still good. This weekend I'm doing 3 gallons of chili, a huge pan of a guacamole-type dip that has cheese, tomatoes, black olives, green onion on top, then chips and a Mexican Wedding Cake. That is going to be killer! I can't chow down on all of that! (not to mention that I'll be broke!) A few bites of dessert and dips will have to do. Saturday is going to be tough for me. I need some light tortilla chips, salsa, and another dessert option.

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Thanks Dar-quick question, when you add the vanilla bean to the vodka do you add the rest of the spices also??


I hope everyone is ok, I was supposed to weigh in today but I got up and ate breakfast (I was extra hungry this morning) and forgot to weigh myself, I don't want to weigh after eating, I guess I will check tomorrow morning.


I just finished my run, I am up to 25 minutes everyday this week without stopping, next week I go to 28 minutes, the next week 30 minutes and then I am finished the 9 week program!! I can't beleive I have came this far. AFter I finish I will try and start adding speed.


I have a popcorn maker called a stir crazy popper, It makes really good popcorn to and is really easy.



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Here is the recipe. You can play with it and see about making it low fat. I only make it if we are having company. Then we aren't eating lots of it so I don't worry about the fat or calories. It is so delicious.


Angel Food Cake with Mascarpone Espresso Cream


2 tablespoons boiling water

2 tablespoons instant espresso powder

3/4 cup mascarpone cheese, at room temperature

1 cup whipping cream

1/2 cup confectioners' sugar

1 (12-ounce) purchased angel food cake

1/2 cup coffee liqueur

Unsweetened cocoa powder, for dusting


Stir the water and espresso powder in a large bowl to blend. Stir in the mascarpone. Using an electric mixer, beat the cream in another large bowl, while slowly adding powdered sugar, until soft peaks form. Using a large rubber spatula, fold 1/4 of the whipped cream into the mascarpone mixture to lighten. Then fold the remaining whipped cream into the mascarpone mixture.


Cut the angel food cake into 16 (1-inch thick) wedges. Reserve any remaining cake for another use. Brush 1 side of each wedge of cake with the liqueur. Arrange 2 wedges of cake on each plate. Dollop the espresso cream atop each wedge of cake. Dust with the cocoa powder and serve.


I like to make angel food from scratch, I like the flavor better.


Connie, congrats on how far you've come! You are so close to your 5k mark! I was so excited when I did it. It's amazing how we can do things when we don't talk ourselves out of them!


I have been organizing recipes slowly. I print alot out on paper in a larger font so they are easier to read. Put them into plastic sleeves and into a 3 ring binder. I have 2 large binders started and I put dividers in to keep them in categories.


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Connie...Sorry about that. I typed it as it was originally written. Yes, put the spices right in with the vodka and vanilla bean. I bought some really good Mexican vanilla on our '07 cruise and wonder how that might sub for the vanilla bean. Those beans are pricey.


Kelly....Your dessert reminds me of a mini version of tiramisu. I sub out the ingredients in my recipe and it still tastes good; so I'll have to try that. The mascarpone is going to taste better than the low fat cream cheese though. :( I have a favorite cake recipe...a sponge cake...that we use instead of shortcake for strawberries. It's an awesome basic cake and somewhere between regular cake and angel food...It's pretty light. Man, all this talk of cake is making me hungry. :eek:

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Hey! You're back! And 4 more pounds!!!! Woo-hoo. You're killing me.;) Scott, you lose weight like a 20 something. It has to be so encouraging!


I feel and act like I am still in my 20's. I have always been able to lose quick, when I set my mind to it. I also gain just as fast.

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Hello mates.... I am in England, and other than a small piece of cake yesterday I have not eaten too poorly. Also we did alot of walking around town today so that made me feel better. To be honest I do not like alot of the food here so there is not too much that is tempting, just hard to eat in other people's home when you have no say in what is being prepared.


Erin: Try 'Stacy's' pita chips... or any whole wheat pita chips. They have the saltiness that I always crave in tortilla chips, but are quite a bit healthier.


OK, just wanted to quick catch up.... now I have to try and not think about how good the khalua cake sounds.


Good job to everyone.... keep up th running ladies!


Gladys: One week may set you back a little, but if you have enough inspiration in you for all of us, I am sure you have some for yourself as well!!!

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Hello mates.... I am in England, and other than a small piece of cake yesterday I have not eaten too poorly. Also we did alot of walking around town today so that made me feel better. To be honest I do not like alot of the food here so there is not too much that is tempting, just hard to eat in other people's home when you have no say in what is being prepared.


Erin: Try 'Stacy's' pita chips... or any whole wheat pita chips. They have the saltiness that I always crave in tortilla chips, but are quite a bit healthier.


