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Need a buddy for weight loss

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This is one row that only we can hoe by ourselves. No one else can make the sacrifices for us. The weight will not fall off on its own. We have to make it happen. If we don't, we bear the consequences. If we are morbidly obese, our families will suffer for our choices. For me, even being overweight by 40 lbs., my family still pays the price at times...by dealing with my down times (depression) or by my physical limitations or by me feeling crabby when clothes don't fit or when I feel self-conscious.


I'm interpreting that, "Erin is a slacker and not hoeing hard enough." :o There is no reason this is so hard for me except I can't control what goes into my mouth and I am too lazy to work it off appropriatly.


I'm completely with you. I don't want anyone I know in "real life" to be on here! No way!! ;) I tell people I'm just on my cruise website again. I don't even tell them about the weight loss forum!! :o


About the Crohn's... I havn't noticed any difference when changing my eating habits. Cold water too early in the morning always makes me sick. Other than that, it's not consistent. Emotions/stress can trigger it. Activity can trigger it. This is why I'm worried about the 5K. The adrenaline will be pumping, activity, and I'm sure the water they provide will be ice-cold. Even working out now, I only drink room-temp water so I don't get sick. If I do it, I will load up on imodiums that morning to try to prevent it. Sorry this is a gross topic. :o I'm going to stop typing now.

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ERin-I don't tell people about this weight loss forum either! And I have a hard time controlling the food, I think I have the exercise thing down pretty good, oh and I just finished running the 28 minutes, I wanted to stop about 10 times but I kept going, now I feel good about it.


About the run and the Chrons, maybe you should do a trial 5k outside on your own before the actual event, it will probably stressful enough just running the 5k without having to worry. I don't know if I could run outside as long as I am doing on the treadmill, it seems harder to me. Maybe once it gets easier on the treadmill I will try outside.



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Sorry this is a gross topic. :o I'm going to stop typing now.



:) Don't feel bad about the topic, Erin. I was in a silly mood last night and actually posted on the "Do You Poo?" thread...a thread that previously scared me.:eek: I just was reading some posts and started to laugh, then jumped in. I woke up this morning and thought, "Oh LORD! What did I write????" My sense of humor sometimes smacks me back like a bad hangover (not that I'm the hangover type;).

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Back from England and trying to get back into the swing of things after a week of not going to the gym and not dieting at all. SO when I woke up yesterday I weighed 165.4 (my original Sept 2 weight!!!) but after 1 hour at the gym I was down to 163.2..... then this morning 161. I have to chalk it all up to water weight so I went back to phase 1 of South Beach (no sugars/carbs) and we will see what happens. The scale is so detrimental and can really play with your head.


Erin: I have all sorts of pooping issues so don't worry about that conversation....


SPEAKING OF: Has anyone tried any of those "colon cleanses." I can not help but listen to the ads that swear to shed 5 to 20 lbs of waste stuck in the colon. Any thoughts (SORRY IF IT IS NOT THE MOST PLEASANT OF TOPICS... BUT I THINK IT IS RELEVANT)

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Back from England and trying to get back into the swing of things after a week of not going to the gym and not dieting at all. SO when I woke up yesterday I weighed 165.4 (my original Sept 2 weight!!!) but after 1 hour at the gym I was down to 163.2..... then this morning 161. I have to chalk it all up to water weight so I went back to phase 1 of South Beach (no sugars/carbs) and we will see what happens. The scale is so detrimental and can really play with your head.


Erin: I have all sorts of pooping issues so don't worry about that conversation....


SPEAKING OF: Has anyone tried any of those "colon cleanses." I can not help but listen to the ads that swear to shed 5 to 20 lbs of waste stuck in the colon. Any thoughts (SORRY IF IT IS NOT THE MOST PLEASANT OF TOPICS... BUT I THINK IT IS RELEVANT)


I did a colon cleanse 3 years ago. I didnt eat anything but apple juice and their pills for like 7 days. My turds weren't epic like the ones in the pictures. But the fact your still crapping after not eating for a week says something.


I lost 20 pounds..but i assume most was from water weight from not eating.

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I did a colon cleanse 3 years ago. I didnt eat anything but apple juice and their pills for like 7 days. My turds weren't epic like the ones in the pictures. But the fact your still crapping after not eating for a week says something.


