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Hi everyone!

Well, I've hit a bump in the road. I'll update Monday when I feel a bit more optimistic and have my head screwed on straight. :( :cool: :)


Hey Erin, A bump in the road? Hmmmm. I hope you are okay. I hate bumps in roads. You know we all understand...you don't have to wait until Monday, if you need anything.



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Erin, hope everything is ok, hang in there!!


Dar-I know about those winter pounds, until I moved back to Florida last summer I spent the last 6 years between NJ, VA and Kansas, spent many winter months in sweats most of the time!! It is nice in Florida, you can always go outside and do somthing, even when it is cold it usually isn't that bad or it only lasts a few days, and if you have to wear shorts and bathing suits more it helps keep you honest!!



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Good day everyone. This is the day that the Lord has made and I choose to rejoice and be glad in it. Wow all of you are the best bunch.


I see a lot of recipes being posted, be careful someone could be lurking and take all those great recipes and put them in a cook book.;)


As for me I am doing great. I recorded my weight for Monday at 169.4 lbs up by 5.4 lbs. I have watched it decrease over the days and today I am 165.8 lbs., down 3.6 lbs. I really did not freak out because I knew part was water gain. Also I did not freak out because my pencil skirt size 10 really look good on me. I admit I play dangerous with my weight loss because for some reason my mind in not set in very serious mode. However for the rest of this week I am going to put it into very serious mode and see what happens on Monday.


Dar - When I read your post about Hey Kool-Aid, I laughed so hard and when I began to slow down my laugh and re read it, I laughed even harder. Every time I think about it I still chuckle. I am not going to be mindful of the bright pastel colors I wear.


Erin - Are you ok, remember we are here for the good times and the bad times. Lean on us.


Amy - How is it going in England? What part are you in? Maybe you can take some pictures and share them with us. I guess you will be coming back to the US a few less pounds:). Make sure you eat because we don't want your metabolism slowing down.


Connie - Congrad on you 10lb marker. Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.



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Nothing to worry about. Just some stuff regarding the selling of my house has given me a bit of a freak out. It has kept me incredibly busy over the last couple days (and even more irritible!) Wednesday night I threw a bag of lettuce at Charlie's brother. :eek: Good thing it was just a bag of lettuce in my hand and not a pan full of hot food! So, just stressed between the house, school, and work. And more so, the emotional pain of regret. If only I could go back 5 years, and have known what I know now, I would have done a lot of things differently. :o But I suppose we all have to learn some lessons the hard way. Mine was to not buy a house you cannot afford when you don't have any money! :eek: And never, I repeat, never go into debt. :cool: So hopefully Monday I will get my house straightened up and I will be back on track.

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Just for you, Gladys!:D


I had some fun today out shopping and found a vintage-looking dressing with a pale pinkish-peach background and bright flowers--reds and oranges and a little green and chocolate brown. It reminds me of something Italian. Like something a skinny Italian housewife would wear. The dress came from a Goodwill store but has the tags still on--my favorite "treasure hunt." I saw a dress a lot like it in a fashion magazine and held onto the page with the whole ensemble. The model is wearing the cute floral dress with an orange cardigan and some reddish-orange beaded necklace. It is NOTHING like I normally dress, but I decided to get a little bold and daring and go with bright colors and a retro print. I need to get it hemmed shorter, to the knee, but when I do, I'm going to post a picture of the whole outfit, then scan in the one in the magazine. It's so cool! I just hope no one yells "Hey, Kool-Aid at me!"




All set with my chili ingredients for tomorrow and have to bake a Mexican Wedding Cake tonight. It has coconut, pecans and pineapple oozing all over the top! Pray for me that I don't do a belly-flop into it after it is finished, okay? Just thinking of the term "belly-flop" really helps me already.

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Hi all....


So the food here is all fried and there is just beer everywhere. Its probably not doing good things for me. We ahve been walking alot, so I hope it will even out. I decided I will go back to Phase 1 of South Beach when I return.


Sounds like everyone is going great out there. How does this Ezekiel bread taste? Anyone know?


Ok off for one last day.... I will try and take some pics of the sea front, we are on the South Coast, a town called Gosport. It is near Portsmouth and Southhampton.


OK speak to you when I return Monday!!!


Erin.... hang in there, keep your motivation cruise in mind!!!

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Good Morning Everyone! It's a beautiful sunny day here in NE WI! I definatly have to take the dog for a walk, these days won't last.


On winter clothes. In the summer I can stay dressed until I'm ready for bed. In winter it is dark, colder. I am in flannel jammies at 6pm. Due to the onset of hot flashes/night sweats I don't sleep in those jammies. But they sure are cozy to lounge around in!