OK, just wanted to quick catch up.... now I have to try and not think about how good the khalua cake sounds.


Good job to everyone.... keep up th running ladies!


Gladys: One week may set you back a little, but if you have enough inspiration in you for all of us, I am sure you have some for yourself as well!!!


Hi Amy....Sounds like you are doing just fine. I had to laugh about your food comments. I've never been tempted to buy a cookbook from the British Isles, with the exception of a new one on Irish cooking. I guess their cooking style has not been good for tourism so some of those countries are working on improving their culinary offerings. When I think of England, I think of weird things like kidney pie or something similar. Ewwww. Maybe there is better food than that or fish & chips, but that's all that I know.


I'm back at it today and having a great day, sticking to my plan, but we have a dinner at my sister-in-law's house later and other than fish, I have no clue what is being served....so I have to switch over to a moderation plan for tonight. That's all that works for me in those situations. I haven't seen most of them since a funeral this summer, so I am curioius about if they notice that I've lost weight. We'll see.




P.S. I've had the Stacy's chips. I bought a big box of individual bags from Sam's Club. They're really good.

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Ok, I am back. Business meeting over and guess what; lots and lots of pizza and wings:eek: :eek:. I have already gained 5.4lbs. It is not time to really buckle down and get serious. Although I don't believe I gained 5.4 lbs in a week. I have been so busy that I was crabbing junk food or fast food and stuffing it down. Not sure how much I ate, so maybe I did gain that much weight. Things have slowed down a bit so maybe I can try Dar's soup plan.


Dar - We don't get the Bonnie Hunt show here, but I think that is funny about the slogans on the butt. I was once on the beach and a fat lady was bending over and this skinny man walked by and said "I don't beleive that; a tale of two cities". Than he took a picture. I laughed so hard I started to cry.


By the way I ate 3 slices of pizza and two bufalo wings, good thing I am not cooking tonight. :)


Hi Gladys...I wanted to check in with you. Have you noticed any of those few pounds dropping off quickly yet? I figured after a couple of days, you might notice it. Also, I wondered this....if you put on one of your smaller pencil skirts or something else, does it still fit? Inches don't climb up fast like the scale number will at times do. I think it will be so cool to get into any size 10s! I'll be thrilled with 12s but 10s would be awesome. Hang in there. I have tonight's dinner to get through and I am going to work as hard as I can to be faithful to myself. I'll be happier tomorrow morning if I can get through it. I'm taking my own advice by drinking a glass of milk before and having a snack like an orange or a cereal bar to kill the cravings and help me to remain in control of my actions.


I'm going hard after 169!



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AMy-Enjoy England!


I just got back from the beach, boy was it nice out!! I went with my mom and cousin. I did do my 4 mile walk first.


Well, I weighed in today, I am 6 oz away from losing 10 lbs:D


sw 182

lw 173.4

cw 172.6

gw 145



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Anyone that hits trader joes might want to pick up some Ezekiel bread. Its great for low carbers..because its bread...but it has almost no carbs..its all protein and fiber.


I've heard of Ezekial bread before. Its hard to imagine "bread" without a flour base to hold it all together. I wonder what it is made of? I only get to Trader Joe's maybe once a year because there is only one and it is on the opposite side of our state. I keep hoping that one will open on this side, but not likely for a while.

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AMy-Enjoy England!


I just got back from the beach, boy was it nice out!! I went with my mom and cousin. I did do my 4 mile walk first.


Well, I weighed in today, I am 6 oz away from losing 10 lbs:D


sw 182

lw 173.4

cw 172.6

gw 145




Cool, Connie!! Hitting a milestone sure feels great, doesn't it? You're on your way!


Lucky you to be able to enjoy warm & sunny days. Its getting chilly here like it is for Kelly. For all of you southern kids, you have no idea how bad winter is for us people up here, regarding weight. We get to hide all of the bulk under heavy long sweaters, fleece sweatshirts, flannel, waffle shirts, etc. And those long heavy coats come out and cover a multitude of sins! That's why some of us northern people start to panic when spring arrives and we have to start wearing short sleeves, shorts, etc. It is pretty common for people up here to get 5-10 pounds heavier every winter, then have to bust their humps to drop it--even plenty of fitness buffs get into that rut. I sometimes wonder if we pack on the pounds just like the bears that go into hibernation. Whatever the reason, I'm glad to feel confident that I'm not going to allow that way of thinking to control me this year. My sweaters have already gone from 1X to XL and now I am fitting into some L's which is a relief. It's almost hard to believe it when I try one on and it actually fits.

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