I lost 20 pounds..but i assume most was from water weight from not eating.

:eek: :eek: :eek:


I have never tried one, and never would. Preparing for a colonoscopy was the closest you'll ever see me to a colon cleanse! But I've never been constipated in my life so I don't think I'd need one.


Amy, welcome back! That water is coming off you fast!


Dar, you shoudn't have given yourself away! Now I'm tempted to go check the poop thread myself! :p


Connie- WOW! I'm impressed! You definately motivate me to keep going!


Did I mention that on Monday I ran a whole mile straight!?!?!? Woo-Hoo!!! :D

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I don't know about you guys...this is probably just me right now....but I feel like I need a good kick-in-the-pants. I need fresh motivation. By the end of this month, I'll have been at this for 5 months. I feel like I've really made some great long-term changes. I used to munch on junk off-and-on, all day long. I don't have chips or munchies in the house except for a few tortilla chips in a bag. I used to keep 5 or 6 kinds of stuff here. To keep it short, I don't graze on junk all day long like I did. I eat way more fruits and veggies, more protein, drink more water. I'm far from perfect though and can continually improve and tweak my behaviors. Still, I feel like I'm in a bit of a slump. I think there can be a danger with me that when I lose some weight, I like the results and feel better and look better in my clothes. The jeans aren't so painfully snug and the belly is flatter. I don't want to feel "good enough." In the past, I usually fell off the wagon at that point.


Reality check....the photos. I mentioned the "before" pics that my daughter took. I should have jotted down the date that she did them. I may "feel" better, but those pics are another thing. I know that they weren't taken at the start but that I had already lost some weight--maybe even as much as 10 lbs. by the time I got gutsy enough to have her take the pictures. I loaded them onto my computer and have opened them several times. They make me sick. I can't believe the skewed image that I can have. I KNOW that I'm overweight but I honestly thought I looked decent in a particular dress and then saw the photos! Horrible. I am going to get real here. I look dumpy. I am a pear and with that you are bottom-heavy and smaller on top. I actually can't believe that I wore that dress in public, to church. All I can figure is that when you stand in front of a mirror, you can be hard on yourself but there is a difference that you see when you observe photos in 3D from various angles. The dress looks "okay" from head on, but when I do the side profile, there are the rolls and the disproportionate figure. I don't mean to sound narcissistic here or that I'm being particularly hard on myself this Tuesday morning. What I'm being is real with my friends here. I think like this every time I view those shots. I did not know how heavy I am, even after losing some weight.


I am still 5'3" tall and way heavier than I should be. I still limp when I walk (hip, knee, foot). Every week in church, someone usually asks me about the limp. I don't even realize I do it but they see it and ask about my knee or foot. That is a health issue brought on by obesity.


Today I am looking for a fresh start, some fresh motivation, some renewed thinking. I don't want to wallow in past failures or take glory for past successes. I want to start today as a new day--as a Day One sort of day. I want today to be a springboard to vault as far forward as possible. Maybe when I land, I'll need to regroup and start over--again. Am I making sense? For those of you who have reached your goals: Did you ever go through this?

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:eek: :eek: :eek:

Did I mention that on Monday I ran a whole mile straight!?!?!? Woo-Hoo!!! :D


Honestly, Erin--that is a HUGE accomplishment. I'm so proud of you! A mile is a lot for anyone who hasn't run (like me). It would be such a big thing. Celebrate2-low-main_Full.jpg I found a watermelon filled with fruit, instead of a cake, to mark your accomplishment. :)

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Reality check....the photos. I mentioned the "before" pics that my daughter took. I should have jotted down the date that she did them. I may "feel" better, but those pics are another thing. I know that they weren't taken at the start but that I had already lost some weight--maybe even as much as 10 lbs. by the time I got gutsy enough to have her take the pictures. I loaded them onto my computer and have opened them several times. They make me sick. I can't believe the skewed image that I can have. I KNOW that I'm overweight but I honestly thought I looked decent in a particular dress and then saw the photos! Horrible. I am going to get real here. I look dumpy. I am a pear and with that you are bottom-heavy and smaller on top. I actually can't believe that I wore that dress in public, to church. All I can figure is that when you stand in front of a mirror, you can be hard on yourself but there is a difference that you see when you observe photos in 3D from various angles. The dress looks "okay" from head on, but when I do the side profile, there are the rolls and the disproportionate figure. I don't mean to sound narcissistic here or that I'm being particularly hard on myself this Tuesday morning. What I'm being is real with my friends here. I think like this every time I view those shots. I did not know how heavy I am, even after losing some weight.