Bumps in the road. Erin you are not the only one hitting them. DH is going through some serious work stuff. It seems like the more we pray the worse it gets. But God knows and sees how this all will end. He will take care of us. I don't think we'd grow much if things were good all the time. It is so easy to praise when things are good. I think when we learn to praise & give thanks in all things is when we grow. I also think of a book my DD's had when they were little. It's the Ivy Cottage. At one point Miss Pickles tells Violet "these little trials are sent to test us" Even when we make choices and have consequences we can learn and grow from them. It sounds like you are having a growing time. And while it's not pleasant now it is something you will be able to share with someone else who needs that wisdom later.


OK now on to cake! Dar, what time is dinner? I think if I leave now I might make it!


Hope you all have a nice weekend!


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Good Morning Everyone! It's a beautiful sunny day here in NE WI! I definatly have to take the dog for a walk, these days won't last.


On winter clothes. In the summer I can stay dressed until I'm ready for bed. In winter it is dark, colder. I am in flannel jammies at 6pm. Due to the onset of hot flashes/night sweats I don't sleep in those jammies. But they sure are cozy to lounge around in!


Bumps in the road. Erin you are not the only one hitting them. DH is going through some serious work stuff. It seems like the more we pray the worse it gets. But God knows and sees how this all will end. He will take care of us. I don't think we'd grow much if things were good all the time. It is so easy to praise when things are good. I think when we learn to praise & give thanks in all things is when we grow. I also think of a book my DD's had when they were little. It's the Ivy Cottage. At one point Miss Pickles tells Violet "these little trials are sent to test us" Even when we make choices and have consequences we can learn and grow from them. It sounds like you are having a growing time. And while it's not pleasant now it is something you will be able to share with someone else who needs that wisdom later.


OK now on to cake! Dar, what time is dinner? I think if I leave now I might make it!


Hope you all have a nice weekend!



Hi Kelly...Guests will be pulling in around 6 p.m. and beyond...We'd love to have you! Just board the ferry and you'll be here in a flash. ;)


Kelly, I was "amenning" your entire note to Erin. I can honesty say that every hard, tough, and miserable experience that we've ever had, has ended with growth and ultimately with something awesome in the long haul of things. We learn, learn, learn. If we endure it, something is always much better right around the corner. I just thought recently, of a day that my husband and I had as we endured one of the worst crisis' that any family could go through. We literally both cried our way home from a hospital. I can look back and see how we were never alone through the entire event and that God had such awesome intentions and plans for our lives and our family. It was one of those, "sorrow may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning," kinds of experiences. :) We didn't just have the one event but MANY times like that. Remind me to tell you all one day, about a bad medical diagnosis that I had, which ended so much differently than when it started. Another day.


This NEVER happens but it is 5 p.m. and everything is ready for the party. The chili is simmering on low, the candles are ready and waiting to be lit, the music is on, the coffee pot is ready, two big pans of guacamole dip are all just waiting for chips to come and scoop it up. I can actually put my feet up for a whole hour before people show up! I can't wait to see how the night goes. I love these kinds of days and really enjoy having people over. It is "nippy" here at 58 degrees right now, so it's going to really drop when the sun sets, but my husband has a big stack of wood all ready for a camp fire. I don't know how long everyone will be able to handle the chill.


I just made my son and I a drink for before the party (a rare moment)...a little vodka, orange soda water, bar syrup, grapefruit juice, blue curacao, and a chunk of fresh lime...and ice. I told him I like those blue drinks and I call them "pool drinks". After mine sat for a while, it looked really "muddy" in the glass--probably from too much grapefruit juice in it. I renamed it, "Skanky Hot Tub." Whaddaya think?

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One skanky hot tub for me! It sounds good, well not the name but I use to drink one called a toilet bowl so why not a skanky hot tub!? The toilet bowl had blue curacao too.

Hope you have a wonderful party, enjoy these fall days/evenings, you know what will follow!


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One skanky hot tub for me! It sounds good, well not the name but I use to drink one called a toilet bowl so why not a skanky hot tub!? The toilet bowl had blue curacao too.

Hope you have a wonderful party, enjoy these fall days/evenings, you know what will follow!