Salsa: I am in your boat with you.... after a few weeks of dieting and the gym and co-workers telling me they see a huge difference I felt confident enough to let my husband take before pictures of me in MY BIKINI!!! The last time I confidently wore my bikini was on my honeymoon almost 2 years ago. I thought in the mirror things were fine but when I saw the actual pics I was mortified. It was NOT ok and made me wonder if it ever really was.


BUT the key, which I am not at yet, its hitting that next landmark which will make us feel confident to take a second round of pictures. I think when I get to 155, or maybe 150 I will take photos again (my ultimate goal is 140).


The numbers are also a road block for me. I KNOW I DO NOT LOOK MY WEIGHT. The few few few (ok 1) person in my life who knows my actual number was so shocked because at a size 6 and 5'0'' I do not look the number. My doctor has always said I am just naturally muscular but its still the number that gets me down.


Salsa: Taking the photos is a huge step in itself, you are facing the issue head on. Use the pictures as motivation, and you must take more so you see the progress.


Erin: Running 1 MILE!!!!! I can not do it.... you go girl!!!!

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Erin & Connie, Congrats on your running progress so far! Doesn't it feel great! Keep it up and you will both be at your 5k goal. I have run both on the treadmill and then outside. Going outside was hard but seeing how far distance I could go was exciting. When I first came back to the treadmill that seemed hard to get use to again. They are both a different kind of running but both are good exercise.


Dar, I know what you mean about not telling people about the boards. There is a safe feeling knowing we can come and talk. I posted on the menopause board with some questions I had. I have friends I have known for years but it seems like as much as we have shared we don't often talk about things like diet, exercise and definately not meno! But yesterday I did get the opportunity to talk with a couple of friends and we decided that we need to do this more often. Share and learn from each other.


Now on pics. I don't like to look at most of mine. Being an apple I always end up looking pg. I am glad that I am getting better and not giving up and just saying this is how it's going to be. It is healthier to not carry weight in the stomach and I see that in the women in my family. Also I always think that I need to be more pro active about my health because I am ten yrs older than DH. Yes, you read that right! But lucky for me people always put him as the older one!


Motivation, I have been feeling a lack of it too. I know part of it is I don't want to get up and exercise at 6 like I usually do because it is so dark out. And I have not been sleeping good since I have been having night sweats. That is where this board is so great. Coming on here and chatting with others helps to keep me going even when I don't want to. None of you are here but knowing you are out "there" working towards goals of health just helps.


Well that is enough for today.

I hope you all have a great day!


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Erin-Great job!! That is a big accomplishment. I just did my run awhile ago, it seemed extra hard today, I think I would have stopped but I kept thinking of the people on the biggest loser and thinking if they can do what they do for hours I can keep jogging 28 minutes!!


Dar-I am like you, after I loose a little I start to feel comfortable and tend to get lax on my eating, I need to recommit to!! I know tomorrow will be a splurge day, but after that. I am going to Orlando to meet my best friend tomorrow, we are going to the outlet malls, then hanging out by the pool at the hotel. In the evening we're going to Universal studios city walk to party (lots of bars, shops and restraunts) I am really looking forward to it, I haven't seen her since May and we haven't spent time away from the guys and kids for ages!!



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Dar/Amy: Even though the pictures you are studying so carefully may be the reality, no one else is looking at you that critically. So let the pictures motivate you to get healthy, but just keep in mind that no one else was studying your rolls in side-profile. ;) This is not an excuse to be complacent. But whatever you do, don't let how you looked in the past get you down and keep you from reaching your goals. You will wear that dress again, and you will be one hot mama!! :D


I agree it is so encouraging to have you all to talk to! You keep me on track and motivate me! Thanks!