That's funny! Toilet Bowl. :0


It has been a beautiful fall day today. The party was great and the fire was roaring; so I never felt too cold. One younger guest brought a violin; so I got to listen to two boys play as they shared it back and forth. I really did great with the food quantity--very light. When you're the hostess, it is good because you can be just plain too busy to eat much. It's always the day after that is harder for me with leftovers to deal with. I kept eating my friend's crusty sourdough bread today, so I gave up all else just to be able to eat another piece! Not a very balanced diet day for me, that's for sure. No fruits, nor veggies! Tomorrow will be more normal.


Let me know if you are online and able to read this note...I want to post my email address for a quick note, then edit and remove. I'll do that periodically but don't want to leave it on the site longterm.

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Just for you, Gladys!:D


I had some fun today out shopping and found a vintage-looking dressing with a pale pinkish-peach background and bright flowers--reds and oranges and a little green and chocolate brown. It reminds me of something Italian. Like something a skinny Italian housewife would wear. The dress came from a Goodwill store but has the tags still on--my favorite "treasure hunt." I saw a dress a lot like it in a fashion magazine and held onto the page with the whole ensemble. The model is wearing the cute floral dress with an orange cardigan and some reddish-orange beaded necklace. It is NOTHING like I normally dress, but I decided to get a little bold and daring and go with bright colors and a retro print. I need to get it hemmed shorter, to the knee, but when I do, I'm going to post a picture of the whole outfit, then scan in the one in the magazine. It's so cool! I just hope no one yells "Hey, Kool-Aid at me!"




All set with my chili ingredients for tomorrow and have to bake a Mexican Wedding Cake tonight. It has coconut, pecans and pineapple oozing all over the top! Pray for me that I don't do a belly-flop into it after it is finished, okay? Just thinking of the term "belly-flop" really helps me already.

:D:D I will never forget that, Kool -Aid, I am sure you will never look like the kool-aid character. Out fit sounds wonderfully dangerous and would love for you to post it. I love your avatar. Glad your dinner party was a success. I would have loved to see a picture of that cake before it was cute. That cake sounds scrumptous. Oh I wish I lived near you, my family would have crashed your party to get our eat on.


Bumps in the road. Erin you are not the only one hitting them. DH is going through some serious work stuff. It seems like the more we pray the worse it gets. But God knows and sees how this all will end. He will take care of us. I don't think we'd grow much if things were good all the time. It is so easy to praise when things are good. I think when we learn to praise & give thanks in all things is when we grow. I also think of a book my DD's had when they were little. It's the Ivy Cottage. At one point Miss Pickles tells Violet "these little trials are sent to test us" Even when we make choices and have consequences we can learn and grow from them. It sounds like you are having a growing time. And while it's not pleasant now it is something you will be able to share with someone else who needs that wisdom later.


OK now on to cake! Dar, what time is dinner? I think if I leave now I might make it!


Hope you all have a nice weekend!



Erin - I agree with Kelly and Dar. Trials come to make us strong. While going thru our trials we don't see how all this will work together for our own good. My prayer for you is that your faith does not fail you and that the Lord will bless you with a spirit of praise. Praise Him during the good times and the bad. I have learned to praise Him inspite of my circumstances. I have been thru some very hard times this past year and a half with my marriage, my daughter, my career and my finances. However I trusted in the Lord and put my times in His hands. The storm has eased up. I am submitting a song for you, this song comforted me and I pray it comfort you.



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Good Morning everyone, I hope you all had a good weekend, they sure do seem to fly by! I did pretty good with the eating this weekend, I didn't exercise Saturday but walked 4 miles yesterday. Today, back to the running program, I am supposed to run 28 minutes straight, I have to keep telling myself I CAN DO IT !!!!!


We had good news on Friday, my son got accepted to USF (only 30 minute drive from home) he really wanted to go there, he is also getting a 100 % scholarship. I am very proud of him!! He says he wants to live at home, at least at first, so I won't argue with that, I can keep a better eye on him that way! (and save more money for our crusies:D )



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Good Morning everyone, I hope you all had a good weekend, they sure do seem to fly by! I did pretty good with the eating this weekend, I didn't exercise Saturday but walked 4 miles yesterday. Today, back to the running program, I am supposed to run 28 minutes straight, I have to keep telling myself I CAN DO IT !!!!!


We had good news on Friday, my son got accepted to USF (only 30 minute drive from home) he really wanted to go there, he is also getting a 100 % scholarship. I am very proud of him!! He says he wants to live at home, at least at first, so I won't argue with that, I can keep a better eye on him that way! (and save more money for our crusies:D )




Connie tell your son congratulations:D. I know that is a load off your mind. What will be majoring in?