I felt on top of the world when I ran a mile! :p It brought back so many awful memories of "the mile run" in school, and me huffing and puffing through it, walking a great deal of it. A coworker of mine freqently runs marathons and half-iron-man triathalons. She was asking me how my Couch-To-5K was going. I told her I was thinking about calling it quits because I was only up to 3/4 mile running straight and really struggling. She replied that whenever anyone runs marathons, the first 3/4 of a mile sucks. It's hard and you want to give up. But after 3/4 of a mile, you find your groove, and then it doesn't matter if you run one mile, 3 miles, 5 miles, 10 miles, or 26 miles (depending on your training). But you have to persevere through the "I can never do this" phase of every workout.


I had noticed that before to a smaller level. I was just as tired at 3 minutes than I was at 5 minutes, so that encouarged me to push it to 5. I read somewhere a story about perseverence: a newbie runner was talking to an experienced runner about how he was just not meant to run because he get cramps in his side every time and had to stop. The experienced runner laughed and said, "of course you get cramps in your side! Everyone does! Those who make it keep running despite of the pain." Before, I just wussed out and gave up!


It helps me believe anything is possible! I have not seen much of a difference in the scale. But I have come a long way from where I started. Regardless what the scale says, I am healthier now than I was a couple months ago. And every day I get a tad bit healthier... :cool: now if only the pictures showed it! :p

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Reality check....the photos. I mentioned the "before" pics that my daughter took. I should have jotted down the date that she did them. I may "feel" better, but those pics are another thing. I know that they weren't taken at the start but that I had already lost some weight--maybe even as much as 10 lbs. by the time I got gutsy enough to have her take the pictures. I loaded them onto my computer and have opened them several times. They make me sick. I can't believe the skewed image that I can have. I KNOW that I'm overweight but I honestly thought I looked decent in a particular dress and then saw the photos! Horrible. I am going to get real here. I look dumpy. I am a pear and with that you are bottom-heavy and smaller on top. I actually can't believe that I wore that dress in public, to church. All I can figure is that when you stand in front of a mirror, you can be hard on yourself but there is a difference that you see when you observe photos in 3D from various angles. The dress looks "okay" from head on, but when I do the side profile, there are the rolls and the disproportionate figure. I don't mean to sound narcissistic here or that I'm being particularly hard on myself this Tuesday morning. What I'm being is real with my friends here. I think like this every time I view those shots. I did not know how heavy I am, even after losing some weight.



Salsa: I am in your boat with you.... after a few weeks of dieting and the gym and co-workers telling me they see a huge difference I felt confident enough to let my husband take before pictures of me in MY BIKINI!!! The last time I confidently wore my bikini was on my honeymoon almost 2 years ago. I thought in the mirror things were fine but when I saw the actual pics I was mortified. It was NOT ok and made me wonder if it ever really was.


BUT the key, which I am not at yet, its hitting that next landmark which will make us feel confident to take a second round of pictures. I think when I get to 155, or maybe 150 I will take photos again (my ultimate goal is 140).


The numbers are also a road block for me. I KNOW I DO NOT LOOK MY WEIGHT. The few few few (ok 1) person in my life who knows my actual number was so shocked because at a size 6 and 5'0'' I do not look the number. My doctor has always said I am just naturally muscular but its still the number that gets me down.


Salsa: Taking the photos is a huge step in itself, you are facing the issue head on. Use the pictures as motivation, and you must take more so you see the progress.


Erin: Running 1 MILE!!!!! I can not do it.... you go girl!!!!


Amy....I believe you about your height and weight because I have a younger sister who has always been built so much different than my other sister and myself. She is busty, shorter at 5' nothing, and almost solid muscle. She got very heavy, then got small again but it's always like that with her. She can weigh more and wear very small sizes. Muscle is dang heavy!

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Odoyal...I have 4 sons ages 32-26. One is cute and knows it ;), another is cute and doesn't know it. He HATES having his picture taken and that is because he doesn't think he's nice-looking enough for a pic. I love taking peoples pictures and go out of my way to make them look their absolute best--sort of the like they do for glamour shots. Pics can be so harsh. The same person can look horrible or beautiful/handsome depending on the shot. So we can see dang ugly pics of ourselves and think that we are not photo-genic. It all has to do with the person who does the shooting and how much time they take to not let the camera exaggerate features and make them look different than they do in reality.


I hated doing the recent "before" pics but am glad they are done. I know I'll appreciate them for comparison some day.


Everyone--My daughter is taking a photography class. I told her that I think there would be a small market for before and after pics. Maybe she can advertise at Curves, WW, etc. As she put it, you really want the before pics to be your worst or at least a real reality wake-up call type pic, no matter how much it hurts. The "afters" can be the glamourous ones!

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Good Morning! I keep forgetting to say that I like Dar's idea of a day off, a play day! I might have to plan one for myself!


I'm glad Erin shared what a runner told her about the 3/4 mile feelings. I have felt that same way. In fact most days that I get on the treadmill I think, I don't want to do this!! But after I get going it's ok, then I want the satisfaction of knowing I did it!


I'm surprised that Curves, WW & other place don't put up before/after pics of their local people. How inspiring to others to be able to see, "hey there's Sally, look how great she looks now!" Sometimes they have posters up but it's never of people you know or maybe gain encouragement from.


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Hi again, I really need to get up and get some work done here but I read this on the Real Age site. I don't want to break any copyright rules so I will try to post the link.




I like this site because I think they give good advice on weightloss and healthy living. I got hooked on Dr Oz watching Oprah one day. My sister doesn't like him but I've been inspired to eat healthier after watching him.


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I was thinking about fall/winter and the holidays being just around the corner. And we all know what that means, right? Lots of food. Not just any old food, either. Mom's-home-cookin' kind of food. Once-a-year food or I-only-get-this-once-a-year food. Tradition food. Memories food. Hurt-granny's-feelings-if-you-don't-take-another-piece food.


The bright side is that instead of heading toward Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's with that "If only I'd have lost the weight" feeling, we already have a huge jump on that goal. We actually don't have to wait, this year, for a New Year's Resolution! We have invested in ourselves and our own health. By the time NYE rolls around, I might not be. ;) I'll have had 7 months of healthier eating and weight loss behind me.


Mixed blessings: I took my two daughters to Carrabbas and a movie last night. I was hoping for a repeat of the Mussels in Lemon Butter and Wine experience. My hubby has gone hunting for the weekend so it was girls' night out. We each ordered a big steaming bowlful with bread for soaking up the sauce, of course. They were great UNTIL I bit into a mussel with a funky taste--kinda fishy. I thought it was a fluke, then came another and it was REALLY bad. I mean gag-worthy. It gave me the shivers. :eek: One of the girls got some in her bowl too. Let me tell you, that experience will surely keep you from sopping up any broth. I think I won't be eating mussels for a while.:( I got on the scale this morning and no damage was done. My portions were all small and we skipped the popcorn at the movies but kept making mussel jokes. We told our waitress that the rest of the meal was likely to be calorie free thanks to the bad mussels....I won't get more graphic.:rolleyes:

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Hi again, I really need to get up and get some work done here but I read this on the Real Age site. I don't want to break any copyright rules so I will try to post the link.




I like this site because I think they give good advice on weightloss and healthy living. I got hooked on Dr Oz watching Oprah one day. My sister doesn't like him but I've been inspired to eat healthier after watching him.




Hey Kelly...I was just wondering if you've taken the "Real Age" test and how did you fare? or is it fair? My husband has taken them through work and always does so well. He's got the heart of a 40 year old and he's 53...or maybe younger than 40. He's so fit and his heart rate is so slow wheras mine is way up there. I've always been afraid of those real age tests. What if it says that I'm 80?

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Good Morning! it's Saturday, stay in bed as long as I want day!


Dar, I have done the real age test. I'm 40 on it. I like that after you do it it shows you things you are doing right and things to change.


On the holidays. We use to visit family for Thanksgiving. We have not done that for a few years. Last year was nice because it was only going to be DH & I so I cooked differently than if I was cooking for family. They always want the same things. I wanted to try something else. We did the turkey but had garlic mashed sweet potatoes, stuffing but not my moms, sauted brussel sprouts and a fresh cranberry sauce that had orange zest & bourbon. It was so good. But my family would not have liked that menu. They would want their "normal" food mashed potatoes, green bean casserole.....


That is to bad about the mussels. I hope none of you get sick from them.

How was the movie? The closest place showing it here is an hour away. I probably won't see it till it's out to rent.