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Morning, Gladys. I'm playing the youtube clip as I type...love the song! I was thinking this morning of my love for art prints that show rolling ocean waves. They always remind me of that old hymn "It is Well." Did you ever hear the story of that song and the circumstances under which it was penned? I'm not a hymn person, except for a handful, but when I first heard that story it made me cry! The writer was a husband, father, and businessman named Horatio Spafford. He went through a series of terrible tragedies...the death of his only son, the Chicago fire and loss of his business, then the worst. He sent his wife and daughter on a ship to Europe, with plans to meet them later. The ship sank and he received a telegraph from his wife that read "Saved alone." His four daughters died in the tragedy. Can you imagine?


I loved your term "get our eat on." Ha, ha. I've got to use that one. It will be nice to be able to one-up my son for a change.


WEIGH-IN...No news.


Frankly, I didn't buckle down this week like I should have. I intend to do better this week. I managed to stay the same in spite of the big party; so that's at least something, but I'm not satisfied with staying the same.


SW: 188

LW: 174

CW: 174

GW: 125-135


I did want to mention that I can feel that I am losing inches in spite of the flat-line on the scale. My waist measurement was 1/4 inch smaller than my last one. I will re-measure myself at the beginning of November and post. My son gasped this weekend and said, "Mom, your calves are smaller! Oh my gosh! That son is age 28. I get a kick out of him because he notices the little things." It was kinda funny because I was in the kitchen, wearing jeans, so for him to say that, was unusual.

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Dar - You have now entered the weight management zone. You can manage your weight during any circumstances. Wow I am impressed. Congratulations. That is what I need to learn. I go off to enjoy and come back heavier. Hopefully I will learn weight management. Now my weigh in


SW: 178.0 lbs

LW: 169.4 lbs

CW: 166.2 lbs (down 3.2 lbs) Still 3lbs to go to get back to 9/08/08 weigh in weight.


My short term goal is to get to the 150s. I need to loose 6.3 lbs, Can I do it by Thanksgiving:confused::confused:


Hope everyone had a great weekend.



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Good Morning!!

Isn't it wonderful to have a new day!


Connie, You CAN do it! and congrats to your DS.


Gladys, it's harder to praise during the bad but the joy seems sweeter. The song was great, a nice way to start the morning.


Salsa, I would like to see this new dress to! It sounds so cute!


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Hi everyone!


Thanks everyone for the encouragement. :) Gladys, I'm only on the internet at work and youtube is blocked. From Dar's post, is the song,"It is well with my soul"? If so, great pick. Love it! Actually they sang it last night at church and it did comfort my soul. One thing that will not break is my faith. I've been through enough mountains and valleys to have my faith deep-rooted. The day after my father died, I went to youth group (I was still in highschool) and they played the "I'm trading my sorrows" song. I still remember that moment. It's an upbeat song, but I found myself a dark quite corner and told God that I would trust Him in anything. That has not changed since. Those quiet moments give my heart peace, but don't practically solve the not-enough-hours-in-the-day stress problem. However, once I relax and start to think more clearly, I can problem solve better. I took the day off work tomorrow to get things done. And I convinced myself that this is not that big of a deal.


Still though, I'm having a hard time justifying spending the time to work out. Today I'm fairly committed since my DH dropped me off at work today and I told him to not pick me up until an hour after I get finished. I'm just having lots of doubts about this 5K. And part of it is medical. I havn't told anybody this, but with having Crohn's disease, I'm really worried about running outside without a lot of bathroom access. :eek: I'm sure they will have places along the way, but with my gut, if I'm not feeling well, that is it. I'd be out for the count. That would be super embarassing and not sure I want to risk it. I mean, it's not like I can just stop halfway into it.


But maybe I am just making excuses. :confused: I need to take on Connie's "I can do it" attitude!


Dar, congrats on staying the same weight and having a great party. That really is something! And I can't wait to see the outfit!


Amy, I've never had the Ezekiel bread, though it has been recommended for me. I imagine it doesn't taste much like soft melt-in-your-mouth white bread!


Do you all think that some people are just not meant to be thin? Lately I have been wondering. Most of my family is overweight. Dar made a comment the other day about losing weight like a twenty-something. Well, I am a twenty-something and I'm sure having a hard time with it. Not sure if I'm just a slacker and not doing as well as everyone else with eating. Is it really this hard? Is my body meant to be chubby? Or am I a slacker? :confused:

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Hello Everyone,

As most of you have figured out I am not much of a talker. I do read all your posts. I know it is hard to continue to lose weight. I have fought this my entire life. I also wondered if I am supposed to be overweight my entire life.


Dieting is depressing. (to me) My friends get to eat and drink what they want all the time. Yes, I am losing. But it is still tough. I have lost and gained my entire life. I work out everyday. (and I hate it) I never eat sweets anymore.(I love sweets)


The only thing that keeps me going is that I know I have to get on that scale everyday. I try to stay positive. So, if I slip, I get right back up and start again. I do believe there is a thin person in all of us. We just have to stay strong, and we will win this fight,


We all can do this.


Here is my weigh in.


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 244

CW: (current weight) 241

GW: (goal weight) 199


only 2 more lbs to the 230's.

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Hey Erin...I know that song that you mentioned. "I'm trading my sorrows, I'm trading my pain. I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord." Great song! It's picked me up a few times, too. I did remember that you mentioned Crohn's before and I was just intending to ask you more about it, but you beat me to it. My BIL has it and a neighbor friend has had it too, with many surgeries. Are you able to control the symptoms by diet?


Morning Scott....Yes, I noticed that you aren't super chatty but that is pretty common for men. It takes women three times as many words to say what men can sum up in a couple of sentences. ;) I always envy people who can get to the point in so few words. I even TRY and still can't manage it. Your weight loss is great, again. You are obviously very dedicated and you deserve all of the great results. I get torn between going cold turkey and giving up everything, with faster and more consistent results, versus plodding along, indulging a little here and there, maintaining, then losing, then maintaining again. It is slow and sometimes I want to kick it up a notch, give up all sweets and salty things just to get the results. I love watching other people's posts because they are like a gauge for me. How bad do I want this? Am I willing to do what they do to get their results?


Your attitude is good and your words are true. This is one row that only we can hoe by ourselves. No one else can make the sacrifices for us. The weight will not fall off on its own. We have to make it happen. If we don't, we bear the consequences. If we are morbidly obese, our families will suffer for our choices. For me, even being overweight by 40 lbs., my family still pays the price at times...by dealing with my down times (depression) or by my physical limitations or by me feeling crabby when clothes don't fit or when I feel self-conscious. As for you, here's to the 230's....we'll be here cheering you on. When was the last time you weighed in that range?

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Good Morning!!

Isn't it wonderful to have a new day!


Connie, You CAN do it! and congrats to your DS.


Gladys, it's harder to praise during the bad but the joy seems sweeter. The song was great, a nice way to start the morning.


Salsa, I would like to see this new dress to! It sounds so cute!




Hi Kelly...I just loaded "before" photos from a memory stick, onto my computer but still haven't figured out how to get them onto the forum. I don't really know that I want to post them just yet because it is hard to do them before you are at a goal weight. One of them isn't so bad but most are dumpy. :( I know that I have to shrink the sizes of them but I don't know if I can copy and paste them into the body of a thread post or not. I don't store them on a website so can't just put up a link. Maybe Gladys can help because she posted some pics before. I definitely want to post one of the Italian dress after I get it re-hemmed....I'll have to do the whole ensemble.


My email is dark.irish@att.net. I hadn't been sure about posting it for long because I love the ability to be anonymous on the forum....anonymous in regard to friends I am close to. Of course, posting any photos sort of blows my cover! It's sometimes hard to share how I'm feeling about my weight, my struggles in this area, with people I am around most. Being able to come here every day and be so open is so encouraging! I'm usually pretty vague when people ask me about the forum that I talk about. I just tell them I'm part of a weight-loss forum and I get great advice, tips, etc., then tell them that there are many on the net and that they can be very helpful. I just treasure this "place." I'm not sure that I'm ready to share it...maybe later.

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Monday is my "play day." I gift myself with a day of rest and play, hence the multi-posting. :) I stay in my jammies way too long, put my aching feet up, read, watch movies, etc. It is an indulgence, I know. ;)




That was a good rendition of Trading my Sorrows. It really pumps me up!

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Glady's, my son in thinking of majoring in computer science.


I have also thought maybe my body is not meant to be thin, it sure seems to hold onto the weight!! But, like Scott I am not giving up, but I know it is going to be a very slow process. And I know I said "I CAN DO IT" and I will, but I usually do it first thing in the morning, now it is almost 1:00 and I am still in my PJ's:eek: I guess it is time to stop putting it off and get it over with, I sure hope I don't pass out (haha) I will report back so you all know I survived.


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I try to stay positive. So, if I slip, I get right back up and start again. I do believe there is a thin person in all of us. We just have to stay strong, and we will win this fight,


We all can do this.


That was very encouraging. Thankyou! I guess it's a matter of how bad we want it, and how much we are willing to sacrifice. Thankyou for your words, it was very nicely said. :)

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