The weather has been rainy here and we are in a special deer hunt. We have extra deer so they open up extra seasons. So I have only walked the dog once this week. She is getting so whiny! I wish I could train her to walk on the treadmill! Maybe today we'll find some orange clothes and go out. I miss the walks too, I even find I am more irritable so I know how the dog feels!

Hope everyone has a good weekend!


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Hi Kelly,


40! Why you're just a young chic...maybe I shouldn't be so afraid of realage????


Movie was fantastic! I thought that the acting didn't look too impressive at first, but all 3 of us agreed that we got "hooked" at some point. My older daughter is a tough critic and she liked it. There was a scene where Kirk Cameron was crying and kneeling at his wife's bedside and telling her how sorry he was for some things. It was actually the most realistic acting that I may have ever seen. The way his face turned various shades of red and his lips were quivering! (Movie..."Fireproof"...a gospel film and the story was very good and true about how to save a marriage.) We loved it.


Regarding Thanksgiving food....I'm exactly like you. I want to change things and family whines if I do. One thing I did do and got everyone's approval, by the way, was a huge roasting pan full of oven-roasted veggies. I have to go into this further....


This is a actually a really healthy food so it works on the forum. (better than Kahlua cake ;) ) I grew up eating canned vegetables. I did not like them much. I don't think my mom even cooked a veggie every night, but when she did, it was usually from a can. Sometimes we had fresh green beans and sweet corn in the summer but the rest of the year...canned. I do not like canned veggies, but I bet you all figured that out. I learned to like veggies a little more after eating veggies that had been frozen at my SILs house. I do fresh as much as possible. My good friend turned me on to oven-roasted veggies. The first time I had them was about 4 years ago and they were so delicious and so different from what I was used to, that my hubby and I both could hardly stop eating them. We ate so many that we went home with stomach aches! I chalked it up, partially, to a lot of butter and olive oil in her blend of veggies.


At Thanksgiving I did a large variety to make some beautiful colors in the pan. Here's my list from 2004...white asparagus, green asparagus, turnips (peeled, cut into chunks), brussel sprouts (frozen or fresh), red onions, leeks, green beans, red pepper (bell), garlic cloves, rutabaga, baby carrots. If I do cherry tomatoes, I throw them in during the last 15 minutes of baking (to keep from overcooking them). I prep the veggies (wash, snip, etc.), with the intention of leaving them in larger chunks. I go for about 1 inch chunks for the veggies I have to cut, to stay near the size of brussel sprouts. This helps to keep the cooking even. If I do green beans, bell pepper, and garlic (smaller stuff) I cook them for a shorter time by adding them to the pan about 15-20 minutes after I start roasting the heavier, chunkier veggies.


Dump the veggies into a large baking pan, drizzle with olive oil, crack some pepper over the top and add some coarse salt, too. I chop up some rosemary and thyme, add that to the mix and stir up them spread out evenly. Roast at a higher temp like 375 to 400 for about an hour, stirring a couple of times during roasting. I like the veggies to get somewhat charred. The long roast brings out the flavor like you wouldn't believe! The veggies get carmelized and so delicious.


You can do any type of combo you want or maybe just 3 or 4 kinds. When I do that, I try to make it colorful like baby carrots, asparagus, garlic, onion chunks, cherry tomatoes...and maybe some yellow bell pepper chunks, too. It can be as simple as you like. I do the biggest variety at Thanksgiving.


WAY off topic...I love music. Love it. Right now I'm working on an iTunes mix of roadtrip songs. I want the songs to be fun and upbeat. One of my first picks was Mustang Sally. It's just a classic. I chose the version by Andrew Strong because it sounds like the one that Gerard Butler sang in PS I Love You. I have a few oldies so far like Low Rider, and Get Up Offa That Thing by James Brown. I'm not an oldies fan, per se, but those ones just work. My criteria is that they have to be "dance-in-your-seat" songs. I'll probably add Love Shack, and I just bought Whip-it and I already have Electric Boogie by Marcia Griffiths. I think this is funny because I was never an 80's music fan. Any other music lovers with ideas to add to "Dar's Seat-dancing Car Tunes" list? I know that music taste is so unique but I figured that someone might thing of a great tune that I haven't thought of yet. This is my project for the weekend. Yeah, life is tough for me! :D

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Good Monday Morning!

It's sunny here right now but our forcast is rain with snow mix! It is that time of the year.


Dar, you are right about roasted vegetables. The only thing I think is better is doing them on the grill. I love the flavor they get. They are a healthy choice. And the leftovers are great to throw into omelets, salads, spaghetti sauce. My neighbor gave us Italian eggplants this year. They are smaller like a zuccini. They were so good. And it was a pretty plant. Purple & green leaves and the blossoms were pretty. I am going to put some in my flower bed next year. Now is the time of year for roasted winter squash. Pumpkins and those funny looking ones in the grocery. I bought one the other day just because it was funny looking. I don't know what kind it is but I bet it is going to taste good roasted with alittle evoo and some herbs. Some wild rice on the side and I'll be set.


I have been trying to eat more vegetables. Does anyone eat the recommended amount? I find it hard but keep working at it. While my total cholesteral is good my bad could be better.


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Good Morning Everyone,

It is a cold Monday here. I actually had to turn my heat on for the first time. I just dislike cold weather so much. I don't want to get out of bed in the morning. It is harder to work out. OK, enough of me whining. Here is my weigh-in.


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 241

CW: (current weight) 239

GW: (goal weight) 199


Only 4 more pounds and I will be at the 50lb mark.

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Okay...Fess up time.


I deserve this. I went up a pound. I'm not happy about it, but nonetheless am here to fess up and keep on going. I hope the rest of you show up today and post...I need my buddies. I don't want to give up, back down, or regain what I've worked so hard to lose and maintain. But I'm not satisfied with that. I NEED to lose more...lots more. Today is a new day.


SW: 188

LW: 174

CW: 175

GW: 125-135



I've been fooling myself and I can see that I've been eating a little more and a little more. Instead of one Dove chocolate at the end of the day, there have been several, just one-at-a-time throughout the day...then those hand-battered onion rings. I split one order into three servings and ate two of the three in two days. Then some chips & salsa, then a corona to wash that down (late last night). It's a lot of little stuff all added up into big calorie boosts. When I start to slip, that's when I realize that I'm eating WAY more carbs than protein. Instead of a balance of each, I'll tip the scales in favor of the carbs. I also will almost eliminate veggies and barely drink water. That was my weekend. I'm over it. I want to treat today as a fresh start. Please bear with me as I journal for a couple of days here. I need the accountability again. I started this morning and already ate 2 doves and didn't even give it a thought...oh, and some Pringles Lights all before breakfast! When I weighed myself and realized what I was doing, I had to stop the process and get a grip. So I'm confessing.


So far...


2 Dove Dark

a handful of Pringles Light

Remorse. Scale. More remorse. :eek: :mad: :o :(


Fresh start....

10:30 a.m.

2 eggs scrambled with Tabasco

2 light wheat bread slices toasted, one dry and one with some strawberry preserves

6 oz. orange juice

glass of water


The day is looking brighter already. What worked and caused me to lose weight before this, will work and cause me to lose more weight. I have my eyes set on Thanksgiving Day and being another size smaller. My lowest point was 173, in between weigh-ins one week. So my first mini goal is to get back to that, then 169. My next big goal is to get to 165. I believe I weighed 166 in 2007 before our cruise but that was the lowest I'd been in a very long time.


Question: My daughter took a couple of pics of me wearing the Not-So-Desperate Italian Housewife dress. I also scanned in the magazine page of the original outfit that inspired me. I can't figure out how to get the images to this page. When I choose "insert image" from the top of the thread posting page, it asks for the URL. Is there a way to get an image directly from my computer to a thread post?


The best I can do is change my avatar with photos that I've browsed from my computer or googled.

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Dar, I am all for journaling food. It is one of the ways to stay on track. Especially if others are going to see it. Are you going back to soup? It's a good idea with the cooler weather. Soup always sounds good. I am hoping to make pumpkin soup this week.


I have never posted pics so I can't help you. I hope someone does so we can all see the dress!


Congrats to Scott not just on losing but on continueing to get up and exercise. I know what you mean about not wanting to. It is so dark! I think I should be sleeping! I have a treadmill so I am using that now but I would rather be sleeping!


So where is everyone else? Was there a vacation everyone went on that I did not know about?

I hope that wherever you are and whatever your doing you one day closer to a healthier you!


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